Tutorial "Creating Web Pages HTML Tongue". Creating the first web page HTML language Creating Web pages

The development of the IT-sphere, namely the growth of demand for services for creating and searching for web sites, led to the fact that many, so-called webmasters appeared, ready to fulfill all work on the site and its further support. It is worth saying that most of these projects was created with the help of free designers, the "Master" themselves have only theoretical idea of \u200b\u200bthe technical component of a high-quality web resource. Web design of the site, filling, thoughtfulness of usability - all this is definitely important. But the technically defective site, with errors in the code is simply doomed to failure.

Briefly about common programming languages

Php.. The basis is based on HTML markup. PHP is a general-purpose script language, the source code is open. The syntax is quite easy to master, has a lot of common features with C, Java and Perl. The main advantage of PHP is that with its help, developers can promptly create dynamically generated web pages. With professional proficiency, it can also be used to perform other tasks.

Python.In Russian, distributed as "Python". High-level general purpose programming language, focused on improving the productivity of the developer and the readability of the code. Python kernel syntax is minimalized. At the same time, the standard library includes a large amount of useful functions.

Ruby.. In Russian, the Ruby is common. Dynamic, reflective, interpretable high-level programming language for quick and convenient object-oriented programming. The language has an independent of the operating system by the implementation of multithreading, strict dynamic typing, collector of garbage and many other possibilities. According to the features of the syntax, it is close to the Languages \u200b\u200bof Perl and Eiffel, according to an object-oriented approach - to Smalltalk. Also some of the features are taken from Python.

ASP.. The developer of this language is Microsoft. Technology allows you to develop applications for WWW. ASP is easy and fast. Platforms for ASP: Windows NT and IIS (Internet Information Server). Not entirely correctly called ASP language, rather, it is the technology to connect the program to Web pages. A simple scripting language and the possibility of using external COM components - that's the whole secret of ASP success.

Javascript.. The principle of JavaScript is somewhat different from other languages \u200b\u200bprogramming. The main difference is that it is connected directly to an HTML file. The script written in JavaScript is processed by an interpreter embedded in the browser.

Language use areas are very extensive:

  • Creating web pages that may be changed after downloading the document
  • Solving local tasks
  • Checking literacy to fill the forms by the user before sending them to the server

The diversity of JavaScript features causes the popularity of the language. With it, you can:

  • Make changes to the page: work with tags, change styles, write text
  • Respond to events (for example, mouse click) and perform a specific function
  • Display messages, check the correctness of data, install and read cookies
  • Download data without rebooting the page, etc.

Perl. Initially, this language was a tool for connecting programs that perform various functions into a single scenario, allowing to solve the task complex: text processing, administration, etc. Today, Perl is the main tool for creating CGI applications. With it, the web servers and other systems are administered. The simplicity and efficiency of writing scenarios in this language led to its adaptation to platforms such as Windows, Mac, etc. Perl - open and available, the initial texts of the interpreter can be obtained completely free.

Is the great luggage useful?

The basics of programming are taught in the school lessons of computer science. With Delphi and Pascal, almost everyone faced. More complex languages \u200b\u200brequire a much more serious approach to learning. A certain mind warehouse - mathematical and logical and, of course, the desire to become a specialist in his business will help the novice programmer to succeed. Do not try to master all the languages \u200b\u200bimmediately. It is better to know one's best thing than to have breakdown knowledge about five. In each programming language, there are general principles, all of them are built on the logic of actions, therefore with experience, to master new technologies will become faster and easier. Many can change and copy ready-made codes, but to become a real "artist", and not all programmers may not be imitated.


1. Basic information

1.1 About HTML Language

1.2 Creating a Web site

1.3 Basic provisions

1.4 Document Structure

1.5 Tags of the Body Document

1.6 List of HTML Basic Tags

2. For more information

2.1 Tags lists

2.3 graphics within the document

2.4 Adding styles to the document

2.5 Special HTML Tags

2.6 HTML forms

2.7 HTML Freuma

2.8 HTML Tables

2.9 Schedule Optimization for Web

2.10 Basics of CSS

3. Description of site creation

3.1 Preparation

3.2 Creating a Main page

3.3 Creating a second page

3.4 Creating a page with a description of the city

3.5 Page with photos

3.6 Page with Programs

3.7 Thanks Page


List of used literature


This appearance is devoted to the HTML language. With this language, files are created with the * .html * .html extension, which are web pages. Of these, site networks are consist.

