How to delete the VKontakte cache. How to clear the cache in contact

A very common problem among site administrators and journalists who promote their articles and sites through the VKontakte social network. The essence of the problem lies in storing the meta-data of the external page in the cache on the VK server and its further use in subsequent postings on VKontakte of links to the same external page.

About the problem:
The problem lies not so much in the fact that the cache of external pages is stored on the VK server, but in the fact that it is then not automatically updated.

With subsequent postings on VKontakte, links to the same external page are not copied from the page meta-tags again, but copied from the VKontakte cache. In this regard, a problem arose: when making any edits to an external page, say, to the title, the re-placed link to the external page will also display the old information, ignoring the new one.

Therefore, many anxious journalists and site administrators faced the obsessive question: "How to clear the cache of the external page of VKontakte?" It turns out that there is a solution, and a very simple one.

Removing the old cache:
You can delete the old cache of the external VKontakte page yourself. To do this, you need to visit the VKontakte section for the developer, namely the VKontakte API section. More specifically, we need the pages.clearCache method, which allows developers to implement a function for clearing the cache of external pages in their programs and Internet projects.

But the beauty of the VKontakte API is that you can use its methods directly through the site, which only suits us.

To clear the cache of the external page you need, you need to go

Fifteen years ago, no one had any problems with a lack of computer memory. However, due to the rapid growth of the software market, each user has dozens of programs installed on their PCs and phones. Each of these utilities clogs memory. Therefore, everyone should have the knowledge of how to clear the cache.

To learn how to clear the cache, you first need to understand what it is. The cache is an intermediate buffer that contains various information. Basically, it is a data warehouse that has relatively small volumes. At the same time, the cache is able to quickly transfer information to programs, which is its main advantage.

You can understand how the cache works with a simple example. Imagine that you have opened a photo on VKontakte. First, the picture is downloaded from the server, after which it is cached. What is cached data? This is the name of the information that got into the intermediate buffer. Why is this needed? If you refer to the cached image again, it will open much faster. The program will not download the image from the server again, but will simply take it from the intermediate buffer. Thus, the time of access to information is reduced.

Why clear the cache?

But why do you need to clear the cache? Videos watched, photos, listened to music, visited sites - all this remains in the intermediate buffer and clogs up the phone's memory. Because of this, the smartphone cannot install new applications. Besides, a phone with a cluttered memory works much slower. That is why the cache must be cleaned.

What does it mean to clear the cache? This phrase means freeing the intermediate buffer from data. Typically, the data that is stored in the cache has a supporting role. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of the device, it is advisable to remove them.

We clear the cache on the smartphone

There are many ways you can free up the cache on your phone. Let's consider the most effective ones.

Remove unnecessary programs

How to clear cache on Android, iOS and devices? The most commonplace, but at the same time effective way is to remove unnecessary programs. Surely on every device there is at least a couple of programs that are not used. As a rule, these are completed games. Carry out a revision of your smartphone and, if there is unnecessary software on it, remove it. Thus, you can clean not only the cache, but also the permanent memory of the phone.

Perform a forced system reboot

Another way to clear your iPhone from trash is to restart your phone. Applications create temporary files that clog up the cache. In order not to clog the intermediate buffer, it is necessary to restart the phone from time to time. During shutdown, the smartphone OS deletes some temporary files. This creates more free space in the cache.

Remove cache in apps

Sometimes you can delete the cache directly from the application settings. To do this, go to the "Settings" menu, then tap on the "Applications" item. A list of all programs that are installed on the phone will open. We select the application from which we will clear the cache.

Scroll down until you see the "Clear cache" button. To complete the procedure, tap on it. It is not at all necessary for the application to completely free the cache. As a rule, after clearing the program leaves a couple of kilobytes of buffer memory for itself. It's quite normal.

Reinstall apps

Another way to clear the cache on an iPhone is to reinstall the application. The longer an application runs on your smartphone, the more cache it takes. This is especially true for all kinds of social networks, instant messengers, etc. After all, they cache all records, photos, videos that you exchange with your friends. To clear the memory, you need to reinstall programs from time to time.

Delete messages

Messages are very lightweight, because they are just text. But despite this, SMS is quite capable of filling a couple of gigabytes of memory. Messages from the operator, notifications from relatives, etc. In just a couple of months SMS can take up a huge chunk of disk space. Therefore, from time to time they need to be deleted (ideally, the memory of SMS should be cleared once a month).

Use programs to clean your cache

Another way to quickly clear memory on iPad and other mobile devices is to use special software. Cleaners generally perform better than built-in tools. You can download the program to free up memory on Google Play or the App Store for free. There are tons of different cleaners to be found there. But we will be using a utility called Clean Master.

You must enable the program. After starting Clean Master, it will scan the files that are on the phone and highlight unnecessary ones. To clear the memory you need to tap on the inscription "Garbage".

The utility will show a list of cached files that can be deleted. To free up memory, tap on the "Clear trash" button. After a certain period of time, the program will inform you about the end of cleaning and notify you about the amount of memory that has been freed.

Clear browser data

Browsers keep a lot of garbage in them. Most of all, the memory is clogged with so-called cookies. What are cookies? Basically, these are small text documents that the server sends to the mobile device. Cookies store user information. For example, login, password, statistics of visits, user preferences, personal settings, etc. Each time you visit the site, the phone sends cookies to the server, which are necessary for identification.

