Regulations on the use of information resources. Regulations on the use of the Treasury Information Resources in the Vologda Region

Order of the Information Technology Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
№ 148 of 08/15/2014
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Guided by Article 4 of the Law of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated July 1, 2013 No. 61-OZ "On State Information Systems of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra", Regulations on the Department of Information Technologies of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, approved by the Resolution of the Governor Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated July 22, 2010 No. 138, in order to regulate relations arising from the formation and use of information resources of state information systems, PR and KA Z S Y V A:
1. To approve the recommendations on the development of a model regulation on the state information system created by the authority of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (attached).
2. To manage the development of the information society to accommodate this order on the official website of the Information Technology Department of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra in the information and communication network.

Director of the Department A.A. Borodin

To the order of the Department
information technologies
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous
County - Ugra
from "15" August 2014 № 148

1. These recommendations are designed to regulate relations arising from the formation and use of information resources of information systems.
2. Regulations on the state information system (hereinafter also - IC) is the main document determining the rules for the implementation of the activities of the United States of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra (hereinafter - the Autonomous Okrug) to create, ensure the functioning and development of IP (hereinafter - the situation) .
3. Users are IP participants, an authorized IP body, IP operator, IP methodologist.
4. The IP position must contain the following sections: General Provisions; authorized IP body; IP operator; IP methodologist; IP participants; IP structure; access to IP; The procedure for using IP; the procedure for exchanging information limited access; information interaction of IP with other IP; control over the use of IP.
5. Depending on the type and conditions of operation, it is allowed to enter additional, eliminate or combine position sections.
6. In the "General" section, you must specify the terms used in the position, the purpose of creating the IP, the purpose and scope of the use of IP, the function of IP, the category of user users, the procedure for creating, ensuring the functioning and development of IP, the procedure for interaction between the IP operator, users of IP, The authorized body of the IP and the IP methodologue.
7. In the "Commissioner IP" section, it is necessary to indicate: the name of the state authority authorized for the creation, methodological and regulatory support and development of IP, approval of the regulations for providing information in IP by all categories of users, coordinating the regulations and formats for providing information; Functions, rights and obligations of the authorized body of the IP.
8. In the "IP Operator" section, you must specify: the name of the organization that performs functions on the technological support of information interaction; The rights, duties and functions of the operator TIS Ugra.
It is necessary to take into account the following functions: Ensuring access to IP resources; ensuring protection against unauthorized access to information contained in IP; providing data backup; ensuring the stable and reliable operation of the software and hardware complex of IP, including by reserving the equipment; Consultation of IP users on work with IP.
9. In the "IP Methodology" section, you must specify the name of the state authority responsible for the definition and maintenance of the meaningful structure of the IP information resources.
It is necessary to take into account the implementation by the methodology of the following functions: maintaining regulatory information (rules for the formation of information in IP resources in spatial, temporary, sectoral and other substantive features, including the rules and levels of decomposition of information stored in IP resources); Determining how to verify and ensure the reliability of information, the procedure for formation, transmission and submission of intersectoral information, the responsibility for the provision of which is assigned to several IP participants.
10. In the section "IP participants", you must specify: the procedure for entering into IP participants; Composition, rights and obligations of user categories; Responsibility of IP participants for using IP Information Resources.
IC participants may be the territorial bodies of the federal executive bodies, the executive bodies of the state authorities of the Autonomous Okrug, the local self-government bodies of the Autonomous Okrug, as well as commercial and non-profit organizations, separate units of organizations using IP information resources.
11. In the section "Structure of IP" it is necessary to indicate the classification category of IP (according to the methodological recommendations for the executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the implementation of information systems and components of the information and telecommunications infrastructure created and purchased from the funds of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as well According to the composition of information posted in the information system accounting system, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of August 222013 No. 220), description of the levels of use of the IP, the description of the composition of the information resources of the IP.
12. In the "Access to IP" section, it is necessary to indicate the grounds for providing access to the IP, the purpose of providing access, the provision of access, the procedure for providing access to information resources to IP participants, cases of restriction or termination of access to IP.
13. In the section "ORDER OF IP ORDER", you must specify the exchange methods (transfer / receiving / use) information, information exchange accounting, prohibitions on the use of IP information resources.
14. In the section "The procedure for sharing information for limited access" it is necessary to indicate information about the level of protection in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, information about the level of security of personal data in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation from 1 November 2012 No. 1119 "On approval of requirements for protecting personal data when processing in personal data is processed."
15. In the section "Information interaction of IP with other information systems" it is necessary to take into account that the information and technological interaction of IP with other information systems should be carried out by integrating them through the program and technological infrastructure, providing information between systems based on agreements concluded by the IP operator operators of other information systems.
Agreement on information interaction of information systems should define information, the exchange of which will be carried out, the technical conditions of integration, the rules for the interaction of information systems operators.
16. In the section "Preparation of IP Control", it is necessary to indicate the name of the state authority that monitors the use of IP, the procedure for monitoring control.


by order of the director

CJSC "Horn and hooves"

from "__" _____ 20__ № _____

Mukhosransk, 2012.

1. General Provisions. 3.

2. Terms and definitions. 3.

3. Responsibilities and rights of users. four

4. Registration of users and equipment. 6.

5. Responsibilities and rights of the system administrator. 6.

6. General rules for work on AWP .................................................................................... ...

7. Responsibility. 7.

8. Management and document management. nine

9. List of applications ................................................................................ ..10


1.1. Regulations on the use of information resources (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) streamlines the use of information resources of the Rog and Hoof Information Resources (hereinafter referred to as the Company) in order to improve the efficiency of production plans and the implementation of other activities provided for by the industrial necessity, as well as to prevent the improper use of information resources , hardware and software companies.

1.2. This provision shall apply to users of any computer equipment (computers, computer peripherals, communication equipment) connected to the local network of the unit, as well as users carrying out remote access to the equipment of the company's local network from other local networks and Internet.

1.3. The position identifies the rights and obligations of both users of computer equipment and system administrators.

1.4. Failure to comply with employees can serve as a basis for the use of disciplinary recovery.

2. Terms and definitions

2.1. Local networks (LS) are networks consisting of closely located computers, most often located in the same room, in one building or in closely located buildings. Local computer networks covering some enterprise and unifying heterogeneous computing resources in a single environment are called corporate.

2.2. The server is a hardware-software package that executes the storage and processing of user requests that are not intended for local user access (dedicated server, router and other specialized devices) due to the high requirements for ensuring reliability, the degree of readiness and security measures of the information system of the enterprise.

2.3. The workstation is a personal computer (terminal) designed to access users to the resources of the automated system of the enterprise, receiving and processing information.

2.4. AWP - workstation provided (equipped) workstation and peripherals (printer, scanner) having / not accessing the resources of the corporate data network

2.5. Automated system (AC) is a set of software and hardware intended for storing, transferring and processing data and information and computing.

2.6. The system administrator is an official, the responsibility of which is the service of the entire hardware and software complex of the company, control access to network resources, as well as maintaining the required level of fault tolerance and data security, their backup and recovery.

2.7. The user is an employee of a company who has access to the company's information system to fulfill official duties.

2.8. Account - Network Information: Username, Password, Access rights to resources and privileges when working in the system. An account may contain additional information (email address, telephone, etc.).

2.9. Password is a secret string of characters (letters, numbers, special characters), which is used by the computer system to gain access to data and programs. Password is a means of protecting data from unauthorized access.

2.10. Changing the authority - the process of creating a deletion, making changes to user accounts, creating, deleting changes to mailbox names and email addresses, creating, deleting changes in security groups and mailing groups, as well as other changes that lead to expansion (reduction) The volume of information or resources available to the AC user.

2.11 Incident is an event that occurred as a result of a computer failure or human factor, which led to partial or complete non-prosperity of AWP or AC.

