Cloud storage microsoft. What is Microsoft OneDrive and how to use it

Probably no need to say that the developer operating systems Windows - Microsoft Corporation - is trying to constantly improve its software products. So many users, starting with OS versions 8 and 8.1, have encountered the OneDrive service. What it is will now be considered. Moreover, many people know this service from the past. Windows versions, there it was called a little differently.

OneDrive: what is it?

So, first, let's see what is this service(or a service if you like). To understand the interpretation of OneDrive (what kind of program it is), you should have at least a superficial understanding of the so-called "cloud storage" that is gaining popularity in recent years. But, in essence, OneDrive is just that.

True, unlike other similar services, this service has a number of quite interesting features. But first things first.

History of origin and development

In general, the "cloud" OneDrive as an independent service appeared in February 2014 after renaming an almost similar service SkyDrive (it was launched back in 2007), which originally belonged to the range of online services provided to users of Windows operating systems by Microsoft Corporation, previously known as called Windows Live.

Most interestingly, the renaming of the service was just the result of a lawsuit by the British company British Sky Broadcasting Group. But he himself remained practically unchanged in terms of functionality.

Main features of OneDrive

Now more about the capabilities of OneDrive. What is this program and what is it for? As mentioned above, this is exactly the "cloud storage", which on a remote server previously provided system users, starting with Vista, 7 GB of free claim space for storing files, then, however, the volume was reduced to 1 GB.

But a little later, 15 GB became available to users on a remote server, and registered users of the G8 (those who have an account Microsoft entry and use the official system service packs) - 25 GB. To date, 50 GB is available to store personal information after registration. And, it is argued, this is not the limit.

The fact is that you can buy the necessary place by paying a certain amount for its use. In this regard, Microsoft has not changed its principles. However, this situation is observed today with almost all "cloud" services, which first provide users with a minimum amount of space on a remote server, and then, if there is not enough space, they offer to pay for its increase. True, here the question of the expediency of a purchase arises, especially if the user uses the service only to work with office documents or pictures. Naturally, if you put a video there (and even the high resolution), there certainly won't be enough space. However, this is already a problem for each specific user.

Information storage and work with documents

As for the main functionality, OneDrive storage, like any other service of this type, allows you to upload files of any type to a remote server (this will not surprise anyone now).

But what really pleases users who use this service on a daily basis is that the procedure for uploading files to the server, again, compared to other storages (if the corresponding client is not installed), is simplified as much as possible. The fact is that the native OneDrive client is already integrated into the system, or rather, into the standard Windows Explorer. As you already understand, you can simply copy or drag the desired objects to the service area in the "Explorer". The download will happen almost instantly (of course, provided you have an uninterrupted Internet connection).

Moreover, the OneDrive "cloud" itself has a number of other interesting features. It turns out that using this service, you can not only exchange office documents between users connected to the service and who have shared access to certain folders. Thanks to Office support Web App s, directly when working with the OneDrive application, you can view most of the well-known formats corresponding to office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.). In addition, there is also support for viewing PDF documents and ODF, although, unfortunately, there is no search function at all.

An equally interesting opportunity can be called the creation of office documents online. That being said, if the OneDrive folder has the attribute general access for several users, editing of such documents can be done by all users.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of synchronization by the Hotmail mail service and search engine Bing. In the latter case, you can even store your Bing search history in the store.

Synchronization with operating systems other than stationary versions of Windows

Now for the other, no less interesting side of OneDrive. What it is from the point of view of synchronization with other systems is not difficult to understand if we take into account the fact that the storage can be accessed even from mobile systems Android, iOS, MeeGo, Symbian and, of course, with Windows Phone, not counting full support for access even from Xbox consoles.

The only thing that is required is to install a special client, have an Internet connection at the time of access and log in using your own username and password. It is thanks to this approach that Microsoft has managed to significantly increase the number of cloud users.

However, not all owners of stationary Windows systems like using this service. Firstly, it constantly hangs at startup and even when the service is turned off, it synchronizes files and folders with the storage. And secondly, the disk space is clearly reduced from this. That is why a legitimate question arises: how to disable OneDrive on the system? There is no question of uninstalling the program yet, although it is possible to do so.

