Where I went to VK. How to view history on a computer: a detailed guide

Hello! In this article, you will learn how to view your browsing history on various browsers. If you often use the Internet, then for sure, open a lot of links, sites and applications. This is all stored in the browser history. Below I will show you how you can read the history of visits to sites on some browsers.

1. Google Chrome

  1. Find the wrench icon under the browser close button (it is located just below the “Scale” line), click on it and open the “History”. History will show you the name of the site, the exact date and time when you visited it.
  2. You can also find the desired page of the site using the History Search.
  3. By clicking on the line "History", you will see links to sites that you visited the other day. If you want to see the names of sites from the last week or month ago, click on the "Previous" button.
  4. You can also open a story using the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + H (English).

2. Opera

  1. If the sidebar is missing. In the upper left corner of the screen, click on the button and select "History" in the menu that appears.
  2. If sidebar is on. Find the clock icon and click on it. The History window will open. Visited sites there are sorted as follows: today, yesterday, this week, this month, earlier. To open any of the periods, simply click on it once with the left mouse button.

If you are looking for a specific site, then it will be more convenient to use a search engine (line with a magnifying glass).

How to see the history of site visits?

But here's how to see the history of visiting sites using the keyboard:

Ctrl + Shift + H (English).

3. Mozilla Firefox

  1. Locate in the upper left orange button  and click on it. In the window that opens to the right, move the mouse cursor to the line “Log”. And then click " Show whole magazine».
  2. If you do not have an orange button, then use the menu bar at the top of the browser window. There, find the "Journal" and open it. A search bar will be available in the upper right corner. So, you can find a specific site.

You can also call up the history of visits using the keyboard:

Ctrl + Shift + H (English).

4. Safari

  1. In the main menu, select: "History" - " Show full story».
  2. On the keyboard, this can be done like this: Alt + Command + 2.

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Viewing the history of visits to various sites can be necessary for many reasons: for example, there are doubts about those web resources that the child or spouse regularly visits. Or it’s just that a very interesting article or a culinary recipe turned up on the Internet, but they forgot to add it to the Bookmarks. Then knowledge on how to look at the history of visiting sites on a computer will come in handy.

It can't be easier

There is an extremely easy way to open a visit log. It works in absolutely all browsers: from the most well-known to the most exotic - the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + H. If this seems too straightforward, you can try the following:

  1. Internet Explorer  Just click the button in the shape of a five-pointed star in the upper right corner.
  2. Opera  Menu "Tools", option "History".
  3. Mozilla Firefox  Select the “Log” tab, then the option “Show entire log”.
  4. Google chrome.   You need to click on the “three stripes” icon located in the upper right corner and select the “History” item in the menu that opens.

A more complicated way to view history on a computer is to look at the DNS cache. You can get to it in the following way: go to the "Start" menu, click "Run", then in address bar  enter three latin letters cmd. Will open command linewhere you need to enter ipconfig / displaydns and press Enter. After that, a detailed list of visited sites will be shown.

A slightly more complicated way to get to the desired

To view the log files directly, you must first make the secret explicit: call the control panel, select the "Folder Options" option and the "View" submenu in the "Tools" menu located at the top. Below you need to put a bird opposite the words "Show hidden folders  and files. "

  1. Where is the history stored on the computer, if IE is used:  C: Users / User / LocalMicrosoft / Windows / History / index.dat. You can view index.dat using Index.dat.Analyzer.
  2. Opera carefully keeps secrets in global_history.dat,  which opens with Notepad. Its location: C: Users / User / AppData / RoamingOpera / Opera.
  3. Firefox stores the list of visited sites in places.sqlite,  which opens with SQLite Manager. Located in C: Users / User / App / Data / Mozilla / FireFox.
  4. Google Chrome stores lists of visited sites in Histor filesy, Archived History, History Index, which are opened by Notepad. Their location: C: Users / User / AppData / LocalGoogleChrome / User / Data / Default.

By searching and opening these files, you can get a clear idea of \u200b\u200ball the sites visited.

How to find out who did what with a computer

To find out which programs were opened in the absence of the host computer, you need to find the "computer" icon on the desktop, right-click on it and click on the "Control" menu item. Next, select the "Event Viewer" menu and the "Windows Logs" submenu in it. They will give a complete picture of the on and off times of the machine, set either remote programs  and updates.

The second way, how to look at the history of actions on the computer, is to go into the Prefetch directory located on drive C in the WINDOWS folder. This directory contains a list of all programs that run in a day.

When viewing your visit logs, it’s important to be careful, as restoring these files is extremely difficult.

