How many followers do you need on instagram to make money. how much do instagram ads make how much do instagram stars make

Instagram is a social network that is gaining more and more popularity every day, which gives great prospects for finding its niche and gaining a large audience. Is it worth it to start your project in 2017, how quickly the investments will pay off, how much publics, bloggers and top stars earn on Instagram on followers - we'll talk about all this today.

How much do they earn from advertising on Instagram and how to get into the trend of a growing social network?

The fact that selling on Instagram is much more profitable than on VKontakte and other social networks has long been known to advertisers who seek to get the maximum return on their investment (ROI). In addition, the fact that this site demonstrates a positive growth trend provides another weighty argument in favor of developing your own account. In the era of Internet technologies, people are already becoming too lazy to read blogs and magazines, they just need to scroll through, watch photos or videos. Instagram today is associated with popular photographers, top models, showbiz, Russian elite. That is why today, according to advertising exchanges, about 80% of orders from advertisers go to this social network.
On average, a top model of average popularity with 500,000 followers will cost about 20,000-30,000 rubles to publish. Stars of all-Russian scale, having a multi-million audience, the amount of earnings from one placement can reach 1 million rubles. For example, Kim Kardashian, with an audience of 60 million, has 1 placement valued at $10,000.

If you don't have a promoted account yet, you can try it on Insta.

How much can you earn on Instagram in a month?

On average, you can start earning income on Instagram already with 50,000-100,000 subscriptions from 100 to 15,000 rubles. for advertising. If you take this minimum bar, you can earn from 3,000 to 450,000 rubles per month. Prices depend not only on the number of subscribers, but also on the chosen topic, activity and geolocation of the audience.

Today, the following topics are in trend - the fashion industry, popular photographers, individual beauty blogs, entertainment topics, video blogs. The chance to quickly find their audience is guaranteed to publics oriented towards the middle class of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Such topics as sports, life in the metropolis, proper nutrition and others are gaining more and more popularity. The growth trend of publics is the same as in Vkontakte.

How Much Do Instagram Stars Earn?

Celebrities who flicker on the covers of fashion magazines, posting guards in their profiles, receive tens and hundreds of thousands of rubles. for one placement. How much does star PR really cost and is it tough for everyone?
Let's satisfy our curiosity about how much Buzova earns on Instagram. The telediva has more than 9 million subscribers in the account today. And the minimum placement threshold is 202 thousand rubles.

Alena Vodonaeva sets the same price. For Ksenia Sobchak, who has about 4.5 million subscriptions, one advertising placement costs 100-250 thousand rubles. Ksenia Borodina asks for about 150 thousand rubles for one publication. Victoria Bonya takes the same amount. Alena Shishkova's post is estimated at 70 thousand rubles. Approximately the same price is called by Anastasia Volochkova and Victoria Lopyreva. The not-so-famous model Daria Shai has a placement with a million audience for 10,000 rubles.

How much do Instagram bloggers earn?

Today, the authority of the opinion of bloggers who are style icons is so great that even the manufacturers of such fashion brands as Louis Vuitton or Chanel are ready to give them bags just for the fact that they will promote their products to their subscribers. On average, popular bloggers with the number of subscriptions from 50,000-100,000 people receive 5,000-15,000 rubles per post. Advertising with the most promoted bloggers can cost advertisers 200 thousand rubles. One can imagine that with the publication of only one advertising placement per day, passive income per month ranges from 150 thousand to several million rubles. But now it’s not funny at all, especially for those who did not show any hope for this social network and made fun of those who diligently posted photos in order to promote themselves on the social network.

Let's look at such an example - how much does the famous YouTube video blogger Maria Vey, who has more than 4 million "fans", earn. The screenshot shows that 1 placement costs about 270 thousand rubles.

How much do Instagram followers earn from advertising posts?

Today, advertisers who have grown up in the era of social networks are "hardened" in the topic of Internet marketing and can literally determine by eye which sites should be placed and which ones should not. They easily estimate what percentage of live subscribers in the blog, and which of them are stuffed with bots.

1 placement on average costs from 10,000 to 100,000 rubles.

We offer you to go through the pages of famous personalities and find out how much they earn on Instagram.

1. Kim Kardashian

Given the popularity of the socialite, it is not at all surprising that she receives a lot of money for advertising. Different brands give away about $400,000 for each post. Other members of the Kardashian family earn a little less.

2. Olga Buzova

The owner of the most popular page in Russian Instagram works more for quantity than quality. You can see a huge amount of advertising on her page, as she often publishes several posts a day, the price of which starts from 500 thousand rubles.