How to disable OneDrive on Windows by editing Group Policy

When it comes to disabling this service, there are several basic methods that can be used. Each of them acts, in general, in the same way, but first, let's dwell on the use of editing Group Policy settings. Let's take Windows 8 as an example, although in the same “top ten” the actions will be absolutely identical.

To do this, in the Run menu, use the gpedit.msc command or call the computer configuration from the main menu, where, in the root settings, go first to the administrative templates, and then to the system components. There, the OneDrive section is simply selected. When you open the parameters, a window will appear in which you must select a ban on saving files in the "cloud", and then confirm your choice.

Disable OneDrive via the registry

Now let's see how to disable OneDrive using the registry. It can be done just as easily. First, we get access to the editor using the regedit command, entered either in the Run menu, or by calling it via the Win + R keys.

Now at the end on the right we use RMB (right click) and create a DWORD parameter, call it DisableFileSync, open it and set the value to "1". It remains to log out and reboot the system.

Factory reset directly in OneDrive

In order not to dig into the system settings, and even more so in system registry, you can do it even easier.

We go into the computer settings, select the OneDrive section, and then go directly to the file storage. There is a line for saving documents by default. We just put the switch in the off position, that's all.

for and is it worth doing?

For many users, a simple shutdown is not enough. Let's see how to uninstall OneDrive. But it should be said right away that this service cannot be restored. It will only be possible to reinstall it when you reinstall Windows. It is recommended to use removal actions only if this service is not really used on the local computer or is simply not needed.

So how do you uninstall OneDrive? It is not so easy to do this, but it is possible. First, you must end the process, and not from the "Task Manager", but from command line where the combination taskkill / f / im OneDrive.exe is entered. Now, in the case of a 32-bit system, use% SystemRoot% \ System32 \ OneDriveSetup.exe / uninstall from the same command line, and for 64-bit systems -% SystemRoot% \ SysWOW64 \ OneDriveSetup.exe / uninstall. After that, we reload the terminal, and the storage problem disappears.

You can also delete the file directory to clean up disk space. The OneDrive folder is located by default at C: \ Users \ followed by the username and the OneDrive subkey. By the way, this can be done by simply disabling the service, without even using its complete removal.


Here, in fact, is all the basic information regarding the OneDrive service. What is it, we more or less figured it out. In general features and functions, too, I think, everything is clear. But when it comes to disabling or removing a service, it is still recommended to disable it, not delete it. But you never know what a situation can arise when you need fast access to the "cloud storage", and with the least cost in time?

So think a hundred times before making the final decision, because there will be only one way to restore the service - a complete reinstallation of the system. And no rollbacks to control point won't help here. On the other hand, if any official client is used for access not from Windows, but from some other device, in general, you do not need to keep such a service on your computer.

October 29, 2015

OneDrive cloud

Cloud storage OneDrive was first put into operation back in 2007 and until 2014 was called SkyDrive... The developer and owner of the free cloud storage OneDrive is a company Microsoft, which, despite all the criticism addressed to itself, remains the world leader in the field of computer technology. How seriously Microsoft takes its file storage is evidenced by the fact that all the latest operating Windows systems 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 by default have installed application to work with OneDrive.

Microsoft OneDrive cloud does not differ much from its main competitors in terms of work and the range of services provided. In fact, it represents virtual HDD or flash drive, which does not need to be constantly carried with you, at the risk of losing or breaking. To access such a virtual flash drive, it is enough to have any device connected to the Internet.

OneDrive cloud: sizes, rates, file types

After registering in OneDrive users are provided free 15 gigabytes online storage. All owners of a licensed Windows 8 operating system are given free 25 gigabytes cloud space. This space can be used to store your files, to back up data, to share files with friends and colleagues. At any time, you can view your files in the cloud, download them to your computer or download files of other users from the link provided to you. File transfer takes place at maximum speed supported by your internet connection.

Configure on your computer automatic saving copies of files to the cloud and then all your photos, documents or videos from the selected folder will immediately appear in the online storage. If suddenly files on your computer are deleted or damaged, you can always restore them from the cloud OneDrive.