Typically, cookies are destroyed when you close your browser. However, some cookies have an "expiration date" and they are only deleted after that. It is these cookies that clog up memory. Therefore, you must remove them yourself.

How do I clear my cookies? You need to go to the browser and activate the drop-down list. In it we enter the "Settings" menu, after which you need to go to the "Personal data" section. This is where the "Delete cookies" button is located. If you want cookies not to clog your memory, then in this case you can uncheck the box next to the corresponding item. But it should be borne in mind that after this, sites will require a username and password from you each time you visit. In the same menu, you can delete the browser history, clear the cache, etc. These procedures are also recommended to be performed to clean your smartphone from garbage.

We clear the cache on the computer

How do I clear the cache on a Windows 7, 8, 10 computer? There are three types of cache on the PC, each of which has its own purpose. For instance:

  1. DNS. It is needed to keep records of computer requests to servers. Used to avoid unnecessary requests.
  2. Thumbnails. A file containing thumbnails of images. Used to speed up reloading images.
  3. Cache memory. A folder containing temporary files that are needed for installation and updates of some programs.

To improve the performance of your PC, you need to clear each type of cache one by one. Let's see how to do it.

DNS cache

First you need to run the command line. To do this, press the Win + R combination, which leads to the launch of the Run utility. We enter there and press Enter. A line has opened. To flush the DNS cache, enter the ipconfig / flushdns command there. Then we confirm the action by pressing Enter.

The intermediate buffer has cleared, which notifies us about.


In order to clear the thumbnails cache, you need to use the system utility. Turn on the "Start" menu and write "Disk Cleanup" in the search bar. We launch the found application.

The utility will scan the system disk and then display a list of junk files. This includes the thumbnails cache. To remove it from the computer, click "OK". The program will uninstall unnecessary data. This process will take a couple of seconds.

If you managed to notice that the pages of the sites began to open poorly in the browser, or various errors occur, then you probably need to clear the browser cache. This is the first thing to try. Perhaps after clearing the cache everything will start working as before. Not many users know what the VKontakte cache is, but in fact it is almost the same thing as clearing it in the browser. More precisely, if you carry out the described procedure with a browser, then the correct operation of the social network can be restored. Not many users are aware of what clearing the cache entails. In fact, when this function is executed, all this can be various settings, saved passwords, as well as cookies. By the way, cookies may sometimes need to be cleared in a separate form. Many users are afraid of such a procedure, but with the help of this function you can solve various kinds of problems that may arise when working with the browser. It was today that we decided to talk about on a computer, and for you several different options for


Let's start by solving the question of how to clear the cache in VKontakte if the Opera browser is used. In fact, before performing such a procedure, you should identify which version of the browser you have installed, since in each of them the necessary operation can occur in different ways. By the way, we recommend that you use the latest releases of this application, as they are able to protect your system from malicious files and sites, and you can also see all sites in the form in which the developer intended them.


In order to clear the cache in "Opera", you first need to go to the settings section. Immediately, you automatically get to the general parameters, but you should refer to the extended part, and then select a special item called "History". Opposite the given fields you can see a special tab "Disk Cache", and next to it there will be a button "Clear". After carrying out this procedure, you will need to wait some time, since the system will remove all saved data, then do not forget to click on the "OK" button in order to confirm your actions. Now you know how to clear the cache in VKontakte.

The brainchild of "Google"

Let's now move on to considering the option in the Chrome browser, as this browser is also used by a large number of people. In order to achieve the result, you need to follow the steps below. First you need to open the main menu, where you can find a special item "Settings". There, at the very bottom, you can see a special tab. It is called "Show advanced settings", and when you click on it, the options of interest to us will become available to you, where you can clear the cache. After you close the settings tab, we recommend that you restart your browser, this is necessary for all settings to take effect.

How to "Vkontakte" to clear the cache - conclusion

By the way, you can also get rid of cookies in advanced settings. But if you only deal with the cache, then in this case all temporary files should be automatically deleted. It all depends only on the version of the browser you are using. Now you know how to "Vkontakte" clear the cache when using this browser. In fact, the question is very simple, and we talked about how to solve it. Thank you for attention.

If you managed to notice that the pages of the sites began to open poorly in the browser, or various errors occur, then you probably need to clear the browser cache. This is the first thing to try. Perhaps after clearing the cache everything will start working as before. Not many users know what the VKontakte cache is, but in fact it is almost the same thing as clearing it in the browser. More precisely, if you carry out the described procedure with a browser, then the correct operation of the social network can be restored. Not many users are aware of what clearing the cache entails. In fact, when this function is executed, all this can be various settings, saved passwords, as well as cookies. By the way, cookies may sometimes need to be cleared in a separate form. Many users are afraid of such a procedure, but with the help of this function you can solve various kinds of problems that may arise when working with the browser. It was today that we decided to talk about on a computer, and for you several different options for


Let's start by solving the question of how to clear the cache in VKontakte if the Opera browser is used. In fact, before performing such a procedure, you should identify which version of the browser you have installed, since in each of them the necessary operation can occur in different ways. By the way, we recommend that you use the latest releases of this application, as they are able to protect your system from malicious files and sites, and you can also see all sites in the form in which the developer intended them.


