Digest of current news. Digest of current news Glonass public kamensk ural transport online

On the official website of the city administration, a new service is being introduced into trial operation - monitoring the movement of public transport.

The format of the interactive map allows you to track on-line the routes of buses of official city carriers, that is, all except route No. 19. For example, if you want to know when the bus you need will approach your stop, you open the map by the link http: / /transport.kamensk-uralskiy.ru, hover the cursor over the desired point and - the necessary information appears about the time of arrival of the bus.

As the head of the department of informatics and computer technology Alexander Khramov explained, the development of this electronic service became possible thanks to the equipment of buses with the GLONASS system. Today, each carrier is obliged to inform the Unified Dispatch Service of Passenger Transport and other regulatory authorities about the time the bus enters the route: an electronic map allows you to track the path of each vehicle.

Let's clarify: trolleybuses are not equipped with this system, their movement cannot be monitored using an interactive map.

The developers of the project are specialists of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the City Administration and their colleagues from UltraStar Razvitie LLC.

Now the service is in test mode, but in the near future it will be possible to use it all the time, not only for Internet users of stationary computers and laptops, but also for owners of smartphones (Android and iOS).

Press service of the city administration.

The format of the interactive map allows you to track on-line the routes of buses of official city carriers, that is, all except route No. 19. For example, if you want to know when the bus you need will approach your stop, you open the map by the link http: / /old.kamensk-uralskiy.ru/map-pt/, hover the cursor over the desired point and - the necessary information about the bus arrival time appears.
As the head of the department of informatics and computer technology Alexander Khramov explained, the development of this electronic service became possible thanks to the equipment of buses with the GLONASS system. Today, each carrier is obliged to inform the Unified Dispatch Service of Passenger Transport and other regulatory authorities about the time the bus enters the route: an electronic map allows you to track the path of each vehicle.
Let's clarify: trolleybuses are not equipped with this system, their movement cannot be monitored using an interactive map.
The developers of the project are specialists of the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the City Administration and their colleagues from UltraStar Razvitie LLC.
Now the service is in test mode, but in the near future it will be possible to use it all the time, not only for Internet users of stationary computers and laptops, but also for owners of smartphones (Android and iOS).

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Residents of Kamensk-Uralsky themselves can monitor the movement of public transport on the Internet

Residents of Kamensk-Uralsky themselves can monitor the movement of public transport on the Internet- Kamensk-Uralsky

On the official website of the city administration, a new service is being introduced into trial operation - monitoring the movement of public transport.
11:58 28.01.2015 K-Ur.Ru

This can be useful for residents of Kamensk-Uralsky. Are we testing a new service and, without leaving home, will we know when the right bus will arrive? - Kamensk-Uralsky

On the official website of the Kamensk-Uralsky administration, a new service is being put into trial operation - monitoring the movement of public transport.
11:36 28.01.2015 KU66.Ru