Optimizing windows 7 system. Disable file indexing

Almost every computer / laptop owner would like to speed up the work of his PC as much as possible.

This includes: enabling startup (boot time), shutdown (shutdown), performance, system performance and the Internet.

This is achieved using programs, through the registry, cleaning, disabling unnecessary, and so on.

Although Windows 8 has appeared today, Windows 7 (even starter) is still the most popular - this system is efficient, fast and secure.

Unfortunately, as time passes, its performance can drop and require proper maintenance to speed it up.

By properly optimizing Windows 7, a few simple tricks can speed up the overall performance of your computer.

Therefore, here, especially for you, in one place have gathered 5 main ways to speed up Windows 7.

The entire manual is described step by step and supplemented with the necessary screenshots.

Want to learn how to speed up Windows 7? In this case, I invite you to continue reading and find out how:

  1. Get rid of unwanted programs from startup.
  2. Avoid using swap files to speed up Windows 7.
  3. Organize the programs you use or clean up the system of junk.
  4. Turn off all unnecessary in Windows 7.
  5. Change power management settings.

How to get rid of unwanted startup programs

One of the most common reasons your computer (operating system) is slow is an excessive number of installed applications that work with the system.

Internet firewalls, antiviruses, applications, backups, network traffic monitoring.

It all runs in the background and takes up a huge amount of computer resources and virtual memory.

Most of the unwanted software users install without realizing it, thereby slowing down the system and reducing its performance.

How to go to system configuration to speed up Windows 7

Press the button, enter the word MSCONFIG in the search field and press Enter to confirm. In the window at the top, click on what appears and click on the "Startup" tab. Everything should look like this:

The list of processes is much more than you thought, isn't there? Uncheck the boxes next to unnecessary applications.

Carefully check the list of programs launched at startup and just remove anything that you think is unnecessary. If you do not know what the process belongs to, look about it on the Internet - you do not want to disable important system processes.

For the changes to take effect, you must restart your computer. In the window that appears, select restart the system and wait until the computer turns on again. Please note that the system boots up much faster!

Organizing the programs you use or cleaning up system junk

Currently, most of the work you do on your Windows 7 can be done online. This means that you can leave on your computer only those programs that you regularly use. The rest can go to the basket.

Remove unnecessary programs

Press the "start" button, and in the search box write REMOVE PROGRAMS. Click on the exact same line at the top. Then you will see the following window:

Now just select the superfluous program, select it and click REMOVE at the top. After uninstalling unwanted applications, reboot the system to remove any unnecessary files remaining in the software.

Disable unnecessary to speed up windows 7

Windows 7 is really pretty. Transparent window stripes, lots of animation when performing any operation, anti-aliasing, smooth transitions between applications and a modern user interface. All this, however, consumes valuable resources.

If you want to speed up Windows 7, remove the graphical bells and whistles.

Click the start menu and in the right column, right-click on “computer” and select “properties”. In the new window on the left side, click on "advanced system settings" and go to the "advanced" section:

At the top is the performance section - press the "parameters" button, which is in the upper right corner.

Disable unnecessary visual effects

In the window that appears, you can control the visual effects system. There you can select the option "provide the best performance" or uncheck manually.

  1. Animations and Start Menu and Taskbar.
  2. Animation of windows when minimizing and expanding.
  3. Using display styles for windows and buttons.
  4. Turn on desktop composition.

This will allow the system to look nice and at the same time not use too many processes. To confirm your changes, just click OK. This is a good method to speed up Windows 7

Avoid using swap files - to speed up Windows 7

The so-called paging file is needed to store information when the RAM is full. In modern computers, where memory is abundant, this is completely unnecessary.

Go to the start menu and right-click on "computer" by selecting "Properties".

As in the previous step, select "Advanced system settings", then the "Advanced" tab and again "Advanced":

There is a section "Virtual memory" click the "Change" button.