3 Gigi Hadid

The girl is one of the highest paid and sought-after models of our time. At the same time, she still makes good money on her Instagram, for example, one post on her page costs $ 120 thousand. Gigi agrees to advertise only proven things.

4. Sergey Shnurov

The leader of the Leningrad group does not have as many subscribers as some Russian stars, but at the same time he makes good money. His post is worth about 1.5 million rubles. Advertising on his page appears infrequently, presumably, he exposes only what he uses himself.

5. Cristiano Ronaldo

Surprisingly, the main income of a football player is not his salary, but advertising. Cristiano advertises well-known brands that pay him $400,000 for each post.

6. Ksenia Sobchak

The 2018 presidential candidate quite often posts ads for which she is paid from 300 thousand. Interestingly, in most cases only her hand is visible in the photo, very rarely Ksenia is completely removed from advertising posts.

7. Dmitry Nagiev

The actor's page is watched by several million people, to whom he periodically advertises various products. For one post, Nagiyev is paid 650 thousand rubles.

8. Nastasya Samburskaya

The most scandalous actress does not disdain various advertisements, but most often sports-related companies or beauty salons turn to her. For a post, she asks from 450 thousand rubles.

9. Cara Delevingne

The British model and aspiring actress earns a lot of money, including on social media. For each advertising post on her page, she demands $150,000.

10. Marina Fedunkiv

The comedy star is known for her creative and funny posts that get a lot of likes. She uploads both photos and videos, for which advertisers pay from 120 thousand rubles.

11. Ksenia Borodina

The permanent TV presenter of the Dom-2 TV project advertises anything: cakes, cosmetics, clothes, accessories, and so on. For each post, the star receives from 400 thousand rubles.

12. Nastya Ivleeva

The girl became famous thanks to her mini-videos on Instagram, and now a huge number of her subscribers helps her make good money, for example, she asks for 450 thousand rubles for each advertising post.

In recent years, creating videos on YouTube has turned into a profession from a hobby - every year more and more users of video hosting consider it as an additional or even main source of income.

Many users of the Instagram application have also been successfully making money on it for several years, using it as a stable additional or main source of income.

Money bloggers bring millions of users subscribed to their channels and personal accounts. So, if you spend a little time promoting your blog, the profit will not keep you waiting - this has already been proven by popular bloggers from Russia.

According to the results, Valentin Petukhov, known on YouTube under the nickname Wylsacom, is recognized as the richest blogger. His income is 26.9 million rubles. He was followed by Olga Buzova (24.6 million rubles), Stas Davydov (23.9 million rubles), Ksenia Borodina (19 million rubles) and Ksenia Sobchak (16.5 million rubles).

In the study "The Most Expensive Blogger" Ivangay is in the lead - the cost of advertising on his YouTube channel costs 1.350 million rubles. In second place is Katya Klep - one million rubles. She is followed by Mariana Ro - 765 thousand rubles, Stas Davydov - 765 thousand rubles. Sasha Spielberg closes the top five with 520 thousand rubles.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

Instagram in recent years has become not only a popular social network, but also a place for. Users try to draw as much attention as possible to their profile in order to find new subscribers. But how many followers on Instagram do you really need to earn real money on this hobby. How is the process of earning and what are the ways to make money on Instagram? You can read about this and more in the continuation of the article.

How many followers do you need on instagram to make money

How many real (live) followers do you need to get real money from your Instagram account? This question interests many, and no one will give an exact answer to it. Only one thing can be said: the more of them, the more earnings you can expect from this hobby. And this is true, but there are some nuances.

The main thing is that the subscribers are “live”, that is, they are real people. It is the “live” subscribers who will view your posts, and it is they who will be able to bring you a stable income on the network. But not everything is so simple - not all advertisers check the real number of subscribers, but look at the likes on posts that can be "cheat".

In Russian-language instagramm, the following ratio of the publication price and the number of subscribers can be distinguished: for every 10,000 subscribers, they usually pay from 500 to 5,000 rubles. The more subscribers there are, the higher the price of publication will be (i.e. if you have 100 thousand subscribers, you can be paid 50 thousand rubles for one posted photo or video). The price depends on the complexity of the publication and its topic.

For example, the cost of a promotional video is much more than a regular photo. The most attractive audience on the Russian-speaking Instagram are users from St. Petersburg and residents of the capital. If you collect more than a million subscribers, then you can safely leave your job - you will fully provide for yourself.

But there are some nuances of this way of earning. It is necessary to define the target audience: for example, age category and subject. The most popular age audience are users from 18 to 35 years old. But with the choice of a publication topic, it will be much more difficult, but you can highlight fashion bloggers, photographers and a variety of popular trends.

