You have purchased a fake copy of the software. Windows XP is not authenticated - what should I do? Other solutions to the problem

How to remove the window, this copy did not pass the test windows Authentication.

What to do if you have an inscription: this copy of windows   failed authentication, (they also call it the black screen of death). Of course, those who have a licensed version of the OS, they may not worry. It’s not necessary to completely remove operating system, just use the advice. There is always a way out and activate (revive) the OS again, be it Windows XP or Windows 7.

If motherboard   updated or replaced, new computer   was created. Equipment assembler should offer technical support for original equipment. The original equipment assembly did not manufacture this new equipment and therefore will not offer technical support. When moving from left to right, use your thumb or finger to apply firm, uniform pressure. The main difference between the two programs cannot be evaluated solely by price and software licenses.

PC assembler licensing for personal use

Each program is designed to meet the specific needs of the partner. The applicable Microsoft Software License Terms.

  • Contact the seller to resolve the problem.
  • The license cannot be transferred to another computer.
Customers are accustomed to using these devices without technical knowledge of installing an operating system or additional software   for the correct operation of the device. Consequently, there is no high demand for equipment without a pre-installed operating system.

In fact, all this is done by a small utility, which poses almost no danger, but only prevents the pictures from starting up on the working screen - it assumes that your system is unlicensed, and tries to tell you about it. In this case, a couple of files are registered in the system in the directory of the WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ folder:

  • WgaTray.exe, the size of 329 KB, which actually launches the notification itself

  • and the WgaLogon.dll file, 231 KB in size.

Remember one thing! After installing any non-licensed Windows, we do not update the system, but uncheck the "update" box and there will be no problems.

Customers who request equipment without an operating system are often technical or amateur specialists. They decide whether the equipment they sell has a preinstalled operating system and the type of software that needs to be preinstalled. Resulting product offers are restored according to customer requirements.

The equipment market offers a wide variety of products. What is the difference between repaired equipment and equipment used? A restored computer is a computer system whose hardware has undergone significant changes due to the requirement of a new license for the operating system, since essentially the result of the changes was the creation of a “new” computer. In general, an end user can upgrade or replace all but the hardware components of a computer.

But if appeared on the desktop " black screen", with an inscription:

  • You may have purchased fake copy   software

  • This copy of Windows did not pass the validation test.

At the same time, such a message constantly appears every time the system boots.

Well, let's try to return everything to its normal state. For this, we will be interested in the section in windows registry:

The computer used is a computer system whose hardware has not been changed or has been changed minimally. However, all equipment used, including the software disc, manuals, and certificate of authenticity, may be transferred to another end user along with software license rights.

If a client asks me to update a computer with new hardware components, when will a new operating system be required? In what situations will the team be considered “new”? In this case, you can use this disk to reinstall the operating system on the computer.

  CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify \\ WgaLogon

How to remove authentication message in Windows XP.

  1. Run the registry editor, this is (Start - Run - regedit - Enter)

  2. Next we find the registry key

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify \\ WgaLogon

  3. After that, delete the entire WgaLogon section (those who doubt can pre-make a copy of this section)

  4. Doing a system reboot

After the reboot, the message about the validation disappears.

Rights to change the previous version

What are the rights to change previous version and what are the benefits for my customers? What do I need to know about rights to upgrade to an older version? For getting additional information   For rights to switch to an earlier version, visit the Description of Rights page to go to an earlier version. Who can install software from old version   or reinstall the original? The software can be installed by computer assembler or by the end user.

Therefore, this software must be installed before installing software from a previous version. Can end users use both the latest and previous versions at the same time? End users who switch to an earlier version can reinstall the original software when they are ready to migrate.

How to remove authentication message in Windows 7

As for Windows 7, we remove it using the program RemoveWAT21 .

  1. Download this program   (you can search it on the Internet)

  2. Clean old activation

  3. Reactivate

  4. And remove forever authentication

Detailed instructions are described in the program itself, the entire operation takes place in just three clicks.

How does the original software reinstall the original software after upgrading to a previous version? For reinstallation, end users must use the source assembly disk of the computer that is part of the computer or server.

This software must be removed from hard drive   before reinstalling the source software. What is product activation? Which customers and products need to be activated? Assembler can activate new hardware software using hardware assembler. In these licensed programs, customers will receive a license key to circumvent activation. Product activation consists in verifying that the software product key needed as part of the product installation was not used on other computers that are allowed by the software license.

How to authenticate with Windows 7, XP

What should be done to remove annoying notifications? Based on the foregoing, the answer suggests itself - delete or rename files responsible for the notification. Also when installing the update KB905474, the system created in the cache copies that are located at the following address:

Activation is carried out directly via the Internet or by phone call to a customer support representative. Most customer service centers are open 24 hours a day. In this situation we recommend. If the returned computer can be resold to another end user without changing the hardware components, you can resell it to another end user. The end user should have no problem using the same product key to reactivate the software since the computer configuration has not changed. Microsoft also recommends that you instruct the end user to use the phone call activation method rather than over the Internet so that you can speak with a customer support agent and explain what happened. For more information, visit the volume licensing page.

WINDOWS \\ system32 \\ DllCache \\ (WgaLogon.dll, WgaTray.exe)

which can also be deleted.

You can also solve the notification problem by making some changes to the Windows registry. Key in charge of work

Notifications located in the registry at

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\
  CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify \\ WgaLogon.

