Do-it-yourself pinpointer with discrimination. Pinpointer "Kid FM2V2" with a difference in metals

The circuit is a fairly simple analog pinpointer for people who are searching for coins, but cannot afford to buy a professional pinpointer. I personally collected this sample and confirm its full performance. I built a printed circuit board specially for him, which can be found at the end of the article. According to the characteristics of the pinpointer, it’s not bad enough, for target designation of the find, that’s it ....

Scheme of pinpointer MINIMAX-PP-2

according to the diagram, I think there will be no questions, all the elements are signed on the printed circuit board, pay attention to some details on the board that do not match the diagram, since I bred it to match what was in the local radio store !!!
All capacitors that are used in the generator must be film capacitors with an operating voltage of at least 100 volts.
Regarding the L1 contour coil, I wound it on a piece of a ferrite rod with a diameter of 10 mm. from the magnetic antenna of an old radio. The length of the rod is 10 cm. I wound the coil in 4 layers with an enameled wire with a diameter of 0.35 mm. the number of turns is 450. after winding, I soaked the coil with zaponlak and crimped it with a heat shrink tube from above.
According to the printed circuit board, it is one-sided using both dip and smd components, the buzzer is not just a speaker, but a speaker with a generator!

And finally, a few photos of the assembled board.

Soon I will post a short video with the work of this pinpointer
Download schematic and PCB file

Greetings to all lovers of metal detecting. In this article I want to share my experience of assembling a wonderful pinpointer Kid FM2V2, which has high stability and is able to distinguish non-ferrous metal from black. Such a device will become an indispensable assistant for those who like to wander with a metal detector in search of treasures, as well as good entertainment for your children.
Before proceeding with the assembly of the pinpointer, I would like to note that this design is made using a microcontroller of the series PIC. If you are having difficulty programming pic controllers, I advise you to start mastering this skill or contact someone who is already in the subject. In any case, the game is worth the candle, as the homemade product shows high stability results and will become a real helper, facilitating the work of the digger. Figure 1 shows the electrical circuit of this miracle device.

Figure No. 1 - electrical circuit of the pinpointer

In general, the scheme can be divided into several blocks, namely:

  • voltage converter block, made on a linear stabilizer LM317L. This approach made it possible to increase the stability of the device in a wide range of supply voltages, even when the latter was lowered to 5V.
  • a sound indication unit about the presence of a metal object near the coil, which is made using an amplifying transistor T2 and a speaker SP1.
  • light indication block, as an addition to the sound. The block is made on LEDs Led1 and Led2. Led1 signals the presence of non-ferrous metal near the coil, Led2 - black.
  • generator block on transistors T1 and T3. Such a circuit solution provides automatic adjustment of the resonant frequency to the parameters of the sensor and high thermal stability.
  • central control unit based on the PIC12F675 or PIC12F629 microcontroller. Firmware for each type of controller comes separately and differs only in that for PIC12F675, a sound indication mode has been added when the battery is discharged below 5.5V. Otherwise, all functions are identical and you can take the controller that is easier to get locally.

Below is a list of radio elements used in the circuit.

  • R1, R6, R7, R11 - 10 kOhm
  • R2 - 51 Ohm
  • R3 - 100 Ohm
  • R4 - 560 Ohm
  • R5, R9, R12 - 1 kOhm
  • R8 - 220 kOhm
  • R10 - 220 Ohm
  • R13 - 3 kOhm
  • D1-1N4007
  • LED1 - green (non-ferrous metal)
  • LED2 - red (black metal)
  • C1 - 33 nF (mandatory film)
  • C2 - 1000 uF at 16V
  • C3 - 10 uF at 6.3 V
  • C4, C5 - 15 pF
  • C6 - 100 nF
  • T1, T3 - BC557
  • T2, T4 - BC547
  • VR1-LM317L
  • SP1 - Boozer without internal oscillator (suitable from PC motherboard)
  • Cr1 - 20 MHz thermostable quartz resonator
  • But1 - tact button without fixation
  • IC1 - PIC12F675 or PIC12F629 (each of these microcontrollers has its own separate firmware.)

