How to install an internal audio card. External Sound Card

exterior sound card

The sound card converts the sound from the analog form into digital and vice versa, and is used to sound computer, games, recording and playing sound. Entering audio information is carried out through a microphone that can be connected to the audio card input. The sound card can also synthesize the sound (the sounds of various musical instruments can be stored in its memory).

external sound card for laptop

Distinguish several types of sound cards: integrated, internal ( internal) and external ( external). Integrated cards are simply special chips installed on motherboards. They copes well with sound accompanies of various events in the operating system or installed applications: sound in games, video files and simple music playback.

Provide with their help quality Audio Products are not possible. High-quality sound can be provided only by installing an additional external or internal sound card. Sound cards can be divided into "simple" (used in everyday life) and "serious" (all others). "Simple" on the functionality and parameters are practically no different from the integrated. And "serious" can already be used for serious work with audio material. They installed the converters of the Assp ADC are quite high.

Such sound cards provide the ability to work with high bitter ( bitrate - File bit) and samplit ( samplerate. sampling frequency). They have support for ASIO protocol and good indicators of signal / noise ratio, which are measured in decibels - dB, db.The help of a professional sound card can be made of complex sound processing, they provide stereo and equipped with their own ROM, in which hundreds of sounds of different musical instruments are stored. To begin with, we will analyze some terms that will meet here.

  • ADP.(Analog-to-digital converter) is used to convert continuous (analog) audio signals (noise, speech, music) into a digital binary code.
  • DAC (digital analog converter) performs the reverse conversion of the saved digital sound in analog, which can then be reproduced using headphones, acoustic system and sound synthesizer.

The digital sound is a way to represent an electrical signal through the discrete numerical values \u200b\u200bof its amplitude. The digitization of the signal consists of two processes: sampling (sampling) and quantization. The sampling process is the process of obtaining values \u200b\u200bof values \u200b\u200bfor the converted signal for certain intervals. Samplite ( samplerate.) is a frequency of sampling ( frequency sampling) and measured in Hertz ( Hz.).

sampling step

Quantization is a process in which the actual values \u200b\u200bof the signal are replaced with approximate with a certain accuracy. The quantization level is called bitter ( bitrate.), and the amount of information per unit of time ( bits Per Second) and is measured in bits ( bit.).

quantization levels

The sampling frequency is set up the upper limit of the digitized signal frequencies, that is, the maximum frequency of the spectral components is equal to half the signal sampling frequency. Therefore, to obtain full information About sound in the frequency band, for example, up to 22,050 Hz, it will take sampling with a frequency of 44.1 kHz.

Sound files are characterized by large sizes. For example, a three-minute sound file with stereo can occupy about 30 MB of memory. Because of this, in the Sound Blaster boards, in addition to the main functions, there is an automatic file compression feature.

In today's situation, external sound cards gradually displacing internal. This is due to the fact that it does not want to be limited to the capabilities of the system unit and the presence of some sound noise for installed inside the sound card. This article will describe the process of installing and configuring an external sound card for a computer and a laptop.

An external sound card can be connected to a computer or laptop via USB port, FireWire or ExpressCard. Before buying an external sound card, as well as before purchasing internal, you need to present well for which the computer is planned. According to your requirements and you need to choose a sound card.

A sound card for a laptop is selected taking into account mobility, usually the form of a small flash drive and connects via the USB port. Multi-channel stream 5.1 is needed to play movies that are written in system 5.1 or games with similar parameters. Therefore, sound cards that are designed to play stereo sound will not provide normal playing games and films in 5.1.

For simpler targets, such as work with text, such a sound quality is not required, and there is no such need to purchase a separate sound card. If the external sound card is connected to the computer via the USB port, check if you have a free USB port. If you decide to purchase a professional sound card, it must comply with such requirements:

  • AD-DA A-class converters;
  • Discretization frequency in the range of 44,100-192 000 HZ;
  • Dynamic range 90 - 120 DB and more;
  • Bitness - 24 bit;
  • ASIO 2.0 support;
  • Exit to connect headphones;
  • Microphone instrumental combo inputs (XLR-TRS);
  • MIDI interface;
  • Digital interface S / PDIF IN / OUT;
  • The presence of multiple inputs (I / O) with Full Duplex support (the ability to simultaneously recording and playing a signal);
  • A-class converter provides maximum quality and minimum signal distortion;
  • Increased sampling frequency extends a dynamic signal recording range and improves the final quality of the mix;
  • Advanced dynamic range allows you to work with weak signal sources without the need for additional treatments;
  • MIDI-interface is needed to connect a MIDI keyboard or MIDI controller to control a special audio software (Protools, Cubase, Audition etc.);

At least two inputs must contain microphone (XLR) and instrumental (TRS) preamps and be able to connect a guitar with the possibility of supplying phantom power to them (+48 V) used for studio microphones. The presence of several Full Duplex inputs-outputs for simultaneous recording and playing multiple channels.

