Standard Windows applications. Standard general purpose programs


The Windows XP operating system has a large set of built-in programs that will be useful for a novice computer user. The main advantage of these programs is their availability on almost all computers. Some features are only available in these programs.

With standard programs you can draw, write texts, emails, watch and create films, listen to music.

Click the "Start" button, select the "All Programs" menu.

P "Games" app. Mini games from Microsoft.

Folder "Standard programs".

Paint. A program for working with raster graphics. The following tools are available: eraser, brush, fill, pencil, lettering (without effects), line, rectangle and others.

WordPad a simple program for editing and formatting texts. Text can be italic or bold in lists.

The address book- database of user contacts.

Notebook. The simplest text editor. The program has a minimal set of functions, loads quickly, and does not require prior installation.

Calculator. The program has 2 operating modes - engineering and simple. Calculations are carried out in various (2, 8, 10, 16) number systems. The calculator works with degrees and radians, trigonometric functions, logarithms, powers. The calculator works with numbers up to 32 digits.

Command line (console). A type of text-based interface (CUI) between a person and a computer in which instructions are given to the computer by entering text commands from the keyboard. The command line interface is contrasted with menu-based program control systems, as well as various GUI implementations.

Program Compatibility Wizard. Allows you to check the operation of an application (program) in various modes and with various parameters. For example, if the program was developed for Windows 95, select Windows 95 compatibility mode and try running the program again. You can try running the program with different parameters. (with 256 colors or a resolution of 640 by 480 pixels).

Remote desktop connection. This program allows you to control a computer running Windows XP Professional from other computers over a network. The remote computer must be running Microsoft Windows XP Professional and must be connected to the Internet or network. Any Windows after Windows 95 can run on the local computer. Accounts with the appropriate rights must be created on the remote computer.

Conductor. A program that provides user access to files in the Microsoft Windows operating system. Explorer is the basis of the Windows user interface. You can use File Explorer to copy, move, and delete files and folders.

Synchronization. Allows you to synchronize data on your computer and the network.

Folder "Entertainment". Microsoft Windows developers offer us to have fun with the volume program (adjusting the volume of headphones, speaker systems, digital audio outputs) and the sound recording program (recording audio files from a digital input, CD/DVD drive, microphone).

folder "Communication"
there is HyperTerminal - a program that can be used to access other computers via a modem, serial port or via the telnet protocol, wizards for connecting to various network connections and the “Network Connections” folder.

Folder "Service".

new Internet Explorer, programs for data backup, system recovery (set the minimum value for the system disk and disable for other disks to increase the speed and performance of your computer), disk defragmenter (this program will place information on your disk in order, which will increase the reading speed and recording data from your hard drive, run this program regularly, first freeing up to 20% of the space on each drive).

Copy and Cleanup Wizards. To automatically clean the recycle bin, temporary folders and files, it is better to use DustBuster or CCleaner.

System Information program allows you to view the settings of the operating system, hardware and Microsoft software products. Here you can find out the version of the operating system, which is important when installing certain programs and updates.

"Symbol table" is a program for viewing fonts (the fonts themselves can be found and installed in the “Fonts” folder in the Control Panel).

Security Center- software that monitors the presence of installed, active and up-to-date antivirus, firewall, and operating system updates on your computer. If you are using non-licensed Windows XP, it is better to disable this service. When updating from the official Windows update website, the operating system is blocked after 30 days.

"Accessibility" folder. Programs for people with disabilities.

Studied with standard Windows programs

1. Calculator

There are situations when you need to quickly calculate something. It's unpleasant to have a computer in front of you that can perform millions of operations per second, and find yourself having to do the simplest calculations with pencil and paper.

The Calculator program solves this problem. The first time, enable it like this: Start > Programs > Accessories > Calculator. If you use the calculator often, this launch method may seem inconvenient - create an icon.

The Calculator program neatly reproduces on the screen the image of a regular desktop or pocket calculator. If you have already dealt with such a device, you will immediately recognize almost all the buttons shown on the screen. The only difference is that you need to press them not with your finger, but with the mouse.

Arithmetic calculations

TO Buttons with blue symbols are used to enter numbers: these are numbers 0-9, a decimal point (or period) and a key to change the sign of a number. The red buttons are used to perform basic arithmetic operations: addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) and division (/). The equal sign (=) button calculates the value of an expression.

For example, if you want to calculate the expression 2*3+5, then you need to sequentially click on the buttons “2”, “*”, “3”, “+”, “5”, “=”. The answer will appear on the “indicator” at the top of the “calculator” - the number 11. Please note that we did not click on the “=” button after entering the number “3”. The calculator, like most of its desktop counterparts, allows you to perform chains of sequential arithmetic operations. For example: 2+3*5+7/2.
In this mode, the Calculator has “arithmetic” logic, that is, when calculating complex arithmetic expressions, the procedure accepted in mathematics is not followed. The expression is evaluated from left to right as written. In our example, we actually calculate ([(2+3)*5]+7)/2=16 instead of 2+(3*5)+(7/2).

If we needed to calculate this expression “according to the rules,” then such a successful sequential chain of actions would no longer be found. This is where the “memory” of our Calculator comes to the rescue.

Notice the red labeled buttons on the left side of the panel. They are intended for memory operations.

Memory Clear - clearing memory.

Memory Recall - calling a number from memory.

Memory Store - writing a number into memory.

Memory+ - adding a number on the indicator to a number in memory.

Now it is easy to perform the desired operation. Click on the buttons “2”, “MS” (stored the first number), “3”, “*”, “5”, “=”, “M+” (calculated the product 3 * 5 and added it to the number, stored in memory), “7”, “/”, “2”, “=”, “M+” (received the final result), “MR” (displayed it on the indicator). The result is 20.5.

Please also note that when a number is stored in memory, the letter M appears in the window above the buttons intended for working with memory.

The dark blue buttons on the right side of the panel perform some special operations.

Square RooT - This button allows you to extract the square root of a number set on the indicator panel. The % button allows you to calculate percentages. For example, to answer the question “What is 20% of the number 6,” click on the buttons “6”, “*” (multiplication is required!), “2”, “0”, “%”. The answer will appear on the indicator - 1.2.

The dark brown buttons directly below the indicator are used to edit the entered numbers.

Backspace - cancel the last entered digit. For example, click on the buttons “2”, “3”, “Back”, “4”. The indicator will show the number 24.

Clear Entry - deleting the last entered number entirely. For example, type “2”, “4”, “+”, “1”, “6”, “CE”, “2”, “4”, “=”. The indicator will show 48 (24+24).

Clear - completely clears the calculator (except for memory) and prepares it to start a new calculation.

