Which Windows is better to put 7 or 10. Which operating system to choose for a computer - comparison and selection of the best

Do I need to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10? Maybe, well, them, these innovations and beauty? Or still keep up with the times? This is a question of questions that confuses many Windows users today.

Comparison of Windows 10 and Windows 7

Take any laptop with pretty decent performance as an example, such as the Samsung R60Y +. Don't be intimidated by the fact that this 9-year-old model is a machine with a dual-core processor and 2 GB of RAM. Windows 8 / 8.1 / 10 runs very quickly on it, which cannot be said about inexpensive and weak netbooks: one of these is the Acer Aspire One 521 with its usual processor and only 1 GB of RAM.

Windows 10 and Windows 7 performance

For comparison, a PC with the following equipment is taken:

  • intel Core i5-4670K processor (3.4 GHz - 3.8 GHz);
  • rAM 8 GB (architecture DDR3-2400 RAM);
  • nvidia GeForce GTX 980 graphics card;
  • crucial MX200 1TB drive
  • system unit SilverStone Essential Gold with a power of 750 watts.
  • Startup and startup behavior

    Windows 8 and 10 versions load faster. This is not a file-by-file loading of the operating system kernel, as it was up to Windows 7, but loading of the last successfully completed session with workable settings and user data. Starting Windows "from scratch" every time you turn on the PC is the yesterday of operating systems: this method wore out the internal drives faster (especially SSD-drives and bootable LiveUSB flash drives, less wear-resistant than a simple HDD) and greatly overloaded the RAM and processor.

    After booting, Windows 7 shows the classic desktop and taskbar with the main Windows menu. In Windows 8.x, the Start button was hidden, in the Top 10 it was made more accessible, as in earlier versions of Windows. Most of the tools for configuring and debugging Windows 10 are still readily available, and I'll talk about them below.

  • remove the password that was imposed at the first launch of the "dozen" - in Windows 7 and earlier versions, the password was not forced;
  • remove auto-start of some Windows components and services, which, as a rule, are not in dire need, especially if the computer is used for work and entertainment on the Internet;
  • clear lists of assigned tasks, which are also not needed;
  • disable slideshow screensavers and "wallpapers", install a simple Windows design, remove other annoying paraphernalia.
  • To begin with, using the BootRacer program, the time taken by the OS to start is measured - from the appearance of the Microsoft logo to the showing of the Windows desktop.

    The best time was shown by Windows 8.1; Windows 10 booted in 6 seconds, Windows 7 in 5 seconds

    If the Windows 7 shell did not start from scratch every time, it would start in just 3-4 seconds. And this is on a PC with quite impressive performance!

    Windows Standby / Hibernation and Hibernation

    The first mode that allows you to safely shut down Windows without closing programs or losing data was hibernation - saving the current session entirely on the C drive. The more advanced the version of Windows, the less time it takes to execute the hibernation command.

    The older the system, the longer it takes for it to go into hibernation; best time - 21 seconds - showed Windows 10

    Windows Hybrid Hibernation - a cross between hibernation and normal hibernation - takes slightly less time, and here you can also see the superiority of Windows 10.

    Windows 10 takes the least time to go to sleep

    Windows 7 and 10 PC System Requirements

    The following values \u200b\u200bof RAM, video card memory, CPU and space in the system partition (in the case of using one version of Windows, this, as a rule, section C :) must be at least doubled, otherwise this is not work on the computer, but torment.

    Computer requirements from Windows 7/10 - table

    The main factor is the bit capacity of the PC. It makes sense to change Windows 7 to 10, for example, in the following situations:

  • computer performance suffers; the software was updated / replaced - replacing Office 2007 with Office 2013, Photoshop CS1 with the CC version, etc .;
  • i want to try new games that are more demanding on hardware resources; for example, upgrade GTA4 to GTA5, Crysis 2 to Crysis 3, and so on;
  • a large monitor / projector is purchased and a PC or laptop is performing home theater functions or operating a projector at a university;
  • the entire system unit is being modernized or changed completely due to the launch of 16-channel video surveillance with IP cameras at guarded posts - the PC itself is used as a video recorder: for example, 16 GB RAM, 1 TB hard drive and 8 * 3 processor are purchased, 5 GHz.
  • Which version of Windows is best for gaming

    It is necessary that the game does not freeze anywhere - and it does not matter if it is single or multiplayer. Who likes a laptop overheated and noisy at night in half an apartment by its fans, in which your beloved World of Tanks or Call of Duty Black Ops constantly freezes, the main character loses control, and you are killed in an easy place in the game ?!

