Iphone 5 does not turn on hanging on charging. IPhone does not turn on

There is no reason to panic if your iPhone 7 does not turn on the screen and does not respond to button presses when trying to start.

It should be borne in mind that the activation procedure for the 7th iPhone and the 7+ model is somewhat different due to the presence of a more recent version of the touch button "Home". You need to press and hold both the power button and the volume down button located on the left side for about twenty seconds, after which you should see the Apple logo. Also, if a program freezes, pressing a button can be just as useless. Like the case described above, you can solve the problem by rebooting the gadget.

Why iPhone 7 may not turn on after the update or recovery?

The question why a smartphone sometimes turns off in case of trying to put new software on it worries many users of the “seventh” iPhone. With this procedure, the gadget can turn off spontaneously and it will be impossible to revive it in the usual way. Usually there are two possible reasons  such behavior.

The first is the failure of the GSM module, or rather, its Nor Flash chip, which is responsible for setting up the device services for the SIM card cellular operator. If this chip malfunctions, the gadget is turned off, and then, even if it is turned on, it will be practically impossible to make voice calls.

What to do without contacting the service center masters?

If the iPhone 7 has stopped turning on and giving a reaction to your actions, first you can try to cope with the problem on your own, without involving qualified service center employees. For this purpose you need to:

  • make sure the battery is charged, and also check if its charger is functioning. This recommendation, of course, is elementary, but often broken gadgets are brought to the workshops, whose only fault is a dead battery;
  • carefully inspect the connector for the charging adapter, and if it is dirty, carefully clean it;
  • apply dFU mode  in order to restore the factory hardware settings. There is a possibility that the iPhone 7 stopped turning on due to minor program malfunctions.

If none of the above recommendations helps, you can’t do without the help of an experienced specialist. It is impossible to cope with the reasons for this behavior of iPhone 7 at home, because for this you need to have special knowledge, diagnostic equipment, and also a tool. Older models may also not turn on and fail, for example, what to do if iPhone 5s does not turn on?

The reasons that cause the situation when the iPhone 7 does not turn on

All of the above is at the disposal of the staff of our professional service center, which every day has to deal with a variety of reasons for the malfunctioning of gadgets from Apple.

The most common occurrences are iPhone 7 drops, which can entail mechanical damage by basic components, in some cases, water penetration inside the case.

Such negative effects can lead to the following breakdowns:

  • interruption of loops, due to which the gadget may or may not turn on at all, or turn off during operation, without apparent reason  reboot
  • short circuit or oxidation of contacts due to wet exposure;
  • circuit board failure.

Other models of equipment from applemay occasionally cause problems:
Why iPhone 6 does not turn on

The situation when the iphone 7 turned off and does not turn on

It may be due to the following problems with the power system:

the battery is worn out. It needs to be replaced in the service center, since it requires partially disassembling the device;

  • the charging for the gadget has broken;
  • there is a break in the cable that connects the charging connector to the motherboard;
  • the charging controller is broken.

If the user wants to try to restore the operating system to and is not afraid of losing the data on the phone, you can try to do it. This will help turn on the iPhone 7 that suddenly turns off. To do this, you will need fresh version  iTunes applications. In addition, you should download the current version of the firmware in advance. You can always find software on the Internet.


Imagine that you picked up your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad, with the usual movement of your finger pressed the Power button, and the screen as it was black remained. Another click ... Again ... Third time. Nothing. The device still does not respond. It seemed time to raise a panic. But not worth it. We will analyze why this can happen and try to bring the device into working condition by joint efforts.

Why is the screen blank and the device does not turn on?

there is a large number of  the variety of reasons why the iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad may not show signs of life. But the main ones are not so many:

  • The battery is completely dead.
  • The device is completely de-energized.
  • The device drive is damaged.
  • Firmware failed.
  • Critical failure file system  iOS

As a rule, the main reason for the failure to turn on the device is the banal discharge of the battery, while the failure of the operating system is an extremely rare case. Nevertheless, it will not be amiss to know what measures can be taken in a particular case.

Device reboot

If the screen of your device is black, and pressing the power button and Home button does not bring it out of sleep, there is a possibility that the gadget is simply turned off.

All you need to do in this case is to press the power button for a few seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen of the device. After that, the iPhone will start to boot normally. If this does not happen, try the next step.

Hard Reboot

If in the first case the device refuses to boot, there is a more serious method of exposure - hardware reboot. It helps in most cases and works so that the gadget completely disconnects power from the battery and when turned on, it starts loading not the system memory, but turns to the flash drive.

You may have noticed that if you turn off and turn on the device on which the applications were opened, upon loading they will also remain in your multitasking panel. This means that the device was turned on and restored from a backup.

To perform a “hard” reboot, you need to hold the Power and Home buttons for 10-15 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the screen. In this case, all your running applications  they will no longer appear in the multitasking menu, and the system will boot from scratch.

Note: Such a reboot can be effective in the case when iOS completely freezes and does not respond to your actions, even if the whole device is working.

Did the logo never appear? We try the following method ...

Connect the power source

If the actions described above did not give a result, then most likely the device was completely discharged.

