The difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone. Difference between cell and mobile phone

Modern mobile phones and smartphones provide voice communication over the cellular network, receive and transmit text messages, perform a number of other structurally provided functions: notifications about calls and messages, an alarm clock, a calendar with notes, simple games, MMS, FM radio, an Internet browser. ... It became difficult for citizens to understand how a smartphone differs from a phone. Meanwhile, these devices, consonant in name and similar in function, are completely different. The main criteria by which it is customary to distinguish between these mobile devices are as follows:

  • presence / absence of an operating system;
  • the ability to self-install applications;
  • hardware design features;
  • internet opportunities.

Smartphone functions are controlled by special software called the operating system (hereinafter OS). This fact allows us to consider a smartphone like a laptop... The smart mobile device can work with various applications, will allow you to create and edit documents and images, as well as communicate with people via email and social networks. The above functionality is not available for simple Java-based cell phone firmware. Therefore, for "dummies" an important criterion for choosing a mobile device is the presence / absence of an operating system in the description of the device.

Important! The absence of an OS name in the characteristics of a mobile communication device is a fundamental difference between a phone and a smartphone.

There are several options for operating software for smartphones, and the most popular of them are this is IOS, Android, Windows Phone... Depending on the OS used on board the smartphone, smart devices are subdivided into iPhones, Windows backgrounds, android smartphones and devices running other less common OS (BlackBerry OS, Tizen).

Windows Phone operating system

Android operating system

IOS operating system

The capabilities of smart gadgets thanks to the operating software

The presence of an operating system significantly expands the functionality of a mobile device, and this is the main difference between a “smart” device and a cell phone. The mobile OS, like the operating "brain" of a computer, supports the operation of various programs: Internet browsers, instant messengers, programs for reading, listening to music, viewing photos and videos, various text and graphic editors, and application applications.

Typically, manufacturers provide smartphones with a number of proprietary applications that provide the following functions:

  • internet access to search for any necessary information;
  • playing audio and video recordings;

  • creation of playlists;
  • e-mail correspondence;
  • communication on social networks;
  • photo and video shooting;

  • creation of notes, memos, contact books;
  • creation and editing of texts, graphs, tables, presentations and other office information;
  • GPS navigation, work with maps, fitness capabilities;
  • search and installation of third-party applications (application store);

  • programs for reading books in electronic format;
  • games and other entertainment;
  • payment functions.

Important! The set of standard functions of a smartphone depends on the level of equipment of the hardware platform and the version of the operating system.

In addition to the programs provided by the manufacturer, the owner of the smartphone can install and use applications from third-party developers necessary for solving certain tasks, search and which is recommended to be installed through the application store.

Difference between phone and smartphone in hardware

The firmware of an ordinary phone ensures the interconnection of the component parts of the device. This is a cellular communication module, display, keypad, speaker, microphone, battery, and other additional modules.

A smartphone, unlike a mobile phone, is much more complex. Like a computer, it built on a central processor, which, together with the RAM and the graphics controller, forms a productive framework that generates commands for the built-in modules. In addition to the basic architecture, including a chipset, RAM and ROM, the main modules of modern smartphones are:

  • touchscreen;
  • cellular communication module with 2G / 3G / LTE modem;
  • internal and external speakers and microphones, voice recorder;
  • adapters Wi-Fi, Bluetooth;
  • gPS navigation module and a set of sensors;
  • main and front cameras;
  • battery.

Depending on the status of the model and manufacturer, mobile smart devices can be equipped with the following functional elements:

  • photo flash;
  • NFC - chip;
  • FM - radio receiver;
  • fingerprint sensor;
  • iris scanner.

The task of the operating system is control of potential smartphone functions, the provision of which is entrusted to the computing unit and built-in modules that generate commands. Control is carried out by means of 2-3 physical buttons (on / off, volume control, for example), touch buttons, virtual keyboard and voice commands.

Access to the world wide web

Mobile operators provide users with a variety of tariff plans, most of them provide Internet traffic packages in networks of different generations (EDGE, 2G, 3G or 4G). All smartphones and most models of conventional cell phones are equipped with support for networks of one level or another.

Advice! You can determine whether the device supports the ability to access the World Wide Web by the presence of an installed browser.

After purchasing a SIM card with an optimal tariff, the user will not be required to make special settings for the device after the first launch. Providers provide semi-automatic setting of cellular network parameters with minimal subscriber participation.