How to make money on Instagram by posting photos

Making money on Instagram without investment is far from a myth. By posting a variety of photos, you can earn quite decent money. But what is the point of making money on publications in a social network? The most popular ways to make money on Instagram are:

  • Advertising earnings.
  • Like earnings.
  • Promotion of other people's accounts.

Do not forget that you can also earn money on your idea by creating some kind of flash mob or a new trend.

earn money on instagram ads

It is this way of making money on social networks that is the most popular and profitable. But in order to start making money on advertising, you first need to gather your “army” of subscribers, who will generate passive income. Therefore, in order to start receiving regular income, you first need to try very hard. After all, how much you can earn on the Internet depends directly on the number of subscribers. That is why in the early stages, special attention should be paid to the promotion of your account, which will help you with the following services:

The most popular advertisements on Instagram are publications with products of any brands or photos from visiting stores and salons. It is for these photos that manufacturers are ready to pay a lot of money, because often with the help of this they advertise not only their products, but also their own official accounts on social networks. The meaning of promotional photo publications is to write positive, one might even say laudatory, reviews about the product or the manufacturer as a whole.

But what do you need to do to start earning? Here is a detailed guide to making money on Instagram:

  1. You need to choose the subject of publications and your entire account as a whole. This is no less important factor than the number of subscribers, because it is not so much the quantity of advertising that matters, but its quality and targeting. Therefore, take the choice of topic with all seriousness. Do not choose too "broad" or, conversely, too "narrow" theme. After all, it is important for an advertiser to find not just a “place” for a huge number of people, but to select subscribers who are really interested in publishing. Most popular bloggers recommend choosing a topic that you are well versed in yourself - this will attract the target audience. This is how you can make good money on your Instagram account. True, for this you need to wait until the account gains popularity.
  2. Account advertising. After all, everyone knows very well that the more subscribers you have, the more your earnings will be. Communicate regularly with subscribers, answer their questions. Basically, get people's attention. Try to advertise your account through friends, leave your comments under the publications of the stars. Leave links to your account in other social networks or on thematic forums. Try not to wind up subscribers in not quite “legal” ways (some Russian stars buy inactive bot accounts on the Internet that simply hang in “subscribers”), because advertisers can easily “figure out” this fact.
  3. Page work. Post photos and various posts regularly to attract people. More people subscribe to such “live” accounts than to accounts with rare publications.
  4. Search for an advertiser. It would be preferable to find a regular advertiser. Announcements about the search for an advertiser can be published on specialized sites on the Internet. It is not recommended to place posts about the search for an advertiser in the profile description - this repels potential subscribers. You can write something like this: "For all questions, please contact ..." Instead of an ellipsis, you can insert an email address or phone number.

Earn money on instagram likes

Earning on Instagram on likes cannot be called a profitable occupation, usually only people do it. This way of earning consists in setting likes to other users of the social network, for which you will be paid money. But earning decent money in this way is almost impossible. Usually, even if you work almost all day, you get the maximum to pay bills on your mobile phone. Such low earnings are explained not only by the low cost of placing a like (usually from $ 0.01), but also by the relatively considerable time spent.

You can earn substantial money on likes only on your account. That is, pay users for liking your posts or following your account. A kind of account promotion. Only after a good promotion and the appearance of a sufficient number of subscribers, it will be possible to earn money.

Free instagram promotion

There are a lot of ways to promote your account on a social network for free at the moment. One of them is the cheating of likes and subscribers. You can cheat for free on special sites on the Internet. You can also download a paid application.

The point is that bot accounts will follow you, thereby increasing the number of subscribers. But do not forget that advertisers pay attention not only to the number of subscribers, but also to their activity. For example, if 10 thousand people subscribe to you, and there are about 100 likes on publications, then most likely they will understand that you have cheated subscribers.

To avoid this, you should also wind up the number of likes under the posts. To do this, you can also use special sites, programs and applications. But this method has one significant disadvantage - most of these programs are paid, and over time, often, the number of subscribers begins to fall sharply, as well as the number of likes on publications.

This usually happens due to the blocking of bot accounts by the Instagram administration. In order for the number of subscribers and likes not to decrease, you will have to fall into some kind of “dependence” on cheating. It will be necessary to regularly buy both bots and likes, and therefore spend money on it. Consider if it's worth it. Will you justify the cost of promotion through the sale of advertising. Won't you go to the "minus". In free versions of the program, usually, the number of subscribers for cheating is small. And to wind up more, you have to pay money for it.