Usually, if there is some charge left in the battery, this is enough to notify the user of the corresponding icon when trying to turn it on. But if the charge is completely used up, the device will not be able to warn you about it, since the battery energy is not enough even for this.

If the previous method did not help, there is a high probability that the device needs to be charged. Connect the device to a power source for at least 15-20 minutes. This will help to collect required charge  and inform you that the power is connected and battery charging has started.

Note: To be sure that the power is supplied to the device, obviously check the plug-in cable with another device, so that later it does not turn out that it was the “cord” that was to blame.

If after the indicated time you do not notice any changes, proceed to the next step.

Connect iPhone to iTunes and restore system

If all else fails, do not despair. We have one more way.

Connect your device to your computer and launch iTunes to see if the program recognizes your device. If this happens, you can try to restore the system. If not, the problem becomes a little more serious.

Try to boot the device in recovery mode by performing a “hard” reboot. But then, continue to hold the buttons, even if you see the Apple logo, until the device enters the so-called DFU (recovery) mode.

If the device was able to boot, iTunes will display a pop-up window informing you that software  devices need to be updated or restored.

Click on the blue “Update” button and wait until iTunes downloads the latest version of iOS, and then begins the process of installing the OS. We note immediately that if nothing happened within 15 minutes, Apple recommends that you perform the operation to switch to recovery mode again.

Note: This method is also suitable if the device tries to boot, but each time it reboots without reaching the lock screen - the so-called cyclic reboot.

I tried everything, but nothing helps ...

If all the previous steps did not help you, it remains to state that you are likely to encounter a hardware failure. Recovery through iTunes helps almost always if the error is directly related to iOS. In other cases, there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the device.

If the problem is with the display, then even in this case you will be able to feel vibration or sound notifications when you try to turn on the device. If so, you are most likely waiting for a display replacement.

Also, there is a possibility that one of the buttons is damaged: Home or Power. In this case, you simply cannot boot the device in recovery mode. In addition, the port for connecting the synchronization cable could break, which in turn will not allow you to charge the device or install an update on it from the computer.

If none of the methods help you, you need to contact an authorized reseller or directly to Apple technical support.

A non-working device is always sad. Let's hope that these tips helped save your device and you did not have to contact service centers or pay for repairs. Good luck!

What to do if the iPhone does not turn on? If when you try to turn it on, you still see a blank screen or an error message, it’s too early to worry - it’s quite possible that after reading this manual you will be able to turn it on again in one of three ways.

The steps described below can help enable iPhone in any of the latest versions, be it 4 (4s), 5 (5s), or 6 (6 Plus). If none of the below helps, then it’s very likely that turning on your iPhone is not possible due to a hardware problem and, if there is such an opportunity, it’s worth contacting him for a guarantee.

Charge your iPhone

iPhone may not turn on when its battery is completely used up (the same applies to other phones). Usually, in the case of a very dead battery, you can see the low battery indicator when you connect the iPhone to charging, however, when the battery is completely exhausted, you will only see a black screen.

Connect your iPhone to the charger and let it charge for about 20 minutes without attempting to turn on the device. And only after this time, try turning it on again - this should help, if the reason is in the battery charge.

Note: Charger iPhone device  - a pretty gentle thing. If you didn’t succeed in charging and turning on the phone in the indicated way, you should try another charger, as well as pay attention to the connection socket - blow dust, crumbs out of it (even small debris in this socket can cause the iPhone to not charge, with than I personally have to deal with from time to time).

Try hard reset

Your iPhone can, like another computer, completely “hang” and in this case the power and home buttons stop working. Try hard reset ( hardware reset) Before doing this, it is advisable to charge the phone, as described in the first paragraph (even if it seems that it is not charging). Resetting in this case does not mean deleting data, as on Android, but simply performs a complete reboot of the device.

To reset, press the “On” and “Home” buttons simultaneously and hold them until you see the Apple logo appear on iPhone screen  (you will have to hold from 10 to 20 seconds). After the logo with the apple appears, release the buttons and your device should turn on and boot as usual.

IOS Recovery Using iTunes

In some cases (though this is less common than the options described above), the iPhone may not turn on due to problems with the iOS operating system. In this case, you will see an image on the screen USB cable  and the iTunes logo. Thus, if you see such an image on a black screen, your operating system  damaged in any way (and if you don’t see it, below I will describe what to do).

To make the device work again, you need to restore the iPhone with using iTunes  for Mac or Windows. During recovery, all data from it is deleted and it will be possible to restore them only from backups  iCloud and others.

All you need to do is connect the iPhone to a computer running Apple iTunes, after which you will automatically be asked to update or restore the device. If you select "Restore iPhone," from the Apple website will be automatically downloaded latest version  iOS, after which it is installed on the phone.

If no USB cable images and iTunes icons appear, you can enter your iPhone into recovery mode. To do this, press and hold the Home button on the switched off phone while connecting it to the computer with running program  iTunes Do not release the button until you see the “Connect to iTunes” message on the device (However, do not do this procedure on a normally working iPhone).

As I wrote above, if none of the above helps, you should probably go for a warranty (if it has not expired) or a repair shop, since most likely your iPhone will not turn on due to any hardware problems.