    Windows 7, 8 and 10 are only slightly ahead of each other - there would be a powerful and high-speed "filling" of a computer or tablet. Most of the games of the past decade need at least Windows Vista, otherwise you are unlikely to play them in GTA-4/5 or in the latest World of Warcraft series.

    An example is the game Tomb Raider. No noticeable increase in download speed was found.

    Tomb Raider load times are almost the same on all Windows versions

    Windows 10 lags slightly behind Windows 7 in Metro Redux and Crysis 3.

    Which version of Windows runs faster apps for work tasks

    As in games, the hardware itself decides a lot. For example, when you start Download Master, Firefox Portable, Adobe Photoshop, Avant Browser and some others, the screen saver (cover) of the application appears on the screen for a second or two, which you are unlikely to speed up - these programs are so configured, they withstand the interval of this splash screen before opening your main working window. This resembles, for example, the screensaver of the Call of Duty or Grand Turismo game, but, unlike working applications, you can interrupt the demo video and start the game by pressing Enter or by clicking the mouse.

    Labor productivity is important here. If a computer is not a toy for you, but a means of earning money, applications should work quickly - for example, Microsoft Office does not slow down when typing documents; a printer, a scanner, a copier, etc; work quickly; the local network of the enterprise does not "fall off" and does not slow down.

    Launching Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge

    Internet Exploler 11 and the new Microsoft Edge browser are taken as examples. IE speeds up a bit with each change of Windows. Microsoft is right - Edge is much faster than the slow-witted IE.

    Edge browser loads almost twice as fast as IE regardless of Windows version

    Internet Explorer is clumsy, and yet banks and corporations use it - they don't need Chrome, Opera, or Firefox.

    Monitoring the launch of Adobe Photoshop

    Photoshop has accumulated so many software modules, templates, filters and settings in its entire history that it takes a very long time to run even on high-speed machines.

    Photoshop loading speed on Windows 7 and 10 is almost the same

    Further development of Windows did not greatly affect its start-up speed.

    How Microsoft Excel proved to be

    Overall, nothing has changed in the performance of Excel.

    Excel 2013 is similar in speed across all recent versions of Windows

    This is one of those times when productivity in production applications doesn't change for the better.

    What people say about Windows 10

    Somehow, one fine morning, I came across the news about the public access of Windows 10 from the Melkosoft company. I, initially, was very surprised by the release of the 10th after the 8th, but this is not the point, I immediately downloaded it and hemorrhoids started, because after a 2-hour installation, a 5-hour search for firewood, which would have correctly become on system, I came across a crude, unfinished system in which even the conductor does not work stably! Popandos, comrades! The graphic component is very minimalistic and uninteresting, almost everything was ripped from the eight, but the start menu was added, conceptually it is a mixture of 7 and 8, to be honest, the sense from this is zero, I would say that I am waiting for the full version, but this cannot be so after what I saw. Outcome: Despite an ardent desire to switch to Linux, I rolled back to seven


    Since 2013, I have been using the windows 8.1 operating system and was completely satisfied, but when I saw the discussion of windows 10 on the Internet on the forums, how beautifully people tell how good and convenient it is, I could not resist and went to the official microsoft website. In general, I downloaded the installation and began to install this system. The installation was not long, like all windows was quickly installed, it rebooted and then it started ... Well, of course, I will immediately note that the beautiful interface, the icons were replaced with more accurate ones, the taskbar and the main screen. The screen began to freeze , looking for settings to adjust and where they are located you can't understand, I read on the forums that you need to demolish the previous version and I bought a windows 10 image with a license key. In general, I formatted the hard drive and installed windows 10 ... And it started again ... - now I will just list what problems did I contact. The store does not work - constantly errors, the explorer does not work, updates do not work, games and programs do not start - there is always something missing in the library ... All the files that are not enough for the full work of the pc - it is not possible to find in Internet specifically for windows 10, as a result of which windows 10 was disposed of and the PC was returned to windows 8.1