3. Responsibilities and rights of users.

3.1. Users are required:

  • get acquainted with the position before starting work on computer equipment,
  • to register, briefing and get personal access attributes (name, password) to work with installed powers,
  • install a personal access password (if the user is given the ability to change the password) in accordance with paragraph 6.2 of this provision,
  • use computer equipment exclusively for the activities provided by the industrial need and job descriptions,
  • installing AWP in a convenient place for work, on a solid (stable) surface away from potential sources of pollution (open windows, flower pots, aquariums, kettles, vases with flowers and other), so that the ventilation holes of the computing equipment were open to air circulation

Wipe the equipment AWP from dust at least once every two weeks in compliance with TB requirements;

  • report on the observed faults of computer equipment and disadvantages in the work of general use software,
  • rationally use limited shared resources (disk memory of public computers, the bandwidth of the local network) and consumables,
  • perform the requirements of the system administrator, as well as persons appointed by the exploitation of specific equipment, in terms of the safety of the network and equipment complex,
  • fulfill the rules of work in the computer network,
  • comply with the required recommendations of responsible persons on computer security,
  • upon request of the system administrator, provide correct information about network programs used, about users with access to PCs or registered in multiplayer operating systems,
  • provide access to PC system administrators to verify service and compliance with the established rules of work,
  • promote system administrators in their official duties
  • immediately report to the system administrator about the observed cases of violation of computer security (unauthorized access to equipment and information, unauthorized distortion or destruction of information).

3.2. Users are prohibited:

  • use equipment for activities not caused by production necessity and job description,
  • create interference to the work of other users, interference with the work of computers and networks,
  • include, disable, switch, move, disassemble, change the setting of public equipment, except for direct indication of the responsible person and except for cases of fire danger, smoke from equipment, or other threats to the life and health of people or threats to the safety of property,
  • connect new computers and equipment to the local network without the participation of the system administrator,
  • transfer to other persons their personal access attributes (login name and password) to computer equipment and units networks,
  • access equipment and networks using other people's personal access attributes or using someone else's work session,
  • remove other user files on public servers,
  • attempt to unauthorized access to computer equipment and information stored on computers and transmitted over the network,
  • use, distribute and store programs intended for unauthorized access, password hacking, to violate computer equipment and computer networks, as well as computer viruses and any programs infected,
  • use, distribute and store network management and monitoring programs without a special permission of the system administrator,
  • violate the rules for working on remote computers and remote equipment, access to which is carried out through the equipment or network of the division,
  • provide access to computer equipment to unregistered users,
  • use on their workstations removable drives and other devices without preliminary checking for possible threats (penetration of viruses, malicious programs, probability of physical malfunction). In the case when the user cannot make sure in the absence of threats, it can attract to analyze the system administrator.
  • Change the configuration of ARTS (open the PC, change, add, delete nodes and parts);
  • Delete or change the installed software (software).
  • Install on your computer software that is not intended for the performance of production tasks;
  • Perform actions and commands, the result and consequences of which the user is not known;
  • Replace IP addresses;
  • Create and maintain using corporate resources personal web pages on servers that are not part of the LS company, except in cases agreed by the management of units;

3.3. Users are entitled:

  • to receive proper and serviceable service, to perform immediate functional duties
  • apply for access rights to overall use,
  • apply for the allocation and modernization of computer equipment of personal use,
  • submit an application for an increase in quotas for computer resources and satisfying consumables, with exceeding the average norms, justification should be presented,
  • make proposals for installing free and acquire commercial common use software,
  • make proposals for the purchase of computer equipment,
  • make a proposal to improve the settings of the equipment and software for general use, to improve working conditions,
  • receive advice from the system administrator for working with computer equipment and public software, on computer security issues,
  • in case of disagreement, appeal from the direct supervisor of the system administrator,
  • make sentences to change this provision,
  • receive notifications of changes in this provision and work rules on specific equipment.

4. Registration of users and equipment.

4.1. Registration of new equipment connected to the company is made from the system administrator. Personal use equipment is assigned to the employee who take responsibility for its operation. The responsible person is obliged to report to the system administrator, leading accounting, on the movement of equipment to other premises, about changing the configuration, for the delivery of repair, on the transfer of responsibility for equipment to another person.

4.2. The transfer of equipment is carried out only in the case of bilateral signing of the act on the material liability between the transmitting and receiving party.

4.3. User registration is made by the system administrator responsible for providing access to specific equipment.

5. Responsibilities and rights of the system administrator

5.1. The system administrator must:

  • improve the work of the equipment and software of general use to improve the efficiency of users of their official duties,
  • monitor the stable operation of workstations, servers installed on them programs and automated systems,
  • monitor the relevance of accounts, passwords and user authority,
  • provide users with information necessary to work on computer equipment,
  • provide to user information about changing the rules or mode of operation of the overall use of public equipment,
  • reduce to the lowest time of idle equipment due to problems and service,
  • conduct explanatory work among users on computer security issues,
  • provide to users of the rules of work on specific equipment,
  • do not disclose information obtained during the performance of official duties and has no direct relationship to the obligations.

5.2. The system administrator has the right:

  • to make warnings to users who violate the established rules of work, as well as inform the immediate management of the incident.
  • require a detailed report on the work if during this work there has been a failure or a common software failure or software failed,
  • require substantiation of the need to allocate the user limited resources or consumables in excess of the middle planned level,
  • check the service of computers connected to the LAN company, correctly configuring network programs and compliance with the rules of work, using, if necessary, administrative access to the PC for the time of verification,
  • functively disconnect from the network, block the work or output equipment in the event of a violation of computer security, because of the malfunction or gross violation of the rules of work,
  • in an emergency, to ensure uninterrupted operation of the network and general use computers, to disable the equipment in the absence of a responsible person or user and without prior notice.
  • the system administrator has the right without warning. Delete users of user files containing gaming programs and programs designed to violate computer security, files infected with computer viruses, files containing multimedia information that does not have attitude to the company's activities.

6. General rules for work on AWP

6.1. When accessing services and AC resources, the user is obliged to enter its name and password (with the exception of public resources).

6.2. Requirements to user passwords and working with them

6.2.1 Parols should be generated by special software or get used by users independently, and if necessary, administrators, taking into account the following requirements:

  • the user password length should be at least 8 characters;
  • as part of the password symbols, letters and numbers must be present;
  • as part of the password symbols, it is advisable to use punctuation signs, special characters ("~! @ # $% ^" () - + _ \u003d \\! /?).

    6.2.2 Password should not consist of:

  • surnames, name, user patronymic in any form, i.e. written in lowercase, capital, mixed form, backward, twice, etc.;
  • surnames, names, homes of relatives and loved ones in any form;
  • pet smokers, car numbers, phones and other significant combinations of letters and signs that can be guess based on the user information;
  • famous names, vocabulary and jargon words;
  • sequences of characters and signs (111, QWERTY, ABCD, etc.);
  • generally accepted abbreviations and abbreviations (computer, LAN, User, etc.);
  • name of user account.

6.3. Password

When entering a password, the user needs to exclude the possibility of spikeing it with unauthorized persons (a person behind his back, observation by a person for the movement of the fingers in direct visibility or in the reflected light) and technical means (stationary and built-in video cameras, etc.).

6.4. Password storage

  • It is forbidden to record passwords on paper, in files, electronic notebooks and other information media, including on objects.
  • It is forbidden to report passwords to other users serving the personnel of information automated systems and register them in systems under their account, except for troubleshooting (in the presence of the user).
  • It is forbidden to send the password with the open text in email messages.
  • Storing your password on paper allowed only in the personal safe of the password owner.

6.5. Password change

The planned change of passwords should be carried out, at least once every 180 days.