In order to clear the cache in "Opera", you first need to go to the settings section. Immediately, you automatically get to the general parameters, but you should refer to the extended part, and then select a special item called "History". Opposite the given fields you can see a special tab "Disk Cache", and next to it there will be a button "Clear". After carrying out this procedure, you will need to wait some time, since the system will remove all the saved data, then do not forget to click on the "OK" button in order to confirm your actions. Now you know how to clear the cache in VKontakte.

The brainchild of "Google"

Let's now move on to considering the option in the Chrome browser, as this browser is also used by a large number of people. In order to achieve the result, you need to follow the steps below. First you need to open the main menu, where you can find a special item "Settings". There, at the very bottom, you can see a special tab. It is called "Show advanced settings", and when you click on it, the options of interest to us will become available to you, where you can clear the cache. After you close the settings tab, we recommend that you restart your browser, this is necessary for all settings to take effect.

How to "Vkontakte" to clear the cache - conclusion

By the way, you can also get rid of cookies in advanced settings. But if you only deal with the cache, then in this case all temporary files should be automatically deleted. It all depends only on the version of the browser you are using. Now you know how to "Vkontakte" clear the cache when using this browser. In fact, the question is very simple, and we talked about how to solve it. Thank you for attention.

A very common problem among site administrators and journalists who promote their articles and sites through the VKontakte social network. The essence of the problem lies in storing the meta-data of the external page in the cache on the VK server and its further use in subsequent postings on VKontakte of links to the same external page.

About the problem:
The problem lies not so much in the fact that the cache of external pages is stored on the VK server, but in the fact that it is then not automatically updated.

In subsequent postings on VKontakte, links to the same external page are not copied from the meta-tags of the page again, but copied from the cache of VKontakte. In this regard, a problem arose: when making any edits to an external page, say, to the title, the re-placed link to the external page will also display the old information, ignoring the new one.

Therefore, many anxious journalists and site administrators faced the obsessive question: "How to clear the cache of the external page of VKontakte?" It turns out that there is a solution, and a very simple one.

Removing the old cache:
You can delete the old cache of the external VKontakte page yourself. To do this, you need to visit the VKontakte section for the developer, namely the VKontakte API section. More specifically, we need the pages.clearCache method, which allows developers to implement a function for clearing the cache of external pages in their programs and Internet projects.

But the beauty of the VKontakte API is that you can use its methods directly through the site, which only suits us.

To clear the cache of the external page you need, you need to go

When asked how to clear the cache, and where can I find it? given by the author Olga the best answer is DELETE COOKIES -
Cookies are small text files containing information sent to you from a website. In some cases, if there are problems loading the site or constantly displaying incorrect information on it, cookies should be cleared. This is done like this:
Internet Explorer: Tools -\u003e Internet Options -\u003e General -\u003e Browsing History -\u003e Delete -\u003e Cookies -\u003e Delete Cookies
Firefox: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Privacy -\u003e Show cookies -\u003e Delete cookies
Opera: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Cookies -\u003e Manage cookies -\u003e Delete

CLEAR CACHE - Internet Explorer: Tools -\u003e Internet Options -\u003e General -\u003e Browsing History -\u003e Delete -\u003e Temporary Internet Files -\u003e Delete Files
Firefox: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Network -\u003e Cache -\u003e Clear Now
Opera: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Advanced -\u003e History -\u003e Disk Cache -\u003e Clear Now
After cleaning, log out of Contact and log in again

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to clear the cache, and where to find it?

Answer from tricky[newbie]
There is a good cc cleaner program. Very easy to use, everything is clear, there you can clear the cache and cookies

Answer from Hair[guru]
There are special utilities that clear both the cache and the registry. I recently cleaned out 3 gig of garbage. Reg Organizer, C-Cliner. If you wish, I will send it to your mail.

Answer from Victor[guru]
how to clear browser cache?
1 - For Internet Explorer:

click the "Delete files" button in the "Temporary Internet files" header;
enable the option “Delete all offline content”;
press the "Ok" button.
2 - For Opera:

select "History" in the left menu;
click the "Clear" button on the right.
3 - For Mozilla Firefox:

go to the "Privacy / Advanced" tab;
in the "Personal data" field, click the "Clear now" button;
press the "Ok" button.
4 - For Safari:

select the item "Empty Cache";
in the dialog box, click the "Ok" button.
In some cases, you may need to clear the cache multiple times.
Also try to configure page caching: Start / Settings / Control Panel / Internet Options / on the "General" tab in the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click the "Options" button and enable the "every time you visit the page" option.
How do I clear cookies in my browser?
To clear Internet browser cookies:
1 - For Internet Explorer:
launch the Internet Explorer Internet browser;
open the "Tools" menu at the top of the browser;
select "Internet options";
click the "Delete" button in the "Temporary Internet Files" header;
enable the "Delete Cookie" option;
press the "Ok" button.
2 - For Opera:
launch the Opera internet browser;
open the Tools menu at the top of the browser;
select the "Options" item;
click the "Advanced" button;
select the "Cookies" option in the left menu;
select "Manage Cookies";

click the "Delete" button.
3 - For Mozilla Firefox:
launch the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox;
open the Tools menu at the top of the browser;
select the "Options" item;
go to the "Privacy" tab (Advanced);

click on the "Delete Cookies" / "Delete All Cookies" button.
4 - For Safari:
launch the Safari internet browser;
open the Edit menu at the top of the browser;
select the "Options" item;
go to the "Security" tab;
select "Manage show Cookies";
select the site whose cookies you want to delete;
press the button "Delete Cookies" / "Delete all Cookies" (Delete Cookies);
click the "Finish" button

iPhone and iPad are convenient devices, but the iOS operating system still stops working correctly if it gets clogged with unnecessary files for a long time. Basically, the loaded cache memory affects the sluggishness of the device.