Storage plans

If you run out of everything free place free storage, you can always buy extra space for yourself. Besides, OneDrive cloud allows free increase storage size inviting referrals. For each new user who registers using your referral link, you will receive an additional 500MB(but no more than 5GB). Besides, Microsoft OneDrive cloud introduced the so-called " Film bonus". Anyone who sets up the function of synchronizing their camera with the cloud storage, Microsoft gives additional 15GB... The company promises to hold other promotions for free increase cloud storage.

Microsoft OneDrive Cloud Pricing

You can work with the MS OneDrive cloud service both using a regular browser and using special desktop and mobile applications. Clients can work with operating systems Windows, Linux, Mac, Windows Phone, Android, iOS, Symbian, OS X, MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, Xbox.

OneDrive supports all known file types. The owner of the cloud storage can not only upload files to the cloud and share them with his friends, but also view and even edit files in the DOC, DOCX, PPT, PPTX, XLS and XLSX... This function is realized by integrating the online storage with the popular Internet application Office Online from Microsoft. This allows you to work with World, OneNote, Excel and PowerPoint in a regular browser.

It is possible to view in the cloud, without downloading to your computer, media files in formats JPG, GIF, PNG, AVI, MOV, MP4 and etc.

Embedding files on a website or blog

To insert a file from the cloud to your site, you need to select the required file in the online storage, copy the HTML code of the file and place it on the site page. In this way, you can embed Office documents, photos, and videos.

Integration of OneDrive with other apps

Currently, developers have been able to integrate the cloud with the following services:

  • Outlook Mail (HotMail)... The user can store all files sent by mail in the cloud, as well as attach files from the cloud to messages sent
  • Microsoft Office ... Working with World, Excel, OneNote and PowerPoint documents, you can save the document directly to the cloud storage with one click of the mouse
  • Bing Search... Users can store their search history in the cloud

File transfer and collaboration

To everyone uploaded to Microsoft OneDrive cloud the file can be assigned individual access rights, depending on which the file will be available only to you, only to certain users, or to everyone, without exception. OneDrive supports co-authoring and joint work with documents.

Key features of the Microsoft OneDrive cloud

  • Free storage size- 15GB (25GB for licensed Win8)
  • Can free increase size OneDrive clouds:
    - 500MB for each attracted user
    - by connecting your camera to the cloud ( Film bonus)
    - participating in promotions
  • Maximum paid the size1TB
  • Maximum file size10GB
  • OneDrive cloud storage time - forever
  • Speed file uploads - maximum
  • Supported Devices: computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones
  • OS: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Windows Phone, OS X, iOS, Symbian, Xbox, MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan
  • Supports viewing in the file cloud Office, images and videos
  • Supports editing documents through Office Online
  • Cloud completely Russified
Sign up to OneDrive
8 responses to “OneDrive - 15GB cloud storage for free”

    firstly, google what is cloud storage. this is a distributed network, its meaning is just to save data, even if all the servers die in some geofence. secondly, what prevents you from storing data on 2 cloud storages at once? it calms me down enough in terms of reliability. thirdly, is not a giant and does not have cloud storage, and their file storage is not called cloud by right - they do not have a distributed network.

By default, from the moment of purchase, a whole variety of programs may be installed on your computer, the purpose of which may be unclear or they may not be needed.

Such programs, moreover, appear from the installation packages of various games, etc., therefore it is often necessary to figure out where it came from and why this or that software is needed on a PC.

In this article, we will answer questions about OneDrive: what is this application, what is this program for, etc.


OneDrive is developed by Microsoft. This program began to appear on our PCs together with the advent of Windows 8 - she was present in the "eight", version 8.1 and "ten".

Of course, similar programs were available on PCs and older operating systems, but this software received its modern name and modern appearance only starting with the "eight".

As is clear from the above, this standard program Microsoft, which is preinstalled, that is, appears on the computer immediately after installing the operating system, in the standard base software package.

However, it is important to understand that, strictly speaking, One Drive is not a program, but a service or service that is associated with virtual or "cloud" data storages on the network. It is with such repositories that the software interacts.

