How to make money using computer resources. New business ideas

Required minimum equipment: computer.

Required knowledge level: Fundamentals for PC.

View of earnings: permanent.

Opportunities and advantages
proposed individual learning

ABOUTrentation of learning on those goals, for the achievement of which you need to master the computer

ABOUTthe case of the individual, and therefore, until a complete assimilation of you studied, the orientation of the teacher to your successes and difficulties, and not on the averaged listener in the group

BUTactuate application of training computer programs.

INlimitability of the duration and, accordingly, the cost of training by reducing the volume of the subject of the proposed topic or the rapid assimilation of the educational material by virtue of your high individual abilities or existing knowledge

INoverallity parallel with the training of practical implementation on the computer you need work with the goal of better development studied topics

ABOUTwaying at a convenient time for you, the possibility of transferring classes depending on these circumstances

ABOUTcontrol care when conducting records, printing for you reference materials on the topics studied

INoverallity to create on your media information you need a software environment for studying and practical use

INoverallity of the choice of the modes acceptable for you and the duration of each lesson

W.good payment - no pre-payment, payment at the end of each conduction on the price not higher than the price for individual training

So, the title.

Why exactly individual training? Because it is effective! Remember who "hosted universities", did we learn much from lectures? Before your eyes, the image of a masted professor, beautifully and inspired the lecture in the numerous audience, but not seeing it. And dressing a hat, with a highly raised head of the leaving, without any sense of responsibility for the results of their work. And on credits and exams of the grilling of us, the sinful, indisputable argument: "I read it for you!" So that heard at the lectures turned into real knowledge, you still need to plow and plow!

Individual training is the fastest way to absorb knowledge, but implied, of course, intensive intellectual work and student's voltage. They are, in conjunction with high motivation for learning, and give results! How else? Teaching Individual implies the achievement of the main goal - an understanding of the studied by the studied topics.

1. The orientation of training on the goals that cost immediately before each particular person is possible only with individual training. I always focus on the fact that I am not indifferent to the further computer fate of my students. This is not just words. I am not tied to a standard program, and always allocate the topic promising for a student and we are more in-depth considered them. I am not afraid to be honestly to tell the client about what topics based on his future specialization should be studied in detail in our classes, and which in general terms, and that in some issues he himself will later learn to understand, practically working on the computer. This is estimated because most of us have a rich experience of learning what is never needed.

2. I lead a person to a new world for him - a new area of \u200b\u200bknowledge, after tracking his condition every minute. I see, he understands that he explained or does not understand, it is interesting to him or not, whether he was tired of responding to the situation. I can explain the incomprehensible question, considering it from different sides until he understands, and only then move on. We can conduct a free dialogue, no one bothers us, we can be emotional. I can explain to man exactly what in this moment He was suddenly interested, because it will definitely remember. The assessment on which he pulls at the end of the lesson, I put myself.

3. Application in the process of training of computer programs - God himself ordered, in the yard of the XXI century! For people, it is attractive and really helps. Usually I use fragments from training programs, replacing them the need for drawing on paper or explain some questions on your fingers. I use your development. If the client needs to learn quickly, and it will hardly manage it, after the class I leave it to work out with the training program yourself, without demanding payment during this time. And what about! Once I took it to teach him, I must go to everything!

4. Declaration of the possibility of a reduction in duration and, accordingly, the cost of training, I demonstrate a respectable attitude towards the intelligence of the student and the fact that my plans are not included in the client of the subject. One of the fears of a potential student is that suddenly he will be learn what he will not need.

5. Promising the possibility of parallel with the training of practical implementation on the computer, a student of the work necessary for him in order to better master the topics studied, I show the readiness to meet in the event of the need to apply and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice. Some of these are also used by the clock spent on creating something necessary, bring tangible benefits and confidence in their abilities. Payment in this case can be reduced to zero.

6. Conducting classes at a convenient time for the client I consider a serious factor. The ability to maneuver with their time is one of the components of the individual. People appreciate it. Therefore, I go to give a person the opportunity to draw up a schedule of classes. To do this, displacing a program on the monitor screen, showing my time distribution and suggests the client to put the days and time of our classes in free windows. This is usually possible. And if not immediately, then, as practice has shown, is solved by mutual compromise of the parties, and easily.

7. A promise of help when conducting records by printing reference materials is designed to suppress potential fear and despondency before the need to conduct an abstract. On the first classes, everyone comes with notebooks, but quickly understand that in individual training, which is based not so much at memorization, as on understanding, to conduct some kind of complete abstract, is most likely not worth it. All this has long been written and is already written and available, and the most needed can be read on the monitor screen and it is still possible to guess. Prints of the crib type at first helps not be confused in simple and memorize some fundamental bases, and then the need and disappears.

8. The offer of assistance in creating the client's media needs a programmatic environment or information solves a dead-ender question for a non-user question: "Where to get programs, and what you need?" It subsequently develops into constant, mutually useful contacts.

9. The provision of choosing an acceptable mode and the duration of each lesson is possible only with individual training and makes it possible to effectively use the existing time resources. Typically, the occupation lasts two hours (120 minutes). If I see the student hardly perceives the material, then I propose to take a break. But the time behind the computer flies quickly and interestingly, and usually signs of fatigue appear in exactly two hours. It happens that there is no time for a person, and we cut the time, and if it is necessary very urgent and necessarily (and happening), we are engaged in 6-8 hours in a row.

10. Convenience when calculating - no pre-payment, payment at the end of each class - this form minimally strains the client, does not bind us to excessive obligations, excludes distrust, and generally simplifies the situation. People do not like when they take money for a not yet provided service. Payment for the price, not higher in the city for individual training - the optimal offer. To declare "below" - to move the way to your colleagues and cause distrust of potential customers. And who knows her exactly, "no higher than the current price? The accuracy of its definition itself, most likely, corresponds to price fluctuations, according to which the parties are negotiated.

In addition, I propose to conduct training not only at myself, but also at the location of the client's computer. This is arranged organizations and, of course, schoolchildren with a computer at home. Yes, you have to drive and the temporary costs on the road, sometimes considerable, compensate for higher payments.

With the subject of learning is easier, especially since it is free. This is just a list of topics. Of course, not all, but the fundamental. They are not taught in the order as stated in the program, but in how the actual situation dictates.

