The meaning, origin and use of the word. Oldfag - what does it mean? Oldfag - who is this? Meaning of the word

Now many people are interested in: "Oldfag - what is it?" The fact is that modern speech is developing very quickly, new words come into it every day. Let's take a look at what "oldfag" means. Prepare to distinguish between several options.

"Old Man"

Naturally, the first meaning that lies under our today's term is the so-called "old man". If you delve deeply into the translation of this word from English, then the word "old" means "old".

So if you are thinking: "Oldfag - what is this?", Then the first thing you can mean is the old man. With all this, it is not necessary to believe that this expression is an insult or humiliation. So, as a rule, they call people of the 70-80s who watched the development of the world. Thus, you can call your grandparents oldfags. True, they are unlikely to be able to appreciate it.

In addition, to answer the question: "Oldfag - what is it?" - it can be a little different. These are people who are a little old-fashioned. A kind of white crows who do not follow fashion and who retain their old outlook on life. So if you have heard two terms "oldfag newfag", you can perceive them as "old - new". However, there is another concept that refers to this word. Let's see which one.

the Internet

So, in the modern world, most of the slang in speech comes from the Internet. So concepts such as "oldfag - newfag" also come from there. Let's see what this expression means in

Nowadays it is fashionable to somehow name users on different sites. Now all "oldies" and "newbies" have their own names. Oldfag is usually called the oldest and "wise" inhabitant of this or that web page. Such people know a lot about the resource and are considered special connoisseurs. We can say that to some extent it is even necessary to listen to them. Sometimes oldfags are called old players of some online games. But after we figured out the answer to the question: "Oldfag - what is it?", It's time to talk a little about such a term as "newfag".


So, since we have figured out with you who are called the "elders" of the sites, then it's time to discuss the question of who are called "newfags". As mentioned earlier, this term is comparable to beginners.

This can be the name of inexperienced, new users or those who have just begun to comprehend a business. You can call these users "green". So if you have been called a newfag, don't be offended. But now let's try to figure out with you how to become an oldfag. After all, this status is often just a compliment for many users. And many are striving for it.

Becoming an Elder

Now let's figure out how you can still earn the status of an oldfag. To get started, you will have to register on some popular website or forum. After that, appear there for a long time. With all this, you must be more active and become more and more popular. In any case, your name (or nickname) should always be heard.

So if you just hang on a certain site for a long time, but sit quietly, like a mouse, then you can hardly be called an oldfag. Is that a simple ordinary user. Try to be as active and interesting as possible.

It is best to sit on pages dedicated to active posting. Here you can post photos / pictures, leave messages and interesting news. You shouldn't choose something like Instagram as your site. As a rule, they are skeptical about such things, and you don't need much skill here. But if you choose something like a blog or at least an information page, then you will have every chance of getting the "oldfager" status.

Oldfag (oldfag) - Brony has long been involved in fandom life. Often a fan of talking about the rolling of the series and the decline of movement armor.

Oldfag ordinary

Simply Brony has caught the fandom and is well versed in armor movement. Top class oldfags saw the first threads appear on the forechane. Can criticize a TV show or fandom using his experience, but without slipping into whining.
In no case should it be confused with the next type.

Oldfag nostalgic

There have always been such people. No matter what fandom, community or subculture, there is always someone who says "it was better before". Having first appeared during the second season by the fourth, they became massive, It is the oldfags who write that the current season is the last. When these rumors are not confirmed, the oldfags begin to grumble "it would be better to close the series now." It is somewhat reminiscent of the otaku among anime people. By the way, similar behavior can occur in the armor of a relatively recent arrival. Such a thing appears if a person is corny bored, bored with a subculture, but instead of leaving it and doing other things, he starts hanging around and flooding. For this reason, he constantly talks about the closure of the series, the oldfag really wants (at least subconsciously) that the series be closed, relieving him of his suffering.
The quintessence of thinking and saying oldfags is a group of so-called "brony-youtubers".
Nostalgic oldfag traits are sometimes found in other armor.

Below, as an example, are the events by seasons that displease the oldfags. It should be noted that these ideas are not devoid of all meaning, but oldfags, instead of real discussions of the merits and demerits, will simply complain to others.

Season 2

First appearance of oldfags in the My little Pony fandom. There are talks about the series rolling after the departure of Lauren Faust and the launch of the conveyor.

