How to promote a group with memes. How to advertise a group in VK: from free to paid

    Hello dear friends and colleagues.

    If you are on this page, most likely you are interested in the promotion of the VKontakte group.

    I have been involved in social networks for more than 8 years, and all this time I have been constantly experimenting with new and new ways of promotion, advertising and promotion. And now I can say with confidence that for each project, the promotion strategy needs to be supported and built individually. This is due to the fact that you need to consider external and internal factors that interact with your product, service, brand or personality.

    Today, there are many ways to promote a group in contact. Most of them, of course, are white methods. But there are also black methods that allow you to promote VKontakte for free and quickly. And of course, the easy accessibility of these methods attracts more attention. Group admins grab these free tools and start using them avidly. As a result, they lose their group as well as their personal page. And it’s good if this is a temporary measure, and the group or page is returned, but eternal bans and deletions may follow. Therefore, it is important not only to know, but also to understand what you use for your promotion in contact.

    The purpose of creating a VKontakte group

    Initially, I propose to decide for what purpose you need a VKontakte group. There may be several goals, but I highlighted the main ones:
    1. Sale of goods or provision of services
    2. Promotion of your site, getting traffic to the site
    3. Earnings on your Vkontakte group (advertising)
    4. Rapprochement with the client (increase in loyalty)
    5. Hobbies and contentment

    As I said above, promotion methods are selected individually if you want to get the maximum effect from advertising. And now I will list the main ways to promote the VKontakte group.

    Ways to promote a VKontakte group

    1. Invite friends to the group from your personal account. By pressing the button on the right under the avatar "Invite to the group".
    2. Sending private messages to friends and friends of friends asking them to join your group. It is very good if you write only to those who are interested in the topic of your group. So you will avoid blocking your account, because. people will think you are spamming. How to avoid this, I will tell in the following articles.
    3. Filling with unique content using tags.
    4. Carrying out promotions, polls and contests with valuable prizes.
    5. Sending invitations to communities on your subject in manual mode.
    6. Sending invitations to regional communities by targeting (for example, gender, age, city).
    7. Distribution of invitations to communities using programs (promotion on the machine).
    8. With the help of their sites. Community widget placement, social buttons, comments widget.
    9. "Purchase" of members to the group through special Internet services (websites for earnings, where people complete the task and receive a reward for this). Such people are called "offers".
    10. Placement of contextual advertising in Yandex and Google search engines or targeted advertising in the VKontakte social network itself. This type of promotion is paid. You pay for clicks or impressions on your ads.
    11. Buying or creating accounts for the purpose of joining their group.
    12. Mutual PR with other community administrators, on your subject, exchange of posts (reposts).
    13. E-mail distribution of e-mails according to your subscription base.
    14. Buying advertising in already promoted groups and publics on VKontakte. You post your ad.
    15. Promotion by comments on thematic sites, portals, forms, VKontakte group.
    16. Promotion of communities through the purchase of eternal links and the method of article promotion. Link building. Promotion of the group in the top search engines Yandex and Google.
    17. Services of SMM-agencies and freelancers for the promotion and promotion of communities.
    18. Advertising on third-party sites - thematic forums. Banner advertising.
    19. Promotion of groups and publics through Youtube video hosting. Video is a trend in 2014-2015.
    20. Bonus. Pumping bots. Cheat subscribers to the group. The most popular method of promoting VKontakte.

    By the way, if you are interested in a step-by-step algorithm for promoting on VKontakte from A to Z, you can purchase.

    In the following articles, I will go into more detail about some of the above methods. You can write in the comments below what interests you more. I'll tell you the pros and cons that I found from personal experience. Of course, for maximum effect, you need to use several methods of promoting a VKontakte group at the same time.

    Thank you, I hope you found this article helpful. I will try to write more often on my personal blog. You can also find me on YouTube, the video of this article is below.

