WebMoney Transfer electronic payment system. Digital Title Transfer Agreement


1.1. Definitions of key terms:

"WEBMONEY" - universal title mark (WM) in digital view; unit of calculation of quantity (volume) property rights. The price of the title mark (conditional network cost) is set by its holders, and the transfer and accounting procedure corresponds to the procedures for the circulation of messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format in WEBMONEY TRANSFER (Appendix 1).

"WEBMONEY Transaction Certification Center" is an automatic software and hardware robot complex (APAK) that manages WEBMONEY circulation and produces transfer (transfer, assignment) of property rights.

"WEBMONEY KEEPER" is a client software that you received free of charge on our web server and provides access to WEBMONEY accounting and circulation algorithms from your computer.

"YOUR COMPUTER" - a computer (computers) on which you use WEBMONEY KEEPER to work with WEBMONEY TRANSFER.

“YOU” - a member of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system and its hardware and software complex, any individual or legal entity that is a party to the Agreement (in any of its fragments and derivative acts), which, when registering in the system, provided its identification data (Name, Surname, data about documents identification documents / legal form, name and state registration number in the register of legal entities) and data for communication (mailing address, email address, mobile phone number) that recognizes documents in electronic in the current form, compiled using the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system, legally equivalent to the relevant documents in simple written form, and actions committed through the APAC - aimed at the establishment, amendment and termination of civil rights and obligations regarding property rights (object).

“WE” means WM Transfer Ltd., the owner, installer, operator and administrator of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system, which is a party to this Agreement (in any fragments and derivative acts).

“AGREEMENT” - the contractual provisions of the parties to the legal relationship, including, but not limited to, recognition of electronic documents certified by the analogue of a handwritten signature, technical and procedural rules governing your user status and relations with Us.

“WEBMONEY TRANSFER PROCEDURES” - an instructive description of the procedures for using WEBMONEY TRANSFER posted on our web server.

“APPLICATION” - a form you filled out in WEBMONEY KEEPER, an order to carry out various operations with WEBMONEY.

“PARTICIPANT IDENTIFIER” - a series of characters generated during registration of WEBMONEY KEEPER in the Transaction Certification Center, which serves as your unique attribute in WEBMONEY TRANSFER.

"SERVICES" - our information and technical support for WEBMONEY KEEPER software.

The above terms are uniformly understood and used in any context of the description of the services that we provide in relation to WEBMONEY TRANSFER. You can get copies of their descriptions from our web server or receive a printed version sent by us at your written request (with confirmation by the analogue of a handwritten signature).



2.1. WEBMONEY TRANSFER system provides you with the following features:

a) You can at any time receive WEBMONEY, transmitted to you by any other participant in the system via the Internet, or through other data transmission channels used in the system;

b) You can transfer any number of WEBMONEY placed on specific details (wallets) in your WEBMONEY KEEPER (Appendix 1) to any other participant, which can be either an individual or a legal entity accepting WEBMONEY in exchange for goods and services offered by him ;

c) You can receive, upon request, data on your own history of operations in the system, for a period of three days from the moment of your last operation, but no later than 90 calendar days from the date of the request.

2.2. To agree on the terms of the transaction, you can use the secure text messaging service built into WEBMONEY KEEPER. (Annex 1).

2.3. Your status as the proper holder of title units (WM) can be realized only after We recognize their authenticity by checking at the WEBMONEY Transaction Certification Center.

2.4. The presence of genuine WM in your WEBMONEY KEEPER is an unconditional evidence of your right to WM data.



3.1. We do not charge any fee for using WEBMONEY KEEPER client software.

3.2. For making each transfer by you, we automatically charge a fee for ensuring information and technological interaction between the participants in the WMT system in the amount of 0.8% of the number of title units, but not less than 0.01 WM, unless otherwise specified (Appendix 1).





6.1. Any member of WEBMONEY TRANSFER, including having posted the WEBMONEY logo on his WWW website and information on receiving WEBMONEY in exchange for the goods or services provided by him, has the right to refuse to accept WEBMONEY or introduce any other restrictions on their reception.

6.2. All your actions in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system will be recorded in the journal. The system reserves the right to use this information if you violate the terms of this Agreement to protect the interests of the system and its participants.