For AU, which allows you to configure user password protection and access policies, the following password change principles are used:

  • when creating an account, the administrator establishes the option adjusting the password change period (180 days);
  • the password change is performed by the user independently in accordance with the prevention of the system that occurs when approaching the end of the end of the current password.

For the ACs in which there is no ability to configure password protection and user access policies, password change is carried out by the administrator by generating a new user password. The transfer of the created password to the user is carried out by the method excluding its compromise.

6.6 Actions in case of loss or compromise password.

Oral application of a password replacement is not a basis for such changes.

6.7. Connecting devices for services to services and resources ACs, setup access rights.

  • Connecting users to the resources and services of the AU is made by the system administrator on the basis of an application decorated in accordance with the "Instructions on the procedure for connecting users to the resources of the LS network and the elimination of incidents in AU CJSC" Horn and Hoof "
  • The network administrator is not on the right to independently change the rights of access of a user without the existence of an agreed application, except as described in clause 3.2, when the user violates the provisions of this instruction or other regulations of the AC. In this case, the administrator has the right to temporarily disabling the user (its AWP) from the resources and services of the AC and initiate a service investigation in relation to illegal actions of the user.

6.8. Work with incidents in the AC company.

Exercised on the basis of the instructions on the procedure for connecting users to the resources of the local network and the elimination of incidents in the "Horn and Hoof" CJSC.

7. Responsibility

7.1. This provision is approved by the management of the company and communicates to employees through the heads of departments and system administrators. In case of conflict, legal users are required to perform the current requirement of these individuals, and then refer to the management to resolve the conflict.

7.2. The user is responsible for saving its passwords in the secreet to enter the company's computer resources network. Users are prohibited by action or inaction to help disclosure their password.

7.3. The company is not responsible for the illegal or unethical actions of its employee (employees) in the field of computer or telecommunication technologies, if any actions are made in the extramanent time and from the territory and through equipment that are not under the jurisdiction of the company. In this situation, the links of such a person (persons) on belonging to the company cannot serve as a basis for the prosecution of the company for the actions of their employees (employees).

7.4. CJSC "Horn and hooves" is also not responsible for self-installing by the user of the software that is not included in the approved "List of Corporate Software (software)", as well as for the inadequate and poor-quality work of this software.

7.5. The elimination of all possible problems and failures in the company's computer resources that arose due to an independent installation by an employee of the software that is not included in the "Corporate List of Software (SO)", or as a result of the irrational use of technology is carried out at the expense of the user's own funds.

7.6. The company reserves the right to prosecute employee (employees) for illegal or unethical actions in the field of computer or telecommunication technologies, if such actions are made on the company's territory or through its computer resources.

8. Management and document management

8.1. A copy of the approved provision with the order of the company's director of its introduction (kit) is kept by the employee of the company, which entrusts responsibilities for human accounting.

8.2. The employee of the company who is entrusted with personnel office work responsibilities, introduces employees who directly have access to the software and hardware support of the company, with the situation, changes and additions made to it.

8.3. If it is necessary to adjust the position, the Company's director is preparing an indication of the change and addition in it.

8.4. Personnel Manager is preparing a draft provision that is approved and commissioned by order of the company's director.

8.5. The approved status instance is registered by the office manager.

9. Appendices

9.1 Instructions on the procedure for connecting users to network resources and eliminating incidents in ZAO "Horn and hooves"


On the Department of Information Systems Management of the Federal

Treasury in the Vologda region

I. General provisions

1.1. The Department of Information Systems of the Federal Treasury for the Vologda Region (hereinafter - the Information Systems Division) is a structural division of the Federal Treasury Department for the Vologda Region (hereinafter - management) and was created to provide support, improving uninterrupted functioning, as well as to effectively use the Federal Treasury Information Services in The interests of automation and informatization of work processes of activity.

1.2. The information system department operates using automated controlrs - operational management systems (SWE) in cooperation with structural management units, the management of the integrated infrastructure of the Federal Treasury, the Office of the Development of Information Systems of the Federal Treasury, the territorial divisions of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the executive authorities Subject of the Russian Federation, local governments.

1.3. The information system department is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decrees and regulations of the President of the Russian Federation, regulations and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury, orders of the head of management and this Regulation.

II. Tasks

2.1. The tasks of the information system department are:

2.1.1 Ensuring the staff of information systems and information and technical management infrastructure;

2.1.2. Ensuring the provision of a given set and quality of information services to functional management units.

III. Structure and organization of activities

3.1. The information system department is a structural control unit.

3.2. Management of the Information Systems Department is carried out by the head of the Information Systems Department.

The head of the Information Systems Department is appointed and exempt from office in accordance with Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation" by the head of the Office, and is also in its immediate subordination.

In the absence of the head of the Information Systems Department (Commissioning, Vacation, Temporary Disability, etc.) General management of the Information Systems Department is carried out by the Deputy Head of the Information Systems Department, or an employee of the Information Systems Department based on the order of management.

3.3. The staffing of the staff of the Information Systems Department, the location of their jobs, fixing the technical support of departments created for the implementation of management functions in the relevant territory, is approved by the head of the Office for the Representation of the Head of Information Systems.

3.4. Deputy head of the Information Systems Department, as well as the staff of the Information Systems Department, are appointed and expedited from office by the head of the Office in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ "On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation".

IV. Functions

4.1. The information system department performs the following functions:

4.1.1. Provides staff operations of information systems, telecommunication systems and information and technical infrastructure in managing and supporting the activities of users of structural management units, including using the operational management subsystem of operation of the operation management system (hereinafter - PUPE);

4.1.2. Organizes the operation and maintenance of office equipment (copiers and facsimile devices, multifunctional devices) in control;

4.1.3. ensures the maintenance of all types of telephone in the management and ones of its automatic telephone stations and telephone sets;

4.1.4 coordinates and control over ensuring the staffing of information systems in management;

4.1.5. organizes the implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of information systems in management;

4.1.6. Provides administration of databases, applied software and technical means of information and technical infrastructure of the management, elimination of abnormal situations related to the functioning of databases, PPOs and technical means of information and technical management infrastructure;

4.1.7. ensures monitoring the performance of information systems, telecommunication systems and information and technical infrastructure in management;

4.1.8. organizes work on the preparation of test environments for preliminary testing and pilot operation of information systems;

4.1.9. takes part in conducting preliminary tests and experienced operation of information systems;

4.1.10. Organizes and controls the operation of the operation of industrial instances of information systems, as part of the evaluation of the performance of updates or the experimental operation of software versions and conducts testing;

4.1.11. organizes and controls the execution of projects in the field of information systems;

4.1.12. forms overall statements based on the results of work under the operation of information systems, telecommunication systems and information and technical infrastructure in management;

4.1.13. Provides the organization of information interaction with external subscribers - the central office of the Federal Treasury, managers and recipients of budget funds, budget revenue administrators, financial authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipalities), government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, the agencies of the Bank of Russia and credit institutions, other subscribers, certain leadership of the Federal Treasury, as part of the competence of the Information Systems Department, ensures the organization of conducting users to work in the automated and information systems of the Federal Treasury (including systems, the operator of which is the Federal Treasury);

4.1.14. prepares a proposal for the Federal Treasury for the Information and Technical Development of Management for the next fiscal year;

4.1.15. prepares budget consumption applications in terms of information technologies;

4.1.16. agrees the technical requirements for the acquisition of certain types of goods, works and services purchased for the needs of the Office, within the competence of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.17. Within the competence of the Information Systems Department prepares applications for the Federal Cultural Institution "Center to ensure the activities of the Treasury of Russia" (hereinafter referred to as the "COOK") for the supply of goods, the performance of work (provision of services) for the needs of the Office in the manner prescribed by the Order of the Federal Treasury;

