Viktor Nagaytsev: “Competition is not the main criterion for choosing a business area. Hobiz: Why, in fact, did you decide to connect your business with the Internet? After all, from a competition point of view, the Internet is overcrowded

Viktor Nagaytsev began working in the IT business at the age of 19, while still a university student. In 2006, he opened his own IT company for online advertising and marketing on the Internet - PerfectSEO. Today, the company's annual turnover is about 50 million US dollars, the company's branches are open in 7 major cities of Russia, and the company is also represented in some CIS countries and abroad. Also, in 2014, Victor’s company launches a new unique service for semi-automatic advertising, promotion and PR on the Internet. The project is also unique in that with its help you can earn money, literally, from scratch.

Such publications as “”, “Vedomosti”, “Kommersant”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, “”, “Business Quarter” and others turn to Viktor Nagaitsev for comments.

Today, KHOBIZ.RU publishes an exclusive interview with Victor.

Hobiz: Victor, how did you “get” onto the Internet?

My first acquaintance with the Internet happened in childhood, it was online games. I think it was online games that helped me build my career. At the age of 19, in my first year, I realized that I was very interested in the Internet market, but studying at a technical university would not provide sufficient knowledge in this area, and I decided to leave the institute. Almost everyone was against my choice, but I didn’t listen to anyone and went to get a job. The search marketing company turned out to be to my liking, and I worked in the website promotion department for about another year. Then I decided to promote myself and open my own business.

Hobiz: Why, in fact, did you decide to connect your business with the Internet? After all, from a competitive point of view, the Internet is overcrowded.

When I created my business, the competition was not as high as it is now. In addition, competition is not the main criterion for choosing a business area. There is no need to be afraid of it, this is a feature of business that exists in almost every market. I decided to do business on the Internet because since childhood I had a craving for IT technologies. I believe everyone should do what they are good at. If I had a desire to treat people, I would try to realize myself in this.

For example, let's take two people - a physicist and a poet, i.e. mathematical mind and creative. A physicist, with his mentality, will need 2 hours to solve a problem, but a poet will spend a whole day on the same problem. And what is the point of doing something that is 2-3 times harder for you? Even if they pay more money for it, it is still more profitable to do what works better.

Hobiz: Do you think that now a “newbie” company on the Internet is able to compete with established companies?

Depending on what areas, if a “newbie” company decides to compete with the Yandex search engine, it will achieve little. This is the same as going offline now and saying: I want to create an oil company.

In general, we have a huge number of niches that have not yet been covered, you just need to look and understand where your soul lies.

Hobiz: Maybe you can share some available niches on the Internet?

More like free segments. You can find them if you compare supply and demand, for example, in e-commerce segments, in tourism segments, there are still niches where demand exceeds supply.

If we take the SEO market, then it is already overloaded with offers, and the entry cost to this market is Lately rose 3 times, I would not recommend joining it.

Hobiz: Victor, it is clear that “newcomers” are formed on the Internet every day, but only a few remain. For example, your company, without modesty, can be called famous. What helped you, in particular, and the company in general? And do you consider yourself a well-known and large company?

Of course, we don’t think so; we still have a long way to go. The company's development was helped by its commitment to this moment we achieved some modest success, and in a short period of time.

Over the course of 8 years, the company has been fully formed: regular customers and a staff of dedicated employees have appeared. Now the company's turnover is $50 million per year with seven branches in the largest cities of Russia.

Hobiz: If we started talking about your business, can you tell us about your clients or key points in the development of your company?

There are many clients, we love them all. Our clients are people such as: marketing directors who promote their projects, owners of small and medium-sized businesses, etc.

In our company, the principle of working with clients is such that when you have made your first sale, you continue to treat the client with the same care as before. It is because of this attitude that cooperation with our company lasts for years.

Hobiz: So, we can say that your company PerfectSEO is fully formed and you are not planning any new endeavors?

We wouldn't have planned it if it weren't for our competitors. Competition and high market volatility make us move. In general, having studied the market, I realized that in the future such SEO companies become ineffective and eventually become obsolete, therefore, I decided to create a service SEOprovider .

Hobiz: In what key feature your new service? How can it help an ordinary person who is far from SEO, but is engaged in business, including finding clients on the Internet?

The service can help promote a website and attract a large number of clients.

