How to transfer the application from phone to tablet. How to transfer data from an old Android tablet to iPad Air or iPad mini

Users of Android tablets sometimes think about buying an iPad, the “gold standard” in the tablet market. According to recent polls by sociologists, 20% of users of tablets based on the Google mobile platform plan to purchase an Apple product in the next six months.

iPad is one step ahead of Android tablets in many ways. These include high speed, Retina-display, the highest build quality, used materials of the case, an excellent camera. Another advantage of apple tablets is full compatibility. software  between mobile devices. So, downloading applications, music, films, you can easily run them on other i-Gadgets - iPhone and iPod touch. You can easily transfer all important documents, contacts, calendars from your tablet to Mac or to your smartphone. With an Apple TV set-top box, you can enjoy watching YouTube movies and videos on your TV.

An important advantage of the iPad is that the software products in the store App store  pass strict control, which guarantees high quality of purchased software. Cupertino company gadgets come with newest version operating system  iOS and further updates are not difficult, which cannot be said about tablets and smartphones on Android. Another advantage of iOS is its intuitive interface, which makes the operating system very simple and convenient to use.

How to transfer data from an Android tablet to an iPad

Step 1: Many cloud servicesincluding google mail, Facebook, Twitter store data in the cloud. Cross-platform support for these services means that by switching from Android to iOS 7, you can automatically transfer all your information to the iPad. This applies to contacts, mail and other data. You just need to specify the account settings in the settings of the Apple operating system.

Step 2: If you store contacts on Facebook and Twitter, you can use the special functions of iOS 7. The new Apple mobile platform provides the ability to “pull” data from social networks into the standard Contacts application. Go to Settings -\u003e Facebook or Settings -\u003e Twitter and click the Update Contacts button.

Alternative way: if the contacts are in the memory of the Android tablet, you will need to transfer them to the SD card. To do this, go to the Contacts application on Android, select the Export to drive function from the Import \\ Export menu. All data and additional Information  will be compiled into a file with the .vcf extension. Transfer it to a computer or send it by mail. Now open the .vcf file on your iPad using the Contacts app or upload it to the cloud on

Step 3: The popular Dropbox service is available on most modern mobile and desktop operating systems. With it, photos and videos can be automatically uploaded to the cloud. To transfer images from an Android-tablet to an iPad, just register on the service, download a free client from Google play  and run it on the device. After the program completes the transfer of data to the cloud, all content from the tablet on Android will be available in Dropbox on the iPad.

Step 4: To copy multimedia files - movies, TV shows, music, podcasts - you need to connect Android to your computer and manually copy the content to your PC. If you use Windows, then you have access to data directly from Explorer. On computers with OS X you can download free android app File transfer. Now connect the Android tablet to the PC, and then transfer the multimedia content to the computer’s memory. Remember that by default, only videos in mp4, m4v, and mov formats work on the iPad. Android out of the box plays avi, mkv, wmv and others. Without jailbreaking and converting, you can play them on your iPad using the free VLC app.

Step 5: Android is fully integrated with google apps. If you do not want to refuse them, then remember that for iPad such programs are available in the App Store. All your data is stored remotely and accessible on any compatible device. In the Apple online store you will find almost all of the “Google” development: Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, Chrome, YouTube, Google Maps, Google+, Translator, and more.

About popularity mobile games  there’s no point in saying that, just look back at fellow students during the lecture, at fellow travelers on the train, after all, dear reader, and it’s not by accident that you read now the topic of how to transfer the game from Android to Android. Therefore, we considered it right to omit the empty idle talk and go straight to the essence of today's conversation.

Android OS, with all its advantages, alas, does not have a single data storage that allows simple file copy-paste manipulation to transfer files from one device to another. Nevertheless, the problem is easily solved using special software. Now we will consider the most popular ways.

