What is a cookie? Cookies - what is it? Cookie in browser: main features. How to clean cookie? Cookies example

A cookie is not a cookie, as the name implies, but a small text mark on your computer by a specific site. Any website is able to add cookies to your computer to maximize the setting, personalization of your record and user identification.

Cookie - what is it?

You probably often notice that going to the same site, for example: VKontakte, you do not have to enter your password and phone number all the time, and this is the merit of such data that was previously stored on your computer. Most often, they can record several characters for quick navigation on the site and hash identifier. Such an identifier is any constant, most likely taken from your record, which, in combination with the so-called “salt”, is encrypted by any option convenient to the resource administrator. This is usually md5, it saves a 64-bit hash, which is convenient for user identification.

Browsers can view more detailed information and an abundance of entries. Cookies are served online not for coffee, but on a website. The user usually does not get anything with this. Additional information is also possible, such as comments or restrictions on a specific port. Cookies can also be aimed at short-term storage of information; a typical application is accessing a password-protected website.

Cookies Practice

This, in turn, is the so-called “ad server”, which integrates only into the website that is actually visited. This is due to the structure of advertising on the network: few advertisers with a small number of advertising servers provide many sites with ads.

Upon repeated visits to the site, key data is saved again, with a different identifier and so on all the time. Administrators install the most unimportant or time-dependent files with a mark. When you restart or after some time, they are deleted.

Cookies are a small piece of data, so this is a limited variable for storage and they cannot exceed 4kb.

Many people consider these tracking files to be some kind of spyware, and they also use anti-spyware software. In principle, this increase in information is not bad, especially because analysis and personalization are anonymous, and personalized advertising seems reasonable to both parties. The problem is elsewhere: most users do not realize that their page views play a huge role in the advertising industry and, thus, provide valuable information without their knowledge.

Cookies are only accepted during a browser session, so all cookies are treated as session cookies. Usually this works through the menu item "Advanced". The power of updating or rebooting causes the browser to check again whether latest version  The page viewed by the web server. Here are a few keystrokes to reboot in the browser.

What are cookies used for?

The main task is, of course, convenience, expressed in the maximum personalization of the type presented to the user, the main goals:

  1. User authentication, in other words, is the ability to distinguish one from the other without sending a request to the database with the username and password entered;
  2. Saves filters selected on a particular site, your preferences in choosing a product, etc .;
  3. For security-conscious services, a session is important, which appears as the same hash;
  4. As you know, this is a double-edged sword, they can also be recorded in statistics. Basically this is not harmful, you can call it a sociological survey of people.

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What are cookies used for?

Each time you visit a web page, your web browser saves a temporary copy of the files necessary to display the web page. These temporary files are called the browser cache. If your cache has not been updated correctly or there are other problems, you can get more old version  displayed files.

Then check the "Show developer menu" checkbox. . For your ISP, you can also create a cache at the network level. On the one hand, this is trying to reduce the cost of bandwidth, and on the other hand, some web pages can load faster.

Such an opportunity is far from a panacea for the security and storage of personal data on websites. There are certain viruses that can intercept your cookies to use for their own purposes, but they are not too common in view of the many difficulties associated with this. Also, any user can delete data that is stored on his computer.

If the network cache causes a problem, you do not need to wait until the cache is updated. If you still have problems, there are a few more things you can try. This also applies to your firewall or antivirus settings. softwareif it is installed. In addition, on each computer there is only one common location for flash cookies, available for all browsers. Say a user can be identified no matter which browser he uses. At the time of purchase on the Internet, login details or the contents of the shopping cart are often stored.

There are also more advanced versions of Cookies that allow you to calculate from both a different browser and with cleared Cookies.

This became possible due to the storage of cookies in 10 or more places, even in the pictures that you download, and immediately after entering the site, they will all be restored, even if only one copy remains. Such algorithms are very complex and have only been used in test modes, for demonstration, but maybe some services use this approach.

Where are they stored?

This often happens with banner ads. They come from a single server, but send banners to many websites. Then he knows that the surfer visited not only the tea shop in Bremen, but also the one in Kempten. This is enough for four thousand letters, which is almost the length of this article. In addition, they are not text files. Instead, they are in binary format, which ordinary users  can't open at all. If an expert looks at a text editor, he sees text elements.

We remove cookies from Firefox

All of them are in the following folder, which is hidden in the usual case. However, many things in this context are highly questionable for users who attach importance to anonymity and data protection. Then they are discovered again at the next visit at the bottom of the source page. In the table of contents on the left you will find links to various settings. It is worth considering the issue without leaving the questions open. And sometimes it needs to be emptied manually. But do not confuse folders - the plugin restarts them at the next start without content.

You can safely delete cookies from your computer, you will not suffer significantly from this, you will only have to enter passwords again. From time to time, it’s even recommended to clear cookies, because during long work with the browser and visiting more  pages they can weigh 0.5gb, which makes it very difficult fast work  system and browser itself.

Tracking Cookies - What Are They?

After exiting the browser, everything disappeared. For important pages, you define exceptions if necessary. Cookies can also be completely rejected by third parties, for example, from advertising banners. Therefore, website operators are required to provide information about the storage of data relevant to the user.

What are cookies - myths and reality

What is the legal situation like? Cookies are text files that the browser stores when accessing a web page on a user's computer. You store data to visit websites and improve their user experience. For example, your browser will remember login details and language settings that you won’t need to enter again. A useful aspect is the criticism that cookies are often incompatible with data protection. In particular, tracking and targeting cookies are often spikes in the eye.

The similarity of cookies or they are also used in other computer programs, because it is impossible to interact with the user without receiving the necessary information from him. It happens that you visited the site only a few times and it was about 2 weeks ago, and its cookies can still be stored on your computer, for this, clean this repository  at least once a week.

