Good phone features. How to choose your perfect phone

How to choose a good phone without spending money? What to look for? Which manufacturers are preferred? Questions of this kind arise every time you are about to acquire new phone. And it seems that he has already decided on one model, as you notice another, no less good. Vast market mobile devices   will not allow you to quickly choose a phone, offering hundreds of good solutions. We decided to help applicants for a new smartphone by writing in today's article which parameters should be considered when choosing.

You must admit that not every grandmother will have a phone with a bunch of strange functions and the most powerful processor. An elderly person simply will not reveal the full potential of a smart phone, using the minimum capabilities (calls, SMS). So why overpay for technologies that will not find practical application in the future?

You should not chase expensive smartphones that manufacturers diligently advertise. If you do not play games, then a powerful processor is useless to you. With everyday tasks social networks   and the device for 3000-4000 rubles will cope with simple arcades. Rarely take pictures? Then pay less attention to the camera in the phone.

Before going to the store, determine for yourself what tasks a future purchase will fulfill, which is more important for you. Having crossed out previously the functions that you can do without, spend significantly less on the purchase.

What to look for when choosing a phone

A modern phone is a complex device. Therefore, when choosing, you will have to focus on many parameters, which we will discuss in more detail below. Main characteristic   for the vast majority of users, the price of the model becomes. If you are not one of those who can easily lay out $ 1000 for a new product from Apple, then the choice should be based on prices.

Determine in advance the budget that you are willing to spend on a new phone so that you do not look at more expensive and attractive models in the future. Knowing a specific budget will help to significantly speed up the selection by filtering out more expensive devices.

Before buying, it will not be amiss to get acquainted with the reviews of the desired phone, since there are plenty of them on the Internet. Familiarization with user reviews, from which you can learn about possible problems with the device, will only benefit.

Case materials and design

Some users, choosing a phone, appearance   and the assembly materials are put at the end of the list, paying more attention to memory, the processor and other parameters, which is not entirely true. You will have to spend a month with a newly acquired smartphone, and a terrible design will obviously not add to the pleasure of using it, even if you have a top-end processor installed. Very cheap materials will be annoying, poor assembly will quickly make itself felt in the form of creaks and a crunch of the case.

To avoid all this, you should look in the characteristics of the material of the case. But the quality already depends directly on your budget.

If the budget is seriously limited

Even if there is very little money for a new phone, you should not be upset. Gone are the days when almost every mobile phone was assembled from cheap plastic. Today, many budget devices receive an all-metal casing, which will not emit a squeak, as you do not twist it in your hands.

If you are going to order, then in the region of 7000 rubles you can find options in a metal case. In the domestic market, unfortunately, you will have to pay more for metal. However, do not turn your nose away from plastic. Many manufacturers produce really good devices in polycarbonate, which often complements a metal frame for reliability.

As a result, we have: if the budget is limited to 6000-7000 rubles, you will most likely have to choose a phone from plastic representatives.

Balanced solution

If we have at our disposal 10,000 rubles or more, then it will not be difficult to choose an all-metal model. You can, of course, save money by giving preference to plastic, but metal is much more practical and reliable. Cases made of alloys are able to save the phone from falling from a great height, they quickly remove heat from the processor, in the hands they feel more expensive and reliable.

It is worth noting that metal transmits a signal worse, so manufacturers often supplement phones with plastic inserts at the top and bottom.

If desired, you can find smartphones made in a glass case, but it should be understood that they are more fragile (but they look very stylish). In addition, low-cost phones often use cheap glass, which quickly becomes scratched.

As a result, we have: if more than 10,000 rubles are available, the metal case will be the best option.

Unlimited budget

When the budget, as they say, allows, you can even choose an exotic case material. It is clear that preference can be given to alloys of various metals, which will provide high reliability. Many flagship smartphones today receive red-tinted glass cases, characterized by excellent resistance to wear. Aesthetes may like cases made of leather or wood - they look expensive and unusual, but significantly affect the price of the device.

There are even more rare materials that are used in limited batches of smartphones. For example, ceramics, precious stones, leather of rare animals. Such devices are more like works of art, highlighting their owner in society.

As a result, we have: if the means allow, the choice of material depends only on your preferences.