4.1.18. within the competence participates in the acceptance of goods, works, services for the needs of the Office in the manner prescribed by the Order of the Federal Treasury;

4.1.19. Within the competence, the interaction of management with the FCU "CACRO" is organized in the manner prescribed by the Order of the Federal Treasury;

4.1.20. organizes work on connecting external management subscribers to automated and information systems of the Federal Treasury;

4.1.21. organizes the introduction of new Versions of PPO into operation, including ensures timely update of PPO to new versions and versions of the documentation for the information systems used;

4.1.22. performs backup and archiving received and transmitted via electronic communication channels and its anti-virus control;

4.1.23. performs backup and archiving databases and versions of applied software and provides its storage;

4.1.24. Provides in the technical part to implement measures to protect information on the resources of local computer networks;

4.1.25. Provides the possibility of implementing structural divisions of self-sending and receiving information on electronic communication channels, and also provides access to global information resources;

4.1.26. consults on technical issues on working with information systems of the Federal Treasury;

4.1.27. Provides fixation of blocking errors, interaction with the central apparatus of the Federal Treasury in order to inform and work out the solution of emerging problems;

4.1.28. Provides the technical ability to test the new functional components in Gis EB;

4.1.29. provides consulting support to organizations when working in EIS and other related systems on issues related to the competence of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.30. Provides timely and complete consideration of the appeals of organizations and citizens within the competence of the Information Systems Department and, in accordance with the instructions of the Office of the Office (Deputy Head of Management), preparation of projects of responses to applicants under the indicated appeals in the period established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

4.1.31. carries out within the competence of the department of information systems maintenance of office work;

4.1.32. exercises internal control of compliance of the activities of the Information Systems Division for the Implementation of State Functions and the authority to the requirements of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the legal acts of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Federal Treasury, other documents regulating the activities of the Office and the received management decisions within the competence of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.33. interacts within competence with structural departments of the Office, the central office of the Federal Treasury, the Interregional Operational Department of the Federal Treasury, the territorial divisions of the federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation, the executive authorities of the subject of the Russian Federation, local governments;

4.1.34. carries out the organization of regulatory information relating to the functions of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.35. carries out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, work on recruitment, storage, accounting and use of documents formed during the activities of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.36. Provides within the competence of the Information Systems Department, the implementation of the norms and requirements for the protection of information constituting the state secret, information of limited access, which are not constituting the state secret, as well as information of limited distribution, in case it is intended to be protected also to the limited distribution information with the mark "for service use ";

4.1.37. ensures the execution of technological regulations of the Federal Treasury relating to the functions of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.38. Participates in testing and implementing the PPO used in the implementation of the functions of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.39. participates in event mobilization and civil defense activities;

4.1.40. ensures compliance with the requirements of labor protection and fire regime rules within the competence of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.41. Supports the content of the management site on the Internet at a topical state within the competence of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.42. participates in the preparation of draft legal acts regulating the activities of the Office of the Office on the Internet;

4.1.43. Participates in the information support of the management site on the Internet in terms of compliance with the procedures and timing of the publication of information and posts information in the "Announcements" sections, "News", "Publications";

4.1.44. manages, in the prescribed manner, internal (operating) treasury risks within the competence of the Information Systems Department;

4.1.45. Performs other functions within the competence of the Information Systems Department.

V. Powers

5.1. The information system department, exercising authority in the established field of activity, is entitled:

5.1.1. involve, with the consent of the head of the department, staff of structural divisions of the Office for the preparation of draft documents on issues related to the competence of the Information Systems Department and necessary to fulfill the tasks and functions entrusted to the department;

5.1.2. To participate, if necessary, in the control and audit measures related to the verification of the activities of structural divisions of the Office, and when the federal treasury is instructed - in integrated and thematic inspections of the activities of the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury;

5.1.3. request and receive (in coordination with the management manager) from all structural information management units and documents necessary to perform the tasks entrusted to the Information Systems Division;

5.1.4. carry out other powers in accordance with the tasks assigned to the information systems;

5.1.5. With the consent of the Office of the Office, use official vehicles to fulfill the tasks entrusted information systems;

5.1.6. Control the rational use of information systems by structural management units.

5.2. Head of Information Systems Department, carrying out the management of the Information Systems Department, is entitled:

5.2.1. to give orders (in coordination with the head of the Office) structural departments of management and receive information from the structural divisions of the Office on issues related to the competence of the Information Systems Department;

5.2.2. hold meetings on issues of information and technical support;

5.2.3. make a proposal management management on any issues related to the work of the Information Systems Department;

5.2.4. Take part in meetings conducted by the management of the Office, when discussing issues within them within the competence of the Information Systems Department.

Vi. A responsibility

6.1. All completeness of responsibility for the quality and timeliness of the tasks and functions assigned to the department andnormographic systems carrying the head of the Information Systems Department.

6.2. Each employee of the Information Systems Department is personally responsible for the implementation of tasks and functions assigned to it personally, and the degree of responsibility is established by official regulations of the department of information systems.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2015 N 1235
"On the federal state information system for coordination of informatization"

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the accompanying:

Regulations on the federal state information system for coordination of informatization;

changes that are entered into acts of the Government of the Russian Federation;

list of lost strength of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. To establish that financing the creation, development, commissioning, operation, withdrawal from the exploitation of the Federal State Information System Coordination of Informatization and the Further Storage of information contained in its databases is carried out at the expense of the federal budget provided for by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communications Of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the activities of the State Program by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 313 "On approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation" Information Society (2011 - 2020) ".

Financing the storage of the register of federal state information systems (hereinafter referred to as the registry) is carried out at the expense of the federal budget provided for by the Federal Service for Supervision in Communication, Information Technologies and Mass Communications.

3. The Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in a 3-month period to approve the rules for posting information in the federal state information system for coordination of informatization.

4. Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications:

a) to ensure the decommissioning of the registry containing information on federal state information systems intended for use in the implementation of government functions and (or) providing public services before December 1, 2015;

c) transfer the Ministry of Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation a copy of the registry database until December 1, 2015

on the federal state information system coordination of informatization
(appliance. Resolution

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the appointment, purpose, tasks and principles of the creation and development of the federal state information system for coordination of informatization (hereinafter - the coordination system), its structure, main functions and participants, the procedure for accessing the coordination system, legal mode of information and software and technical The coordination system, the requirements for its technological, software and linguistic means, the rules of information interaction with other information systems, as well as the procedure for the protection of information contained in the coordination system.

2. Coordination system ensures the formation of a single information space to support the adoption of management decisions in the field of government information and communication technologies created or used by the federal executive authorities, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other government agencies, government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds, local authorities self-government, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions (hereinafter referred to as the subjects of the coordination system).

3. The purpose of creating a coordination system is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of the coordination system.

