How to go to an electronic diary through state services. As in public services to register and go to the electronic diary of the schoolchildren

Previously, parents learned about the performance of their children at school from a conventional paper diary and personal communication with the teacher. Perhaps you do not need to tell anyone, what tricks are used by teenagers for concealing information from parents about bad estimates. Now, anyone can access an electronic diary, which allows you to control the performance of school and follow the execution of the school program through the Internet. If you are interested in a similar service, then you should learn how to enter the electronic diary through public services.

Please note that in this article we will talk about access to an electronic diary on the site For residents of most regions, it is available to control the performance of their child at school through a digital educational platform diary. Read in a separate article. As for the receipt of information and participation in the educational process of schoolchildren of Moscow, then in this case it is relevant to use the site, authorization on which is made using account in civil servants.

  • Important
  • The schoolboy's electronic diary opens access to complete information about the student's performance is completely free.

What you need to enter the e-diary through state services

Many modern parents do not have time necessary in order to often meet with teachers and discuss with them the performance of their children. To solve this problem, an electronic schoolboy diary was created. This service allows you to check how things are at school in school at any time.. The service is provided completely free. Of course, before entering an electronic diary through state services, a number of mandatory action must be performed.

To enter the e-diary through public services, will be required:

  • Account on the Public Services portal;
  • Login and password to enter the electronic diary (issued at school);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.

So, about everything in order. First you need if you have not done this yet. To log in to the website and access the electronic diary will require a confirmed account. Read in our separate review. When the account on the portal of public services will be created and confirmed, it remains to get a login and password necessary to enter the e-diary. To get this data will have to personally go to school. Before you give you a login and password, you will be asked to provide some documents.

For receipt of the electronic diary service, the following documents will be required:

  • Parental passport;
  • Certificate of the birth of a child;
  • Application for the provision of an electronic diary;
  • Consent to the processing of data provided.

Not only parents, but also legitimate representatives of schoolchildren, as well as schoolchildren themselves can access the electronic diary. It is also worth noting that the login and password issued at school may be the same. This data is entered only once, after which they are remembered and saved in a single personal account. When the password and login are at your disposal, you can start authorization. How to enter the electronic diary through public services read below.

  • Important
  • Each parent can provide access to an electronic diary of trusted persons.

Instructions for accessing an electronic diary

Obtaining information and participation in the educational process with the help of a schoolboy's electronic diary service is not directly on the State Service portal. The service is provided on the city portal. For example, if you live in Moscow, the entrance to the e-diary will be carried out on the site And then the portal of public services and why did we promise to tell how to enter the electronic diary through civil servants? The fact is that authorization on the main city portal is possible with the help of an account in civil servants. As an example, consider how to enter the electronic diary on through the Public Services portal.

To enter the electronic diary through civil servants, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the site;
  2. Click on the "Login" button;
  3. The authorization form appears, click on the "Other Login Methods" tab and select "GosSvv";
  4. Specify data from your account in public services;
  5. Open the "Services" section;
  6. Choose the "Electronic Diary of the Schoolboy";
  7. Click on the "Get Service" button;
  8. Check out the information you are interested in in the electronic diary.

Congratulations, now you know how to enter the electronic diary through state services. If you were denied service, then most likely do not match the login and password that you received at school. Recall that obtaining information and participation in the educational process is also possible through the educational platform We looked at this topic in more detail in a separate article.

To gain access to this service It is necessary to register with the site Gosvyloj.

On the online online resource page, in the upper right corner, click the Registration tab.

After clicking on the "Registration" tab, a window will appear in which you need to enter data. In each line, write down the necessary information and click on the "Register" button.

When you click the "Register" button, a sign appears in which you want to specify the code obtained via SMS to the specified phone number. After fitting the numbers, press the "Continue" button.

Invent a password that meets online service requests. Duplicate in the string below. Press "ready."

Enjoy your surname, name and patronymic, indicate a man / woman, the date of birth, where citizenship, passport information and SNILS were born. When the information is entered, click on the "Save" button.