Some of the service features:

    Analyze the site for possible mistakes, which can then be eliminated and with the help of this, the site will become higher in the top.

Hobiz: And for people looking for a way to make money, how will your service be useful?

The service has a special referral program under which people receive money for referring clients or freelancers. You can get 10% of the money spent by the advertiser, or 10% of the money earned by the freelancer. Therefore, just by attracting people to the site, you can make good money and get rich, because you will receive a percentage constantly. In addition, it is possible to increase the number of sites on the service by adding them. For those who post press releases or advertisements on your site, you will receive 5%. And because There are a lot of these placements, then the sites on which you spent 5 minutes of time will bring you tangible profits in the future.

As I said above, it is important to focus on demand. If we offer new business idea, then most likely the market will not be ready for it, so you will have to inform the market about it, implement it and organize demand, which will take much more time and money than using an already existing idea.

Not always new idea is successful in terms of business development, it is important to prepare the market for this new one. Often, a certain number of businesses in Russia are built using goods or projects taken from the West. From there you can also take analytical materials on how the market accepted the proposal of these ideas and, with a high degree of probability, successfully introduce them to the Russian market.

Khobiz: A few words about business on the Internet for readers of KHOBIZ.RU, some tricks and tips?

Business on the Internet is the same as business offline, so it is important to distinguish between segments. Each segment has its own advice, I can give advice on how to make the right websites and develop your SEO company.

First of all, when you create a website, make sure that it is user-friendly. There are certain factors about what a website should be that they focus on search engines. You can look at these factors on our service when you pass the audit. IN given time, the Internet is as much an advertising platform as the media. What comes first is what happens in reality - quality service, delivery, etc. The Internet is just a sales tool, it is a communication channel that helps people interact, perhaps the most successful one that currently exists.

Hobiz: Thank you, Victor, for the interesting interview. We hope that our conversation was not the last and, in the future, you will definitely come to visit KHOBIZ.RU to please our readers again.

And thank you very much for the invitation, I will definitely use it! Good luck and success to all your readers in their business endeavors and startups!

In 2006, he opened the PerfectSEO company, now its turnover is $50 million a year with seven branches in the largest cities of Russia. Now the company is entering the markets of the CIS and foreign countries.

In addition, Victor published his own book “The Key to Promotion” and participates in popular conferences on Internet marketing and other topics in the IT segment, for example, “Russian Internet Week”, MEGAINDEX.TV CONFERENCE, PROOFSEO.

Brief information about Viktor Nagaitsev

  • 2014 - launch of know-how for the online advertising market, semi-automatic website promotion, PR and Internet advertising service;
  • 2009 automatic website promotion service;
  • 2007 - opening of web design studio;
  • 2006 - opening of the company (engaged in search marketing, website promotion, contextual advertising, now the company has 5 branches in the largest cities of Russia (Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan), a turnover of more than $50 million;
  • Since 2004, he has been involved in search engine marketing and website promotion.

A short success story of Viktor Nagaitsev

Viktor Nagaytsev is 27 years old, started working in IT technologies at the age of 19 (while still studying at the university), and after six months of working in a large company he went into free swimming.

In 2006, he opened the PerfectSEO company, now its turnover is $50 million a year with seven branches in the largest cities of Russia. Now the company is entering the markets of the CIS and foreign countries.

Victor also published his own book “The Key to Promotion” and participates in popular conferences on Internet marketing and other topics in the IT segment, for example, “Russian Internet Week”, MEGAINDEX.TV CONFERENCE, PROOFSEO.

Well, now we’ll learn from Victor some details about website promotion.


What techniques do you currently use when promoting websites?

Our service has several tools for website promotion.

    Audit. The SEOprovider project offers new format audit, where the parameters are based on questionnaires from Yandex and Google assessors. After specifying the search query that you think is best, the service independently selects a list of competitors to understand what factors need to be improved.

    Content. Once all the technical glitches are ironed out, you can move on to the improvement marketplace, where freelancers will be ready to perform content services such as presentations, pictures, infographics, videos, and more.

    Advertising/PR. This point implies the creation and placement of high-quality advertising on sites where they buy your product or service. All advertisements on the boards are placed by freelancers (we do not use automated mailing programs), so errors in layout are minimal. Writing high-quality press releases and placing them in top media outlets (professional journalists work on them)

    SMM. Creation and full maintenance of pages/groups on VKontakte and Facebook.