Next, show, and what does a person get as a result of mastering a computer? What will he know and be able to? It is written on the first page of the program and is designed to lift the motivation for learning and enable the prospects for increasing the level of its competitiveness, as well as the duration of training.

Focusing, mainly on people who begin to study a computer from scratch, however, immediately departing from the traditional system "from the theory - to practice", often criticized, but in the way the work applied when training on a computer. I understand that since the person came to me, he does not have time to first gain knowledge for a long time, but only then - skills. With a traditional approach, he simply does not come to the second occupation. Therefore, instead of the DOS scheme - Norton - Windows, I spend Windows - Norton - DOS. And DOS is only for those who really need it or interesting. But I always tell the trainee that without sufficient knowledge, DOS will still not be able to completely cope with the computer. Agree, but the lack of time and funds forcing people to leave a lot of "for later" and agree that in some cases they will have to seek help (and not necessarily to me).

The section "Topics of learning" life causes to adjust often. A couple of years ago, the NC is a holy deal! Today is for those who want to know in-depth and who have at this time. DOS-Wrist text editors switched to discharge weakly popular. This Internet from the exotic section goes into everyday life.

At the end of the program, I give the number of my testimony. Many will say: why? But, having a certificate for "computer science services" I will expand the range of my potential customers. For example, I can enter into an agreement for training personnel with a law-abiding organization (there are also such). Yes, and some people prefer to deal with only with those who are at least some kind of bonds (such becomes smaller, but it is enough).

How am I looking for customers? At first I tried to express ads in places of cluster of the people, but there were few calls. On the placed in the newspapers - the reaction is significantly higher. The text is: "Individual training work on a computer at any time convenient for you." I do not change it, although one day I wanted. I did not think that he could be the subject of plagiarism. Six months later, another source appeared - my former disciples. Information has a property distributed!

Acquaintance with the client in 99% of cases begins with a telephone conversation. If the time requested does not regret the conversation, it is in detail the conditions, my personality (anything can be), then often we agree to meet and begin classes. If the first question is: "How much will it cost?", It is unlikely to follow the continuation. And no need to regret. Why ask the price, not knowing what is "this"? "This" happens different and not always adequate to the price. But always answer "how to agree."
If a person is inclined to continue the conversation, I try to find out why he needs to learn to use the computer? I say that all his problems are solved. Briefly outline and be sure to say that I do not ask for ahead, and then only offer the price. If you immediately put the tube or type: "Thank you, I'll call you back," it was curiosity.

If the calling interrupts and pulls the price and immediately throws the tube, it is likely to call everything in a row. Such impatient or do not begin to learn or stop at the worst version. Even if he comes, it will be hard with him.

There are also specific calls related to learning. For example, a call to teach to work on a spark computer. Refused and persuaded not to go into the past. Once miscarriage introduced - ask: "Can you teach programming?" I think: "It's seriously!"

And when a person came to appear that under the word "programming" he understands the set and printout of texts.

Specify questions about the passage of games. I do not engage in "soap operators of the computer world", and maybe in vain, there is a demand for it. The game is not installed? Where did you buy? Clear, I will not go. Many of them are buggy. Image is more expensive. There are also lovers of exotic, who are persistent, worthy of better use, are trying to surprise others and approve themselves in this life what they use programs, they do not know anyone. But it is only worth it from some of the bottom, it turns out that it is not necessary that it is no longer necessary and torturing the imagination begins another.

Questions are different, but I will always answer honestly, although sometimes it leads to the loss of the client. Somehow a young man calls and asks: "Can you teach perfectly work in Corel Draw and Photoshop programs"? I answer: "No, I can teach you only the basics. These programs require a creative approach, like a painter brush or a musical instrument. In excellence, you can only master them yourself, having mastered the basis at the beginning and very, very much working almost. You can teach a lot, but Not perfection. " I wanted to continue the conversation, but the guy did not understand me, apologized and put the phone. Well, nothing, if you strive for perfection - will understand.

About the price. Despite my "how to agree," no one is traded. With the proposed price or agree or do not agree. But do not trade. I do not know why. For example, negotiating on the phone about the purchase and sale of something or other services, people are very actively trading. On the phone even shy easier, because they do not see each other. But in my practice there was no chance of bargaining. Even if I feel that my price is not suitable, and I propose to discuss this question - nothing works. The only time one woman, after the first lesson, asked to reduce the price, for which I easily agreed. It did not affect the quality of classes, but after several classes she began to pay again at the initial price. Some phenomenon in this matter is apparently present.

The first meeting. I learn more about what a person needs to know what a person needs to know. It is necessary for me to navigate and outline the presentation plan. Perhaps even that I will write it in my notebook. Of course, it will be adjusted for a population situation. Then I sit in front of the monitor screen and launch a presentation, slides for thirty, with the statement of conditions and subjects.
It is likeed to watch it, and I give a paper version for the subsequent reading of the house. When discussing the question of the need for the necessary or possible number of classes, calling the presumably their number, I always clarify "but you yourself will tell me when you are enough." Most often it turns out. A student, turning from a person who does not know the computer, in a person who knows him, will feel it! If the client brought a book on a computer theme, I show him that you can read first and carefully, with which you can just get acquainted, and what to skip or read later. I already know what to talk about, and we begin.

Until now, the experience of my first lesson pops up in memory, and at the same time, and my first student is serenition, a young man is 25 years old. He reacted to my advertisement in the newspaper. I told me about what led him to me, he said that a few days ago got a job in a new company and the Chef puzzled by his leading on a computer, some very necessary tables, noticing that he didn't care about it at all, where and how He will learn this. The computer he does not know at all, but it is accustomed to worry, including himself, and I am sure that it will cope. Subsequently, I was convinced that this is true. But at that moment I was interested in another question. It is necessary to find out what level the computer on their firm in order to navigate with the programs necessary for development. And often this is a typical situation at the first meeting - from a person, a completely unknown computer, you need to pull out information about the computer in its workplace.
After the asked about what is shown on the computer on the screen - pictures or texts, what words do the knowledgeable people say more often - "Dos, Norton, Windows, Word, or there, Lexicon?", I managed to clarify the situation. At that time, DOS still reigned around, and the text editor "Word and Case", bought ahead of mail (licensed!), I came by the way. We agreed by seven lessons. I liked to deal with him. Seryozha surprisingly quickly understood everything and remembered. The feeling that our classes bring real benefits, I inspired me. Honestly, at first, I expected to meet with great difficulties. But on the fourth lesson, he did not come. I am waiting for him the next day and then the call: "Thank you. Chef As I saw that I make a table on a computer, so immediately put me on a superior position. While I will handle this work on the computer if there are difficulties to contact you."
Well, well, I had to congratulate it and think about it. It seems that everything happened perfectly, but the client is not! Still, I decided not to change anything and was wrong. A few months later he sent two of its employees with whom I was engaged in a very long time. So it was often with others. I am grateful to Seryozha for TU, so valuable at first a dose of inspiration, which I received from him.