A screen is something that we will have to contact regularly, receive gigabytes of information from it, so its quality is important. Today, even the display of an ultra-budget smartphone is capable of producing a picture that is quite pleasant for the eyes, not to mention mid-range and flagship devices.

Minimum Screen Specifications

Let's start with such a thing as the diagonal of the screen. It reflects the distance from one corner of the matrix to another, measured in inches. What diagonal to choose when buying a phone? It all depends on your preference. Someone and 5 inches a lot, someone feels uncomfortable at 6 inches.

Diagonals of 4.7, 5, 5.2 and 5.5 inches are especially popular today. Moreover, even among budget models there are a lot of options with large screens.

The next important characteristic of displays is resolution (pixel density per unit area). The resolution in pixels is measured, the higher the better (the picture is more saturated and detailed).

Resolution is inextricably linked with the diagonal. With increasing screen size, the resolution should also increase (otherwise, an image with noticeable pixels).

Until recently, on budget smartphones   the resolution of 840x480 pixels was considered normal, but today it has grown to 1280 × 720 pixels (HD). It is well suited for 5-inch matrices, looks good on 5.5 inches.

You can not go into matrix types, since in most cases today IPS technology is used (if you do not choose a phone from outdated models).

Optimal option

Everyone chooses the optimal screen diagonal, based on their own needs, so immediately go to the resolution. If you choose a phone, starting from the principle of price / quality, then the best option will be (1920 × 1080 pixels). This resolution looks great on any diagonal, if you are not one of too picky users. In addition, most modern mid-range smartphones get exactly FullHD screens.

Top quality

Fans of virtual reality and ultra-clear images recommend smartphones with a resolution of QHD, 2K or. Such screens can provide excellent picture quality, which is especially noticeable when using VR glasses, but significantly affect the cost of the device. In addition, with a resolution of 4K, there is so far only one smartphone - Sony Xperia Z5 Premium.

Chasing a resolution of 2K, and even more so 4K does not make sense. Differences from FullHD are minimal, and you have to overpay a serious amount. You should look towards such permissions if you plan to use a smartphone with helmets of virtual reality.


The processor in the smartphone is the heart, on which depends how smartly the device will work. The market has several popular brands of processors, the lines of which are very extensive and are constantly updated with new models. As a rule, processors can be distinguished by digital marking - the larger the number, the more powerful the chip. View each the lineup   - The task is complex and long, so you should rely on the characteristics of the chip (number of cores and clock speed).

Do not chase the flagship processor two years ago. A modern chip, albeit of an average level, can show results that will significantly surpass its top ancestor.

Minimum CPU Requirements

Today it is impossible to meet a person who does not use a mobile phone. The mobile phone has become one of the most important accessories, as in addition to the main purpose, it is able to functionally replace the clock, alarm clock, calculator, notepad, player and much more. This is an item that neither a business businessman nor a stylish fashionista can do without. The development of high technology is accompanied by a constant acceleration of all processes. Every day there are new phone models that have various useful features. And no matter who you are going to buy it for, it is important to know how to choose a phone that would best meet all your requirements.

How to choose a mobile phone

Before choosing a mobile phone, you need to understand how you will use this accessory. It is one thing if you buy it for parents or, for example, for a child, and another thing entirely when you choose a mobile one for yourself.

  • If older people will use the phone, then traditionally the main factors for them are big keys   and capital letters   on the screen. This is the so-called "grandmother's option."
  • If you business man, and the phone is not only a means of communication, but also an accessory that emphasizes your status, you need to take a more expensive model, characterized by a classic design and functionality. Such phones have built-in applications for working with mail and effective organization of working time.
  • For fans of texting, chatting in ICQ or other chats, the QWERTY device option will be relevant. With it, you can quickly and conveniently type the desired messages, as these models feature a full keyboard. The disadvantage is the relatively small screen size, which, in general, can be reconciled.
  • If you want to emphasize your style, take a look at image models. But when purchasing such a phone, be prepared for the fact that the device may have weak technical parameters. Manufacturers of bright status mobile phones in pursuit of interesting external solutions often save on functional parameters.
  • There are also models of phones that perform, along with calls, the function of a good player or, for example, a camera. If a person likes to listen to music or take beautiful pictures, this is a great option. Although often such an advantage of quality affects the direct functions of the phone.
  • A separate line I would like to highlight smartphones. These "smart phones" can combine the features of all the above categories. In addition to the usual functions, they also perform the functions of a portable personal computer.