And finally, one last note. Try multiplying two large numbers. Enter, for example, arbitrary numbers “in the entire length” of the indicator). Something like 2.68805458746e+24 will appear on the screen. This is the so-called “engineering” way of writing numbers. Number after letter e indicates how many positions the decimal point should be moved to, that is, in fact, this number is 2688054587460000000000000. The zeros at the end of the number are conditional, in fact, neither we nor the Calculator know what numbers are in these positions. If you've never seen this notation before, it might be a little confusing, but it's actually useful for working with very large or very small numbers (try clicking the 1/x button).

Mathematical calculations

You may have used calculators to perform complex engineering and scientific calculations. They are capable of calculating a large number of different mathematical functions. The Calculator program also has such capabilities. To access them, select the item in the menu bar View > Engineering. The appearance of the calculator will change - now there are new buttons on it.

In engineering mode, the calculator has “algebraic” logic, that is, when calculating complex arithmetic expressions, the accepted order of operations is followed - multiplication and division are performed first, and only then addition and subtraction. In our example, 2+3*5+7/2 will be calculated as 2+(3*5)+(7/2)=20.5.

The purple buttons to the left of the memory buttons enable you to perform mathematical calculations. Pay attention to the “Inv” and “Hyp” flags located above and slightly to the left. Thanks to them, each of these buttons allows you to perform multiple functions.

"Inv" checkbox turns functions into “inverses”, for example, instead of calculating the sine, the arcsine will be calculated, instead of raising the number X to the power of Y, the root of the power of Y will be extracted from the number X, etc.

Hyp checkbox only works for trigonometric functions - it turns them into hyperbolic ones.

Statistical calculations

WITH Statistical calculations are slightly different from the others because they also have another small help window. Statistics.

To carry out statistical calculations, use the buttons with blue symbols on the left panel of the Calculator.

They can be used to enter a series of numbers and determine the mean of those numbers and the standard deviation for that series. To work in mode Statistics You need to know a few simple rules:

1. Window Statistics opens with the Sta button - you can enter a series of numbers into it.

2. The number typed in the Calculator panel is sent to the window Statistics button Dat.

3. Three Calculator buttons are used to calculate statistical functions for the series of data that is typed in the window Statistics. This:

Ave - calculation of the arithmetic mean of the series;

Sum - calculation of the sum of numbers in a series;

s - calculation of standard deviation.

As an example, let's perform statistical processing of a series of numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7:

We enter the number “1” in the Calculator;

Open the Statistics window with the button Sta;

We send a number from the Calculator to it using the button Dat;

We enter the number “3” in the Calculator;

We send it to the Statistics window with the button Dat;

We dial “5”;

Send by button Dat;

We dial “7”;

Send by button Dat.

Now the entire series of numbers has been entered and you can begin its statistical processing. By clicking the button Ave, we get the average value of the series - 4. By clicking on the button Sum, we get the sum of the numbers in the series - 20.

Logical calculations

The red buttons on the right edge of the calculator are designed to work with integers in various number systems. The program allows you to work with binary (Bin), octal (Oct), decimal (Dec) and hexadecimal (Hex) numbers, convert numbers from one system to another, and also perform logical and other integer operations on numbers.

To understand any button (any panel element) or any function of the Calculator program, right-click on this element. A tooltip “What is this?” will appear in front of you. Left-click on it and get clear, understandable help.

2. Notepad

Notepad is a very convenient tool for working with short text files. Such files are common (for example, these are Readme files that accompany almost all software products). Thanks to its simplicity, this program can be used for the simplest everyday tasks, and in order to master typing text on a computer with its help.

Text documents are usually considered files with the txt extension, but in fact, other files can also have text content, for example, with the extensions bat, htm and many others. Windows 95 is capable of automatically recognizing several types of files (although you can customize and reconfigure this feature as you wish) containing text information. She will open such files using Notepad.

Please note that the Notepad program is stored in the Notepad.exe file, and the English name of this Notepad program may still appear here and there in the Russian version of the system. Do not be alarmed or surprised - in this case we are still talking about the Notepad program.

To launch the Notepad program, just double-click on the icon of any text file: the program will be launched, and the marked file will open in it automatically. But the size of the files that Notepad can work with is limited. If the file you are trying to open is too large, another, more powerful standard WordPad editor program will be launched, which will be discussed below.

To create a new file from scratch using Notepad, you need to launch it through the menu. To do this, open the Main Menu and select the item in it: Programs>Accessories>Notepad. If you have to do this often, then create a program icon on your desktop.

However, keep in mind that the Notepad program is intended not so much for creating documents, but for quickly familiarizing yourself with existing ones. Therefore, its capabilities may seem very modest to you. But its advantages include loading speed and ease of operation.

What good can be done with its help? First, you can write and print a short document. Secondly, you can work with the Notepad program as with a regular text editor - type characters from the keyboard and see them on the screen. The typed text can be saved in a file for later use. Notepad is often used to prepare messages in advance for later sending via email.

Notepad as a diary

Even more interesting is the possibility of using Notepad to keep a diary. Create a new text file, preferably directly on the Desktop. Open this file in Notepad, and in its first line, starting from the very first position, type the command.LOG (exactly like that, starting with the dot symbol and in capital letters). Save the file.

Now, whenever you want to add some information to this file, open it again using Notepad, for example, by double-clicking on the file icon. You will see that the current date and time are automatically inserted at the end of the file. After them, you can type any text, save it and close the file.

The same thing will be repeated in the future: every time you open this file, the current date and time will be added to its end.

When working with Notepad, the current date and time can be added to the file at any time by pressing F5.

If it seems to you that the Notepad program is poor in its capabilities, then it’s hard to argue with that. But despite this (or perhaps precisely because of this), it remains one of the most convenient and frequently used tools.

3. Graphic editor Paint

When talking about a graphics editor, two concepts are often confused. There are graphic editors that are designed to create images, and there are editors that are focused on processing ready-made images. Of course, this division is very arbitrary, but the processes of creating and processing images are largely independent. In the first case, you need to be able to draw lines, points, and various geometric shapes. In the second case, we are talking about combining images, combining colors, introducing various additional visual effects (filters) such as targeted distortions that create an unusual impression.

The Paint graphic editor belongs to the first of these categories and is designed for creating simple graphic images. It is suitable for creating simple illustrations, mainly diagrams, diagrams and graphs, which can be embedded in text documents. In addition, Paint can be used for educational purposes. It is better to start mastering computer graphics with this program, since more powerful graphic editors may require not only months, but also years to fully study all the possibilities.