    SERM. Improved reputation.

In general: you choose exactly those points for promoting your site that you need, and a freelancer does this work.

How are you different from other sites that bring together freelancers and clients?

The service has a certain filter that helps customers choose proven and best performers, which guarantees high-quality completion of tasks. The functionality of our service consists of creating high-quality content, automatically publishing it, and supporting it with social signals by working according to pre-compiled action algorithms (scenarios).

Do you use public services or are these the company’s own developments?

Our development is precisely the technology for semi-automatic website promotion; we use the services of freelancers, as mentioned above.

How is the budget and time for website optimization determined?

The timing of a site reaching the top for certain queries depends on the site itself, its parameters, as well as the competitiveness of its subject matter. The budget for website optimization is calculated based on the customer’s actions, i.e. the cost of the contractor’s work depends on the level of complexity of the task. In our system we try to provide high quality completion of tasks and adequate payment.

How realistic is it to promote an online store of sports shoes, how much money and time will it take to get the search “buy Nike” into the TOP10 of Yandex in Moscow search results? How much will website optimization cost, how much will the link budget be, how many articles do you need to add?

So, let’s assume that we have an online store called First of all, we analyze the parameters of the site. This is what will allow us to determine the required amount of work to optimize the site itself and the timing of bringing it to the TOP.

And in this case, the site was created about three months ago, is not registered in directories, has a zero citation index and PR (the number of quality links to our store).

Request “buy nike” - high frequency request. This means that more than 5,000 users search for “buy Nike” every month. Accordingly, the competition for top positions is high and in order to achieve the first lines in the search results, you will have to work hard on the site for quite a long time. We would define the time frame for reaching the TOP 10 of this site as six months with a budget of at least 30,000 rubles.

As a general rule, we recommend not focusing only on high-frequency queries, but adding mid-frequency queries (1000-5000 queries per month) and low-frequency queries (less than 1000 queries per month). In this case, for example, if we add for promotion the requests “buy nike in Moscow”, “buy nike air 90” and “buy nike air sneakers”, then we will be able to receive clicks from users interested in purchasing our specific range in a shorter time goods. This way we will get a higher conversion of visitors into sales.

Promotion methods for each project are discussed separately, based on the specifics and topics of each website. At the same time, we strongly do not recommend purchasing links - this tool is no longer effective for promotion in Yandex and is losing its relevance for promotion in Google.

Is 30 thousand a monthly budget or a total for six months?

30 thousand rubles is the amount of the monthly budget, within which we can guarantee reaching the TOP within 6 months.

How (to what) is this amount distributed?

This amount is distributed for a detailed analysis of the site with specific recommendations for its improvement, technical work over the site itself and ordering high-quality, unique content. Also, of course, this amount includes payment for the work of the optimizer and programmer. In fact, the budget is distributed over a set of tasks, work on which first leads to the emergence of more complete information about the site in search engines, and then to a steady increase in positions.

What part of the budget goes to pay for the work of the optimizer?

It is important to understand that each project is unique, and its uniqueness lies primarily in the format of the site and the chosen topic. Our optimizers are specialists who are able to analyze supply and demand on a given topic, identify the main competitors and compile a list of queries that will provide not only visitors, but also buyers for the goods or services of a particular website.

How many articles will you need to write during the first 6 months?

Content is not just articles. Moreover, the format itself, volume and frequency of content updates depend on the tasks set by the client and the format of the website being promoted ( informational portal, online store, business card website of the company, etc.)

For example, if we are promoting a website for a certain set of queries, then for each of them we create landing pages for which we write information-interesting and readable texts relevant topics with a certain amount keywords, corresponding to the requests. Also, for example, we create information pages for the site (depending on the topic) and much more.

How often should I publish articles in six months?

From the point of view of ideal promotion, the site should be updated and developed daily: the more often it updates and adds new pages or additional information, the more often the search robot visits the site and the faster the site and its positions in the search results are updated.

What budget does this site need to buy links?

The effectiveness of buying links falls every month: Yandex no longer considers links a ranking factor, and Google reduces their impact on search results with each update. At the moment, we recommend paying special attention to commercial factors and working with them.

Eternal links are a separate area of ​​work, outside the main budget. As a rule, we negotiate with clients an additional budget for their purchases at the beginning of work on the site. Separately, I would like to note that this tool is effective only and exclusively in parallel with the comprehensive development of the website.