The site is attached to the diploma work as an example of what can be created using HTML language.

All work is divided into 3 sections. The first section is fully dedicated to the description of the main HTML tags. In it, you will find all the necessary information on how to create simple web pages. In the second section, there is information on how to improve the appearance of the document and embed additional opportunities. A third section contains a description of how the site attached to this diploma work was created. It is described in it in detail for a month and a half unclean work on creating a site, talking about various errors in creating and corrected, about the difficulties that have arisen and their elimination methods.

After reading this work, any person, even quite unfamiliar with programming, will be able to understand the basics of programming on HTML. And those who know, may find something new for themselves.

1.1 About Language HTML.

Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a standard language designed to create hypertext documents in the Web environment. HTML documents may be viewed by various types of Web browsers. When the document is created using HTML, the Web browser can interpret HTML to highlight the various elements of the document and primary processing. Using HTML allows you to format documents for their presentation using fonts, lines and other graphic elements on any system viewing them.

Most of the documents have standard elements, such as heading, paragraphs or lists. Using HTML tags, you can designate these items, providing Web browsers with minimal information to display these items, keeping in general the overall structure and information completeness of documents. All that is needed to read the HTML document is a Web browser that interprets HTML tags and reproduces the document on the screen in the form that the author attaches him.

In most cases, the author of the document strictly determines the appearance of the document. In the case of an HTML, the reader based on the capabilities of the Web browser can, to a certain extent, to manage the appearance of the document (but not its contents). HTML allows you to note where the document must be a header or paragraph using HTML tag, and then provides the WEB-browser to interpret these tags. For example, one Web browser can recognize a Tag on the beginning of the paragraph and submit a document in the right form, and the other does not have such an opportunity and represents a document in one line. Users of some Web browsers also have the ability to customize the size and type of font, color and other parameters affecting the display of the document.

HTML tags can be divided into two categories:

1. Tags that determine how the web browser will be displayed as a whole.

2. Tags that describe the general properties of the document, such as the title or author of the document.

Remember that the main advantage of HTML is that your document can be viewed on Web browsers of various types and on various platforms.

1.2 Creature Websight

HTML documents can be created using any text editor or specialized HTML editors and converters. The selection of the editor to be used to create HTML documents depends solely on the concept of convenience and personal addies of each author.

For example, HTML editors, such as Netscape Navigator Gold company Netscape, allow you to create documents graphically using WYSIWYG technology (What You See Is What You Get). On the other hand, most traditional tools for creating documents have converters that allow you to convert documents to the HTML format.

All HTML tags begin with "<" (левой угловой скобки) и заканчиваются символом ">"(right angular bracket). As a rule, there is a starting tag and the final tag. For example, we give the header tags that define the text within the starting and final tag and describing the document heading:

Document header

The final tag looks as well as the start, and differs from it directly lay down in front of the text inside the angular brackets. In this example, tag says the web browser on the use of the header format, and tag - On the completion of the text of the header.

Some tags, such as

(The tag that determines the paragraph) does not require the final tag, but its use gives the source text of the document improved readability and structureability.

HTML does not respond to the character register describing the TEG, and the example above may look as follows:

Document header

Attention! Additional spaces, tabs and carriage returns, added to the source text of the HTML document for its best readability, will be ignored by the Web-browser when interpreting the document. HTML document may include the elements described above only if they are placed inside tags

. More about tags
Will be written below.

When the Web browser receives a document, it defines how the document must be interpreted. The very first tag that meets in the document must be a tag . This tag reports the Web browser that your document is written using HTML. The minimum HTML document will look like this:

Body document ...

Type of document . Tag header part of the document should be used immediately after tag And more in the body of the document. This TEG is a general description of the document. Avoid placing any text inside the tag . Start Tag placed immediately before the tag and other tags describing the document, and the final tag</HEAD> It is posted immediately after the end of the document description. For example:</p> <p><TITLE>A list of employees

Attention! Technically, starting and final tags type , and Optional. But it is strongly recommended to use them, since the use of these tags allows the Web browser to confidently divide the header part of the document and directly the semantic part.

