Definition of keyword frequency range. High-frequency and low-frequency keywords and expressions High-frequency words

From the author: promotion on low-frequency requests provides a number of advantages. The most important thing is the ability not to spend a large budget on website promotion. Let's talk in detail about the promotion of low-frequency speakers today.


But before you start a conversation, you need to decide what a low-frequency request is. In general, search queries are divided into HF, MF and LF. Moreover, people determine in different ways which group the request belongs to. In any case, a low-frequency query is one that is entered in the search line less often than a mid-frequency one. Promotion under the bass is considered the easiest, because there is the least competition.

Usually, LF includes all queries that are entered into the search engine no more than 300-1000 times a month. If you read various articles on this topic, then most likely you can see other numbers there.

But this is not so important. We can see the frequency of each specific request. The most important thing to understand about low-frequency keys is that they usually always have less competition.

It's just an obvious fact. Agree that many more companies and webmasters will want to promote popular queries in order to get more traffic. And many beginners make the mistake of writing exclusively under HF. The competition for such requests is huge.

Hundreds, and in some cases thousands and tens of thousands of sites will compete for places in the search results, of which there are only 10. After all, practice shows that if a page is outside the TOP-10, then you should not expect much traffic to it.

For example, in Moscow alone there are hundreds of firms that install plastic windows. Accordingly, if you want to get into the top for the query “installation of plastic windows in Moscow”, then moderate your ambitions. You will have to compete with many other companies. Moreover, they will most likely be able to allocate a large budget for promotion and SEO specialists, and you?

The essence of promotion for low-frequency queries

It’s worth paying attention to low-frequency requests, if only because they allow you to still receive small, but traffic. Let's look at 2 sites that have chosen different promotion strategies. Now there will be no specifics, just examples.

They decided to promote 1 young site on HF, the other - on LF. Time passes, and the second project gets traffic from the search. Most likely, it will be small, in the region of 10-100 people, but it will be. The first site may not even take a position in the top ten, let alone reach the first 3 places. Most likely, you will have to spend money to promote the site.

The key difference is that in the case of promotion under the HF there is always a risk, even if you spend good money, you will not promote the site and not get traffic at all, or it will be minimal, because few people click beyond the 5th position in the search.

If you optimize and sharpen the content for low frequencies, then you practically do not risk anything. Over time, if there are no serious errors on the site, its pages will appear in the top. And let it bring much less traffic, it will be stable.

What are the other benefits of moving under the bass?

In general, you do not need to buy any links to the site. You can forget about it. It is possible and necessary to reach the top in low frequencies due to high-quality texts and good internal optimization. The only thing is that links can be obtained manually if you know how.

You can not spend money on a website promotion specialist if you are ready to learn a little yourself. Promotion is not such a complicated science. All you need is to get at least a little knowledge in this area. Understand concepts such as keyword occurrence, relevance, uniqueness, nausea, duplicate pages, etc.

If you have a site on wordpress, then it will be even easier for you, because today hundreds of webmasters in their free articles give a bunch of useful tips on how to promote the site, as well as how to properly set it up technically. In this article, I will not talk about those. setting, because this is a separate topic. But you must clearly understand for yourself that there is nothing complicated in this, and you will be able to carry out basic optimization, even if you are still a complete teapot.

HF promotion is a completely different matter. There can be no guarantees even if you hire a specialist.

How to identify and collect bass phrases

In general, this is done by a person who makes up the semantic core. In a simple way, this is a list of key phrases under which the site will be promoted. It is he who is familiar with all the necessary tools for this. But still, I will tell you about some basic tools that are useful to use.

For example, I myself promote my sites. And just 2 years ago I didn't know anything about it. Absolutely nothing. And the promotion is going well. And it happens because I choose basically only mids and lows.

Okay, let's move on to how to find such keys. For starters, you should know about a service like WordStat. This is already a legendary service for the selection of keywords.

For example, I entered the phrase “how to assemble a computer yourself” here.

As you can see, Wordstat showed the number of impressions for this query per month - 996 times. But here you need to understand that it shows the so-called wide frequency. A simple example: if you enter the word “kitchen” in wordstat, it will show a huge number - it seems, several million impressions per month.

But let's think, is it really possible? More often than not, people are looking for something more specific. Someone is interested in repairing the kitchen, while someone is just looking for the series of the same name. In general, these millions of impressions include all queries in which the word “kitchen” is used, and in different cases.