At its core, this software is just such a "cloud" data storage. NS It is clear that the actual data is stored on the network, and not on your PC, but the service allows you to quickly and easily "connect" to the "cloud" from your computer and manage the files in it.

Important! Such a service is present not only on computers, but also on tablets and smartphones based on this operating system, and it is on them that it is most needed. Similar services under different names are also implemented on Apple and Android systems.

The One Drive "cloud" itself was launched in February 2014, but in fact, it was just a renaming of the old similar program Sky Drive, which appeared in 2007.

But the old program belonged to the range of online services provided by Microsoft by Windows users.

Although at the initial stage there were practically no differences between these programs, One Drive soon received some improvements.

Scope of application

In what area is this service used and how can it be useful?

To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of operation and features of cloud storage technology.

With this technology, there is no need to occupy the memory of your computer. big amount files and information.

To put it simply, some storage is formed in the virtual space, into which the user can send his data - files, folders, etc., without saving them on his computer.

Technically, these files are stored on powerful servers, but the user can access them almost instantly, just using the described program.

It allows you to view, organize and move files in the cloud, download them from there, etc.

To access the file storage, you need the password that you created when you first registered in the cloud or when you first upload files to it. After you enter your password in the one drive program, this service contacts the vault, requests access to it from your account, and finally presents it to you. All this happens very quickly, although there are cases when "cloud" storage was unavailable due to server problems.

Note! The analogue of this software from Google is Google Drive; for example, Yandex Drive is also implemented on the network. In this case, information from the "cloud" is actually stored on Google and Yandex servers, respectively. In the case of One Drive, it is stored on Microsoft servers, regardless of how it got there (from a phone or a PC).

So, who can use this software?

It is indispensable for people working with large amounts of information - photographers, editors, planners, designers, etc.

They can upload information to the cloud, freeing up computer memory.

But even an ordinary user may need such software.

In the "cloud" you can store many photos for several years, purchased films, especially important information that cannot be lost in the event of a hardware failure on the computer.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Freeing up computer memory to speed up its work and improve performance;
  • Ability not to store confidential information on the PC;
  • Safe storage information, internet of the likelihood that it will be lost, for example, as a result of a failure in the operating system or breakdown of the phone or computer;
  • The ability to organize materials, store in the "cloud" only a certain type of quick access;
  • You can also provide other users with access to certain materials or a folder by link - this allows you not to send files, but to view them together online;
  • You can also allow editing (for example, a text document) and downloading files by several users via a link;
  • The ability to access your files from any device running on the basis of this operating system, and you can view them from any device by following the link.
  • To simplify and organize the storage of files, it is possible to create several accounts from one or from different devices.


  • Lack of access to the service due to technical problems on the servers;
  • Shared open access to materials due to incorrect access settings set by the user;
  • Cracking a password and getting confidential information from the cloud into the wrong hands;
  • Lack of access to files when there is no internet connection;
  • There is no search function on the disk, which makes it very difficult to use the program when there are many documents loaded into it.
  • In addition, the size of the cloud storage is limited depending on the type of account. That is, over time, the place on it may end, while the additional one will be provided for a fee.

<Рис. 3 Принцип>

Initially, the service provided access to 7 GB of memory, then this volume was reduced to 1 GB. But then it began to be issued 15 GB on a remote server, and users who have account Microsoft - 25 GB. Currently, users of the "dozen" are presented with access to 50 GB of virtual disk space.


In terms of functionality, this service is similar to all similar ones.

It allows you to do the following:

  • Uploading data and files of any format to the server;
  • Work with documents online /, including teamwork;
  • A very simple and fast procedure for uploading files to the server is a distinctive feature of this particular service - you just need to drag and drop the files into the appropriate window in the explorer;
  • The ability to exchange documents between users connected by a network, then transferring documents from disk to disk;
  • View text documents and tracking their editing;
  • Create office documents online and provide other users with access to them;
  • Synchronization with the Hotmail system, which is the Microsoft mail system;
  • Synchronization with the Bing search engine (for example, you can even save your search history in this search engine).