4. Coordination system is designed to solve the following tasks:

(a) Accounting for the creation, development, modernization, operation of information systems and components of the information and communication infrastructure, carried out by federal executive bodies and government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds (hereinafter - information on informatization), and monitoring the implementation of informatization activities;

b) planning and providing project management implementation by federal executive bodies and government bodies of information extrabudgetary funds of informatization activities;

c) information and analytical and methodological support of the subjects of the coordination system, including in terms of monitoring compliance with the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and conclusion from the operation of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases approved by the Resolution Government of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2015 N 676 "On the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and withdrawal of state information systems and further storage contained in their information databases";

d) providing the Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Assessment of Informatization Activities and Plans in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 24, 2010 N 365 "On the coordination of measures for the use of information and communication technologies in the activities of state bodies ";

e) monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for by part 2.1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technology and Information Protection" to the placement of technical means of information systems used by the subjects of the coordination system, and the requirements specified in subparagraph "in" of this paragraph;

(e) Planning and implementation of informational information systems and components of information and communication infrastructure, information about which is posted in the coordination system, as well as ensuring the agreed interaction of planning participants;

g) monitoring and analysis of the effectiveness and effectiveness of the creation, development and operation of the federal executive authorities and the management bodies of state extrabudgetary funds of information systems and components of information and communication infrastructure at all stages of their existence;

h) collection, processing and storage of government officials developed by state bodies and local government bodies as a result of the creation and development of information systems for algorithms and (or) programs for electronic computing machines to the National Foundation for Algorithms and Programs for Electronic Computing Machines;

i) providing subjects to the subjects of the coordination system of the algorithms contained in the National Fund and (or) programs for electronic computing machines for use in the introduction of information technologies into their activities;

k) processing and analysis of information on the level of informatization of federal executive bodies, the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments;

l) monitoring the implementation of the obligations of the obligations provided for by the Agreement on the provision of subsidies to the implementation of projects aimed at the establishment of an information society in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as to the subjects of the Russian Federation, the conditions for the provision of these subsidies;

m) monitoring the implementation of projects in the field of informatization in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

n) Dissemination of publicly available information contained in the coordination system, including in the form of open data.

5. Creation, development and operation of the coordination system are carried out on the basis of the following principles:

a) eliminating the duplication of information by complying with the rules of its single input and repeated use;

b) the use of the results obtained during the implementation of the State Program of the Russian Federation "Information Society (2011-2020)", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 2014 N 313 "On approval of the State Program of the Russian Federation" Information Society (2011 - 2020) ", including when creating and developing a state information system for the management of departmental and regional informations, the information system" Electronic Region ", the Federal State Information System of the National Foundation of Algorithms and Programs for Electronic Computing Machines, the State Information System of Information Systems Created and purchased at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extrabudgetary funds;

c) the use of infrastructure elements providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and the execution of state and municipal functions in electronic form;

d) preferential storage in the databases of the coordination system of only unique (reference) information;

e) ensuring the completeness, accuracy, relevance and integrity of information posted in the coordination system, including by applying an electronic signature;

e) posting information in the coordination system only by authorized officials;

g) centralization of collecting and groaning information posted in the coordination system for all interested persons with access rights;

h) openness for integration with existing and established state and other information resources, departmental and interdepartmental information systems based on uniform information interaction formats;

and) adaptability of the coordination system to changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, regulating the relations in the coordination of the informatization of the subjects of the coordination system;

k) Methodological support of the subjects of the coordination system at all stages of using the coordination system, including the provision of model acts, templates of documents, graphical and tabular schemes describing the actions algorithm.

II. Participants of the coordination system and their powers

6. The coordination system participants are:

a) the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation;

b) the subjects of the coordination system;

c) individuals and organizations that are not subject to the coordination system.

7. Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation:

a) is the customer of the coordination system and performs the functions of the coordination system operator;

b) forms a state task for work and the provision of services for the creation, development and operation of the coordination system;

c) defines the composition and rules for posting information in the coordination system by participants in the coordination system;

d) develops and approves within its powers Regulatory legal acts and other documents necessary for the functioning of the coordination system;

e) provides access to the coordination system of authorized officials of participants in the coordination system and their information support for technical issues;

e) ensures fixation of information about the facts of access to the coordination system;

g) ensures compliance with the requirements of information security, including protection of the coordination system from unauthorized access.

8. Works and services for the creation, development and operation of the coordination system, including the individual functions of the coordination system operator, can be carried out on the state task of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation by government agencies in accordance with the budget legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the Russian Federation on non-profit organizations, as well as other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services to provide state and municipal needs.

9. The coordination system is subject to placement:

a) information on information on informatization and information plans, conclusion about the feasibility of conducting informatization activities, imprisonment on informatization plans, documents (draft documents) on informatization and reports on the implementation of informatization plans;

b) information and documents on the organization of a project management system of informatization measures;

c) information on information systems created and purchased at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extrabudgetary funds;

d) information about algorithms and programs for electronic computing machines, preparatory (project), technical, accompanying and (or) methodological documentation for programs for electronic computing machines created or acquired with the involvement of funds of the federal budget and funds of the budgets of state extrabudgetary funds;

e) the information necessary for a competitive selection for the right to obtain subsidies for the implementation of information projects in the subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of co-financing, as well as indicators of the effectiveness of regional informatization and other indicators and information necessary to assess the effectiveness of regional informatization and implementation of the concept of regional informatization approved Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2014 N 2769-P;

(e) Information provided by the rules for monitoring the placement of technical means of information systems used by state bodies, local governments, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, in the Russian Federation, approved by the Resolution

g) information provided by the rules for monitoring compliance with the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and conclusion from the operation of state information systems and the further storage of information contained in their databases approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 675 "On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for by part 2.1 of Article 13 and part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection ";

h) other information determined by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the Methodological Documents required to ensure the operation of the coordination system.

10. To ensure the functioning of the coordination system, the subjects of the coordination system and the deadlines that are established by regulatory legal acts, including approved by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation:

a) take the necessary departmental acts;

b) define authorized officials responsible for preparing information for placing in the coordination system and posting specified information in the coordination system;

c) are organized by authorized officials of qualified certificates of keys of electronic signatures and electronic signatures in accredited certifying centers;

d) organize the placement of information in the coordination system.

11. Placing information in the coordination system is organized:

b) the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the executive bodies of the state of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - in terms of the information specified in subparagraphs "d" - "f" of paragraph 9 of these Regulations;

c) other state bodies, local governments, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions - in terms of information specified in subparagraph "e" of paragraph 9 of these Regulations;

d) the management bodies of state extrabudgetary funds - in terms of information specified in subparagraphs "A" - "G" of paragraph 9 of these Regulations.

12. Managers and authorized officials of the actors of the coordination system are responsible for the completeness, accuracy and relevance of information posted in the coordination system, as well as for compliance with the procedure and timing of its placement.

13. Individuals and organizations are users of the "Portal" subsystem of coordination systems.

III. Structure and main functions of the coordination system

14. The coordination system as its subsystems includes the following information systems:

a) integration subsystems - information systems that implement the database management functions of the coordination system and the formation of a single data warehouse, ensuring information protection, information and technological interaction of the coordination system of the coordination system and with other information systems, as well as the functions of the system-wide technological services;

b) service subsystems - information systems that implement the application functions of information and technological support for solving the tasks specified in paragraph 4 of this Regulation, including the management information system for departmental and regional informations, the Electronic Region Information System, the Federal State Information System of the National Foundation of Algorithms and Programs for electronic computing machines, the federal state information system for the accounting of information systems created and purchased at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extrabudgetary funds;

c) Patal subsystem.

15. The main functions of the integration subsystems are:

a) maintaining a single database (data warehouse) of the coordination system;

b) ensuring the information interaction of service subsystems of the coordination system;

c) the formation, maintenance and actualization of centralized reference books and classifiers;

d) confirmation of authentication of the electronic signature audit keys;

e) ensuring information protection in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts and methodological documents in the field of information security and information protection;

e) ensuring the regulated access of participants in the coordination system to the coordination system;

g) providing information interaction of the coordination system and other information systems.