There are special graphic editors that reproduce the artist’s creative process, that is, they simulate not only colors, but also materials. For paints, these are oil, watercolor, ink, gouache, pencil, etc. Both types of canvas and tools are modeled (thickness and hardness of the brush, etc.). Even painting styles are modeled (impressionism, cubism, primitivism, etc.).

To launch the Paint graphic editor, open the Main Menu and select: Programs>Standard>Graphic editor Paint.

When the program loads, you will see that the main part of the window is occupied by the working field, on which the drawing will be created. To the left of the picture is a set of tools, and below it is a color palette.

The Paint graphic editor allows you to draw various objects and also has some tools for working with color. Let's look at some of these possibilities in order.

How to draw a rectangle

The tool for this is called:Rectangle. Click on it with the mouse and The mouse pointer will take the form of a crosshair. Rectangles are drawn using the Click+Drag method.

First, expand the editor's workspace to fill the entire screen. Now left-click in the upper left corner and, without releasing the button, drag the mouse to the lower right corner, where you release. A rectangular frame is formed in the size of the working field of our drawing. Experiment with creating a few more rectangles as shown in our illustration.

How to draw a straight line

Select the tool calledLine. A line, like a rectangle, is drawn using the “Click+Drag” method. Where the line ends, you must release the button, and if you want to continue drawing, press the button again.

In case of an error, the finishing touches can be removed using the command Edit > Undo,

The line width can be selected from the menu under the toolbox.

How to paint with a brush

Select a toolBrush, a in the menu that opens below the toolbox - the widest brush size. Now we will draw a tree trunk. It will be brown, so left-click in the color picker on the cell with brown paint. We will do the drawing with the same click and drag.

TO how to use a spray bottle

Tool Spray works like an airbrush.

Having selected it in the toolbox, then select the desired spot size and finally the green paint - we will be painting the foliage. If this is an apple tree, then red round spots (apples) can be placed using a round brush, selecting red paint from the palette.

How to draw a circle or ellipse

A tool is used for thisEllipse. It works the same way, by clicking and dragging the mouse.

With this tool you can create both ellipses and regular circles. If it is difficult for you to make the correct circle “by eye”, you can press and hold the Shift key while drawing - you will get a circle, not an ellipse.

When drawing geometric shapes, pay attention to two things. First, the line thickness will be the same as what you set the last time you drew with the tool Line. If it does not suit you, then you need to enable the tool Line, select new thickness and return to tool Ellipse. Now the line will be as it should. The second circumstance is the color of the line. If you have previously drawn apples and your color is red, you are unlikely to be happy with clouds in the sky with a red border. Choose a new color to suit your taste.

Reproduction of objects

After drawing the sun and clouds, we can practice working with objects. All we see on the screen are graphic objects. They can be moved around the screen, creating combinations of different objects from them and thereby replacing conventional drawing with artistic design (what is called design).

For an object to become independent, it must be “selected” - the tool is used for thisSelection. Select this tool, draw a dotted frame around an object (for example, a cloud), and now you can move this cloud around the screen until it reaches the desired position. Experiment with moving graphic objects and notice the effect of pressing the Shift key. Did you feel the difference?

But you can do more than just move selected objects. They can, for example, be reproduced by copying. When an object is selected, the menu Edit several new points appear, among which interesting points Copy And Cut out. Click on this item. In this case, the selected object will be copied to the so-called Windows system clipboard. (Difference between teams Copy And Cut in that in the first case the original object remains in its place, and in the second it “dies.”)

With a copy of the object in the system buffer, you can now begin to reproduce the object. When there is something in the buffer, in the menu Edit the command appears Insert. This command places a copy of the object on the screen. It doesn’t matter where it ends up - you can always move it to the place you like. Often the copy is placed in exactly the same place where the original was, so that it is not immediately noticeable that something has appeared on the screen.

You can paste as many copies from the buffer as you want.

Other operations with objects

Objects can not only be moved and copied - you can do many other useful and useless things with them. All of them are contained in the menu, which opens by clicking on the item Drawing.

The selected object can be rotated by a given angle, mirrored, stretched, compressed (both vertically and horizontally), tilted, inverted colors and, most importantly, changed attributes. If no object is currently selected, then all these operations apply to the entire drawing.

Click on the item Drawing > Attributes. Among the attributes of a drawing are its size. It can be measured in inches, centimeters and pixels. The size in pixels (screen pixels) is the most interesting. If you know the graphic resolution of your screen, then you can determine how much of the screen the image occupies. By changing the value set here, you can increase (or decrease) the size of the image.

How to draw a curved line

A tool is used for thisCurve. Drawing curved lines is probably the most difficult task in Paint. They are drawn in three steps. First (in the usual way) a straight line is drawn - draw it across the entire width of the screen. Then you can make two bends in this line. Place the cursor somewhere near the line, click the button and move the mouse. You will see how the line bends elastically. When you release the button, the line will become curved. The second bend is made in the same way. Such smooth curves with two bends are calledBezier curves. They are very suitable for depicting the curvature of natural objects, such as the outlines of people and animals.

It may not be possible to get an acceptable result right away. After each unsuccessful attempt, do not forget to delete the “defect” using the command Edit>Cancel.

In the place where the drawn curve crossed our “house”, it can be removed using the toolEraser.

ABOUT It works very simply. And in the place where the line has spoiled the “tree”, it can be sprayed with green paint from a spray bottle.

Fill Tool

This is apparently the simplest and most effective tool in the program. It is used to paint closed contours with the selected color. Select this tool, select the desired paint, and by clicking inside any path in the drawing, you will paint the entire shape with one color.

E If the outline is not continuous, if there is at least one small “hole” in it, left, for example, after careless work with an eraser, then the paint will “break out” when pouring and flood the entire drawing. Cancel such a marriage with the command Edit>Cancel.

Start a new drawing by creating a general rectangular frame. It serves as a natural closed loop and will help avoid troubles when pouring. Whenever possible, try to use tools for closed shapes (rectangles, ellipses, etc.) first, and only then tools for straight, curved and broken lines. This will also help make pouring easier.

Scale tool

Sometimes the breaks in the contour are so small that they cannot be seen by eye. In this case, a tool calledScale, although it looks like a regular magnifying glass.

Lettering Tool

Used to create text inscriptions. Click on the button with this tool and select the inscription mode at the bottom. There are two such modes:

An inscription with a specified background; inscription with transparent background.

If a transparent background is selected, as on our “fence”, then the background will be the one that is present in this place.

