Is it possible to find out why they took money on a megaphone. Why money is withdrawn on Megafon: possible options Money disappears from the megaphone account

Several times I heard from friends that their mobile operator "steals money." In each of these stories, the operators were different, and people could not clearly explain anything, calling this phenomenon “they write off I don’t know why.” I thought that the reason was not in the operator, but in the subscribers themselves, who simply did not familiarize themselves well enough with the terms of service or connected some tariff option, forgetting to disconnect later.

But a few months ago, I myself encountered such a situation: the Megafon operator, against my will, for my own money, provided a service that was completely unnecessary to me.

History of one write-off.

Our retired granny has a cell phone. The SIM card is in my name. Prudent relatives through Megafon's "Service Guide" turned off all services, options and paid entertainment services that could lead to write-offs. In general, the granny uses voice communication and sometimes checks the balance.

One day, grandma announces to us that the balance of funds on her personal account has strangely decreased, and she thinks that, they say, this is “probably collected to help flood victims in the Far East.” We ask granny if she sent any SMS: she replies that she didn’t send anything, she only checked the balance in the morning, “but the phone was lying next to the TV when the news was about the flood.”

We, of course, laughed, and decided that the granny simply did not agree on the debit with the credit, she messed up something, or maybe she was chatting with a friend from the village along the long distance.

But just in case, I looked into the details through Megafon's "personal account". What I saw surprised me:

Among other things, the list of services included mysterious services for 20 rubles - a number, an access point "400". The cost, of course, is not high, but what if they continue to withdraw 60 rubles a day like this? Neither I nor my grandmother connected such a service. There is not a word about her on the Megafon website. All paid entertainment services are disabled. you ist das?

Is Megafon stealing money? Let's figure it out.

One of the Megafon offices is located nearby, so without thinking twice, I send a letter there asking why the money was debited, what is the outgoing premium ussd and how to turn it off. The text went something like this:

Today, October 3, 2013, funds in the amount of 60 rubles were debited from the personal account of subscriber number 927*******. for the following services:

03.10.2013 7:49 400 Outgoing USSD premium 20

03.10.2013 7:50 400 Outgoing USSD premium 20

According to the person using this subscriber number (elderly person), the operation “checking the balance” was performed with the phone at the indicated time, the combination *100# was dialed. I do not exclude the possibility that, due to the advanced age of the user, a different combination could have been erroneously dialed on the phone.I find the write-off of funds and the fact of the provision of the service erroneous, since the service "USSD-premium" I did not connect. In addition, the service "Prohibition of sending entertainmentSMS". In view of this, I ask you to cancel the write-off of funds.

Also, in order to prevent such write-offs in the future, I ask you to clarify what user actions can lead to such write-offs of funds.

Please send the answer by mail to the address specified in the contract for the provision of communication services.

Every day we make a large number of calls, send SMS and consume network traffic. Sometimes money from the balance is spent too quickly and it is not clear for what purpose. And the user may not even notice it. We will find out for what they can withdraw money on Megafon.

When money is withdrawn without the knowledge of the subscriber

For the correct operation of the mobile device, it is necessary to replenish the account periodically and it becomes unpleasant if the amount of expenses increases, and the terms of provision and characteristics of the tariff plan do not change. Funds can be withdrawn from the account without the consent of the consumer for several reasons:

  1. Information or entertainment subscriptions, additional paid content are installed on the user's phone number. Moreover, these applications may not apply to the Megafon network. Usually, their presence is indicated by constantly arriving advertising notifications in the form of SMS.
  2. On the SIM card, services that work in a paid mode are active.
  3. The presence of debts to the provider on other SIM cards that are registered for one consumer.
  4. Poorly selected contract.
  5. Hidden restrictions and tricks from the operator when changing the tariff plan. For example, a subscriber activated a contract, within the framework of which a certain function was provided for a promotion, completely freely. But when the promo period is over and the conditions have changed, the previously free service will begin to charge a commission every day. Often the client himself launches a certain option, and then simply forgets about it.
  6. A mobile device may be infected with a virus program, and scammers are extorting money.
  7. Smart phone operation. Going to unknown resources and opening suspicious links.