7.1. YOU, starting to use WEBMONEY TRANSFER, give your consent to conclude a license agreement on providing YOU the right to use WEBMONEY TRANSFER by joining the conditions set forth in this Agreement. For the purposes of implementing the Agreement, WE provide you with a simple (non-exclusive) license of a WEBMONEY TRANSFER member. We reserve the right to the name and all other general and special rights to WEBMONEY KEEPER for ourselves and for persons identified by us.



8.1. Any losses that YOU may incur in the event of a guilty (intentional or reckless) violation by you of any requirement of the Agreement will not be compensated by Us. YOU, in addition, bear the risk of property losses incurred for other reasons, with the exception of those specified in Art. 8.2.

8.2. We are responsible for the disruption of the functioning of WEBMONEY TRANSFER.

Our liability is excluded in case of WEBMONEY TRANSFER failures resulting from:

a) any case of malfunctions in telecommunication, computer, electrical and other related systems;

b) force majeure.

8.3. You agree that:

a) WM TRANSFER Ltd is not responsible for operations performed by you to random users of the system or for the transfer of title units carried out in incorrect volumes due to the provision of inaccurate information by Senders or Recipients.

b) Verification of the personal data of the Participants (passing the certification procedure) only increases the likelihood that the identity of the Participant is identified. WM TRANSFER Ltd is not responsible for fraud, deception or inaccurate information provided by the Participants, regardless of whether the identity of the participant is verified or not. However, the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system provides assistance services to Members who are victims of fraud if they report a problem in a timely manner.

c) WM TRANSFER Ltd is not responsible for the unauthorized interception or use of data relating to you and your WEBMONEY KEEPER, for the inability to use the system due to your lack of access to the services of the system or site, for actions or transactions concluded by any person as a result of using Your WEBMONEY KEEPER with your consent. The system is also not responsible for any malfunctions in hardware or software  (including computer viruses), in telephone or other communications, as well as failures caused by Internet service providers. Under no circumstances shall WM TRANSFER Ltd be liable for unforeseen damage caused unintentionally, including (but not limiting) damage resulting from loss of profit, disclosure of confidential information. Under no circumstances shall WM TRANSFER Ltd be liable for the actions or omissions of a third party (for example, a telecommunication provider, computer equipment or software) or for damage caused as a result of any circumstances beyond our control (for example, fire, flood, or other natural disasters, wars, riots, strikes, equipment malfunctions, computer viruses, or malfunctions in electrical, telecommunication networks or other services).



9.1. The Agreement may be changed by Us in part or in general at any time, all changes will not worsen your situation. We will notify you of fundamental changes at least 30 days prior to their entry into force through our web server or by text message to your details in the system. You do not need to take any action to accept the changes (the consent is by default), and if you disagree with them, you can stop using WEBMONEY TRANSFER after this period.

9.2. WE may suspend Our obligations under the Agreement at any time without notice. If WE suspend obligations under the Agreement, your rights to use WEBMONEY are simultaneously suspended with the preservation of your rights to WEBMONEY until you are specifically notified of the termination of the suspension.

9.3. We may terminate the Agreement:

a) immediately and without notice if YOU violate any of his requirements;

b) upon the expiration of the period announced by Us and notifying you of this, and the minimum period declared may not be less than seven days.

9.4. YOU can cancel the Agreement by notifying us of this seven days in advance.

9.5. If we terminate the Agreement, if there is no requirement for you to return the title deeds by the senders, after you provide the PARTICIPANT ID, “Password” and “key file” with a loan, IN ORDER OF REMUNERATION, your bank account opened in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER registered system name (indicated when registering the ID), IN THE BANK REGISTERED IN THE COUNTRY, ISSUING YOU A CERTIFICATE OF PERSONALITY. In this case, the amount of compensation is equivalent to the current market value of the remainder of the title units recorded on the details in your WEBMONEY KEEPER with deduction of reimbursement of our costs for banking operations at the rates published on our website.

If there are requirements for the return of the title deeds transferred to you by senders, before indicating credit for your bank account, you undertake to carry out the procedures in accordance with clause 5.2.l.

9.6. The WEBMONEY KEEPER license will be revoked if the Agreement itself is revoked.



You agree to the following provisions and accept them.
  The trademarks “WEBMONEY”, “WEBMONEY TRANSFER” reproduced on the Operator’s website, as well as the trademarks “DIGIMONEY”, “PAYMER”, “WM NOTE” (hereinafter referred to as “Trademarks”) are used by the Operator on the basis of license agreements on granting rights use of trademarks concluded between the Operator and SIA “Digimoney” (Latvia) (hereinafter referred to as “Trademark Owner”), which is the owner of the exclusive right to Trademarks.