Another way to promote Instagram for free is manual promotion. That is self-attraction of subscribers. Getting people to follow you is not easy. To do this, you need to regularly publish not only photos, but also videos (article -), and interesting ones. Try to communicate more with people who have already subscribed to you. Ask them questions, go to their pages and comment on their publications.

So, perhaps, their subscribers will begin to notice you, and it is possible that they will subscribe at all. In addition, subscribe to popular thematic publics or groups. Try to draw attention to yourself there. Regularly comment on all publications, join discussions and discussions. Just do not overdo it - you can be blocked.
Also, many bloggers recommend liking followers of accounts with a theme similar to yours. Usually, in return, people will not only like your publications, but if the account seems really interesting to them, then they will subscribe to you. In order not to spend a lot of time liking subscribers of thematic groups or popular publics, you can use special programs on the Internet. You will need to select the required public account, and the program itself will select the most active of its subscribers and put likes on their publications. Agree, a very convenient way to promote your account.

Of the completely free ways to promote an account on Instagram, all options have been considered. But there is one interesting paid method that can be attributed here. You can buy a public that already exists. Publics are usually inexpensive. Usually their creators urgently need money, so they do not try to make money on advertising, but sell their accounts. This purchase is a one time purchase. You pay once, and then you promote the already promoted public further, earn money on advertising, etc.

This option is one of the simplest, pay attention to it. The purchase usually pays off almost immediately, after several advertising posts a day. Consider this option. You do not have to promote an account from scratch, you will only need to publish thematic photos and videos. Of the minuses of this method, only one can be distinguished - you can be deceived. For example, you will pay the money, but the account password will not be given to you. You will not be able to prove anything, and the money will be lost forever. It is better that you are from the same city as the person you want to buy an account from. Money can be transferred at a meeting, and this is much safer.

You will read: what popular Instagram bloggers earn on, how to upgrade your account to the top one, how much you can earn on it, how brands and bloggers cooperate.

How to become a popular blogger if you are not a young model or a TNT star

About money that haunts everyone.

It’s easy for a famous person to become a top Instagram blogger: every post about an event in the life of a star, whether it’s the birth of a child (for @xenia_sobchak), a vacation in Dubai (for @victoriabonya) or a divorce from her husband (for @buzova86) becomes an informational occasion for both glossy magazines and national media. The “tops” don’t bother much with content: why, if the fans already love them and come by themselves, organically?

TV channel TNT often notes on his five millionth instagram accounts of his presenters, which certainly brings the latest subscribers. With such media support, it is simply impossible not to promote your account. Stars TNT, in turn, share the income with the channel (as one bird brought us on the tail). But keep in mind, the channel has its own contracts with the stars. And not all the money earned on their popularity goes into a person's pocket. For 2016 the number of subscribers Xenia Borodina almost doubled. In addition to the stars, there are quite a few young models among the top Russian Instagrammers: 22-year-old Anastasia Kvitko(@anastasiya_kvitko, 5.3 million subscribers) and 27-year-old Svetlana Bilyalova(@svetabily, 4.6 million subscribers) surpass in popularity Dmitry Medvedev(@damedvedev, 2.6 million followers) and Ksenia Sobchak with 4.4 million subscribers.

Russian Kim Kardashian from Kaliningrad needed only a few plastic surgeries to become popular.

Russian-language accounts with more than a million subscribers belong not only to singers, TV presenters and models: they include actresses, popular YouTube bloggers, members of Doma-2 and a few men - Timati, Egor Creed, Sergey Lazarev, Garik Kharlamov other. It’s not easy for “ordinary” Instagrammers to grow in such a competitive environment: they have to invent something interesting in order to please the audience. The @instagramru account (9.4 million subscribers) helps them develop by posting photos and interviews of vending bloggers.

How to become a top blogger and make money blogging?

Artem Khokholikov(@hoholikov), blogger, 179 thousand subscribers:

The main thing to do in order to become a top in a fairly short period of time is to do something truly unique, or something that is already there and is in demand in a new form. It is very important to be yourself, not play any roles (unless the blog requires it) and be patient. If there is no unique content, you need to do what you like and inspire, and most importantly, work hard and achieve results. You can make great money on a blog. The amount of earnings depends on the subject of the blog and the quality of the audience - if it has tens of thousands of not cheated and real subscribers, with good activity, you can earn half a million rubles a month. And this is not the coolest indicator. In advertising posts, I always bother with content and quality. It is not always possible to come up with something super unique, but I try to find this opportunity. Often, instead of a photograph, I make a “boomerang”. It is difficult, but very interesting, to figure out how to beat advertising in such a way that it would please not only yourself, but also the audience. Small items, such as coffee or cosmetics, are most often left by companies to bloggers. It seems to me that this is a kind of sign of gratitude and increased loyalty to the brand with a desire to cooperate in the future. Something large-scale, such as a car, rarely remains with bloggers. Bloggers can earn money not only from advertising in their account. Someone has his own business or a share in any business. Many open other channels on other topics and develop them, also placing ads. Tops can also be paid for attending events. There are an infinite number of variations of earnings. Both among the stars and among bloggers there are those who do not earn on their account. For example, men in the top of Instagram are more modest - showmen Pavel Volya and Ivan Urgant post only advertisements for their own projects in their accounts, and rapper Timati tells eight million of his subscribers exclusively about his life.

Creative people maintain their own accounts for themselves and their fans. They do not exchange for advertising, but they gladly agree to creative collaborations with brands. At the same time, they are most often called to become “ambassadors” of the brand. Advertising in such accounts is not perceived as "jeans", which attracts many large advertisers.

Do all bloggers blog for money?

Sergey Minkin(@teaforbear), Olympus Ambassador in Russia - 39.3 thousand subscribers:

Once upon a time, they noticed my profile on Instagram and wrote about it on their blog and account, then the first 15 thousand people subscribed to me in a day. How much you can earn on a blog, to be honest, I don’t know - I never advertised for money. Rather, I always chose advertisers that were interesting to me, those whose products I really would like to talk about. My entire account is designed in the same style with a very limited set of features, and one of the main conditions for advertising is that it should be in the same style the rest of the photos.

“I have to think very hard to come up with the plot of an advertising post”

The @tearfobear account is very thematic, and its subject matter is not the best, say, convenient for advertising. I have to really bother to come up with a plot for an advertising post.

Most often, the advertised goods remain with me, but there are times when a little more goods are needed for a photo, in which case I return them back to the advertiser.

Bloggers vs Celebrities: Attitude to Advertising and Earnings

We found out from the representatives of Instagram-millionaires and top bloggers how much advertising on their pages costs. Advertising in star blogs is not a cheap pleasure, but you can quickly and easily agree on placement (just write to the email address specified in the profile). TV presenter Ksenia Borodina responds to a request for a quote in just a few hours:

From December 20, 2016 to January 20, 2017, 37 advertising posts were published on Xenia's Instagram. It is impossible to say for sure, but if each such post was placed for 200,000 rubles, then the total amount was 7.4 million rubles. Ksenia advertises beauty salons, clothing and footwear stores, children's goods and services, mobile applications, and especially the now fashionable giveaways (competitions in which you need to subscribe to 20-30 accounts of participating brands).

Advertising in Borodina’s profile cannot be called intricate: of course, these are mostly good photos of a star with a product, but there are also advertising layouts and unsuccessful angles. In addition to the “third-party”, the TV presenter’s account also contains an advertisement for her own clothing brand @bang_bang_borodina, which has 110 thousand subscribers.

Actress Nastasya Samburskaya with the achievement of 8 million subscribers, she allegedly shaved her head, once again becoming the heroine of the news. Samburskaya, with her share of irony, is gaining people's love on Instagram with great speed and has an unconventional approach to advertising on her blog, which gives her every right to set the highest price for a commercial post - 325 thousand rubles.

Advertising on Instagram @samburskaya is handled by the producer Petr Ploskov, he also promotes the singer Anna Semenovich, actress Natalia Rudova and other instablogers of various calibers. Responds to letters asking for prices Peter lightning fast.

From December 20, 2016 to January 20, 2017, 11 advertising posts (10 photos and 1 video) were posted on Samburskaya's account. It’s impossible to say for sure, but if you believe the numbers, the account earned 3.62 million rubles in a month. Among the customers are brands of clothing, shoes and accessories, mobile applications, beauty salons. You can find out advertising posts on Samburskaya’s Instagram by turned off comments.

Nastasya tries to diversify advertising on her blog: she shoots funny videos, signs photos with humor. She also has regular advertisers - for example, an advertisement for the same Moscow beauty salon regularly appears on the actress's Instagram. She's got a Batman manicure and pedicure.

Everyone caught not frail butthert

Sergey Shnurov(@shnurovs) does not advertise the advertising manager in his profile, but recently stated in an interview about the price of one and a half million rubles for an advertising post.

Sergei claims that he advertised pickled cucumbers "6 acres" and vodka "Myagkov" for this money. Considering that for one and a half million rubles you can buy only 20 prime-time commercials on Channel One, brands' investments in advertising on Shnurov's Instagram cannot be called unsuccessful.