    Good day. Most of us are accustomed to the Windows 7 operating system, so it's clear that the transition to Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 is perceived with hostility. After all, you need to get used to the new, and the old has already been studied up and down. It's probably strange, but for me personally, it is the study of new things that arouses great interest. New is not only new problems, bugs and other crap. New is a must and a solution to old problems, optimization, improvement, improvements. I've already installed Windows 10 five times, demolished it, returned to 8.1 and 7. But at the moment I clearly decided to stay on the top ten. It is more convenient, it works many times faster than previous operating systems, and yet it is new. In the end, new versions of programs and games are optimized for it. Games don't interest me at all, but still. There was only one unpleasant moment - an annoying message with a proposal to upgrade to the top ten, which appeared with the update of previous OS versions. But even he was easy to fight. There was no need to install updates, or it was tedious to remove something from the installed ones. It's a matter of two minutes. Turning on the bluetooth on the keyboard does not work for me, but here there is a very convenient socket. Just for me, a dozen are said to track users and send data to Microsoft. Well, yes it is. Then what? It is stupid for an ordinary user to worry about this. Not all are employees of the FSB or similar organizations. Why such paranoia? Terrorists can and should worry, but ordinary people have no reason. A bloated problem, which by the way is solved by installing a small patch that demolishes all the kaku, including the cool thing Cortana. I use it with pleasure. I only disabled the standard antivirus and installed my beloved Avast. I don't know any problems. Oh yes, there was one serious problem. I have a folder with movies. At the moment, its volume exceeds 400 GB and it was with this folder that Windows were not friends. The strip at the top took a long time to load. Everything hung. The problem was solved simply, in the folder settings I changed the folder optimization from “video” to “common elements”. It's strange that she was stupid with optimizations for video. But I solved the problem, and this is the main thing. Of course, I recommend this operating system. Nimble, cute, easy to use and customize.

    Kosmonaut Mishahttp://otzovik.com/review_2744012.html

    Summary: is Windows 10 as needed as it seems?

    So, if you have a lot of free time and you want to please your eyes with a new design - go ahead! What will change from the fact that the Windows main menu will become not just a menu, but a tile with large icons and cells of different sizes? You can't argue with the statistics: more than half of people still love Windows 7 - it works quietly on their computers.

    The primary requirement for any operating system is functionality that includes features such as:

  • support for new devices and faster and more productive hardware - for this, Windows must have all the basic drivers that are universal for many brands and models of PCs, laptops and tablets. In particular, this concerns panoramic shooting for Google Street and Yandex-Maps - support for the latest "circular" and "spherical" HD-cameras with a resolution of each of their matrices of thousands by thousands of pixels;
  • the emergence and development of voice control (Cortana voice dictation in Windows, similar to Siri in iOS, support for OK Google voice search, etc.);
  • support for 3D technologies: support for 3D monitors, 3D printing. This is gaining more and more popularity. Previously, only text could be printed - now it is possible to print on a 3D printer, for example, a toy or a model, and this is not the limit. With this, Windows 10 should also run smoothly and quickly;
  • support for multi-display work - used for presentations, lectures, in general when working in any company - and it doesn't matter what this company produces, be it a new bike or an iPhone;
  • The abundance of all kinds of settings - a serious impetus to their expansion is given by the new functionality.
  • The list threatens to be endless. No matter how huge it was - from Windows 10 people expected new features, new functions, and not just new screensavers and shiny panels, mosaics and animations, which the "office of Gates" never skimp on. Since Microsoft is unlikely to release a new version of Windows (under the name 11 or Prima), all hope is for Windows 10 updates that bring to mind what is already there.

    Video: Windows 10 Settings

    Updating Windows to the top ten is not so important. If you don't need Cortana voice, virtual desktops and other bells and whistles, stay on Windows 7, in any case, you will not lose anything either in work or in play.

    Many users use Windows on their home computers. During the existence of this system, several versions of it have been released. In this regard, the question arises: "Which Windows is better?"

    Why use new OS versions?

    Some users do not understand why to install new versions of Windows OS. After all, they have already installed some of them, but earlier. The thing is that after the release of a new version, the old ones are gradually no longer supported. In the future, new variations of the programs are not made, and support from Microsoft cannot be obtained.

    Some open source programs can be compiled from source codes, but most programs written for this OS are proprietary and supplied in binary form. In this regard, you need to update the installed versions. In the article we will find out which Windows is better.

    Windows 7

    Despite the fact that after the release of Windows 7 other versions of the OS in question came out, many users still answer the question: "Which Windows is better?" as follows: "Of course, Windows 7".

    This is due to the fact that it was, in fact, the first more or less stable operating system from Microsoft. Compared to later Windows, it loads the processor less and has a more familiar menu for users accustomed to using older OS. This version is distinguished by its elegant design and convenient settings.

    There are transparent windows, AERO style. In this version, there is a ban on working with system files without proper permission. Some programs that were run on Windows XP stopped working here.

    If today many more developers continue to create programs for this OS, then soon Microsoft wants to transfer everyone to version 10, which will be periodically updated itself. When comparing Windows 7 and 10, the choice of the first will be carried out mainly by conservative users - those of them who do not want to update the hardware, who like the design of previous versions.