In this article, we will look at how to reset the cache on an iPhone and how to clear the cache on an iPad using special software and standard device settings. Clearing junk files and clearing cache items is a great way to give your iPhone (or iPad) the ability to run faster than ever.

Delete Safari cache on iPhone or iPad

Please note that this will erase the data of any websites you ever visit.

Follow these steps to clear the safari cache on your iPhone:

    Open the Settings app and scroll down to the Safari menu item

    Click on "Clear History and Site Data".

After the actions taken, a pop-up window will appear that will notify you of the consequences of clearing the safari cache. If you agree with the proposed solution, confirm the action by pressing the button “Clear. History and data ”.

Music cache Vk iPhone

Most Apple technology users face problems downloading music to their iPhone or iPad. Because of this, you have to use third-party programs that greatly facilitate the process of downloading music to your gadget. Over time, the cache memory of the device quickly fills up and it becomes necessary to delete unnecessary songs and music files. This can be done either manually, by deleting each audio track separately, or automatically through the device settings.

To clear the cache of music downloaded from Vkontakte through alternative applications, we advise you to follow these steps:

    Go to device settings

    Go to "General" - "Storage & iCloud"

    In the "Storage" section, select the "Management" menu item

After the actions taken, you will see a list of applications that load the device's memory in descending order. To clear the cache, find the installed application through which the music was downloaded from Vkontakte. For example, on our device it is Meloman.

    Select the Meloman application and click on "Uninstall program".

This instruction will help you remove the cache of downloaded music from Vkontakte. If you do not need to delete all files, we advise you to manually delete specific audio tracks that are not currently relevant. For example, as shown in the screenshot below.

How to clear the cache of iOS Instagram?

Instagram remains one of the most popular social networks in Russia, after Vkontakte, of course. Users share their impressions, the best moments in their lives, making colorful and vivid photos. Most of Instagram's cache is consumed when viewing user profiles. Photos are automatically downloaded to the application cache, which can be cleared using our instructions.

Before following the instructions, remember your Instagram username and password.

    Open "Settings" - "General" - "Storage & iCloud" - "Management"

    Find Instagram in the list of apps

    Go to the properties of Instagram and click "Uninstall a program".

After you have uninstalled the application, download it again from the App Store. Removing the program will allow you to clear the cache of photos and information that you have ever viewed from your account.

Council. Free up cache memory by restarting your iPhone or iPad

For the most part, iOS effectively manages the device's cached memory without doing anything. However, we have found that restarting the iPhone is sometimes a great way to clear the cache of frequently used applications on the device.

Restarting your iPhone is very simple:

    Hold down the On / Off button (top or right) until “Power off” appears.

    Swipe the slider across the screen.

    Wait for the device to turn off completely, then press and hold the On / Off button to turn on the iPhone.


Clearing the cache on the iPhone and iPad of various modifications can significantly speed up the operation of the device by performing simple and understandable actions that will not cause difficulties even for a beginner among Apple technology. We advise you to clear the device cache every few months so as not to bring it to a critical state.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to this article.

Regards, site

Details Benks Created: 26 July 2017 Updated: 03 February 2018

Vkontakte with the interface update has a convenient opportunity for convenient communication. Compared to the classic view, you would have to open a new tab each time for each individual user. In addition to pleasant work in your personal account for communication, this function is pleasant in that it is also easy to delete the history of correspondence of dialogues of an individual user with the help of it, without loading a message each time in a separate tab.

Of course, such a feature as clearing the entire history at once does not exist by default. You need to either go through all the users separately, or download a special browser extension. Another way that we will consider, will go to replace such extensions.

Below we will consider 4 ways how you can delete all VK messages.

1. Delete messages in classic form

This is not the best way to delete all Vkontakte messages, but nevertheless, we will briefly review it.

Clear the history of all dialogs with a specific user in the classic form of the Vkontakte interface.

To do this, open a correspondence with the person you communicate with and want to get rid of it. Above, hover the mouse cursor over the three dots as shown in the image and select the item from the context menu " Clear message history».

And so you do with all other messages.

2. Deleting messages in the new Vkontakte interface

Go to my messages and scroll to the very bottom, then hover your cursor over the gear and select "Go to a new interface".

Transition to the new interface for more convenient work with messages.

This is how the new dialog interface looks like:

In the screenshot in the left column there are users with whom I correspond. In the second column, my correspondence with a specific user. Now, in order to delete the correspondence of the desired person, I select the desired person in the left column, and in the right column I hover the mouse cursor over the ellipsis, as in the first option, and select the appropriate action. Or just hover your mouse over any message, a cross will appear and click on it.