In the upper part opposite the line “Automatically select the size of the paging file” uncheck the box, and put it opposite the line “specify size” and enter the start and end.

In general, there is no need to choose a paging file that completely prevents unnecessary use of system resources and additional memory. You must restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Change power management settings to speed up Windows 7

Windows 7 has a default power plan installed by default. This can significantly reduce consumption, however, it has a significant impact on the performance of the system as a whole.

If you are not using a laptop and want to speed up Windows 7, change the default plan for better performance.

Enter "" and go to the "Power supply" section. In the window that appears, click "Power plan settings" (on the right). Then click (at the bottom) "change additional power plans". In the window that appears, select "High performance" and click "OK"

Optimization - how to speed up Windows 7

The previously described principles used only functions that are available directly in the interface of sevens, but you can also achieve speed gains using programs to optimize the Windows OS.

Below is a list of the most popular tools that improve your computer's hardware capabilities and are able to tune the most important system parameters to optimize performance.

Their work is automated and everything is done with a single click - you just need to download and install them:
  1. WinUtilities
  2. PCBoost
  3. TuneUp Utilities
  4. Sysinternals Suite
  5. Ashamoo WinOptimizer

That's all. My "story" on how to make windows 7 faster and more efficient has come to an end. Good luck.

The Windows 7 operating system can run much more quickly and efficiently, but it requires taking steps. The main activities for optimization should be considered.

Disabling visual effects

A very attractive design is foreseen. If you want to speed up the system, you need to understand that visual effects involve wasting resources. You need to follow the specified path: Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System -\u003e Advanced system settings.

When the settings window has opened in front of us, the following actions are carried out: Advanced -\u003e Performance -\u003e Parameters

In the design, the developers tried to simplify the optimization task as much as possible. You just need to select "Provide the best performance" and the settings will be set automatically. This greatly simplifies the implementation of the assigned tasks. The result will be a classic look. All this is presented in the screenshot below.

The new appearance may not always suit you and it requires some additional actions. You can easily choose any suitable option from the available list, taking into account the requests of the operating system speed. Right-click on any free area of \u200b\u200bthe desktop and click "Personalize".

Aero Glass can be accelerated by turning off transparency. This provides for the translucent effect to disappear. All in the same section of personalization, you need to select the item "Window color", where to uncheck the "Enable transparency".

For powerful devices, this will not give any noticeable increase, but in the case of a weak video card, it can provide a visible result.

Disable unused components

During the operation of the OS, one has to deal with a situation where a large number of services are used. The difficulty lies in the fact that not all of them provide for efficiency. It is for this reason that it is important to pay attention to the indicated factor during optimization. Disabling certain components will not harm the OS.

We follow the suggested path: Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Programs and Features -\u003e Turn Windows features on or off. A window will appear with the content shown in the screenshot.

We look through the list of issued components and uncheck those that we do not use. For more information, hover the mouse over the item of interest.

During the shutdown of certain components, a system message of the following type will be displayed on the screen:

We confirm and continue the optimization measures. It is necessary to list what exactly can be safely disabled:

  • IE default browser if you use other programs to access the Internet
  • Telnet server
  • Built-in search engine, when you don't need it
  • Telnet and TFTP clients
  • Components of a tablet personal computer, since the setting takes place for a laptop or a stationary device
  • OS gadgets system when there is no desire to use this opportunity
  • Unix program subsystem
  • Microsoft Corporation Message Queuing Server
  • Operating System Activation Service
  • Print service when the printer is not connected to the product

For all the changes made to take effect, you must restart the operating system.

Boot optimization for computers with multi-core processors

If you are using a multi-core processor, you can take some measures to speed up the entire OS. In most cases, Windows itself can determine such a moment, but a check will never be superfluous. It is required to enter msconfig through the "Run" window.

Now you should go through: Download -\u003e Advanced options

The window that appears indicates the number of processors, as well as the amount of memory. Changes should be made only when the parameters do not coincide with the real ones.

