I can not download programs from the app store. Reasons why programs are not installed and run

Have you ever double-clicked on the icon on the desktop so that the mouse cursor instantly turned into a small spinning circle, then turned back into an arrow, and no new application was opened? This is what usually happens when a program does not start, and this is not necessarily Windows fault.

The following are four common reasons why a program (or software installer) will not start on Windows 7:

About User Account Control

As described in chapter 7, user account control is designed to prevent malware or bad applications from harming the computer. Unfortunately, programs that are not written specifically for Vista or Windows 7 do not know what it is and, as a result, close when User Account Control prevents them from performing certain actions, for example, writing something to their own folder in Program Files If their updates are not available, it is usually possible to run programs in administrator mode О Written for more old version   Windows

Some programs — especially those that interact with the operating system or rely on features that are available only in certain versions of Windows — will not load unless your version of Windows is on their pre-approved list. (The same goes for the installers.) To handle this, right-click on any .exe file (or shortcut on any .exe file), select Properties, and then the Compatibility tab. Turn on the option Run the program in compatibility mode with, and then select the version of Windows that your software. Click OK and try to run the program again.

Now the program thinks that at the moment it works, say, in windows system   XP with the second service pack, but this does not mean that it will j * work correctly in Windows 7. If this application works correctly only

* in Windows XP, you can use a special version of the Virtual Computer: windows mode   XP, which was discussed in chapter 1.

O Missing file or setting

Most applications require a list of various supporting files to function (and not to mention a few dozen parameters). System registry) If the program worked before, but no longer works, it may need to be reinstalled. (This is especially true for those programs that were installed in the previous windows versions   and were not rearranged after upgrading to Windows 7.)

About Software Codecs, Hardware Drivers

Does the application interact with the hardware device? If so, then before the application works, you will need native Windows 7 or Vista drivers. Similarly, if there is a problem starting the video editing program, or with the video player itself, one of the installed codecs may be damaged or incompatible with Windows 7.

O Just mistakes

Do not exclude the possibility that there is an error in the software that interferes with starting the program. Check the website of the manufacturer of this software, look for updates, patches or other workarounds there.

After updating to one of the new versions of iOS, some users encounter a problem when downloading applications to the device. Such applications "hang" dead weight with the status of "Waiting" and do not respond to clicks. We talked about how to solve this problem in this manual.

This instruction is a response to a user request in ours. You can describe your problem in it as well - we will consider it as soon as possible and offer a solution.

1. Check Apple Server Status

The first thing you should do in case of an error with applications hanging during the boot process is to check the status of Apple servers. To do this, go to this page and make sure that the App Store is working properly. Malfunctions in the Apple app store do not happen very often, however, it is because of them that downloading applications may not start.

2. Make sure there is a summary space in the iPhone memory

Applications can also hang during the loading process for a very obvious reason - they may simply not have enough memory space. Go to the menu " Settings» → « The main» → « Storage and iCloud usage"And check how much free space   left in the memory of your device. If there is not enough space, click " Control»And remove unnecessary applications.

3. Check for internet connection

Then you need to make sure that the iPhone has access to the Web. You can check for an Internet connection by launching Safari and going to any web page. It sounds silly, but quite a few face the problem of downloading applications to the iPhone, just because of the lack of a network connection.

4. Reboot the iPhone

Also can fix the problem. reboot iPhone. It is immediately recommended that you perform a forced reboot while holding down the Home and Power buttons and holding them until the Apple logo appears. On iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, instead of the Home button, you need to hold down the volume down button.

5. Uninstall the application and try downloading it again

The problem may be related to the particular boot session during which the crash occurred. Uninstalling the application and then re-downloading it from the App Store often helps to fix it. To remove an application, simply click on its icon and after going into editing mode, click on the cross in the upper left corner.

6. “Push” the frozen download by another application

Download any free app from the App Store. Downloading it can restore the correct connection to the Apple app store, and as a result, problematic applications will begin to download.