The rule is simple: there are never too many eternal links: the more information about yourself you post, the higher the recognition of your company or brand. However, sites for posting must be selected very carefully so that the article about your company, products or services necessarily corresponds to the theme of the portal on which you are posting it.

We would recommend starting with the basic set described above, and then sequentially: launch advertising campaigns in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords, create and develop pages or groups in the main in social networks, work with reviews as part of reputation management.

  • In 1996, he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Sociology of Altai State University with a degree in Sociologist.
  • In 1996-2000 studied in graduate school at Altai State University, specialty 22.00.04 “Social structure, social institutions and processes.”
  • In 2000, he defended his PhD thesis in sociology on the topic “Specificities and trends in the development of social protest of the population of a provincial region of Russia.”
  • In 2006-2008 studied in doctoral studies at Altai State University, specialty 22.00.04 “Social structure, social institutions and processes.” Scientific consultant - Doctor of Science, Professor L.D. Demina.

Advanced training and retraining

  • 2012 - advanced training program “Topical issues of implementing work programs of academic disciplines based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education.”
  • 2009 - advanced training program “Organization of the activities of a consulting service in the regions of the Russian Federation.”
  • 2009 - advanced training program “Fundamentals of Professional Communication and Rhetoric.”
  • 2015 - advanced training program “Features of teaching at a university using a distance learning system.”
  • 2016 - advanced training program “Inclusive education in higher education.”
  • 2018 - advanced training program “Technologies of interethnic and intercultural interaction” (Altai State University).
  • 2018 - advanced training program “Change management at a flagship university: development of professional competencies of a teacher” (Altai State University).
  • 2018 - professional retraining program “Conflictology” (Altai State University).

Honorary titles and other merits

  • In 2003 he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Administration Altai Territory.
  • In 2005 he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Administration of Barnaul.
  • In 2013 he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from Altai State University.
  • In 2018, he was awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Altai Territory for high professionalism and many years of conscientious work.

Professional interests

  • conflictology,
  • empirical sociology,
  • sociology of conflict,
  • sociology of interethnic relations.

Professional activity

  • From 1996 to the present - work at Altai State University: as an assistant, teacher, senior teacher, associate professor, head of department. Labor veteran of Altai State University.
  • Total work experience - 22 years.
  • Work experience in the specialty - 20 years.


The number of scientific, scientific, methodological and educational works is 150, including 12 monographs, 26 textbooks (co-authored).
The most significant publications:

  • Nagaitsev V.V. Indicators of social tension in regional society: monograph. - Barnaul, 2013.
  • Modern threats to social security of the population of the region: collection of articles / ed. HE. Kolesnikova, V.V. Nagaitseva. - Barnaul, 2013.
  • Conflictology: textbook. allowance / V.A. Semenov, V.A. Svetlov, V.V. Nagaitsev. - Barnaul, 2011.
  • Nagaitsev V.V. Conflict potential of social subjects // Sociology in modern world: science, education, creativity: collection of articles. Vol. 9: in 2 hours / ed. HE. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popova. - Barnaul, 2017. - Part 1.
  • Nagaitsev V.V. Ethnic conflict in the modern world // Sociology in the modern world: science, education, creativity: collection of articles. Vol. 9: in 2 hours / ed. HE. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popova. - Barnaul, 2017. - Part 1.
  • Nagaitsev V.V. Dynamics of development of interpersonal conflict // Conflictology and conflicts in the modern world / ed. S.F. Denisova, T.M. Ovchinnikova, O.I. Kolotova. - Omsk, 2017.
  • I Rasta readings “Modern challenges to regional society: conflict and the potential for stability”: a collection of materials from the International Scientific and Practical Conference. Barnaul, May 18-19, 2018 / ed. V.V. Nagaitseva. - Barnaul, 2018.
  • Nagaitsev V.V. Conflict literacy of the region’s population // Society and security insights. - 2018. - No. 1. - vol. 1.
  • Sociology of conflict and interethnic relations: tutorial/ V.V. Nagaitsev, O.N. Kolesnikova, E.V. Pustovalova, V.A. Artyukhina, A.N. Schreiber. - Barnaul, 2018.
  • Legal conflictology: textbook. allowance / V.V. Nagaitsev, G.V. Obolyansky. - Barnaul, 2018.