If you don’t know which phone to choose, the very first thing you can do is look for information on various forums, find out about someone’s bitter or successful experience after acquiring various models from various manufacturers in different stores. It will not be superfluous to consult with knowledgeable friends who will briefly describe the advantages of a particular brand and give you advice on where you can profitably buy the desired product.

Speaking of places of possible purchase. The most traditional option is the store. It can be either a specialized home of technology or a shopping center. When buying a phone in a store, be prepared for the fact that the price here will be above average. But, on the other hand, you can get valuable tips from an intelligent consultant, as well as pick up all the accessories for your phone. In addition, in the store you can buy insurance and other related services. If you have already decided on the manufacturer and the model, then it will be much cheaper to order a phone on the Internet. In addition to competitive prices, auctions can also offer good options for used phones.

Which phone is better to choose

The decision about which phone is best to choose should be made based on the characteristics of the device and the features of the case. Perhaps the most popular type of housing in mobile phones   - monoblock. This design is the most reliable, since there are no movable parts in it, and accordingly there is less risk of disruption of their connections. Now rotators, cots and sliders are becoming less common. This largely depends on the fashion, but with the widespread use of touch screens, increasing the display area has faded into the background. Using touch phones, the keyboard issue has also been simplified - now it can be used both in extended format and in a minimal set (only numbers). But on the other hand, touch phones have their drawbacks. As a rule, dialing is possible only with a bare hand. That is, in the winter season you will have to remove gloves to use this device. In addition, navigation in the touch phone involves some skill in using such a display. This is often inconvenient for people of the older generation and for those who are used to a standard set through the keyboard.

Having decided on the main characteristics, it's time to choose a phone according to the parameters. One of the initial parameters is the type of communication that you plan to use. The most common type of communication is GSM, which includes the main mobile operators. An alternative to this type of communication is CDMA, the main advantage of which is the high quality of the connection. When choosing a mobile phone, pay attention also to the expansion of the screen, the number of colors and, therefore, the image quality on the display. If you want your phone to perform a data storage function, take care of maintaining memory cards.

There are also a number of other parameters, such as: 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth, providing additional sources of communication. With a full set of functions, do not forget about such an aspect as the duration of the phone’s charge. This is especially important if you travel frequently or travel on business trips. But if you like extreme sports, then it is worthwhile to pay attention to the impact resistance and waterproofness of the case.

If you have several active numbers, then you can choose a phone with two SIM cards. This is much more convenient than carrying two different phone. Modern technology allows you to quickly switch to the desired number. Moreover, if you are talking on one SIM card, the second is temporarily offline. At the end of the conversation, if someone tried to call you, the mobile operator, as a rule, sends you a notification.

There are many models of phones that combine good style, high functionality and affordability. When choosing a phone, listen not only to the opinions of experts, but also to your own taste. Then you can easily and quickly find the phone you need.

Technological progress does not stand still, so buying a mobile phone today is not difficult. Before you make a purchase, you need to understand for what particular goals a particular person needs a cell phone. It should be selected not only according to the parameters, but also considering the ease of use for different age groups. It is better to buy a device based on what reviews it has if its own opinion has not yet been formed. In 2016-2017, a wide selection of phones was presented - from the simplest and most budget ones to expensive ones that can replace computers.

The desire to purchase a mobile phone arises from every person. This is a convenient and modern means of communication. Today, it’s impossible to imagine a single day without, since this device performs entertainment functions, it allows you to always be in touch everywhere.

Modern developments can completely replace themselves or even, acting as a working element - prestigious models help in, can talk about the owner in the appearance of the case. That is why the question of which phone is inexpensive but good to buy for yourself or your family arises quite often.

Convenience and practicality: a phone with two active SIM cards

With development mobile technology the devices have also improved - today you can easily pick up the phone / option, in which it will be possible to use two SIM cards at once. The need for this may be due to several reasons:

  1. separation of contacts into home / personal and work;
  2. the ability to save money while communicating with subscribers of different operators;
  3. a way to save mobile traffic.