An interesting distinctive feature of this program is that access to the disk can be obtained not only from a computer, but also from Windows Phone, devices based on Android and Apple operating systems, and even using an Xbox game console.

The only thing that needs to be done in order to have access to the service from these devices is to download a special client. After that, to enter the "cloud" you only need to enter your password and login, which will work on all devices. It is clear that the Internet is also needed to use the service.

<Рис. 5 Особенности>

Download and install

The program does not need to be downloaded or installed. It is present by default on all operating devices on Windows based.

You just need to open the program and go through a short registration procedure.

In order to access such a repository with mobile devices on other operating systems, additional applications must be downloaded. Android device users will be able to download One Drive Google play, Apple iTunes.

The program is downloaded and installed as a normal application - the executable file is simply launched. Then you need to register in the program or log into your account using your username and password.

<Рис. 6 Логотип>


The program can be Russified or not, depending on the version of the operating system.

But even if the service menu is not translated into Russian, it is quite easy to figure out how to manage it, since there are few functions in it and it is quite simple.

The main application window is divided into two fields. On the left, the main sections are listed on a blue background.

When you click on a section, on the right side of the window, on a white background configurable parameters appear:

  • File storage- when you click on this section, you can directly view your downloaded files, as well as download new ones by dragging and dropping them into this part of the program window;
  • Camera roll- function and settings for working directly with a connected camera, that is, photos are uploaded from it directly to the "cloud";
  • Synk Setting- this section contains the basic settings necessary for the user - synchronization with a PC, the display format of the program's start screen, visual design and design for greater aesthetics and convenience;
  • Metered connection- settings for interaction and access to the "cloud".

In most cases, the File Storage section is enough for an ordinary user to use the program comfortably. And the default settings are fine.

<Рис. 7 Меню>

Disable and uninstall

In fact, the service has many benefits and a wide range of users.

But not all users like it, for example, a significant drawback is that the process always hangs in the autoload.

So, puts unnecessary load on the central processor, memory and in general the computer hardware.

It is almost impossible to turn off the service. Even when turned off, it constantly syncs folders and files.

Hello dear readers of the blog about. It's time to consider another one data sync service, a worthy competitor to other porous services.

It appeared quite a long time ago and managed to survive several major updates. Last update can be considered the most successful.

How SkyDrive works

In terms of file syncing, OneDrive (SkyDrive) works the same as any other file sync service. The OneDrive client (SkyDrive) for Windows is modeled after the often-mentioned Dropbox. A SkyDrive folder is created on the system, and all files that are placed in it are immediately available on all other devices using a SkyDrive account, as well as through a browser.

SkyDrive volume- 7 GB of free disk space. Another option was also available for long-time registered users - 25 GB. When the service was updated, its size was reduced to seven GB. For those who wanted to restore their 25 GBytes, it was necessary to go through activation and then everything returned to how it was.

You can access your OneDrive (SkyDrive) cloud storage in several ways:

- via a classic PC application;
- via a web browser;
- by using mobile application for smartphones on iOS, Android, Windows Phone and tablets;
- via the Metro app for Windows 8.

How to start using SkyDrive

Step 2: Sign in to SkyDrive. You need to go to this address and enter the login and password that you registered using the link above.

Step 3: Download SkyDrive software software if you have Windows. There you can also select applications for other platforms. This is required to use the sync capabilities. Without a PC app, OneDrive (SkyDrive) is just a cloud drive.

Install OneDrive (SkyDrive) PC software

If we consider a classic Windows application, then it is essentially the same as the previous services considered last time (,).

The installation process should not give you any difficulties, with the exception of some peculiarities. During the installation of the application, you need to enter your owl login \ password, if you do not have them yet, then you need to register using.

Then a SkyDrive folder is created, the location of which must be initially set where you want, since this parameter cannot be changed later in the settings. Although, it is possible if in the settings you first delete the connection with the computer, and then log in again. True, then the re-indexing of all files from the SkyDrive folder will begin, which takes a lot of time if you have a lot of files.

There is another feature of the application that you should pay attention to - during the installation process, you can tick the box, as in the figure below, and then all the files on your computer will become available from other connected computers, provided that the other computer is turned on. In this case, it will even be possible to download files remotely to SkyDrive.