We go into the registry, through Start → Runwe type the team regedit   and, having penetrated the branch to the key

This will depend on the volume licensing program. Is it possible? No academic license allows an educational institution to install an initial and complete operating system on a new computer. If you do not find the answer, you can contact the licensing specialist on the Volume Licensing page. In our licensing forums, you will find additional support for your licensing question for hardware assemblers.

Software piracy has spread like a plague, and many Internet users are tempted to use these fake software packages available on the market, especially on the Internet. Although the alternatives to buying the original software seem attractive at first glance, over time you will learn the worst way, because you should not rely on pirated versions of the software that you expect to purchase at a much lower price. With so many dangers and fears, causing significant damage to your computer or even your finances, do you think these deals are worth it?

Wgalogondelete it.

When working with the registry, one must be extremely careful not to make irreparable errors. For those who have no experience or are simply afraid of these manipulations, a program will come to the rescue Autoruns, which gives access to the registry and all processes running in it. We launch Autorunsgo to the tab Winlogon, uncheck the box next to the key Wgalogon, close the program and reboot. In the case presented given key   no, because to the joy of the system is not struck by this muck. Also by clicking on the tab Everything, you can access all the processes running in the system by cleaning

Check out the dangers of using pirated software, what piracy is, what the goals of piracy are, why people piracy, and how to protect yourself from these threats. Instead of using original computer software, there are copies that are sold at a much lower price or distributed free of charge to the public. Thus, unlike buying the product you want from certified sellers, there are less expensive solutions that include pirated software.

From malware and banners.

For dessert, another option. We find hosts filelocated by

  \\ Windows \\ system32 \\ drivers \\ etc \\ hosts

open it with

Notepad and enter the following line below it:

Then, opening access to hidden folders   delete the next file

Documents and Settings \\ All Users \\ Application Data \\
  Windows Genuine Advantage \\ data \\ data.dat.

Copying ownership of others is something that has clearly been accepted by many people around the world, despite the flaws it offers because of its low price. Piracy seems to be aimed at those who are looking for the best deals, and feel free to compromise on the quality standards of the products they use in the name of economics. The vast majority of people are confident that pirated goods will ultimately save a good amount for the buyer. But is that true?

Reasons to Avoid Pirated Software

There are several dangers that pirate software offers that should stop you from even thinking about buying these products for your computer. Some of these risks are obvious and probably at the top of each other's tongue, while others are a little harder to notice. What are the dangers that will ultimately convince you not to buy software that is not original and fully certified?

After that, going to Windows update, updated without any problems.

After the operations you need to restart the computer. Everything, now your Windows functions as new.

If you have unlicensed installed windows version   XP and its automatic update is configured, then once you turn on the computer, you may see the following message in the lower right corner: “You may have acquired a fake copy of the software. This copy of Windows has not been authenticated. ”

Firstly, it is illegal: since genuine software is available for sale, it goes without saying that any other version besides this is illegal. You cannot freely purchase pirated software because there is a copyright violation and you risk serious fines. Imagine that someone took advantage of your own work and sold it to the world, but without offering you a profit that suits you. Well, also companies that sell their software to the public. That is why they defended their hard work with legal guarantees and are confident that their rights are lasting and eternal. No customer support: file sharing and piracy may seem great for those who want to save money, but think about it for a moment: what if something goes wrong and you need professional help? There is no customer support for you because you have not purchased the original product from a legitimate company. Therefore, you will have to figure out how to solve the problem for yourself. And no exception for times of crisis! There are no updates for your product. Although you prefer to periodically update your software and get the latest available version, you need to decide what type and version of software you actually purchased. Since there is nothing legal about pirated software, this makes sense because updates and updates are not included. In fact, you run the risk of being punished when you try to update and connect to the original software. The danger of a computer crash: when you buy pirated software, it is very likely that you are plunging into dark waters, not imagining what you are going to see under water. As long as you celebrate the fact that you saved a few dollars by not buying authentic software, there are warning signs around the world that should prevent you from completing the purchase and installation of the software. Malware damage can be caused to your computer by malware and spyware included in a copy of the software you received. Sometimes, such damage cannot be repaired, and you end up spending a lot more money by connecting to experts or even buying a new computer. Don't be fooled by the information that original software can get from obscure or weird websites where it's a lot more than you probably buy pirated software! You probably get angry if something like this happens, right? . There are some simple guidelines to help you avoid any piracy issues.

This means that along with the rest of the updates, an update has been installed to you KB905474. It notifies the user that his copy of Windows XP has not been authenticated. And now this message will appear every time the computer boots.

There are several ways to get rid of the message, but perhaps the easiest is to make small changes to the registry.

We go to the “Start” - “Run”. We recruit regedit   and click OK. In the window that appears in the registry editor, go to the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ Winlogon \\ Notify \\ WgaLogon

Here is the folder Wgalogon   we must delete (only her). To do this, right-click on it and select “Delete” - “Yes”.
  Now restart your computer and the message will disappear.

Also after that I recommend disabling in Windows automatic update. To do this, right-click on “My Computer” - “Properties” - tab “Automatic Update”. Here we put the marker opposite “Disable automatic updating” - click “OK”. And you can also disable the service of the same name. Go to “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Administrative Tools” - “Services”. In the list that appears windows Services   find “Automatic update” - double-click on it and in the “General” tab select “Launch Type - Disabled”. Click “Apply” - “OK”.