The advantage of this method from the previous one is that you do not need to download a separate correspondence history each time.

3. Extension VkOpt 3.x for quick removal of all dialogs

Perhaps the fastest deletion of all dialogs at once. VkOpt 3 like a programmed autoclicker. That is, everything that can be deleted manually can be automated. Just for this, the developers of this extension have created such a brainchild to simplify labor-intensive work. The extension can do a lot of things, from downloading an mp3 track to deleting it from all groups at once. You just need to select the desired option and the application will do all the routine work for you.


Choose in which browser we want to use this extension and install it.

Note!!! At the moment of this writing, VkOpt has not yet fully updated the functionality designed to work with the new VK design. Therefore, this method temporarily does not work. But I am very sure that sooner or later the functionality will be updated, or some other similar extension will appear for a narrow focus. Just go to the extensions directory and see for yourself, maybe by that time there will be something new.

Great, after installing this extension, just go to private messages and in the upper right corner click on [ Dialogues]. Then delete all incoming or all outgoing dialogs.

4. Bulk delete messages - script for iMacros

At the moment, the most desperate ones who have a lot of dialogues, I can recommend the IMacros extension for chrome. In short, do the following:

Go to the new messaging interface. How to do this is described in the second method.

Go to the Vkontakte page using your username and password, after which you can close the tab.


Next, create any macro record, then edit it. Alternatively, navigate to the Demo-Chrome folder directly to the left of your browser. Select any test template that iMacros offers and edit it with the right mouse button Edit... Then download the code in a word document. Copy it and paste this copied script there:


Save. Next, select this script and make the appropriate settings as shown in the screenshot below. Current leave 1 a in the field Max indicate the approximate number of correspondences to be deleted. In our case, the screenshot shows that 13 correspondences of different users will be destroyed. That is, the template will be executed 13 times.

I myself do not understand macros, therefore duplicated code sections are unnecessary, instead of them you need to add either a pause or a condition. However, I am not eager to understand the intricacies of the macro, so use what you have. In this case, the macro works fine for me.


New updates from Vkontakte have made the work in correspondence much more pleasant than before. However, with such innovations, many extensions temporarily did not work. But this is until the developers themselves update the browser add-on. And what to do with programs that offer to delete all VK messages at once? So far I have not found such programs. All programs that I propose to enter a username and password should not be installed in any case. Moreover, you have to stand, so as not to accidentally pick up a virus.

If you managed to notice that the pages of the sites began to open poorly in the browser, or various errors occur, then you probably need to clear the browser cache. This is the first thing to try. Perhaps after clearing the cache everything will start working as before. Not many users know what the VKontakte cache is, but in fact it is almost the same thing as clearing it in the browser. More precisely, if you carry out the described procedure with a browser, then the correct operation of the social network can be restored. Not many users are aware of what clearing the cache entails. In fact, when this function is executed, all this can be various settings, saved passwords, as well as cookies. By the way, cookies may sometimes need to be cleared in a separate form. Many users are afraid of such a procedure, but with the help of this function you can solve various kinds of problems that may arise when working with the browser. It was today that we decided to talk about on a computer, and for you several different options for


Let's start by solving the question of how to clear the cache in VKontakte if the Opera browser is used. In fact, before performing such a procedure, you should identify which version of the browser you have installed, since in each of them the necessary operation can occur in different ways. By the way, we recommend that you use the latest releases of this application, as they are able to protect your system from malicious files and sites, and you can also see all sites in the form in which the developer intended them.


In order to clear the cache in "Opera", you first need to go to the settings section. Immediately, you automatically get to the general parameters, but you should refer to the extended part, and then select a special item called "History". Opposite the given fields you can see a special tab "Disk Cache", and next to it there will be a button "Clear". After carrying out this procedure, you will need to wait some time, since the system will remove all the saved data, then do not forget to click on the "OK" button in order to confirm your actions. Now you know how to clear the cache in VKontakte.

The brainchild of "Google"

Let's now move on to considering the option in the Chrome browser, as this browser is also used by a large number of people. In order to achieve the result, you need to follow the steps below. First you need to open the main menu, where you can find a special item "Settings". There, at the very bottom, you can see a special tab. It is called "Show advanced settings", and when you click on it, the options of interest to us will become available to you, where you can clear the cache. After you close the settings tab, we recommend that you restart your browser, this is necessary for all settings to take effect.

How to "Vkontakte" to clear the cache - conclusion

By the way, you can also get rid of cookies in advanced settings. But if you only deal with the cache, then in this case all temporary files should be automatically deleted. It all depends only on the version of the browser you are using. Now you know how to "Vkontakte" clear the cache when using this browser. In fact, the question is very simple, and we talked about how to solve it. Thank you for attention.

When asked how to clear the cache, and where can I find it? given by the author Olga the best answer is DELETE COOKIES -
Cookies are small text files containing information sent to you from a website. In some cases, if there are problems loading the site or constantly displaying incorrect information on it, cookies should be cleared. This is done like this:
Internet Explorer: Tools -\u003e Internet Options -\u003e General -\u003e Browsing History -\u003e Delete -\u003e Cookies -\u003e Delete Cookies
Firefox: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Privacy -\u003e Show cookies -\u003e Delete cookies
Opera: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Cookies -\u003e Manage cookies -\u003e Delete

CLEAR CACHE - Internet Explorer: Tools -\u003e Internet Options -\u003e General -\u003e Browsing History -\u003e Delete -\u003e Temporary Internet Files -\u003e Delete Files
Firefox: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Network -\u003e Cache -\u003e Clear Now
Opera: Tools -\u003e Options -\u003e Advanced -\u003e History -\u003e Disk Cache -\u003e Clear Now
After cleaning, log out of Contact and log in again

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how to clear the cache, and where to find it?