The owner of trademarks has the exclusive right to prohibit third parties from using Trademarks, signs identical to or similar to them in commercial activities. Accordingly, any lawful use of the Trademarks may be carried out by third parties, including participants in the “ WebMoney Transfer"(Hereinafter referred to as the" Participants "), only with the consent of the Trademark Owner.

The prohibition on the use in Trade activities of Trademarks, designations identical to or similar to them, applies, inter alia, to the use of Trademarks or similar designations in domain names of any domain zones. The operator, as a licensee, acting in the interests of the Trademark Owner, as the holder of the exclusive right to Trademarks, is entitled and obliged to the best of his ability to prevent any illegal use of them.

In the event that it is discovered that it has been used in a commercial activity, within the framework of the WebMoney Transfer System, by the Participant or a person controlled by him, a domain name containing one of the Trademarks or a combination thereof, as well as signs identical to or similar to them, the Operator reserves the right demand from the Participant of his choice:

  • transfer the corresponding domain name in favor of the Trademark Owner;
  • request that you cease any use of this domain name.

The Member’s failure to comply with the Operator’s order to transfer the domain name or to terminate its use within 7 (seven) days after receiving the corresponding notification through the WebMoney Transfer System channels, is the basis for the emergence of the right for the Trademark Holder to claim the respective Participant in the amount of 100,000.00 (one hundred thousand) euros in respect of each domain name misused by the Participant or a person controlled by him, indicated in the notification sent by the Operator to the Participant. The payment of the above fine does not relieve the Participant from the obligation to observe the intellectual property rights of the Trademark Owner.

Annex 1


Description of required message formats in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system

"WEBMONEY TRANSFER" is an electronic system that provides holistic accounting and secure circulation of formalized messages between registered participants who received a participant identifier (WMID) during the installation of client software and accession to this Agreement.

Member Identifier (WMID) is a unique 12-digit number sequence, which is the address of the participant in the system.

WEBMONEY TRANSFER supports the following required message formats:

  Messages of the “ACCOUNT” and “TEXT” format are created by any member of the system (SENDER) for a member of the system (RECIPIENT) whose address (WMID) is known to the SENDER and can be transmitted only to the RECIPIENT. Copies of the transmitted messages in the “ACCOUNT” and “TEXT” format are stored in a special archive of client software data of both the sender and the recipient. at the same time, received messages of the “ACCOUNT” format and the “TEXT” format can be deleted from the system and the archive of participants at their request, through the deletion procedure.

Messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format can be created only by the System Owner and are intended for sending by any system participant (SENDER) to any system participant (RECIPIENT).

Records of the movement of messages in the format “TITLE SIGNS” are stored in the archive of the client software of the SENDER, RECIPIENT and in the system log.

Messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format cannot be deleted by their owners, they can be sent by one participant to the address of another participant. Maintaining the integrity of the entire volume of messages in the TITLE SIGN format is provided by the WEBMONEY TRANSFER System Operator and is the main function of the system.

Any number of specific details (wallets) characterized by a 12-digit number and a symbolic prefix corresponding to the type of “TITLE SIGNS” can be opened for circulation of messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format within one WMID.

A message of the “TITLE SIGNS” format can be sent to any member of the system who has registered details (wallet) within his WMID for accounting messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format of the appropriate type.

The number of received and transmitted messages in the format “TITLE SIGNS” from any wallet is displayed in the value “SUM” - a mandatory characteristic of the wallet.

The message in the format “TITLE SIGNS” contains the following fields:

  AMOUNT (the number of transmitted messages in the format “TITLE SIGNS” in this transaction);
  DATE and TIME of the transaction (date and time of registration of this operation in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system);
  NOTE to the transaction;
When receiving messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format in the recipient’s wallet, the value of the “AMOUNT” field increases by the amount of received number of messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format in this transaction.

When sending messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format, the “SUM” field in the sender’s wallet is REDUCED by the volume of transmitted messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format to the RECIPIENT and by the amount of transmitted messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format to the service requisite of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system. The volume of “TITLE SIGNS” format messages transmitted to service details is set by the System Owner for each type of messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format, but the volume cannot be less than one hundredth of a message unit of the “TITLE SIGNS” format of any type. Thus, the presence on the wallets of participants of received messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format of any type gives the right to send these messages to any addressee in the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system, while a participant who has a wallet with the “SUMMA” field value equal to one has the right to transfer no more than 50 messages of the “TITLE SIGNS” format to the address of any participants.