If corrections are specified, then a reboot occurs to start their effect.

Restore Quick Launch

If you are accustomed to older operating systems, you may experience the inconvenience of missing the quick launch bar. In order to return, the following list of actions is required:

  1. Right-click on the "Toolbar" icon
  2. Panels -\u003e Create Toolbar
  3. A field opens where you need to register a new path
  4. % appdata% \\ Microsoft \\ Internet Explorer \\ Quick Launch

When you click "Select Folder", you can see Quick Launch. To return to the usual place, you need to click with the left mouse button and then move to the "Start" button. You should right-click on the "Quick Launch Panel", where the checkboxes for "Show signatures" and "Show title" should be unchecked.

After all these procedures, the panel will have the same appearance as in the XP predecessor OS. This is clearly shown in the screenshot below.

Disable UAC

A similar innovation came to Windows 7 from Vista. We will not talk about the need for such a decision, since this is one of the most criticized elements. It is important to say that it can be disabled without serious loss to OS security. The main thing is to use a different antivirus. It is required to consider various options for action in this situation.

The possibility of setting the frequency of issuing notifications or completely disabling the specified process is provided. To complete the tasks, you must follow the path: Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e User Accounts -\u003e Change User Account Control settings.

However, if necessary, you can adjust the frequency of notifications or disable it altogether. We do the following: Start - Control Panel - User Accounts - Change User Account Control Settings

As you can see in the presented screenshot, several gradations of work are provided. You can set the slider to the most attractive option.

Power management system

The Windows 7 operating system allows you to control power within certain limits. The consumption of electrical energy by the device is set through a special section of the settings. You can put the most economical or productive option, as well as choose a balanced mode. To access the corresponding window, you need to follow the path: Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Power Supply. If nothing is touched, then a balanced variant is given. Below is the appearance of the settings window:

After setting it, you should proceed to using additional settings. To do this, click on "Change advanced power settings."

A window will appear where suitable settings are selected. Once selected, it will only be necessary to confirm it.

Optimizing browser performance

This item must be enabled if you are using the default browser - Internet Explorer. To speed up the work, you should take some measures:

1. Start -\u003e Programs -\u003e Accessories -\u003e Command Prompt

2. We make a right click with the mouse and select "Run as administrator"

3. In some cases, a message from User Account Control appears. Confirmation of launch is required.

4. In the issued command line window, regsvr32 actxprxy.dll is introduced

5. You must press enter. When the task is completed correctly, a message with the following content should be issued.

After that, you can launch the IE browser. In the process, it should become much faster than before.

Speed \u200b\u200bup animation when windows pop up

It is allowed to significantly speed up the process of pop-up windows on the operating system. The following operating procedure is provided:

  1. Launch Registry Editor. It is required to use the following path Start -\u003e Run -\u003e regedit
  2. Searching for the special key HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Control Panel \\ Mouse
  3. The key is opened and the MouseHoverTime parameter is discovered there. For optimal system performance, it is recommended to set the value to 150.
  4. Now we are interested in another key. Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ Control Panel \\ Desktop. It must have the MenuShowDelay parameter. Its value should be set to 100.
  5. For all changes to take effect, a device reboot is required.

Automatic login with no password required

Such a moment as logging into the system automatically, without the need to use an access code, will significantly speed up the work time. For this, the following sequence of actions is provided:

  1. Follow the path Start -\u003e Run
  2. In the window, enter control userpasswords2 and confirm
  3. The corresponding menu is displayed, where we are interested in the "Users" tab. In it you need to find your account and uncheck the box next to "Require username and password".
  4. In the window issued, you need to confirm your access - enter the password.
  5. The system is rebooted to accept the changes.

Speed \u200b\u200bup device shutdown

In some cases, when the computer is turned off, this process may take several minutes. When you think the shutdown time is too long, you can take action.

