The optimal size of the XP paging file. File Podchock

To ensure stability and speed, the operating system uses virtual memory. Important in optimization for greater performance system provides a properly configured amount of virtual memory (paging file). This article states how to configure it and are given some tips when using the paging file for Windows.

The first thing you need to know when optimizing the paging file is the most common terms. So, for sure, even newcomers heard such a term, as, it is also called RAM, which serves as a storage device and speeds up the work of all installed programs. As a rule, that the computer worked much faster need to purchase random access memorySo the operating system will work faster and the whole system will hang less.

As for the paging file, then it is called in different ways. The most common name is " virtual memory file" What is it, we will try to figure out. This is primarily a file that is stored in your hard disk computer. It serves as partially replacing the storage of data files of various programs, if the RAM is filled, it transmits this information in the paging file to free the place for new processes. Immediately it is worth telling about virtual memory. If we speak as a whole, then this is the RAM with a paging file. It is also worth knowing about the swap - this is the process of submission to the RAM of an additional page, in order to be used software It worked an order of magnitude higher.

Often, users get different errors on the screen. Not surprising if you are trying to use a fairly resource-intensive software with a very low parameters of your computer configuration. In order to avoid such a situation, it is worthwhile to increase the amount of RAM, at least up to 3 GB, this is an exemplary standard for today, although it is not enough when using Windows Seven. But for XP just right (there will be no more system). You can also try to increase the size of the paging file. Usually, the system independently regulates the amount of this file, but often these sizes are not enough to use heavy programs, therefore, or increase manually file paging file, or if your computer is becoming equipped with a more powerful configuration.

For those who do not yet know how to change the volume of the paging file can view the following instructions.

In operating room windows system XP This is done as follows - go to Start > Control Panel > System . In the opened window " Properties of the system »Find the" Additionally ", Further " Speed "And click" Parameters" .

You will open a window with the parameters of your system. Further, in the window with the parameters, click the " Additionally ", At the bottom, find" Virtual memory " To make changes in speed parameters, click " Change ».

Further select the disk on which you are going to store a new paging file. In order to set manually, you need to choose " Special size " After completion of the procedure, do the path of the agreement, that is, we press everywhere " OK».

Each operating system is dependent on the paging file, so it actively uses it for its own purposes. Naturally, the more this file, the faster your computer is reflecting. Creating Windows, Microsoft, gave the default settings for the paging file. It behaves dynamically, that is, it is capable of changing its volume depending on the needs of your computer, or rather RAM. He performs a large range of work, unloading your system and giving it new air throats. The default parameters are suitable for each, but to eliminate its fragmentation can be made static so that it worked even faster.

Often to store data System disk to share two, so that on one stored game application documents, and on the other, only the operating system. Therefore, when dividing, it is necessary to correctly calculate the size for Windows as it is incorrectly with the amount of memory itself the operating system will not be established (in the event of a shortage). When the division process was successfully implemented and you installed the OS, then it is necessary that the paging file is on the same disk that Windows, otherwise it can not work correctly. Well, for those who have one hDD And they are not afraid for their data you can make a separate section, by approximately 2 GB. After that, you need to make the conversion of this section in file System FAT32, but the same replace what you need to do only for the section where your paging file will be stored. After that, defragment the section and use it only for these purposes.

Read, a few tips:

- In order to increase the speed of its operating system, it is necessary not to increase the volume of the paging file, but to increase the RAM, at least up to 3 GB, this is the standard

- Each operating system independently specifies the size of the default paging file. It is usually equal to the installed size of RAM and plus another 300 MB. As for the maximum size, it exceeds the established RAM volume on the computer approximately three times.

- After you changed the parameters of the paging file, it is worth a reboot. But the reboot is carried out only if you reduced these parameters, but if you have done an increase on the contrary, you can not use the reboot.

- Many use Windows XP. This operating system supports today's standard in 3 GB. If you have more than 1 GB RAM installed, you can disable the use of the paging file, as it is, in fact, do not need. But always, if necessary, you can enable its work again. But if you use Windows Vista., something should not do anything with this file. Since after some changes you can get when you start a message that for the start, you lack virtual memory. Delete these files never need to think about what they can prevent you, so only in emergency cases, change anything in your system, and so, you should not climb into the configuration, especially without basic training.

In Windows XP, it makes sense to increase the Fa yl paging and thereby improve performance or preferably to remove it at all, but to buy more RAM. What do you think to make a decision? Vyacheslav.

Windows XP Enlarge Switch File

First I will answer the question, and then show how to transfer and enlarge paging file in operating system Windows XP.. Vyacheslav speed gains do not really expect. You in your letter said that you have 2 GB of RAM working in two-channel mode and it is very good, the Windows XP 32-bit operating system is also installed. If you get another 2 GB for yourself, then you will have only 4 GB of RAM and 1 GB will be easy to simply, since Windows XP 32-bit sees no more than 3 GB of RAM and I can argue that in dual-channel mode your RAM is also stops.

