How to delete a group I created in a contact. How to delete your own VKontakte community

The social network is not a new phenomenon; rather, it is already a trend that has taken root among many. Absolute majority modern users are members of at least one social network. This is really convenient, because such resources have proven themselves well, moreover, they are literally “stuffed” with various functions and features.

Take, for example, VKontakte. In addition to direct communication, the user can join communities, leave comments in it, share useful information etc. In addition, anyone can create an interest group and be its administrator. By the way, he can also delete it. if it didn't succeed, and how to do it, I'll tell you further.

How to leave a group

Before I talk about how to delete the VKontakte community that I created myself, I'll tell you how you can leave the group. There are plenty of reasons for this, most often when it accumulates a large number of publics, the user conducts a massive “cleanup”, trying to remove all communities that have lost their former relevance for him.

To leave a boring group, you must first open it. To do this, click on the line on the left side of the "My Groups" screen. You will see the entire list of publics in which you are a member. Find the one you want, go to it. Now, right below, you will see the active line "Exit the group", click on it. If the group is open, you simply cease to be a member of it, but if it is closed, an additional window will open in front of you in which you will need to confirm your decision.

How to delete your group

So we got to the most interesting place! So, how do you delete a community in which you are an administrator? The process, of course, is not as fast as leaving the group, but it can be dealt with quite quickly.

Hello friends! In this short article, I will talk about deleting my VKontakte group. Looking ahead, I’ll say that the community cannot be completely deleted, it will exist until the administration deletes it. But in order for the administration to take up this process, it will be necessary to take certain actions, which we will talk about now.

What needs to be done to delete delete a community on VKontakte?

2. After that, go to "My groups" and look for your own.

3. When you find it, go into it.

4. Now go to the "Community Management" tab.

5. In the "Information" tab, set the following:

  • Wall: Closed;
  • Photos: Limited;
  • Video recordings, Audio recordings, Documents, Discussions, Materials, set to "Off";
  • Group type: Closed or private.

6. After you set the same parameters, go to the "Participants" tab, and delete all participants to the last, except for yourself.

7. There is only one member left in your community, and that is you. Now you also need to get out of it. On home page, click on the tab "You are in a group", after which an additional menu will pop up, in which click "Exit the group".

As I said at the very beginning of the article, these actions do not completely delete the group, the administration must erase it, and this may require certain time. I don't know exactly how long it takes, it's always different.

If you are unbearable, and you want to delete it as soon as possible, then you can write to the VK support service and ask the administration to do it as quickly as possible. If you contact the support service, then in no case leave the community so that the administration sees that you are the creator, and then your request is legal, so to speak. But again, this method has not been personally tested by me, so I will not say whether it is working or not. If anyone checks, then please unsubscribe in the comments what happened.

Does not bring the desired results, you can delete this community.

You need to prepare everything, remove all administrators and moderators (see), and then completely delete the community. Now I will show you how it is done.


Based on this, you need to check if your community is public page. If so, then you need to transfer to a group (see). To do this, click on the link on the main page "Transfer to group".

You will be asked to confirm the action using an SMS notification.

How to delete a community in a contact

Once we've made sure we're working with a group, we need to change its type. Click the link on the main page "Community Management".

In paragraph "Group Type", we must select the option "Closed" (see).

This is required for removal.

Now you need to remove all subscribers (see). Go to the tab "Participants", and one by one remove everyone from the list. To do this, use the link "Remove from community".

As a result, only the creator of the group should remain (see). It will be you. After all, you created it yourself, right?

We complete the removal of the community in VKontakte

It remains only to exclude the administrator. And since you are the one, you just need to leave the community. To do this, expand the list on the main page "You are in a group". And here select item "Leave the group".

A warning will appear stating that due to this action, you will lose administrative rights. We agree and press the button "Leave the group".

Good day to all, my dear friends and readers. In my article about, I mentioned that I have been there since 2007. Previously, he hung out there all the time, posted photos in batches, different videos, talked with everyone in a row and, of course, joined all kinds of groups.

There were a lot of bands and they were all different - both normal ones that I actually attended (such as the official bands of my favorite musical groups, a bass guitar playing group, music production group, etc.), and worthless and unnecessary (so purely for show-off, such as “club of those born in 1986”, “Club of those who are infuriated that a pillow is called a pillowcase”, “Dmitriev Club”, “Russian Students Club”, etc.).

As a result, I entered into various crap and I got around 400 unnecessary groups. Naturally, they began to unnerve me, since I visited at most 5-7% of the communities, and felt as if I was living in a pile of garbage. As a result, I started leaving the groups. But for this I had to go into each group separately and press the exit button. It's very boring and long. It was then that I came across one cool way how to delete all VKontakte groups at once. I will tell it to you now.

Using an extension

The easiest way for me is to use a browser extension. I'm used to it, so I'll show you by example. But for other browsers, there are similar plugins.

Well, in general, you can do it differently. To do this, you can go to the official website of the extension Vkopt and install it for any browser. Well, then according to the scheme. Everything is simple)

But let's see another way to have a plan B in your pocket. Am I saying right?

Using a Third Party Program

Of course, I like all sorts of programs less, but in principle this thing has proven itself and there are no problems with it, and most importantly, that the process is very fast. Let's see.

In general, the program is very powerful and, in addition to unsubscribing, you can also do a bunch of other useful things, such as downloading audio, video, photos, restoring recordings, making mailings, and much more. So you can take advantage of it.

But as in the previous article, I still advise you to change the password after working with this application. For every firefighter...

Here are some simple ways you can use to mass exit communities. And speaking of communities. If you like to sit in contact, then you can try to pass training for the administrator of groups in contact. After that, you can administer VK groups for money and enjoy your work.

Well, I'm probably done for today. It seems that everything he wanted - he said. But if you have something to add, for example, more ways (I know that there are a lot of them), then write about it in the comments. Or write which of the presented methods you would prefer to use. I'm just interested in your opinion.

And I say goodbye to you today. Be sure to subscribe to my blog updates and of course check out other articles. I am sure you will find something interesting for yourself. Good luck. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Deleting a group social network you can do it using the standard functions of VKontakte. Before you start the removal process itself, you should consider whether it is necessary to do this. If you only want to change the activity of the group, it will be more convenient to simply edit the data to suit the new tasks. But if you still want to completely eliminate it, then you will need administrator rights.

Removal options

So how to delete a community on Vkontakte? The process of creating a group does not require special actions, but its liquidation is a more complicated procedure. The creators of the social network does not provide the function of deleting by simply pressing the corresponding button. Being the owner of a community with big amount subscribers, you will have to remove each of them manually.

Method 1: Group settings

With a few simple steps, you can remove a community from its settings.

This is necessary in order for your group to be removed from the community search.

      1. In community settings, select "Participants".
      2. Privileged users must first be made simple group subscribers using the button "demote".
      3. Next, remove all people using the function "Remove from community".

After that, you will need to go back to the main page.

In the future, it will be possible to return to the community with the rights of the creator. But this will require the URL address of the group, since after the operations performed above, it will not appear in search results and your profile.

Having done everything correctly, deleting a community will not cause you much difficulty. Good luck!