7. Go back to the App Store

IN a large number   cases, the problem can be re-authorization in the App Store. To do this, go to the App Store application, click on the button with the name of your account (located at the very bottom on the "Selection" tab) and select "Sign out" in the window that opens. After that, click "Sign in" and re-log in using your Apple ID account.

8. Reset network settings

Another way to fix problems with applications hanging during the boot process is to reset the network settings. Go to the menu " Settings» → « Reset"And select" Reset Network Settings". Confirm the reset and check if the problematic applications started to load.

9. Sync iPhone with iTunes

The simple synchronization of iPhone with iTunes can also help. Plug in mobile device   to the computer using the USB cable, launch iTunes and click " Synchronize».

This article will discuss such a common problem as why programs are not installed. Installing a program in our time is so important that without programs it makes no sense to use a computer. The problem, which is not installed by the program, is faced mainly by computer novices.

Even in this situation, there are those computer users who use the pirated windows operating system.

You can also get into such an attack when installing programs that you need to quack to use for free.

Consider a number of reasons why programs are not installed:

  1. Missing Microsoft .NET Framework Component
  2. Lack of Microsoft Visual C ++
  3. Due to antivirus
  4. Due to incompatibility
  5. Need to update drivers
  6. Missing DirectX Component
  7. Program requirement
  8. Virus installer
  9. Wrong choice of operating system bit depth
  10. Need dll
  11. Lack of account system
  1. In order for some programs to work correctly, the NET Framework component is required. Some programs work with certain versions, while others with newest versions. Therefore, look carefully at what the installer requires. It may be that programs are not installed   because of this component. This component can be downloaded on the developer's website. Download and start the installation. The installation process is normal. We agree with what the installer offers. If after installation desired version   The NET Framework program is not installed and again requires the NET Framework, then go to the "start" open the "control panel" go to the "programs" section and open the "enable or disable windows components"

We look so that opposite the NET Framework in the check box there is a checkmark.

  1. Microsoft Visual C ++ is also an essential component when installing programs and using them further. Most programs may not install due to the lack of a Microsoft Visual C ++ component. Visual C ++ is a batch programming language. If no programs are installed on your computer, check for Visual C ++. If it is not, download or install from installation disk. I warn the installation process, it lasts a long time.
  2. If your computer has active anti-virus protection, then those programs that need to be cracked will not start. If you do not install programs like Sony Vegas pro, then the antivirus is to blame. In order for the installation process to proceed normally, it is necessary to temporarily turn off the antivirus and add the installation folder to the exceptions.
    1. When creating programs and applications, some developers forget about compatibility with different operating systems. And when you try to install such programs, failure is experienced. Fortunately, you can get out of such situations. To do this, right-click on the shortcut of the program that does not start. In the context menu, go to "properties"

Put a check in the check box “run the program in compatibility mode”,

And we select the operating system you need.

  1. It so happens that if during the long use of one operating system, without updating the drivers, the system crashes and glitches. In this case, you need to update the driver.
  2. DirectX is a software package developed by microsoft. It is used mainly when installing games, it is also used when installing programs. If this package is missing, then you need to download and install it. The latest version is desirable.
  3. When installing programs, you must consider the minimum requirements of the program. These requirements include:
  • Processor power
  • RAM size
  • Axis (RAM)
  • Miscellaneous components

If the data on the computer is lower than the requirement of the program, you will be wondering why programs are not installed. Therefore, we always read the help.

  1. In my practice, I observed that some installers downloaded from unknown sources are not installed. The reason for this is a broken or virus file. In this case, you need to re-download the file or find another source.
  2. If your operating system   has 32-bit, and you are trying to install 64-bit, then naturally you will not install programs. Therefore, when installing programs, we observe bit depth.
  3. There are such cases that in the absence of an account "system" the program does not start. To do this, create account. We click with the mouse the right button on the shortcut of the program that does not start and go to the "properties"