Since this device was originally conceived as a pinpointer, the following requirements were defined: compact size of the board and search coil, monolithic cylindrical body. The plumbing fits perfectly in the case. PVC, diameter 25mm. From here, the requirements for the printed circuit board were determined. Its width should not exceed the inner diameter of the pipe, and the height of the soldered elements should not prevent the board from freely entering the case. It was possible to achieve compact dimensions by partial application SMD elements. As a result, the etched board looks like this (photo #2).

Photo number 2 - the appearance of the printed circuit board

The board is designed in such a way that SMD elements are installed from the side of the tracks, and output elements - from the opposite side. Photo No. 3 shows a board with soldered SMD elements. All of them are sized 1206 .

Photo #3 - pinpointer board with soldered SMD elements

For a microcontroller, it is better to use a socket DIP8, to always be able to extract it and reflash if something goes wrong. Also, I repeat that the capacitor C1 on the 33 nF it is better to use a film one, this will provide additional stability of the generator frequency when the ambient temperature changes. There are no special requirements for the rest of the elements. Photo No. 4 shows a view of the board from the side opposite to the tracks.

Photo No. 4 - board from the mounting side of the output elements

So, we figured out the board, but this is not enough. There are a few more stages ahead before getting the finished pinpointer. One of these stages is the manufacture of the sensor (coil). This is a rather painstaking task that requires some preparation and preliminary calculations.
To begin with, we will determine the diameter of the wire that is available and the diameter of the coil itself. In my case, there was an enameled copper wire with a diameter 0.4mm. As for the diameter of the coil, the following rules must be taken into account: the larger the diameter, the more sensitive the device, i.e. it is able to detect a metal object at a longer distance, and vice versa, sensitivity decreases with a decrease in diameter. Since my plans were to use the case 25mm, it was decided to wind the coil on the frame, with a diameter 20mm to be able to hide it inside the case. The water pipe was perfect for the mandrel 20mm and a pair of lids from eggplants with water, the distance between which is about 10mm. (photo No. 5).

Photo No. 5 - Mandrel for winding the coil (d = 20mm)

When the technical part is ready, the question arises, how many turns to wind? The program will help answer this question. Coil32. Download the program, run it and perform a series of actions below.
First, unpack the archive with the program and run the file Coli32.exe. After that, the main window appears, shown in screenshot No. 6

Screenshot #6 - Coil32 program after launch

In the initial state, the program does not have plugins for the calculations we need. Therefore, they need to be downloaded. The program itself allows you to do this. To do this, go to the menu " plugins" and in the drop-down list select " Check for updates", as shown in the screenshot above. After that, the corresponding window will open, shown in screenshot #7.

Screenshot #7 - Plugin Manager

Install all the plugins offered by the program using the buttons " Download"and close the manager. The program will ask you to restart, we agree and after restarting again go to the menu" plugins". Now there is a whole list of additional calculators from which we need only one with the name " multi-loop"(screenshot #8)

Screenshot No. 8 - choosing the necessary plug-in for calculating the pinpointer coil

In the window that appears, fill in the cells with the necessary parameters, namely:

  • Inductance - 1500 uH (coil L1 in the diagram)
  • Inner diameter D - 20mm (as discussed above, I make a small coil)
  • Wire diameter d - 0.4mm (I only had one in stock)

After that, we press the calculate button and we get the result shown in screenshot No. 9:

Screenshot No. 9 - the result of calculating the coil parameters for the pinpointer

As you can see from the screenshot, you need to wind 249 turns of wire 0.4mm on the 20 millimeter frame to get the cherished 1500uH that the scheme requires from us. We will not argue - we will wind ...
In order to somehow facilitate the winding process, I assembled a masterpiece of engineering from a children's table, a small vice, and other rubbish at hand. The result is shown in photo #10.