Go to Start -\u003e Run, where regedit is entered in the window that appears with further confirmation. We are interested in the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control - this is what we need to look for. If detected, the WaitToKillServiceTimeout parameter is changed. Its new value should be 500 or so. The default is 12000.

Removing arrows from shortcuts

It all starts with the standard path Start -\u003e Run -\u003e regedit. Find the IsShortCut parameter in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ lnkfile and remove it. For the arrows to return to their place, the parameter must be restored. The device is rebooted to accept the changes.

Step-by-step guide to improve performance and optimize Windows 7

Optimization of Windows 7 operation is extremely relevant today and is available not only to professional engineers of specialized centers, but also to ordinary users.

Since Microsoft released the operating system Windows 8, the popularity of its predecessor, Windows7does not get smaller.

The prevalence of Windows versions as of March 2014 (according to http://www.netmarketshare.com/)

Windows 8 / 8.1 - 12.54%

Windows 7 - 50.55%

Windows7 proved to be the most successful and user-friendly version of the OS on the Windows platform, especially in comparison with its predecessor - WindowsVista.

Nowadays, the goals set by software manufacturers and the expectations of users regarding system speed and performance have increased significantly.

The number of programs has also increased, pre-installed by manufacturers on new laptops and personal computers, which often only take performance away from the system. In addition, over time, a huge amount of temporary and unnecessary files generated by programs and Internet browsers accumulates.

In connection with the above, an increasing number of companies are engaged in both the development specialized utilities to optimize the operation of Windows 7, and creating multitasking programscleaning and configuring the system, optimizing its operation based on the needs of a particular user, along with a set of other software (for example, complex antiviruses "all-in-one", CCleaner, RegOptimazer and others).

But let's not forget that all cleaning and optimization programs operate superficially, without affecting the bowels of the system. Thanks to simple steps, any user can safely and effectively optimize Windows 7 performancewithout resorting to deep analysis and practical study of its work.

To optimize Windows7 performance, follow these steps:

1. Completely disabling UAC (User Account Control)

First of all, it is worth drawing your attention to the fact that this tool is one of the most important on the issue of system security and disabling it will inevitably reduce the overall level of its protection from external threats. However, many users have more confidence in quality antivirus software.

In this article, we suggest you the ability to both completely disable UAC and change the protection level.

Before performing the suggested actions, you should log in with an account Administrator.

14. Disable the autorun function from removable media and CD-ROM drives.

Disabling autorun not only speed up work with external storage media, but also will protect from a number of viruses entering your computer.
Launch Notepad (in the Start menu, in the Search line, enter the word "Notepad").
After starting the Notepad program, copy the following text there:

"HonorAutoRunSetting" \u003d dword: 00000001
"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" \u003d dword: 000000ff
3. Next, select the menu item "File" - "Save As".
4. Select the file type "All files"
5. Specify the file name and extension for it "* .reg"
6. Close the Notepad program.

7. Run the newly created file and agree to make the changes.
With the autorun function still present, do the following:
1. Open Notepad
2. After starting Notepad, copy the following text there:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"AutoRun" \u003d dword: 0000001

"Allocatecdroms" \u003d "0"

"NoDriveTypeAutoRun" \u003d dword: 00000091

"NoSaveSettings" \u003d dword: 00000000
3. Then select the menu item "File" - "Save As".
4. Select the file type "All Files"
5. Specify the file name and extension for it "* .reg"
6. Then exit the "Notepad" program.
7. Run the newly created file and agree to make changes
8. Restart your Computer and check for auto-start on the media.
Attention, this method will disable your autorun from all media:
Flash and portable drives;
CD, DVD, BD discs;
Network drives;
Local drives.