    Good day to everyone gathered at the monitor screens! Dear friends, as you remember, I have repeatedly told you that your pages in social networks can become a source of real income for you. Today I decided to pay more attention to this topic and analyze it more thoroughly. Therefore, I will ask to stay with me all those who are really interested in finding out how VKontakte friends are cheated, so that the social network begins to bring stable income. Immediately, looking ahead, I assure you that this event is simple and accessible to everyone, especially considering the huge variety of different services for cheating followers, likes and friends. But about everything about this in order.

    Promotion of the personal page Vkontakte

    If you have already managed to become a user of the VKontakte social network, filled in all the necessary fields with information on your account, this does not mean at all that you have worked on the popularity of your page. The main criterion that determines your popularity in the service is number of followers on your page. The more users subscribe to your updates, the higher your popularity becomes.

    Whenever a particular user is added to your friends, VKontakte gives you the opportunity to decide " Add as Friend» this person or « Leave in subscribers».
    By the way, when you delete certain people from your friends, you automatically send them to your list of subscribers, after which the newly minted followers decide on their own whether to unsubscribe from your news or continue to follow updates on your page.

    Thus, as you probably already guessed, the popularity of your page directly depends on how many people decide to become your followers and subscribe to account updates. By and large, the same principle works here as in VKontakte groups: pages with the highest number of followers will be ranked first. And now you should have a completely logical question: “Where can I get these very subscribers?”. There are several paths here. I will tell you about the most effective and effective ones, and you yourself decide how you like to promote your VKontakte page.

    Promotion Options

    So, on the way to popularity, we have to work hard to promote the page as high as possible in the rating of the service. To promote an account, we need:

    • wrapping likes under all our posts on the wall, under the videos and photos posted on the page;
    • increase in the number followers;
    • wrapping comments and reposts our records.

    An increase in the number of friends, followers and likes will certainly lead to an increase in the popularity of your page. High account ratings are of interest to many users of the VKontakte social network, and each of them can pursue completely different goals when promoting a page. Most often, the reasons for increasing the rating are:

    • the desire to attract as much attention to your person as possible;
    • earnings on the sale of any goods through a page on the social network;
    • the opportunity to sell a ready-made promoted page and thereby make good money on it.

    Well, now I propose to move on to more urgent and practical, namely, to ways to promote your pages.

    We spin the page using services

    I will not tire of repeating that the most rational and effective way to cheat subscribers and likes is use of special services. Of course, you can try to get likes and followers on VKontakte using PR and visiting all kinds of groups to exchange friends and likes, but this is too long, tedious and ineffective work. I believe that no point in wasting time on this, especially if there are professional platforms that will do all this in a matter of seconds.

    Such sites work as follows: you put a like on some VKontakte user and get a mutual one from him. Having earned enough hearts, you can spend them on winding up the number of followers and likes you need on the page on the social network. Personally, I can advise you the following services:

    1. - The service can rightfully be put in first place in terms of the quality of the subscribers received. Works with all popular social networks: facebook, vkontakte, instagram, youtube and others.
    2. - the service is suitable for all smms, here you can try your luck not only on the promotion of the page and the VKontakte group, but also on facebook, instagram and youtube accounts
    3. - a service for those who want to promote pages in many social networks at once. The site works with such platforms as Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Google+
    4. – excellent service with a three-level referral system. I think it will appeal to those who have already tried themselves as a referee and have achieved some success in this. I wrote about referrals and referrals earlier
    5. - the service is suitable for everyone who is interested in how to make money on advertising on the VKontakte social network, but at the same time not spend too much money. It will certainly appeal to everyone who is actively promoting channels on YouTube, expanding the audience of the VKontakte page
    6. – an excellent service with a very generous referral program. Encourages all active users with various bonuses, has a simple and logical interface. Carries out a thorough filtering of malicious violators, removes bots, thereby ensuring the legality of cheating likes and followers

    Top service for cheating friends

    We spin the page with the help of programs

    An alternative to all kinds of like exchanges and services for cheating followers are programs to cheat subscribers. I will not write a huge canvas about all existing applications, but I will highlight two, in my opinion, the most effective with which I work:

    1. Brobot - supports and promotes not only social media accounts, but also groups, meetings, events, and even public pages. It will allow you not only to wind hearts under your photos, but also to get friends, subscribers, attract a new target audience to your groups. The undoubted advantage of the program can be considered the presence of a free version. Read the review.
    2. Sobot - one of the most powerful applications for the promotion of VKontakte pages. Favorably differs from its counterparts in high functionality. You will not only receive instant notifications that you have received a private message, but you will also be able to replace personal information on your page, delete friends in bulk, setting the necessary appropriate criteria for this.