A message of the type “ACCOUNT” is sent from one participant to another and is a requirement to send messages of the type “TITLE SIGNS”, cannot be forwarded to a third participant and contains:

  The RECIPIENT can process a message of the “ACCOUNT” type by consent, and then a transaction is generated to transmit a message of the “TITLE SIGNS” type to the SENDER, or by refusal, and then a message of the “TEXT” type to the SENDER is generated.

A message of type “TEXT” is sent by the SENDER to the RECIPIENT, it cannot be forwarded to a third party and contains:

  For the convenience of participants, the owner of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system can develop and introduce new message formats without making changes to the format and procedures for processing messages of mandatory formats.

Appendix 2



Goods and services for which the use of title units (WM) is prohibited

This list lists, but is not limited to, the types of goods for which it is UNCERTAINTY forbidden to use Webmoney Transfer in settlements for sales and purchase transactions:

1. The objects of history and art that make up the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the country in which the consumer is located.

2. Used cosmetics.

3. Counterfeit currency, counterfeit coins and counterfeit stamps.

4. Narcotic substances and related products, a description of drugs or narcotic substances, steroids, substances subject to control and restrictions, or other products that pose a risk to the safety of consumers.

5. Electronic equipment prohibited in the territory of the consumer's country (for example, decoders for cable TV, radars and traffic control devices, electronic monitoring equipment, listening devices and telephone bugs, etc.)

6. Firearms and their exact copies, cold and throwing weapons, protective equipment, sprays, electric shocks.

7. State decals, government documents, uniforms, government identification cards and licenses, as well as goods related to the police (militia).

8. Dangerous and perishable goods, as well as goods with restrictions on use (for example, explosives, radioactive materials, toxic substances, batteries, fireworks, freon, etc.)

9. Human organs and remains.

10. Goods that encourage illegal activities or incite others to participate in illegal activities.

11. Devices for breaking and opening locks.

13. Stolen goods, including digital and virtual goods, as well as methods of access to electronic systems, multiplayer games, including service access codes and special programs  to circumvent software protection.

14. Offensive materials (for example, goods that offend morality, materials that are ethnically or racially offensive, Nazi memorabilia, goods that advocate violence, ethnic hatred, hatred, racism, offensive or abusive language or insults).

15. Prescription drugs and medical products, their derivatives, and also raw materials for their production.

16. Prohibited services and goods that promote hate, violence, racial intolerance or the receipt of economic benefits from criminal activities, including illegal sexual services, as well as services that violate / contradict the System Code.

17. Stolen property and property with deleted serial numbers.

18. Poisonous herbs and forbidden seeds.

19. Clandestine or illegal audio and video recordings.

20. Fake or counterfeit goods.

21. Mod-chips, game emulators, boot disks  and devices.

22. Goods that do not have consumer value, begging.

23. Pornography, child pornography, perversion, escort services or prostitution.

24. Auctions or trading systems that allow participants to conduct activities that exclude the transfer of goods, services or other products of consumer value.

25. Financial or payment instruments whose accounting systems do not provide proper identification of the owner’s identity for the purpose of combating illegal trade, financial fraud, money laundering and legalization of illegally obtained funds.

26. Multilevel marketing, financial pyramids and matrices, business packages.

27. Goods and services for which transactions exclude the possibility of settlements OUTSIDE of the WEBMONEY TRANSFER system.

To use Webmoney Transfer for the purchase and sale of a number of goods, it is necessary to obtain a mandatory permission from the System Owner (if there are appropriate permissions and licenses in the Member's country of registration). These products include the following:

1. Tobacco products

2. Shares and other securities

3. Gambling (any kind of casino, games, including poker, roulette, bingo, baccarat, bookmaking - all types of bets on all kinds of events), lottery tickets

4. Financial instruments

5. Alcoholic drinks

6. Transfer of title units on credit (loan) or management of title units and financial instruments attracted from third parties, on the terms of urgency, payment and repayment

7. Collection of donations to third parties as a charitable or non-profit organization

Appendix 3



Offered goods and services are not provided by order of a person or company operating the WebMoney Transfer system. We are an independent company providing services and independently make decisions on prices and offers. Companies operating the WebMoney Transfer system do not receive commissions or other fees for participating in the provision of services and do not bear any responsibility for our activities.