More than once also had to deal with very sensible people. Somehow on Thursday, it's late in the evening a woman comes, young, high and beautiful. Says: "Cheat. Today I was hired at a very good place, but for this I had to say that I can work on a computer, and I am in it an absolute zero. On Monday I will go to work. I answer:" In the morning inhale more oxygen And to me. "For three days flew in very tense mode, but quickly. She grabbed everything literally on the fly and, it seems, by the end of the day I was tired more. In a couple of weeks I meet by chance it in the city." Well, how? "." I cope, I make documents, the chef is pleased. I can not live without a computer. "

The number of classes held by me has long been over a thousand, but I do not have the practice of working with a person who is unable to learn to fulfill his work on the computer. Perhaps such people simply do not exist. Difficulties arise in other cases when a person seems to know that he knows a lot. This applies to the category of students who guide the learning process persistently seek to take over, trying to translate the process with the process to the practical channel for interest. For some reason, the overwhelming majority of them accountant (not all of them, of course, should be offended immediately). Apparently, after watching the colleagues successfully with a computer, they initially underestimate the complexity of the task and believe that it can be solved by the simplest ways that seem real, such as: "Which buttons I have to press, so that here (showing the printer) came out texture?". And they are even indignant when I suggest it at first to understand the foundations of the file system first. First, so really very hard. They are nervous and even fall into the despondency in front of the suddenly prostrated computer horizons. But the tactics here is so. It is useless to argue and offer rational paths. First you need to give up, and a couple of times to show exactly the "which buttons need to be pressed." A person will understand, but not about the "buttons", and what is worth listening to the advice of more experienced.

The fact that some such "executives" first say may not fall down from the feet. Having established a computer purchased for home, showing that it works fine, I propose to master the use of them according to my program. The program is immediately postponed to the side and hear: "And now let's get reports in my enterprise." My opinion on the fact that the computer should first enter the appropriate programs and the data, followed the answer: "Why did I buy a computer for entering data or to receive reports?". Fortunately, it happens infrequently.

Rarely, but had to deal with students with a weakly pronounced motivation to study the computer. As a rule, these are non-working members of wealthy families. The foggy perspective promised by the head of the family sometime and somewhere to keep some account on the computer does not inspire them (and without it well). Therefore, all I tell them, it seems boring, uninteresting and incomprehensible. If, at the same time, they pretend that they have mastered the object - it means so it is necessary and I am pleased to part with them.

Features of individual learning. Of course, the subject should be known "from and to". No abstracts, no entries. The client will not forgive it. Everything should be decomposed on the shelves in the head and quickly removed from there. This is nothing when a day passes a few lessons and, of course, on various topics. Often the situation turns in such a way that instead of the outlined topics you have to give completely different. And there should be no fuss and chandeliers. The client is always right. If the trainee does not work out, in no case should not indicate him for its shortcomings, at least a glimpse of the attacks of his personality. To blame the training. It is paid to him for it to work. It should quickly navigate the student's abilities and act in accordance with them. The only thing you can, it is: - "do not rush, think, remember, I do not hurry you." If it goes at all tight - leave a student with a computer one one for extra time and, of course, for free. At this time, he will form in himself what was failed to the teacher.

Appeal. With a student, whoever he was - only on "you". Always. Only so you can remain a teacher. Parents are sometimes surprised when for the first time hear how I appeal to their child - younger schoolboy, for example: "Olya, if you press the Enter key now, then ...", or: "Petya, I think you didn't do what you did what I asked you to do yourself. "

And even sometimes they tell me: "Why, because this is a child!" School is not so. "Ivanov! Why aren't you ready for a lesson?!" And this is the norm. And they are accustomed to this. But "you" is easy, and not even tedious, and generally simplifies the situation.

Customers I share on one-time and constant. One-time is those with which I spend the cycle of intense classes, and we no longer communicate or communicate rarely (but with pleasure). These are busy people who need to do their lives. And the computer to help them!

Permanent are schoolchildren who have a computer home. The classes are held regularly, usually once a week, in the form of communication. We must be ready to hold dozens of classes with them, without joining them interest, explaining complex things simply, surprising them every time something new, gently overcoming their desire to lead the teacher, to be correct with their children's pits and unsuccessfully proving them that the computer was invented For business, not for entertainment. Basics Children grab very quickly. They have excellent reaction, but the speed of the hands at this stage exceeds the speed of thought until its complete suppression. Already after a few classes, the student will quickly click the mouse that to track his actions simply will not be possible, as well as stop them. You have to wait patiently when this process goes to a dead end, and start all over again.

Coming to the lesson, you must always be prepared for configuring the computer after the experiments carried out by his young master and do it quickly to have a full-fledged occupation. Do not hope to achieve an intelligible answer to the question: "What did you do on the computer?" Due to the aforementioned difference in speeds, the answer will rather confuse. But there is no humus without good! The topic of the experiment and can be the subject of classes. Perhaps, I would put the computers of young owners, a monument, similar to the famous monument of a dog - a victim of medical experiments in the name of the development of science and ministry to mankind. Children and Computer are a special topic and a very interesting topic, but the continuation of it goes beyond this article.

At the end of the last lesson, I ask for difficulties to call for advice on the phone. There are calls, but continue not long. Independent swimming is a good teacher. Always call, if you manage to get a job using a computer. One remember. The young woman who studied me calls: "Thank you, I'm so glad, I have not taken to work a little." I answer: "What are you happy?" Says: "According to the competition, and in the rivals I turned out to be a girl - a graduate of the institute, a programmer. But next time I will definitely pass."