Answer from tricky[newbie]
There is a good cc cleaner program. Very easy to use, everything is clear, there you can clear the cache and cookies

Answer from Hair[guru]
There are special utilities that clear both the cache and the registry. I recently cleaned out 3 gig of garbage. Reg Organizer, C-Cliner. If you wish, I will send it to your mail.

Answer from Victor[guru]
how to clear browser cache?
1 - For Internet Explorer:

click the "Delete files" button in the "Temporary Internet files" header;
enable the option “Delete all offline content”;
press the "Ok" button.
2 - For Opera:

select "History" in the left menu;
click the "Clear" button on the right.
3 - For Mozilla Firefox:

go to the "Privacy / Advanced" tab;
in the "Personal data" field, click the "Clear now" button;
press the "Ok" button.
4 - For Safari:

select the item "Empty Cache";
in the dialog box, click the "Ok" button.
In some cases, you may need to clear the cache multiple times.
Also try to configure page caching: Start / Settings / Control Panel / Internet Options / on the "General" tab in the "Temporary Internet Files" section, click the "Options" button and enable the "every time you visit the page" option.
How do I clear cookies in my browser?
To clear Internet browser cookies:
1 - For Internet Explorer:
launch the Internet Explorer Internet browser;
open the "Tools" menu at the top of the browser;
select "Internet options";
click the "Delete" button in the "Temporary Internet Files" header;
enable the "Delete Cookie" option;
press the "Ok" button.
2 - For Opera:
launch the Opera internet browser;
open the Tools menu at the top of the browser;
select the "Options" item;
click the "Advanced" button;
select the "Cookies" option in the left menu;
select "Manage Cookies";

click the "Delete" button.
3 - For Mozilla Firefox:
launch the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox;
open the Tools menu at the top of the browser;
select the "Options" item;
go to the "Privacy" tab (Advanced);

click on the "Delete Cookies" / "Delete All Cookies" button.
4 - For Safari:
launch the Safari internet browser;
open the Edit menu at the top of the browser;
select the "Options" item;
go to the "Security" tab;
select "Manage show Cookies";
select the site whose cookies you want to delete;
press the button "Delete Cookies" / "Delete all Cookies" (Delete Cookies);
click the "Finish" button

iPhone and iPad are convenient devices, but the iOS operating system still stops working correctly if it gets clogged with unnecessary files for a long time. Basically, the loaded cache memory affects the sluggishness of the device.

In this article, we will look at how to reset the cache on an iPhone and how to clear the cache on an iPad using special software and standard device settings. Clearing junk files and clearing cache items is a great way to give your iPhone (or iPad) the ability to run faster than ever.

Delete Safari cache on iPhone or iPad

Please note that this will erase the data of any websites you ever visit.

Follow these steps to clear the safari cache on your iPhone:

    Open the Settings app and scroll down to the Safari menu item

    Click on "Clear History and Site Data".

After the actions taken, a pop-up window will appear that will notify you of the consequences of clearing the safari cache. If you agree with the proposed solution, confirm the action by pressing the button “Clear. History and data ”.

Music cache Vk iPhone

Most Apple technology users face problems downloading music to their iPhone or iPad. Because of this, you have to use third-party programs that greatly facilitate the process of downloading music to your gadget. Over time, the cache memory of the device quickly fills up and it becomes necessary to delete unnecessary songs and music files. This can be done either manually, by deleting each audio track separately, or automatically through the device settings.

To clear the cache of music downloaded from Vkontakte through alternative applications, we advise you to follow these steps:

    Go to device settings

    Go to "General" - "Storage & iCloud"

    In the "Storage" section, select the "Management" menu item

After the actions taken, you will see a list of applications that load the device's memory in descending order. To clear the cache, find the installed application through which the music was downloaded from Vkontakte. For example, on our device it is Meloman.

    Select the Meloman application and click on "Uninstall program".

This instruction will help you remove the cache of downloaded music from Vkontakte. If you do not need to delete all files, we advise you to manually delete specific audio tracks that are not currently relevant. For example, as shown in the screenshot below.

How to clear the cache of iOS Instagram?

Instagram remains one of the most popular social networks in Russia, after Vkontakte, of course. Users share their impressions, the best moments in their lives, making colorful and vivid photos. Most of Instagram's cache is consumed when viewing user profiles. Photos are automatically downloaded to the application cache, which can be cleared using our instructions.

Before following the instructions, remember your Instagram username and password.

    Open "Settings" - "General" - "Storage & iCloud" - "Management"

    Find Instagram in the list of apps

    Go to the properties of Instagram and click "Uninstall a program".

After you have uninstalled the application, download it again from the App Store. Removing the program will allow you to clear the cache of photos and information that you have ever viewed from your account.