    Use the best Brobot software to win friends

    Where to make money on the VKontakte page?

    Well, now is the time for the most interesting and monetary. Since we have already figured out how to promote our VKontakte pages, it would be quite logical to find out how and where we can make money on them.

    I have already managed to tell you about services for promoting my accounts in social networks, then we move on to sites, offering the performance of relevant tasks for money. My list includes the most reliable, popular and profitable services.

    1. - a very popular service with a huge variety of tasks. For those who are serious about making money, they can easily raise 50-100 rubles a day, even without their own referral network.
    2. - the site will appeal to those who do not like to do all the tasks overnight. Here, job offers are received throughout the day, which, of course, can be considered an advantage of the service.
    3. - an excellent service that offers earnings based on Vkontakte accounts, as well as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and even Personally, this site captivates me with high prices for completing tasks. The only negative can be considered only that expensive tasks are sorted out in a matter of minutes.
    4. is a service with a narrow focus on posting likes, reposts, joining groups and other tasks on the Vkontakte social network.
    5. SMMOK - the opportunity to earn money by watching videos. Perfect for those who are just starting their journey in the world of social moneymaking. Its advantages include the simplicity of tasks, high pay and speed of withdrawal of earnings.
    6. - a platform that offers earnings by watching videos, writing comments, putting likes and reposts. The strengths include a huge number of orders, quick transfer of earnings to the balance and the ability to fulfill orders, the price of which reaches 46 rubles! I recommend this service for registration in the first place.


    So, I hope that my review turned out to be capacious, informative and detailed. Remember, dear friends, how important it is to work on yourself, develop and always be in a state of search. This is the only way you can become a wealthy and successful moneymaker, and your income will grow by leaps and bounds. Big earnings to you and see you soon!

    If you find a mistake in the text, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter. Thanks for helping my blog get better!

    Today, there are many different ways to promote your group on the popular social network VKontakte. Some of these methods are free, some are not. Owners of popular resources on the network often use paid methods of promoting a VK group, because paid promotion saves time. There can be a lot of work, there are also enough accounts on social networks, and there is little time, so you have to look for options.

    Paid community promotion is the most effective method for attracting new members. This includes such methods as targeted advertising, buying advertising posts on other sites, working with SMM agencies.

    Using these methods, you can be sure that you are only attracting real people who are interested in your group and offer.

    Also, you should understand that promoting VKontakte sites for a fee is not always advisable. For example, when promoting any events or in the absence of an advertising budget, you can use free methods.

    An example of a project promoted by specialized agencies is the ivi online cinema public.

    Community administrators allocate a budget to promote their project to professionals. They, in turn, are engaged in attracting new members, as well as creating and publishing content.

    This allows owners to save their time. In addition, by trusting the promotion process of a professional in the field of SMM, you can significantly increase the number of online cinema users who buy a subscription to watch movies on the site.

    Promotion of the VK group

    Now let's move on to the process of promoting the VK group using various paid methods. First, let's look at the 5 most popular services that allow you to buy live subscribers. Using these services is an excellent solution when promoting communities from scratch.

    Doctor SMM - the beginning of paid promotion of the VKontakte group

    On this site you can buy members for your VKontakte community. The cost of services directly depends on the number of subscribers. So, for example, the minimum number of subscribers that are available for purchase on the site is 100 people for 45 rubles. The maximum number is 10,000 for 3,790 rubles.

    To verify the quality of the services provided, go to the "Reviews" section, where you can find various reviews from users of Doctor SMM services in the form of videos.

    SMMLaba is an effective service for promotion

    Another service that provides the ability to purchase subscribers for groups. When selecting high-quality participants, you can set the criteria by which the promotion process will be carried out:

    • floor;
    • age;
    • a country.