In conclusion, I would like to wish you good luck. Of course, you just read can not highlight all the verge of process - individual training on a computer. But I dare to hope that it can help you make a decisive step towards the beginning of your business and who knows, perhaps you will succeed better and you will achieve success and prosperity. Walk asset going!


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Beware of fraudsters. Trust only those who offer real prices, and not overgraded several times.

Helpful advice

Work only with proven companies.

The global economic crisis, unemployment growth and high competition for jobs forcing an increasing number of people to look for alternative sources of income. And increasingly paying attention to the possibilities that can provide in this regard the most ordinary computer. Indeed, even a person who has minimal skills to work with a computer, if desired, can find a small part-time job on it. What to talk about those who have high qualifications and free internet access.


Before trying to earn with a computer, you need to determine for yourself that you can in a professional plan, what services you can offer potential customers. For example, you accountant are coping with the most complex quarterly reports and balances. Therefore, probably there will be owners of small firms and the IP, which are not on the pocket in the constant chief holder, but the accounting is necessary. Here you have a whole promising direction of work. It is enough to view ads or give your own.

The same will be fair if you know how to program, draw in graphic editors, make translations, write selling texts and articles. The only question is to find reliable customer partners and establish with them. This can be done either through specialized exchanges of freelancers, such as,,, Or on major webmaster forums like or But remember that professionals appreciate the specified resources, so you will first have to confirm your reputation and experience, building business connections.

Video on the topic

Helpful advice

Do not attempt to immediately earn a lot and easy. If you are offered a certain project, which in employment one or two hours a day brings 100 thousand rubles a month, most likely it is a hoax. A gradual increase in the number of orders, their sites and income is the most optimal way to progress towards success.


  • earnings using a computer

Many people have to deal with finding work. Someone is lucky, and he finds work on the soul and on requests, and someone less successful. Or a person's work has, but he wants to find an additional source of income. And in that, in another case, working on the Internet, the computer can be an excellent solution to the problem. But it should be borne in mind that here you have to fully lay out, however, as on any other work. And the options for earning in the virtual network and at the computer there are quite a lot.


An excellent source of income can be web court. The essence of this classes is that you need for various sites. If you are competent, you know how to understand and access your thoughts, you can try yourself in this matter. To write about anything, but it is better to give preference to themes in which you are well versed, for example, in psychology or repair machines. You can write articles in free and place them on stock exchanges, and you can search for customers and work under the order. At the initial stage, earn big money you will not succeed. But if you are constantly self-improvement, use advice and prompts of more experienced and successful and web rheists, read appropriate literature, etc., then gradually your income will grow. And in the end, this can be your main source of income.

Another way to make money on the Internet is web mastering. You can become a web programmer or web. But it is impossible to create high-quality sites without some basic knowledge. Therefore, if this type of activity is attracted, you will first need to spend time on the purchase of new knowledge and skills. You can get this knowledge yourself. In a huge amount of information about how to start, what knowledge is needed for web programming. Can be purchased literatureAnd, perhaps, in your environment there is a person who is that, and which can give you some knowledge in this area. But the path of independently knowledge of the right and difficult. Therefore, you can go to special courses that will help master the new profession. But you need to choose courses. If you are assured that for a couple - the top three of you will make web mastering, then you should alert. Do not be kept and too low price. Good courses can not cost cheaply.


  • 9 honest ways to make money online

The computer opens up huge opportunities for residents modern Mira. This is not just a tool for network communication or entertainment, but also a powerful tool for earning. The network has a lot of tempting capabilities that even unprepared by the user can take advantage. The main role in this case is playing persistence and permanent learning.


Earnings of the house at a computer - no longer a myth, but the reality of many people called. Such work is chosen for various reasons, and it is suitable for absolutely everyone, especially those who have no opportunity to go to work every day. This category includes students, people with disabilities and others. Well, for those who already have a permanent job, this good way Earn.

The basic skills of freelancer are computer possession, access and ability to use the Internet. However, the Internet is not always required, for example, and sometimes use the machine for set, save and process text, and then print it or retain on the information carrier.

What opportunities are the beginning freelancer are provided? After all, starting any matter, the more such serious, it is always hard. Sometimes people simply do not know the necessary information. Now there are many books and information resources On this topic, but, unfortunately, they are mostly created by fraudsters and fans of fast profit, and it is not difficult to get caught on their fishing rod.

To avoid this, you never need to start a business online from putting your money! It is possible to flatter the golden mountains that sculpts are stolen, but it's just a mirage, which will eventually hang out if you keep yourself in your hands.
However, there is a business based on shares or currency on the stock exchange, and it also requires. However, this is another matter, because it is usually up to how to enter into real bidding, a reasonable person passes special training and practice on the study account.

There are other options, but they are suitable for maintaining the spirit of adventurism than for real earnings, However, some craftsmen and there are applied there. These are games on the Internet for money (poker, casino, lottery), financial pyramids, network marketing (with the investment of own cash), etc.

Make money, sitting at a computer at home, you can. But, like any work, it will require quite a lot of effort, at least at first. However, this kind of activity has a mass of advantages: self-development, formation of skills in the use of computer programs and editors, constant training. Many freelancers do not stop in one form of earnings, but master several options. This not only contributes to self-education, but also protects against malfunctions on one of the directions.

Video on the topic

There are many legends on earnings on the Internet, the basis of almost every of them is valid facts, however, often greatly exaggerated and distorted. If you leave a different kind of "freelance" aside, when the computer is simply as a tool of work, then more or less tangible income can be obtained by creating one or several own sites.

You will need

  • - one or more in the measure of "promoted" sites with thematic content;
  • - account on the site one or immediately several contextual advertising systems;
  • - registration on one or more link exchanges;
  • - Banners with a proposal to advertise on your resource.


Create your own website using one of the "typical" engines like Joomla or WordPress - To do this, select Hosting, select one or another tariff convenient for you and register a domain name. The procedure for buying hosting and domain name The most detailed way is painted on the hosting providers sites, as a rule, providing their customers with good technical support. Install the program-engine program for your site is not difficult if you follow numerous step by step instructionswhich can be found on the Internet. After that, it remains only to download the ready-made "topic" (model design site), add it to the engine, and the site that will help you make money on the Internet, ready.