Council. Free up cache memory by restarting your iPhone or iPad

For the most part, iOS effectively manages the device's cached memory without doing anything. However, we have found that restarting the iPhone is sometimes a great way to clear the cache of frequently used applications on the device.

Restarting your iPhone is very simple:

    Hold down the On / Off button (top or right) until “Power off” appears.

    Swipe the slider across the screen.

    Wait for the device to turn off completely, then press and hold the On / Off button to turn on the iPhone.


Clearing the cache on the iPhone and iPad of various modifications can significantly speed up the operation of the device by performing simple and understandable actions that will not cause difficulties even for a beginner among Apple technology. We advise you to clear the device cache every few months so as not to bring it to a critical state.

If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments to this article.

Regards, site

Details Benks Created: 26 July 2017 Updated: 03 February 2018

Vkontakte with the interface update has a convenient opportunity for convenient communication. Compared to the classic view, you would have to open a new tab each time for each individual user. In addition to pleasant work in your personal account for communication, this function is pleasant in that it is also easy to delete the history of correspondence of dialogues of an individual user with the help of it, without loading a message each time in a separate tab.

Of course, such a feature as clearing the entire history at once does not exist by default. You need to either go through all the users separately, or download a special browser extension. Another way that we will consider, will go to replace such extensions.

Below we will consider 4 ways how you can delete all VK messages.

1. Delete messages in classic form

This is not the best way to delete all Vkontakte messages, but nevertheless, we will briefly review it.

Clear the history of all dialogs with a specific user in the classic form of the Vkontakte interface.

To do this, open a correspondence with the person you communicate with and want to get rid of it. Above, hover the mouse cursor over the three dots as shown in the image and select the item from the context menu " Clear message history».

And so you do with all other messages.

2. Deleting messages in the new Vkontakte interface

Go to my messages and scroll to the very bottom, then hover your cursor over the gear and select "Go to a new interface".

Transition to the new interface for more convenient work with messages.

This is how the new dialog interface looks like:

In the screenshot in the left column there are users with whom I correspond. In the second column, my correspondence with a specific user. Now, in order to delete the correspondence of the desired person, I select the desired person in the left column, and in the right column I hover the mouse cursor over the ellipsis, as in the first option, and select the appropriate action. Or just hover your mouse over any message, a cross will appear and click on it.

The advantage of this method from the previous one is that you do not need to download a separate correspondence history each time.

3. Extension VkOpt 3.x for quick removal of all dialogs

Perhaps the fastest deletion of all dialogs at once. VkOpt 3 like a programmed autoclicker. That is, everything that can be deleted manually can be automated. Just for this, the developers of this extension have created such a brainchild to simplify labor-intensive work. The extension can do a lot of things, from downloading an mp3 track to deleting it from all groups at once. You just need to select the desired option and the application will do all the routine work for you.


Choose in which browser we want to use this extension and install it.

Note!!! At the moment of this writing, VkOpt has not yet fully updated the functionality designed to work with the new VK design. Therefore, this method temporarily does not work. But I am very sure that sooner or later the functionality will be updated, or some other similar extension will appear for a narrow focus. Just go to the extensions directory and see for yourself, maybe by that time there will be something new.

Great, after installing this extension, just go to private messages and in the upper right corner click on [ Dialogues]. Then delete all incoming or all outgoing dialogs.

4. Bulk delete messages - script for iMacros

At the moment, the most desperate ones who have a lot of dialogues, I can recommend the IMacros extension for chrome. In short, do the following:

Go to the new messaging interface. How to do this is described in the second method.

Go to the Vkontakte page using your username and password, after which you can close the tab.


Next, create any macro record, then edit it. Alternatively, navigate to the Demo-Chrome folder directly to the left of your browser. Select any test template that iMacros offers and edit it with the right mouse button Edit... Then download the code in a word document. Copy it and paste this copied script there:


Save. Next, select this script and make the appropriate settings as shown in the screenshot below. Current leave 1 a in the field Max indicate the approximate number of correspondences to be deleted. In our case, the screenshot shows that 13 correspondences of different users will be destroyed. That is, the template will be executed 13 times.

I myself do not understand macros, therefore duplicated code sections are unnecessary, instead of them you need to add either a pause or a condition. However, I am not eager to understand the intricacies of the macro, so use what you have. In this case, the macro works fine for me.


New updates from Vkontakte have made the work in correspondence much more pleasant than before. However, with such innovations, many extensions temporarily did not work. But this is until the developers themselves update the browser add-on. And what to do with programs that offer to delete all VK messages at once? So far I have not found such programs. All programs that I propose to enter a username and password should not be installed in any case. Moreover, you have to stand, so as not to accidentally pick up a virus.

A cache is a temporary storage that contains certain information (pictures, video, audio, etc.) that browsers use to speed up the loading of pages of websites that you have already visited.

Cache memory has a limitation upon reaching which the user may experience discomfort when using the browser. That is why the cache needs to be cleared from time to time. We will talk about how to clear the cache memory in the most popular browsers now.

Delete cache in Google Chrome

Go to the "Customize and manage Google Chrome" menu (at the very top, on the right, under the browser close button) → "Show advanced settings" "Clear the history…" "Images and other files."

By default, cleaning is selected for the entire time of using the browser, but it is possible to change this value to cleaning for an hour of work, for a day, for a week and a month.