Sharing: How do I send a file or folder to other people?

If you do not like being tied to one folder, then I advise you to take a closer look at, it is very flexible in this regard.

For any files in the folder, you can open public access, after which the browser will open and a form for entering the email addresses of the people you need will appear in it. The same can be done directly in the browser.

It should be noted that OneDrive (SkyDrive) has a big drawback related to the system, that you cannot view in one place what files and with whom you have shared. Dropbox users are familiar with it as Links. V SkyDrive you can see who and how shared access is available in the Dashboard:

Here we examined the capabilities of the classic PC application, now you can move on to the most interesting - the web version.

OneDrive web (SkyDrive) overview

I will say right away that the functionality of the web version has been greatly redesigned, compared to the previous version. It has become much more convenient and more functional. Let's start with the appearance home page... It features a proprietary tiled design that Microsoft pioneered in Windows Phone 7. The online version has become much more convenient than before.

Files are uploaded to the storage using the button send... In this case, you can select multiple files to download, not just one. The maximum upload file size is 2 GB.

File operations

All files are displayed as wide rectangles. Simple folder with files is displayed as a blue rectangle, but if it contains pictures, they are dynamically shown instead of it. Very beautiful and unusual. You can also display everything as a list.

Files and folders are grouped by type: first folders, then documents with music, then pictures. These settings cannot be changed. The usual sorting by name, size, type and custom sorting is also available. The usual operations of copying, moving and renaming files are supported. In this case, you can drag them with the mouse, as on a computer. File version history is available, which is already becoming the norm for decent file sync services.

There is a rather interesting function of embedding files on any site. By right-clicking on any file or folder, you need to select the "Deployment" item. The pop-up window will show short instruction and the "Create" button, after clicking on it, an HTML code will be generated that you can insert into your website or blog. It is bad that for pictures and folders you cannot set an arbitrary size, except for Word documents, while for spreadsheets there are a lot of embedding settings available.

Features of the web version

As you can see, the images open for preview in the browser. On the panel that appears on the right, you can view the properties of the file and mark people in the picture. And in the menu at the top, you can turn on a slide show, view the original, embed a picture and perform other operations with the file.

Work with office documents deserves special attention. MS Office documents can not only be viewed, but also edited, as in a full-fledged editor. This is done using the Web App service. That is, this online version everyone's favorite limited-functionality Microsoft Office suite. However, in most cases it will be enough for simple creation and editing of documents.

All other files that are not supported by the web version are downloaded to your computer when you click on them.

In the left column of the web interface, you can see which files you have worked on recently, which computers are connected to SkyDrive, which files are shared with you. You can also change the storage settings and go to the trash can. Files in the recycle bin are stored long enough to be recovered. This can be done via the link in the context menu. But the basket is limited to 10% of the storage, 700MB or 2.5GB. And if this volume is exceeded, then all files from the recycle bin will be deleted after three days.


What is Redeem SkyDrive Code?

When you decide to buy additional cloud storage, after making a purchase you will receive an activation code, by entering which, the storage size will increase.

How do I change my SkyDrive account?

To do this, you first need to click on the "Unlink SkyDrive" button in the OneDrive (SkyDrive) settings on your PC. You can now log in with a new account if you have created one. If not, then I described the process of registering a new Microsoft account after the heading "How to start using SkyDrive"

How do I install OneDrive (SkyDrive) on Windows XP?

The answer is no way. I searched all over the internet looking for some way, but I couldn't find anything. You can connect OneDrive (SkyDrive) as a network drive using SDExplorer. You can download it here. The installation will take place quickly and unnoticed. After it you need to find in the folder " My computer»Dark icon SDExplorer and log in by entering your username and password Microsoft Account (Live ID). About registration Live ID written in the article about mail

How do I select folders to sync on SkyDrive?

In the settings of the application for the computer there is a tab "Select folders" where you can choose which folders inside OneDrive (SkyDrive) will be synced on the current computer. Settings can be accessed via the context menu of the OneDrive (SkyDrive) PC app.