Photo No. 10 - preparation for winding the coil

Immediately I notice that the coil is wound in bulk. It makes no sense to try to lay the turns, but it is still better to distribute the wire evenly over the entire winding area. For the convenience of counting turns, it is better to put some kind of mark on the restrictive end - it is easier to track each completed turn. During winding, it is better to turn off the mobile phone and close in a separate room so that no one can knock down. After the work is done, it is necessary to carefully remove the coil from the frame and pull it with threads around the entire perimeter, as shown in photo No. 11.

Photo #11 - Freshly baked pinpointer coil

To add strength to the coil and prepare it for shielding, we wrap it with ordinary stationery tape, as shown in photo No. 12

Photo No. 12 - preparation for shielding

Since the pinpointer works on the principle of measuring the frequency of an oscillatory circuit, this implies high requirements for frequency stability and protection against interference. If the frequency stability is provided to us by the generator circuit, then the shielding of the coil will provide protection against interference.
For shielding, you can use ordinary food foil, which almost everyone has in the kitchen, or something similar. We wrap the coil with foil, leaving a small empty sector in the area of ​​​​its conclusions. This is required in order not to get a short-circuited loop through which no signal will pass at all. A stripped copper wire is additionally wound on top of the foil, which will later be soldered to the common minus on the board. Below is photo No. 13, which clearly shows the screening process.

Photo No. 13 - shielded coil

In order for the whole thing to hold on and not fall apart, you need to strengthen the coil with another layer of adhesive tape or electrical tape. And only after that you can relax and consider the coil completely ready. The result of my efforts is shown in photo #14.

Photo No. 14 - fully finished coil

Most of the work has been done. We solder everything into a single whole and check the operation of the pinpointer on the table. Battery is best for power KRONA"with a special holder for it. My pinpointer worked the first time and I did not find any difficulties. Even with the coil flattened under the future case, it works stably (photo No. 15)

Photo No. 15 - the pinpointer is ready to be placed in the housing

"Last winter 2 after reading interesting articles about pinpointers and having studied the schemes available on the Internet, I decided not to repeat these schemes, but to try to develop my own. I immediately looked towards a small but "smart" microcontroller . The attempt was successful. I spent the whole season with it (of course, the MD "Krot-m" finds the target, but the pinpointer "Gnome-M" helps to locate it) and I can’t even imagine how I can do without it ... After all, I really want to see what is "ringing" in the ground .)"

Pin assistant on detecting number one!

I present:Pinpointer "GNOM-M" (2010)

  • Simple and easily repeatable circuit
  • Sensitivity: for a coin 4-5 cm, a large metal object - 25 cm
  • Operating mode - static
  • The sensing element is directed forward and around 360°
  • Presence of sound indication (pezo emitter) - tone change
  • Availability of light indication
  • Auto Sensitivity
  • Reminds you if you forgot to turn it off
  • Consumption ~3-5mA
  • Miniature dimensions of the board12 x40mm
  • Power supply 2.7 -5V (2.3 minifinger or lithium)


Co. Film capacitors C2 and C3 are better. To improve thermal stabilityIt is recommended to install a PTC thermistor in series with R2.

Scheme from TSV with keys

This is what it might look like outside the case a


Principle of operation The pinpointer is based on measuring the quality factor of an oscillating LC circuit. The approach of metal objects to the circuit leads to a loss of energy (a decrease in the quality factor) and, as a result, a decrease in the signal amplitude on the LC circuit. Measurement, processing, all combing and signal generation to the emitter are carried out by a program hardwired into the microcontroller.

Manufacturing: Manufacturing fees (when printing, check the "mirror" box) not complicated and requires only the skill of mounting smd components, although it is also possible to manufacture on DIP-output components. About Applied Parts

. The sensor of the device is a ferrite rod (these are used in transistor receivers) 5-10 cm long and 8-10 mm in diameter. The coils are wound one on top of the other and contain 200 turns of insulated copper wires 0.2-0.3 mm . It is necessary to observe the polarity of the connection, therefore, in the absence of generation (frequency 15-20 kHz), it is necessary to change the ends of any of the windings. It is allowed to change the parameters of the coil - wire, length and diameter of the rod.
Tincture comes down to selecting a voltage of 1.0 V at the 2nd output of the microcontroller with a trimming resistor R2, in the absence of nearby metal objects.
Design There can be any pinpointer - the sensor board and AA batteries or a lithium battery allow you to fit, for example, the device into housing Z-23, orplastic water pipe with an outer diameter of 20mm.
ATtiny13-T - change the period of the tone ( 03.09.2016)

Everyone can assemble such a device, even those who are completely far from electronics, you just need to solder all the details as in the diagram. The metal detector consists of two microcircuits. They do not require any firmware or programming.