"Certainly means" programmer ". To some extent, this is true, because everyone who studies computers get acquainted at least with the basic basics of programming. However, not all the computerists are professional programmers, that is, those who write the programs for money. However, if you know one or several sought-after programming languages, it may become a source of both additional and main income. The Internet is a shot by advertisements inviting programmers to perform one-time or regular orders, while quite aware of the option of remote work on free schedule: the main thing is that the timelines are respected.

In programming, there are many directions that hardly intersect. You should not try to argue immense, it is better to focus on something one, for example, sites or games.

Unlike the "clean" programmers, system administrators do not create new programs, and maintain individual computers and networks in humiliated state. In almost any organization, there are at least two computers now, which means a specialist who is able to configure the work network, install the necessary software, as well as maintain the organization's computers in working condition. In large firms, there are separate regular units for this, but small organizations prefer to use the services of the incoming system administrator. You can find ads about such vacancies in newspapers or on the Internet, as well as try to negotiate with directors of small firms personally.

Providing services to individuals

Like any complex, the computer can always break. The relatively new cars, as a rule, is valid for the manufacturer's warranty, but the owners of more elderly computers in case of breakdowns are forced to contact a specialized service. If you understand the hardware, you know how to handle a screwdriver and a soldering iron, you can easily earn on the repair of computers, working in service or opening your business.

To understand computers, it is enough to have a technical warehouse of the mind and learn several textbooks and tutorials. This luggage is enough to start earnings, although in the future it is worth developing your skills.

Finally, many people who bought home computers often require a specialist help. The range of sought-after services is quite wide: from consulting on computer configuration to installation software, optimizing the operation of the machine, configuring the Internet connection. Most often, such experts work on the call: if you regularly expose ads in your area, you can ultimately gain the base of regular customers bringing additional income for simple work.

Where to take virtual money? What programs are used to earn electronic money online? Is it possible to earn bitcoins using a computer on the machine?

There is an opinion that in the future cryptocurrency will be the main and only payment facility on the planet. But so far, serious investments in bitcoins and other digital money are considered to be highly discharged, albeit a potentially highly profitable way. If you are ready to risk, then this article is for you.

In touch Denis Kudarin - Financial Expert of the Journal of Khitirbobor. I will tell, how to earn bitcoins using a computerwhich methods of prey of virtual money do not require investments, and cloud Mining Differs from the usual.

Sit comfortably and read to the end - in the final you will learn what services for the earnings of bitcoins are now the most popular, and how to get a lot of cryptocurrencies by putting at least one's own funds.

1. Bitcoins - earn virtual money online

Bitcoins (Bitcoins, BTC, BTK) are the most popular e-currency. It pays for goods and services, both dollars, rubles and euros, buy and sell on stock exchanges, change in electronic exchange offices.

However, Bitcoin has a significant difference from other currencies. These electronic money not controlling no institution in the world. They cannot be cash in an ATM. They represent a self-sufficient system and exist only within the network. At the same time, bitcoins are not secured by gold, nor silver, but only source code (script).

The number of bitcoins is limited: It is known in advance how many will be released before 2140. In part, therefore, this cryptocurrency is so valuable.

Emission currency is ensured by the work of millions of computers throughout the world. It, like gold, is produced by industrial and handicraft.

The whole chip is that bitcins are distributed relatively by chance - Among those who apply special equipment for computing. The more powerful equipment for the creation of mathematical algorithms, the higher the probability of obtaining bitcoins.

What are the benefits of bitcoins:

  • they are transmitted directly from one person to another over the network - use the services of banks and other settlement institutions is not necessary;
  • bitcoins - International Currency: it can be used in any country of the world;
  • the score can not be frozen - no centralized institution does not control the currency;
  • no restrictions on the amounts and time of transaction time - in contrast to bank transfer;
  • low Commissions for Transfers- at instant speed.

Since this is a purely digital currency, 1 BTC is divided almost to infinity. The smallest coin is called " satosha"(In honor of the program developer) and is equal to 10 -8 Bitcoin.

The whole story of Bitcoin transactions, which ever occurred, is stored in the network and is a chain of blocks ( blockchain).

Bitcoins mining with a computer called " mining" A few years ago, Maine Cryptovaya was extremely simple - no additional equipment was required.

Now everything is much more difficult - we need solid costs of iron and programswhich pays off only for 6-24 months.

First of all, the mining ensures the Bitcoin infrastructure itself, and profit is an additional encouragement. Mining on ordinary video cards and processors is a finally outdated way of earning.

Only specialized iron has prospects, but a lot of people with big money and relevant equipment are already involved in this area.

Mining - not the only way to earn bitcoins. What other options have an ordinary user - read further.

A small video libez on the topic of cryptocurrencies.

August 1, 2017 There was a division of Bitcoin into two cryptocurrency: Bitcoin. and Bitcoin Cash..

2. 5 proven ways to earn bitcoins

Experts and analysts warned from large investments in mining equipment. And generally advised to refer to cryptocurrency as an additional, but not the main, source of income.

Iron morally becomes over a couple of months after its purchase, and bitcoins courses - an unworthy thing. They affect the mass of speculative factors. The high cost of Bitcoin is not guaranteed by the future of the future, who has many cryptocurrency.

Everywhere they write that bitcoin's course grows and not going to fall. It seems that everyone around is earned on bitcoins heaps of money, and you lose profits. But I do not advise risks and spend all savings on cryptocurrency.

This is still an experimental project with an unpredictable future. . If risk, then exceptionally free moneywho are not sorry to lose.

Cryptocurrency - only technologies for transactions. Bitcoins themselves are not needed by themselves. Want to make money on cryptocurrentes really much - become a manufacturer of equipment for mining. That's then your revenue will really be real.

However, available methods for earning bitcoins exist. And I will tell about them in detail.

Method 1. Myning

Specialized equipment for mining costs serious money. Mainers are done in a generally useful for the Bitcoin-system work - ensure its livelihood and reproduction of new cryptocurrency units. This is a foundation on which everything keeps.

What equipment is required for traditional mining:

  1. powerful modern video cards - not as installed in your home computer;
  2. no less powerful power supplies;
  3. ventilation and cooling systems;
  4. recent generation processors.