Controlling expenses in your personal account

To enter your personal account, register by entering your phone number and security code. The main menu of the resource displays useful information, the current state of the balance, the volume of package data balances in the current month, and much more.

If you want to know why the extra money was withdrawn from the balance, look at the information about all installed options on your mobile device. To do this, open the "Services" section. Here you can control the appearance of unnecessary applications, useless paid content and subscriptions. Deactivate them if necessary.

To find out specifically the time interval and function that caused the funds to disappear, go to the "Expenses" tab and see information about all paid activities in the current monthly period. If you need statistics for several months or a longer period of operation, fill out the details or order an invoice.

The first request for one-time detailing is free of charge, for subsequent requests, you will have to pay 3 rubles per day. There is periodic reporting, it costs 90 rubles. After activation, you will receive full statistics every 30 days. You can request an invoice to your e-mail for zero rubles. or to a mailbox for 90 rubles. per month.

Attention! To use the personal account service, you need a stable internet connection.

Help from Megafon employees

If the received detailing and personal account did not help, use the qualified help of specialists. You can choose two paths:

  1. Call the consumer technical support hotline 0500 and ask the operator to disable connected services.
  2. Contact the service provider's salon.

USSD requests

In order not to be unexpectedly left without money on the balance sheet, it is necessary to periodically control your expenses. Here is a list of USSD combinations:

  1. *105# . The team provides remote access to the personal account service.
  2. *100# is the main command for checking the balance status at the current time.
  3. *583# - displays information about all subscriptions and connected paid services.
  4. *512# is a simplified version of the detail. It displays data on the latest paid transactions on the user's SIM card.

The use of all listed combinations is not subject to billing in the territory of the home region and in any part of the world.

SMS service

If you want to know where the funds from your account were spent, use the SMS service from the provider, which will promptly provide the necessary information:

  1. Write SMS to the number "000105612" - "Last 5 calls".
  2. SMS to "000105611" - "Last expenses".
  3. SMS to "000105613" - "Last 5 SMS".

As a result, you will receive a response notification from the operator with the requested information. Sending a message in the home area is free of charge.

Precautionary measures

To avoid trouble and unforeseen expenses, a number of preventive measures should be observed:

  1. Before connecting a tariff plan or a specific service, carefully study the features of the provision and conditions in the contract, especially under the small print and footnotes.
  2. Don't subscribe to useless subscriptions.
  3. Check your balance daily.
  4. Do not visit suspicious sites and online resources, especially do not leave your personal data on them.
  5. Do not reply to unknown messages, do not open links and unverified files to avoid viruses infecting your mobile device.
  6. Do not participate in dubious television lotteries.

To ensure that the account balance is always under control, install the Live Balance service from Megafon. It will display up-to-date information about the amount of money on the smartphone display in the form of a widget. A subscription fee of 1.5 rubles per day is charged for use. To activate, dial the code *134# . Some phone models may not support this option.

Hello, dear readers of our site. Sometimes it happens that some amounts of money are debited from your Megafon mobile account somewhere. Moreover, in most cases, these write-offs begin to occur regularly.
This fact is quite understandable if you have a tariff plan with a subscriber payment system, and if you do not have a subscriber?

A list of all reasons for withdrawing money from a Megafon account by a telecom operator

Why is the operator debiting money from the account

Why does Megafon write off money in this case? How can I find out what was charged? Naturally, most people will blame the cellular operator without even trying to figure out the reasons. Meanwhile, without any good reason, a mobile operator of this magnitude is unlikely to risk its business reputation without a good reason.

Connected paid services and tariff plan from the subscriber payment system

Meanwhile, as we wrote in the last article, some mobile operators sin by periodically changing the terms of tariff plans and options unilaterally, although they themselves claim that they only care about the convenience of the subscriber. However, Megafon did not notice such things. Yes, and the operator can earn on his subscriber using a lot of other ways.
In the event that, for any reason, money began to be debited from your cell phone account, most likely you have some kind of paid service attached. In order to find out where the money disappears from the megaphone account, you should ask what services are paid and which services you currently have connected to the megaphone.