So, to find out the exact frequency of a word or phrase, you need to write the entire text in quotation marks, and put an exclamation mark before each word. Like this: "! how! assemble! a computer! yourself"

As you can see, now WordStat shows reliable information. This phrase is accurately entered into the search engine 216 times a month. Of course, these statistics change every month, but these are approximate numbers that you can focus on.

So, can this request be considered low-frequency? Of course, because it has less than 300 searches. It would seem that everything is fine - the request is low-frequency, it remains to write an article for it and traffic will go over time. But we do not take into account another important detail - competition. The fact is that it can be high even at low frequencies.

How to check the competition

Here I suggest using 2 services. Both allow you to clearly see the level of competition.

The first is free, the second is paid if you plan to check more than 10 phrases per day. Let's deal with free first. This service allows you to check the competition in Google and Yandex. In particular, we are more interested in Yandex.

Enter the key in the field. If it consists of several words, then the phrase must be enclosed in quotation marks, this is prompted by the service itself. Next, check the InTitle box and click the check button. InTitle means that Yandex will give you pages that have the specified keyword in the title.

Let's enter our phrase and see the result:

As many as 1000 pages whose title is optimized for this phrase. This suggests that it will be difficult to reach the top for this query. And from this conclusion: Not all low-frequency keys are low-competitive!

You can make and optimize better than others

If in doubt, see point 1)

You must understand that nothing is impossible. Getting into the top with a lot of competition is difficult, but possible. And even without a budget. A lot depends on you and your desire to learn, as well as the quality of your texts.

For example, it is obvious that by this request a person is looking for the most detailed and understandable instructions for assembling a computer. If you provide him with all the details and photos, you will get a great chance of reaching the top.

But still, in this case, our phrase for promotion is not optimal. Here I can advise you the following: it is better to spend several hours looking for a great key phrase than to write an article for unpromising keywords for several hours. That's it.

Okay, let's find it, this optimal phrase, and at the same time try the second service - Mutagen. In general, you need to register in it before you start using it for free, but I already did it, so I just insert the phrase that interests me:

The mutagen shows the exact frequency. As you can see, it is equal to 215, which is about the same as the previous phrase. In addition, the service immediately shows the level of competition.

This value is calculated according to the classification of the service itself, where 1 is the least competition, and 25 is the most. Thus, we need to try to find keys with less than 10-15 competition. It is under such phrases that there is a chance to advance without additional costs.

Our key has only 5 competition! This is very good, let's test it in another free way:

As you can see, there is only 1 result! What does it say? The fact that the competition on demand is very low, it is practically non-existent. This means that even minimal optimization on your part for this query will lead to the fact that it will be possible to move to the top for it. Naturally, if you have a site of the corresponding subject.

So, we have found our optimal phrase. To be honest, I found it at random. You can also help:

Tips for the search engine when entering queries

wordstat hints

Well, they are also in the mutagen (tips)

In general, this way you can quickly find phrases for which there is little competition. I will also say that the longer the phrase, the less competitors it probably has. Because low-frequency queries mostly consist of 3-7 words.

How to optimize a site and a separate page for low-frequency queries

Okay, with the search for low-frequency keys, everything is more or less clear. What to do next? Take and write text under them. On each promoted page, it is worth using 1-3 LF keys, and you should single out one as the main one (for which there are more searches). It must be entered in the title, if possible in the description, and also mentioned in the text. Preferably as close to the beginning as possible - somewhere in the first paragraph.

Also, if possible, you should find additional low-frequency keys, for which there are fewer searches and it makes no sense to write an article for them. You can include them in text. For example, how do you like this key:

In general, you can find many such keys. Your main friend in the selection of such requests is your head. Think about the main topic of the article and try to imagine what else people are interested in about this topic. For example, if they are interested in learning how to assemble a computer from components, then they will certainly be interested in replacing individual parts of the computer.

In one article, you should not use too many keywords. There is such a rule - the larger the text, the more keywords you can insert into it. For a small article, you do not need more than 1-3, for a large one you can try more than three.

The written text needs to be checked for nausea in order to accurately determine if you overdo it with optimization. Also, for each article, you need to write a unique title and description, where to enter the main key. In general, there are people who manage to insert organically several keys. But here it is important not to overspam, it is better to write for people than for search robots. Moreover, robots are able to detect deception.


Okay, I thought that I could write in this spirit for a long time, but the main thing is to understand the main essence, and you will consolidate the rest in practice when you select keys and write texts for them (or order articles from copywriters).