    Since with the help of the service you can only attract real people, the cost of services here is slightly higher than that of competitors. So, for example, for 100 new members you will have to pay 119 rubles. For this amount, you can be sure that over time, attracted users will not be written off by VK administrators. - attract the first 1000 subscribers

    An extremely convenient service for attracting subscribers to the VK group. Before buying live members, you can choose the type of your community (entertainment or commercial), specify the number of subscribers you need, and also specify the number of days of work. You can also specify the desired cost per participant. The higher this indicator, the higher the quality of the audience.

    All these factors will allow you to perform competent promotion involving only an interested audience, as well as minimize all the risks of getting the site blocked by social network administrators.

    Everyone will like YouLiker

    On this site you can purchase subscribers for your VK group. Admission prices vary. The higher the quality of users, the more expensive the cost for promotion.

    So, for example, the minimum price for 1 person is 28 kopecks at the Economy tariff. At the same time, the quality of such an audience will be appropriate. If you need high-quality subscribers without the so-called "dogs", then it is better to use the "VIP" tariff. The cost of one participant under this tariff plan is 1.17 rubles.

    ZTPro - service since 2008

    One of the most reliable services that has been operating in the social media promotion market since 2008. With the help of ZTPro, you can attract high-quality and, most importantly, live people to the group.

    The price for one participant is 1.75 rubles. The minimum order you can make is 50 subscribers.

    promotion specialists

    In addition, you can seek help from specialists in the field of promotion in social networks. Specialists offer users the following services:

    1. Community management.
    2. Group formation.

    The choice of services depends on how much the promotion will cost.

    This method of promotion has both its advantages and disadvantages. Consider all the available pros and cons in more detail.

    1. Saving time. By ordering promotion from professionals, you save time on routine tasks of finding and attracting the target audience.
    2. Simplicity. You do not need to learn the various subtleties of promotion: how to correctly compose an advertising post, find an audience, set up targeted advertising, etc. All these actions are performed for you by a specially trained person.
    3. Result guarantee. Most specialists guarantee the results of their work. Otherwise, you can return the money to pay for services.
    1. Financial expenses. The most important and, probably, the only tangible disadvantage of such promotion of projects. First of all, you will need an advertising budget. Also, you need to pay for the services of a social media promotion specialist.

    Who is best suited for this format of promotion? It is best to use paid methods to attract a new audience when promoting commercial projects. Thus, you can recoup the funds spent on advertising by selling goods, services or advertising posts.

    In the event that you are not going to derive financial benefit from your projects on VKontakte, then use free methods for promotion.

    Possible problems

    Some users very often face various kinds of difficulties in the paid promotion of VK groups. For this reason, all possible problems, as well as ways to solve them, should be considered in more detail.

    Write-off of participants. It often happens that after cheating users into a VK group, after some time they are written off by the VK administration. This is due to the fact that the involved participants are bots.

    In most services, there is the possibility of re-cheating in the event that the participants were written off from the community. To do this, you need to contact the administration of the project on which you ordered the promotion and report your problem.


    In this article, we examined in detail how you can promote a VK group using paid methods, as well as involving SMM specialists. Using the described methods, you will be able to attract a high-quality and lively audience that will be interested in your project.

    We have released a new book, "Social Media Content Marketing: How to get into the head of subscribers and make them fall in love with your brand."

    Let us immediately denote that there is no universal solution on how to advertise a group in VK. A good result can only be achieved through systematic, systematic and high-quality work.


    Before moving on to advertising the Vkontakte group, we will consolidate the common truths about the creation of the groups themselves. First of all, you need to be sure that the chosen topic/idea of ​​the project is really relevant and interesting. There is a pattern: the more interesting the topic, the faster the audience of the group grows.

    Most likely, there are already groups on the network whose concept is similar to yours. Your task is to finalize the idea, make it wider / narrower, look from the other side, add zest and goodies that competitors do not have. The group should help users solve an existing problem (an interesting pastime, obtaining information about a product / service, communicating with like-minded people, etc.).