Many modern sound cards can replace the mixer console. Some of the sound cards are highly specialized. For example, the Delta series from M-AUDIO is released only with TRS connectors to which only linear devices are connected (tape recorder, synthesizer). The microphone connection directly to such a map is impossible, it will take a separate preamp. To install an external audio map there is no need to open the case of your system unit, access to all the necessary nests is also. Sound cards that are connected via USB bus are distinguished by mobility. Their connection and shutdown does not require a computer reboot. A sound card for a laptop will be easily charged with it, and when it is necessary to quickly connect and starts working. Such cards are designed to quickly solve the sound output task and, based on this, cannot have more than 2-4 inputs.

For mobile work It rarely arises the need for simultaneous recording of several tracks at once. For simultaneous recording, more than 6-8 tracks are better to use FireWire. The FireWire Standard (IEEE1394) was designed for streaming video and audio systems with this interface are more stable than with USB. FireWire provides more opportunities for the musician. Many FireWire systems have the opportunity autonomous worklike an external mixer (without connecting to a computer). Among such systems can be noted Focusrite Saffire Pro 40 I / O Firewire, Echo AudioFire 2, M-Audio Profire 610.

Focusrite Saffire Pro.

A sound card for a laptop can be installed in the ExpressCard port.

Such devices make it possible to get the sound quality better than from the built-in codecs. From the flooring, they are protected by the screen in the form of a metal housing. One of the first such devices was Creative X-Fi Xtreme Audio Notebook, release in 2007. In this model, there were only three connections: 3.5 mm headphone output, combined with linear and optical digital output, microphone input and optical digital input, port for Speaker Docking Module (connection of multichannel acoustics). Among inexpensive models Supporting USB 2.0 interface can be noted Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1

Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Surround 5.1

This sound card for a laptop uses a good X-FI sound processor that provides support for the X-FI CMSS-3D and X-Fi Crystalizer sound processing technology. The card supports multi-channel 5.1 sound at a sampling frequency of 48 kHz and a bit of 16 bits. A typical external sound card may contain such connectors:

  1. Midi port or game. This 15-pin connector-socket is needed to connect a MIDI keyboard, joystick or synthesizer.
  2. Microphone input
  3. Linear input
  4. Linear output (connecting active speakers, amplifier). If the board is designed to connect multiple columns, they may be more.
  5. Audio output. It is served through a low-power (2-4 watt on the channel) an amplifier signal. The quality of this amplifier is suitable only for connecting headphones.
  6. Digital exit to connect with external digital devices. It is installed only on expensive maps.
  7. Digital input. It is rare.

MIDI sound card connector is used to connect keyboards, synthesizers, joysticks, etc.

MIDI connector

Universal USB port:

The connectors on the sound card are indicated by special icons for which it can be seen where the input, and where the output:

Setting the sound card

Initial sound setting on the computer is performed immediately after being installed operating system. To ensure normal sound card operation, you must install the drivers that came with motherboard or download from the Internet. To check the installed drivers, open the Device Manager. If there are no yellow triangles with the signs of the issue in the device manager, it means that the drivers are installed correctly.

device Manager

If there is no question signs, then there are problems with installed drivers. For HD-AUDIO audio cards, XP update is sometimes required.

If you do not see the record "This device is turned on and operating normally", then this means that the driver is installed incorrectly and such drivers must be reused.

View a video with an example of reinstalling audiors can be below:

Before reinstalling the driver you need to delete all programs that relate to the sound and make a reboot of your computer. Consider setting the sound card standard windows tools Vista / 7/8. To configure, select the Windows-\u003e Equipment and Sound Control Panel. In the window that opens on the first tab, double-click on the playback device you want to configure.

Equipment and sound

The main volume is set to the maximum, and all unused sources (line input, microphone) are turned off. Channel Regulators (REAR, FRONT, etc.) are set to the maximum position.

sound effects

Selecting sound effects depends on the sound card installed. The inclusion / disable of these options affects the software effects that are superimposed when the output is in general mode. If the output goes through Wasapi Exclusive, then this option does not affect anything.

Wasapi Exclusive.

