Step-by-step connection of d link dir 615 router. Availability and capabilities of built-in filters and firewall

Before proceeding with configuring the router, let's check the settings of the local network connection. For this:

Windows 7

1. Click on " Start", "Control Panel".

2. Click on " View network status and tasks".

3. Click on " Change adapter settings".

4. LAN connectionProperty".

5. Select from the list " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"and click" Property".

6. "and" ", then press the button" Ok".

Windows 10

1. Click on " Start", "Parameters".

2. Click on " Network and Internet".

3. We choose " Ethernet"and click on" Configuring adapter parameters".

4. In the window that opens, we see " Ethernet". Click on it with the right mouse button, select" Property".

5. Select from the list " IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"and click" Property".

6. In the window that opens, you need to check the boxes " Obtain an IP address automatically"and" Obtain DNS server address automatically", then press the button" Ok".

Router connection D-Link DIR-615 to the computer

The next step is to connect the router D-Link DIR-615 to your Laptop or Personal computer. To do this, you need to connect the cable that the provider led you to the port of the router, where it is signed "INTERNET", in older models this port is signed as "WAN"... The cable that came with the router, connect one end to a laptop or computer, connect the other end to one of the four ports, which are marked in black on the router (the colors of the ports may differ depending on the version of the router). And yes, don't forget to plug in the power cable.

D-Link DIR-615 router authorization

So, we have connected the router, now you need to get into its web interface through any browser (be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, open the browser and drive in the address of the router in the address bar:

  • Username - admin
  • Password - admin

So, we drive in the data and press " Enter"

Setting up a router D-Link DIR-615.

And finally we got to the web-interface of the router and now you need to configure the equipment. The first step is to secure the wireless network by setting a password for wi-fi. Then you will need to find out what type of connection is used to log into the Internet, it is PPTP, L2TP or PPPOE. You can find out by calling your provider (this is the organization with which you have concluded an agreement for the provision of Internet services). So, let's start configuring the router. First, let's change the language of the Web interface to Russian. To do this, move the mouse cursor over the word " English"and choose" Russian"

Setting up a password for wi-fi on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Select from the menu of the Web interface " Wi-Fi"and we get into" basic settings"
2. Check " Enable wireless connection"and" Broadcast wireless network"must be ticked.
3. Below in the line " SSID:"come up with and specify a name for your wireless network, this name will continue to light up when you connect to the network.
4. "Country" - "Russian Federation", "Channel" - "auto", "Wireless mode" - "802.11 b / g / n mixed".
5. Click " Apply".

6. On the menu " Wi-Fi"choose" Security Settings".
7. In line " Network Authentication:"choose" WPA2-PSK".
8. In line " Encryption key PSK:"you need to come up with and drive in a password for the wireless network that we created above.
9. Click " Apply".

Setting up PPTP on the router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Net", we get into the settings" WAN".
2. Click " Add to".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPTP + Dynamic IP".
4. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
5. Username:"), password (in the line" Password:Password confirmation:VPN Server Address:").

6. Apply".

Configuring PPTP with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

PPTP with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615
1. In the menu of the web interface, select " Net", we get into the settings" WAN".
2. Click " Add to".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPTP + Static IP".
4. Below in the " IPIP address:", subnet mask on line" Netmask:", main gateway on line" Gateway IP:"and DNS in line" Primary DNS Server:".
5. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
6. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (in the line" Password:"), confirm the password (in the line" Password confirmation:") and indicate the server address (in the line" VPN Server Address:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Apply".

Configuring L2TP on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. In the menu of the web interface, select " Net", we get into the settings" WAN".
2. Click " Add to".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" L2TP + Dynamic IP".
4. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
5. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (in the line" Password:"), confirm the password (in the line" Password confirmation:") and indicate the server address (in the line" VPN Server Address:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Apply".

Configuring L2TP with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Let's consider the connection setup L2TP with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615... Usually, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. In the menu of the web interface, select " Net", we get into the settings" WAN".
2. Click " Add to".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" L2TP + Static IP".
4. Below in the " IP"specify the ip-address in the line" IP address:", subnet mask on line" Netmask:", main gateway on line" Gateway IP:"and DNS in line" Primary DNS Server:".
5. Check the box next to " Connect automatically".
6. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (in the line" Password:"), confirm the password (in the line" Password confirmation:") and indicate the server address (in the line" VPN Server Address:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Apply".

