Where are the firefox bookmarks. Where bookmarks are stored in Firefox

  Almost every user of any browser to some extent uses the bookmark function, which allows you to save important web pages for later quick access  to them. In particular, if you are interested in where mozilla Browser  Firefox stores bookmarks, the answer you will find in this article.

This article will cover two types of bookmark storage. Mozilla firefox: where they are located in the browser itself and where Firefox stores saved bookmarks on the computer.

Where are bookmarks stored in Mozilla Firefox?

If you are interested in where bookmarks are stored in Mozilla Firefox itself, you will need to click on the bookmarks button, which is located to the right of address bar. An additional list will pop up on the screen, in which you will need to go to the item Show all bookmarks .

Please note that you can instantly access the list of all bookmarks in Mozilla Firefox using the hotkey combination Ctrl + Shift + B .

Where are Mozilla Firefox bookmarks stored on my computer?

Of course, like other browser information, bookmarks are stored on hDD  a computer. For many users, only one question remains relevant: where exactly are they stored?

The easiest way to get to the Firefox bookmark folder is to open the browser menu by clicking on the corresponding button in the upper right corner, and then click on the question mark icon in the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe pop-up window.

Here, another menu with additional items will pop up, in which you will need to click on “Information for solving problems” .

In a new tab of the Internet browser, a special Firefox window will pop up, from which we will need to get to the profile folder by clicking on the button "Show folder" as shown in the screenshot below.

The folder of the currently running Mozilla Firefox user profile will pop up on the screen. Browser bookmarks are stored in a file places.sqlite , therefore, if, for example, you need to transfer bookmarks to Mozilla Firefox on another computer without enabling synchronization, then you need to copy given file  and replace it with the file places.sqlite.

Actually, here is the answer to the question where are the bookmarks of the Mozilla Firefox browser stored, if you still have questions about bookmarks this browser, ask them in the comments.

Hi))) If you need to reinstall Mozilla, then before that, do not forget to save the bookmarks, as they may be lost. This is especially true if you have decided completely.

Fortunately, we do not have to save each site from bookmarks separately. For these purposes, there is a convenient function that in a couple of clicks saves all bookmarks to a safe place.

Save Bookmarks in Mozilla

So, to save bookmarks in Mozilla, we first need to open the browser and hold down the key Alt. After holding down the Alt key, we will have menu items. Going to Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks. You can also use Ctr + Shift + B.

In the window that opens to save bookmarks in a separate file, we need to go through the items Import and backupsBack up.

We indicate on the computer the place where the Mozilla bookmark file should be saved, then, if desired, give it a name and click Save.

Restore bookmarks in Mosil

After you deleted and again, it's time to restore your bookmarks. Restoring bookmarks in Mozilla is no more difficult than saving them. Launch your browser and hold it down again. alt key  go to the Bookmarks menu - Show all bookmarks.

We indicate where on the computer the saved mozilla bookmark file.

Confirm the replacement of existing bookmarks by clicking OK.

Good. I congratulate you, you learned how you can save and restore bookmarks in Mosilbut that’s not all. Next, I will tell you how you can have the same bookmarks on any of your computers or laptops and do not worry that they will be lost when you reinstall your browser or system.

Firefox Bookmark Sync
   Bookmark Cloud Storage

Recently, a very convenient feature has appeared in the Mozilla browser - this bookmark synchronization. Using this function, we can not worry about the loss of bookmarks, as they will be stored on the browser servers and, if necessary, we can easily access them. It remains only to get yourself an account.

In order to register, you need to fill out a simple form on the official website: https://accounts.firefox.com/signup. We indicate literally your mail address, date of birth and come up with a password. Then click the Register button.

We are immediately asked confirm your email  address.

We go to the mail and find there fresh letter from Mozilla. Click on the big blue Confirm button.

Excellent! Now we can use sync in mosil. After holding down the Alt key, go to the Tools - Settings menu.

In the window that opens, we need the Sync tab. There we will see that logging into our Firefox account was automatic and all data is already synchronized. We can uncheck the items that should not participate in this function.

If you try to enter the section Synchronization  immediately after, of course, the account will NOT be signed in and we will need to do this manually. There we will see the Login link.

Having followed it, the official Mozilla website will be launched, where it will be necessary enter your account informationused during registration.

After logging in, synchronization will be enabled.

So use mozilla sync  on all of your devices (computer, laptop, tablet, phone) to have everywhere fresh versions  bookmarks, passwords and other data.

In addition, it is very convenient, because before us it will not be necessary to save bookmarks in Mozilla, since they are constantly stored on Firefox servers and they can be restored by simply entering data from the account!

Visit log, topics, cache and settings in a unique profile.

When Firefox starts for the first time, a default profile is created in a directory separate from executable files, additional profiles can be created using the Profile Manager. The settings that form the profile are stored in a special folder on your computer called the profile folder.

The default profile folder is located in hidden folder “Application Data"; to see it you need to enable viewing hidden files  and folders:

You can find your profile at:

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ profile name.Default (For Windows XP)

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ profile name.default (for Windows Vista  and Windows 7)

Profile Name   is a random set of letters and numbers.