    We decided on the profile, now we select the name. There are 2 options: positioning by service/product and by activity. That is, the name should reflect the main field of activity: “Window installation in Moscow”, “Laptop repair in St. Petersburg”, “Wedding limousines in Tomsk”. If there is a ready-made recognizable brand that has an impressive number of customers, we simply call the group the same as the company.

    Please note that the social network VKontakte is perfectly indexed by search engines, provided that the name is correctly composed. That is, if you make the name in accordance with the most relevant search queries, this will provide an impressive influx of users from the search. To compile an attractive name, the Yandex Wordstat tool will help.

    And last but not least on our list is content. 3 criteria for quality content: relevance, uniqueness, virality. After reading the material, there should be a desire to repost. If the user found the information useful, he shares it on his page and it becomes visible to his friends, which provides an additional influx of subscribers to the group. The number of reposts and likes are the best indicators of content quality. If there are few of them, it is necessary to change the direction and / or topic.

    How to advertise a group in contact: effective ways

    As you know, Russian people are terrible in improvisation, various limits and restrictions are a challenge for us. Therefore, there is a workaround for this mechanism: we buy fake pages and add friends to people who meet the criteria of the target audience (TA) of the group. Next, send them an invitation to join the group. In this case, the user receives an invitation from a friend, which increases the level of trust.

    It is logical that, due to the existing limitation, you will need not 1-2 pages, but tens and even hundreds. Services and programs, for example, SmmLaba, will help with this. Issue price: 350 rubles for the purchase of pages (50 pieces for 7 rubles) + 1500 rubles for the purchase of a proxy for each fake (50 pieces for 30 rubles) + 700 rubles / month for the software.

    Targeted advertising. These are the same annoying messages that appear on the side and in the news feed. Knowledge of the intricacies of targeted advertising is an independent science. We will only describe the essence of this advertisement of VK publics: advertising posts and offers are displayed only to the target audience, which you can set by gender, age, interests, place of residence. Do you need young mothers from 25 to 30 years old living in the Moscow region? The system itself will find them and show your offer, which they cannot refuse. To set up targeted advertising on your own, the Getuniq service will be useful.

    1. Advertising public Vkontakte through posts in other publics. This method is as old as the social network itself. The principle is obscenely simple: you get posts in promoted groups and communities, from where the user can follow the link to go to your site. An advertising post is placed for a certain time, the time of publication and deletion is agreed in advance. The most commonly used scheme is 1/23: a post stays in the first place for an hour, and then 23 hours in the feed and gradually lowers as other posts are published. To facilitate the process of selecting a "promoted" group, control over the time of publication and payment, special services allow, we will talk about them below. You can negotiate directly with administrators. The cost of the post will be 10-20% lower, but there are practically no guarantees.
    2. Inviting. The method is suitable for the promotion of a specific meeting / event. You create an event, mark the beginning and end, provide an organizer and invite guests. The difference from the first method is that invitations are sent out by other groups in which your target audience is. Scrolling through the community feed with jokes, you probably saw invitations to webinars, master classes or trainings. This is inviting in its purest form.
    3. Contests. Today, there is no more effective way to advertise a group in VK than to hold contests. In order to take part in the contest, the user needs to perform an action that is useful for your group - repost, comment, subscribe, and so on. Where to post posts that you are running a contest if the advertised group has few subscribers yet? Communities like “Competitions (city name”, “Freebie in “city name”, “Promotions (city name)” will come to the rescue, they already have an audience ready to perform certain actions.
    4. Mutual PR. That is, you advertise the post of another group / organization, and they post your post. There are a number of nuances here: the number of subscribers should be approximately the same, the content and topics should be similar, the owner / administrator should be adequate in order to be able to accept the offer and not throw out surprises.
    5. Expert opinions. This is a promotional post with a link to a group ordered from a celebrity/blogger/expert. For example, you sell sportswear through a group. You can order a post from a famous person that he chooses your online store for sports.

    Texts for group advertising in VK: standard templates

    The most common is direct advertising. Such posts convey the proposal in the forehead. The effectiveness of the message in this case directly depends on the art, talent and level of professionalism of the copywriter. There is only one rule here: the text should be maximally selling and minimal in size.