After selecting the drawing mode, the cursor will take the form of a double crosshair. Use it to create a rectangle in which the inscription will be entered. Click inside this rectangle and an "I" shaped cursor will appear. You can now enter text. When entering text, you can use all the fonts that you have installed on Windows 95 (let's hope that you have fonts with Russian characters). To select one of the installed fonts, click on the menu item

View>Text attributes panel. A small panel will appear on the screen in which you can select the font (by name), its size (in points) and font style. In the Paint program, only three types of outline are available to you:


Italic (oblique);


Selecting background color and tool color from the palette

TO When we draw something, we always deal with two colors. The first is the background color and the second is the tool color. Both can change, but at any moment there is both. By the way, if the color of the tool matches the background color, then nothing can be seen in the drawing, although the drawing still exists.

You can see what color the tool is currently selected and what the background color is by looking at the small window in the lower left corner of the editor. There are two squares shown there. The top one has the current tool color, and the bottom one has the current background color.

Changing these colors is very simple - you just need to click on the cell of the palette with paints. If you click with the left button, the tool color will be selected, and if you click with the right button, the background color will be selected.

Selecting the background color and tool color from the drawing

Sometimes it is necessary to set the color of a tool not just any color, but exactly the same color that already exists somewhere in the picture. A tool is used for thisChoice of colors (colloquially it is called a “dropper”). Click with such an eyedropper anywhere on the working field, and the color that is present there will be selected as the current one. If you left-click, this will be the tool color, and if you right-click, this will be the background color.

Saving a drawing to disk

Whether your drawing is ready or not, you can save it to disk. If it is not ready yet, it can be modified later. If you are ready, then you can embed it in a document, send it by e-mail, display it on the Internet on a server, print it on a printer, and even use it as a desktop picture.

To save the file, click on the menu item File and in the menu that opens, select Save or Save as... If you have already saved your drawing (and its name is known to the operating system), then the command is enough Save. If you have never saved a drawing before, then the system knows nothing about it and you need to assign a name to it - give the command Save as...

In the menu that opens, select the file type, for example 256-color BMP pattern, select the folder where it will be saved and enter a file name. The Paint program saves drawings only in the bmp format (there are dozens of other graphic formats). The bmp format is neither the best nor the most economical, but it is a “system” format for the Windows system, and this is a guarantee that all programs running on this system will parse and understand it.

How to use your drawing as a desktop wallpaper

All desktop wallpapers are stored in the Windows folder. Open this folder and find in it the ready-made pictures used in the system. Copy your drawing there too.

If you now enter the Desktop settings dialog box , then yours will be present in the drop-down list of prepared drawings. The result could be, for example, as funny as the one shown in the picture above.

4. Text editor WordPad

The WordPad text editor has significantly more capabilities than the Notepad program and can be used both for viewing documents and for creating them. What are its advantages?

Firstly, there are no restrictions on the size of the processed file. WordPad can work with files of any size, regardless of the amount of computer memory and the number of programs open at the same time.

Secondly, WordPad can work not only with regular text files (txt), but also with documents in .doc format. These are also text documents, but in addition to the text, they also contain the style of the document (its appearance).

To launch the WordPad editor, double-click on the icon of the document you want to view or edit, or select the item from the Main Menu: Programs>Accessories>Text editor WordPad.

If you have more powerful text editors installed on your computer, such as Word 7.0 or Word 97, they may have switched some file types during installation. In this case, when you double-click on the file icon with the .doc extension, it is not WordPad that is launched, but another editor.

What features does WordPad offer compared to Notepad? The most important thing is the ability to format the text. When using the Notepad program, all “formatting” comes down to inserting additional spaces, which is inconvenient, ineffective and does not guarantee the desired result, for example, when printing a document.

The WordPad editor provides several options for formatting text, and they are focused on the fact that in the future the document will be printed.

In particular, you can specify in centimeters the desired dimensions of the sheet of paper on which printing will be done.

How to set the font to use

To change the font (that is, its size and name), first select the piece of text whose appearance you want to change. Then, from the menu bar, select Format > Font. In the dialog box that opens, you can select a new font type from those installed on your machine, as well as set its other parameters - color, size and style (bold, italic, underline, etc.).

When using TTF (True Type Fonts) format fonts and an appropriate printer (for example, laser), the appearance of the document on the screen and the one received when printed will be exactly the same. However, be aware that if you plan to transfer the document to another computer and print it there, it may be that that (other) computer does not contain the fonts you used and, as a result, the printed document will not look the way you wanted.

You can select the desired font at formatting panels.

Two drop-down lists specify the font type and its size, the buttons “F”, “ N" And " H." set the bold, italic and underline modes respectively. All these modes can be selected jointly and independently of each other. The next button allows you to select the text color.

All text you enter after changing the font size will use the new settings.

How to change paragraph format

Move the cursor to the paragraph whose format you want to change. From the menu bar, select Format > Paragraph In the dialog box that opens, set the required margins from the edges of the page and the alignment mode. All text entered after this will use the newly set parameters.

How to set text alignment

When you read a book or newspaper, you see that on the left all the lines start from the same place. This is called left alignment. In the WordPad text editor, you can set one of three possible alignment types: left, centered, or right.

You can do this by changing the paragraph format as described above, or by using the buttons on the formatting bar. These buttons represent conventional “lines of text” aligned in different ways.

Left alignment is most common, but headings are usually centered, and tables of numbers often make sense to be right aligned.

How to use introductory bullets

Sometimes you may want to mark sections of text with special characters to show that they cover different sides of the same issue or that it is a list of some kind.

You can use markers for this. To set the marker installation mode, select Format > Marker or click on the button Markers in the formatting panel. A marker in the form of a black circle will appear on the screen. Each time you type another paragraph of text and press the Enter key. Another marker will appear on the screen. Once you've finished using the markers, select the option again. Format > Marker or click on the button Markers in the formatting panel. You will return to normal mode.

Menu: File and Edit

The Word Pad text editor has other features that would take up too much space to fully cover. However, further you can read about the commands included in the first two items of the menu bar, namely: File And Edit. The fact is that similar menu items are found in almost all programs for Windows 95 and are used for approximately the same purposes. Therefore, once you become familiar with these features in WordPad, you can confidently use them in other programs, and not just in text editors.

Menu: File

Create. This menu item is used to create n new document. WordPad has only one window at its disposal and therefore can only work with one document at a time. More powerful programs can work with several documents simultaneously and open a separate window for each such document. In this case the command Create usually creates a new document in a new window.

If you want to work with not one, but two documents at the same time, for example, read one and cook the other, then you can open the WordPad program on the screen two or more times.

Open. This command opens a previously prepared document. A dialog box appears on the screen in which you can select both the folder from which you want to download the document and the document itself. Otherwise, the same thing happens as when creating a new document.

Save. Writes the current version of the document to disk under the same name under which it was previously stored. If you have created a new document, it does not yet have a name and therefore a dialog box will appear in which you can enter a name for the file to be written.