Document header . Most Web browsers display the contents of tag <TITLE> In the title window containing the document and in the bookmark file, if it is supported by the Web browser. Tag Limited Tips <TITLE> andplaced inside -Tags, as shown above on the example. The document header does not appear when the document is displayed in the window.

Hello, friends! Those of you who repeatedly read my blog know that I said many times: you do not need to have special skills in programming to the Internet.

Yes, this is how I do not refuse my words, but only because there are special services and. If they do not use them, then it is necessary to own programming languages \u200b\u200bto create a web resource and filling it.

Want to know what languages \u200b\u200bare needed to create a site? Then read!

Some major provisions

In order to start developing a Web site, several languages \u200b\u200bcan be used immediately. At the same time, it is impossible to say that some of them are better or worse than the rest. The advantage over others can only appear when solving a specific task.

The choice of one or another depends entirely on the level of programmer's skill, because it is rare to find a specialist who has knowledge immediately in all languages.

First of all, I want to say that the programming language is a basic syntax that allows you to create a Web resource.

The basis of a completely any site is. This syntax is responsible for hypertext marking. All web developers are obliged to know it is also good as the multiplication table.

Even if ready-made solutions are used, basic knowledge is simply necessary. With the help of the HTML code, the entire process of creating an Internet resource and its content is carried out. But applying only it, you can create only a simple Internet site without a user feedback, which provides information only to familiarize yourself. For a good dynamic resource, this is not enough!

Basic programming languages

First of all, it is worth highlight JavaScript, because it is the basis of all programming that you need to know when creating a web resource. Among the software platforms basic are Silver Light and Adobe Flash. Moreover, the latter is quite common and is relatively long used by web developers.

These languages \u200b\u200bare used when creating interactive sites. According to Silver Light forecasts, Adobe Flash will soon be completely replaced. In rare cases of these two software products, it is quite enough to create an online site, but the use of only them is extremely undesirable.

The choice of a suitable syntax depends on the operating system that the developer uses. To create a web resource on Windows, a technology is often used that was developed by Microsoft - ASP.NET. It allows you to create a completely any web resource as the easiest and easily able to process a considerable number of requests. To take advantage of ASP.NET, you should have knowledge not at the user level, but somewhat deeper.

The most popular syntax that is in demand for programmers is PHP. It has a lot of advantages, among which can be noted speed and simple syntax. To date, the lion's share of engine is written precisely on PHP.

Starting to deal with web programming, many choose Java, it is most understandable and easily absorbed. Java Server Pages are used to create content.

Recently, it began to use Ruby very often. And every day its popularity is only increasing. I myself personally did not use it yet, but studying the topic, I found a lot of enthusiastic comments in his address. Experienced developers allocate Ruby as the most suitable syntax for quickly creating web sites, while it allows you to implement the necessary functionality of the resource.


You need to choose a suitable syntax in several parameters, namely:

  • Type of operating system used;
  • Complexity and dynamism of the site being created;
  • Available arsenal of own knowledge.

I told what programming languages \u200b\u200byou may need when creating a web resource, and to use them all right or to give preference to some one - this is your business.

I hope this material was useful to you, and you will gladly share this article with your friends on social networks. Do not forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

Yours faithfully! Abdullin Ruslan

Every day IT-sphere is becoming more wider, and the demand for website creation is growing. This leads to an increase in the number of specialists who are willing to take on the development of the site and its support. However, many such webmasters enjoy free designers and have a very vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe programming and technical component of the site. Of course, usability, design and content are very important, but a technically weak site with errors in the code will not be able to bring its owner any benefit. Therefore, only those specialists who own programming languages \u200b\u200bshould be taken for creating sites and are ready to develop a site from scratch.

What languages \u200b\u200bneed to know to create sites?

Experienced developers say that the selection of the programming language depends on the set of factors. However, it should be understood that the ideal solution simply does not exist, each option has its advantages and disadvantages. You need to choose the language that is best suited to solve the tasks. Questions you need to consider before choosing a language:

  • server platform;
  • server software;
  • availability of experience in creating sites;
  • selected database.