    Direct advertising is effective both for increasing the audience of the group and for sales. It is necessary to list the benefits of the product / service, convince the subscriber of the need to purchase, interest and attract to the group / site, etc.

    An example of advertising a group in VK: “The object of desire of fashionistas from all over the world at a bargain price! Ugg boots from UGG for only 4000 rubles! Group members receive an additional 10% discount. Hurry up! The duration of the promotion is limited: from May 1 to June 1, 2018. An advertising post provides room for imagination, do not be afraid to experiment.

    If you're looking to increase your following, the post should describe the benefits of joining a group. The group must be clearly positioned according to interests, then people are more willing to join.

    For example: "We develop logic" - these are new tasks for logic every day, these are lively disputes and discussions, these are effective methods and techniques for developing intelligence, these are interviews with experts in the field, and much more.

    The second type of post is a post with a break. The bottom line is that you place an interesting text, or rather its beginning. And to read the continuation, the user must follow the link to the group.

    The full version of the text is displayed in a group, above the wall, so that each visitor sees it first. If you do not fix the text, you cannot avoid the sea of ​​negative reviews and comments, and this will not add subscribers. When used correctly, a broken post can generate thousands of new followers. According to statistics, if the content is really interesting + the post is posted in a high-quality thematic community (with a real, not a cheated audience), every fifth visitor will remain in the group and subscribe.

    And the last view is the wiki post. These are meaningful, informative posts designed as articles from Wikipedia. The better and more relevant the material provided in the Vivik post, the more users will join the group. For highly specialized professional groups - this is it.

    How to set up advertising in VK for a group

    Specialized services will help with this:

    1. Here you can keep track of advertising campaigns and manage them, monitor the number of new subscribers from advertising, the number of transitions from a post, etc.
    2. The service itself is looking for the best communities to place advertising posts, monitor the statistics of the group.
    3. It also searches for groups for advertising, makes an analysis of competing groups, monitors trends in partner programs.

    Let's take a closer look at how to set up targeting. First of all, we open the VK market platform and create a profile here. To create an ad, open the “Targeting” section and select its type: “Community”, enter the name of our group, as shown in the figure: Finally, we determine how we will pay for advertising: for clicks or for impressions. And click "Create Ad". Everything, targeting is started.

    Advertising a group in VK: the cost that you have to pay

    We figured out how to advertise a Vkontakte group. Now let's talk about how much it will cost. Again, there is no universal figure or price scale. The cost of the advertising company of the group can be up to 1000-2000 rubles, and may exceed 20,000 rubles. The most important thing is to actually start doing something.

    If you attract 10,000 subscribers, then it will be much easier, since the mechanism has already been launched. Bring the audience to 20 thousand, then 30 thousand, 40 thousand. And do not slow down, continue promotion, its cost will be lower, and the effect will be greater. But you already need to come up with original posts and unique offers, something new and original.

    Let's analyze the approximate prices of the main types of advertising:

    1. The price of targeted advertising depends on the clickability of the submitted ad and the competition for the specified target audience. On average, 1 click in Moscow and St. Petersburg costs 25-30 rubles, 1 click - 5 rubles. An adult subscriber who joins costs from 10 rubles. In the Russian Federation and from 25 rubles. in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
    2. An advertising post in the community costs between 500-3500 rubles per day, depending on the audience.
    3. The price of the post-opinion of an expert - as you agree, even barter for a product / service is possible.

    So, how to advertise a VK group? The answer is simple: in different ways. Try all the methods, conduct analytics and track which method worked and which should be abandoned. Only an integrated approach and comprehensive coverage will give results.

    Thank you subscribers and creative inspiration!

    Hello everyone, I am describing the correct and quick way to promote the Vkontakte community from scratch. I don’t see the point in talking about ineffective, long and free ways to promote entertainment publics.

    We will focus on the only method by which millionaires are grown.
    There are many pitfalls and subtleties, stock up on popcorn.

    What kind of public promotion method is this?

    Without a budget for the promotion of VKontakte, there will be no success if you are going to make money on an entertainment public. This is the point.