Setting up PPPOE on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. In the menu of the web interface, select " Net", we get into the settings" WAN".
2. Click " Add to".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPPOE + Dynamic IP".
4. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (in the line" Password:Password confirmation:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
5. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Apply".

Configuring PPPOE with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Let's consider the connection setup PPPOE with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615... Usually, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. In the menu of the web interface, select " Net", we get into the settings" WAN".
2. Click " Add to".

3. In step " Connection type:"choose" PPPOE + Static IP".
4. Below in the " IP"specify the ip-address in the line" IP address:", subnet mask on line" Netmask:", main gateway on line" Gateway IP:"and DNS in line" Primary DNS Server:".
5. Below we drive in the Username (in the line " Username:"), password (in the line" Password:") and confirm the password (in the line" Password confirmation:").
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Apply".

Connecting a computer to wi-fi

After connecting and configuring the router, you need to connect the computer to a wireless network (wi-fi), consider connecting to wi-fi in two operating systems, this is Windows 7 and Windows 10:

Windows 7

Video instruction


2. Sultan

3. Connect automatically" and press

4. You must specify " Security keyOK".


Windows 10

Video instruction

1. In the lower right corner of the desktop, we find the wireless network (wi-fi) icon, click on it with the left mouse button.

2. A window pops up with a list of available wireless networks. We choose a wireless network, in my case it is a network " Sultanova"(You choose the network that was named when).

3. After selecting a network, check the box next to " Connect automatically" and press " Connect".

4. You must specify " Security key"this is the wireless network password that you specified during. After you specified the key, click" Further".

5. We are waiting, perhaps a couple of seconds and you are connected to your wireless network.

The D-Link DIR 615 device is one of the most common types of routers in Russia. It is characterized by low cost, functionality, stability, and ease of customization. But nevertheless, bringing it to a functional state may require the user to consider a large number of nuances - for example, reflecting the specifics of setting up a device in a particular modification or the specifics of its connection to the infrastructure of a particular provider. What to look for when setting up this router? In what order can it be produced?

We connect the device to the PC correctly

The first step is to correctly connect the device to the computer in order to configure its software options before further use. You need to do the following:

  • connect all cables supplied with the router in the kit to this device;
  • connect the power cable to an outlet, Ethernet to the port of the computer's network card.

After that, you need to connect the communication cable coming from the provider to the corresponding connector on the router. For example, if the Internet is supplied via Ethernet, then the cable will most likely need to be plugged into the WAN port located at the back of the device.

Let us now consider directly how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router for using the Internet.

Setting up a router for the Internet: an algorithm of actions

The solution to this problem will consist of several stages:

  • firmware updates;
  • configuring the software options of the router;
  • setting the required parameters in Windows.

Let's study these stages of working with the router in more detail.

Internet setup: firmware update

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so that the firmware is updated correctly? In principle, the solution to this problem does not imply significant difficulties. In many cases, you can do without updating the firmware, but having the latest one helps to ensure more stable operation of the router. Therefore, experts, one way or another, recommend performing the corresponding operation, especially since it is not too complicated.

In order to update the firmware on the router, you need:

  • using any other computer that can access the Internet, download the latest firmware on the D-Link website (preferably, in order not to be mistaken with the version of the corresponding software, first check with a competent specialist or directly with the company's support service which specific file you need to download) ;
  • copy the downloaded firmware to the computer to which the configured router is connected.

Then you need to enter the router management software interface. We note right away that this software shell can be considered the most reliable branded tool through which you can configure the D-Link DIR 615 Wi-Fi router in terms of firmware. As a rule, there is no need to use third-party solutions.

Firmware setup: web-based router control

It's very easy to get into the setup interface of the device in question. You must open any browser available on the computer to which the router is connected. For example, Internet Explorer, which is almost always present in Windows by default, will do. Having opened the browser, you need to enter the following numbers in its address bar: In some cases, you will need to enter others, but finding out which ones is very simple: you need to take a router, turn it over, and see which IP address is indicated on the label that is glued to the bottom of the device case. The login and password for access to the device control interface will also be indicated there. Usually in both cases, this word is admin.