I would also like to note that after completing all the above steps, you will lose:

  • visited web addresses listed on the History page;
  • cached text of visited pages;
  • snapshots of the most frequently visited pages on the quick access page;
  • all IP addresses extracted from visited pages.

Clear cache in Mozilla

Open the menu, the button of which is at the very top, in the browser control panel, go to the settings on the "Privacy" tab, find "Delete your recent history", select the period for which you want to delete it, click "Details" and leave a tick on the item "Cache" and click on the "Delete now" button.

In the "History" section, you can set whether the browser will remember the history of site visits or not. If you do not want to clear the cache memory anymore, select "Will not remember history".

Delete cache in Opera

Opera's cache is stored on a hard disk drive (HDD). You will be prompted to choose to clean up memory, increase it, or disable caching.

For the latest versions:

At the top, click on the "Opera" icon, select Settings (or Alt + P) → Security → in the "Privacy" section, click "Clear browsing history ..." → tick "Clear cache" → select "from the very beginning" in the drop-down menu and confirm.

For version 12.17 and below:

Go to the Menu section → Settings → General settings (or Ctrl + F12) → Advanced → History. Opposite "Disk Cache" click "Clear". You can check the "Clear on exit" checkbox - cleaning will be performed every time the browser is closed and the memory will not be clogged.

Clearing the cache memory in Yandex browser

Go to "Yandex browser settings" → “History” → “Settings” → “Show advanced settings” → “Clear history ...”. We put a tick in front of the field "Files saved in the cache" and select the time for which you want to clear the history, click "Clear history".

All browsers are very similar to each other as they are created on the Chromium platform. A clogged cache memory creates a lot of problems, especially for users of social networks. If you still have questions - ask them in the comments to the article and we will be happy to answer them!

A very common problem among site administrators and journalists who promote their articles and sites through the VKontakte social network. The essence of the problem lies in storing the meta-data of the external page in the cache on the VK server and its further use in subsequent postings on VKontakte of links to the same external page.

About the problem

The problem lies not so much in the fact that the cache of external pages is stored on the VK server, but in the fact that it is then not automatically updated.

In subsequent postings on VKontakte, links to the same external page are not copied from the meta-tags of the page again, but copied from the cache of VKontakte. In this regard, a problem arose: when making any edits to an external page, say, to the title, the re-placed link to the external page will also display the old information, ignoring the new one.

Therefore, many anxious journalists and site administrators faced the obsessive question: "How to clear the cache of the external page of VKontakte?" It turns out that there is a solution, and a very simple one.

Removing the old cache

You can delete the old cache of the external VKontakte page yourself. To do this, you need to visit the VKontakte section for the developer, namely the VKontakte API section. More specifically, we need the pages.clearCache method, which allows developers to implement a function for clearing the cache of external pages in their programs and Internet projects.

But the beauty of the VK API is that you can use its methods directly through the site, which is only to our advantage.

To clear the cache of the external page you need, you need to go

If you managed to notice that the pages of the sites began to open poorly in the browser, or various errors occur, then you probably need to clear the browser cache. This is the first thing to try. Perhaps after clearing the cache everything will start working as before. Not many users know what the VKontakte cache is, but in fact it is almost the same thing as clearing it in the browser. More precisely, if you carry out the described procedure with a browser, then the correct operation of the social network can be restored. Not many users are aware of what clearing the cache entails. In fact, when this function is executed, all this can be various settings, saved passwords, as well as cookies. By the way, cookies may sometimes need to be cleared in a separate form. Many users are afraid of such a procedure, but with the help of this function you can solve various kinds of problems that may arise when working with the browser. It was today that we decided to talk about using a computer, and several different options for


Let's start by solving the question of how to clear the cache in VKontakte if the Opera browser is used. In fact, before performing such a procedure, you should identify which version of the browser you have installed, since in each of them the necessary operation can occur in different ways. By the way, we recommend that you use the latest releases of this application, as they are able to protect your system from malicious files and sites, and you can also see all sites in the form in which the developer intended them.


In order to clear the cache in "Opera", you first need to go to the settings section. Immediately, you automatically get to the general parameters, but you should refer to the extended part, and then select a special item called "History". Opposite the given fields you can see a special tab "Disk Cache", and next to it there will be a button "Clear". After carrying out this procedure, you will need to wait some time, since the system will remove all the saved data, then do not forget to click on the "OK" button in order to confirm your actions. Now you know how to clear the cache in VKontakte.

The brainchild of "Google"

Let's now move on to considering the option in the Chrome browser, as this browser is also used by a large number of people. In order to achieve the result, you need to follow the steps below. First you need to open the main menu, where you can find a special item "Settings". There, at the very bottom, you can see a special tab. It is called "Show advanced settings", and when you click on it, the options of interest to us will become available to you, where you can clear the cache. After you close the settings tab, we recommend that you restart your browser, this is necessary for all settings to take effect.

How to "Vkontakte" to clear the cache - conclusion

By the way, you can also get rid of cookies in advanced settings. But if you only deal with the cache, then in this case all temporary files should be automatically deleted. It all depends only on the version of the browser you are using. Now you know how to "Vkontakte" clear the cache when using this browser. In fact, the question is very simple, and we talked about how to solve it. Thank you for attention.