How to remove a forgotten password from windows 7. Several options for removing an administrator password in Windows XP.

Forgot Windows XP administrator password - what to do if forgot password on computer

Many people set a password, for example, on account   Administrator But unfortunately after a while forget administrator password. Or maybe you have not used a computer for a long time and forgot your Windows XP account password. In any case, the question arises how to remove the password from the computer if you forgot the Windows password. The first thing that may come to mind is reinstalling Windows. But this is not a good idea. After all, there is a way much easier and faster.

So what to do if you forget the password on the computer? ERD Commander will help us in this matter. You can download a disk image.

The image must be burned onto a CD using a disc burning program such as Nero or free program  DeepBurner distribution which can be downloaded.

In BIOS, you need to boot from a DVD-drive (from a USB HDD in the case of a bootable USB flash drive) or select the device in the Boot Menu BIOS, insert the disk into the drive and boot from it. When downloading, you will be given a choice of the version of ERD Commander "a. To remove password from account in Windows XP  You need to select the first item and press the Enter key.

After loading, a window will appear to select the target operating windows systemsthat you forgot your password from. Choose your OS and click OK.

On the menu Start  choose System Tools - Locksmith (Password Change Wizard).

In the welcome password change wizard that appears, click Next

In the next window in the field Account (User)   choose accounting windows record  XP from which the password is forgotten. In field New Password  and Confirm Password  enter new password. Any password must be entered MANDATORY! This is a temporary password that will need to be changed at the first boot in Windows. Therefore, you can enter, for example, 1

In the last window, click Finish. After that, restart the computer.

When loading into Windows XP the password to which you just changed, a warning window appears that you need to change the password. Click OK.

You will be asked to enter a new password. In field Old Password  you need to enter the password for the account that is installed in ERD Commander. Field New password  and    the confirmationyou can leave it blank if you do not want to set a password on your computer or enter a new password.

Click OK and you're done. Now you know what to do if I forgot the Windows XP administrator password.

Forgot Windows 7 password - how to remove password from computer

Now i will tell what to do if you forgot your password in Windows 7. In question: How to remove a password from a computer in Windows 7   ERD Commander will help us again. Download the disk image, burn to CD using the program DeepBurner and boot from it.

In the menu for selecting the version to download, select ERD Commander 6.5 for Windows 7.

At the final stage of the download, there will be several windows with questions:

1. Initialize network connection in the background?  Click Yes.

2.    Reassign drive letters to match drive letters of the target operating system?   Click Yes.

3. Choose your language and keyboard layout. Select the language and keyboard layout and click Next.

In the window System Recovery Options  select your OS and click Next.

Now you need to run the MSDaRT recovery tools. Push Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset.

Here we see various tools for system recovery. We need Password Change Wizard.

Further steps are similar to the steps for resetting the password for Windows XP described above.

Good luck and do not forget your password!

In this article, I’ll show you how to reset the administrator account password (or create a new one) without using additional programs. You only need the Windows 7 installation disc or system recovery disc. This method should be used if standard ways  There is no way to reset the password, for example, when the password for a single account is lost.

Step # 1 - Configuring a command prompt in front of the Windows login screen

  1. Boot from installation disk  Windows 7 or from a recovery disk. Note. If you do not have an installation or recovery disk, but have a LiveCD with Windows PE or another partition hard drive  another Windows is installed, you can use them - go to step 3.
  2. In the language settings window, click Further  ---\u003e [only when booting from the installation disc] click System Restore ---> Further --->Command line

(drive letter): \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ config \\ SYSTEM

Note. In some cases, the drive with the OS may not be visible to the recovery environment, in this case, you must load the driver in step 2. You will need the same driver that was used when installing the OS

    1. Enter a custom name for the partition to load. In the example, 888.

Stage 2 - Reset the password or create a new user, and log in

After the reboot, continue the usual login to Windows 7. Before entering the system, you will see a command prompt window.

Password reset

To reset the password, enter the following command and confirm its execution by pressing Enter

net user username new_password

Important!  If the username or password contains spaces, enter them in " quotation marks " .

In the picture below for the user Adm7  password is set tL942G8dWp.

If you forgot your account name, enter the command net user  no parameters to display all available accounts.

Create a new account

If you do not have a single administrator account, you can easily create one. To do this, sequentially enter the following commands, pressing after each key Enter.

For russian  (localized) Windows:

net localgroup Administrators username / add
net localgroup Users username / delete

For english  Windows:

net user username password / add
net localgroup Administrators username / add
net localgroup Users username / delete

The teams sequentially perform the following actions:

  1. Create a new user.
  2. Add user to group Administrators (Administrators).
  3. Removing a user from a group Users (Users).

If you want to set an unlimited password action for all accounts, enter the command at the end:

net accounts / maxpwage: unlimited

When finished, close the command prompt window.


You now have an account with administrator rights and a new password. Just select a user and log in to Windows:

How it works?

To change user settings, access to the panel is required windows Management  or a command prompt that is run with administrator privileges from Windows. Since login is blocked, changes must be made before login.

To do this, at the first stage, we enter the registry editor of the recovery environment and load part of the registry (bush) into it installed windows  7. Using the parameter SetupType  we indicate that before the next Windows entry, we must execute the command from the parameter Cmdline, and in Cmdline specify the command line (cmd.exe). These options are initially designed to perform administrative tasks during automatic windows installationbut we use them for our own purposes. After that, the registry hive is unloaded and the computer is sent to reboot. Then everything is simple - in the command window that appears, we perform the necessary operations with users and enter Windows.

Have a nice use!