All these features, as well as saving space in (there is no need to wear two different phones) increase the demand for such devices from students and working people. Just a couple of years ago there weren’t a lot of “dual-sims”, now there is a big choice. You can choose both powerful and expensive models that can fully replace a tablet - Samsung, LG or Nokia, as well as inexpensive models, the widest assortment is presented by Chinese manufacturers.

Tip. It must be remembered that SIM cards   can be active and inactive. In the first case, the phone can receive incoming calls simultaneously to each of the SIM cards, in the second - the call will go through only to one of them, the second simultaneously made call will be on hold.

How to buy a phone within 5 thousand: the best options

Today is all large quantity   people understand that the phone is, first of all, a means of communication. That is why there is a need to purchase an inexpensive, but high-quality device, whose price would not exceed 5000 rubles. The modern lineup of phones in this price category is diverse and is not represented at all by "grandmother" options. Cheap economy phones are productive, full-fledged devices that can not only make calls, but also take photos and play music. Most popular brands:

  1. Alcatel;
  2. Nokia
  3. Lenovo

Of course, it is important to understand that the power in these phones will not be as much as in full-fledged smartphones, but there are quite suitable options that can satisfy the needs of the modern user. If we consider the main indicators of performance and power, as well as the functions implemented by the manufacturer in the device, you can see the following:

  • screen up to 5 inches;
  • resolution 480Xx800 (854) pixels;
  • 2-5 megapixel camera;
  • rAM 256 MB - 1 GB;
  • the ability to support 2 SIM cards (some models).

Most “economy phones” have wi-fi. The body of most of them is made of plastic, the most diverse colors. Inner memoryon which you can set different programs, averages 4-5 GB, but can be expanded in some models to 6-8 GB.

The presented manufacturers are distinguished by the quality of their products, as they have been known on the markets of many countries for more than a decade. Therefore, the person who needs to make a purchase should think about which phone to buy for personal use or as a gift - in any case, he will be satisfied with the choice made.

What a good and high-quality phone you can buy for 10 thousand rubles

In the event that you need to purchase a high-quality phone that can last several years, which will be able to meet modern requirements, but at the same time will not harm the modest budget, you should pay attention to economy options from 5 to 10 thousand rubles. In this category, devices of such brands as are represented:

  1. Alcatel;
  2. Nokia

Unlike their cheap brothers, phones costing up to 10 thousand rubles are very similar in appearance to expensive and representative options, capable of performing a wide variety of tasks and functions. Specifications   These phones can not be called weak. The average value is:

  • screen 5 - 5.5 inches;
  • the main camera is 5-8 megapixels, the front camera is 2-5 megapixels;
  • rAM 1-2GB;

Permanent memory here starts at 8 GB. Most models have the ability to increase it to 16-64 GB by installing memory cards. The design of the phone case in this price category is diverse - there are both classic options with an elongated case, and design options that can become an independent decoration for the phone. Slim body is not uncommon in this price category. The main material from which the device is made is plastic, but here you can find options with aluminum inserts, with glass protection and other elements of expensive smartphones.

The color reproduction here is always high, as well as the number of shades in the palette, so photos and videos will be of high quality. the phone’s batteries will allow you to use the devices without recharging for at least 24 hours, in some models the amount of energy is enough for 2 days of intensive use of the device. Phones in the category up to 10 thousand rubles are able to handle powerful programs   and do an excellent job with most modern games and entertainment - one of the main operating systems is Android with a firmware version of at least 4.0.

How to choose a phone in the category up to 15,000 rubles

The average price segment starts at 10,000 rubles, so for those people whose budget is limited to 15,000, you can choose a low-cost, but good phone, which in terms of performance and capabilities will be equal to eminent brands or more expensive options from the same manufacturer. Among the most popular and sought-after models that have earned positive user reviews, we can distinguish:

The listed phones are full-fledged smartphones capable of performing a wide range of tasks. The power that is laid by the manufacturer is on average equal to the following indicators:

  • the screen is 5 - 5.5 inches, has a protective coating that prevents scratches, chips and cracks, protects from glare when viewing photos and videos;
  • a wide range of colors, the ability to control brightness and contrast;
  • resolution 1280 x 720 pixels;
  • the main camera is 8 -13 megapixels, the front - 5 megapixels autofocus functions, flash, full-length video recording;
  • internal memory starts from 16 GB, it is possible to increase up to 64 GB;
  • rAM 2GB;
  • the ability to support 2 SIM cards (most models).