Which is better to choose

Which is better to choose, a phone or a smartphone with Internet access? Much depends on the owner himself, his preferences and skills in using mobile devices. Both devices have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Smartphones are multifunctional and productive, are capable of replacing a whole range of devices: from a voice communication device or a Wi-Fi source to an audio and video player, a camera or a payment device (terminal). And this is the undoubted advantage of smart devices.

Vulnerability to malware and viruses, energy consumption of smartphones on the one hand, as well as the ability of users to master a wide range of functionality and monthly large tariff payments, on the other hand, make one think about the advisability of buying a smart device.

Advice! For older people and younger students, a simple mobile phone is also quite suitable, without unnecessary functionality, with which you still need to be able to handle.

Currently, a person cannot imagine his life without mobile communications. After all, with the help of the phone you call, send messages to your loved ones and relatives. Recently, people have become often interested in how a smartphone differs from a phone. After all, with the help of both of them, you can send SMS, take photos, and also transfer pictures, files, and more. Both the first and the second have Internet access. But in reality, these two things are very different from each other. To understand in detail what exactly, read the article to the end.

For many years, smartphones have been in the lead in the mobile market

They are used by a huge number of people around the world. The question of how a smartphone differs from a phone can be answered by a seller in a mobile device store. Even a person who does not understand this issue can compare a simple phone and a smartphone. In fact, people make the right choice when they take a smartphone. It has more useful features than a phone. That is why a smartphone is superior to a simple cellular one. Let's make a comparative analysis.

Mobile is only for making calls and sending messages. Of course, in addition to this, you can perform other actions on it, for example, go online and play Java games. A smartphone is, one might say, a portable computer. You can do various jobs on it: read a book, watch a movie and more. On a simple mobile phone, you will not be able to watch movies normally - if you stare at the small screen for a long time, this can negatively affect your vision. No wonder the smartphone means "smart phone" in translation. With its help, you can access the Internet via WiFi, while you will have to pay money to access the network from a regular phone.

Device operating system

The operating system for mobile phones has an important role, since it is a full-fledged RAM that distinguishes a smartphone from ordinary cellular ones. The operating system gives the device a large number of features and functions. It ensures the operation of the entire apparatus. At the moment, there are a large number of operating networks for smartphones. The most popular are phones running Windows 8. As a rule, this can be seen on Nokia smartphones. Besides Windows, there are other popular operating systems:

- Android.Popular system developed by Google. It is the fastest growing and most competitive operating system.

- IOS (Apple). Many people now have Apple phones. It is a popular system that has its own design and interesting features.

- Bada -it is an OS developed by Samsung. Phones on this system are not in great demand, and it is not considered a full-fledged system.

But smartphones also have disadvantages.

For example, if you drop a simple phone, there is little chance of it breaking or breaking. And if you accidentally drop your smartphone, then there is a high probability that it will break. Now you know how a smartphone differs from a phone. Always be mobile.

Articles and Life Hacks

Surely many who wish to purchase a new mobile device are concerned about how a smartphone differs from a phone.

Of course, today the situation is such that the boundaries between an ordinary phone and a smartphone are erased, and new phones (not counting the most inexpensive models) are becoming more and more functional.

However, certain differences still exist, and to name them, the concept of a smartphone should be defined.

"Smart phone"

The word "smartphone" is translated from English as "smart phone". In terms of its functionality, this device can be compared to a pocket computer (PDA). The word "smartphone" is synonymous with a communicator.

Differences between devices

  • First of all, it should be noted that the smartphone has an operating system that is open to third-party mobile phone developers (as opposed to a conventional mobile device).
  • You can improve the functionality of your smartphone by installing additional programs and applications.
  • So, the main difference between a smartphone and any other mobile device lies precisely in the fact that it is an advanced and fully functional communicator with an excellent "stuffing", which makes this gadget really "smart".
  • The operating system of a regular mobile phone is usually closed to third-party developers. Because of this, the cost of a smartphone is usually much higher.
  • The most common operating systems for smartphones are platforms such as Android, Windows CE, iOS, Windows Mobile, Symbian OS, Windows Phone 7 and BlackBerry OS.
  • The functionality of the phone is enhanced by Java-based software, but these applications are not as attractive as those designed for the smartphone, and they are much more difficult to install.
  • In a smartphone, all this is implemented quite simply and intelligently, not to mention the entire stores for free and paid applications (Android, iOS), for the installation of which it is enough to press 2-3 buttons.
The main thing that a smartphone owner should remember is that his pocket computer, like a regular personal computer, is susceptible to viruses and other malicious applications, and therefore must be protected with special antivirus programs for the corresponding mobile operating system.