16. The main functions of the service subsystems are:

a) informational and analytical support of information management in the decision-making stages on the establishment of information systems, planning activities for the creation, development and operation of information and communication technologies, information systems (including information technology, technical means and information and telecommunication networks necessary for their operation) implemented by the subjects of the coordination system, as well as accounting for the results of the activities of the informatization, assessment of their effectiveness and efficiency, the use of the results of the activities carried out on informatization measures;

b) ensuring the formation and maintenance of the register of territorial placement of technical means of information systems in accordance with the rules specified in subparagraph "E" of paragraph 9 of these Regulations, as well as the interaction of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation with bodies and organizations in the process of formation and maintaining the specified registry;

c) ensuring the formation and maintenance of control objects in accordance with the rules specified in subparagraph "w" of paragraph 9 of these Regulations, as well as the interaction of the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation with the federal executive bodies and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the process of formation and maintaining the specified registry;

d) monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for by part 2.1 of Article 13 of the Federal Law "On Information, Information Technology and Information Protection" to the placement of information systems, and the requirements specified in subparagraph "in" of paragraph 4 of these Regulations;

e) analyzing and visualizing the data contained in the coordination system;

(e) Methodological support of the coordination system participants at all stages of using the coordination system, including the provision of model acts, templates of documents, graphic and tabular schemes describing the actions algorithm;

g) providing information in the form of open data;

h) collecting, processing and storing created or acquired with the attracting funds of the federal budget or budget of state extra-budgetary funds for electronic computing machines, preparatory (project), technical, accompanying and (or) methodological documentation for such programs, as well as ensuring the access of state bodies , state extrabudgetary funds and local self-government bodies to these programs and (or) documents;

and) monitoring and analysis of data for calculating the values \u200b\u200bof the indicators used to determine the level of development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of the formation of the information society;

k) collecting and processing submitted to the subjects of the Russian Federation for a competitive selection of applications for the right to receive subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the implementation of projects (activities) aimed at the establishment of the information society in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the performance indicators of the granting subsidies;

l) Collection, expertise and storage of reporting materials submitted to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the reporting stipulated by the agreements between the Ministry of Digital Development, the Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Executive Bodies of the Public Authorities of the Russian Federation on providing # subsidies from the federal budget to the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation to implement projects (activities) aimed at the establishment of the information society in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

17. The main functions of the "Portal" subsystem are:

a) ensuring public access to the information contained in the coordination system, including in the format of open data, including access to analytical reporting containing information on the implementation of measures to inform the information of the coordination system in the form of reports, in tabular and graphic species;

b) providing subjects to the subjects of the coordination system of a single access point to the service subsystems of the coordination system;

c) Providing a communicative site (forums, electronic reception and other services and information channels that provide communication for communication between interested coordination participants.

IV. Procedure to provide access to the coordination system

18. Access to the coordination system is provided:

a) authorized officials of the coordination system of the coordination system, previously registered in the coordination system, through the passage of identification and authentication procedures - in terms of service subsystems;

b) All participants in the coordination system by free access using the Internet information and telecommunications network - in the part of the portal subsystem.

19. Identification and authentication of participants in the coordination system are carried out using the Federal State Information System "Unified Identification System and Infrastructure Authentication System, which ensures the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form."

V. Legal mode of information contained in the coordination system, and software and technical coordination systems

20. The information contained in the coordination system is publicly available, with the exception of information, access to which is limited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

21. The legal entity of the owner of the information contained in the coordination system, on behalf of the Russian Federation, is carried out by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

22. The subjects of the coordination system ensure the accuracy, completeness and relevance of information posted in the coordination system, as well as its compliance with the requirements for the structure and formats of such information approved by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

23. The property that is part of the software and technical means of the coordination system created or acquired at the expense of the federal budget is federal property.

Vi. Requirements for technical and software coordination

24. The technical and software of the coordination system must meet the following requirements:

a) are located in the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) ensure the placement of information in the state language of the Russian Federation;

c) have existing certificates issued by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and (or) by the Federal Service for Technical and Export Control regarding their funding tools that include software and hardware, anti-virus and cryptographic information protection and means of information protection from unauthorized access, destruction, modifications and blocking access to it, as well as other illegal actions for such information;

d) provide automated maintenance of electronic operations of operations carried out in the coordination system, with fixation of the placement, changes and removal of information, the exact time of performing such operations, the contents of changes and information about the participants in the coordination system that carried out these actions;

e) provide access to the coordination system participants to the coordination system, uninterrupted maintenance of databases and the protection of information contained in the coordination system from unauthorized access;

e) provide the possibility of information interaction of the coordination system with other information systems, including through the use of infrastructure elements that ensure the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and the execution of state and municipal functions in electronic form;

g) provide participants in the identification and authentication coordination system using the Federal State Information System "Unified Identification System and Infrastructure Authentication System, which ensures the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form";

h) provide the ability to receive information from the coordination system in the form of files, electronic messages or on paper;

and) ensure the safety of all versions of the documents being created and the history of their changes.

25. The coordination system provides unity of regulatory information, including dictionaries, reference books, registries and classifiers.

A list of dictionaries, reference books, registries and classifiers used in the coordination system is established by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communication and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

VII. Information interaction of the coordination system with other information systems

26. In the present position, the information interaction of the coordination system with other information systems is understood as receiving, placement and use in the coordination system of information contained in other information systems, as well as providing in other information systems information contained in the coordination system.

27. Coordination system interacts with the following information systems:

a) the Federal State Information System "Unified Identification System and Infrastructure Authentication System, which ensures the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form" - in order to ensure identification and authentication of participants in the coordination system;

b) the State Automated Information System "Management" - in order to exchange information necessary for strategic planning of regional informatization, coordinating costs of regional informatization, project management in the field of regional informatization;

c) the unified information system in the field of procurement - for the purpose of transmission from the specified system to the coordination system of information about the announced trading (quotations requests) and the prisoners of state contracts for the supply of goods, the performance of work, the provision of services necessary for the creation and (or) development and development and development and (or) operation of information systems and (or) components of the information and communication infrastructure, as well as on acts of acceptance of the goods delivered, work performed and services rendered under the specified contracts;

d) State Integrated Information System of Public Finance Management "Electronic Budget" - in order to information sharing information on the volume of budget allocations to federal executive bodies and government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds and on the indicators of their cash execution, as well as about the planned and actual indicators of the implementation of informatization plans federal executive bodies and government bodies of state extrabudgetary funds and necessary for these purposes of regulatory information;

e) federal state information system "Federal register of state and municipal services (functions)" and an analytical information system for ensuring the openness of the activities of the federal executive authorities posted in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (, in order to receipt of information about state and municipal services and functions, as well as about government programs of the Russian Federation;

(e) Infrastructure that provides the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and the execution of state and municipal functions in electronic form - in order to organize the interaction of the coordination system;

g) other information systems containing the information necessary to implement the powers of the participants in the coordination system and the requirements of this Regulation (hereinafter referred to as other information systems).

28. Other information systems operators provide access to information contained in other information systems used to carry out functions and powers of the subjects of the coordination system implemented by the coordination system.

29. Organization of information interaction of the coordination system with other information systems is carried out by the operator of the coordination system and operators of other information systems independently or with the involvement of organizations that are in their jurisdiction, or other organizations in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of contracts in the field of procurement of goods, works Services to provide state and municipal needs.

30. The organization of information interaction of the coordination system with other information systems is implemented through priority use:

a) infrastructure providing the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services and the execution of state and municipal functions in electronic form;

b) regional systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction created in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to ensure the provision of public services and the execution of state functions by the executive bodies of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the provision of municipal services and the execution of municipal functions by local self-government bodies.

31. Rules of information interaction of the coordination system with information systems specified in paragraph 27 of this Regulation are established by the agreements concluded between the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation and customers (operators) of these information systems.