Now the information will be analyzed by the system. And it will take time.

List of documents for opening access

When the requirements have been completed, the school will create a student online diary. For registration of the diary, information is provided: Passport details of the parent or its guardian; Certificate of birth of a child; a written application for the receipt of the service; Permission to process your data.

The process of obtaining a login and password to open the entrance

By registering on the online service, you will not be able to immediately read the electronic data of the student. There are two ways to get the necessary information. In some cases, one option is obtained in two ways, and sometimes one option is available.

Opening options in the entrance to the electronic diary:

  1. Contact school institution.
  2. Get access on a web portal.

Getting data through school is easy, simple and fast. A certain time can be used to access through the web portal.

To gain access to the site, you need to perform actions:

  • Go to main page, enter your personal account. To get into it, on the main tab of the site click at the top on the right to the "Personal Account" tab.

In the appeared window, enter telephone number or e-mail as well as password. Press "Login." Or click on the right to the word "SNILS" to enter the personal account.

  • On a personal page in the online service in the "Search" line, we prescribe the name of the service: "Electronic Diary". Enable search.

  • On the new page, find your city.
  • Next, click "Getting access to a schoolboy's electronic diary."
  • In the new tab, you receive information, how much is the service, the deadlines for its provision, the causes of its deviation and other information.

In the next three days after submitting the application, send a password and login. This data is needed to get into the electronic diary.

How to enter the site in the electronic diary

Include using the service, simply. Come on the home page of the web resource and enter your personal account. How to get into it was written above. When you entered your office on the online portal, choose the icon on which the "electronic diary of a schoolboy IRKO" is written and click on it.

A section opens in which you want to make account information. To do this, click on the "Add Account" string. In the line below fit its name: child1. If you have two or three children who have e-diaries, each creating an account with names: a child2 and a child3.

Then you enter the login and password. At first, the login and password, which will give you at school or on the site, will coincide. Click on "continue."

Opens an electronic schoolboy diary. This electronic version is no different from the ordinary diary of the schoolchildren, or rather a copy of it.

Causes of refusal to provide services

Despite the fact that the service is available for all, in some cases it is necessary to provide a refusal. Failure is received if errors are allowed in the receipt application. It may be incorrectly inscribed last name, name or patronymic, error in the birth date, etc. If the errors are present in the application, it will write over and give it to the school administration. Also, the refusal can be obtained if one person writes an application for the provision of the service, and this applies to this statement completely different.

Additional services on the school portal

Each parent here can find a lot of useful information. On the school web resource you can find a test table and find out how well the child is to study, familiarize yourself with the margin of estimates. Read comments that led the teacher to the estimated estimates. I miss the lessons or not. Here is a graph of academic performance, which is based on different assessment criteria. Get acquainted with the schedule of lessons. And the schedule of schoolchildren and teachers is posted. Here you can ask questions and on Allane to communicate with teachers.

How to open the entry to the data on the privacy of the trusted person?

Parent can open the entrance to the child's diary to other persons. For this, the parent and the one who opens access must have their own pages on On your page to find the item "Trusted persons". At this point, specify the "electronic diary". If you have two or more children, specify whose information you open access. Enter the name, phone number or its personal account. Click "Send". After confirming the receipt of an invitation on a person's page, which you open access, it opens the entrance to the schoolchild data during the day.

Problems with access to an electronic diary

From some time there were difficulties with access to an electronic diary. To eliminate this problemThey advise re-create a diary access account. It is not necessary to register an account in public services.

Electronic diary of schoolboy - This is the online service of the public service site, which displays data on the performance of each individual student. Here you can view not only estimates, but also skipping lessons, as well as teacher comments to estimates. In order to more accurately form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe school situation, data on the behavior of the child for each past week is provided. Parents have access to the diary only their child, and can also sign it using electronic signature.

For each class separately an electronic magazine is created to which not only parents and students have access, but also all teachers, leading items, class teacher and director of the educational institution. In the electronic journal, teachers can perform the following actions:

  • stop assessments for the lessons and comment on them;
  • celebrate the absenteeism of the lessons by children;
  • make homework;
  • making announcements for parents and students;
  • conduct correspondence with those or other parents of the student.