In this article, I tried to convey to you what the promotion of LF requests looks like. If you repeat the general principles, you get something like this:

LF key is dialed 0-300 times a month

We are primarily interested in the exact frequency of each phrase, and not the broad

The fact that the key is low does not mean that it will be easy to move under it

To search for optimal keys and determine competition, use the services indicated in the article

Optimize each article on your site for one or more keywords.

You just have to try and observe the result. It is not so difficult to promote a resource for low-frequency phrases, today thousands of webmasters already do it. Apply the tips and you will succeed! And to be guaranteed to become a guru in matters of promotion, you can look at ours. If you have such a blog, then you can eventually bring it to an income of 20 thousand rubles, if you use the chips that are described there.

Many beginner optimizers have questions about query frequencies. What is LF, MF and HF? How to determine if a request is high-frequency or low-frequency? Does the theme of the site affect the assignment of a request to one of the intervals? Etc. We will try to answer all these questions, as well as to reveal in more detail some points in matters of frequencies.


Note that you should not confuse the terms " frequency" and " frequency“! Frequency- this is a characteristic of a periodic process, measured in the number of units for a certain period of time. Frequency is a characteristic of the occurrence of a given object (word) among a certain set and is measured as a percentage. Roughly speaking, for our case, request frequency- this is how many times a month a given key phrase was searched in a search engine, and request frequency(let's say on the page) is the percentage of the content of the query (word) on the page in question. In this article, only the concept of search frequency for a specific key phrase will be considered.

HF (high frequency) requests - the most requested word (words, phrases) in your subject (most popular requests).
LF (low frequency) queries - words and phrases that are requested with low frequency in search engines and relate to your subject.
MF (midrange) request - something in between LF and HF (hereinafter there will be an exact quantitative definition).

Competitive request- this is a query for which it is difficult to get into the top of the sickle (the first results in the search engine) due to the competition of sites relevant to this query.
Highly competitive request– a query in which there are a lot of competitors for this key phrase in the sickle.
Low competition request– a request in which internal optimization factors are sufficient for the site to be on the first page of the sickle for a given keyword phrase (word).

Significance of the request- the concept is subjective and is determined by the webmaster (optimizer, site owner) independently, depending on the subject and goals of the site (for more information about significance, see What is the minimum significant frequency of query sampling). The frequency below which requests do not fall into the sample of significant and are not viewed for analysis is called minimum significant sampling rate.

How to determine RF requests for your site

To determine the frequency of search queries in search engines, there are services that provide this information. For example, to search for the frequencies of Russian words, you can use the service provided by the Yandex PS - query statistics. To search for statistics on English words, you can use the KeywordDiscovery service.

Let's say that you have a site for the production of air ducts (for those who are not familiar with the concept of air ducts, you can read here: about air ducts). We enter the phrase “air duct” in wordstat and get a list of relevant queries, where “air duct” is in first place with 16949 impressions per month. But in the right column, we can also see the word “fans”, which is searched much more often (75485 per month), however, fans may not apply to your topic and, therefore, considering the word “fan” in your topic as a high-frequency query would be incorrect. That is, from the entire set of queries, you need to make a selection of the most significant ones (up to the words with the minimum significant frequency, which is determined by the webmaster or optimizer). And already this sample should be divided into HF and LF. Sampling meaningful queries is the definition semantic core(this is what optimizers mean when they say that “the theme of the site affects whether the query is considered high, mid or low”).

Precise definition of boundaries between HF, MF and LF

So you have a selection. Now we need to remember the probability theory and the distribution function. Again, although it is intuitively clear that MF- This frequency average between HF and LF. However, it can be difficult to determine this average. For example, HFduct“- 16949 and LFsale production of air ducts“ – 6 requests/month. What will be the SC then?

If we take the arithmetic mean, then it turns out that among the sample we do not have a midrange at all. To do this, consider the dependence of the sample on the graph (Figure 1.1). It can be seen from the graph that the dependence is logarithmic, since if the abscissa axis (request number) and the ordinate axis (request frequency) are taken on a logarithmic scale, then with some error we will get a linear histogram of request frequencies. This means that the MF will be in the middle of this linear regression.

Figure 1.1 - Graph of the distribution of search queries by frequency (the axes are taken on a logarithmic scale).

Let us introduce the notation
hvh- the maximum value of the frequency of the RF request;
Khnch- the minimum value of the frequency (minimum significant frequency) of the request

Then, it can be argued that

Hsch \u003d / (Hvh - Hnch)

(the square root of the difference between the maximum and minimum frequency)

The above dependence comes from the property of the logarithm log(x)/2 = log(x^0.5) = log(/x).