The certification made by WebMoney Transfer only confirms our contact details and certifies the identity. It is carried out at our request and does not mean that we are in any way connected with the sales of WebMoney system operators.

Since you decided to do e-commerce, you can’t do without electronic payments. Therefore, we will first get acquainted with one of these systems - WebMoney Transfer

This is the most famous electronic payment system. WebMoney Transfer system works wherever there is Internet. You can become a member of the system regardless of your citizenship, location, age, etc. The WM Keeper client program is presented in two languages \u200b\u200b- Russian and English. You can work with any of the versions.

Using WebMoney Transfer you can:

Make settlements with other users, pay for goods and services on the Web;
   discuss with partners the terms of trade transactions through voice service, video conferencing, protected WM-mail;
   receive and issue loans in title units (including collectively);
   automate the budget management of your joint venture or network enterprise;
   pay for services of mobile operators, Internet and TV providers, pay for media subscriptions;
   create your own digital Paymer checks to pay for your goods and services in online stores and instant payments offline;
   exchange electronic currencies at a favorable rate;
   distribute software products and e-books in a copy-protected format;
   make calculations on e-mailuse mobile phone  as a wallet ...

WebMoney Transfer System Description

Accounting webMoney system  Transfer provides real-time settlements through accounting units - WebMoney (WM) title units

The movement of title units is carried out by users using the client program WM Keeper.

The system supports several types of title units secured by various assets and stored on the corresponding electronic wallets:
WMR  - RUR equivalent on R-wallets, (rubles)
WME  - EUR equivalent on E-wallets, (euro)
Wmz  - the equivalent of USD on Z-purses, (dollars)
WMU  - UAH equivalent on U-purses, (hryvnias)

When transferring funds, the same type of wallets are used, and the exchange of various title units is carried out in exchange services

To determine the status of a member of the WebMoney system, there is a certification procedure. The higher the certificate, the more confidence in the certificate holder and the greater the capabilities of the WebMoney system.

After registration, you are the holder of a pseudonym certificate. Alias \u200b\u200bcertificate: It is issued free of charge to each member of the WebMoney Transfer system automatically upon registration in the system (after receiving a WM-identifier). User-specified data is not verified. For all details in the certificate it will be indicated that the information has not been verified and is written down from the words of the owner of the certificate.

But, since you are a serious person, you should not stop at such a solid level. Enter more detailed information about yourself and you will become the owner of a formal certificate.

Formal Certificate  It is issued free of charge to a member of the WebMoney Transfer system on the website of the certification center after entering personal (passport) data. User-specified data is not verified. The holder of the formal certificate is given access to the Banking WebMoney Transfer * service, which allows:

Enter funds using bank payments;

Enter funds by postal order (via postal
  branches connected to the Unified electronic postal system

Withdraw funds using bank payments.

However, your data in this case are not checked, so both certificates do not inspire confidence.

However, if you are planning to receive a personal certificate in the future, I advise you to immediately fill in the truthful information.

Initial certificate  It is issued to the participant of the WebMoney Transfer system, who received a formal certificate after checking his personal (passport) data by one of the Personalizers. The cost of the certificate (minimum 1 WMZ) and the conditions for receipt depend on the chosen certificate. The owner of the initial certificate receives additional features in the system:

Participate in the work of a credit exchange;

Participate in the work of Capitaller service (access to
  operating budget machine);

Restore control over WM-identifier by
  simplified scheme.

Personally, I don’t know why I need an initial certificate at all. All the same, you need to pay money for him, but there is little sense from him.

To earn the trust of potential customers, you need personal certificate. Yes, the point is not only in trust, but in the fact that having become the owner of such a certificate, you can automate the acceptance of payments on your website using the Merchant WebMoney Transfer system. If you have electronic goods, then, after receiving payment, the goods will be automatically sent to the client, and you
  You will admire your growing account and periodically withdraw and cash out money.

The personal certificate is the main certificate in the WebMoney system . A personal certificate is issued to a member of the WebMoney system
Transfer, received a formal or initial certificate after checking his personal (passport) data by one of the Registrars. Certificate cost (minimum 5 WMZ) and conditions
  the receipt depends on the chosen certifier. The owner of a personal certificate has the following features in the system:

Automate the receipt of funds from customers using the interfaces of the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service;

Create trading floors  using the DigiSeller service; and much more.