Modern miners create whole farm For bitcoin production - several computers that are engaged in 24/7. The "farmer" is spent not only to equipment, but also to pay for electricity, which is consumed in reinforced mode.

In addition, specialized programs are needed - CGMINER, Diablominer, Bfgminer, Phoenix or others: the software for mining is continuously developing, like the technologies themselves. About, read a separate publication.

It is alarming the fact that some major players, some time ago opened their farms, are now selling equipment. Does this mean that the Bitcoins market is waiting for a turn? It is impossible to say unequivocally. Until 1 BTC stands 2.5 thousand dollars . And it is more precious than gold.

Attention! While we prepared this article to publish the Bitcoin course rose again! On August 8, 2017, one unit of this cryptocurrency exceeded the mark for the first time. 3500 dollars!

Small farm for bitcoins

There is another, much less expensive variety of BTK production - cloud Mining. Its essence is that you use rented equipment, which is located somewhere else. You pay for the use of the program, renting it on the time you need.

Cloud mining is industrial enterprise for the extraction of bitcoins. You no longer get cryptocurrency as a single miner, but use the services of a whole "mining company". The bitcoins mined by this company are distributed between the tenants of the cloud server.

The algorithm is simple:

  • choose the site of cloud mining;
  • register and make cryptocurrency at the expense;
  • purchase power as much money;
  • mining is carried out automatically or semi-automatic mode.

You need to choose the site carefully - in this area, as well as any other related to finance, are full of fraudsters wishing to be engaged in your account. And some popular services are typical Haipes - financial pyramids with limited lifespan.

Method 2. Passing Caps on the cranes

Cranes - these are sites that offer everyone satosha As payment of simple tasks - Click on the banner, enter the captcha, view the video or web page for a fixed time. Money is credited to your bitcoin-wallet.

The average remuneration is small - 100-300 Satoshi, but some sites constantly play and larger prizes. Conclusion Cryptovaya Available after accumulating a certain amount of Satoshi. Most cranes have a system of referral deductions.

The advantage is that no attachments from users are required. Initially, the taps were created to popularize cryptocurrencies, gradually became a full way of its earnings.

METHOD 3. Gambling

In essence, these are ordinary online games, only winnings here not in rubles and dollars, but in cryptocurrency.

There are two ways to make money on such bitcoin games - to play or attract referrals. The first option involves a well-known risk - there are not only winnings in the game, but also loss. The second option is more reliable, and earnings depend only on your ability to attract referrals.

Method 4. Affiliate Programs

A quite promising and high-order method. You post on your site, page in the social network, blog in the LiveJournal partner link and get a remuneration for this. Money drip every time on your link the partner site passes a new user.

Where to look for users who go to your link? At the immense expanses of the worldwide network. Post a partner everywhere where you can, including in communities, on thematic forums, in the comments on sites where it is allowed.

Method 5. Trading

Cryptovaluoy Might and main trades on stock exchanges as dollars and rubles. Those who acquired a decent number of bitcoins about 5-7 years ago, now millionaires. But this does not mean that the lifting will last further.


One Finnish student acquired bitcoins in 2009 on 27 $ And safely forgot about his purchase. When he remembered this a few years later, his accumulations were already worth 886,000 dollars .

Earnings on the fluctuations of the course - the topic of a separate article. Here I will say one thing - engaged in trading on forex or special without initial preparation risky.

3. How to earn bitcoins using a computer on a machine - 5 simple steps for newbies

Let's turn to practice. Consider step by step how to earn bitcoins using mining programsI wrote about above.

To begin with, you need to start bitcoin-wallet. It stores a secret key to access bitcoin address. Because bitcoins themselves are intangible, key - the only way to access the means.

There are official wallets and "lungs", hardware and online wallets, as well as for PCs and mobile devices. The choice is yours. Next, follow the expert leadership.

Step 1. Select the service

Select a service for automatic earnings. Plus this method is that you do not need to spend time on installing and debugging equipment.. All that is required from you is to run a program that will work for you.

The problem is that services are many and many of them do not mined bitcoins themselvesAnd just intermediaries. In the next section, you are waiting for a review of proven sites that trust thousands of users.

Step 2. Register

Registration on the service is extremely simple and takes a few minutes. You need email address, country, login, password and date of birth. In some systems there are other fields, but in any case, there are few of them.

Step 3. Download the program and go to your personal account.

Further everything is simple - you need to download the program and install on your computer. Just for the program and pays the user. The most appropriate version of the program will advise you by the service itself depending on the base you use.

Different service tariffs are available. - From the most inexpensive to expensive, involving the conclusion with the service of a long contract.

Want to learn more - read our article "As Maja with a Video Card".

Step 4. Run the program

Now the program needs to be launched. There are no difficulties there are no difficulties in the interface and functions with a minimum level of preparation.

Of course, the rules for the use and program and services of the service itself must be studied in advance. It will save from unnecessary questions. But if they still arise - boldly write or call site support service.

Step 5.

We get bitcoins on your wallet. Parallel attract new users And we have a percentage of their income.

On Bitcoins you can earn, but there are no guarantees for earnings

How much do you earn, depends on the earnings no

How much you earn, depends on the capacities that you purchased, and the Cryptovalum Course. Those who engaged cloudy mining a couple of years ago performed well. But no guarantees of profit in the future does not give it.

A separate question is the exchange of bitcoins on another currency. Online hundreds of exchange points of the most different level of reliability. How to find the most profitable course?

- I recommend using professional service - monitoring exchangers. Here are the best currency rates at the moment in all working exchanger. At the same time, unreliable and compromised sites from the list are excluded.

I repeatedly used this resource and I still use it when I need to exchange money on the Internet or withdraw them from payment systems. For miners cryptocurrency exchangers - the fastest and most safe method Translate digital money into real. And the search for the most favorable course using Bestchange monitoring gives real savings.

4. Where to earn bitcoins - Overview Top 3 services for earnings

I propose an overview of the most popular services for the earnings of bitcoins. These are international platforms available to everyone.

Thousands mainers have already displayed money from them and bring out nowSo - no deception, only program code.

1) Hashflare.