A Megafon help center specialist will definitely help you.

However, one should not forget the fact that the manager will protect the interests of his employer, and if you think with one hundred percent certainty that the money has been debited from you illegally, feel free to write an application at the sales office for a refund. If you manage to prove that the write-off is illegal, everything will be returned to you to the penny. However, do not forget that the reason may be that you did not carefully read the terms of the tariff. In this case, you have the opportunity to apply to the regulatory authorities or to the court.
You can also change the operator while maintaining your number and choose a more profitable and understandable tariff plan.

I like it 93 I don't like it 73

Megafon has millions of subscribers who constantly replenish their phone balances by spending money on calls and the Internet. But a large number of additional services lead to serious costs. Therefore, the user has no choice but to find out why the money was withdrawn on Megafon, and how to disable the unnecessary service.

Why can they withdraw money on Megafon

For any mobile user, withdrawing funds from the balance of the phone can come as a complete surprise. It's one thing - when the subscriber actually activates additional services, for example, roaming when traveling to Belarus, Ukraine, etc. But it is completely different - when the connection to a particular service was carried out without the knowledge of the subscriber. And in most cases, there is no fault of the operator, since the service can be initially connected for free. In addition, scammers often make additional subscriptions to other people's numbers.

Money from a Megafon subscriber can be withdrawn for the following reasons:

  • on account of the debt for other user numbers;
  • due to hidden conditions of the tariff plan;
  • connection to the mobile Internet through third-party access points (for example, Anyapn);
  • as a fee for various operator services.

To find out why additional amounts disappear from the account, you need to clarify the list of connected services and order a breakdown of expenses. If some services were connected without the knowledge of the owner of the phone or the tariffs of regular services increased, you can disable them.

Find out through your personal account

Checking connected services should be mandatory. You can see where the money really goes by using the Internet. Subscribers often use the opportunity to find out such information on the official website of Megafon.

For this you need:

  1. Open the operator's official page.
  2. Log in.
  3. Find the "Service Management" section.
  4. Print cost details by phone number.
  5. Checking the presence or absence of unnecessary services in this way is very simple.
  6. Call Help Desk

To check the availability of additional services, the subscriber can contact the support center. To do this, just dial the number 0500 on the phone and call. The user will be connected to an operator who will help to understand the situation and explain why the money is withdrawn.

Important! If the subscriber believes that the operator is withdrawing funds illegally, he needs to contact the company's office in person and write a corresponding application.

At the company office

  1. Via SMS. In order to use this method, the subscriber must have a list of codes for the selected services. If they are, then you should send the word "STOP" and a unique subscription code to number 5051. For example, the "Unlimited Dating" service is deactivated using the code 9218.
  2. Instead of SMS, you can send a USSD combination. It's free, as is sending a message.

There is no universal request, since each service has its own USSD command. Their list can be found on the official website of the company. For example, in order for users to disable the "Change the dial tone" service, there is a command *770*12#. And in order for the subscriber to be able to turn off "Unlimited SMS", he should use the combination *456*6#.

Precautionary measures

It is also better not to use your mobile number in different lotteries, do not leave them on dubious sites. Otherwise, fraudsters will be able to take advantage of this, which will lead to the debiting of additional funds from the account.

The operator cannot withdraw money from the phone account just like that. Most likely, the subscriber uses some kind of additional service and, of course, is forced to pay for it. But even if the service was activated by scammers, it is very easy to disable it and stop spending money. If there is an operator’s fault, then you should write a statement and deal with company representatives personally.

Megafon today is among the leaders of Russian mobile operators, which provides roaming in Ukraine, Turkey and a number of other countries. It is not uncommon for the organization's specialists to receive statements from clients about unauthorized withdrawals of funds from the account. Today, any subscriber of a mobile operator can find out for what money was withdrawn on Megafon on their own or with the help of company specialists, it is enough to know about the existing opportunities.