  • The emergence of Cadens - "Cadens, in principle, cannot exist, the Hasbros ruined the whole idea of \u200b\u200balicorns"

Season 3

On the agenda:

  • Twilight became an alicorn - "First, Cadens, now Twilight, soon the whole six will become alicors, you'll see."
  • Equestria Girls Released - "Nobody cares about ponies anymore, the feature is coming to the detriment of the third season, which means MLP: FIM will be closed."
  • Hasbro was uncovered by banhammers for copyright infringement - "Now all fan videos will be deleted."

Season 4

  • Friendship Lessons Gone - "The show has lost its essence now it no longer teaches friendship."
  • Destruction of the library and the creation of the Castle of Friendship - "Now this is not the Ponyville we loved."

Season 5

  • The main six appear together less and less - "This is the beginning of the end, the series has nothing to do with 1-2 seasons."
  • Obtaining by mark seekers cutie marks - "That's it, they've destroyed such an interesting storyline."

Season 6

  • Flarry Hart - no comment.
  • The series has the lowest ratings for the entire time of its broadcast on TV - "It's time to close the entire series, this is its death throes."
  • Starlight Re-education - "Completely ruined such an interesting character."
  • Re-education of the Changelings - To be honest, not that oldfags, but in general, many were unhappy.

Favorite phrases

| Better to finish in season 2/3/4/5/6. | The series was turned into a conveyor belt. | 4/5/6 season leaked. | How, another season ?! | The animated series has lost its intention. | This is the last season | We are waiting for the fifth generation

Oldfag elite

An oldfag with an overwhelming sense of his own greatness. He is proud of the very fact of his involvement in the past of fandom. He communicates with newcomers contemptuously and wishes that they would not exist.
In practice, such armor is almost never found, but as sad experience shows, it will inevitably appear in the future.

Brony community approves of this article
Armor (Dark Armor Cloper Paladins Oldfags Posers) Equestria Syndrome

In Runet, almost every user has come across such a concept as "oldfags". Who are they? A new fashionable word came to us from abroad. Consider who the oldfags are, what the word means and in what cases it should be used.


In Russian, the term appeared quite recently. It came from the English language. "Old fag" literally means "old fag", but don't be intimidated by this translation. In terms of meaning, it would be more correct to designate the translation as "old", "oldest", "experienced", "hardened", but not in terms of age.

In Runet, this word began to be often used on anonymous image boards (for example, dvach), from where it, most likely, came into the Russian language.

It is worth remembering that this concept refers to youth slang and Internet jargon.

Oldfag - who is this? Meaning of the word

In both Russian and English, "oldfag" has the same meaning, namely:

  • A regular on a forum / site / imageboard / online game, who has been sitting / playing there for a long time and has managed to earn a certain "Internet reputation" as the oldest user. As a rule, this is determined only by the date of registration, compliance with the rules and, possibly, the manifestation of activity. In other words, this is a person who has spent a long time on a certain site or forum, or has invested in a certain project, starting from its foundation. Oldfags know everything that happened before, understand their environment better than others and feel more confident.
  • A less commonly used designation for a person who prefers everything old to new. For example, old movies, old music, retro clothing, and so on.

The word oldfag has an antonym - "newfag", that is, a beginner person in a certain environment, without experience. For example, you can say: "There are a lot of newfags on our site," that is, new users who are not yet accustomed to "local" rules and do not know certain things. Newfags include those who, seeing this word, do not quite understand who it is. Oldfags generally understand that they are the "oldest" on the resource.

How to become an oldfag?

While "newfag" is used, as a rule, with derision, then oldfags are respected and perceived as more experienced, even if it is just an online game. Therefore, many want to understand, at least for themselves, that they are already experienced and "their own" here.

So, we figured out who this is - an oldfag, and now we will consider how to become such yourself.

  1. First you need to register on the forum, website, in the game. As a rule, this is enough, but registration is not necessary at all on anonymous forums.
  2. Be active as much as possible, write something, read, play, comment, delve into the topic (if the site is, for example, thematic).
  3. After a while, you may already consider yourself an oldfag compared to the subsequent waves of newbies.

Despite all this, it should be understood that the desire to become an oldfag on the Internet can be one of the signs of Internet addiction.

0 Life is arranged in such a way that it is impossible to become a professional in different professions and gain complete knowledge in a wide variety of sciences. However, getting closer to this is our most important task. It is worth noting that most of our fellow citizens lead a completely vegetable existence, not trying to engage in self-education. At the same time, looking at those who know more than them, from the bottom up. Such individuals are popularly nicknamed " clever", and among Internet users this subspecies of eggheads received the nickname Oldfag, which means you can find out a little later. On this resource you can find a lot of useful information, since it was created for purely educational purposes. Add our site site to your bookmarks so as not to get lost in this raging information ocean of the Internet.
However, before continuing, let me bring to your attention a couple of our popular news on the subject of Internet slang. For example, who is Bitard, what does Upd mean, what is Kompukter, what does Rule 34 on the Internet mean, etc.
So let's continue Oldfagi what is it? This term was borrowed from the English language " oldfag", and consists of two words old, and" fag "comes from" fagot ".