    Windows 8

    The release of this version was unsuccessful for Microsoft Corporation, since it did not become popular with users. Many users who decided to try the G8, after a short time returned to the G7. The desktop was redesigned here, which seemed inconvenient to the bulk of users.

    It was created as an OS for both desktop and gadgets. But combining these functions in one OS turned out to be an overwhelming task even for such a giant as Microsoft, which continues to dominate the field of systems for desktops and laptops, but is almost completely ousted from the field of mobile devices.

    Later, Windows 8.1 was released, which made it possible to return to some extent the old desktop, it became somewhat more responsive. However, it did not bring the sales that the manufacturer was counting on.

    Windows Overview 10

    After version 8, Microsoft decided to skip the 9th and immediately released Windows 10. In it, it has already managed to ensure that the OS is equally good on both desktop and mobile devices. Here the stability of work has been increased, new settings and configurations have appeared. For a long time, the manufacturer has persistently advised the owners of previous versions to be sure to upgrade to the "dozen". This update may have been carried out initially free of charge.

    Considering that the Internet Explorer Internet browser, after the release of many different similar programs, ceased to enjoy increased popularity, the peak of which occurred at a time when many utilities could not be installed in the absence of a specific version of this project, the developer of this OS decided to rebrand it. As a result, MS Edge became the default browser in the top ten.

    In this OS, finally, it became possible to work in several desktops, analyze disk space. Gamers in this version were able to run games developed for the Xbox One.

    Thus, a brief overview of Windows 10 shows that it meets the requirements of new, as well as non-conservative old users who make up the backbone of the army of users of this system.

    Windows XP

    Need advice? Which Windows is better to install, you ask? You may be prompted by such an option as "Windows" XP. Basically, it is recommended for old machines that have little RAM and are not going to buy it in the near future.

    It was one of the first versions of this OS in NT mode. It was the most popular for desktop systems until 2011. If the user is satisfied with the software written for this OS, then he can install it. However, it should be borne in mind that many manufacturers do not already write programs for this OS. Now it will be quite difficult to find drivers for new hardware when working in Windows XP.

    Which Windows should you choose? If your choice is the version in question, then keep in mind that it was written for 32-bit systems only. Therefore, memory exceeding 4 GB will be ignored here. This system only supports DirectX 9, so gamers who prefer new toys will have nothing to do here.

    What else to look for?

    You can get some more advice. Which "Windows" is better to install, few know. Next, we will describe a nuance that concerns not the version, but the edition. The fact is that each version has several varieties, such as Home, Professional, Ultimate, Starter, which differ in functionality and cost.

    The Starter edition has the least functionality. But on the other hand, it is the cheapest, so when choosing Windows you need to be guided by what purpose you need it for. If the goals are not defined, and the financial possibilities are not limited, it is better to buy the maximum edition (Ultimate).


    We have reviewed the major versions of Windows. Which Windows is better? It depends on how powerful your computer is, how much RAM is in it, what are the dimensions of the hard drive, the processor. If it is better to use Windows 10 on the new hardware, then on the old one - the previous versions. It makes sense to install Windows XP only on very old computers that have survived to this day. You also need to know that there are also i386, 486, 586 - architectures.

    Also this version can be used by connoisseurs of old programs. In other cases, it is better to use Windows 7 or 10. Also, consider your tastes and preferences, do not try to remake yourself. If you are a conservative, use XP or 7, depending on which hardware you have.

    Read a comparison of the characteristics of the best versions of the Windows operating system. Find out which Windows is best for your computer.

    We will compare all operating systems according to three most important criteria:

    • Interface and usability;
    • Safety;
    • Work speed and hardware requirements.

    Windows 7

    Immediately after its release in 2009, Windows 7 received a lot of criticism due to flaws and constantly flying out bugs. Over time, the developers managed to improve the system and today it is rightfully called the most successful implementation of Windows.


    Despite the release of new modern versions of the OS, the seven is still popular among users. More than 45% of Windows computers use the seventh generation of the operating system.

    First of all, it should be noted the remarkable compatibility with any device. You can easily connect your phone to your computer or find a version of your favorite game that suits the seven.

    Desktop. It was he who became the main feature of the OS. Despite the external resemblance to the previous version - Windows XP, the workspace of the seven is better thought out, has a convenient interface and arrangement of elements. Lovers of the classic Start menu will appreciate the interface.

    Support for widgets. Windows 7 is distinguished by the presence of a huge number of widgets for convenient organization of work. Add a calendar, to-do list, clock, stickers and other useful things to your desktop.