We enter the appropriate username and password on the page that will open after entering the specified IP address in the address bar of the browser or reflected on the label that is pasted on the case.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The interface in question is most often Russian-speaking if the router is purchased in Russia. Therefore, you need to select the "Configure manually" option in the window that opens. Then go to the "System" tab, then select the "Software update" option.

The next step is to select the firmware file that must be downloaded to the computer before. The router will update in a few minutes.

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router further? The next step is to configure the software options for the device. Let's study its features.

Configuring router software options

How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 router (the step-by-step instructions we are considering takes into account, mainly, the general points of working with the device) in terms of software options, taking into account the peculiarities of the provision of services by a particular telecom operator?

First of all, it should be noted that there are 2 options for setting the required options in the router settings interface - manual and semi-automatic. In the general case, the first option is not required, since it involves making adjustments, mainly to those settings that are considered the most unified, the same for a large number of providers.

In addition, it is recommended that these adjustments be made by qualified specialists who can correctly, taking into account the necessary nuances, configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Rostelecom and other providers have such people on staff, and you can always contact them through the service support.

But in the semi-automatic mode, in most cases, even a user with minimal experience can configure the router. In order to use this option, you need to enter the software interface for managing the router - again through the browser in the way that we have discussed above.

After downloading it, in the page that opens, you need to select the "Advanced settings" option. Then go to the WAN tab, which is located in the "Network" section. Then you need to click on the "Add" button and create a new type of connection. What specific options will be chosen in this case depends on the specifics of the provider's services: they just belong to those that are least unified. Perhaps at this stage you will need to call the support service of the communication service provider to find out how in this case it will be correct to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router. Beeline, Rostelecom usually provide such consultations quite quickly.

Connection settings: information from the provider

The support service will need to find out which ones should be indicated in the corresponding interface:

  • connection type - in general it is PPPoE, but there may be others, you need to clarify;
  • username, password of the subscriber (as a rule, they are also indicated in the service agreement);

Other options may not need to be adjusted. You can try to leave those that are installed in the default interface and try to change them - again, in agreement with the support service, only if the Internet does not work after configuring the router.

So, we enter the settings, save them, wait, if necessary, to reboot the router. If all the settings are correct, then the Internet should work on the computer to which the router is connected. You can check this by launching the same browser with which you entered the device management interface and entering the address of a website.

It is possible that the portal will load, but slower than expected at the speed that is reflected in the provider's tariff. In this case, it makes sense to call the support service or to competent specialists, and clarify how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router so as not to cut the speed. But in general, such problems should not arise, since the software speed limit is set in separate device settings, and if you do not touch them, the router should not apply speed limits.

The considered device allows for wireless data transmission via Wi-Fi. Therefore, the next step in configuring it will be to bring Wi-Fi modules into operational readiness.

Wi-Fi setup

How to set up D-Link DIR 615 router? The step-by-step instructions that we are considering does not imply any special complex actions, however, it requires attention to a number of important details in order for the wireless interfaces to work correctly.

To solve the problem under consideration, it is necessary to reload the start page of the device management interface. Then go to the Wi-Fi section, then select the "General settings" option. The next step is to enable the wireless connection. Then you need to select the "Basic settings" option in the Wi-Fi section, and then enter the network name - SSID in the interface that opens. It will subsequently appear in the list of Windows wireless connections.

Setting up network security

But before connecting to Wi-Fi via Windows, you must also set up your network security settings. To do this, go back to the Wi-Fi menu, then select the "Security Settings" option. The next step is to select the WPA-PSK2 function opposite the item that sets the network authentication parameters. In addition, you will need to enter the PSK password. Then we save the settings.

You can then try connecting to a wireless network through Windows. If the connection to the network cannot be established, or the sites will not load at a speed corresponding to the tariff, then you will need to check a number of settings in the operating system.

Windows settings

How to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router on Windows 7 or similar OS in terms of functions? You need to click on "Start", then - "Control Panel", then - "Network Connections". Then you need to right-click on the "Network Connection" icon, then select "Properties".

The next step is to select the "TCP / IP Protocol" option. Then you need to click on "Properties" and specify that the IP address and DNS address should be obtained automatically. Then we save the Windows settings. After that, the connection should function.