But advertising by Russian celebrities is not always justified even for a large brand - the price is too high, the audience is too wide. If it is necessary to limit the geography of the audience, companies cooperate with well-known regional stars.

A popular person can earn not only on a blog

Alena Malysheva(@alionamalysheva), radio host, blogger, 40.9 thousand subscribers:

I have been developing my account for about three years. Every day I try to make relevant and useful posts with beautiful photos, communicate with subscribers, use the possibilities of mutual PR with other bloggers. The cost of an advertising publication on my blog is 5,000 rubles. 5-10 such publications per month do not strain my subscribers. Therefore, now the blog brings me about 25,000-50,000 rubles a month. Not the most profitable business, because I'm more interested in doing my own projects than advertising others. My “basket” of golden shells comes from various activities: I work on the radio, I host events, I run my own course for girls. I try to approach blog advertising with sense and humor. Advertising in the first place should not look like advertising. To want to look at it, to read it. I try to advertise only what I like, so my reviews are always sincere. This plays an important role in the fact that advertising works so well. Often it turns out that instablogers usually have more targeted followers for the brand - their pages are devoted to a narrow topic (lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, sports, photography, children, etc.) . Their subscribers are not exhausted by the abundance of advertising, and the bloggers themselves are trying very hard to make advertising as native as possible.

Why tag sponsored posts on your blog?

Andrey Frolchenkov(@afrolchenkov), SMM specialist, blogger - 12.9 thousand subscribers:

I started actively developing my account three years ago. I didn't make a profile on purpose. I am not asking anyone to subscribe to me. People do it voluntarily. They probably just like my content - I have no other explanation. Moreover, I am very active. I put likes a lot (sometimes even automatically, without reading the post), people remember this and put likes in response. I comment a lot and talk to people. People love attention. It flatters them. I give what they want. In return, I get subscriptions to my account, and they just get used to my content.

Brands turn to me for advertising quite often - up to ten different requests per month, from startups to the giants. I work with the former on a barter basis (for a product), with the latter - only for money. I have several types of advertising posts: I repost from the brand's page, I make a post written by the brand itself, I write the post myself and I make a high-quality picture with the brand. The most important thing is that I value the time of my friends and subscribers and put the hashtags #postpaid and #andreyrich in advertising posts.

Blogging is easy. I keep my account about myself and about myself. The way I want. My audience is well aware that no one will refuse money and advertising of goods at home. Maybe I just got lucky with my friends and followers. Yes, and I don’t have too much advertising and I don’t serve it very deliberately.

I dated this post to my weight loss and told the whole story in such a way that this particular brand helped me lose weight. It worked. People believed and made orders.

It is interesting that installers earn not only by direct advertising, but also by promoting commercial accounts: who, if not them, better know how to attract subscribers with interesting content and involve them in communication with the brand.

Why does native Instagram advertising work better?

Ekaterina Podoprigora(@mooooar), Instagram promotion specialist, blogger, 102k followers:

Blogging is different for everyone. Offers can flow like a river every day or appear once a week / month / two months - as you're lucky.

The cost of an advertising post on a blog starts from 5,000 and goes up to 25,000 rubles or more. There is no general “hospital temperature” - the price in Moscow, of course, is higher than in other cities, but there are more requirements. In addition to advertising, bloggers often give lectures and master classes, and promote on Instagram. Travel bloggers arrange trips that they take their subscribers on for a fee, which already includes the organization fee.

All advertised goods, of course, remain with the blogger. Sometimes the product turns out to be completely unnecessary, and you can come to the store, take a picture of it, post it and get money, pretending to use the product. But there are few such cases, usually bloggers give unnecessary things to family and friends, play in contests or simply sell them.

I have a friend who is always loyal to one brand of phone and camera, but takes others for a test; a few months later writes an ad for the sale. He got money for the review, the technique, the money for the sale of the technique, the advertiser got the posts. And everyone is happy.

As far as possible, I make non-banal advertising posts. Agree, when you poke your nose at an advertising post that shouts: “Buy!”, you will not run to buy a product, but rather, you will try to run away from it.

Sometimes the customer has a clear task for an advertising post, and any deviation from it is not accepted. It is important to explain to him that native advertising gives more conversions, more interesting to subscribers.

How to advertise in popular accounts and evaluate the results

With the launch of a mobile application with video stickers @magicapp in December 2016, an advertising campaign was launched with the participation of several Russian and foreign stars at once - Nastasya Samburskaya, Olga Buzova(8 million subscribers), Tina Kandelaki(1.2 million subscribers), Natalie Haussmann(1 million subscribers), Vine celebrity and comedian Brittany Furlan(2.2 million subscribers), a popular 15-year-old dancer Chloe Lukasiak(5.2 million subscribers). Sadly, this brought the app's Instagram account just under three thousand followers and nearly 500 hashtag photos.