    Convenient search. The Start menu provides a convenient search field for files on your computer. Just enter the title or part of the content you want so the OS will automatically detect the elements you want.

    Task bar. With an organized taskbar, you can switch between pinned programs, the Start menu, open packs and files. In the tray, we see the notification area and a key to instantly collapse all open tabs.

    Organization of the conductor. In the standard Windows 7 file explorer, users can create their own libraries or use existing partitions. A library is a folder that automatically recognizes files of the same subject and format.

    Media center. The built-in Windows 7 Media Center utility makes it easy to manage all the media content on your computer. Listen to music, watch movies, pictures in one program.

    Hardware requirements

    Specifications for installing Windows 7:

    • Processor with a minimum clock speed of 1 GHz and a bit depth of 32x (86x) or 64x;
    • 1 GB of RAM (for 32x architecture) or 2 GB (for 64x architecture);
    • DirectX 9 graphics module device.

    Windows 7 security is based on the User Account Control module. Compared to earlier versions of Windows, the 7 supports secure user control and also restricts work for users who are not. The UAC service requires confirmation before performing any important action in the system (installing the program, working with antivirus, changing system settings, and so on).

    This approach guarantees protection against system breakdown "inadvertently", and also limits the circle of persons and programs that can access the contents of the system

    BitLocker Drive Encryption protects all of your personal data from theft and unauthorized copying.

    Biometric security. Windows 7 has support for biometric user control programs. For example, if your computer has a fingerprint scanner, you can easily install the utility for this device to work.

    Pros and cons

    Among the advantages of Windows 7 are the following:

    • Simplified recovery system;
    • Support for modern games and applications;
    • Intuitive interface;
    • There are no special hardware requirements.

    Cons of OS:

    • Lack of basic support from Microsoft;
    • A simple explorer with a limited set of functions;
    • Poor performance;
    • Long OS startup.

    Overall, users from all over the world have been positive about Windows 7 for years. Particularly popular is the simple organization of functionality and the ability to customize the desktop. A huge amount of compatible software and small hardware requirements are another reason for the popularity of the system among a multimillion audience.

    Prospects for use

    In 2015, Microsoft announced the end of mainstream support for the seven. However, service packs are still coming to users. The OS security service and built-in utilities are being improved.

    In the coming years, the developer is unlikely to deprive the multimillion-dollar number of users of his favorite OS. Rather, the transition to newer versions will be done gradually and at the will of the users themselves.

    If you have a desire to put a seven on your computer, feel free to start the installation, because the system will work for a decent amount of time. If necessary, you can always update your Windows 7 license for a similar build of Windows 10.

    Windows 8 and 8.1

    Windows 8 is an innovative project from Microsoft that was released in 2012. The new version of the beloved OS has undergone significant changes, which caused a lot of criticism and discontent among users.

    The main novelty is the tiled interface

    Among the main innovations of the eight, the Metro interface should be noted - this is a technology for presenting information in a tiled mode. The developers decided to move away from the familiar desktop and Start menu and now users can work on the Home screen.

    Each element of the "Home screen" is a virtual tile (or "tile"), by clicking on which you can open a program, a document, a file pinned to the workspace, and so on. The design of the new interface also shook the usual idea of \u200b\u200bWindows - bright colors, animation, lack of familiar control areas.

    Tiles can be changed in size and color. If you want to add more items to the work area, scroll to the right. Also, in the main window of the system there is a search menu for quick access to other programs and files.

    The absence of the familiar "Start" key has become the reason for mass criticism of the eight and the refusal of users from the new system. People began to return to Windows 7 en masse. After that, Microsoft developers, in an attempt to mitigate the situation, released the Windows 8.1 update. In fact, the update has become a new, improved version of the operating system, which should have been released instead of Windows 8.

    If you compare Windows 8 and 8.1, you can immediately note the return of the long-awaited "Start" button and desktop. Note that the usual "Start" menu is absent, and when you press the main key, the metro interface appears / disappears. Thus, the user can conveniently switch between the normal desktop and tiles.

    In general, the new OS interface is focused on touch screens. Since, starting in 2012, an increasing number of tablet PCs and laptops with a touch pen began to appear on the market. The system is completely ready for use on ordinary computers.


    With the release of the eight, Microsoft also introduced its official app store. Now you can download programs with it. The ability to download regular EXE files from the Internet remains.