Through your account

However, this method cannot be called effective, and here's why:

We will transfer the game with progress from one Android device to another using the file manager TapPouch Wi-Fi File Transfer  . The application is free and is suitable for all versions of Android 2.2 and higher. Our steps will be as follows:

Install the utility on both devices between which it is planned to transfer files. We make sure that the gadgets are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.

Select the folder with the game (in the screenshot “ Criminal Case Game") And click the" Submit "button. To start the transfer process on the receiving device " pressGetfiles / folders"(Download files / folders), after that a unique six-digit PIN code will be generated on the sender’s device, which we will need to enter on the second gadget and press the button" Get files"(Get files). After authentication is complete, files that are saved on the memory card will be transferred:

The application is easy and simple to use, and if you often have to resort to the file transfer procedure, then it will be a good help. However, it is possible that this method for transferring the game from one android smartphone  on the other, it will be ineffective in your case.

Using Titanium Backup (ROOT)

The most popular app, with which you can transfer games between Android devices with saving data. For its functioning, both gadgets must be rooted (how to get root access).

At the first start, a request from the system to grant Superuser rights will be received - click the " Provide". Then, at the top of the display, click on the “ Backups ". In the list of applications that opens, we find the desired game (to speed up the search, you can click on the magnifying glass icon at the top and enter a name and click " enter"). “Tap” on the line with the name of the desired game, in the menu that appears, activate the button “ Save", After which all the data is packed into the archive:

Now we need the TitaniumBackup folder. We open it and transfer our files located here to the receiving smartphone via a Bluetooth connection or copy them to an SD card and insert it into the second gadget, in the memory of which we create a folder with the same name " Titaniumbackup».

Then copy needed files  from the es-di card (or from the “Bluetooth” folder and move them to the “ Titaniumbackup". We start on the receiving device "Titanium", we find backup copies, we open the additional menu (the button " Backups») And activate the list update:

Now we return to the list of applications, find the saved game, open the settings in it and press the button “ Reestablish". After our efforts, the transferred game with all the achievements will also be on the list. installed applications  on the second device.

Well, in conclusion, we suggest watching a video instruction on how to transfer the game from Android to Android with no root access:

You will need

  • - the tablet / phone to which you want to transfer your games or applications
  • - a computer
  • - access to the Internet

Instruction manual

Turn on your phone or tablet to which you want to transfer applications from your previous device. Make sure that your account is activated on the device google record. To do this, just go to the "Settings" section of your phone or tablet. “Settings” -\u003e “Accounts” -\u003e “Google”.

Connect the Internet to your device. To do this, in the "Settings" section, click the "Connections" tab. Select “Wi-Fi connection”, as if you will use application transfer mobile Internet, you run the risk of spending the entire monthly limit of Internet traffic, and possibly exceeding it, which can lead to the appearance of a rather impressive bill for mobile services.

Open a browser on your computer, and in address bar  enter the following address:
Click on the “Login” button located in the upper right corner. Enter your username and password from account  Google

To go to the list of applications that you want to transfer to another device, click on the "Applications" tab. The tab is located in the upper left of the page. On the page that opens, click on the "My Applications" tab. Now you have a list of games and applications installed on your device. This fact is noteworthy: the list will contain not only the games that are installed on your device, but also those that you installed, but for some reason deleted.

Select the application that you want to transfer to another device by clicking on its icon or name. On the application page, click the "Installed" button. In the pop-up window that appears, select the phone / tablet to which you want to transfer the games and click the "Install" button. Now you can return to the previous page to select other applications for transfer. And repeat the procedure.


This transfer method is valid only for those games and applications that you have installed from PlayMarket. For applications installed from third-party sources, this method does not apply.

Be sure to make sure that all the applications you select are successfully installed on your phone or tablet. Otherwise, the phone will "try" to download them the first time you connect to the Internet, and if it is not a Wi-Fi connection, but a mobile Internet, then this can lead to additional financial costs.

Holders of unlimited tariffs for mobile Internet can neglect this advice.