Power supply 12 volts, can be from AA batteries but better than a 12v battery (small)

The coil is wound on a 190mm mandrel and contains 25 turns of PEV 0.5 wire

- Current consumption 30-40 mA
- Reacts to all metals No discrimination
- Sensitivity 25 mm coin - 20 cm
- Large metal objects - 150 cm
- All details are not expensive and easily accessible.

List of required parts:
1) Soldering iron
2) Textolite
3) Wires
4) Drill bit 1mm

Here is a list of required parts

The scheme of the metal detector itself

The circuit uses 2 microcircuits (NE555 and K157UD2). They are quite common. K157UD2 - you can pick it out of the old equipment, which I successfully did

Capacitors 100nF must be taken film, like this, we take the voltage as little as possible

Print out the board sketch on plain paper

Cut out a piece of textolite under its size.

Apply tightly and with a sharp object push through the places of future holes

Here's how it should turn out.

Next, take any drill or drilling machine and drill holes

After drilling, you need to draw tracks. You can do this through, or just paint them with Nitro varnish with a simple brush. The tracks should turn out exactly the same as on the paper template. And we charge a fee.

In the places marked in red, we put jumpers:

Next, just solder all the components in place.

For K157UD2, it is better to put an adapter socket.

To wind the search coil, you need a copper wire with a diameter of 0.5-0.7 mm

If there is none, you can use another. I did not have enough copper varnished wire. I took an old network cable.

Took off the shell. There were enough wires. Two cores were enough for me, they also wound the coil.

According to the scheme, the coil is 19 cm in diameter and contains 25 turns. I note right away that the coil must be made of such a diameter based on what you will be looking for. The larger the coil, the deeper the search, but a large coil does not see small details well. The small coil sees small details well, but the depth is not great. I immediately wound myself three coils 23cm (25 turns), 15cm (17 turns) and 10cm (13-15 turns). If you need to dig up scrap metal, then we put a large one, if you look for small things on the beach, then the coil is smaller, well, you'll figure it out yourself.

We wind the coil on anything of a suitable diameter and wrap it tightly with electrical tape so that the turns are tightly next to each other.

The coil should be as flat as possible. The speaker took the first one that came across.

Now we connect everything and try the circuit for performance.

After applying power, you need to wait 15-20 seconds until the circuit warms up. We put the coil away from any metal, it is best to hang it in the air. After we start twisting the 100K variable resistor until clicks appear. As soon as the clicks appear, twist in the opposite direction, as soon as the clicks disappear, that's enough. After that, we also adjust the 10K resistor.

At the expense of the K157UD2 chip. In addition to the one I dug out, I asked a neighbor for 1 more and bought two at the radio market. I inserted the purchased microcircuits, turned on the device, but it refused to work. I racked my brains for a long time, until I just put another microcircuit (the one that I soldered). And everything immediately worked. So that's what a transitional socket is for, in order to pick up a live microcircuit and do not suffer with soldering and soldering.

Purchased chips

A pinpointer is a device that belongs to the family of metal detectors. It is used to search for metal objects in a variety of conditions, including underwater. The name of the device comes from English pin pointer, which translates as "dot pointer". The simplest pinpointer is small and looks like a flashlight. It may well come in handy for finding hidden electrical wiring in the wall.