If you have edited (or changed) a previously existing document and want to save both the changes and the previous version, then use the following command.

Save as... This command allows you to write the current document to disk and give it a new name. When you select this command, you will be presented with a dialog box where you can select the desired folder.

If a file with the same name already exists, you will be asked for additional confirmation whether you want to replace the contents of this file with the new one. You can confirm writing to the same file or select a different file name.

Seal. Used to print a document. A dialog box will appear on the screen allowing you to set additional printing options.

List of documents. At the bottom of the menu there may be additional items (up to four) containing the full path to the documents you have worked with recently. This is convenient because many documents are needed frequently. You can open any of your recently used documents.

Exit. Serves to complete work with the program. If the current document is not saved, you will be prompted to save your changes, cancel them, or continue working with the program.

Menu: Edit

This menu defines special editing operations information, including the ability to exchange information between different documents or programs. Transferring information from one document to another using WordPad may seem impossible due to the fact that WordPad only supports one window, but this is actually not the case.

Cancel. This command undoes the last action performed. An action means using any possible command or typing a series of characters from the keyboard. This feature is convenient, although it is very easy to “overshoot” the critical point and lose the opportunity to restore the state before the error was made.

Cut And Copy. Both of these commands are designed to ensure that a fragment of a given document is inserted into another location or into another document.

Above, when analyzing the Paint graphic editor, we talked about the fact that if you select an object on the screen, you can perform various actions with it, for example, copy it to the Windows system clipboard. This can also be done in the WordPad editor (as in most other programs running on Windows 95). True, if in the graphic editor the main objects were drawings, then here the main objects are text fragments (although not only them).

To select a text object, you first need to select a piece of text. Place the mouse pointer at the beginning of the selected fragment, press the button and, without releasing it, move the pointer to the end of the selected fragment. The same effect can be achieved by moving the cursor using the keys while holding down the Shift key.

Now the team Cut or Copy will place the selected fragment in Windows Clipboard, to which all running programs have equal access. The only difference between these commands is that the command Cut deletes a fragment from the document, and the command Copy leaves it in place.

It is useful to know that the Windows clipboard is universal and can contain any type of data. In the same way, it is used not only for transmitting text fragments, but also for copying images, fragments of sound recordings, video clips, etc.

Insert. To use information that has been placed on the clipboard, use the command Insert. This command places the data on the clipboard at the location where the mouse pointer is currently located. The clipboard is not cleared, so the same fragment can be pasted into different places in the document several times.

Other menu commands Edit are specific in nature and most likely will not be found in another program. The exception is the teams Find, Find next And Replace, which are common to all text editors. These commands allow you to search and replace one combination of characters with another.

Find. If you select this command from the menu, you will be presented with a dialog box in which you can type a sequence of characters that will be searched in the text. When such a sequence is found, the search will pause. You can continue editing the document normally or issue the command Find next, which can detect the next occurrence of a given sequence of characters.

Replace. This command works similarly, except that you specify two character sequences. When WordPad finds the first of the specified sequences, it pauses and gives you the opportunity to indicate that the second sequence should be replaced.

You also have the opportunity to set the global replacement mode. In this case, all occurrences of the first sequence in the document text will be automatically replaced with the second sequence. Team Replace all - an absolutely necessary thing when editing texts. So, for example, the words “dialog box” and “dialog window” can be found in books on equal terms, the same with the words “hard drive” and “hard drive”. Authors can use both terms, but the editor who prepared the book for release must “clean it all out”, and the teams help him with this Find And Replace.

Relationship between applications

Exactly for implementation and linking and stands the great power of the Windows operating system. So what is it embedding and linking objects?

We have already mentioned above that the operating system has a so-called clipboard. An object selected in a document, be it a drawing in a graphics editor or text in a text editor, can be sent to this buffer. And then this object from the buffer can be inserted into another document. But the clipboard is universal and can contain not only texts and pictures, but also any other information, for example, a sound clip or video clip. The question may arise: “What happens if we try to insert non-text information, such as an image or sound recording, into a text document in the WordPad editor?

It turns out that a similar feature is provided in Windows 95. And we can talk not only specifically about the WordPad program, but also about many other programs. The Windows system allows you to insert any object into a document: an image, a sound recording, an animation. Static objects (images) will be embedded directly into the document, dynamic ones (sound recordings and videos) can be activated by double-clicking on the image or object icon.

P An interesting thing turns out. Previously, we believed that a document was something that officials worked with in offices. These are sheets of paper that have something printed on them and can be read. Today everything is changing. Now the document becomes electronic. You can not only read it, but also watch and listen to it. This is what is called “multimedia”.

How to insert an external object into a document? There are two ways: you can insert it from RAM, or you can insert it from a file on disk. The first method has actually already been described above. Open the picture in the Paint graphic editor, select an object in it, then use the command Copy place the object on the clipboard. Then go to WordPad and give the command Insert - O
The object is inserted into the document.

The second method is more complex, but also more universal. In the menu bar, select the item Insert > An object. A dialog box opens. Installing the switch Create from file and specify the full search path and file name. If the exact name and location of the file is unknown, use the button Review.

This is it Introduction of objects. The object is, as it were, built into the body of your document and “lives” inside it and in
place with him.

Please note that every object has a size (text is smaller, graphics are larger, and video clips are even larger), and when an object is “embedded”, the document, of course, increases, and sometimes very significantly.

What is binding? It differs from embedding in that in this case the object is not embedded in the document, but only a link to it is embedded. The object itself remains where it was - in another folder on the hard drive of your computer or on a neighboring computer, and maybe even in another city.

It can be assumed, that tying something better than implementation. But it is not so. Let's figure it out.

If the drawing implemented into the text, it “lives” inside the document, is embedded in the document file and is transmitted along with it. If the drawing Connected with text, it is stored somewhere else. Of course, the associated object is not sent along with the document. Only the address where this object can be found is transmitted.

Saving document space when linking objects has a downside. You have to make sure that the connection is maintained. If someone moves the original object to another location (to another directory, for example), then the link will no longer work and the document will remain without the object. There is also a threat that someone can change the object, and then in your documents, instead of a diagram of the continuous growth of the enterprise’s labor productivity, there may be a graph of a steady increase in wage arrears.

But besides the disadvantages, there are also advantages. For example, thousands of company documents may be linked to an audio file containing the company anthem. And when the president of the company wants to change this anthem, he will replace one file, and the new anthem will “play” in all thousands of documents.

Coupling really comes into its own when there is an enterprise local area network, in which one central computer reports only to the boss. In everyday life, as a rule, they still use “implementation”, which is done using the clipboard.