    Hardware Requirements

    The technical requirements for installing the system are as follows:

    • 1GHz processor with support for PAE, SSE2, NX;
    • RAM 1 GB or 2 GB (for x86 or x64 architecture, respectively);
    • Video card with DirectX 9 support. Also, WDMM 1.0+ support is required;
    • Free space on hard disk - 16 GB (for x86) or 20 GB (for x 64).

    As you can see, the system requirements are almost identical for Windows 7 and Windows 8, so you can have problems installing an updated version of the OS. This will not affect performance. On the contrary, you get faster OS startup (in just 15-17 seconds) and instant response of all functions.


    The security system in Windows 8 has been significantly improved and improved when compared with previous generations of the OS.

    User account. Now control of all browsers occurs not locally in the system, but on the Microsoft server. To create an administrator or regular user account, you must bind an email address to your computer. Also, the integration of each account with OneDrive is configured.

    New authentication methods. Now you can configure several login methods at once and use only one of them for authorization - password, digital pin-code, pattern, fingerprint (if your computer has an appropriate scanner).

    Updated Task Manager with improved encryption algorithms. Now, third-party programs will not be able to influence running processes and harm the system. Also, the technology for encrypting files on the hard disk and on connected external drives has been improved.

    Recovery system. Now the user can run the built-in diagnostics and automatic troubleshooting of the OS, or reset the settings to the original ones.

    Common pros and cons

    When determining which Windows is best for you, pay attention to the technical characteristics of the device you are using, your personal preferences and the support of the software you use most often.

    Pros of Windows 8:

    • Improved work area;
    • Quick search;
    • Protection system;
    • Minimum technical requirements;
    • Support from Microsoft;
    • Quick start of the OS;
    • Compatible with touch screens.

    Cons of Windows 8:

    • Difficult adaptation. For a user who is used to working with Windows 7 it may not be easy to get used to the new functionality of the OS;
    • Lack of familiar program windows;
    • A small number of applications.
    Should I install?

    If you want to work with a fundamentally new interface, but remain a Windows user, we advise you to install the eight. The organization of the tiled interface and the completely new concept of the OS will appeal to experimenters and ordinary users who are looking for a good system for a touchscreen monitor.

    Windows 10

    Windows 10 is an extreme version of Windows that is rapidly gaining popularity among users around the world. The system has all the best from the beloved seven and the innovations of the eighth version. The latest system updates can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website - https://www.microsoft.com

    By redefining their views, the Microsoft developers have canceled their goal of completely eliminating the familiar interface. Instead, they successfully stacked the two systems, adding improved styling and even faster performance.

    Updated Start Button

    Unlike Windows 8, the tenth version still received support for the standard "Start" menu, so users who abandoned the previous version of the OS just because of the lack of their favorite functionality can install the top ten without any problems.

    The main feature of the Start menu is the simultaneous support for both regular fields and a tiled interface. This way, you can add shortcuts to programs or web pages to the menu.

    For fans of the metro interface, it is possible to remove the Start menu and enable the main screen mode in the form of tiles (with the ability to switch to the desktop).

    The appearance of the system is presented in a minimalist style: smooth transitions between windows, lack of window frames and ease of learning - it's all about Windows 10.

    Notification Center

    This feature has been adopted from mobile devices. Now you can track all notifications in a special window, which is located on the right side of the desktop. You can open it by pressing a special key in the tray.

    At the bottom of the action center window, there are tiles, clicking on which you go to the system settings or manage the available connections and devices.

    Also, you can note the modified explorer, in which users can manually add folders to the quick access panel.

    Hardware requirements
    • Installed on a PC Windows 8, 8.1 or 7;
    • 1 GHz processor;
    • RAM 1 GB or 2 GB (for different architectures);
    • 20 GB of disk space;
    • The minimum screen resolution is 800x600 pixels;
    • DirectX 9 compatible graphics card or higher.
    Pros and cons

    Pros of Windows 10:

    • Built-in Windows Defender;
    • Fast turn on in 15 seconds;
    • Rational distribution of PC resources;
    • Compatible with modern games and applications;
    • Regularly receive service packs and security improvements;
    • Interface;
    • Stable work.

    Cons of Windows 10:

    • Not all old computers are in the top ten;
    • On some devices, it may be difficult to install the OS manually;
    • Problems with region settings.
    Should I install?

    Definitely yes. With the new Windows 10, you can get automatic OS updates and install them without losing your personal data and files. Also, the new system is constantly being improved, new functionality is added, the interface and the support function for connected devices are improved.

    We hope you have received an answer to your question about which Windows is the best, and now you will use the ideal system for your computer. Leave your thoughts on the comparison of the three most popular operating systems in the Windows family in the comments.