Cloud Mining Hashflare - new generation service equipment created specifically for cryptocurrency mining. The platform connects users to pools - special web services that allow you to more evenly and predictably get bitcoins. Suizer has the right to choose several to reduce risks.

Hashflare is a division of a larger Hashcoins company engaged in the development of professional software for mining. So that the service uses its products, and not third-party equipment..

The service guarantees customers low risks, minimal entry threshold and small costs of support and maintenance of programs. The company's head office is located in Tallinn.

2) Kryptex.

"Cryptex" is the name of the server and a special program. You download it to the computer, it begins to generate cryptocurrency. Profit goes both in Bitcoins and dollars, rubles and another currency that you exchange virtual money.

The application makes special calculations using the power of your device. The algorithm of work is most simple: installed the program, registered, left Cryptex to work, received a profit.

Earnings small - to 9 000 in rubles On medium power computers, but do not forget - you get this money, without applying any effort.


Mining platform for mining the most popular cryptocurrency. Supporting earnings - 2-3% per day from investment invested. 100 GH / S (power units for bitcoins) as a gift.

Using partner programs, get an additional 5-12% of the power acquired by your referrals.

Services Comparison Table:

5. How to earn a lot of bitcoins, putting a little - 5 gold councils

Earnings of bitcoins are not limited. More precisely, there is only one limit - the amount in 21 million Bitcoinsand it is established by the System code itself. However, the ordinary user is enough for a comfortable life and several thousand BTK, or even hundreds.

Read our articles and use expert advice.

Tip 1. Invest funds to mining

Buying equipment and software is expensive and not always profitable. Where simple earn for rent and cloud services . But do not invest money in one program - try different options. Bitcoins are extraction - the process is unpredictable.

Tip 2. Take advantage of brokers

Council for traders earning the fluctuations in the cryptocurrency course. The most reliable and professional broker on the Forex stock exchange. Professional support and profitability guarantee need - register alpari, choose an intermediary and make a profit.

If you are a sociable person and know how to convince, then the partnership programs are your cup of tea. There are people who earn bitcoins exclusively on referralswithout putting nor satoshi of their own funds.

Tip 4 Studies on cryptocurrency

Like any activity earnings cryptocurrency can be learned. There are those who can not only earn bitcoins, but also teach others.

The network is full of information and video lessons from professional cryptocurrency miners. There are also paid courses - the truth will not be predicted in advance.

Tip 5. Competently collect a farm for mining

If your option is your own farm for mining, then pay the main attention to the quality and functionality of the equipment.

Newbies often forget about important trifles - for example, save on the cooling system of the processor and other computer nodes. But for the full mining of the farm should work around the clock.

Refer to the help of experienced "farmers" - look for them on the network in special forums and sites.

6. Conclusion

Now you know how to earn bitcoins using a computer. The topic cryptocurrency is extensive and multifaceted, and our magazine is preparing a whole package of interesting and informative articles on this topic.

Question to readers

What do you think, what method of earning bitcoins is most promising?

Friends, if you are interested in finding out what other bitcoins are popular today, be sure to read our review article.

The journal "Khitirbobur" wishes you success in any endeavors! We are waiting for comments, additions, questions. Share an article with friends in social networks and put marks. To new meetings!

You are sitting at a computer, do something on it, or it just stands on, buzzing, drives dust, eats electricity, Internet traffic and do not earn anything to you?! It is urgent to fix it! We offer you one of the options -, the way of earning on a simple computer enabled. Processing is from English "to Process" - calculate. Processing is called calculations and processing operations of information using computer computing power.

For the calculation of large volumes, super computers are used, or a large network of low-power computers when the task is divided into small fragments and is divided between the participants of such a computing network. The last method of solving complex computing tasks is much cheaper and easier from a technical point of view, since the need to build super-expensive super computers, and access to the Internet large number low-power computers made it also publicly available.

The total computing power of such a network is comparable with a power of one super computer, or exceeds it at a much lower cost of sure! Here is a member of the network and can be your computer connected to the Internet.

This type of earnings is very common in the West, but we have little known. The most striking example of such a network was already a closed project S.E.T.I. In HOME - Listening to the Radio Frequency and Space Radioester in search of extraterrestrial civilizations. Full list Existing processing programs can be found. These are mathematical projects, game development, human generic data processing, physics, astronomy, biology, Internet and much more.

One such project is Gomezpeerzone. According to this company, it is engaged in research bandwidth Internet channels, testing browsers for the stability of work and the search for "narrow" places on the Internet.

To work, you need to register on the site, download the program, install it on your computer and when receiving your Active status program - remove earned.

I want to immediately warn that the withdrawal of funds occurs on, which is known not to "complaints" the inhabitants of the CIS - everything has already changed and normally. Company website in English.

When installing the program to your computer, you need to enter your computer name and your login from the company's website. Be careful, because if you make a mistake, it will not go to you, but to someone else.

The minimum amount for output $ 5, the maximum - $ 45, that is, more than this amount you will not be able to earn on one account.

Accruals go beyond the time of calculations - Processing Time, this time is much less work time, as your work from the server will receive about once every 15 minutes, so do not be surprised if it will be slightly "brazed" with such frequency.

The program from Gomezpeerzone is a Java application that works autonomously and does not require your participation. This is not a virus, passwords, turnouts, money is not kidnapped - you can sleep well! Checked and rehearsed everything is not one time and different antiviruses - all silent and the virus do not see - everything is OK!

The only restriction - the Internet should be unlimited, otherwise the traffic will not be able to control, but I did not notice much expense.

I also want to say one thing: Millions do not work here - I say right away. I have this programmunicland already from six months, but my status is so Active and did not, although my rating is slowly growing - there is little one computer, or my IP address is not particularly suitable, I do not know: (but ways to increase earnings exist - the program can be installed Immediately to several computers with the Internet - the number of minutes of processing will immediately increase, for example, sysadminams with a network of machines that they serve this will not be difficult, or you can hang the program on your home computer and on the computer from work, for example, it will be visible to the tray Icon, but it does not affect the work of the computer. So it can be as an option earning in the network.

Come on the buttons, tell about the article to friends - it's for money!

You will learn where to get a job at home on a PC, what are the options for earning without investments and experience, as well as how to work on a computer, so as not to become a victim of fraudsters.