    Publics grew on their own in 2011-12, when they first appeared, now users need to be interested and retained. Work on content, engagement and… advertising.

    We choose the market platform because it is a fast and white way to promote the VK community.

    Let me give you an analogy. A person wants to hammer a nail, but he read somewhere that this can be done without investing in a hammer, only with the strength of the hands. You approach him and say: “Buy a hammer, why are you suffering?”, And he answered: “It can be done like that, for free, without buying a hammer, one person could do it.” Let's say that hammering a nail without a hammer is real. But why do it when there are hammers? Why all this suffering, wasting time, when it is enough to hit once, get the result, and spend the time somewhere else?

    The same story with the promotion of entertainment publics and VK communities.

    All we need is to go into the topic once firmly with the available money.
    However, you need to do everything right. This promotion hammer costs more than usual, therefore, read on carefully and you will understand how to promote the VK community cheaper than others.

    How much money will it take to promote the Vkontakte community?

    I will give achievable figures for the cost of a subscriber in different topics, from which we will push in the calculations.

    Subjectaudience, mostlyThe optimal price of a subscriber (rub.)Not bad, but could be better
    Construction, cars, businessadult male2 – 3.5 3-5
    Kid quotes, memes, young immorals, listingsUnder 18, male0.8 – 1.5 2-3
    Housekeeping, Recipes, Moms and Kidsadult female2 – 3 3-4
    Quotes about love, sad publics not-like-everyoneUnder 18, female0.8 – 1.5 2-3

    All results that go beyond these limits should be analyzed and improved.
    There is good news, you will have all the tools for this, it's just a matter of practice.

    Example: I want a public for 100k souls in a construction site. I think: for 100,000 people I will need about 250,000 - 300,000 rubles of a net budget.

    Important additions

    A public for 200,000 people differs from a public for 1,000,000 only in the amount of funds invested and the profit from it.
    Sites can be grown on the return to them of part of the funds received by income from the same public.
    Imagine the situation realistically. A live public for 200,000 souls will carry money for the corresponding number less than 500,000
    It follows from the previous paragraph that a large site will have more active growth on its own resources.
    Think about the amount of investment in advance. With 20, 30, 40 thousand rubles - it's better to go to rest in Turkey for a week.

    Preparing the Vkontakte promotion rocket for takeoff

    2-3 days of preparation and into orbit.

    Choosing a niche

    The worst ones to start with are those that don’t have a specific audience. Those where the audience is equally female and male. They are harder to monetize. If you want to make money, avoid such topics, they are more difficult.
    An analytical site will help us in choosing a niche -

    We filter publics by growth for this month and limit the size to a million, you can see trends, promising directions, fresh ones that have swelled to 200,000 and above.

    I will give two ways to choose a niche

    Catching a trend

    We are looking for unusual niches into which money is pumped in, we do the same (for example, "yazhemater" was a trend a year earlier)

    Minus: the trend will end, the audience will cool down, risky for the long term.

    Choose a topic

    From the list on the right, select a topic to your liking, and then specify the choice of topics even further. Let's say the general category is "Sports", it contains both the public of MMA fans and "Fitonyashki".

    Choose a niche more precisely to stand out from the background of common niches and get YOUR audience.

    Dead topics, it is difficult and not necessary to develop them

    - "quotes"
    - "beautiful pictures"
    - "positive".

    Dangerous Niches

    shock content
    - immoral of all stripes
    - porn, sex, erotica

    We create and design a community

    How to create - information for the backward. If you can't do it yourself, you won't need all this material.

    For important things

    If you plan to sell the community in the future, create it from a fake account. Will sell together with the "owner".
    You can buy a group on the black exchange yourself in order to invest in the finished one. This option is only for smart, cautious and cunning, you will become them later, do not try now, you will be thrown in 90% of cases.

    By design

    Order an avatar and cover from the designer, if you have no skills in FS, this is the face of the public and the first thing a person sees when he gets into the VK community from promotion.
    Use design widgets from the "applications" section - they attract attention.