The nuances of setting up a router: the specifics of device modifications

Of course, there are many other options in setting up the device in question. So, many users are thinking about how to configure the D-Link DIR 615 router as a repeater - a device used to provide a wireless signal broadcast over a large area. The capabilities of the software interface for controlling the device in question allow you to solve this problem very quickly. However, it is still useful to get additional advice from a competent specialist on working with these options, since in the repeater mode the device will broadcast a signal from another router, the settings of which can be carried out according to principles that differ significantly from those that characterize the work with the D-Link DIR 615 device ...

In many cases, working with the device in question may have features based on the specifics of its particular modification - for example, K1, K2 or E4. How to set up a D-Link 615 E4 router can be considered in the context of completely different approaches to working with a device than in the case of other modifications of the device.

Configuring a router: specifics of the provider's infrastructure

In addition, it is worth considering the specifics of the provider's communication infrastructure. How to set up a D-Link DIR 615 E4 (Beeline) router can be studied by considering the nuances that are completely uncharacteristic for setting router options in the appropriate modification when connecting to the infrastructure of Rostelecom or any other provider.


So, we examined the main features of solving the problem of setting up the popular D-Link DIR 615 router in Windows OS when using the branded management interface for this router, as well as the operating system software. This task is usually straightforward if the user has all the necessary data from the provider at his disposal.

The most important thing in configuring the router is to set the correct parameters of the network connection when using the channel provided by the provider, set the Wi-Fi security settings, and also make sure that the options in Windows are optimized. In many cases, it will also be useful to update the router's firmware - in the order we have discussed above.

D-Link Dir 615. Today there are several modifications of this network device, but the configuration algorithm for any of them is the same. And it doesn't have any special features. So the following setup procedure can be considered universal for any router of this series.

Router capabilities

Before configuring the D-Link Dir 615 router, let's find out the capabilities of this network device. This router can exchange information with the World Wide Web at a maximum speed of 100 Mbps. Information is transmitted at exactly the same speed in the wired segment of the local computer network. But "Wi-Fi" allows you to exchange data at a higher speed - 300 Mbps. Also, the router implements a very popular technology today - IPTV. But there is no additional YUSB port in it and because of this, this router cannot be used as a print server. For the same reason, it is impossible to connect a 3G modem to it, which, in the absence of a twisted pair connection from the provider, would transmit data over wireless networks of GSM or 3G standards.


Standard, typical package for this router:

  • Router.
  • Twisted pair with crimped ends and 1 m length.
  • Power Supply.
  • Quick Setup and Installation Guide booklet.

But a full-fledged manual for setting up a D-Link Dir 615 router can be downloaded in electronic form from the manufacturer's official website. You can also print it if necessary.

Preliminary data

Dir 615, expert advice indicates this, requires setting the parameters that are specified in the agreement concluded with the Internet provider for the provision of data transmission services. Therefore, before starting to configure the router, it is recommended to study this document in detail. As a rule, it contains important connection parameters: your network address, connection type, login and password. If for some reason this data is not in the contract, then it makes sense to call the customer support phone and find out the data indicated earlier. Then it is recommended to write them down on paper. This will greatly simplify the process of configuring this network device in the future.

Temporary connection

For home or office, it is performed on a PC or laptop. Moreover, it is much easier to perform this operation if the computer is at its permanent location, and the router is temporarily connected to it. Therefore, on the switched off PCs and the network device, we collect the following scheme:

  • We connect the power supply of the router to the nearest outlet. And its cord with a plug to the corresponding socket of the router.
  • We connect the complete interface wire with one end to the connector of the stationary PC, and with the other, to any of the ports of the network device marked LAN.

On this, a temporary diagram for setting up a computer network is assembled.