For each subject, the average score and the number of skips is calculated, which makes it possible to quickly look for details.

Who can apply for the service

Parents of students (legal representatives), students, trusted persons.
Important! Each student must have its own registration on the portal to enter the personal electronic diary.

Documents required for the service

  • Request (application)
  • Certificate of the birth of a minor studying (in the case of a parent service
  • A document confirming the right of a legal representative who is not a parent (a document issued by guardianship authorities)
  • Identity

Service cost

You can apply for access to an electronic diary when contacting an educational institution personally or through an official representative. The service life is 15 minutes.

Important! An electronic diary of a schoolboy through state services is completely free of charge full information about student performance. Do not turn to other sites and pay for this money. School portal services are provided without charging money, because with each parent therefore an agreement determines the procedure and conditions for the free provision of the service.

Terms of service provision

Constantly during the school year.

Terms of service

  • Term of the service: 3 slave. DN
  • The period during which the application for the provision of services must be registered: 15 min.
  • The maximum period of waiting in the queue when applying for the provision of the service personally: 15 min.

How to go to the electronic diary through state services

To exercise in an e-diary, you need to go to the portal of urban services on the link and log in under your login and password.

Either on the site itself

Further before you opens the form for creating an account. Login and password can be requested from the class teacher of your school. This data is enough to enter only once, after which the portal will automatically remember and retain them in a single personal account. After clicking on the Green button "Go to Diary".

On this video, it is clearly shown how to go to the electronic diary of the schoolchildren:

Additional services

In addition to the above-described services, the following features can be obtained on the state service portal:

  • table of progress. For each student, a table is created formed from the assessments, which he received for a quarter. There are also passages and final estimates for each period of study. Recently connected an additional function of counting the middle score, which allows high school students to focus on passing points in universities. Here you can see who of the teachers set any evaluation, as well as a remark or comment on the score. The function is available not only to teachers, but also to parents, as well as students. Tracking performance has become possible throughout the quarter;
  • schedule of progress. Tightening performance is not only estimated, but also in graphic. The schedule makes it possible to vary comparisons for different criteria and categories;
  • schedule lessons not only students, but also teachers;
  • call Schedule;
  • personal data of each registered user portal user;
  • chat chat inside school.

Refusal to provide services

The reason for refusing to receive an electronic diary can be an incorrectly completed application form. If you are inaccurately indicated the name, surname or patronymic, then you should re-fill out a new form, because otherwise it will not be possible to open an electronic diary on the Public Services portal.

If a teacher comes to the department, then he must provide a magazine of the class to which he wants to access electronic form. Only subject to this requirement to the teacher will be able to open an electronic magazine through state services.

The applicant may be denied the provision of access to an electronic diary on the following grounds:

  1. the request is filed by a person who is not related to the Circle of Applicants;
  2. the person who the applicant is requested by information on current performance and attendance, is not a student in this educational organization;
  3. the documents submitted by the applicant do not comply with the established requirements;
  4. the applicant submitted documents contain conflicting information;
  5. applicant application for refusal to receive the service.

How to enter the electronic diary?

1. Register on the site by entering credentials (login and password), mobile phone, address email, SNILS (if available).
2. Choose the section "Services" - "Education" - "Middle General" - "E-Diary of the Schoolboy".
3. Log in to the "E-Diary of the Schoolboy".
4. If you could not enter the diary, perhaps your data in the Personal Account does not coincide with the data available at school. Contact the class teacher and pass the current data.
5. After making correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

How to log in to the electronic diary?

1. Register on, specifying FULL NAME, E-Mail, mobile phone, SNILS (if available).
2. Select the "Electronic Schoolboy Diary" service.
3. Data in the Personal Account and the data at school should coincide. If you could not enter the diary, you need to contact the class teacher and convey current data.
4. After making correct data at school, you will have access to the diary.