  • Note: Another thing if you had a Windows XP 64-bit installed, then you could install more RAM, but again, believe me, many experimented before you with the disconnection of the paging file, but in one opinion it did not come together One thing I know for sure, problems with drivers and program compatibility in Windows XP 64-bit are provided to you.

Well, if you make a question about buying RAM, then I need to know everything about the configuration of your computer (write to me) if you have a powerful enough, it may actually do to buy RAM and install the Windows 7 64-bit operating system.

so increase the paging file in Windows XP. Start -\u003e Click the right mouse on the My Computer icon and select Properties,

Speed \u200b\u200band parameters

In the Speed \u200b\u200band Parameters tab, choose additionally.

Virtual memory- -\u003e change

As you see the panel panels, we are located on the disk (s :) Next, we put a tick at the point Without a paging file and set, then we carry the paging file to the disk (E :)

Most of all, downloading drivers or applications, annoying that the operating system can hide on a couple of seconds. The main reason, often, the operation of the system with disk virtual memory, that is, to leave a part of RAM for more priority tasks, a hard disk is used to "swing" information. There is a hard disk special file. To store temporary files - it is called podkachock file (pagefile.sys.) It is this file along with the system operational memory and is computer virtual memory.

By default, Windows system generates the required amount of virtual memory, and itself automatically adjusts its size.

But still there are cases when a window is popped up to the desktop that the virtual memory ends, it is necessary to increase the paging file. In this case, I propose not to rely on the system that will increase the paging file. The computer will still use all the virtual memory. The operating system provides the ability to independently change the amount of this memory.

If we use Windows XP, we do as follows:

  • « Start»
  • « Control Panel»
  • « System»
  • « Additionally»
  • Find " Speed \u200b\u200b" Button " Parameters"
  • In the window that opens " Performance Parameters » Tab " Additionally"
  • In the heading " Virtual memory "Point total paging file for all discs - Available memory volumes on this moment.
  • To change the settings, click " Change.

Now go to direct configuration of virtual memory. There are several settings.

First and probably the simplest way - It is to offer the operating system to automatically control the amount of memory by clicking " Size by selecting system. "

With the second version we choose "Without paging file." But this method is recommended only in that situation if our PC has a great amount of RAM, and we have confidence that we do not need a virtual memory.

Well, the third option: we click on "Special size", And I first enter the original size, and then the maximum size (the first parameter is the same as the volume of the RAM, and the second parameter must be 2 times more). For example, if the amount of RAM 2 GB, then the original dimensional swap file is set - 3072 MB, and the maximum - 4096 MB. (We know that 1024 MB is leveling 1 gigabyte).

In Windows 7, the cause of low performance is the paging file: its dimensions are growing, then decrease - quickly becoming fragmented. The problem can eliminate the fixed size of the paging file. Creating a file will ensure more or less permanent volume on free disk space. You can still ban Windows Use Free space if the last bit remained.

Increase the paging file on the Windows version 7 operating system:

  1. "Start", right-click on "A computer" and choose "Properties", later « Extra options Systems ».
  2. Select the tab "Additionally" Click "Parameters" In graf "Speed".
  3. On the page that we opened, choose the tab "Additionally" and Zhmem. "Change".
  4. To get access to the settings, put a tick "Select the volume of the paging file in automatic order".

On each disk, virtual memory settings are made separately. If more than one disk is used, the virtual memory will automatically be enabled only on the disk where Windows is installed. We find the disk on which the paging file (it is on the right in the list "Size of the paging file" for each disk). I recommend moving the paging file to another disk:

  • We highlight the disk (for example, D :)
  • Sliding a tank in the "without paging file"
  • Click "Set".
  • If a warning pops up, click "Yes."
  • Then, in the dialog box, select the disk to carry the file.
  • Click "Specify Size." And do not forget that the initial size is leveling the size of physical RAM, and the maximum - it is necessary to install half more.
  • Click "Set" and reboot.

The paging file plays an important role in the operation of the system, in other words, this is a supplement to the operational storage device (RAM).

  • Optimize Podchock file
  • By default, the file is in the root of the system disk (pagefile.sys) and together with physical memory constitute virtual memory. The standard formed the paging file is about 1.5 times more than the volume of RAM, but not always this value is optimal, if necessary, the paging file must be increased.

    Optimize Podchock file

    To improve the system, it is recommended to move the paging file to another section hard diskIn this case, the system will faster to handle I / O requests. The thing is that when the paging file is in the root of the system disk (in the boot), the system is referred to as the system folder and to the paging file, which increases the recording and read request time.

    However, this is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the form of the inability to create an emergency copy file (Memory.dmp), which is recorded important information If the kernel mode is error. At a time when the error debug is required, the absence of this file and can cause a long system downtime.

    The optimal option is the creation of two paging files, one in place by default, the other - to the least used section, at best, on another hard disk. It is desirable that the section does not contain any files besides the paging file, as it created favorable conditions for the operation of the paging file. This will improve the speed, due to the fact that Windows XP first refers to the file that is located on a less downloaded section, and not the one on the system section. To determine the partition on which the virtual memory management file is involved, a special internal mechanism is used.