First start-up and parameterization

At the next step, how to configure the D-Link Dir 615 router, turn on the PC and the router. Then you need to wait until the download of each of them is completed. Then on the PC we launch any browser that is available, and in its address bar we type four three-digit numbers - the network address of the router. The first of them is 192, the second is 168, the third is 0 and the last, the fourth is 1. It is necessary to separate them with the symbol "." After that we press "Enter". Next, a request window will appear, in which you must enter a username and password to access the router settings. In these fields, enter the following English letters admin (by default, the login and password are the same). After that, the interface will open. Next, go to the Advanced settings interface item. Then we select the System item and in it we find the Language item. In the list that opens, we find the Russian language and save the changes made by clicking on the Save button. After that, the interface language should be changed to Russian. Then we return to the "Advanced Settings" interface. In it, go to the WAN item, in which we set the parameters from the contract with the provider. This is a network address (it can be dynamic or static, in the latter case, you will need to enter the address), and the type of connection (L2TP, PPPoE, etc.), and a login with a password to establish a connection (they are specified in the contract, do not confuse them with a password and login to gain access to the parameters of the router). Next, we save these parameters and go to the Wi-Fi item. In it we configure a wireless connection to a computer network. Here we set the name of the network (by default it will be DIR-615), the type of encryption (it is recommended to use WPA 2 as the most reliable), the login and password for connecting a wireless device (we do not confuse them with those that allow you to enter the settings of the router or are responsible for connecting to the Internet). After that, re-save the changes and exit the settings interface. Then we turn off all equipment and disassemble the temporary scheme.

Transfer to a permanent place

Now let's figure out how to connect the D-Link Dir 615 according to a permanent circuit. We connect the wire from the provider to the port labeled WAN. The rest of the wired devices are connected to the ports labeled LAN. We install the power supply into the nearest outlet, and its cord into the corresponding socket of the router. After that, turn on the network device and wait until it finishes loading (the POWER indicator should stop blinking). Then we start testing the computer network.

Twisted Pair Test

Now we figured out how to set up a D-Link Dir 615 router. After that, we set up a wired connection to a network device. To do this, on a switched on PC, go to this path "Start / Control Panel / Network Connections". Next, open the network connection parameters and check the box "Automatically obtain a network address". After that, close all previously open windows and launch the browser. In its address bar, enter, for example, and press "Enter". After that, the start page of this search engine should open. If this did not happen, then we check all the previously set parameters and connection.

Checking the wireless LAN segment

As noted earlier, we have already figured out how to configure the D-Link Dir 615 router. Now we are setting up a wireless connection to it. To do this, on any mobile device, go to its settings. Then we find the sub-item "Wireless networks", in which we find the Wi-Fi section. We activate this wireless transmitter and search for available connections based on this technology. In the list that opens, we find the name of our network (it was set in the previous steps) and connect. In the request that opens, enter the password for the wireless network. Then we close all windows and launch the browser. In the same way as in the previous paragraph, we open the start page of the Yandex search engine.


Like all network routers of the latest generation, this device supports IPTV technology. Its essence lies in the fact that with the help of an Internet connection and a special set-top box, you can display the broadcast of the channel on the TV. To do this, you just need to connect the set-top box to a TV and a router (one of the router ports is also used for this) and correctly configure the last of them at the software level. To adjust the software, you need to use a PC and a browser installed on it to enter the settings of the router using the previously described method. In the settings menu that opens, select the IP-TV item. This will open the settings window for the corresponding wizard. In it we set the port to which the set-top box is connected. To do this, it is enough to make a single left click of the manipulator on the image of this port.

If the provider uses virtual networks to transmit a television signal, then you need to go to the tab from the main menu "Additional / VLAN". Then we configure the D-Link Dir 615 router as follows: create a group of VLAN ID ports with the "Transparent" type and a physical port to which the set-top box is connected. We save the parameters and exit the settings interface.

Updating the router software

At the end of the configuration, it is imperative to check the router for software updates. The current software version is indicated in the device settings interface. More precisely, in the upper right corner next to the manufacturer's logo. Therefore, first we go into the parameters of the router (how to do this - it was described earlier) and find out the firmware version. Then we go to the official website of the manufacturer. In the upper right corner of the browser there will be an item "Quick search" and next to it there is a drop-down list in which we find the device of interest to us - DIR-615. Then go to the "Downloads" tab and look at the version of the available software on it. If it matches the one installed on the router, then nothing needs to be done. Otherwise, download the update file to your PC. Then go back to the router settings interface and go to the "System" section. In it we find the sub-item "Software update". In the future, we configure the D-Link Dir 615 router to update the software. To do this, using the "Browse" button, find the location of the file with updates and then click on the "Update" button. Within 2-3 minutes the new software will be installed and downloaded. In this case, the router itself may reboot several times. Also, during the installation of updates, you cannot turn off the router. If this condition is not met, the network device may be damaged.