32. Informational interaction of the coordination system with other information systems is carried out in compliance with the following requirements:

a) ensuring the completeness and accuracy of the information provided, compliance with the deadlines for its provision, as well as ensuring the confidentiality of information, access to which is limited by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) the signing of information transmitted from other information systems to the coordination system and from the coordination system to other information systems, a strengthened qualified electronic signature;

c) providing operators of other information systems for the protection of information transmitted by them from illegal access, destruction, modifications, blocking, copying, distribution, other unlawful actions from the moment of the transfer of this information from the other information system until its receipt to the coordination system;

d) fixation of the date, time, content and participants of all actions and operations carried out within the framework of information interaction, as well as the possibility of providing information to restore the history of information interaction;

e) immediate informing of each other's information interaction participants about failures and violations in the functioning of the coordination system and other information systems that may entail a violation of the timing and quality of the provision and (or) information, as well as violations of information security requirements specified by this Regulation ;

(e) Immediate implementation of measures to eliminate identified failures and violations of the functioning of the coordination system and other information systems, as well as cases of violation of information security requirements defined by this Regulation;

g) confirmation of the reliability and relevance of information transmitted and received from other information systems to the coordination system, and in case of establishing the unreliability of information - ensuring its update, as well as informing interested participants in the information interaction on cases of identifying information and changes made in the process Actualization.

VIII. Protection of information contained in the coordination system

33. The information contained in the coordination system is subject to protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technologies and the protection of information and the legislation on personal data.

34. Protection of information contained in the coordination system is provided by the application of organizational and technical measures to protect information, as well as monitoring the operation of the coordination system.

35. To ensure the protection of information during the creation, operation and development of the coordination system:

a) the formation of requirements for the protection of information contained in the coordination system;

b) development and implementation of the coordination system information security subsystem;

c) the use of certified information protection tools, as well as certification of the coordination system for compliance with the requirements for information protection;

d) protection of information when transferring it to information and telecommunication networks;

e) ensuring information security during the operation of the coordination system.

36. In order to protect the information contained in the coordination system, the coordination system operator provides:

a) prevent unauthorized access to the information contained in the coordination system, and (or) the transfer of such information to persons who do not have the right to access this information;

b) immediate detection of unauthorized access to information contained in the coordination system;

c) preventing unauthorized impact on the coordination system technical means of processing information, as a result of which their functioning is violated;

d) the possibility of immediate identification of the facts of modification, destruction or blocking information contained in the coordination system due to unauthorized access and restoration of such information;

e) ensuring the implementation of continuous control over the level of security of the information contained in the coordination system.

which are entered into the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2015 N 1235)

1. Paragraph 2 of the Government Decisions of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2015 N 675 "On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for by Part 2.1 of Article 13 and Part 6 of Article 14 of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection "(Meeting The legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 28, Art. 4240) shall be amended as follows:

"2. State bodies, local governments, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, no later than March 1, 2016, to the register of territorial placement of technical means of information systems, provided for by the rules for monitoring the placement of technical means of information systems used by state bodies, local governments, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, in the Russian Federation, approved by this resolution, information about the technical means of information systems used by them and ensure further introduction and updating of these information in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry Communication and mass communications of the Russian Federation. ".

2. Clause 15 of the requirements for the procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and conclusion from the operation of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 6, 2015 N 676 "On the requirements for The procedure for the creation, development, commissioning, operation and conclusion from the operation of state information systems and further storage contained in their information databases "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 28, Art. 4241), shall be amended as follows:

"15. Entering the system is not allowed in cases:

a) the absence in the register of territorial placement of control facilities stipulated by the rules for the implementation of the placement of technical means of information systems used by government agencies, local governments, state and municipal unitary enterprises, state and municipal institutions, in the territory of the Russian Federation, approved by the Government Decree of the Russian Federation From July 6, 2015 N 675 "On the procedure for monitoring compliance with the requirements provided for by part 2.1 of Article 13 and part 6 of article 14 of the Federal Law" On Information, Information Technology and Information Protection ", information on the placement of technical means of information system in the territory Russian Federation;

b) non-compliance with the requirements of this section identified in the course of control in accordance with the rules for monitoring compliance with the requirements for the procedure for creating, development, commissioning, operation and withdrawal from the operation of state information systems and further storage of information contained in their databases approved Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, specified in subparagraph "A" of this paragraph. ".

invalid acts of acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2015 N 1235)

1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 10, 2009 N 723 "On the procedure for commissioning of individual state information systems" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2009, N 37, Art. 4416).

2. Paragraph three of paragraph 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 26, 2012 N 644 "On the Federal State Information System of Information Systems, established and purchased at the expense of the federal budget and budgets of state extrabudgetary funds" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 27, Art. 3753).

3. Clause 4 of the changes that are entered into acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 2012 N 1404 "On Amendments to Some Acts of the Government of the Russian Federation in connection With the adoption of the Federal Law "On Electronic Signature" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 53, Art. 7958).

4. Paragraph 4 of the Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 10, 2013 N 584 "On the use of the Federal State Information System" Unified Identification and Authentication System in Infrastructure, which ensures the information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form "(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2013, N 30, Art. 4108).

Order of the Federal Service for Environmental
technological and nuclear supervision
July 24, 2012 No. 416

"On approval of the Regulation on the automated information system
on safety regulation in the field of use of atomic energy "

In order to improve the information support of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision, ensuring the implementation of state functions for licensing activities in the field of use of atomic energy and on oversight of the system of state accounting and control of nuclear materials, as well as pursuant to paragraph 5 of the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental , technological and atomic surveillance of February 13, 2012 No. 96 "On the development and modernization of special software for the information system for the supervision and control of nuclear materials" I order:

1. To approve the attached position on the automated information system for safety regulation in the field of use of atomic energy.

2. To recognize the order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of June 4, 2010 No. 454 "On approval of the Regulations on the information system for the supervision of the oversight and control of nuclear materials."

3. Control over the implementation of this order shall be entrusted to the State Secretary - Deputy Head A.V. Ferapontova.

About the automated information system
On security regulation in the field
Use of atomic energy

(approved by the order of the Federal Service for Environmental,
Technological and atomic surveillance of July 24, 2012 No. 416)

I. General provisions

1. This Regulation determines the main objectives, objectives, structure and procedure for the functioning of an automated information management information system in the field of atomic energy use (hereinafter referred to as AIS YEX) of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

2. AIS Yarb is one of the tools for information support for the effective and qualitative implementation by Rostechnadzor of state functions:

on licensing activities in the field of use of atomic energy;

on issuing permits for the right to work in the field of use of atomic energy to employees of the use of atomic energy;

on the supervision of the system of state accounting and control of nuclear materials;

on oversight of the system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste;

according to the supervision of the physical protection of radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage points, radioactive waste repositories on radiation hazardous objects and nuclear facilities.

3. The requirements of the provisions are mandatory for employees of the central office and territorial bodies of Rostechnadzor in the execution of state functions of providing public services for the licensing activities in the field of use of atomic energy, on issuing permits for the right to work in the use of atomic energy to employees of the use of atomic energy, for supervision For the system of state accounting and control of nuclear materials, on oversight of the system of state accounting and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste, on the supervision of the physical protection of radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage points, radioactive waste storage facilities on radiation hazardous objects and nuclear facilities.

4. The provision of AIS YEX is developed on the basis of the following documents:

Provisions on the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No.

Regulations on licensing activities in the field of atomic energy use, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 14, 1997 No.

The list of positions of employees of objects of use of atomic energy, which should receive permits of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision for the right to work in the field of use of atomic energy, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 3, 1997 No.

Administrative regulations of the execution by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the State Function on Licensing Activities in the Use of Atomic Energy, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation of October 16, 2008 No.

Administrative Regulations on the execution of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the State Function for Control and Supervision for Physical Protection of Nuclear Institutions, Radiation Sources, Storage Points, Nuclear Materials and Radioactive Substances, for Systems of Unified State Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials, Radioactive Substances , radioactive waste approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of December 15, 2011 No.