Merchant Certificate  It is issued free of charge to a WebMoney Transfer system participant who has received a personal certificate automatically upon acceptance of the “Agreement with the seller’s certificate holder” on the Merchant WebMoney Transfer service website. The seller’s certificate is one of the forms of a personal certificate and has all its capabilities without restrictions.

Registrar Certificate  It is the highest in status among certificates issued to participants of the WebMoney Transfer system. The registrar’s certificate is issued to the owner of the personal only after a personal meeting with the representative of the certification center in Moscow, the conclusion of the “Order of Instruction” with the operator of the WM Transfer Ltd. system and making a guarantee fee of 2000 WMZ.
  A prerequisite for obtaining a Registrar's certificate is participation in the affiliate program of the Certification Center for the issuance of personal and initial certificates. The owner of the registrar’s certificate may participate in the work of the arbitration service as an arbitrator.

There are also other certificates:  Capitaller Certificate, Developer Certificate, WMT Service Certificate, WMT Guarantor Certificate, WMT Operator Certificate. If you wish, you can read about them on the page of the WebMoney Transfer service itself. Personally, I do not see a special need for this.

If you have a burning desire to register in the WebMoney system, then go to the next page, where you will get acquainted with the practical issues of registering in the WebMoney Transfer system and obtaining a personal certificate.

In principle, there’s nothing to think about! A formal certificate does not cost anything, but it can come in handy at any time. But with the receipt of a paid Personal Certificate, you can not rush. As required - then do the certification.

WebMoney Transfer payment system is an electronic system with which you can make instant payments on the Internet. Anyone can register in the WebMoney system. An important characteristic of the payment system, thanks to which it is so convenient and useful for us, is the presence of a Russian-language interface.

For calculations, the title ones are used. webMoney signs  (WM). All WM title marks available in the system are located on electronic accounts (wallets) of payment system participants.

  • R-wallets are used for storing Russian rubles, making settlements with them in the system (the title mark - the equivalent of the Russian ruble - is called WMR);
  • Z-wallets - for storage and payments in American dollars (WMZ);
  • E-wallets - for storage and payments in euros (WME);
  • U-wallets - for storage and settlements in Ukrainian hryvnias (WMU);
  • B-wallets - the equivalent of Belarusian rubles (WMB);
  • Y-wallets- for storing and settlements of Uzbek soums (WMY);
  • WMC and WMD - the equivalent of WMZ used for credit transactions on C- and D-wallets.

Money transfer in the WebMoney payment system can only be done with wallets of the same type, and if you need to exchange some title units for others, then there is an automatic exchange service wm.exchanger.ru for this.

Through the payment system, you can pay with other participants, make purchases in electronic stores, create your own stores engaged in on-line sales on the Internet. All payments in the system are irrevocable, that is, they cannot be canceled or rolled back.

To register with WebMoney you need to choose one of two versions of the WM Keeper client program - Classic or Light.

WM Keeper Light does not require installing the program on the user's computer and is loaded on the system’s application server. The results are transmitted to the client’s browser via a secure https connection (128-bit SSL is used).
   To work with WM Keeper Light, it will be enough to install the WebMoney Transfer certificate on the computer and launch the browser. WM Keeper Light supports different versions of browsers, so you can work with payment system  on any platform.
   Advantages of the Light version of the client program - there is no need for additional software; less stringent computer resource requirements than the Classic version.
   The disadvantages of the Light version are the limited availability of built-in services and functions: there is no support for credit operations, there is no activation function.

WM Keeper classic implemented as a separate program installed on the user's computer.

Telepat software is used for real-time settlements using mobile devices.

Advantages of the Classic version of the client application are full functionality in contrast to the Light version.
   The disadvantages of the Classic version are strict requirements for computer resources. The need to store the key and wallet files on the user's computer - if the key file is damaged or lost, you will have to pay for the recovery process of your wallet.

Each member of WebMoney is exposed to the so-called business level of the system (Business Level, BL). BL is a public summary characteristic of the level of business activity of the owner of a WM identifier, which is calculated based on data on:

  • the duration of the active use of WebMoney Transfer;
  • the number of correspondents with whom the user had transactions;
  • volume of transactions carried out;
  • complaints or positive feedback to the user from other members of the WebMoney system
   BL value can be checked in the WM Keeper program dialog when working with a specific counterparty, as well as on the system services pages. You can find your BL in your WM passport.