15. Move the basket from the desktop to the taskbar

If you want completely free your desktop from icons, then you can do that. Indeed, in Windows 7 you can not only remove the Trash from the desktopbut even pin it to the taskbar.
1. Right-click on an empty space on the Desktop.
2. In the context menu, select New - Shortcut.
3. In the Object location field, insert:
% SystemRoot% \\ explorer.exe shell: RecycleBinFolder

4. Click Next.
5. In the window that opens, in the Shortcut name field, enter the Cart and click Finish.
6. A shortcut appears on the Desktop (double-click to make sure it's the Trash), but it looks like an Explorer shortcut, not Baskets. To fix this, right-click on it and select Properties, then press the button Change Icon.
7. In the Search for icons in the following file field, enter:
% SystemRoot% \\ system32 \\ imageres.dll
and press Enter.

8. From the proposed collection of Windows 7 icons, select the Trash icon and click OK twice.
9. Now our Trash icon looks authentic. Drag it with the right or left mouse button somewhere on the taskbar.
10. Right-click on the desktop, select Personalization, then Change Desktop Icons and uncheck the Trash.

16. What to do if the hard disk partition disappeared after installing Windows 7

Suppose your computer's hard drive contains two partitions (C and D), and after installing another OS on the second partition, the first partition disappeared. In fact, the section remained where it was, but Windows 7 did not assign a letter to it. Therefore, we do not have access to the data stored on this disk.

To assign a drive letter, go to Control Panel -\u003e Administrative Tools -\u003e Computer Management.

In the left menu, select the item Storage -\u003e Disk Management. It displays information about all drives connected to the computer, including logical drives (partitions), drives, and removable drives. Our lost partition is located here - it is displayed in the list and does not have a letter or volume label, but is recognized by the system as a hard drive.

1. Click on it with the right button and in the menu that appears, select the item Change drive letter or path to the drive.
2. In the window that opens, click the Add button.
3. In the window that opens, in the line Assign a drive letter, in the form of a drop-down list, all free letters are presented; we can assign any of them to our "unidentified" partition.
4. Select the letter and press the OK button.

As you can see, tweaking and optimizing Windows 7 with the right approach is not a difficult and fast way to both improve the process of using your computer and increase its performance and performance.


If, after the optimization of the Windows operation, you have not achieved the desired result, or your actions have led to a malfunction of the system, UService specialists will help you.

The article will be a useful guide for any owner of a weak laptop or computer running on the "Seven" who wants to optimize the operation of Windows 7. Today we will consider what can be disabled in this operating system in order to improve its performance without detrimental effect on the functioning.

There is no clear definition of the term. In most cases, it hides a set of measures and user actions aimed at disabling and removing unused components of the operating system, as well as changing its configuration in order to improve the efficiency of the latter. That is, an optimized Windows 7 will consume less hardware resources and perform the tasks assigned to it with greater efficiency than an unconfigured operating system.

One of the most important factors in reducing the performance of Win 7 is the presence of a large number of items in the list of items automatically launched after the OS starts. Services that can be disabled in the "Seven" to speed up its work,. This article has written in detail,. You can speed up Windows 7 a little more,. How - read here. The rest of the ways to optimize the operating system for normal operation on an old PC and for running games on it will be discussed below.

Setting up the system drive

The system partition must have at least a few gigabytes of free space. Even if it is enough, the folders for storing temporary files are probably full of garbage. No matter how we optimize the operating system, without proper maintenance of the hard drive, most efforts will go to waste.

How to improve HDD performance? First of all, let's clear it of temporary files. To do this, we perform the algorithm below.

  1. We call "Explorer" using Win + E.
  2. Open the "Properties" of the system volume through its context menu.
  1. We click "Cleaning ..." and wait while the cleaning program searches for unnecessary files and estimates the freed space.

Also in the properties of the system partition, you can disable the indexing of files on it. Although it is carried out, by and large, when the computer is not loaded, it is idle, but we do not need extra background services.

After disabling indexing, the search will become slightly slower.

  1. We mark the checkboxes which files we want to delete (be sure to put a tick in front of "Temporary ...") and click "OK".