What do you need to enter the diary?

To access the electronic diary, you need to check in your account whether the required fields are filled with access to the electronic diary: e-mail, number mobile phone and reduss (if any). To log in to the diary, go to the portal and click the Login button. Enter your username and password. Read more about Login to the diary, read the instructions.

Contact your charter and transfer contact details in your account (e-mail or mobile phone number).

What to do with the error "Unfortunately, there is not enough data to access an electronic diary"?

Contact your master and transfer to him the information specified in the Personal Account (E-mail or Mobile Phone Number). If a this error It happens in a child, then you need to give data from the personal account of the child to

What to do with the error "statement cannot be filed"?

To gain access to the diary, please fill in the missing information in your account: SNILS, phone, email address (the parameter you want to fill) and try an attempt to enter the electronic diary.

Estimates in the diary

How to find out for what and when an estimate is set?

When you hover the mouse cursor with an estimate in the diary, a hint is displayed, which contains the name of the monitoring form and the placement time.

What priorities from estimates for different tasks when calculating the estimate for intermediate certification?

Much significance has points earned for verification or testing.
Estimates for the cool work and the answers at the board are considered as less significant. The results of homework and are at all have a small weight, since when they are fulfilled, the child has the opportunity to use additional materials and extraneous help.

What is a point in the diary?

The point means the debt to perform the work or the need to relocate. She can also serve as a reminder of the work that is planned in the future. When setting the mark "Point", the teacher independently sets the period of action, after which the point either turns into an assessment or disappears. At the end of the attestation period, the point automatically turns into an assessment if it was affixed, or disappears.

What is a point next to the assessment?

In the diary, several estimates may be set up and a mark between "Point" can be set. When you hover the mouse cursor, the name of the type of work is displayed for this mark, for which it was installed - for example, an oral answer. This means that the teacher noted the debt for the answer on the topic and denotes the intention to ask the student to re-either perform work again.

How is an estimate for intermediate certification?

Summar down all the estimates obtained for homework and calculate the overall result. In the same way, consider the middle score for cool work. If the results of class and homework coincide, it can be considered that this is an objective assessment of the student's knowledge. If the score for cool work is higher or lower than for home, it is necessary to consider it precisely its priority. Consider and appreciate the overall result. test work. If it coincides with the assessment for home and / or cool work, it should be considered its fourth result. If points for testing work above or lower, the priority is given to points for testing.

Diary functions

How to find out the recruitment of the child?

Handbook "Method of stay" includes: timetable schedule, schedule of the plan of extracurricular activities, timetable for children's associations (additional education), physical activity mode, power mode, walking mode.
In the list of these classes, change and dynamic pauses intended for leisure students and transition from the office to the office are separately allocated separately. In addition, the name of the emergence of food intake can be specified - breakfast or lunch.

How to control the weight of the textbooks in the child's portfolio?

In order to familiarize yourself with the contents of a schoolboy backpack for each day of the school week, you need to go to the "Diary" section through the Main menu item "Diary". On the right of the week name is the studio portfolio icon and the weight of the content planned to occupy each subject-subject.

With the help of a special service "Ribbon of Events", parents and students have access to the overall list of activities planned in the formation of the city of Moscow. The block contains such information as the date, short description, venue, type of event (competition, Olympiad, Conference, Seminar), an academic subject associated with a conducted event. You can also contact the organizers through chat or service of personal messages.

How to contact technical support if questions arise?

To handle technical support OEZh, click on the link "Set them to us" in the lower left corner of the page. You will appear before you appear. Select the type of contact from the drop-down list. Enter your email address, phone number, topic and text of contacting the appropriate fields and click the "Send Capure" button. In the near future, an email will come to your email with the number and address status. After solving your question, you will receive a notification of changing the status of circulation and the text of the response from technical support.

Visiting the child of lessons

How to create a notice of the absence of a child at school?