This article describes in detail and step by step the order of how to set up a D-Link Dir 615 router. As you can see from the above, there is nothing super complicated in this, and even a beginner can do it. Therefore, we can safely take and configure the router of this model.

  • How to configure the D-link DIR-615 router? I recently purchased this device and I just can't configure anything. The point is, of course, most likely in me, since before this router I did not have such devices at all. In short, I won't lie, I can't even enter the settings of the router, I type the address in the Opera browser and a white page comes out. I connected the router to a stationary computer with Windows 7. I also have a laptop that I want to connect to the router via Wi-Fi. Elena.
  • Great admin, such a question, how to set up a D-link DIR-615 router, if I have Home Internet from Beeline and also Beeline TV? I will explain everything in order. A month ago I decided to connect the Internet and Home TV - Beeline. I called Beeline and made a request. The masters came and pulled the cable of the Internet provider from the corridor and connected it to some black box (turned out to be an obsolete 5-port switch) D-link DES-1005A and this switch was connected using a LAN cable to my computer, and the Internet appeared on it ... Then we connected a set-top box to my TV, which in turn was also connected to the DES-1005A switch, using another network cable. Home digital television appeared. All this is good, but we also have a laptop. Due to my computer ignorance, I thought that the D-link DES-1005A switch could distribute Wi-Fi, but in your comment you explained to me that this is not so and it cannot distribute any Wi-Fi. The D-link DES-1005A switch has long been out of production and can do nothing at all except to create a regular wired LAN. So I have a question, if I want to have Wi-Fi, then I have to buy a router as well? I called Beeline for advice, I was immediately offered their proprietary Beeline router, and as they say in support, only with it they guarantee the normal operation of the Internet.

Tell me how to set up a D-link DIR-615 router with everything that I currently have? Or is it better to ask in a different way: - Can I replace the outdated D-link DES-1005A switch with a D-link DIR-615 router? Anatoly.

How to configure the D-link DIR-615 router

Friends, in this article we will configure the D-link DIR-615 router for the Beeline provider, but the article will also be useful to those users who have a different Internet provider, since the difference in settings is minimal. At the end of the article, there is a short instruction for the provider.

First of all, we will correctly connect our router. We will connect the local Internet cable conducted by your provider to the WAN port on the router, you can see everything on the screenshot, it says internet, and we will connect the router and your stationary computer with a network cable (in our case, blue) through LAN port No. 1.

D-link DIR-615 router firmware update

Secondly - update the router's firmware D-link DIR-615. According to my observations, almost all D-link DIR-615 routers on sale have outdated firmware version 1.0.0. A new firmware version 1.0.18 for our router has been posted on the official D-Link website. With the new firmware, the router will work more stable, the interface will be prettier and, most importantly, the settings now have the ability to configure Internet TV.

We go to the D-link website, as we see, there are two firmware versions for hardware revisions K1 and K2,

Determining what kind of firmware you need is very simple. On the back of our router there is a sticker with all the information about our router on it: serial number, MAC address and revision. As you can see, I have K1.

In order to flash our router and configure it, go to its settings, for this we need to type in the address bar of any browser and press Enter. If after that you do not have a window for entering a username and password to enter the settings of the router, then you need to clear the browser cache, or reinstall the browser completely, or try using a different browser.
We type in the address bar of the browser and press Enter, a login and password entry window appears, by default they are admin and admin.

You will immediately be prompted to change the used simple password to another. So that Wi-Fi neighbors do not enter the settings of our router, enter a new password and confirm the change. And here we are in the main settings window of the D-link DIR-615 router, there are blue buttons on a white background, after changing the firmware, the settings interface will change to a more convenient and beautiful one.
Select the Configure manually button,

An explorer window will open, select the file with the firmware

And click Open, Refresh.

The software is being updated. A new interface for the settings of the D-link DIR-615 router opens. Enter the username admin and password, then change the password to a more complex one.

Friends, before setting up the D-link DIR-615 router, let's leave it alone for five minutes. We need to make some small adjustments in our operating system.
In Windows XP. Start - Control Panel - Network Connections - Local Area Connection - Properties - Internet Protocol (TCP / IP) -Properties - and.