Most popular languages

Sites Popularity
(unique visitors per month)
Google.com. 1,600,000,000 C, C ++, Go, Java, Python Bigtable, MariaDB.
Facebook.com. 1,100,000,000 Hack, PHP (HHVM), Python, C ++, Java, Erlang, D, Xhp, Haskell MARIADB, MYSQL, HBASE CASSANDRA
YouTube.com. 1,100,000,000 C, C ++, Python, Java, Go Vitess, bigtable, mariadb
Yahoo. 750,000,000 Php. MySQL, PostgreSQL, VB.NET
Amazon.com. 500,000,000 Java, C ++, Perl Oracle Database.
Wikipedia.org. 475,000,000 Php, hack Mysql, mariadb.
Twitter.com. 290,000,000 C ++, Java, Scala, Ruby Mysql
Bing. 285,000,000 ASP.Net. Microsoft SQL Server
ebay.com. 285,000,000 Java, JavaScript, Scala Oracle Database.
MSN.com. 280,000,000 ASP.Net. Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft. 270,000,000 ASP.Net. Microsoft SQL Server
LinkedIn.com. 260,000,000 Java, JavaScript, Scala Voldemort.
Pinterest 250,000,000 Django, Erlang. MySQL, Redis
Wordpress.com. 240,000,000 PHP, JavaScript (node.js) Mariadb, mysql

Php. It is based on the simplest markup language, HTML. PHP connects the user with the server part. It is in this language that such functions are implemented as forms of feedback, registration fields, etc. The syntax of this language is very easy and easy to explore. To create a commercial portal without PHP, it is not necessary to do without PHP, since it is exactly on it easier to get the user's contact details. The basic dignity of the language is that using it, programmers can be very quickly and without more effort to draw up dynamic pages.

Python. In Russian, it is often called Python. This high-level language used for shared tasks is most often - to complete the tasks by the server. Its landmark is an increase in the performance of the programmer and the readability of the code. With the help of the language, you can back up with many programming paradigms. Python works great on Windows and Linux servers.

Ruby. In Russian, often called "Ruby". This is a dynamic, reflective and high-level language for OOP (object-oriented programming). It makes it possible to implement multithreading on any OS, it has a strict typing of a dynamic type, and has a number of other options. According to the characteristics of the Ruby syntax closest to the analogues of Eiffel and Perl. In addition, individual details are borrowed from Python.

ASP. This language is designed by Microsoft. Using this technology, you can develop applications for www.asp. Language work platforms are as follows: Internet Information Server (IIS) and Windows NT. ASP is quite difficult to name directly by the language, it is rather a technology to connect the program to the Internet page. All the advantages of ASP are in a simple scripting language and the possibilities of using third-party Som elements.

Javascript. The principle "Javascript" is slightly different from other programming languages. Its main difference is directly connected to an HTML file. The script created on the basis of JavaScript is processed by the interpreter, which is embedded in the browser. This language is used for a large range of tasks: Creating dynamic pages (content may vary on the download of the document);

Solving local tasks; Checking the correctness of filling out forms before sending them to the server.

Great language features are explained by its popularity. So, using JavaScript you can:

  • change the contents of the page: add or remove the text, change styles and tags;
  • react to some events (for example, on a mouse click) and perform a given function;
  • display messages, install and read cookies, check the correctness of the entered data;
  • download new data without reloading the document, etc.

Perl. At first, this language was used to connect programs that performed different tasks in a single scenario to solve a whole task complex: text processing, administration, etc. Today, Pearl is used mainly to develop CGI applications. It helps to administer servers and other systems. Due to the simplicity and speed of writing a scenario on a pearl, it was adapted to all popular platforms, including Mac and Windows. Perl has an open source code, absolutely free.

Do you need a lot of knowledge?