Select the "Notification" section of the "Diary" section of the main menu of the electronic diary. To add a period of lack of child, you must click on the date in the calendar and choose the absence period. The parent itself indicates the cause of the absence and can add a comment on the notification if necessary. After filling out all the necessary fields, do not forget to click on the "Create On the Selected Range" button.

How to get information about attendance lessons and classes?

To get information about attendance of lessons and classes Parent can via the "Notification of No" section, the "Diary" section of the main menu of the system. Also, marks about unwitting are displayed in the "Diary" section on the diary pages in the Evaluation column. In the event of an occupation, instead of evaluation, the student displays the "H" mark. When you hover on the date in the calendar, a window appears with the details of the information about which lessons were missed.

Learning process

What is a learning profile?

Focus (Profile) of Education - Orientation educational program For specific areas of knowledge and (or), the activities that define its subject-thematic content that prevail the types of educational activities of the study and requirements for the results of the development of the educational program. Profile training is entered from 10th grade.

How to find out what profile is a child study?

You can find out the profile by selecting the "Diary" tab in the Diary tab. The new window will display information about the learning plans of the student. When choosing a curriculum, a description is described in which the name will be indicated in the "Profile" section.

How to view homework and tasks for independent work?

View homework and tasks For independent work, the parent can be a "homework" item, section "Diary" of the main system menu. Select an item for which you want to get acquainted with homework and tasks for independent work. Next, you need to determine the period for which all homework will be withdrawn. If necessary, you can choose to display mandatory and / or voluntary to perform the task.

How to check when a task was placed for independent work?

In the electronic diary, when you select the menu item "Diary" - "homework" describes all tasks with the time and date of the last editor.

Save, and then forget:

A few years ago it was impossible to imagine that parents would be able to track the performance of their children daily.

Now hide the paper diary under the bed, snatch the page from it or submit an unpleasant assessment so that your mother with dad is not recognized is simply impossible.

The thing is that electronic resources appeared: parents can always learn performance and get a lot of other useful information.

Appointment and capabilities of the electronic diary

Many parents because of their employment cannot constantly monitor the attendance, behavior and academic performance, visiting the school and personally communicating with teachers, a class teacher. And you need to know how children are needed.

For this, at the state level it was decided to create such a service that would allow adults to always be aware of school events. An electronic diary was developed. In essence, it contains the same information as a paper medium:

  • days of the week, dates;
  • names of objects;
  • hometasks;
  • estimates for the answers in the lessons;
  • comments, teacher comments.

Such information may see the parent only with respect to his child. Data on other students from class and school to unavailable persons are not available.

Regional Portal of Public Services (RPGU) - IT Marathon

How to enter the state services step bypass ages older than 14 years

In accordance with Russian legislation, every citizen who has reached 14 should receive its first passport. From now on, this document will certify the personality of a person in the territory Russian Federation. Thanks to this, you can register on the Public Services portal and access some site services. But while the teenager did not reach 14 years old, only a simplified account is available for it.

It must be remembered that up to 18 years of the interests of adolescents in state bodies are presented by parents, guardians and other legal representatives.

Registration on the portal can give schoolchildren the opportunity to work with an electronic diary.

Registration on Gosuseuga

From the age of 14, it is possible to register at public services as follows:

  • Enter the surname, name, mobile number, email address, and click on the blue "Register" button.
  • Then you need to specify the activation code from the SMS message.
  • Come up sophisticated password according to the rules, installed system (Latin letters of different register, numbers and punctuation marks).
  • In an open personal account, fill out data about the passport and SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account). Currently, such a green card is issued immediately after the birth of a child.

Recording in mugs, sports sections, houses of creativity through state services

The portal will check the data and notify the user about the successful Cabinet creation.

Confirm your identity with the help of a multifunctional center or get an activation code in a registered letter by Russian Post.

Use the EDS is not possible. At the same time, many MFC requires the presence of adults.

After all these manipulations, the child from 14 years can use state services.

Authorization in public services

To enter the portal, you need to use your username (phone number, email, reduction data), as well as a password. If it is forgotten, it can always be restored, so access to the portal of public services is impossible.