In additional properties, it is important for us to include a monopoly mode that is necessary for WASAPI. Tuning the frequency and depth of the bit works only in the same mode. This is the reference frequency and the depth of the bit for the software mixer to which all sounds entering it. Accordingly, the characteristics of your audio card must be installed and install this frequency. If the sound on your computer suddenly disappeared, although you did not disable it and have not installed new programs, you can do the following:

  1. You need to check for the integrity of the wire of connecting columns or headphones;
  2. Check if the power supply is supplied to the columns;
  3. Check how the sound is configured on the computer. You may have randomly set the "Bird" settings where "Disconnect the sound" is noted. To do this, you need to open the toolbar / sounds and audio devices, and select the "Volume" tab. There it is necessary to open the tab "Advanced" and see if the "bird" is not selected for "off" for "sound".

Connecting a sound card to the receiver or amplifier

Perhaps three options for connecting sound card to the amplifier (receiving):

  1. Through digital SPDIF (type "Tulip" or optical).
  2. Through digital HDMI.
  3. Analog output: Severe Mini Jack Stereo (3.5 mm) - 2 Tulips, Speakers Stereo Jack (6.25 mm) - 2 Tulips (Professional Audio Carts). The SPDIF-output of the computer connects to the SPDIF-input of the receiver using a conventional cheap cable "Tulip" - "Tulip". The digital cable for the quality and "transparency" of sound does not affect. If the cable is more than 2 m long, then it is advisable to buy only high-quality, especially if it is closed into the wall.

When connecting through the HDMI connector, you need to consider such a moment. HDMI interfaces are different versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.3a.

hDMI cable

connector on amplifier

The connector at the same time looks exactly the same, differs only throughput. Therefore, for versions 1.3 and 1.3A it is better to use more expensive and high-quality cable (certified for HDMI 1.3). Such a cable has an increased noise immunity to provide high data transfer rates.

Usually, the desire to change the audio card occurs if the user is dissatisfied with the quality of playback or audio record. Sometimes the fee of the board becomes wines. In any case, new equipment must be connected correctly, and then adjust the system accordingly.

The sound card is installed in the PCI connector or PCI EXPRESS.. In order before buying a device, check that the motherboard has an appropriate free slot. Another option is to connect via a USB interface. A similar method is relevant if necessary to connect an outer sound card to a laptop.


The connection process is equally, regardless of whether professional or budget model You install. First of all, it is necessary to remove the plug on the system unit housing to output the board connectors through the resulting hole. The equipment is attached to the body using a screw that comes in the kit.

Turning off the integrated card

Some motherboard models require disconnecting an integrated sound card in BIOS. Without performing this procedure, the established fee refuses to work correctly.

Depending on the bIOS version The names of items and their location may change. If you do not see the names listed below, look for loved ones in the meaning of the wording.

  1. Go to the BIOS.
  2. On the Advanced tab, find the "Integrated Peripherals" item.
  3. Find the "Onboard Audio Controller" string.
  4. Go to the settings by clicking Enter, and select "Disabled".

If you need to enable the audio card integrated in the motherboard, select the "Enabled" item in the settings.

These are the basic information disclosing how to connect a sound card, and then configure the computer to work with it. Finally, some important recommendations.

Make sure the system supports the selected hardware drivers. Carefully read how to install the driver to sound so that the installed board works correctly.

If the video card prevents the installation, it must be carefully pulled out of the slot. After connecting the sound card, do not forget to return the video card into place.

The sound card, especially if it is characterized by a large size, can close the video card fan. There is nothing terrible here: the practice shows that it does not affect the temperature of the equipment and its performance.

After the connection process is completed, check how to connect the columns to the computer to use the functionality of the sound card at full power. Want to talk and write a voice, and not just listen? Then find out how to connect the microphone to the computer.

To install additional cards (audio and video) Look at the following video.

Hello, George You're from the jungle!

I continue to cook you to record songs at home.

In the previous article told, at home on the computer. It is necessary to read, there about the external sound card and musical software.

From this article you will find out how to stick the electric guitar into the computerto play.

Clean the electric guitar, the outer sound card and turn on the computer with the Reaper installed, we begin.

Connect an external audio card to a computer

I advised to get a sound card Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 or Scarlett 2I4. They are connected to a computer via USB, like many others. We stick a USB cable into the connector on the back of the sound card and leave for now.


Like any computer piece, an external sound card requires a driver for full-fledged work. This driver is called ASIO..

If you have a poppy with OS X on board, score on ASIO. In Mac, everything works as it should be without him - stick together and play.

The frester version of Driver download from the site manufacturer of sound card. I did not find the driver on the site - not trouble. Check the drive from the box with a sound card - the driver must be there.

The driver installer may be called as you like, in its name it may not even be the words ASIO. Do not wave - all external sounds work on ASIO.

Matthew, how to connect everything already?