Remember the following simple key combinations that work in most Windows programs:

Ctrl+x - cut an object from the document to the buffer; Ctrl + c - copy an object from a document to the clipboard; "Ctrl+v - paste an object from the clipboard into the document.

View clipboard

Since we're talking about the system clipboard W indows plays such a big role, it would be interesting to ask a piquant question: “What is in the buffer?”

The clipboard is located in the computer's RAM, and you can only look into it using programs. For this purpose, the operating system has a special program called “View Clipboard”. You can find it in the same place as all other standard programs - in the folderStandard. This is done like this:

Start > Programs>Standard>View the clipboard.

When you run this program, its window will display what is in the buffer. The program allows you not only to view the contents of the buffer, but also to save it on your hard drive: File >Save as... The contents of the buffer are saved in clp format. Accordingly, you can do the opposite operation - load into the clipboard what was previously saved on your hard drive.

When looking through the contents of the Standard folder, you may be surprised to not find the Clipboard Viewer program in it. If you do not have it, then know that this is because Windows 95 does not install this program during automatic installation. In order for you to have it, you either had to install the system manually or additionally install this program. This can be done at any convenient time. And we will tell you how this is done in the next chapter.


Windows not only keeps your computer running, but also provides you with several “standard” basic programs that are convenient for everyday work. These programs are not enough for full-fledged professional activities, but they are quite suitable for quickly performing simple operations.

Another advantage of “standard” programs is the ability to quickly master them, so they are quite suitable as the first stage of training before mastering more powerful professional packages.


1. Aliev V.K. Computer science in tasks, examples, algorithms. - M.: Solon-R, 2001. - 143 p.

2. Baldin K.V., Utkin V.B. Computer science: A textbook for students. universities - M.: PROJECT, 2003.

3. Bezruchko V. T. Workshop on the course “Informatics”. Working in Windows, Word, Excel: Textbook. manual for universities, educational. in all areas of training. bachelors and masters and all specialists. prepared diploma specialist. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2004. - 272 p.

4. McCormick D. Secrets of working in Windows, Word, Excel: A complete guide for beginners / Igor Timonin (translated from English). - Kh.: Book Club "Family Leisure Club", 2007. - 240 p.

5. Efimova O. et al. Computer technology course. - M.: ABF, 1998.

6. Leontiev V.P. Personal Computer. Pocket guide. - M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2004.

7. Titorenko G.A. Information technologies in marketing. - M.: UNITY-DANA, 2001.

8. Informatics for lawyers and economists / Simonovich S.V. and others - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004

9. Baldin K.V., Utkin V.B. Computer science: Textbook for students. universities - M.: PROJECT, 2003.

When installing an operating system, by default a whole package of standard Windows programs is installed, about which the average user simply knows nothing. Some standard programs can be found in the menu Start - All programs. Next we open the sections: Service, Standard, and further Service, Special abilities. Some programs are intended for specialists and access to these programs can only be done through the command line or through the command “ Execute».

Using the command " Execute» You can quickly launch programs, open files and folders, and navigate to websites when your computer is connected to the Internet.

To run the command " Execute", you can use one of the following methods:

All that remains is to enter the name of the program to launch it

Now let's proceed directly to the description of those programs that are of interest from the point of view of their use, not only by specialists, but also by the common user.

appwiz.cpl- Programs and components. You can uninstall a program if you no longer need it or need to free up space on your hard drive. To remove programs or change their configuration by adding or removing specific components, you can use the " Programs and components».

control- Control Panel. Used to change Windows settings. These settings almost completely determine how Windows looks and operates, and allows you to customize Windows in the way that best suits your needs.

cipher.exe- utility for maintaining EFS (Encrypting File System (EFS) is a Windows component that allows you to store information on your hard drive in an encrypted format. Encryption is the strongest protection that Windows provides to protect data). Also, using this utility, you can delete a file, folder or data from a disk without the possibility of recovery.

cleanmgr- Disk cleanup. To reduce the number of unused files on your hard drive to free up disk space and improve computer performance. It deletes temporary files, cleans out the Recycle Bin, and removes many system files and other unused items. additional information

control folders- Folders settings. Using the Folder Options component, you can change the way you work with files and folders, as well as the display of items on your computer.

control desktop- Personalization. You can change individual parts of the theme (images, colors, and sounds), and then save the modified theme for your own use or to share with other users

comexp.msc- Component services. Using the " Component Services"In the MMC, you can configure and administer COM components, COM+ applications, and the DTC Distributed Transaction Coordinator. Equipment « Component Services» is intended for both system administrators and application developers. For example, administrators can manage components, and developers can configure desired component and application behavior, such as participation in transactions and object pooling

compmgmt.msc- Computer management. The Microsoft Management Console (MMC) groups administrative tools that are used to administer networks, computers, services, and other system components.

credwiz- Saving usernames and passwords. If usernames and passwords are damaged or destroyed, you can use the backup copy to recover them.

charmap- Symbol table. Used to insert special characters into a document. Special characters are characters that are not found on the keyboard. These symbols include complex mathematical symbols, scientific notation, currency symbols, and letters from other languages.

certmgr.msc- Certificates. Certificates are primarily used to identify users or devices, authenticate services, or encrypt files. Typically, certificates are used unnoticed by the user. However, sometimes you receive notifications that the certificate is invalid or has expired. In these cases, you should follow the instructions provided in the message.

taskschd.msc- Task Scheduler. If you use a particular program regularly, you can use the Task Scheduler Wizard to create a task that will run that program automatically according to a set schedule. To complete these steps, you must be logged in as an administrator. Otherwise, you can only change settings for the current user account.

devmgmt.msc- Device Manager. Using Device Manager, you can install and update hardware device drivers, change device settings, and troubleshoot device problems. A device driver is software that allows Windows to communicate with an individual device. The device driver is installed to make Windows work with new hardware.

diskpart- Console utility for managing partitions in hard disk volumes. The /add parameter is used to create a new partition, and /delete is used to delete an existing one. The device variable is the device name for the new partition (for example, \device\harddisk0). The drive variable is the letter assigned to the partition to be deleted (for example, D). The partition variable is the name of the partition to be deleted according to the partition naming rules (for example, \device\harddisk0\partition1); it can be used instead of the drive variable. The size variable is used to indicate the size of the new partition (in megabytes). A complete list of utility commands can be obtained by entering HELP

dxdiag- The DirectX media technology package is used by many Windows games. If your computer does not have the required version of DirectX installed, as indicated on the product packaging, the game may not function properly. If you have any problems playing your game or movie, the DirectX Diagnostic Tool can help you find the cause. DirectX is a set of technologies used in many Windows multimedia programs

diskmgmt.msc- Disk management. Disk Management in this version of Windows is designed to perform disk management tasks such as creating and formatting partitions and volumes and assigning drive letters. Managing a hard drive is different from managing programs and information stored on the drive. Some management operations change the hard drive, such as formatting or repartitioning partitions. Managing information on your hard drive refers to organizing files and folders to make information easier to access (or adjusting their properties). You can also use the DiskPart command to perform disk management tasks with other command-line programs.