With such a multi-million coverage, 2669 subscribers per month is a failed result of an advertising campaign.

Perhaps @magicapp should pay more attention to its differences from Snapchat and dozens of similar applications, or perhaps opt for instablogers - advertising video stickers from stars looks fake. But Samburskaya alone could be replaced by a dozen bloggers!

Even "image" advertising can work

Stanislav Stolyarov, Fujifilm's Instax Instant Camera Brand SMM Manager:

If a blogger posts an “image” post when he indicates a brand account and a hashtag, the effect for the brand will be small, but high-quality, since users are already interested in the product, which means they are likely to remain in the community for a long time. Joint contests with bloggers will help to reach a large audience, but it will also stay in the brand account for a short time - until the end of the contest. Placing posts with positive reviews about the product and links to brand accounts are more in line with the strategic goals of the company, and are not aimed at an immediate increase in sales.

It happens that a lifestyle blogger with a small number of subscriptions can “shoot” a post much better than a celebrity, as a rule, this is caused by a 100% hit in the audience. But there are other examples: a video with a popular TV presenter not from our target audience and an Instax camera in our account got 3-4 times more views than other videos;

and the post of a blogger with 1 million subscribers in 3 days collected 300 thousand impressions (1/3 of the audience), 75 thousand subscribers (1/10 of the audience) actively responded to the product. At the same time, subscribers trust the recommendations of non-top bloggers more than celebrities, as they understand that, most likely, this is not a “bought” post, but a real review.

Now popular giveaways, held with the participation of stars, are a way to save on advertising in popular accounts. To participate in such a contest, Instagram users must follow ten or more brand accounts; the organizers say that the winner will receive a prize from the hands of the star. Such a giveaway is a transformation of a similar competition that has sunk into oblivion, in which one of the products of the participating brands became the prize. This format quickly fell out of favor and was replaced by a stellar giveaway with one valuable grand prize. The name of the star ensures the flow of contestants. When starting a giveaway, keep in mind that Instagram users are already tired of such contests and often ban accounts created specifically for the contest.

How to save on advertising with top bloggers?

Denis Shamarin, organizer of contests with millionaire bloggers:

Before the New Year, we held a competition in the giveway format: the participant had to subscribe to 30 brand accounts of various topics. Alena Shishkova's Instagram became the main promotion channel - this is the ex-wife of rapper Timati, she has five million subscribers. Participation in such a competition for the brand cost 21,000 rubles, while each account received from 5,000 to 40,000 live subscribers in three days. Of course, since Alena has a purely female audience, appropriate brands were chosen for the competition - a family country club, online media about fashion , clothing and accessories stores, fitness trainers, photographers, etc.

The advantage of popular Instagram bloggers is that they are cheaper, easier to communicate with and often more effective than stars. Of course, subject to the correct selection of bloggers and careful presentation of advertising.

How to find the right bloggers on Instagram?

Exchanges help to select Instagram bloggers by advertising cost, theme, blog geography, subscriber engagement (average number of likes, comments per post, cost per action),,,,, Sociate .ru.

The blogger gets paid after posting, which means that the possibility of fraud is excluded. You can pay for advertising service by card or by account for legal entities. Work with the exchange begins with the placement of an application - a task for publication with a limitation on the duration of the advertising campaign. After verification, the task is sent to the selected bloggers, and the amount needed for posts is frozen on the advertiser's balance. After posting, you can ask the blogger to finalize the post if it was not posted according to the rules. After the specified period, the unspent amount is returned to the balance. Most often, bloggers delete advertising posts after a while. Exchanges work for a monthly fee and / or a commission for payments in favor of bloggers. Commission can be avoided if you find a blogger through the service, and agree on placement directly.

Eva Katz

Eva Katz, founder of the Digital Bandito project:

We work with business accounts. From favorite exchanges: They have a great browser widget that shows the essence of the blogger and his rating. Conveniently. It must be understood that the presence of a blogger on the exchange does not guarantee that the blogger is of high quality. Many people intentionally “wind up” their accounts in order to sell ads in them later. Therefore, in addition to the usual monitoring and selection by key parameters, pay attention to the number of likes and comments from such a blogger. And especially the quality of the comments. If there are conversations in the format “cool post”, “cool”, etc. , then the comments are purchased. Quality bloggers will have on-topic discussions and lively dialogues in the comments. Sometimes a not very popular blogger can be much more useful than a star. For example, in narrow topics (mothers, brides).