Oldfag- this is an old-timer of certain Internet resources, is a constant source of bullying for beginners, as well as a master of holivars

What does Newfag mean?

Synonym for Oldfag: old guy.


Tolyan, do you remember how we created this forum? Yes, there was a time, everything was pure enthusiasm, but today we are called oldfags and are treated condescendingly.

In general, the forum is not bad, but the oldfags, who get into every srach, and try to prove that they are right, and all the rest are shit, enrage.

Yes, send this oldfag to the farm to catch butterflies, you gave it up with your lectures.

Variants of meaning of Oldfag

First option... In some cases, this word is used for its direct meaning - " old man". After all, as I mentioned above, the word" old "means" old". In this case, young people call this term individuals who grew up in the 70s - 80s of the last century, and who could personally observe the scientific and technological progress. You can also call this word any pensioner, since he has seen more, and most likely could contemplate Comrade Stalin himself, and this is no longer a joke.

Second option... On the Internet, it is customary to call the wisest and long-standing regulars of a site as oldfags. These citizens are well versed in local rules, at times censoring and knocking admins on individual violations. Therefore, their advice and guidance should not be ignored. Sometimes, in very old RPG games, long-time and dedicated gamers can be called that.

In order to be considered an oldfag, you need to leave comments for many years, and be aware of all the local cuisine. As a result, they will start to listen to you, and your name will become a household name. This means that even if you constantly read some forum, but do not show activity, then you will never be called an oldfag, you will rather fit into the category of nerd. Always try to prove yourself by expressing sensible and fresh thoughts, answer questions, and be in the center of local scandals. This is approximately how you can get the long-awaited status of an oldfager, however, my advice to you is not to do this garbage, you better go for a walk, get acquainted with the chanks. This will be much better than the meaningless and essentially unnecessary image of the experienced "old man".

After reading this useful article, you will now know who is Oldfag, and you will no longer get into trouble if you find this concept on a forum or website.

0 Those who start their thorny path on the Internet are sometimes surprised when, in response to his question on the forum, he is answered: "RTFM, nubyara!" Such a person, of course, is greatly offended, not understanding the meaning of this phrase, but there is nothing wrong with it. What does Noob mean? I would like to recommend you a few more of my new articles on the topic of Internet slang, for example, how to understand the word Preview, what is Prank, the meaning of jargon Spent, what does Post mean, etc. The term " Noob"was borrowed from English" Noob"which in turn comes from the word" newbie"which can be translated into Russian as" teapot", "newbie".
Although, if a beginner, call Nubom, then he will not understand, and will take it as an insult to himself. It is worth noting that not all Nubs are lamers, and vice versa. The concept of Noob, in a short time, supplanted all previous synonyms, such as, " zheltotik"," salaga "," teapot" etc.

Noob(nubas) is a newcomer to the forum, image board, echo, chat, game, who, not understanding the meaning of jokes and their memes, tries to become as fast as possible " his".

Who is Newfag?

We seem to have decided on the Nubs, now let's move on to the Newfags. What does Newfag mean?
Newfagi are new subscribers... They are of 2 types. Passive and active.

Passive Newfag you can call members of the forum who do not scribble posts, do not express their opinion, calmly relate to " arrivals"on their personality. Their life on the forum proceeds without unnecessary squabbles, harmoniously and quietly.
Active newphages - these are citizens of a completely different type, they set themselves the goal of gaining popularity with their smart posts, they want to become equal with oldfags, they have a desire to win recognition and a name in the public. Many active Newfages will deny this fact, but you don't believe them.
However, Newfagov can also be divided into two types: praising new and agro-new.

The very word "agro", as it were, hints that agro-new will behave extremely aggressively, his task will be to breed srachs and actively participate in them. After they hurt someone's feelings, and the holivars rushed, that's when he applies all his art - assaults, checkmate and CAPS - this is the most common list of weapons for a powerful shit. In some cases, Agro-New do believe that they are advocating with such fury, but in most cases, such lewdness is done only for publicity, to be noticed.

Praising New - these are subscribers who do not want to shit, but decide to go a longer, but sure way. For this, they write rather voluminous comments that can reach 1000-1500 characters. Such comments deservedly receive many likes. The more likes the praising New gets, the faster he will be among the celestials - oldfags.