In Windows 7 and Windows 8. Go to Properties - Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4) and set the setting Obtain an IP address automatically and Obtain DNS server address automatically.
Now we return to our router. So, we entered the admin login and password,

We celebrate L2TP + Dynamic IP.

Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically.

Enter the username. Password. Password confirmation. The VPN server address is Apply. Further.


The router setting goes to the Wi-Fi settings.



Network authentication. Choose Secure Network. Coming up with the Security Key and Further.

You can connect your TV box directly to your router.

For example, I connected Home TV - Beeline to router port number 4, select it with the left mouse and Next.

If you do not have Home TV - Beeline, you can skip this step. Save.

Configuring the connection
The whole difference between the Beeline provider and is in the network protocol. uses the network protocol of the link layer PPPoE, and it should be selected when configuring the router.

Before proceeding with configuring the router, let's check the settings of the local network connection. For this:

Windows 7

1. Click on " Start", "Control Panel".

2. Click on " View network status and tasks".

3. Click on " Change adapter settings".

4. LAN connectionProperty".

5. Select from the list " Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"and click" Property".

6. "and" ", then press the button" Ok".

Windows 10

1. Click on " Start", "Parameters".

2. Click on " Network and Internet".

3. We choose " Ethernet"and click on" Configuring adapter parameters".

4. In the window that opens, we see " Ethernet". Click on it with the right mouse button, select" Property".

5. Select from the list " IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)"and click" Property".

6. In the window that opens, you need to check the boxes " Obtain an IP address automatically"and" Obtain DNS server address automatically", then press the button" Ok".

Router connection D-Link DIR-615 to the computer

The next step is to connect the router D-Link DIR-615 to your Laptop or Personal computer. To do this, you need to connect the cable that the provider led you to the port of the router, where it is signed "INTERNET", in older models this port is signed as "WAN"... The cable that came with the router, connect one end to a laptop or computer, connect the other end to one of the four ports, which are marked in black on the router (the colors of the ports may differ depending on the version of the router). And yes, don't forget to plug in the power cable.

D-Link DIR-615 router authorization

So, we have connected the router, now you need to get into its web interface through any browser (be it Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.). To do this, open the browser and drive in the address of the router in the address bar:

  • Username - admin
  • Password - leave blank

So, we drive in the data and press " Log in"

Setting up a router D-Link DIR-615.

And finally we got to the web-interface of the router and now you need to configure the equipment. The first step is to secure the wireless network by setting a password for wi-fi. Then you will need to find out what type of connection is used to log into the Internet, it is PPTP, L2TP or PPPOE. You can find out by calling your provider (this is the organization with which you have concluded an agreement for the provision of Internet services). So, let's start configuring the router.

I invite you to watch a detailed video instruction on setting up a router D-Link DIR-615:

Setting up a password for wi-fi on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. We select the tab on the Web interface in the menu " Wireless Settings"then" Manual Wireless Connection Setup".

2. In step " WI-FI PROTECTED SETUP"uncheck the box that includes this setting:" Enable".
3. Below in the line " Wireless Network Name:"come up with and specify a name for your wireless network, this name will continue to light up when you connect to the network.
4. Below we select " Security Mode:" - "Enable WPA / WPA2 Wireless Security".
5. Below in " Network Key:"we come up with and drive in a password.
6. After we press " Save Settings".

Setting up PPTP on the router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Internet"then" Manual Configure".

2. In step " My Internet Connection is:"choose" Russia PPTP (Dual Access)".
3. Server IP / Name:PPTP Account:", password in line" PPTP Password:PPTP Retype password:".

4. Check the box " Connect mode select:" - "Always-on
5. Save Settings".

Configuring PPTP with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

PPTP with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615
1. Go to the menu in the tab " Internet"then" Manual Configure".

2. In step " My Internet Connection is:"choose" Russia PPTP (Dual Access)".
3. Below you will be asked to specify the server ip-address in the line " Server IP / Name:", username on line" PPTP Account:", password in line" PPTP Password:"and confirm the password in the line" PPTP Retype password:".
4. Check the box " Connect mode select:" - "Always-on", this setting will keep the internet connection constant.
5. Static IP"
6. IP Address:", subnet mask on line" Subnet Mask:", main gateway on line" Gateway:"and DNS in line" Primary DNS Address:". All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
7. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Save Settings".