Personal data can only be collected if the corresponding page requires a login. Web developers use them to allow users to easily navigate and perform certain functions. This page sends information to the browser, which then creates text file. Each time the user returns to the same page, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the page server. These cookies govern how advertisements or transactions with tools and other web elements should appear.

How to clean cookies

The simplest tool and at the same time effective, just go to the appropriate section, which, by the way, is located in approximately the same place in all browsers, and delete it for this:

The task manager is disabled by the administrator, how to solve the problem?

To manage cookies from different browsers, go here. By default, there is virtually no “memory” on web pages. Cookies tell the server which pages should be displayed so that the user cannot remember them or start browsing the entire site until he finds where they left off. Many web pages allow the user to customize how they need information presented through various projects or topics.

These changes facilitate navigation on the site in accordance with the "identity" of the user on the site in question. They are not encoded fragments, so they cannot be executed, or much less automatically. Similarly, they cannot copy themselves and distribute them to other networks for launch and replay.

1. Launch a browser and go to its menu;

2. Go from this menu to the “History” tab or, if there is none, to “Settings” and then to the desired tab;

3. Before you will be all your history, you need to click the "Clear History" button;

4. Together with your history, you can also without it, you can delete various other data that is stored directly on your computer, the main thing is to check the “Cookies and other site data” checkbox and click on “Clear history”.

Since they cannot perform these functions, they completely go beyond the standard definition of a virus. Backup  Your computer will give you absolute peace of mind that your files are safe. Internet security is only possible if you regularly use a virus protection program. Visit our anti-virus protection section. If a web page does not force browsers to use only encrypted channels, attackers can use this vulnerability for cheat browsers and get them to send information through insecure channels.

This option is fully working, but its drawback is the length of the procedure and the intractability in matters relating to the removal of cookies from some sites, and the preservation from others.

The information contained on this page is addressed primarily to Microsoft users. Internet explorer  5.x and 6.x.  - the most common browsers in internet. It is important to note that our site is adequately displayed in other browsers. However, in our opinion, supporters Mozilla firefox  and Opera are enthusiasts and connoisseurs of advanced software, and therefore do not need advice on how to configure it.

To protect your personal information, it is important to choose protection against fraud and theft. This can be difficult to manage, and the reasons for encouraging it should be rather subtle and encouraging, rather than threats of punishment or fine. The requirements are that the user or subscriber of this terminal have clear and comprehensive information about the purpose of storage or access to such information and. who gave his consent. If an electronic communication network is used. by the same person to store or access information in the terminal. the subscriber or user more than once, it is enough in relation to this rule than the requirements of the paragraph. performed on first use.

Cookies  (“cookies”) is a small portion of text information that a website (website) transmits to your browser. The browser will store this information and transmit it back with every request you make to the site. Alone cookie values  can be stored only for one session (a one-time session of your connection with the site), they are deleted after closing the browser. Others installed for a certain period of time are recorded in a special file and stored on your computer. Usually such a file is called "cookies.txt" and is located in the working directory of your browser.

Cookies and Security

Concerning this paragraph, agreement may be made. the subscriber who changes or adjusts the settings of the Internet browser, which. the subscriber uses another application or program for. indicate consent. This clause does not apply to technical storage or. access to information - for the sole purpose - to complete the transfer. communication through an electronic communication network; about. where such storage or access is strictly necessary for. the provision of the information society service requested by the subscriber. user.

More information about the changes can be found here. Install and maintain anti-spyware applications. Many spyware detection programs, cleaning applications, and spyware cleaners include the detection of potentially dangerous sites. This blocks your browser from accessing websites that were designed to exploit browser vulnerabilities for downloading malicious software.

Cookies alone cannot do anything.This is just some textual information. However, the website you are accessing can read the information contained in cookies and, based on their analysis, perform certain actions with respect to you.

For example, if you need authorized access to the site in cookies during the session  the "session code" of the user is saved, in which encryptedhis account (username and password). This allows you not to enter a name and password when requesting each document requiring authorization. On our site you have already noticed an authorization form, where under the fields for entering an account the inscription "Remember me" is displayed. If you check the box for authorization, then the cookie of our site will be stored on your computer permanently(and not only during the current session), until you yourself cancel the connection to our server under your registration parameters. As in the case of session cookies, not your account (name and password) will be stored on your computer, but only the "permanent connection code".

Make sure your browser is up to date. If you have not already done so, set up your browser to automatically update. This will eliminate the security vulnerability of non-updatable browsers. Many cookie exploits take advantage of the security holes of legacy browsers.

This information is not associated with any particular person, but is only statistical information for analyzing the visibility of the various contents of the website. If you use other browsers or platforms, refer to the specific documentation provided by the browser developer company. The information provided here for configuration applies to existing versions at the time of writing this documentation. Instructions may vary in future versions of browsers.

We draw your attention to the fact that if you checked the "Remember me" item during authorization, then Your account  anyone who can access our site from your computer will be able to take advantage. Our site does not require re-authorization and recognizes such a user under your name. Therefore, we recommend that you check the box "Remember me" only when accessing from the computer on which you are the sole owner.

In this case, contact the appropriate developer support section. Cookies allow, in particular, to store and receive information about decisions and habits of the user. Thus, they allow you to offer advertising related to the interests of the user.

What information stores cookies?

These settings are usually found in the "Options" or "Settings" menu of your browser. This is not a virus, not a trojan, nor a worm, nor spam, nor spyware, nor pop-ups. The data they store is of a technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of content, etc. the web server does not bind you as a person, if not with your web browser.

Cookies support in Microsoft Internet  Explorer 6.x

Cookie support in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x