Watch the video: How to find out the history of browsed web pages

Hello everyone. When I worked in support of the provider, sometimes they called me and asked the following question: can the Internet provider see which sites I visited? Well, what can I say. Then, while working in support, I certainly answered that no, this is impossible and that the provider does not see anything like this. Well, that is, he said that he sees only when you connected to the Internet and that’s all ... But it’s clear that I said so that users do not rebel, do not ask even more questions .. well, that is, to be calm

What can a provider actually see? I will try to explain in simple terms what he can see and what he cannot.

Guys MINUTE ATTENTION, VAZHNETSK INFA! Do you have Windows 7? Here such a thing .. In short, in Windows 7 with some new update, the CompatTelRunner.exe process appears and it can load percent! This is a type of telemetry, well, they collect data for statistics, to improve software. In short, if you have Windows 7, then you should disable this thing! Do you understand? How to disable this? I wrote about this, LOOK pancake!

Let's first understand what a provider is. Well, in a simple way. The provider is the building from which the wires go, there are all kinds of dishes on it, well, satellite, and inside there are cash registers for payment, and all else is darkness and the darkest forest ..

A provider is essentially a site that sells the Internet more expensively, which buys cheaper. Cheaper it can be said trunk Internet, there are very high speeds.

The provider can have tens of thousands of users, or even hundreds .. I’m kind of hinting that he can’t keep track of everyone, but he doesn’t refuse himself that.

To follow or not is a matter of honor. Joke. This is a state-level matter. There are some laws that oblige providers to pass traffic through a special device. In any case, the provider is obliged to issue at the request of the police all the data about the subscriber who is suspected of committing a crime on the network. Simply put, there are a number of rules that a provider needs to fulfill in order to obtain a license and provide services.

  • Can the provider see which sites I visit? If necessary, the provider in most cases can get a list of all visited sites. But usually this is a list of IP addresses or domains for some last period of time. It can be a month, three months, half a year, a year ...
  • If I use a VPN, then the provider will not know what I use torrent? Well, there’s such a moment. Yes, if you do everything correctly, I mean the VPN connection, then he won’t see everything that’s in it. Torrents will also be hidden. But the VPN server itself will be visible. And it will also be seen that it is with one IP address that a suspiciously large exchange of traffic (that is, with a VPN server) takes place. And if the administrator breaks through the IP, looks, and sees that it is IP for example the Netherlands, and if the activity lasts for hours, days, then this will certainly lead to suspicion. But this is if there is a reason to look for something. Usually nobody cares where you go there and what you download there ..

What does the provider see?

  • Does the provider see HTTPS? He sees only the fact of using a secure connection, but he does not see the content itself.
  • Well, what about HTTP? Here the provider sees almost everything, because there is no encryption. Package headers, what and where you sent. For example, you can see that you visited a torrent tracker, and it will have a list of all pages.
  • Does the provider see TOR? The provider sees only the TOR server, he is unlikely to be able to decrypt what you are doing there, if necessary they will come home. But for this to happen, you must capture planet Earth on the Internet.
  • Does the provider see the MAC address? Yes, he can see it. Thanks to the poppy, providers often bind to user equipment. Well, that is, so that someone could not use your Internet, even if he knows the username and password.
  • Does the provider see search queries? Well, here's the real deal. He can see in principle. He sees the addresses themselves, this is all logged, that is, all this is recorded. But in order to see the requests, it is necessary to connect additional technology that will process packets and pull requests from them. I’m all about the fact that it’s a lot of power needed to keep track of this and therefore the provider does not see search queries.
  • Does the provider see the proxy? He can only see that you are connected to some server (which is actually a proxy). That is, in fact, it sees, but you still need to find out if it is a proxy or just a server with which some program works. Although, by and large, this is the same thing.
  • So does the provider see where I go? Yes, he sees. That is, if the provider has hundreds of thousands of customers who can generate a million, or even more visits to certain sites per day, then all this the provider sees as a big mountain of traffic. Of course, he will not watch anything on purpose. This is for statistics and no more.
  • Does the provider see what I'm downloading? Then I don’t even know what to say. Information about what you download and from where it is primarily contained in the first package, which is sent to the server to start the download process. And so the provider sees that you are accepting data from a specific IP address.
  • Does the provider see what I'm doing on the Internet? Well, as I said, in general we can say that he sees what you are doing there. He can even make a picture, that is, to understand what kind of user you are, what you are interested in, where you go and so on. The provider sees the entire history of the visit. But just because it is not interesting to anyone.
  • Well, does the provider see which sites I visit incognito in the browser? Incognito mode is not a mode for the provider in the first place, but for other people and sites. That is, the incognito mode allows you to make it look like you did not use a browser. You can deceive sites with this so that they do not collect confidential information about you and your friends so that they cannot look at which sites you visited.

When I wrote whether it sees, I meant the provider, but from the point of view of not a man but a car! Man sees little there. For workers are terribly small in comparison with the number of users and their traffic. A person can see everything, but only upon request from above ...