Good day! Maybe this happens that you suddenly forgot the Windows administrator password, or you never knew it at all (they sold you a computer with Windows installed, you came to a new workplace, and admin account is password protected) then you need to remove the password, just remove it, not pick it up. Password guessing can take a considerable amount of time (it depends on the PC’s power: several hours, maybe days, but we certainly don’t have such time). I suggest you familiarize yourself with the material from which you will learn how independently and in a short period of time  remove password on Windows OS. This method  I personally tested on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7. The bit depth of the OS also does not matter (32 bits, or 64 bits).


I recently wrote an up-to-date text on how to create   universal flash drive  for password reset  in any version Windows  read.

Password reset instructions for Windows 10 with ERD Commander 2015

To recover the password, we need:

  • iso image
  • blank disk  for recording (CD-R or DVD-R), or a flash drive. (I will post instructions for recording ERD Commander on a USB flash drive later)
  • computer with a forgotten password.

Windows administrator password recovery algorithm

By default, to reset windows password  offers to make some kind of floppy disk. I never did it and I don’t know such people who would do it. But, you remember about it already when the password is already forgotten.

By the way, it happens that a person thinks he has forgotten the password, tries different layouts: Russian, English, Chinese, but nothing works. Tries to write CAPSLOCK - no result. As a result, it turns out that the keyboard is malfunctioning!))) I recently had such a case - I removed the password for the client, later I started typing some text myself, some letters did not work. I came to the conclusion - this was the reason that his password did not fit.

Well, okay, what to do:

  1. Download the image of ERD Commander on your PC. It has a small utility called Locksith  - with its help we will clean forgotten password;
  2. We burn the image to a blank disk. (better to record at minimum speed);
  3. We set the boot priority from the CD-ROM in the BIOS;
  4. We boot from the disk.
  Here is a window like this:

Here ERD Commander tries to determine the network settings. You can click Skip.

Next, we see the window for selecting the operating system. I have Windows XP SP3 on drive C installed on my virtual machine. This number  also works with Windows Vista  and with Windows 7. Select the system you need and click OK.

Booted ERD Commander Desktop. Click Start and go to the System Tools - Locksmith section

Many of us often forget our passwords, but it doesn’t matter when you can log in as administrator and replace the forgotten password. Another thing is when the administrator forgets the coveted combination of characters. But even in this case, you can correct the situation. How to remove the administrator password in different versions of the Windows operating system? This question may be confusing. But if you look, then there is nothing complicated. We offer several ways to remove the administrator password, and you, in turn, having familiarized yourself with them, will be able to make a choice on your own as to which method is most suitable for you.

No. 1: safe mode

IN safe mode  in order to log in as an administrator, a password is not needed. Just restart the computer, press F8 and select Safe Mode. All you need to do next is to log in as administrator without a password and select account management, and then the user whose password you want to change. We get a new password and click OK, all changes will take effect after a reboot.

No. 2: command line

How to remove a Windows administrator password without logging out? By pressing the "Start" button, a menu will open and a search bar where you need to enter cmd will appear in front of you command linewhere you need to enter control userpasswords2 and press enter. When the account management menu appears in front of your eyes, you just need to click on the account of the desired user, select the user and uncheck the box “require entering a name and password”. Now you can type a new password or not type anything, in this case you will log in without confirming the password.

No. 3: third-party programs

When the operating system is powerless, you can use a recovery disk, such as Windows miniPE edition. In order to start it, immediately after rebooting, press the Del or Tab keyboard, and select CD as the boot device. When the program starts, select miniPE, then Programs, select System Tools, and finally Password Renew. Now you just need to point the bullets to windows folder  and come up with new passwords for users. Changes will take effect after a reboot.

No. 4: if you still remember the password

If you have no one to hide the contents of your home PC from, then there is no need to protect it with a password. How to remove admin password? Through the “Start”, go to the “User Accounts” section, then select “Change Account”, then click on the “Computer Administrator” icon and all that remains is to select “Change Password”. At the top we enter the password, and below we do not enter anything and just click "change password". Now the system will stop asking you for it. And if you need the password again, you will need to do the same manipulations and enter a combination of characters in both fields, just make sure that the keyboard layout is English and the CapsLock key is turned off.

Now you yourself have become convinced that removing the administrator password is not at all difficult. Good luck!

In any production and in the performance of any work, one should take into account which has a great influence on the entire course of the working process. In this regard, computer technology occupies a separate category, since accurate and competent mathematical teams embedded in any program sometimes run counter to human thinking, as a result of which sometimes interesting situations arise. For example, it happens that a person constantly remembers his password when entering operating systemand then suddenly the memory fails at one point - and the person has no choice but to remove the administrator password.

Many programmers are faced with situations where everything is done correctly and, it would seem, everything has been taken into account, but the program does not want to work or its algorithm differs from the required parameters. How much labor costs specialists in information technology  only they know to identify and eliminate errors, since no one else, having been in this skin, will be able to imagine the whole process. So, the administrator password, if due to certain circumstances it is urgent to enter the system, but there is no other possibility?

There are many ways to do this on the Internet, but you should be careful here, since not all of them are always safe for the system. Let's start from the very beginning. A user who has an account with Administrator rights has advanced features compared to all other users. First of all, it concerns the creation of user accounts for ordinary users, as well as the ability to set and change their passwords. So any regular user  It is directly dependent on the administrator, who, for certain reasons, may even block his account. In this case, a reasonable question arises as to how to remove the administrator password for the possibility of entering the system.

Now we know how to remove the administrator password, but it’s best not to lose it. To do this, it is best to have a small one in which to record all the logins and passwords that are used in working with information systems. In this case, it will be possible not only to prevent the above situations, but also to be calm for the safety of the available data. It is clear that the notebook should be in a place where no stranger can find it.

And in conclusion, we can say another interesting circumstance. If the user suddenly forgot the password and login, then you should not rush to delete the administrator password. It often happens that memory presents us with pleasant surprises, and a person soon remembers it.