And the easiest way to open the profile folder is to select in the browser menu Mozilla  section "Reference" ,   select item “Information for solving problems”   and when the page opens, in the table "Application Information",   in the graph Profile Folder  push button "Open his folder" . After that, our profile folder will open.

So, it’s in the profile folder and passwords are stored, all bookmarks, browsing history, browser settings, etc.

For example, in a file places.sqlite all bookmarks and the history of your visits to other sites are saved. Files key3.dband signons.sqlite responsible for encrypting and storing passwords. In file formhistory.sqlite all the words you entered in are saved search string  and in various forms on sites.

In general, if you are going to reinstall the system, delete Mozilla firefoxbut want to again installed browser  was configured as before, just copy the profile folder, and then after installing the new Mozilla, put the profile in the appropriate directory (see above).

In folder Profiles the default profile will already be located. If the folder names match, then simply replace one profile folder with another. If not, give our folder with the old profile the name of the new profile, and delete the profile created by default.

We restart the browser and get our good old Firefox  the ones we are used to - with all the bookmarks, layout, etc.

By the way, there are situations when it is necessary to move not the entire profile, but only bookmarks.

Good to know that Mozilla Firefox stores all bookmarks at

In case of Windows XP:

C: \\Documents and Settings \\ username \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\profile name \\ bookmarks.html

FROM:\\  - the path where Windows is installed
Username  - Your name in the system
Profile Name  - this is usually some kind of billiard type i5m3r1ev.default
bookmarks.html  - this is the file with the contents of the favorites, i.e. with the desired bookmarks.

Profile subdirectories:
   bookmarkbackups - The last 5 copies of the bookmarks.html bookmark file. Updated daily. (first appeared in Firefox 1.5)
Profile Files:
   bookmarks.bak - Backup copy  bookmarks file bookmarks.html (menu "Bookmarks → Manage bookmarks").
   bookmarks.html - Bookmarks (menu "Bookmarks → Manage bookmarks").
   bookmarks- (date) .html in bookmarkbackups folder - Daily created copy  bookmark file (first appeared in Firefox 1.5)

Need to copy file bookmarks.html  and after reinstalling, to get the old bookmarks in the new system, you need to replace one file with another in the same folder and you will save all your old bookmarks.

In the case of Windows 7 / Vista:

C: \\ Users \\ username \\ Local \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ profile name \\

Here we need all the files from the folder, not the file bookmarks.html. Thus, we completely restore the profile, not just the bookmarked file.

And the easiest way is to simply click on the browser when the browser is running: Bookmarks - Manage bookmarks.  And in a new window, click: File - Export, indicating the place where you want to save the generated html-file. After reinstallation, respectively, Bookmarks - Manage bookmarks - File - Import. (for versions below Mozilla Firefox 7.0)

For mozilla versions  Firefox 7.0: go to the tab Bookmarks - Show all bookmarks- the window opens Libraries -

c: \\ Documents and Settings \\ your user \\ Application Data \\ Mozilla \\ Firefox \\ Profiles \\ default \\ bookmarks.html "

With all due respect, I went all along this path, but here it’s not bookmarks.html, but bookmakbackups. And bookmarks are not all the files in it, but only one of them.

And if you raise the topic in 2015, then instead of Mozilla will be Godzilla.

Thanks for the tip! And then I’m tormented by New Year  should OP Windows 7 give, sit and page by page addresses (which is in the bookmarks), I rewrite in Mozilla.

bookmarks can be saved in the mail, in the form of a letter to yourself, drag the folders and individual links from the bookmarks with the mouse into the letter, the folders open in steps. In the letter put in the subject bookmarks + date. I save my received letter in the bookmarks folder. You can add links as they become available. when forwarding an augmented letter to yourself, with subsequent preservation. You can insert links saved in the letter into any computer and any browser, but, alas, one by one at a time. I re-create the folders in the browser bookmarks and drag them into them. When adding links, I correct the date in the "topic".

Edited February 2, 2012 by ZhenyaF

Recall the distant times when there were no bookmarks in the first WorldWideWeb browser. At that time they didn’t even think about bookmarks in the browser, because the entire list of bookmarks could be counted on fingers. Over time, the number of sites increased, remembering your favorite pages became more difficult. There was a need for browser bookmarks.

Now you can select from browsers and find the most suitable for yourself. Almost in each of them there is the possibility of adding web pages to your bookmarks. Today we’ll talk about the Mozilla Firefox browser, which is very popular among network users. But when there are any crashes or reinstallation of the system, a person does not want to lose all his bookmarks, which, perhaps, he collected not a month or two. Among them may be extremely important links, which will be very sorry not to find. So, where are bookmarks stored in firefox, how to find the path to this folder?

Mozilla firefox - where bookmarks are stored

If your operating system  Windows XP, the path is as follows:

  1. Local drive C
  2. Documents and Settings
  3. Application data
  4. Mozilla
  5. Firefox
  6. Profiles
  7. bookmarks.html (file, not folder)

If you are using Windows 7 or Vista:

  1. C drive
  2. folder with username (possibly user)
  3. Local
  4. Mozilla
  5. Firefox
  6. Profiles
  7. folder with the name of the profile (as a rule, this is a set of obscure numbers and letters)