  1. We confirm our intentions.

  1. We are waiting for all operations to complete.

The window will close automatically.

Another performance increase is carried out by defragmenting the system volume. The files on it are located chaotically, and defragmentation will allow you to collect parts of one file in such a way that they are in sectors in order. Thus, when accessing a file, the reading head does not have to move over the entire surface of the magnetic plate in order to search for cells with fragments of the desired object. The second defragmentation feature is the movement of system-critical files to tracks that are located closer to the center of the magnetic plate. This reduces the access time to them. Below is a detailed description of how to speed up Windows 7 by defragmenting the system volume.

  1. \u003e Open the "Properties" drive C: \\, as in the previous case.
  1. Switch to the "Service" tab.

  1. We click on the button "Defragment ...".

If necessary, you can set up a schedule for starting the optimization of HDD partitions.

  1. Click on "Disk Defragmenter" to improve its performance.

While the problems with fragmentation of filesystem objects are being solved, we will speed up the PC boot by using both cores of the multiprocessor system for this.

Processor setup

Following the steps below will increase the startup speed of Windows 7 by a few seconds if you have a CPU with two or more physical or virtual cores.

  1. We open the command interpreter, for example, through "Start".

  1. Enter the "msconfig" command into the text line and execute it.

  1. We click on the button "Additional parameters" of the system start.

  1. Next to the "Number of processors" option, check the box and indicate their maximum available number.

  1. After that we save the settings.

  1. In the "System Configuration" window, click "OK".

It is not necessary to reboot the computer, since we have not yet had time to fully configure Windows 7 for high performance.


Further speeding up Windows 7 is by cleaning the registry. Many programs and drivers leave keys (records) in the system database after their uninstallation. If you want to speed up your laptop, you should get rid of such keys. Alas, Windows 7 tools and settings do not provide for cleaning the system registry, so an OS optimization program like CCleaner will come to the rescue. It is the best utility to remove unnecessary registry entries and temporary files in Windows.

  1. Follow the direct link to download it, and then run the resulting file.
  1. In the installer window, select the language file and click "Configure".

  1. Uncheck unnecessary checkboxes and click "Install".

  1. We launch the Windows 7 accelerator directly from the installer window.

  1. Click "Registry" and start the process of searching for unnecessary keys

  1. We activate the button "Fix the selected ..." and click "Yes" to create a backup copy of the deleted records.

As practice shows, the utility does not injure the system, therefore, key reservation is not necessary.

  1. Enter the name of the backup and save the file to any convenient directory.

  1. We fix the noted problems.

The maximum performance of working with registry files is achieved after defragmenting it. A simple defragmenter will not be able to cope with the task, because the registry files are constantly used by the system, so they are optimized only until Windows 7 boots.

  1. Follow the link to download a free optimization program that has the required functionality.
  2. Install and run Wise Registry Cleaner.

  1. We agree to back up the entire system database and wait for the operation to complete.

Instead of a full backup, you can simply create a restore point if the corresponding function is activated.

Before defragmenting, you can perform a full scan of the registry for problems and compare the results of the application with the success of CCleaner

  1. Click on the "Compression ..." tab.

  1. We close all applications and click "Analysis".

  1. Do not touch anything until the computer is restarted.

Attention! During optimization, processes on a laptop or computer may not respond for a long time or freeze until the device is rebooted.

After restarting, if everything went well, the operating system will boot up noticeably faster, but that's not all.

Record Caching Policy

Full optimization of Windows 7 cannot happen without activating the option to cache hard drive writes. It allows you to speed up the work with files and is not enabled by default in all Windows 7 builds.

  1. Open the "Task Manager", for example, by running the command "devmgmt.msc" in the shell window.

  1. Expand the "Disk devices" branch, where open the "Properties" of your drive.

  1. Go to the "Policy" tab.

  1. Mark the checkbox of the option indicated in the screenshot, if it is not active, and save the settings.

Disable remote file compression

The function allows you to calculate the difference between two files (for example, an earlier and a fresh copy of a document) in order to reduce the amount of transmitted information when copying or replacing. This option can be disabled, because such a function is very rarely required.