We live in an amazing time, when, thanks to the rapid development of microelectronics, it becomes more and more difficult to determine what is the difference between a phone and a smartphone.

Just a dozen years ago, this was obvious: an oversized color screen indicated that the device belonged to a more advanced class. Accordingly, conventional mobile phones dispensed with displays that display a black and white picture in a pseudo-graphic mode. Much has changed since then, and this difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone has lost its relevance. For example, now you can buy a mobile phone with only basic functions, but a huge

Smart devices

To answer the question of what is the difference between a smartphone and a phone, it is necessary to remember what functions were added by the developers to an ordinary mobile phone, which later allowed such an improved model to be called a “smart phone” (from the English smart). At one time, the emergence of new modifications was restrained by the fact that all existing devices already then coped remarkably well with their main task - making calls both in the networks of cellular operators and to stationary terminals.

Increasing the transmitter power to increase the "range" was impossible, since it was necessary to meet the requirements for the permissible radiation level. Something fundamentally new was needed that could attract potential buyers and interest them. So, first a calendar appeared in mobile phones, then a scheduler with a reminder mode, a converter of the most "popular" currencies. Soon, in almost every communication device, one could find a browser for viewing Internet resources, a mail program, a calculator, etc. In other words, a phone from an apparatus for making calls began to turn into a kind of pocket electronic assistant - a smartphone. This was the beginning.

So, in the light of the above, the first difference between a smartphone and a phone can be formulated - this is the presence of additional features in the device, which have nothing to do with the main purpose. Currently, this area is actively developing: smartphones allow you to work with office documents, spreadsheets, watch movies and play games.

Platform ... core ... brain

Of course, the difference between a smartphone and a phone is not limited to built-in additional programs. Since for the convenience of using all the possibilities it is more expedient to use a large color display, this has become a standard in most modern mobile communication devices. The graphic component has also undergone a change, becoming much more perfect. To provide an acceptable speed of complex programs and graphics, it was necessary to install sufficiently powerful processors in the devices. Hence the next difference between a smartphone and a phone - the former houses a high-speed computing unit, and the amount of RAM is hundreds of megabytes. To understand where is the "smart" and where is the "simple" phone, it is enough to compare the power of their processors: for example, it can be 1 GHz and 200 MHz, respectively.


Finally, one of the key differences is the presence of an open operating system, for which a large selection of third-party programs is available, which the user can install at his own discretion. It is worth noting that although most cell phones allow you to install programs for the Java virtual machine, this does not classify them as smartphones. Also, if in a regular mobile phone the operating system is tightly protected and does not provide for updates to new versions, then in smartphones running on Android, Windows Phone, iOS, Belle, and others, the user can install an improved control program.

Mobile phones were the first to hit the market. At first they had a very impressive size, but as microelectronic technology improved, they became more compact and convenient. Nevertheless, their main functions have remained practically unchanged - the main purpose of cell phones and now is the implementation of telephone conversations, sending and receiving SMS and MMS.

But the development of technologies does not stand still, so phone manufacturers began to endow them with new properties. In particular, they made it possible to use cell phones for games and Internet access. This set of functions can now be considered basic, it is present in almost all models of mobile phones.

Further improvement of phones faced manufacturers with a serious problem: the more user programs appeared, the more difficult it was to adapt them to a specific "hardware" - that is, the hardware stuffing of the phone. An operating system was needed that would remove such restrictions and allow applications to run on different phone models.

Java was the forerunner of mobile operating systems, but it had significant drawbacks. In particular, it was not possible to run more than one application at the same time. The result of the developers' efforts was the emergence of mobile devices with a fully functional operating system, such phones were called smartphones, which in English means “smart phone”.

How does a smartphone differ from a communicator? A smartphone is a cell phone with an operating system and a wide variety of functions. A communicator is, first of all, a pocket computer, in which the communication function is additional, but not the main one. In general, we can say that as technology develops, the border between smartphones and communicators is gradually blurring.

Speaking of smartphones, one cannot fail to mention the famous iPhones released by Apple. Due to their exceptionally high quality and very great capabilities, iPhones have become the flagship of the smartphone market. The name, iPhone, indicates that the device uses the iOS operating system developed by Apple. Other manufacturers usually use Android and Windows Mobile operating systems.

What capabilities do smartphones have? First of all, they are focused on working with the Internet. Their owners can browse websites, chat on social networks, watch movies and listen to music, play a variety of games, use thousands of mobile applications.