The processor has in most cases 4 cores that quickly process the information received, but you can also purchase phones that are equipped with 8 cores. The operating system installed on most smartphones in this price category is with a firmware version of at least 4.3.

Attention! Some models have a modern function that is actively used in the category of expensive phones - a fingerprint scanner, so you should consider this when choosing.

Not only students and schoolchildren, but also novice businessmen can use devices in this price category, since there are many opportunities that a smartphone can easily cope with - there is easy Internet access, data transfer, video and photography with high quality, a variety of games and entertainment. The main material for the production of the case is plastic, but there may be additional inserts that perform both protective and decorative functions. That is why visually phones look very presentable and stylish.

Thus, the choice of a good, but inexpensive device comes not only from the calculation of the available budget, but also according to the main parameters that a person determines for himself. In the event that the phone is perceived by him as a means of communication, then there is no need to spend large amounts of money, but up to 5000 rubles will not work for the active use of modern capabilities and functions of the model.

All these factors should be taken into account when choosing the necessary gadget option so that it does not become a disappointment, but can cope with all the tasks assigned to it. First of all, you need to look at the performance of the device, then compare the indicators with your own requests and then it will be clear at what price category the necessary type of smartphone is.

How to choose a phone - video

When it comes to buying the best mobile phone, there is a huge assortment of devices to choose from. Our guide will help you understand important parameters, focus on those that are important to you, and ultimately choose the best mobile phone.

How and what to choose a mobile phone in terms of parameters? We test mobile phones in every price category so that you can make the perfect choice for you. See and read our reviews and comparisons of smartphones to find out about all the latest updates and ratings from our experts.

What type of mobile phone do I need?

The basis of your decision will depend on how you plan to use your mobile phone. Take a close look at the characteristics of the phone that you are likely to use and those that you can do without.


Most phones now are smartphones. They allow you to view pages on the Internet, take photos, determine your location using GPS, check email, listen to music, watch videos - do almost everything you can think of. And, thanks to application stores where you can download different programs, the possibilities are truly endless.

The main thing to focus on is how much you are willing to pay, since there is a huge difference between expensive and cheap smartphones. For example, you can choose a cheap smartphone for 3,000 rubles, or you can choose the latest iPhone model for 50,000 rubles.

Learn more about how to choose the best smartphone, where we will explain what qualities you need and which you can neglect.

If you already know that you need a smartphone, you can choose the right device for you on our portal.

If you want a smartphone, but do not want to rob a bank for this, there are many other possibilities. Many cheap or mid-priced smartphones have most of the same features as expensive phones, but at a lower price. They may not have the best screen, the best camera, or the fastest processor, but they can do almost the same things.

You can spend 4,000 - 7,000 rubles and get a great smartphone. If this is your choice, then read about how to choose the best cheap smartphone, where we will help you decide which qualities you need and which are not necessary.

In the table below you will find best smartphones, which we tested, at a price of up to 7,000 rubles. This proves that cheap phones do not have to be of poor quality if we rate them as Recommended by Technological Control.

If you need a mobile phone mainly for conversations or text messages, then it is not entirely advisable to overpay for additional options in the form of 3G Internet access, video cameras and GPS maps, which you are not going to use. Instead, look for cheap mobile phones.

Simple popular mobile phones are sold in the price range from 500 to 4,000 rubles. They are easy to use and last longer without recharging. Some models simple phones   may include integrated low-resolution digital cameras, as well as music players.

To learn more about how to choose the best cheap phone, refer to our guidebook, where we will explain what you may need and how you can save.

What should I look for when choosing a phone?

From simple mobile phones to powerful smartphones, you can choose from hundreds of devices. Here are the highlights to help you choose your perfect mobile phone.

    What features do I really need?   Do not give in to the enthusiasm of the seller in the store, who advises you to buy the latest news from expensive smartphones. Decide for yourself what you really need and what you can do without - if you just need to make calls, then an inexpensive simple phone is quite suitable for you, and all the fun can cost no more than 500 rubles.

    Which phone style suits me best? Touchscreen smartphones can be combined with or without multiple physical buttons, while the BlackBerry style is a smaller display but includes a full Qwerty keyboard that is easier to use, for example, for writing text messages.