  1. We call the "Control Panel".

  1. In it, click "Remove Programs" or "Programs and Features", depending on the method of visualizing objects.

  1. Click on the link "Enabling / disabling Windows components".

While everything is loaded, we are waiting. The process may take a couple of minutes or more.

  1. Uncheck the box next to the Remote Differential Compression option.

We are not in a hurry to save the new parameters, since here you can remove a few more unnecessary components, for example, "Windows Search", "TFTP Client", "Indexing Service", if you do not use them. If necessary, any of the elements is returned in the same way.

  1. Then we save the new settings.

Improving performance by disabling visual effects

Aero, window animations, visual effects when windows and menus appear are resource intensive, although they are not of practical value. Unless the interface elements look beautiful and are animated. If the graphics adapter of the computer is very outdated, and there is not much RAM in it (~ 2 GB), you can sacrifice the beauty and animation of the interface elements in order to improve the system's performance without hesitation.

  1. We call "Properties" of "My computer".

  1. We activate the link marked in the screenshot.

  1. We click on the "Parameters" button in the first subsection.

  1. Move the trigger switch to the "Provide the best performance" position.

Here you can mark "Special effects" and indicate which ones you want to refuse.

  1. Go to the "Advanced" tab.

On this tab we increase the size of the swap file or enable its use if the swap file is not used in the system. It is able to facilitate the work of a PC with a small amount of RAM, as it is its virtual extension. When there is not enough RAM to store data, some of the information that is not used today is dumped to the hard drive in a paging file that is stored on the system volume. When any information becomes necessary, it is written from disk back to RAM. The speed of working with data on the HDD is much lower than with the cells of RAM, but in cases of emergency it is better than constant notifications about insufficient RAM, freezes (often "dead") and crashes.

  1. To enable the swap file, click "Change".

Here the opinions of experts, including representatives of Microsoft, differ.
Some advise not to touch anything, allowing the system to automatically select the required size of the swap file, the second advise you to specify a static size for it, and still others - to set a dynamic size. What will be more correct, everyone decides for himself.

Please note that the specified space will be reserved on the system volume and cannot be used for storing personal files.

The second point: dynamically changing the size (when we specify the source and current) of the swap file will contribute to its fragmentation. Considering that working with virtual memory already slows down the computer, and fragmentation will further reduce its performance, the conclusion suggests itself that it is better to set the current and maximum paging file sizes the same.

We activate the option only for the system volume, because the tracks of other disks are far from the center, which will also affect the speed of access to the paging file.

  1. After setting up Windows 7, click "Set" and close all windows with the "OK" button.

Power management

The last to optimize the electrical power of Windows 7. By default, the system uses balanced mode - the golden mean between power consumption and the efficiency of the PC. Changing your power plan can improve the performance of your computer. However, it is not recommended to touch it for laptops, because the developer of the device has already chosen the optimal power settings for the system, including when the laptop operates autonomously.

  1. To change the power plan, open the "Run" window using Win + R and run the "powercfg.cpl" command in it.

  1. We go into the settings of the electric power supply circuit.

  1. Open the additional parameters window.

  1. In the drop-down list, select "High performance" and save the optimal power supply parameters for the system.

The end result is a faster computer than it was before the setup. For even greater acceleration, you can use an SSD as a system volume or add a RAM bar, but that's a different story.

The issue of reducing the consumption of resources by the WINDOWS 7 operating system is quite relevant, as everyone remembers, even after the release of Windows Vista, many users had problems due to the excessive consumption of resources by the system. But in today's article, I would like to tell you HOW TO SPEED UP WINDOWS 7.