    We fill the public with content

    A dozen high-quality unique posts will be enough until the launch of the community promotion.
    What exactly to post and how, I am not an adviser, we are talking about how to promote the VK community, but ...

    Content AFFECTS the cost of a subscriber. Worse content - fewer people will subscribe from ads.

    Never forget to post. Now this is your job and it will bring money. Just imagine that you would be so confused with the content on an empty group, without getting a dime in return? 99% of those who are looking for free ways to promote publics cool down in a week.

    The general schedule of activity will give an understanding of what hours you can slow down.

    We monitor the uniqueness of content in the community - Nemesis does not sleep

    Vkontakte recently rolled out an algorithm for punishing non-unique content - Nemesis.

    The bottom line is this

    The algorithm itself, or following a complaint, will identify stolen content from the public and issue a warning to the violator. After several such violations, sanctions will follow:

    Exclusion from monetization
    inability to post links

    This is exactly what we will earn, so fight for the uniqueness of your content.

    The recipe for quick promotion of the community (public) Vkontakte up to 100,000

    Everything will depend on how you work here.

    At this point you have:
    Niche selected
    The community is framed
    First posts loaded
    Allocated budget for site development

    There is a legend that small communities are very reluctant to join, and you need to gain at least 1000 subscribers by some means (what?) before the normal promotion of the VK community.
    This is only partly true. It is worth calling a dozen friends so that it is not completely empty, however, the first ads will quickly fill the missing first asset.

    As a result, donating an extra thousand rubles is not a big problem when you grow a hundred thousand.
    The main enemy of the Vkontakte media buyer is pettiness.

    The main friend of the promotion of Vkontakte communities is Adspoiler

    Normal buyers receive all the information to promote communities through the service -
    It costs money, moreover, we need a premium rate or nothing will come of it.

    What is valuable on the Adspoiler premium rate

    Algorithm of work in Adspoiler

    Detailed instructions are in your personal account.
    Take it, poke it, it's useful.

    Basic actions:
    - Cling to the top ten publics of competitors, see the last month of their advertising outputs and the results from it.
    - We find sites where the cheap price of a subscriber is from indirect competitors
    - See which of the creatives are coming to the audience right now
    - based on the data, plan your own exits
    - Analyze how and where you went

    Check out the cost of an adult subscriber in my purchase. This is the merit of Adspoiler.

    Do you know how the purchase was carried out before? An ixel table with a plan for the release of each post and a measurement of intersections by a separate application based on the results of each advertising release.
    Yes, it went, I don’t know how we survived.

    Now for 1500 r. in a month you can get such valuable information that I envy you. You are either doing the right thing by using the Adspoiler, or you are wasting your budget and sitting with a dead community.

    Where do creative posts come from?

    Either do it yourself or use the services of designers. You can steal some advertising content from not-so-smart competitors, but I don't recommend building a job around it.

    We protect created creatives, they are stolen

    Put watermarks on all graphics, gifs and videos, or in a few days you will see competitors come out with your successful creative. They also sit in Adspoiler and see everything. And sometimes their budgets are higher than yours.

    Once, I made this mistake by distributing advertising outputs for a month, a week later all my top creatives were burned by competitors who simply took them into circulation. The audience, of course, quickly got used to them and the response fell.
    If the creative FIRE GOES with the best results, spend the budget on it faster.

    We buy advertising on the market platform

    General rules

    Don't reinvent the wheel in creating promotional posts. Use what works with competitors right now. It could be ANYTHING!
    use Adspoiler for analysis. Without it, you are a blind kitten.
    the relevance of the data is falling every day, it went in a week ago, it won’t go in now, refine your creatives

    Procurement rules

    Choose publics from 5,000 coverage per record and from 50,000 daily coverage
    The more you buy with a coverage of 5,000 at the lowest cost, the better.
    Follow only the performance indicators, do not look at the number of subscribers
    The market platform chooses allegedly effective sites for the budget, but you don’t need to believe it, believe the Adspoiler
    Make the selections of dates wider, publics popular with advertisers are redeemed a week in advance.
    Make the first purchase for 10% of the budget, analyze the result
    Found an effective creative - buy in full.

    We launch official monetization