    What screen size do I need?   The small screens of simple handheld phones are great for calls and text messages, while the large screens make browsing the Internet and reading emails easier. Premium smartphones have screens with a diagonal of up to 6 inches, which makes them convenient for watching movies and games, but large screens consume the phone’s battery faster.

    Which cellular operator   should i choose?   Depending on how often and where you call and on the needs of using the Internet, you can choose a mobile operator and a tariff that suits you: it may include a fixed monthly fee for a certain amount of talk time, use the Internet or text messages, or payment will be charged only for calls made and other operations. And be sure to check that the reception and transmission of the signal from your cell phone works well in the place where you live or often visit.

What should I do with my old phone?

Instead of throwing away old phone   in the bin, you can sell it in the secondary market by checking offers on thematic internet sites. Soon this opportunity will appear on the Technocontrol website. If your old phone is broken, it can nevertheless be sold to specialized service centers for subsequent repair or disassembly for spare parts. To do this, you can use the service of our partners EasyFix and place an application directly on the site.

Team Technocontrol

A high-quality mobile phone must have all the functionality that a user needs, be stylish and convenient, and have an affordable price. In addition, many well-known companies often fake, and poorly. To be sure of buying a good phone, you need to choose it in a reliable and trusted place.

To do this, it is not necessary to go to the hardware store: you can buy a suitable model without leaving your home, and it’s quite worthy and affordable in store. Here are the most popular models for people with different needs and wishes. Everyone will be able to find the most suitable phone, knowing that he gets it from trusted sellers.

To make it easier to make a choice, we offer you some general recommendations that will be useful to everyone.

Phone type

  • The mobile phone is familiar and understandable; the models differ in various functions and housing. Comfortable, but gradually gave way to more modern and advanced smartphones. These models are still popular with those who need a phone only to perform standard actions: making calls and sending SMS and MMS messages.
  • A smartphone is a mobile phone with its operating system, advanced functionality and wider capabilities compared to a regular phone. The most popular model for most people.
  • Phablet - is a mixture of a tablet and a smartphone. Many people need to get used to this model, since it is quite large.
  • Phone for the elderly - a device with large buttons, large print and simple controls. Simple models in which a senior citizen will figure it out quickly and without problems, to easily call relatives or send SMS.

Model Comparison

When choosing a mobile phone, it is better to decide in advance what parameters it should have: type, functions, features, case design, cost. What do you like and fit best? Define the main criteria for yourself and compare mobile phones to find the best available.

SIM Card Types

A standard SIM card is used for most mobile phones and smartphones. In different models, from one to several SIM cards can be used, which is very convenient for those who, for example, travel or share work and other calls.

Micro-SIM is a small card (15x12 mm), which is used in some smartphones. If you purchase a model for which such a card is necessary, you can buy it from your service provider or carefully trim the existing one to the desired size.

Nano-SIM - card format (12.3x8.8 mm), which is used for devices apple. These cards may require special adapters.

Keyboard or Sensor

A phone with keys is currently an old option, but practical, familiar and popular for those who use the phone to a minimum. Push-button telephones are simpler and cheaper, and at the same time perfectly perform their basic functions, so they are often chosen by different people for use at an immediate minimum. A phone with large and comfortable buttons is indispensable for an elderly person. They are also used by those who do not want to get used to touch devices, and they just have enough of what the button model can offer.

A touch phone usually has 1-3 control buttons, but all other actions are done using the touch screen. The latest smartphone models come with no buttons at all. The touch screen has its drawbacks: sometimes it can work poorly at low temperatures, requires more energy, and you can not use it blindly. Otherwise, such screens are liked by regular users - they are comfortable to use after getting used to, make it easier to use the device, modern and light. Touch screens are divided into two types:

  • Resistive. This one responds to touch with any solid object: a special stylus, nails, pencil. Outdated type.
  • Capacitive - a modern option that can be controlled using your fingers or using a special stylus. This is a modern and more convenient type, oriented to control your fingers.

When buying a phone, you need to consider many other parameters: battery, type and diagonal of the screen, operating system, memory, processor, case, additional equipment and manufacturing company. Decide for yourself some of the most suitable phones and choose the best possible.