Purpose of the device

The pinpointer is a metal detector. It determines the exact location of the metal at a fairly shallow depth, approximately of the order of 5 cm. People who search for coins or other valuables made of metal, up to archaeological ones, are called treasure hunters. They work with the pinpointer in a wide variety of places: from official excavations to waste dumps. Factory models of metal detectors are not always convenient for such purposes, and besides, they cost a lot of money. Therefore, it makes sense to assemble your own pinpointer according to the scheme. The device is most effective for use in a recently formed pit or dump soil placer. The ground can be scattered into a dense volume of grass or a large amount of foliage, which clearly makes it difficult for the usual search for treasure hunters. Knowledgeable and experienced people say that in this situation, the pinpointer is the best choice.

Assembly Parts

To assemble a pinpointer with your own hands, you will need certain tools. The main elements will be:

  • Soldering kit: a certain amount of tin, solder and the soldering iron itself.
  • A versatile set of screwdrivers or a set of bits for a screwdriver handle-base.
  • Clamping tool: pliers, pliers. Cutting: cutting pliers or similar object.
  • To assemble the printed circuit board, you need to stock up on profile material.

It is worth noting that for different models during the assembly process, the list of necessary materials and tools may change. Also, basic skills in the manufacture of such boards will be useful, knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and experience in it are welcome.

Schematic diagram of the pinpointer

The fundamental provisions of the device model are as follows:

When assembling a pinpointer with your own hands, it is necessary to take into account the basic principle of its operation - the quality level of measuring the oscillatory circuit. When a metal object approaches it, there is a loss of energy power. As a result of this process, the amplitude of the signal on the circuit decreases.

To increase the sensitivity of the device in the assembly, it is better to use film-type capacitors C2 and C3. Radiating element ZP-1 must be piezoceramic.

Assembly technology

By itself, the process of making a pinpointer with your own hands is simple, but it still requires certain skills in working with SMD components. Another option would be a DIP output element. The ferrite rod, which can be dismantled from an unnecessary transistor receiver, will become a sensor. The rod should be about 110 cm long and 10 mm in diameter. Winding in coils occurs according to the principle of superimposing one on top of the other. The material for it should be a wire in an insulating winding. The wire should be copper with a diameter of 0.3 mm. The required number of turns should be 200 pieces.

Particular attention should be paid to the polarity of the connection in a homemade pinpointer. In the absence of generation, a frequency of 15 kHz needs to change the extreme points of any winding. Coil characteristics (such as length, wire, rod diameter) can be changed. But it is worth remembering that it will directly affect the sensitivity of the device.

The pinpointer is tuned by adjusting the voltage in the area of ​​the second output of the microcontroller itself. This must be done using a tuning resistor R2. There must be no metal objects around the device while the adjustment is being made. This will achieve the most effective sensitivity. A voltmeter will help with the measurement. To do this, you need a device with a high level of resistance, such as an oscilloscope.

Electronic frequency pinpointer

How to make a pinpointer in this version will tell you the principle of operation of the frequency counter. The assembly scheme will not cause any particular difficulties. The operation is based on the operation of an electronic FM frequency meter. There is discrimination of ferrous metals, the depth of search for objects is limited to 60 cm, the operating frequency is at the level of 19 kHz.

All required parts are simple and affordable. A little attention should be paid to capacitors, which should have thermally stable performance. These may be the K71 models from the old Soviet multimeter. It is not recommended to use ceramic, they will not work.

Important! The stability of the device directly depends on the quality of the capacitor!

Batteries or other rechargeable cells with a voltage of 9-12 V can serve as a power source for the pinpointer. Only 10 mA is needed directly for the printed circuit board, the rest will be "pulled" by the speaker, which can be replaced by headphones.

Analog pinpointer

Do-it-yourself analog pinpointer is quite easy to assemble. Its effectiveness lies in the search for precisely small items, such as coins.

Capacitors for this type of metal detector on the generator are selected film-type. The voltage must be 100 V or more. The loop coil can be mounted on a ferrite rod, the diameter of which should be 10 mm. You can also use a rod from a magnetic antenna built into old radios. The nominal length of the rod should be 10 cm. For winding in a coil, enameled wire is taken and wound in 4 layers. After completing this process, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for treating the coil with a special varnish in a homemade pinpointer. Finally, the coil will need to be crimped with heat shrink tubing.