Let's try to understand why we need to optimize the operation of the WINDOWS 7 operating system? Someone will say that it is already well done and works well, smoothly and quickly, but those who do not know how many unnecessary services are included in their system and those who do not know how much faster it can work will say so. This article is written more for users who value every percentage of RAM and processor performance. I am sure that such people have already tried many ways to speed up their Windows 7 operating system, but still I will tell you my methods, which are quite effective and have been tried by me personally.

Most often, acceleration and optimization of Windows 7 is needed either for GAMERS who want to run heavier games on their computers without glitches and freezes, or for people who use resource-intensive software. Both of them will find a lot of useful information in my article.


We need visual optimization in order to reduce the consumption of processor and video card resources by disabling unnecessary effects and animations in the system.

We need to open the "System Properties" window. This can be done in several ways, for example, by the Win + Pause (Break) keyboard shortcut: + or you can launch the “System” window by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon on the desktop.

After starting the window, left-click on the item “ Additional system parameters”In the upper left corner of the screen. As shown in the picture below:

Disable loading effects

After that, we will open a window with settings, in it we need to disable all unnecessary effects so that the effects do not steal valuable computer resources and to speed up the operation of the Windows 7 system itself.

In the “SPEED” section, click on the “PARAMETERS” button and DISABLING checkboxes as shown in the image below:

Press the "PARAMETERS" button in the "DOWNLOAD AND RESTORE" section and disable everything as shown in the figure:

The checkbox “DO NOT DISPLAY LIST OF OPERATING SYSTEMS” should be unchecked only if you do not have other operating systems installed on your computer, otherwise you will not be able to boot into them.
These settings will not negatively affect the operation of the system, and now we will not waste resources on maintaining debug logs and unnecessary visual effects.


A very important step is system cleaning, as I am sure that everyone's system is clogged with unnecessary unused files and "dead" shortcuts, and very often unused entries remain in the system registry after removing some programs.

To clean WINDOWS 7 OS we use the free CCleaner program.

First you need to download the program, you can do this at the link below:

For those who do not have access to torrents, you can use the instructions for bypassing site blocking

After downloading the program, install it in any way convenient for us from those available in the archive folder and perform cleaning as shown in the images below:

Also in the CCleaner program in the section "Service - Startup" I advise you to exclude unnecessary programs from startup.


In this section, we will look at how to intelligently optimize the available disk space, what functionality to disable, and what work to do with the file system.

We'll start by disabling unnecessary functionality and that for Windows 7 is "Indexing files" and "Archiving files".

Disable file indexing

To DISABLE “File Indexing” we need to enter “My Computer” and right-click on one of the partitions of your disk and uncheck the box as shown in the figure below:

Select as shown in the image and click "OK".

Disable data archiving

We go to the “System Properties” window as described in the section “” and in the “SYSTEM PROTECTION” tab, select the desired section and click the “Configure” button and in the window that opens, mark the “Disable system protection” checkbox as shown in the screenshots below. We do this for all sections.

Defragment files

The next item, Defragmenting the file system, is an important item, but only if defragmentation is performed correctly.

We will defragment using the program “ Perfect Disk“Which in my, and not only my, opinion is the best program for defragmenting disks!

After downloading, we defragment your partitions, select “SmartPlacement defragmentation” for a partition with Windows 7 OS, and “Consolidate free space” for other partitions.

This completes the disk space optimization.


To optimize services, you can use the program AusLogics BoostSpeed.Or the instruction ““.

Download and install the program by running the "Silent installation" file:

After the analysis, we leave all the parameters selected and press the "OPTIMIZE" button

This completes the entire optimization of your computer or laptop on the windows 7 operating system for games or loads of programs.


So, in the article we learned how to optimize your hardware using the WINDOWS 7 operating system. I tried to explain everything to you as simply and clearly as possible with the help of images, if some steps in the pictures are not clear to you or somewhere I missed the thread of explanation and you did not understand what to do, you can write without any problems in the comments below and I will explain to you what and how to do to improve the speed of your OS.