eventvwr.msc- View events. Program " Event Viewer» is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in for viewing and managing event logs. This is an indispensable tool for monitoring system performance and troubleshooting problems that arise (for example, programs that do not start properly or updates that are downloaded automatically).

eudcedit- Personal sign editor. The Personal Symbol Editor allows you to create your own symbols and insert them into documents using a symbol table

ftp- FTP protocol. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files over the Internet. FTP is typically used to make files available for download by others, but can also be used when sending web pages to form a website or to post digital photographs on an image-sharing site.

firewall.cpl- Windows Firewall. A firewall is a piece of software or hardware that inspects data entering over the Internet or network and, depending on the firewall settings, blocks it or allows it to enter the computer. A firewall can help prevent hackers or malicious software (such as worms) from entering your computer through a network or the Internet. A firewall also helps prevent malware from being sent to other computers.

iexplore- Internet Explorer. Microsoft Browser

intl.cpl- Language and regional standards. You can change the format that Windows uses to display information (such as dates, times, currencies, and units of measurement) to conform to the standards of the language you choose. For example, when working with documents written in two languages ​​(French and English), you can change the format to French and use the euro as the currency, and display dates in the day/month/year format.

mmc- Management Console (MMC). A place to store and display administrative tools created by Microsoft and other software vendors. These tools are called snap-ins and are used to manage hardware, software, and network components of the Windows operating system. Some tools located in the Administrative Tools folder in Control Panel, such as Computer Management, are MMC snap-ins.

msconfig- System configuration. System Setup is an optional tool designed to help identify problems that may prevent Windows from starting normally. When Windows starts, you can turn off regular services and startup programs, and then turn them on one at a time. If the problem does not occur when a service is disabled, but appears after it is enabled, then that service may be the source of the problem. System Setup is intended for troubleshooting purposes, but not for boot management.

msinfo32- Information about the system. Component " System Information" (also called msinfo32.exe) displays detailed information about your computer's hardware configuration, components, and software, including drivers

msra- Remote assistant. Sometimes the best way to troubleshoot a problem is to have someone show you how to do it. Windows Remote Assistance is a convenient way for someone trustworthy, such as a friend or tech support person, to connect to a user's computer and help them find a solution to a problem, even if that person isn't nearby.

msdt- Microsoft Technical Support Diagnostic Tool. Used to collect information about problems that occur with your computer and then send this information over the Internet to Microsoft Product Support Services.

mmsys.cpl- Sound. You can set the computer to play sounds when certain events occur (an event can be either an action performed by the user, such as logging on to the computer, or an action performed by the computer, such as notifying you that a new email message has arrived)


OptionalFeatures- Windows components. Some programs and features included with Windows, such as Internet Information Services, must be turned on before use. Some other features are enabled by default, but can be turned off when not in use

osk- Screen keyboard. Instead of using a regular keyboard, you can use the on-screen keyboard to type and enter data. The on-screen keyboard appears on the screen with all the standard keys. You can select keys using a mouse or other pointing device, or use a single key or group of keys to switch between keys on the screen

odbcad32- ODBC data source administrator. ODBC is a technology that is used by programs to access various databases (or data sources). For example, ODBC technology can be used to import data from a MySQL database into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. To do this, you must have the required ODBC driver installed on your computer and the data source specified.

perfmon- Windows System Monitor. Can be used to analyze the impact of programs on computer performance, both in real time and by collecting log data for subsequent processing. Windows Performance Monitor uses performance counters, event trace data, and configuration information that can be grouped into data collector groups

psr- A tool for recording actions to reproduce problems. You can use the Problem Reproduction Activity Recorder to record the actions you perform on your computer, including a text description of where you click the mouse and images of the screen for each click (called screenshots). The recorded actions can be saved to a file that can be used by a support technician or other person helping to troubleshoot a problem on your computer

powercfg.cpl- Power supply. A power plan is a set of hardware and system settings that control how a computer uses and saves power. Power management plans can save energy, maximize system performance, or provide the optimal balance between the two.

rstrui- System Restore. Allows you to undo changes made to your computer system without affecting personal files, such as email, documents, or photos. System Restore is the best choice when installing a program or driver that caused an unexpected change in the configuration of your computer or Windows operating system, and removing the program or driver did not solve the problem

regedit- Registry editor. A tool designed for advanced users. This tool is designed to view and change settings in the system registry, which contains information about the operation of the computer

recdisc- Create a system recovery disk. System recovery options can help you recover Windows in the event of a serious error. To use system recovery options, you must have a Windows installation disc or access to the recovery options provided by your computer manufacturer. If you can't get either of these, you can create a system repair disc to access system recovery options

gpedit.msc- Local Group Policy Editor. Local Group Policy Editor is a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that provides a single interface for managing all Local Group Policy object settings.

sdclt- Archiving and restoration. Windows Backup allows you to create a system image that is an exact image of the disk. The system image also contains Windows and system settings, programs, and files. System Restore allows you to restore the state of your computer's system files to a previous point in time.

secpol.msc- Local security policy. Used to view and change Group Policy security settings

sfc- Checking the integrity of all protected system files and replacing incorrect versions with correct ones. Run on the command line with administrator rights. Run Command Prompt as Administrator

sigverif- Checking the file signature. A digital signature is an electronic security label added to files. It allows you to check the publisher of a file and helps you determine if the file has been modified after adding a digital signature to it

taskmgr- Windows Task Manager. Task Manager displays the applications, processes, and services that are currently running on your computer. You can use it to monitor your computer's performance or stop applications that are not responding.

TabletPC.cpl- Pen and touch devices. When using a tablet or touchscreen, you can use your tablet pen or finger to make movements called gestures to quickly navigate and perform actions

verifier- Driver Verification Manager. A driver is a program that allows a computer to interact with hardware and devices. Without drivers, normal operation of equipment connected to a PC, such as a video adapter or printer, is impossible

lusrmgr.msc- Local users and groups. Use the Local Users and Groups snap-in to create and manage users and groups stored locally on your computer

wscui.cpl- Support Center. The Action Center lists important messages about computer security and maintenance settings that require your attention. Important messages are marked in red, indicating significant problems that need to be resolved as quickly as possible.

fxscover- Fax cover page editor. The Windows Fax and Scan feature included in this version of Windows includes four pre-built cover pages. You can also create your own cover pages with this program

If some standard program does not work or malfunctions, then you can try to reinstall it. Open Windows Components by entering the command OptionalFeatures in Start - Run. Select the component that needs to be reinstalled, uncheck it (When some components are disabled, a warning appears) click YES and after restarting the computer, again check the box next to the component that was disabled. You will have to reboot again for the changes to take effect.