Can I use two SkyDrive accounts?

In my humble opinion, even more can be done, but they cannot be combined. In addition, this makes it difficult to synchronize files, since you have to constantly log in / out under different accounts, which is inconvenient.

Alternatively, you can use one account to sync files with your computer, and the other as cloud disk via the SDExplorer program. Such a scheme will be quite working.

How to connect OneDrive (SkyDrive) as a network drive? ()

To connect, we need to find out your CID.

Log in with your username and password to

A URL of similar content should appear in the explorer in front of you, if the URL looks like this:, go to any folder inside SkyDriv, the URL should change and become similar to the one shown in the picture above.
The CID in this case is F9B31V3A9F7EAD78

A window will open in which you need to select a disk name and enter the line, where
F9B31V3A9F7EAD78 - must be replaced with yours CID... If not, then you need to check the box in paragraph "Recover at login", click Ready
The system will ask you to enter your username and password, if everything is done correctly, after entering a new disk will appear.

On this moment this method does not work well, therefore, we are waiting for the code to fix everything

Is it dangerous to use SkyDrive?

From a storage point of view important information, it is dangerous to use any cloud service with a free tariff plan... In most cases, cloud services offer paid plans where there is data encryption and additional security.

OneDrive (SkyDrive) not working

Friends, if SkyDrive does not work for you for some reason, let us know in the comments. Together we will find a solution to the problem and thereby help other people who face such a problem.


Here we briefly reviewed the main features of the SkyDrive service. Here's what we end up with:

- large amount of storage (7 GB);

- advanced functionality;

- clients for most popular operating systems;

- nice design;

- keyboard navigation;

mailbox and work with documents online.

You can safely give him an "excellent" grade, because there are no serious shortcomings, and those minor flaws that are now are likely to be corrected over time. Now you have to try everything yourself, test it and use it if you like it. Write in the comments what is not clear, this will allow me to make the site even better.

The next article will review another popular file-by-name synchronization service - a worthy competitor to all other services.

In contact with

If you have a Windows 8.1 or 10 PC, an Xbox One game console, or a Windows Phone or Windows 10 Mobile smartphone, then you've probably come across a term like “OneDrive”. The same is true if you use Microsoft Office 2013, 2016, or 365 to work with your documents.

Do you want to know what OneDrive is in Windows, what kind of program it is, why and what it is for? Today we will answer all your questions!

What is OneDrive?

OneDrive is a professional service cloud storage and sync user files across devices. At its core, this ordinary cloud is the same as Google drive or iCloud. However, its peculiarity is that it is already preinstalled on most devices with OS from Microsoft.

The cloud is also used by the devices themselves to store and synchronize user data. For example, Xbox One, Windows 8.1, 10, and Windows smartphones use OneDrive to sync system settings, look and feel (theme, background, etc.), and app settings.

In addition, the browsers included in these operating systems Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge use cloud storage to sync browsing history and saved passwords.

You can access your OneDrive files on almost any device:

Cloud storage terms of use

5GB is available for free to all users, this is enough for storage backups and a small amount of text documents or photos. However, you must admit that in our time this is already prohibitively small.

In order to get your 5 gigabytes, you just need to sign in or register your Microsoft account.

How to increase the available volume

You can increase the size of your cloud storage for free by inviting friends via a special referral link or by using for this social networks(onedrive-referral-bonus). However, the maximum you can increase the space in the cloud by only 10 GB, getting 500 MB for each invited user.

To get the link, go to the parameters and select the "Storage Management" item

There are also 3 options for a paid "subscription":

  • Basic - 50 GB for 72 rubles. per month;
  • Personal - 1000 GB for 1 user for 269 rubles. per month + Office 365;
  • For home - 1000 GB for each of 5 users for 339 rubles. per month + Office 365.

For most, the Basic option is enough for constant synchronization of photos, documents and not too large files between devices. However, the "top" tariff will allow most users to forget about the ending disk space forever.

As a result, we can say that Microsoft OneDrive is a good solution for cloud storage and synchronization of your information between various devices. Basic rate"for the price of a hamburger" will always keep the data you need close at hand.

Have a great day!