First install the driver to the computer, then connect the audio card directly to the USB connector on the rear panel of the system unit.

Stumble directly without USB hubs and extension cords in rear panel Systemsman is important. Only so the sound card will receive enough electroshav. In USB-hubs and front USB connectors often lack current - the sound card may not start or fall off in the process of recording your masterpiece riff.

If you connect to a laptop, you can stick to any USB connector.

The sound is ready to distribute rock.

Customize REAPER to work with an external sound card

Run REAPER and wait 5 seconds, because you love free, like me.

It is important not to switch to another window to pass 5 seconds of painful expectation. Switch to the browser to see the kittens - the evil timer will stop until you go back to the Reaper window.

Rogue into the screen, read the composition of the air freshener and after 5 seconds click the button Still Evaluating. Reaper at your disposal.

Now REAPER works with a sound card built into the computer. Switch it to your cool fashionable outer sound:

  1. Go to the menu Options → Preferences. And in the list on the left choose:

  2. In the drop-down menu Audio System Choose ASIO.and in the menu that appears ASIO DRIVER. Choose the driver of your sound card. I have he signed as Focusrite USB 2.0 Audio Driver:

  3. Clean that Enable Inputs. Galked and selected inputs and outputs of your audio card:

  4. Now you need to reduce the audio delay to be nice to play the guitar. Click button ASIO Configuration. and put the slider on 3 ms., then save all settings with buttons OK.:

Than less mS. You choose, the less delay, the stronger sweats the computer. You hear clicks when playing the guitar - your processor crashed, sorry.

The solution is to increase the delay. Do not panic, even with a delay 10 ms. You can play and do not clog. But what she is shorter, the more nice, George.

Checking systems

Scarlett 2i2 has two entrances. Plug the guitar in any - the inputs are universal for the guitar and microphone. Ubavu kratilku Gain. mining and install switch Line Inst. under the entrance to the position Inst.. This instrumental entry mode is suitable for live tools, and Line - for microphones.

Sticky headphones in the output for headphones. Please note that the nest is under fat (professional!) Jack is 1/4 inches. Normal studio and DJ headphones include an adapter with the usual hipster cassette player Jack 1/8 on Jack 1/4.

In other external sound cards are stuck in the same way as in Scarlett. Other sound cards can be separate inputs - for a guitar and microphone, so the Line Instant switch may not be. The gain twist or its analogue may not need to be minimized, but unscrew.

I warned.

Now try to play through Reaper:

All effects, guitar processors and samples are added to the tracks as in the example with Distortion. You can add how much you want effects on the track and even build the chains of effects.

Possible problems

When I hung up with a setting, I got a lot: then the sound is distorted, the sound card turned off.

So that you do not regret what contacted me, here's a couple possible problems And their solutions:

  • The sound in REAPER is unpleasant distorted and clicks. Your Pentium 3 does not cope, increase the delay in the Reaper settings to 5 MS or more.
  • Sound card does not give signs of life or falls off after a while. Clean the sound card stuck directly to USB 2.0 on the rear panel of the system. It did not help - try other USB connectors.
  • Ass Skalka. Hopeless situation.

Congratulations, you almost joined the ranks of the Adepts of digital recording. Give the pyatunu.

In the next article you know fast way record Very fast and light - without REAPER, without VST plug-ins and multi-track recording. To do this, you will need a virtual guitar processor JAMVOX - about it and there will be an article.

Ploy on and sign up, for example, on my instagram.

We have a channel in the telegram. Subscribe and a couple of times a week you will fly to the sound of recording and mixing, musical equipment and musical theory.

Si Yu Song, George from the jungle.

The article again turned out to be sized with coushlot. Apparently, the fate is so.

Now I'm going to write all tags: # kakpodklyuchitgitarukkompyuteru zapisgitarycherezkompyuter # # # kakzapisatgitaru kakzapisatelektrogitaru kakpodklyuchitelektrogitaru # # # kakdelatmuzyku zvukozapisdlyachaynikov zapismuzyki # # # domashnyayastudiya sozdaniemuzyki #reaper #kontakt #bias #focusrite # scarlett2i2 # scarlett2i4 #audiointerface #jamvox # domashnyayazvukozapis kakpisatrok # # music # Rock # Hipstroks # Sofa Bitterist # Furst # Entrepreneur # # invoicing #Svokes # Etoner # How to Recruit Study # As Maritime # InterStellar # Matumakconay