The appearance and rapid spread of the Internet was reflected not only on the methods of communication, but also in the labor market. Many specialists in various directions work at home at the computer.

Remote work is available to everyone and often does not require any investments. The online worker independently plans its time and creates comfortable working conditions for itself.

Work on the computer at home - we make money without leaving home

The ability to make a good and enjoy your work for everyone. To start making money without leaving home, you need to have a computer, internet access and free time.

Earnings at home has several advantages over traditional hired labor:

  1. Flexible schedule. Remote employee independently plans his working day.
  2. The ability to work only in interesting projects. No one makes you do what you are not interested.
  3. The ability to master several professions.
  4. Lack of bosses.
  5. Quick career growth.
  6. Creative approach to performing tasks.
  7. The ability to build your own business online.
  8. There is no binding to workplace - you can combine online earnings with other activities.

For this reason, earnings on the Internet are especially popular among young mothers, students, pensioners, schoolchildren and everyone who has no opportunity or desire to go to the usual job.

Options for remote earnings on a computer without investments and experience

Options for earning the Internet are so many that it is impossible to mention them all in one article.

We will tell about the most popular ways that do not require investments and experience.

Copywriting and Reraighting

Each person has a topic in which he is well versed. On this topic, you can write articles and sell them to blog owners either on content exchanges. A qualitatively written article will always cost expensive as its competent rehyt.

View Advertising

There is a lot of web resources, ready to pay for their visitors for viewing advertising - this is the letters. In most cases, payment for such work is small. However, this type of activity does not require any skills and skills, so for a long time It remains popular among schoolchildren.

Participation in polls

To find out how customers belong to a particular product, companies often conduct special paid surveys by placing them on thematic resources. The results of surveys allow companies to improve their products or services. Polls also help better understand customer needs. Often, questionnaires are used in sociological studies.

Writing reviews and comments

Online shops and other commercial companies are ready to pay for feedback on themselves.

At the same time, to write paid reviews at all means praising a product or service. Due to the low activity of customers and buyers on the Internet, shops and other companies are ready to pay for objective reviews about their products. In addition, you can write comments and reviews on special Serviceswho pay for views.

Input Capp

Probably, this is the easiest way to make money on the Internet. Sites use Caps to prevent spam and cheap newsletter.

For example, when identical messages or comments are sent from one account, the site checks whether they are really sending a person, not a robot. To confirm, you must enter letters or numbers from the picture - this is a pin. Webmasters using spam newsletters are ready to pay for the entry of captcha.


Most scanned documents can be translated into a text format using special programs.

But despite this, the profession of the text type is still in demand. The need for a set of text with written sources is always great - manuscript, letters, old archival documents. Often the client needs to dial text with audio or video. Orders for setting text are of different complexity, as their cost.

Where to get started on the Internet - step-by-step actions

It is always useful to enjoy ready-made success recipes.

Follow the instructions and your earnings will be more, and the cost of time is less.

Step 1. We register the mailbox

To find a client and continue to support communication with it, an email is required. Mailbox It will be needed for registration on sites that, you may have to deal with. The presence of mail is a prerequisite when registering on most content exchanges. In addition, Mail will be needed for registration in payment systems.

Step 2. We bring the electronic wallet and tie a bank card

We need to take care in advance about where the money earned will come.

Get electronic wallets in all popular payment systems - Webmoney, QIWI and Yandex.Money. The most commonly used payment system - This is webmoney. However, some customers prefer QIWI or Yandex.Money. In order not to lose a potential employer, it is recommended to start wallets at once in three services and tie them bank card.

Step 3. Select the platform for searching for vacancies and apply

Plates for finding remote vacancies a lot is quite - this is freelance trading, websites of companies, bulletin boards.

Where to find jobs

In fact, the positions of vacancies are much more.

But we chose the most popular and efficient.

Freelance trading

This is the easiest and most reliable way to find orders for a beginner. There are both small orders and long-term projects on stock exchanges. A considerable part of the customers prefers to cooperate through the freelance exchange - it is convenient and safe.

The most popular stock exchanges in RuNet are, and On these sites there are always many topical vacancies. Their list is constantly updated. Monitor these sites, you will find interesting and expensive projects.

Sites companies

A lot of large companies are looking for remote workers for long-term cooperation. Sometimes they post ads on sites in the section "Vacancies".

For example, often online stores are looking for copywriters to fill out cards with goods, and online cinemas always need to write reviews for films and serials. Conducting independent monitoring of such sites, there is a lot of chances to work an interesting project with high pay.


Interesting projects are on bulletin boards. Some customers do not know about the existence of the content exchange, so they are looking for employees through such platforms as Avito, Durus, Yula and others.

For example, on announcements boards often come across orders for a typing or editor. To increase the search process, place your resume on these sites.

Job search sites

No one canceled traditional ways to search for orders. On such resources there are always open vacancies for rewriters, copywriters, text boxes, content managers and other remote workers. Most popular sites -,,,

Separate attention should be paid to social networks. For example, some freelancers are looking for employers only in the thematic communities in VKontakte. In communities "Distance. Freelance, remote work "and" Freilance "There are always current vacancies even for beginners.

The network fraud meets everywhere.

If the potential employer proposes to make a prepayment, most likely it is a fraudster.

Unfortunately, this phenomenon is distributed online. In most cases, the attacker publishes an announcement of the search for a remote employee, which promises high wage. It does not require any knowledge and experience. Under different pretexts, such grief employers require prepayment - as a rule, as payment for the vacancy.

Is it worth saying that neither money or work you will see.

Unfair owners of sites or content managers sometimes refuse to pay the work of the Contractor. Often without any argument. But it does not prevent them from assigning the fruits of someone else's work and, for example, to place an unpaid article on your blog.

To be guaranteed to get earned funds, it is recommended to work through freelance trading. These platforms control compliance with all conditions on the part of the customer and the artist. Exchanges allow the scammers and incompetent customers in advance. This tool is comfortable each of the sides.

On stock exchanges and third-party resources there are reviews about some employers. You must read with them. Search reviews are recommended immediately on several stock exchanges - according to the customer login.

Information about it happens in thematic communities in social networksAnd on the forums - freelancers are always told to colleagues about the fraudsters, with whom they had to deal.