Configuring L2TP on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Go to the menu in the tab " Internet"then" Manual Configure".

2. In step " My Internet Connection is:"choose" L2TP".
3. Below you will be asked to specify the server ip-address in the line " Server IP / Name:", username on line" L2TP Account:", password in line" L2TP Password:"and confirm the password in the line" L2TP Retype password:".
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
4. Check the box " Connect mode select:" - "Always-on", this setting will keep the internet connection constant.
5. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Save Settings".

Configuring L2TP with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Let's consider the connection setup L2TP with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615... Usually, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. Go to the menu in the tab " Internet"then" Manual Configure".

2. In step " My Internet Connection is:"choose" L2TP".
3. Since the connection uses a static IP address, check the box " Static IP"
4. We indicate the ip-address in the line " IP Address:", subnet mask on line" Subnet Mask:", main gateway on line" Gateway:"and DNS in line" DNS:".
5. Below we specify the server ip-address in the line " Server IP / Name:", username on line" L2TP Account:", password in line" L2TP Password:"and confirm the password in the line" L2TP Retype password:".
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
6. Check the box " Connect mode select:" - "Always-on", this setting will keep the internet connection constant.
7. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Save Settings".

Setting up PPPOE on a router D-Link DIR-615.

1. Go to the menu in the tab " Internet"then" Manual Configure".

2. In step " My Internet Connection is:"choose" Russia PPPOE (Dual Access)".
3. User Name:", password in line" Password:"and confirm the password in the line" Retype password:".
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
4. Check the box " Connect mode select:" - "Always-on", this setting will keep the internet connection constant.
5. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Save Settings".

Configuring PPPOE with a static IP address on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Let's consider the connection setup PPPO with static IP on the router D-Link DIR-615... Usually, a static IP address is provided to legal entities, or as an additional service to the basic tariff for individuals.
1. Go to the menu in the tab " Internet"then" Manual Configure".

2. In step " My Internet Connection is:"choose" Russia PPPOE (Dual Access)".
3. Since the connection uses a static IP address, check the box " Static PPPOE"
4. Below we indicate the username in the line " User Name:", password in line" Password:"and confirm the password in the line" Retype password:".
5. We indicate the ip-address in the line " IP Address:"
6. Check the box " Connect mode select:" - "Always-on", this setting will keep the internet connection constant.
7. Check the box " Static IP"
8. We indicate the ip-address in the line " IP Address:"it will be the same as indicated above, the subnet mask in the line" Subnet Mask:".
All of the above data is provided to you by the provider (the Organization that conducted the Internet for you).
All this data is usually written in the contract with the provider. If for some reason you could not find them, you need to call your provider's hotline and find out how you can get them.
9. After all the manipulations with the settings, press the " Save Settings".

Changing the password of the web interface on the router D-Link DIR-615

I bring to your attention Video instructions for changing the password for the web interface of the router D-Link DIR-615.

Resetting the password of the web interface on the router D-Link DIR-615

In case you have set a password on the web interface of the router and forgot it, I suggest you watch the Video instruction on resetting the password of the web interface on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Updating the firmware on the router D-Link DIR-615

I bring to your attention Video instructions for updating the firmware on the router D-Link DIR-615.

Connecting a computer to wi-fi

After connecting and configuring the router, you need to connect the computer to a wireless network (wi-fi), consider connecting to wi-fi in two operating systems, this is Windows 7 and Windows 10:

Windows 7

Video instruction


2. Sultan

3. Connect automatically" and press

4. You must specify " Security keyOK".


Windows 10

Video instruction

1. In the lower right corner of the desktop, we find the wireless network (wi-fi) icon, click on it with the left mouse button.

2. A window pops up with a list of available wireless networks. We choose a wireless network, in my case it is a network " Sultanova"(You choose the network that was named when).

3. After selecting a network, check the box next to " Connect automatically" and press " Connect".

4. You must specify " Security key"this is the wireless network password that you specified during. After you specified the key, click" Further".

5. We are waiting, perhaps a couple of seconds and you are connected to your wireless network.