An interesting feature is that the legitimate representatives of a minor citizen can link their account with the personal account of their child.

Not all public services are available until 18 years. For example, only parents from their account can arrange a minor.

Registration on the

This site is an electronic platform where an effective educational environment is being created for all students, teachers, representatives of state bodies in the Russian Federation.

Social card student - benefits to schoolchildren and students

To register with the, it is necessary:

  • in order for the child to be a school student, gymnasium, lyceum, etc.;
  • provide your personal data to the teacher: FULL NAME, SPILS number and date of birth;
  • get a login and password from an educational institution employee to enter the site;
  • fill out the form and click on the "Login" button;
  • check the correctness of the data and click "Next";
  • in the "Security Settings" block, enter your email address and mobile number;
  • change a disposable password to the permanent;
  • confirm your email address by clicking on the link received on the e-mail.

After that, the account on the is formed, and you can easily enter the e-diary. You can change the login only once.

Binding public service to the diary

An electronic educational platform can be tied to its account for the provision of public services. To do this, go to the site and follow the link "Select your region".

Not in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation has been made to consolidate the site with the Gosv services portal. If a schoolboy is studying in the region where the union of the services has already been implemented, the system will offer to "enter through state services."

"Web Education" of the Tyumen region - an electronic magazine for students and their parents

When matching the FULL NAME and SNOW on two platforms, the binding of accounts will be successful.

On the Public Services portal in the section "Education" you can use the service, and learn more about the schoolchild's electronic diary.

Registration in public officials under 14

The child from birth can be registered on the portal. However, the account will be limited, since under 14, the baby has no passport. And this is the main condition for confirming the personality in public services.

Registration will look like this:

  • specifying the surname and name, phone number and e-mail;
  • introduction code from the SMS message;
  • creating a password;
  • switch to your personal account.

From personal data you can enter:

  • date of birth;
  • Reduss;
  • registration address;
  • the number of the compulsory medical insurance policy.

After reaching 14 years old, receiving an already confirmed account.

Possible problems and ways to solve them

The main problem is the binding of the accounts of the and civil servants. The system can issue an error. This happens if the personal data on two resources do not coincide. For example, on the portal of public services may not be specified SNILS, but on the is incorrectly spelled out by FULL NAME.

Therefore, parents should very carefully check their registration data in all accounts so that registration and binding of accounts have passed without errors. In public services, it is possible to correct the shortcomings independently, and the change in the virtual e-diary is available only with the help of an authorized employee of the educational institution.

How to record a child in a queue in kindergarten through MFC - Why do you need to do it as early as possible?

Problem Association personal Accounts It may be that not all regions of the Russian Federation have implemented such a system.

The following are subjects and settlements in which you can combine the accounts of the Public Services portal and the

  • Republic of Adygea;
  • Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk and the area;
  • North Ossetia Alania;
  • St. Petersburg;
  • Voronezh and the corresponding area;
  • Leningrad region;
  • Astrakhan and the whole subject;
  • Omsk region;
  • Nizhny Novgorod, including Sarov, Lukoyanov and other cities of the region;
  • Tambov Region;
  • Saratov region, including Balakovo;
  • Orenburg.

In some regions of Russia, there are other electronic services to track student performance, for example, in the Tyumen region (Tyumen, Zavodoukovsk) there is a school portal. Such sites are used in the following cities, where the entrance is carried out through the ESIA:

  • Penza;
  • Republic of Tatarstan (Kazan and other cities);
  • Izhevsk (Udmurtia);
  • Cheboksary;
  • Primorsky Krai, including Arsenyev;
  • Komi Republic (Syktyvkar, Vorkuta, Mikun, Ukhta, Pechora, etc.);
  • KHMAO (Khanty-Mansiysk, Kogalym, Surgut, Nyagan, Urai, Nizhnevartovsk, Rainbow, etc.);
  • Kostroma region (Kostroma, Chukhlom);
  • Chelyabinsk, Ozersk, Miass;
  • Kemerovo, Mezhdurechensk;
  • Saransk (Republic of Mordovia);
  • Altai (Barnaul);
  • Bashkortostan, including the city of Oktyabrsky;
  • Vladimir;
  • Volgograd;
  • Krasnodar and the whole edge;
  • Naryan-Mar;
  • Ryazan Oblast;
  • Pskov;
  • Ivanovo;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Tomsk;
  • Permian;
  • Murmansk;
  • Belgorod, Stary Oskol);
  • Kaluga region (Obninsk, Ferzikovo, Kaluga, etc.).