Why can't you place advertising posters with bloggers?

Dmitry Freidman(@dfreidman), blogger - 52.2 thousand subscribers:

Collaborating with a brand, I want not only to benefit for myself, but also to advertise the product as cool as possible, advertising is also part of my work. If the brand is close and interesting to me, then I will try to present it as best as possible, provided that I was given freedom. It often happens when they write to me in the spirit: “Publish an advertising poster with such and such a text, and we will pay you.” I am not interested in such cooperation - it is not productive. Sometimes companies write that do not understand that their products do not match the subject of the account and our target audiences are different. I can agree to such cooperation, but what use will such advertising be? I work with many photo brands: this area is very close to me. For example, the Finnish company Kameratori, which specializes in the sale of old film equipment, is also interested in entering the Russian market. They are cool guys, and I myself have recently become interested in such technology, so I follow them and support their projects. There are not very decent bloggers who get a product by barter, but do not advertise it, or violate the terms of advertising. This is a kind of fraud, since the company paid a person for advertising (albeit with a product). Large brands enter into written contracts with bloggers (for example, Samsung) to make sure. affecting brand reputation. This is due to the fact that often the terms of cooperation are not fixed in the contract. Large companies therefore work with bloggers through intermediaries - agencies take reputational risks for their commission.

How do Instagram bloggers cheat?

  1. They cheat subscribers, likes to posts, video views to raise the price of advertising on the blog. Look carefully at the statistics before making a decision on cooperation.
  2. Pull with placement or refuse to place posts by agreement. They do not fulfill the conditions: they do not mention in the post, they also mention other brands. The situation, unfortunately, is hopeless. We blacklist such bloggers and do not work anymore.
  3. Increase interest in the advertised product. The scheme is simple: bloggers ask each other to comment on advertising posts, feigning interest. Always check the authors of such comments - it often turns out that commentators are also bloggers.
  4. Write a negative about the product. Of course, you can't forbid a blogger to consider a product bad, but you can ask him not to express a negative experience in public.

In order to choose bloggers for cooperation as accurately as possible, watch them: how often they place ads, how subscribers react to it, whether they write negative reviews. Ask the blogger for account statistics and compare it with the data of the Livedune service (you can track 5 profiles there for 499 rubles / month).

How can a brand effectively collaborate with bloggers?

Daria Manelova, Instagram marketer, founder of Instagram promotion agency Bright Mind:

Blog posts for brands are one of the main types of promotion on Instagram. For a small business, a blogger is a person with 30-40 thousand subscribers, a larger business works with those who have 200-300 thousand or more.

There are responsible bloggers who work well and correctly, and they provide statistics on the geography and demographics of the audience at the request of the brand. There are bloggers who provide nothing.

Not everyone makes sense to cooperate with top bloggers and celebrities. Often, bloggers have a much better audience than the audience of stars, because bloggers regularly need to provide good quality content, advertise in a way that subscribers will like. Therefore, it makes sense to work with celebrities if there is a direct hit to the audience or recognition is needed. If sales are needed, if it is a small or medium business that needs sales, it is better to work with bloggers.

Bottom line: how much and how do top Instagram bloggers earn?

An audit of the Russian-language segment of Instagram showed that celebrities have the most subscribers - actors, singers, presenters, producers and models. Celebrities have advertising managers who communicate with the customer. Most often, large clothing and accessories stores, beauty salons and mobile applications are advertised in “star” accounts. Few people think seriously about the filing of advertising - except perhaps Nastasya Samburskaya and Sergey Shnurov. They make money on advertising, despite this, not bad - from 1.5 million rubles per post (as Sergey Shnurov, if it's not a joke) up to 7.4 million rubles a month (as Ksenia Borodina).

Regional "stars" have ten times fewer subscribers, and there are no advertising managers, but the attitude to advertising is more reverent - after all, each subscriber is precious. Both large federal and small regional brands turn to them for placement, because often the cost of advertising from a blogger is much more effective than a billboard or a TV commercial. Celebrities of a regional scale earn 50-100 thousand rubles a month. Many agree to advertising in exchange for goods and services. Bloggers with an audience of many thousands usually specialize in one topic - photography, sports, illustrations, tourism. Rarely such blogs are "for themselves", without placing paid advertising. With such bloggers, brands get successful collaborations. The income of the blog author depends on the ability to present an advertisement in an interesting way and show the effect to the advertiser. It is real to earn 500 thousand rubles a month on a thematic blog.

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