  1. In the computer, if there is no PCI connector on the motherboard? So, I bought a motherboard, I forgot to clarify when buying, whether the PCI connector on the motherboard. I have a professional sound card with the Sound Blaster, which is inserted into the PCI connector. So what's now? Alexander.
  2. Hello, please tell me, I have a built-in sound card on a laptop, the service is offered to replace the laptop motherboard. Is there any other solution to my problem. Nastya.
  3. This problem, installed a discrete sound card in my system unitThe driver installed from the supplied CD, but there is no sound. What is interesting, before buying a sound card I was checked and the sound was. Maybe I set it wrong? On my motherboard, one PCI connector is located right below the video card, closing half the video card fan. It does not threaten the video card?
Hello, friends, install a sound card In the computer, if the built-in failed is very simple, the most important thing is that the PCI connector is on your motherboard, which, unfortunately on the most modern motherboards, may not be and not to be, the same decision can be advised by the owners of laptops.

By the way, very many professional sound cards of the company CREATive are installed in the PCI Express X1 connector, which is present on many motherboards and is usually not busy.
You also need to not forget that on some motherboards, after installation in your system unit, the discrete (separately installed) sound card, the built-in audio card must be disabled to the BIOS.
However, it is not possible to establish a discrete sound card for yourself because of the fact that you have burned down the built-in sound, maybe you just do not suit the quality of the built-in audio solution to your motherboard.
Let's install a sound card for example to our computer pCI interface.
On the computer turned off, we open the side cover of the system unit and look at our motherboard carefully, there are two PCI connections and two free PCI Express X1 connectors, in any of which you can install the PCI Express X1 audio map. One PCI connector is not available, it closes the cooling system of the video card, which means the other remains.

We have two sound pCI cards, the first simple budget C-Media at a price of 250 rubles, the second professional Sound Blaster. They are installed equally simply.

First, we remove the plug on the rear wall of the system unit. On some cases, such plugs are held with the help of mounting screws, turn the screw and remove the plug. On cheap cases, such plugs simply get out.

If you interfere with the video card, you can remove it, install a sound card and put a video card back. Now install the sound card in the PCI connector and attach to the housing with a fixing screw.

View of the rear wall of the system unit after installing a sound card.

As you can see, in my case, the Sound Blaster sound card also closes half the video card fan, but my system unit works for a long time, the temperature of the video card remains normal, there are no complaints to the sound card.

If instead of Sound Blaster install a budget sound card, the video card will be almost not closed.

Does it need to disconnect the built-in BIOS after installing the discrete sound card?
It depends on the motherboard. For example, on an old motherboard, you need to go to the Advanced tab and set the High Definition Audio Driver option to the Disabled position, then save the changes and exit and BIOS.

In order to be able to record live tools and voice, as well as output sound signal From Computer B. good qualityFullly revealing the potential of the monitors used, there must be an external sound card at each studio. Unlike integrated solutions, the plug-in gives much more features and has excellent signal quality, and in some cases it also gives an increase in performance in the DAW used. However, if the connection of big problems usually does not occur, proper setting Sound card is the subject of long disputes and many written articles.

To begin with, you will need to install the drivers - this is a mandatory step, the passage of which negates the entire potential of the connected card. You can find a package of drivers either on a disk that walked in a set or on the official website of the board manufacturer. The installation proceeds along the usual scenario - double click on the installer, click on the button " Next"And wait for the completion of the procedure. Be sure to restart the computer after installation - despite the fact that this moment is often ignored, this step Allows the system to start and load the desired driver, while avoiding possible errorswhich sometimes appear when "on the fly."

The next step of configuring the sound card will contact the default playback device. This will require:

  • Right-click on the volume icon on the taskbar;
  • In the drop-down menu, select the item " Playback devices»;
  • In the window that opens, find the name of the connected audio interface and click on the object so that it stands out;
  • Click on the activated button " Default».

After this simple majynation, the entire sound from the system and its applications will be sent through the sound card, which is definitely good. If there is a sound recording through the fee, it will be necessary to perform the same procedure with the window " Sound recording devices", To which you can get similarly through the icon in the notification area on the taskbar.

Now you need to configure the sound card in the sequencer used. To do this, you will need to run your Daw.(FL Studio, Cubase Or any other) and download any old project. Go to the audio settings menu, and in the list of available drivers, select the driver installed earlier from the connected sound card. By clicking on the button " Show Asio Panel."(Or another, which will open the driver settings) set the number of buffered samples to the average value as the starting point. After that, close the settings and go to the most saturated place in the project, which plays the largest number of tools. Run playback and track the presence of cod and hangs, and also try to switch the game on the midi keyboard. If everything plays well - you can try to reduce the size of the buffer in the settings, thereby reducing the delay time. On the contrary, if there are artifacts and distortions, an indicator should be increased to comfortable values.