Often Khnch much less hvh and, therefore, it can be neglected, we get:

Hsch = / Hvh

Now let's check these values ​​on the example “ air ducts“:

hvh = 16949, hvh = 6

Hsch \u003d / (16949-6) \u003d / 16943 ≈ 130

The value 130 will be midrange value. Now it is necessary to determine the interval in which the frequency will be considered average. To do this, we divide the linear interval into 3 equal parts, so each part will have its own frequency range. The value of the deviation from the absolutely average frequency will be approximately equal to 33% .

Midrange Width:

D = log(Xhv)/3 = 3 /log(Xhv) = 1.41;

So the interval from 10 log(Xs) – D/2 before 10 log(Xs) + D/2 will be considered as the midrange. In our case, this


This interval includes such keywords as (information as of March 6, 2008 00:00 Moscow time): air duct cleaning, air ducts price, pvc air ducts, air ducts price, etc. Anything above 646 will be HF, and below 26 - LF. All queries whose search frequency is in the range from 26 to 646 may be called mid-range requests.


The main ratios for determining the interval of medium frequencies are the following:

Xsch.min = 10 log(Xs) – D/2, Xh.max = 10 log(Xs) + D/2
Hsch = / Hvh, D = log(hvh)/3

Note that when determining the MF interval, one should take into account an individual sample for your site and it may not always have a logarithmic dependence. However, the above formulas are suitable for most cases of keywords (tested on several dozen topics). With another characteristic of the behavior of the frequency of searching for key phrases, it is necessary to look for a function that describes the distribution of frequencies.

To compose a semantic core (SN) and do it absolutely free, you need to: use a wonderful, and most importantly - free, service from the Yandex search engine, which is called Yandex Wordstat. This service is available at In addition to the specified service, we will also use a free program looch.

How to use Yandex.Wordstat?

In a special input field, we write phrases or individual words, the frequency of which we want to check and select similar ones. Then we press the button "Pick up".

After the selection, we will see the statistics of queries in the specified search engine, which will include the phrase or word we specified. In addition, there we will see other queries that were indicated by people using the words we specified. Phrases and words will be in the column on the left, and other queries on the right.

Some numbers will be displayed next to each request. They give some preliminary forecast of the number of impressions per month. And, perhaps, we will receive this number of impressions when specifying this query as keywords or a word. Let's say a certain number next to the word "laptop" will indicate the number of impressions with the word "laptop" for all queries, such as: "compare laptop", "buy a laptop", "laptop broke" and so on..

You can also specify "All regions" and then the selection of words and phrases will come from "the whole world". Or you can specify a specific region or regions and the selection will match queries only from the specified region.

Why are we not going to select words with the Slovoeb program?

The thing is that this program has recently often been somewhat disappointing and issues 50 requests at once. Also, the requirement to enter captcha appears very often.

What is the program klooch ?

With the help of this free program, you can easily determine, so to speak, the freebie of a particular request. More on this will be discussed below.

How to determine the frequency of the request?

There is no absolutely definite indication to determine the frequency of a request! For example, for non-commercial requests, this level is higher than for commercial requests.

Without insisting on anything, it can be defined as follows:

Micro-low-frequency (mLF) — from 0 to 200 requests within a month;
Low-frequency (LF) - from 200 to 1200;
Medium frequency (MF) - from 1500 to 5000;
High frequency (HF) - from 5000 and almost to no limit.

You can also highlight Mega frequency (mHF), but you should not delve into this.

How to determine the competitiveness of the request?

The competitiveness of requests can be determined by formulas, or you can do it “by eye”. For example, you can see the number of documents that appear in the search results for a specific query:

1) Results from a million or more - highly competitive (VC);

2) From 100,000 to 1 million - medium competitive (SC);

3) Up to 100,000 - low competitive.
This sorting will never tell you exactly, so we will not take it into account. Competition can also be identified by direct entry into the title of the article - the more entries, the worse for us; by the total number of optimized articles - the fewer such articles, the better; by the number of main pages in the issue - the fewer muzzles, the better; according to the trust of the site from the issuance - a smaller trust is better.

There are many such divisions, we have indicated the main ones. First, we need to define the topic of the request. For example, the topic of our site is games. So, you do not need to take the request "how to train cats", since this request does not fit with our topic. And for search engines, all this is not very good.