Basic Programming Knowledge Programming is acquired in computer science lessons at school. Work at the initial level with Pascal and Delphi had to be actually everyone. But other, more complex programming languages, require another, more comprehensive and serious approach. The first thing you need for a successful programmer is a mathematical, a logical mindset and the desire to improve in your business. At the same time, you should not try to learn all languages \u200b\u200bat once. It is better to master one well than to have excerct knowledge of five languages. All languages \u200b\u200bhave similar principles, they are all built on the logic of actions, so over time, with each new language learning it is all easier. Many can copy or change someone else's code, but not everyone is capable of writing their code to become a real "artist".

The Web page may contain text, graphics and hyperstitis with different Internet resources. To implement all these features, a special language was developed, called Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML), that is, a hypertext markup language. The document written on HTML is a text file that contains the actual text that is brings information to the reader, and marking flags. The latter are certain sequences of characters that are instructions for the view program; In accordance with these instructions, the program has text on the screen, includes pictures that are stored in separate graphic files and generates hypercups with other documents or Internet resources. Thus, the HTML file acquires the view of the www document only when it is interpreted by the viewing program.

Since HTML documents are written in ASCII format, any text editor can be used to create it.

Usually an HTML document is a file with extension.html or. HTM, in which the text is posted by HTML tags. HTML means are specified by the syntax and placement of tags, according to which the browser displays the contents of the Web document. The text of the tag themselves web browser is not displayed.

All tags begin with a symbol "<" и заканчиваются символом ">"Usually there is a pair of tags - start-up (opening) and the final (closing) tag, between which the locked information is placed:

HTML - Standard Marking Language Hypertext Documents

Here the start tag is the tag

And final -

. The final tag is different from the starting only by the fact that he has in front of the text in brackets<> There is a symbol "/" (Slash).

The browser reading the HTML document displays it in the window using the HTML tag structure. In each HTML document there must be three main parts:

Announcement HTML.


Body of the document

Consider each of the items separately:

Announcement HTML.

and. A pair of these tags tells the viewing program (browser) that the document in the HTML format is concluded between them, and the first tag in the document should be a tag (at the very beginning of the document), and last - (at the very end of the document).


and. Between these tags there is information about the document (name, keywords for search, description, etc.). However, the most important thing is the name of the document that we see in the top line of the browser window and in the "Favorites" lists. In order to give a name to your HTML document, the text is placed between the tags. and.

ABOUT</i> <i>loszhadia

Body of the document

The third main part of the document is his body. It should be immediately over the title and is between tags and. The first one should stand immediately after the tag, and the second - before the tag. The HTML document body is a place where the author places information formatted by HTML.

ABOUT</i> <i>horses ... .

From the foregoing, we can write the HTML code of the pages:

ABOUT</i> <i>horses Content my stanits

In general, there are a lot of tags and each of them performs certain functions in creating HTML pages.

Cascade CSS Style Tables

Suppose you need to change the text of the text in the HTML site from black to blue, for this you have to change the background color on each page of your site, but there is a simpler solution to this problem. You can use cascading style sheets or differently - CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

CSS were a revolution that shook www. If before that the Web designer did not know how his creation would look in different Web browsers' programs, now it can control everything: from the font inscription to the position of the picture on the page.

So, CSS is used by the creators of the Web pages to specify the color, fonts, location and other aspects of the document presentation. The main purpose of developing CSS was to divide the contents (written on HTML or other markup language) and submitting a document (written in CSS) .html is used to structuring the contents of the page, and CSS is to format this structured content.

In addition, CSS allows you to represent the same document in various styles or output methods, such as screen representation, printing, voice reading (special voice browser or screen reader).

CSS when displaying a page can be taken from various sources:

External style sheets, that is, a separate file. CSS, which is referred to in the document.

Built-in styles - CSS blocks within the HTML document itself.

Inline-styles when in an HTML document style information for one item is specified in its STYLE attribute.

Custom styles: Local CSS file specified by the user in the browser settings override the author's styles and applied to all documents.

Browser style: Standard style used by default browser for elements.

Style descriptions are in tags and stirred between tags .

If you have styles in a separate file, then between the tags Each HTML document needs to add a link to the CSS file:

Default. CSS is your CSS file containing the description of the applied styles. If it is in another directory, you need to specify the path to it. A CSS file is created in any text editor, for example, in a notebook, you will only need to change the text file extension to CSS.