Registration in the WebMoney system

  In order to register with WebMoney Transfer, follow these steps:
  1. Download the WM Keeper setup program to your computer.
  2. Run the installer. During the installation, follow the instructions that appear on the screen.
  3. After installation, run the program by clicking on the WM Keeper icon in the "Start" menu of the taskbar (lower left corner of the screen). In the dialog box that appears, you will be asked to either register in the system or log in. Select registration in the system.
  4. Next, you will be asked to specify a folder for storing files with a secret key and wallets and set a password to run the program. Fill in the fields and select "Create."
  5. The registration process will be done automatically. You will be assigned a unique 12 digit WM identifierrequired to enter. Write it down, password to it and be sure to back up the file with the key.
  6. After installation, the program itself will create wallets of all the types described above, which you can use to make payments in the WebMoney Transfer system.

After registration is completed, an e-mail with the code necessary to activate an account in WebMoney will be sent to the e-mail address you specified during registration. Having completed the activation, you get access to the account.

To start using WebMoney Keeper  Light follow these steps:

Go to the WM Keeper Light registration site: www.wmcert.com.
   - Fill out the registration form on the page and read the instructions for obtaining a personal digital certificate in the system (use the links on the registration page on the right).
   - After receiving a personal digital certificate, create a backup copy of it (in the .p12 or .pfx file), and reinstall it in the repository in accordance with our recommendations.
   - To start WM Keeper Light, go to light.webmoney.ru and select a personal certificate with your WMID.

An option is also provided for using the enum authorization system for registration and login.

Work with WebMoney Keeper Classic

  The WM Keeper Classic program is launched from the start menu. A stylized image of the WM-safe will appear on the screen. Select "Login" and enter your ID and password. Wait for the program to connect to the certification server (Online status), and you will get access to your wallets and operations in the WebMoney system.

To make payments, you will need to indicate to the partner YOUR WALLET NUMBER. WM identifier (WMID) is not needed for this.

Commission for making payments

  For each transaction (with the exception of transactions with wallets of the same identifier), as well as for the withdrawal of funds, the system charges a commission for services in the amount of 0.8% of the payment amount, but not less than 0.01 WM and not more than 50 WM for wallets of type Z and E , no more than 1500 WM for purses of type R and no more than 250 WM for purses of type U.

For conducting credit transactions, owners of type D wallets will be charged a fee of 0.1% of the amount of each loan they provide, but not less than 0.01 WMZ.

Cash deposit / withdrawal

   Deposit and withdrawal of funds can be done in many ways. The most popular WebMoney I / O methods are through exchange offices or WM dealers and bank transaction  in rubles. To be able to withdraw funds from webmoney to a bank ruble account, you will need:
  1. Get a formal WebMoney certificate (see types of certificates and ways to get them);
  2. Authorize your R-wallet;
  3. Upload a scan of the passport and indicate your details (it usually takes one day for representatives of the system to review the scan)
It all sounds pretty complicated, but actually it’s quick and easy, and this procedure is performed once for each WMID.

Transaction Security

  I will give some security measures used in the system.
  1. To enter the WM Keeper program, you need to know the unique 12-digit WM-identifier of the user, his personal password  (set by the user), as well as the location in the computer's memory of files with a secret key and wallets.

    Attention! IN latest versions  Keeper Classic (from version and higher) introduces an additional degree of security: each WebMoney Transfer user must have a backup copy of the key file on removable media! When reinstalling your OS or changing its settings, the keeper when connecting will require the path to backup  and restore the key file from it. If there is no backup, access to the wallet will be closed and you will have to go through a paid recovery procedure to restore it.

  2. The system architecture eliminates unauthorized access to users' WM-wallets and does not allow settlements using WM-wallets that have no funds.
  3. All operations in WebMoney Transfer — storing title units in wallets, payments, settlements between participants, exchanging messages — occur in encoded form using an information protection algorithm similar to RSA with a key length of more than 1040 bits. For each session, unique session keys are used, which ensures guaranteed confidentiality of transactions and information exchange.
  4. At the system level, stability with respect to communication breaks is provided. If any operation by the user was not completed successfully, it is not taken into account by the system. When conducting a transaction in WebMoney Transfer, funds are always located either on the sender’s WM-wallet or on the recipient’s WM-wallet. An intermediate state in the system does not exist. Thus, by definition, there can be no situation where WM-funds will be lost.
  5. In addition to the built-in technological mechanisms, the system supports additional services, which are configured by users independently. You can learn more about them on the system’s website in the “Security” section or.