The school diary connects the leadership of the school with parents of the student - it set marks on the results of a survey of knowledge, control works, teachers write comments on behavior or bad preparation and this technique always continued until it went into use an analogue of a paper version - an electronic diary. What is it, how can the parent enter the electronic diary and check how things are the student?

With the development of new Internet services, each registered person registered on the portal can timely receive all information about studying and different comments, missed classes made simultaneously in paper and in the electronic form of a diary. That is, the student will no longer be able to hide any information from the parents who wanted to bring to the information of the parents. And if earlier the negligent student could pull out the page or fix 2 by 3, then new service For parents, it is already eliminating this opportunity.

Any parent interested in the success of a child at school will be able to get all his information that interests through the Internet portal of the State Service on the "E-Diary of the Schoolboy". To do this, you must have registration to enter the portal in a specially created section. You can access absolutely free.

It is earlier that every parent has an entrance to the page only to the page of his Chad, a colossal work has been done - a list of students, compliance with school institutions and classes, besides, personal input data for parents have been developed.

On the this moment Time not yet all regions prepared the system in order, so while this service is not available everywhere.

Getting data to enter

Someone one of the parents should contact the Secretariat of the educational institution with a statement in which to indicate:

  • Information from the child's birth certificate.
  • Personal data of the applicant.
  • A request containing a petition for accessing the electronic diary of his child.
  • Give an agreement to process data on the Internet.

The secretary will verify the specified information with the available data, and will issue information and instructions for accessing the desired service in public services.

Please note that you can get access not on the general website, but only regional. For example, for Moscow, this page is located in the section "Studying and Education", for the Moscow region.

It should also take into account that not all regional educational institutions have passed on new format School records. Moscow here stands at the forefront, and its experience will be transferred to other regions.

  1. To log in, you need authorization, and if there is no account, then it should be created.
  2. Contact the class teacher and request the input data - for each student has been created its personal page, and you can only go on this data.

Registration procedure on the portal

As an example, we will look at Moscow. Open the Main Page of the State Service in Moscow, click on the banner - to register:

  1. Enter sequentially in the appropriate fields your personal data, email address and number mobile device - Confirmation codes will come on them.
  2. Click on the Registration button, and after checking the entered data to your email address and the phone will receive messages with confirmation codes - enter them into the appropriate fields;
  3. Come up with your entry password, and finish the process by clicking on the banner "Ready".

Now you can enter different electronic services, including in the "Education" section, where, and the desired functionality is located.

Entry procedure in the electronic diary

Now details on how to go to the electronic diary of the student to parents:

  1. Open the portal page and click on the button - enter (at the top of the page).
  2. Enter the input data and log in.
  3. From the general list, follow the link "Education", in the section "E-diary of a schoolboy".
  4. Now you should enter the data received from the class manager - login and password, then opens new page With records about the performance of your child. Here will be displayed for the last academic month, but more parents are not needed.

Can also be included in this service and from mobile application "State services", the authorization process is similar to the traditional entrance from its inpatient computer.

What information will be available to parents?

Important! If you have an electronic signature, then you can put it through the service, thereby notifying the teacher that you are familiar with his comments and wishes.

Opening a personal page, parents can learn about all important educational events and other important information:

  • Appointed class and communal meetings, agenda;
  • Skipping lessons for a disrespectful reason (classes of classes);
  • Homework for each subject;
  • Receive personal information from the class teacher or any subject, with an electronic signature and respond to them via the Internet.

All information is provided by the Department for the Education of the Moscow Region.