    The next step after buying a laptop is choosing an operating system. An unsuitable option does not allow you to use all the capabilities of a PC or work comfortably. In the article, we reveal the key points of choosing an operating system for a laptop.

    The laptop consists of two parts - hardware and software. Hardware is the processor, memory, screen, keyboard, software - all applications. The main component of the software part is the operating system.

    The OS serves as an intermediary between the computer, executing programs and the user. The operating system provides applications and the user with a set of universal services:

    • loads programs into memory for execution
    • receives and executes user commands.
    • organizes interaction with a printer, scanner, network

    Windows or Linux

    More than 90% of the operating system market is occupied by Windows. Users get better support for computer hardware, more than Linux, the number of applications and almost 100% the opportunity to consult with specialists in case of problems.

    For the average user, the choice is clear in favor of Windows. Exceptions are when a laptop is used for work and training in IT. But the preparation of the user when using Linux is higher.

    Windows XP Laptops

    Windows XP came out in 2001 and has become the benchmark for a reliable, stable and secure operating system. Today XP is used on brand new laptops with single core processors and up to 1 GB of RAM.

    Conclusion: Windows XP is an acceptable operating system for laptops with limited memory and outdated graphics suitable for office use.

    Why skipping Vista

    After the successful Windows XP came the unsuccessful Vista. The system had a lot of errors, excessive hardware requirements, constant “brakes” and freezes.

    As a result, proven XP was installed on laptops with Vista preinstalled. After the failure, Microsoft has done some serious work. There is a new OS with better performance and lower hardware requirements. This delivered the final verdict on Windows Vista.

    Choosing the optimal version of Windows 7

    Almost half of computers are running Windows 7. Reason: Windows 7 is faster than Vista and Windows XP. If your laptop has at least a 2-core processor and more than 1 GB of RAM, the choice in favor of Windows 7 is obvious.

    Choosing a 32 or 64-bit version is guided by the amount of RAM. If the RAM is up to 4 GB inclusive, the OS "sees" a little more than 3 GB. Then it's better to stick with the 32-bit (or x86) version.

    The latter requires more memory to work. The transition to the 64-bit version of the operating system is relevant when the installed memory capacity is 6 GB or more.

    Windows 8 vs. Windows 7

    For most programs, there is no difference between 8 and 7. Accordingly, the performance of Windows 7 and Windows 8 is almost the same.

    The main difference is the desktop design. Windows 8 was created at the peak of the popularity of tablets, so the interface is focused on them. In version 8, there is no Start button on the taskbar, in 8.1 it appears again, but the classic menu is not returned. There is no point in installing Windows 8. This is confirmed by less than 8% of computers on which the OS is used

    Windows 10 - when there is no choice

    Microsoft Windows 10 is the last OS to be released in the old fashion. The main difference from previous versions is that Microsoft supports Windows 10 with continuous updates that have become impossible to disable. As a result, users have the current version of the system.

    This is part of the strategy to move to the Windows as a Service model, where the system is constantly changing through updates, without new versions being released.

    Official OS requirements remained at the same level as for 7 and 8. There is no point in installing Windows 10 on laptops where Windows 7 works fine.

    Old laptops may have problems after installing Windows 10:

    • the touchpad does not work correctly
    • old printer, scanner are not connected
    • wi-Fi disappears

    Added to this are privacy concerns: under license terms, Microsoft can control user data.

    New laptop models work best under the control of 10. If the manufacturer's official website has drivers only for Windows 10, opt for the 64-bit version of the system.

    Before installing the operating system, many people have a question about R12; Which Windows 7 is better to put on your computer. There are several editions of the operating system. It:



    Well, there is still a version of Enterpise (Corporate), but I think the name speaks for itself and we are not considering it. And then the Russian mentality comes into force and says R12; The bigger, the better. And what more, hell knows, if only it was. Okay, if the chickens don’t peck money, then let it be, although it’s not clear what and why. But if you are going to buy a licensed Windows operating system, and the family budget is bursting at the seams (but still really want to), then you should read this article on how to choose the most suitable Windows for your computer, while saving 5 thousand rubles.