Administrative Regulations on the provision of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of the State Service for the issuance of permits for the right to conduct work in the field of atomic energy use workers of atomic energy use, approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Surveillance of December 21, 2011 №;

The management of the safety of the nuclear fuel cycle objects, nuclear power plants of ships and radiation hazardous facilities, the surveillance and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection is responsible for the entry and maintenance of reference books No. -;

Office for regulating the safety of nuclear fuel cycle objects, nuclear power plants of ships and radiation hazardous objects, oversight and controlling nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection and regulation management

the safety of nuclear power plants and research nuclear installations are responsible for entering information and maintaining in the current state of reference number;

MTU YBE is responsible for entering information and maintain as a topical state of reference books - according to the relevant supervisory organizations;

The structural divisions of the central office and MTU Yarb Rostekhnadzor, which are responsible for organizing and control over the performance of work on the technical support of the operation of special software, the hardware complex and the AIS YEX information database, are responsible for entering information and maintaining as a topical state of reference books, and.

19. Amendments to reference books - is carried out by the relevant responsible persons within three days from the date of receipt of information on the need to make changes.

20. To ensure the applied task of the AIS Yarb on the registration of organizations (including objects of using atomic energy), supervised Rostekhnadzor, should be assigned to persons responsible for the timely entry of information:

in the central apparatus - in managing the provision of organizational and control and licensing and licensing activities;

in MTU, YEV - in divisions leading registration and accounting of information on supervisory organizations.

21. To ensure the Applied Tasks of AIS Yarb on the planning of inspections and registration of conducted inspection inspections and the control of nuclear materials, on oversight and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive waste, on the supervision of the physical protection of radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage points, storage, Radioactive waste repositories on radiation hazardous facilities and nuclear facilities, registration of information on identified anomalies based on special reports from supervisory organizations and registration information on unauthorized actions against nuclear materials and physical protection on supervisory organizations should be appointed, persons responsible for timely entry information :

in the central apparatus - in managing the safety of the objects of the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear power plants of ships and radiation hazardous objects, oversight and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection;

in MTU Yarb - in divisions engaged in planning and conducting inspections on accounting and control of nuclear materials, registration and accounting of information on identified anomalies and unauthorized actions.

22. To ensure the applied task of the AIS YARB for summary reporting on oversight and control of nuclear materials, on oversight and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive waste, on the supervision of the physical protection of radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage points, radioactive waste storage facilities on Radiation dangerous objects and on nuclear facilities should be assigned to persons responsible for the timely input of information:

in the central apparatus - in managing the safety of the objects of the nuclear fuel cycle, nuclear power plants of ships and radiation hazardous objects, oversight and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection;

in MTU, YEB - in divisions carrying out the collection and synthesis of reporting on supervisory activities in the field of accounting and control of nuclear materials.

23. To ensure the application task of AIS, the licensing of activities in the field of use of atomic energy should be assigned to persons responsible for the timely entry of information:

in the central apparatus - in managing the provision of organizational and control and licensing activities, management of the safety of nuclear fuel cycle objects, nuclear power plants of ships and radiation-hazardous facilities, supervision and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection and in management to regulate the safety of nuclear power plants and research nuclear installations;

in MTU Yarb - in the divisions involved in consideration and issuing licenses in the field of use of atomic energy.

24. In order to ensure the applied task of AIS YEB for issuing permits for the right to work in the field of use of atomic energy to employees of the use of atomic energy facilities should be assigned to persons responsible for the timely input of information:

in the central apparatus - in managing the safety of nuclear fuel cycle objects, nuclear power plants of ships and radiation hazardous facilities, supervision and control of nuclear materials and radioactive substances and physical protection and in managing the safety regulation of nuclear power plants and research nuclear facilities;

in MTU, Yarb - in the divisions involved in the consideration and issuance of permits for the right to work in the field of use of atomic energy to employees of the use of atomic energy.

25. In the framework of applied tasks for the planning of inspections and registration of conducted inspections on oversight and control of nuclear materials, on oversight and controlling radioactive substances and radioactive waste, on oversight of the physical protection of radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage facilities, radioactive storage facilities waste on radiation hazardous sites and nuclear facilities, registration of information on identified anomalies based on special reports from supervised organizations, registration of information on unauthorized actions against nuclear materials and physical protection on supervisory organizations Entering information in AIS YEB must be carried out within two days The moment of its receipt.

26. Within the framework of the applied statement of summary reports on oversight and control of nuclear materials, on oversight and control of radioactive substances and radioactive waste, on the supervision of the physical protection of radiation sources, radioactive substances, storage facilities, storage of radioactive waste on radiation hazardous Objects and on nuclear facilities Entering information in AIS YEB should be carried out within the deadlines provided for by Rostekhnadzor on reporting.

27. In the framework of applied tasks for registration of supervisory organizations (including objects of use of atomic energy) and on licensing activities in the field of use of atomic energy, entering information about the object of use of atomic energy, receipt of the application for a license, making changes to the license conditions, Cancellation of the license or the issuance of a license duplicate, issuing a license, changes in the conditions of the license is carried out on the day of the receipt of documents.

Entering information on the course of consideration of the application, examination, inspection, etc. It is carried out within two days from the receipt of information.

28. Within the framework of the applied task of issuing permits for the right to work in the field of atomic energy use to employees of atomic energy facilities, entering information on the receipt of the application for permission to obtain permission, to extend the validity of the permit, on renewal, cancellation of permission or the issuance of a duplicate permit, issuing permission , extending the validity period or re-registration of permission is carried out on the day of receipt of documents.

Vi. Data exchange

29. Data exchange in AIS Yar is organized between all three levels. Within the framework of AIS Yarb, it is possible to organize work with an information database in two ways:

working with the central information database of AIS Yarb Central Apparatus Rostechnadzor through the local network or dedicated communication channels;

working with the local information database of AIS YEB MTU YEB or inspection department.

When working with the Central Information Database of the AIS, Yarb Central Apparatus data is introduced directly to the information database of the Central Rostechnadzor apparatus. When working with a local database, the data is entered into the local AIS AIS database, the exchange of information with other local databases and the database of the Central Rostechnadzor central apparatus is organized through unloading / loading data in Microsoft Excel format.

30. Inspection departments MTU YEB, working with a local Database of AIS YEB, must unload data from the local inspection database server and send data in Microsoft Excel format to the corresponding MTU YBT. MTU YEBR downloads data from the local databases of inspection departments to the local AIS YEB MTU YBTU database server or a central information database of AIS YEX central apparatus of Rostechnadzor.

31. MTU YEB, working with a local database of AIS YEB, must unload data from the local MTU YBTU database server and direct Microsoft Excel data into the Rostechnadzor central apparatus.

32. In the central apparatus, within the framework of the AIS administration, Yarb must be responsible for collecting Data MTU Yarb and input to the Central Database of AIS Yarb. Responsible for data collection downloads data from MTU Yarb to the Central Database of AIS Yarb Central Apparatus Rostechnadzor.

33. If necessary, the responsible for data collection must unload reference data from the Central Database of AIS Yarb Central Apparatus Rostechnadzor and send them to MTU YBT. MTU YBB must download reference data to a local database, as well as ensure the transfer of reference data to local databases of the Inspection Departments of MTU YB (if necessary).

34. The frequency of data exchange between local databases of the inspection departments and MTU Yarb is established by orders for the corresponding MTU YBT, but at least once a quarter.

35. The exchange of data between local databases of MTU YBL and the central database of AIS Yarb Central Apparatus of Rostechnadzor (except for data on licensing activities in the field of use of atomic energy) is carried out quarterly to the 10th day of the month following the end of the quarter (or at the request of the central apparatus).

Data exchange of licensing activities in the field of atomic energy use between local databases of MTU YBTA and the central database of AIS Yarb central apparatus of Rostechnadzor is carried out monthly to the 10th day of each month (or at the request of the central device).

36. MTU YBL must appoint a responsible division, as well as personally responsible for the exchange of data in AIS YEX.