For more information, visit the Windows website. Visit the Windows website for more information, downloads, and ideas for getting the most out of your Windows 7 computer

Updated: 07/17/2018 Published: 2016 or earlier

This list contains a set of the most necessary programs for Windows that will simplify your work and make your system safer.

  1. Browser. Required to view site pages on the Internet.
    • Google Chrome. Fast and convenient browser based on chromium from Google.
    • Yandex browser . Fast and convenient based on chromium from Yandex.
    • Mozilla Firefox. With a lot of extras.
    • Opera. A good browser for browsing websites.
  2. Antivirus. Protects against unwanted software, spam, and hacker attacks. You cannot install several antiviruses, as this will lead to a conflict between them and will greatly slow down your computer. I recommend:
    • 360 Total Security. An antivirus that can be used for free in commercial organizations (with advertising).
    • AVG. Free antivirus. Good virus protection, easy to use;
    • Nod. Good protection and performance. Paid versions only;
    • Kaspersky Anti-Virus. Great protection, but poor performance. Only paid versions.
  3. Codecs. Required for watching video and listening to audio files. I recommend
    • K-Lite Codec Pack - free set of codecs + fast player.
    • VLC media player - free set of codecs + functional player.
  4. Archiver. Used for unpacking and creating archives. I recommend:
    • 7-Zip. Free archiver. Works with all archives + 7z archive;
    • WinRar. Paid archiver. Works with all archives.
  5. PDF Reader. Allows you to open pdf documents. I recommend:
    • Adobe Reader. Free PDF reader;
    • Foxit Reader. Free PDF reader;
    • Adobe Acrobat. Paid program. In addition to viewing, it allows you to edit PDF files.
  6. Adobe Flash Player. Needed to display flash elements on websites (video, audio, games, menus, video chats). Chromium-based browsers (Google Chrome, Yandex browser, Amigo, Vivaldi and others) are already built-in and require separate installation.
  7. Office package. Designed for working with documents and work data. I recommend:
    • Microsoft Office. Easy to use and world famous office. Includes programs for editing texts, tables, presentations, databases and much more. Paid;
    • OpenOffice. Free office suite. Convenient enough for home use. Includes programs for editing texts, tables, presentations, databases and much more.
  8. CD recorder. For working with CDs (burning, creating and burning images). I recommend:
    • Infra Recorder. Free program for burning discs. Convenient to use. Does not work with BlueRay discs;
    • Nero. A powerful program that includes many tools for working with disks. Paid.
  9. Means of communication. For unlimited communication, I recommend installing the following programs:
    • Skype. Free calls from Skype to Skype. Cheap international calls.
    • Viber. Convenient messenger and free calls.
    • QIP. An old program for sending instant messages based on the ICQ protocol.
  10. View images. The program built into Windows is not always convenient and functionally limited. To view images you can select:
    • FastStone. Free functional program.
    • IrfanView. Free and very fast program.
  11. Useful utilities. Help in setting up, diagnosing and maintaining the functionality of the computer. I recommend:
    • CCleaner. Cleans the computer from “garbage”;
    • Defraggler. Performs disk defragmentation;

On a “clean” newly installed Windows, for normal operation it is simply necessary to install many more programs, because without them, as you understand, there is nowhere. Let's try to make a small list of the most necessary programs for a computer, without which full use of a computer is simply impossible. Please note that in the article, in the description of any program there is a link to its working version

The most necessary and important program is your antivirus protection.It is usually divided into 4 categories: antivirus, firewall, comprehensive protection and computer scanning programs. I prefer comprehensive protection, consisting of an antivirus + firewall. At the moment I am using one of the free ones - Avast! I would recommend using only the most proven anti-virus programs: Kaspersky, Norton, ESET(nod32), DrWeb, Avast, Panda, McAfee and other popular ones. In general, it's a matter of taste. If you don’t want to pick up some Trojan, be sure to install it!

Next we will install the archiver. Since most files on the Internet are in archives (.rar .zip .7z), we will definitely need an archiver program. I suggest using two simultaneously: WinRar and 7Zip.
Their differences can be described in one line: WinRar- a beautiful and advanced archiver, but with 7zip it’s free. Well, as a bonus - only an archiver 7zip opens archives in .7z format

Next on the list we will have disc burning program(although in recent years I have increasingly begun to doubt its need... I use discs once every 3 months). Dominates here Nero, the most popular program for burning discs (the fact that it’s paid doesn’t bother anyone). I can recommend as a free alternative ImgBurn or shareware Ashampoo Burning Studio- the functionality is less, but for its main task - burning discs - it is more than enough.

Further... we need Office. And most likely - Microsoft Office(Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, etc.). I think there is no need to describe it - you yourself know perfectly well what it is. For lovers of free software, I can recommend Open Office or better yet LibreOffice- they are almost as good as the brainchild of Microsoft Corporation, and they work with Microsoft formats without problems.

Now we'll look at codecs. Why is this thing needed? And so that when watching your favorite film, you, dear readers, do not have any problems. Without them, many video and audio formats simply will not play! The most popular codec package is K-Lite Codec Pack. By the way, a very good video player is installed with it - Media Player Classic.

Video viewer necessary for any PC user. Even if you have a brand new home theater, very often you have to watch a variety of videos on your computer - from clips to video seminars. They will cope with this task perfectly KMplayer And QuickTime Player.

Listening to music- It’s simply not possible to listen to music using the standard Windows Media Player, no matter how hard the developers try... the 2 most popular players are suitable for this purpose: Winamp And AIMP. The second player consumes less resources, and is also free. But even here it’s a matter of taste and habit. For example, I use two.

I would also recommend universal players which read both video and audio files without problems: GOM Media Player And VLC media player- they read all formats and by the way they are completely free!

Don't forget that we need program for reading .pdf files. Many books, articles, and other literature are published in this format. Here I recommend Foxit Reader as a replacement for a bulky (and even paid) monster Adobe reader. You may need Adobe Photoshop and viewing photo albums ACDsee Pro

Text recognising- here is the best program, of course ABBYY FineReader, however, there are free analogues, for example CuneiForm

Don't forget about utilities that keep your system clean - Uninstall Tool And CCleaner. As a result, we have an extensive list of programs - and at least two dozen of them will definitely be useful to you...