    First, let's take a look at the cost of each. Here is an approximate summary of prices for Windows 7 operating systems (prices are considered for boxed versions, i.e. boxes with discs):

    Starter R12; price around 1500 rubles

    Home Basic R12; 3000 r

    Home Premium R12; 5000 rub

    Professional (Professional) R12; 8500 RUR

    Ultimate R12; up to 11500 r

    Now let's take a look at how all of these releases differ from each other. First of all, the higher the version of the program, the more functionality, capabilities and bells and whistles it has. Let's start with the most stripped-down and go ascending

    Windows 7 Starter (Initial)

    The main difference between this edition and other versions is that it comes out only in 32-bit format. There is no 64 bit version. The most incomprehensible thing about it is that it is not possible to create and play DVD discs (as if the eggs were cut off). Also, it does not have support for such a graphical feature as an effect. Aero... There are still no scissors or notes in it. No remote desktop connectivity. You cannot change the wallpaper on your desktop. In short, there is no nichrome in it and I don't even want to write anything about it anymore (but I will). Stripped down as soon as possible. They also deprived it of support for multiple monitors, printing over the network. Well, in principle, the most basic thing that does not exist. But she flies with a bang!

    Conclusion: just right for netbooks, old computers and devices with low performance.

    Home Basic

    This version is practically no different from the previous version. Unless a center of mobility has appeared in it. That is, in principle, all the differences. I left not far. Why such a difference in price I can't even say. Microsoft has its own cockroaches in the head and we can see this perfectly on the recently released Windows 8 OS.

    Conclusion: also suitable for laptops with low performance or old computers.

    Home Premium

    Here we are already witnessing the emergence of a 64-bit version for more productive computers supporting 64-bit architecture, or in other words, four-core processors. More graphical possibilities such as enabling an effect appear Aeroand automatic change of desktop wallpaper. It is possible to create and play DVD discs. A fully functional Windows Media Center is now available. There is support for multiple monitors, scissors (never used and I don't understand what to cut with them), notes. There is support for tablet computers. In principle, this is a more complete version of the operating system. And you can already think about buying it.

    Conclusion: suitable for more productive computers and laptops. Good for games.

    Professional (Professional)

    What are the main differences between this version of Windows and the previous one. It has the ability to run applications that you previously used on Windows XP, which is good news, since they will not work in previous versions, but this feature is implemented here. You can also do a restore point and data backup over the network. There is a possibility of printing taking into account the network location, connection to a remote desktop.

    Conclusion: suitable for more productive computers and laptops. Well suited for games, including online.


    In short, it has everything that Microsoft came up with for the Windows 7 operating systems. But here's the question. Do you need it? Unlikely. What are the differences from previous versions. Basically, this is a BitLocker function to protect data from eavesdropping located on computer hard drives or removable media. There are also improvements to the Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), Enterprise Search Scopes, Direct Boot from VHD, DirectAccess, BranchCache, AppLocker. If these words tell you something (which I doubt very much), then you may think about buying this version.

    Yes, and there is still no possibility of choosing the system language from 35 different ones (do you need this? If you are certainly not a polyglot).

    Here's a quick overview of the various editions of the Windows 7 operating system.

    Output: I think the most optimal one for homework is Home Premium or Home Extended. Well, you can still think about buying Professional (Professional)also not bad for home use. You don't even need to look at the rest.

    More details can be found here in this summary table of the capabilities of various OS versions

    Windows 7
    Windows 7
    Home Basic
    Windows 7
    Windows 7
    Windows 7
    Taskbar and Jump Lists
    Join a homegroup
    Windows Media Player
    Backup and recovery
    Extended media playback
    Support Center
    Device Stage (device connection algorithm)
    Bluetooth support
    Fax and Scanner
    Base games
    Credential manager
    Number of applications
    Preview thumbnails from the taskbar
    Fast user switching
    Creating an ad hoc wireless network
    Multiple monitor support
    Windows Mobility Center (no presentation setup)
    Aero R12; transparent windows and easy navigation
    Aero R12; Background
    Windows Touch (supports multitouch and handwriting)
    Creating a home group
    Windows Media Center
    Remote media streaming
    DVD video playback and authoring
    Premium games
    Snipping Tool, Sticky Notes, Windows Journal
    Windows Slideshow (Sub display)
    Location Aware Printing
    Domain Registration and Group Policy Control
    Remote Desktop
    Advanced Backup (Network and Group Policy)
    Encrypted file system
    Windows XP Mode
    Windows Mobility Center: Presentation Mode
    Offline folders
    Windows BitLocker and BitLocker To Go (data encryption)
    Windows AppLocker
    DirectAccess (replacing trusted virtual private networks (VPNs))
    Windows BranchCache (Network Load Management)
    Multilingual User Interface Packs
    Enterprise Search Scopes (search for information in the corporate network)
    Desktop virtual infrastructure improvements
    Boot from HVD

    Also, a detailed summary table of the features of these releases can be found on the official Microsoft website.