    An additional advantage of using the paging file on another section - the file is not divided into parts. If the paging file is placed on a section where other data also has, it is distributed in parts as the virtual memory volume is asundated.

    How to resize Windows XP files?

    Usually, Windows XP itself is capable of determining the optimal size of the paging file, but in some cases the size of the paging file must be increased, usually it is usually using some resource-consumable applications that require the paging file regardless of the established RAM.

    In order to enlarge the paging file or reduceYou must go to the control panel\u003e System\u003e In the "System Properties" window, select the "Advanced" tab, on which click "Speed", in the "Performance Options" window on the Advanced tab, press the "Edit" button, and set The desired size of the paging file, and then click on the OK button.

    In the system speed settings, we can set a new (zoom, reduce) the size of the paging file, however, consider that if you have SSD Drivethen the paging file is better to turn off, as this increases the recording / reading cycle, which affects the service life sSD Disc (windows optimization XP for SSD disc)

    How to transfer the paging file in Windows XP?

    In the system speed window, which we led above, it is also possible to transfer the paging file to another section (and better to another hard disk) to increase the overall speed of the system.

    In the "Performance Parameters" window, select "additionally" and also in the previous case, click on the "Change" button at the bottom of the window (virtual memory).

    In the window that appears, we choose the section where the paging file is currently located, and turn it off. Click on the section where we want to create a paging file and specify the size.

    You can set the size of the paging file at its discretion.

    Best will be if you create a paging file on two sections, it will exclude some possible mistakesAnd the system will still use the paging file that is located on a less downloaded section.

    Note that the changes will take effect after the system is rebooted.

    For the purposes of the most effective use system resources need to be able to correctly configure file size Podkachka. What is and how can I speed up the work of Windows?
    While working at the computer, we launch various applications. Each of them consumes a certain amount of RAM. If at some point of physical memory starts miss, the system can use the so-called virtual memory, which is located on the hard disk of the computer as a paging file. It is called, is hidden and lies in the root folder of the disk. If necessary, the system refers to this file, storing data in it that has not placed in RAM.

    Disk memory works much slower operational, so to increase the speed of your computer it is better to purchase and install additional physical memory modules. But if you have old computer And there is no possibility to increase the number of RAM - you can enlarge the paging file to the volume answered memory More became more.

    Set the desired size of the paging file as follows:

    IN Windows XP.: click the right mouse button on "My Computer" - "Properties" - "Advanced" tab - "Performance" - "Parameters" - "Advance" - "Virtual Memory" - "Change".

    IN Windows 7.: click the right mouse button on "Computer" - "Properties" - Select "Advanced System Settings" - "Advanced" tab - "Performance" - "Parameters" - "Advance" - "Virtual Memory" - "Edit".

    A similar window will open in front of you: By the default of Windows herself chooses the size of the paging file and it is located on system disk. In fact, this file is recommended to post on any section. different from systemic.

    I note that the paging file must be on the system disk for the correct recording of debugging information ( dump of memory). If we turn it off, then in the event of a system failure (the appearance of the so-called blue screen of death) will not be able to analyze the dump of memory and find the culprit BSOD. But for those who do not know at all what a memory dump is, it is unlikely to be a problem. Most are looking for the cause of BSOD on the error code on blue screen. In any case, you will have to choose between the speed and the ability to collect data on the problems arising.

    So, first we remove the paging file with disc S.. To do this, highlight this disc And put the marker in the "Without paging file" - click the "Set" button: to increase the performance of the computer source the size of the paging file must be 1.5-2 times larger than the size of physical RAM. Those. If I have 768 MB of RAM on my computer - it means in the "Source Size" field, I exhibit 1152 MB.
    If you do not know how many RAM on your PC, you can do the following: Right-click on the "My Computer" icon - "Properties" - on the General tab, look at the RAM volume: The maximum size is better limited to the same digit as indicated in the "Source Size" field. This will avoid fragmentation of the paging file.

    So, specify the size of the paging file. In your example, I highlight disc D. - I put a marker in the "Specific Size" (in Windows 7, this item is called "Specify Size") - I enter the number 1152 in the "Source Size" window - it is introduced in the "Maximum Size" window (by the way, all values \u200b\u200bentered here must be Pasta 8) - I press the "Set" button - "OK": Reboot your computer so that all changes entered into force.

    Windows allows you to create a paging file on multiple disks immediately. But I would not recommend that you do this - increase the performance of the computer so it will not work anyway.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that all the steps to configure the paging file described in the article makes sense to produce if you have weak computer And it is not enough operational memory. In the event that 4 GB (or more) Runs are installed in your PC - I do not see much sense to engage in the adjustment of the paging file. In such a situation, it will even be better on the contrary - to turn it off (in the "Virtual Memory" window to put a marker in the "Without Pag" file "and click the" Set "button).