But in reality, the provider will drum what you are doing at the computer. There is no such thing that someone there is a specialist sitting in the room and looking, but what is being downloaded there .. There are simply a lot of users and it’s impossible to follow all manually, everything is recorded. And it is recorded at a minimum, because there is a lot of traffic and even here you need to save, although this is just text .. If you just use sites, then you are afraid of nothing. Even if you constantly use VPN or Tor, nobody will tell you anything, well, unless of course you do some insidious things there

But what's the catch with movies? The joke is this. In Germany there is some kind of law there, in short, it’s impossible to download movies without paying. So. How does this circuit work? You download torrent. And some policeman starts to pump it. And he sees in the torrent with whom he is downloading the film. And here, analyzing these statistics, he can understand who can be fined. Well, that is, you understand that here just the VPN will be appropriate.

That’s all, I hope that I wrote everything clear and accessible. If something is wrong, then sorry, good luck and all the best.


Some PC users may need to find out what happened in the system in the past: when the computer turned on, what applications were launched, browser history, etc. This may be necessary, for example, to parents who control how their children use the computer or for other reasons. How to view the history on the computer in several ways will be described in the text below.

IN operating system  Windows has a standard tool that allows you to get information about how the computer was used and what happened to the system (for example, what errors occurred).

You can view the history of actions on the computer with the appropriate tool called the “Event Log”. To start it, it is enough to perform the following series of actions:

After completing this action, a window will open. The categories of events are displayed on the left side of the screen, while the names and descriptions of the events themselves are displayed on the right.

Find out what programs and applications were launched

There are a lot of categories, and most of them ordinary user  to nothing. Most often, a simple PC user is interested in what applications were launched. This is pretty easy to find out. The relevant information is contained in the Windows Logs - Applications category.

If you go there, you can see the history on the computer that was running. For example, in the image above, you can see that the Skype update service was starting. You can also find out what time it happened and what result this action. After these simple steps, you can see the history on the computer.

If, in turn, you want to find out which applications were installed, you can look at the "Installation" section. It reflects information about installing not only third-party programs, but also services integrated into the system.

Checking running applications using a special program

However, working with the "Event Log" is quite difficult. Therefore, some may not be able to do this. However, there is a solution - you can use one of the third-party special applications to find the history on the computer.

For example, there is simple program  “Executed programs list”, which, when launched, works in the background (that is, it does not manifest itself in any way until the user opens it). With it, you can find out which applications were running on the PC. At the same time, it presents the information in the form of a simple list, which indicate the location of programs and the time of their launch.

If you need to know, not only which programs were launched, but also which folders the user went into, then you can use another application - “ LastActivityView". The corresponding program is as minimalistic and simple as the first, but it collects much more information.

How to find out the time on / off computer

Some users are interested in viewing the time the computer is turned on and off. This can be done using the same Windows event log. By running the appropriate tool, you will need to go to the "System".

Once in the right subcategory, you will need to find the item whose source value is “Kernel-General” - it is he who is responsible for designating the start-up and shutdown times of the PC.

The description of the corresponding event should read “System start time (or shutdown) ...”. After this message, it is indicated when the PC turned on or off.

We look at the changed files on the PC

Now let's look at the history of modified files on a PC. Making it even easier than finding out the history of actions on the computer. To do this, you will need:

To find out which files on a computer have been edited over a certain period of time, you can use the LastActivityView program mentioned above.

Check the browsing history of sites in the browser

And the last thing to consider is how to view your browsing history in a browser. But here it should immediately be noted that the features of the process depend on the specific web browser that is installed on the computer. There are a lot of them, so we will consider the execution of this operation only on the example of the two most popular ones - Google Chrome (and based on Chromium) and Firefox.

To view the story in google browser  Chrome (as well as Yandex.Browser, Opera, etc.) needs:

  1. Launch the browser itself;
  2. Perform the CTRL + H key combination.

After completing the appropriate actions, a page will be displayed on which information about all open pages  in a web browser.

To view action history in firefox browser  you need to perform a slightly different series of actions:

  1. Open the menu;
  2. Select "Journal" - "Show the entire journal."

A window will open in which you can find out which sites and pages have been open in the browser for all time. It is also possible to find out what was opened for a certain period (for example, for the last day or for a week).

But, of course, it should be taken into account that the history in absolutely any browser on the computer is very easy to erase. Therefore, if the “history” looks to find out what the child is doing at the computer, then it is likely that the parent will not see any information there.

In this case, it is better to install a special application through which you can collect reliable information about which sites the user visits. One such application is NeoSpy. The program provides a hidden installation function, thanks to which no one, except the one who installed it, will know that it works (this is true, at least for not very savvy PC users). There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to install the application and how to use it.

Video how to view history on your computer

These are the main ways to view the history of actions on the computer and in the browser. In most cases, they are enough to get the most complete picture of what happened on the PC for a certain time.

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