For example, let's take the same theme of "games". We enter a general query into Yandex.Wordstat, such as "play ....", ".... finish the game":

After that, we select a rarer request, such as "play racing".
We see the following:

Now we select low frequency request. But, there are also a lot of generalized queries. Therefore, we need to go to the second page and select the query "play racing against zombies." Number of requests per month - 516:

We analyze:

According to the Klooch program, there are no matches in the Title in Yandex. Therefore, you can easily reach the TOP10 or even TOP3. How to determine the freeness of the request now ?!
Let's say there are five matches in the Title - then you can easily reach the top 6. That is, the fewer matches in the Title, the better for us. The situation is similar for the main pages.

Further, we copy all found requests in Excel. But! The frequency of 500 requests per month does not interest us. You need to find the average frequency queries. Let's take a closer look at the example of the request "race to play online makvin".

We analyze:

This is a medium frequency query with a long tail. This request is low competitive. There are few pages in the search results for this query. It can also be included in the semantic core.
Now it's time to find a free high-frequency request, for example, "cars play races."

The search query is the query that the user enters into the search:

The frequency is largely due to the subject and business area, as well as the region, seasonality and search engine.

You can check the frequency using Yandex.Wordstat.

Types of search queries by their frequency

  • How to choose low-frequency queries? Take everything that Wordstat shows, up to 1 show per month. The more low frequencies at the start of work, the more traffic there will be.
  • How to promote low-frequency queries? These are the simplest and most undemanding queries, they do not need to be backed up with links - you just need to create relevant content: write articles, news, product cards that will answer the user’s question as meaningfully and accurately as possible.
  • Traffic for such requests will start to grow immediately, but perhaps slowly: the requests are low-competitive, the results may not be impressive at first, but the more such requests are introduced to the site, the higher its traffic will be in the end.

There are highly competitive low-frequency requests, but rarely - mainly in narrow commercial niches with high competition. That is, there are very few people who enter such requests, it will not be easy to bring the site to the top, but if a user comes to your site, then most likely he will become a buyer.

Mid-frequency requests, their concept and features

Mid-frequency queries - how much? Mids are a little more popular than lows. Mid-frequency and low-frequency queries are the basis of website promotion, because there are the most of them. Using both groups of requests, you can achieve optimal attendance at a low investment.

It is more difficult to promote a site on commercial midrange than on informational ones, and this must be taken into account: commercial requests are selling, and the competition for them is higher. For mid-frequency requests, the number of offers corresponds to the level of demand: there are really a lot of sites that are promoted mainly by mid-range. For example, on the Internet, more than one company offers "buy cheap plastic windows", so be prepared that work on the site in this case may take a lot of time.

High-frequency queries, their concept and features

What queries are considered high frequency? Those that users enter in the search most often - more than 1000 times a month, for example:

High-frequency queries are an arbitrarily wide variety and the total number of options: there are not only informational and commercial, but also brand queries, which receive very large traffic. But such requests are extremely highly competitive, so the highest-frequency requests are the most expensive in all respects.

Another disadvantage of high-frequency queries in Yandex and Google is not the highest conversion: it is not clear what the user wants when entering a query in the search bar "laptop screen". Does he need information on care, addresses of workshops where he can be repaired or replaced, or some technical specifications? And the content of the page may not be what he is looking for at all.

  • How to determine a high-frequency request or not? Use the same Yandex.Wordstat.
  • How to promote high-frequency queries? Long and expensive. To get to the top of the search results, you will have to work long and hard on the site, impressively investing, including financially. It should be borne in mind that, in particular, the highest-frequency queries (Yandex or Google - it doesn’t matter) are a huge flow of audience, including non-target ones, and extremely high competition.

What queries are best to choose for promotion?

What queries - low-frequency, medium- or high-frequency - should be collected for search engine optimization of your Internet site? Ideal queries for promotion are low-frequency and highly competitive, but this is rarely a dream come true for the optimizer and the client. Therefore, which queries are better to choose for your site depends on the site itself.

If SEO has not been done before, the site is not optimized and you are only at the beginning of the journey, then you need to take on the low frequencies first and work on them, gradually connecting the midrange and high frequencies.

If the site is maximally optimized for mids and lows, take on the highs.

According to the optimization vector, you can also select queries for promotion:

  • if the site is developing for demand in a direction or area as a whole, use HF;
  • if you need to attract targeted visitors who are looking for one or more areas of your company's work, use more midrange;
  • if you need high conversion and sales growth, focus on low frequencies.