Is it possible to find out why the money was withdrawn on Megafon

It is not difficult to check for what and why the money was withdrawn today. Each Megafon subscriber has the right, if necessary, to find out such information by using the account detailing service to obtain information about when and for what the mobile operator debited funds from the account. Data on completed transactions can be obtained for a period of not more than 3rd years from the date of application. The company offers the opportunity to get 4 types of detail:

  • one-time - information about all actions of the subscriber, including SMS and MMS, you can get it for the last 6 months in your personal account, for a longer period you will need to visit a communication salon with a passport;
  • monthly detail - allows you to find out about the actions of the subscriber for the month, which can be received periodically by mail, by courier delivery or by e-mail;
  • monthly invoice - a summary of expenses incurred by the client during the month can be received by the 10th day in the form of a fax, postal receipt or e-mail;
  • last write-offs - when typing a command on the phone to the smartphone receives an SMS notification containing information about the last 5 actions of the client.

The last two types of detailing are provided to the client free of charge. In order to receive and find out the monthly details, you will need to pay 90 rubles. The cost of obtaining a one-time list depends on the period of provision:

  • day - 3 rubles;
  • week - 21 rubles;
  • month - 90 rubles.

When using the personal account service, the client has the right to receive details once a day for free. All subsequent requests within a day are provided by the operator with debiting the amount from the account.

Why take money from the phone

To get information about the last 5 charges on the phone, the client can dial the SMS command in the form *512#) . An SMS notification will be sent to the smartphone containing information about the five actions of the subscriber. The client will be able to see recent calls, messages, Internet sessions, time and cost of any paid actions.

How to disable unnecessary services

If you find a problem with withdrawing money, it is recommended to check and, if necessary, disable all unnecessary paid services and subscriptions on the company's official portal using a mobile application. You can check the list of services and subscriptions available on your phone by dialing the following combination:

  • *105#;
  • the number 3, which means services;
  • number 1, to form a list of signed ones.

Information comes in the form of SMS, which reflects a list of existing subscriptions. Similar information can be obtained by sending an SMS from the phone with the word "STOP" to number 5051 or by making a USSD request in the form *505#.

Owners of a personal account or mobile application have the ability to disable unnecessary subscriptions using the systems service. To do this, just go to the "Service Management" section and select those that require deactivation from the list. You can turn off unnecessary services at a branch of the company or by calling the operator's hot number with the help of a call center specialist. The latter methods involve an identity card, so passport data will be required.

What to do if money continues to be debited

The company's specialists recommend that you first use the help of a customer support center specialist and first call the operator's hot number. If it is impossible to solve the problem remotely, you must personally visit the company's showroom to find out the nuances of debiting funds.

If the money continues to be debited, and the client cannot independently determine the reason, then it is necessary to visit the nearest branch of the mobile operator and contact a company employee. To identify the cardholder, you will need to present a passport. This method is not the fastest and will require some time to communicate with a company specialist. The company's specialist will help in the following matters:

  • check the details of the client's actions;
  • explain the reasons for the write-off;
  • help to disable unnecessary services or explain the reasons for withdrawing funds;
  • will provide the necessary advice.

Contacting the branch of the mobile operator gives the greatest guarantee of a full check to exclude the situation of debiting funds in the future.

Precautionary measures

The company's specialists say that in the vast majority of cases, the fact that funds are debited without the consent of the owner is associated with the payment of a subscription fee for subscriptions and services provided on a paid basis. You should not visit sites of a dubious nature, follow the links sent, open items from unknown recipients.

To effectively get rid of the risks of connecting content mailings in the future, it is recommended to use the Stop Content operator service, which allows you to cancel the possibility of automatic connection. To do this, the subscriber needs to send a USSD request in the form of *105*801 command.

It is worth paying attention to the issue of owning several numbers, when there is a possibility of debiting funds from one number to replenish the balance of another.

When signing a contract for the provision of services by a mobile operator, you should carefully read all the clauses of the agreement. Often, customers do not pay special conditions for debiting funds according to the tariff plan, which causes misunderstandings. If desired, the subscriber always has the opportunity to change the current tariff to any other from the line of offers of the operator.