Logging into your google account has become. How to create a new Google account and not worry about privacy? Other Google Services

Hello, friends! Lately   Internet industry giants come to the point that the user has a single registration for all their products, this simplifies the work process and does not need to spend extra time. Today we’ll talk about how to register a Google account and how to change the password in a Google account. And if you decide to create your resource on the network and have not decided on yet, then it can be useful.

If the recommendations are clarified, it depends on the registration. No, in my opinion, this is not the best way. There are also no responses to rejection. For this reason, always choose “yes” and therefore also the truth. Today this is not the first question. This is the blocking period after rejection. Here is the absolutely correct answer - as elsewhere.

Before entering all of your data, you should again know that you meet all the recommendations. Current news should be found and also appear at the registration stage several times a day. How many authors and editors are involved? From 0 to 20 you can select everything. The answer here must be honest. And if you click on 0, you can exit directly. The number of authors you select here should be indicated on the website on the editorial page. It may also be in the print. Out of 4-5 editors make this a neat impression.

Key benefits of Google:

  1. Very powerful gmail.com mail that does not skip spam;
  2. The ability to create a free blog, going on an equal footing with paid ones;
  3. Everyone knows YouTube;
  4. Google+ social network
  5. Fast internet google browser   Chrome
  6. Google Drive - to store files;
  7. A lot of applications for working with documents online.

And this is not yet full list   all the pluses. To use the services of this company, it is enough to register once.

If you let this number of editors work on the site, this is a good foundation. The next step asks for a location. Here indicate the city and state, as well as the country of Germany. Even if the state is not an obligation. Just don't leave spaces in the app. In the end, it has nothing to do with your ranking.

Now is a very important point. In fact, the application is the most important point. You must enter the site name and domain name. Don't do shit right now. Do not try to gain any advantage using special characters and do not drag the name up. The domain and language should be clear. I have some tips on the screenshot.

Sign up for a single Google Account

We proceed to the following. We got to the registration page, now you need to enter your personal data as in the screenshot below:

I just did not want to update it. Do not report all of your categories separately. You can click "Add additional area", but you do not need to do this, and you should not do this for strategic reasons. If you have several categories, this is nice. But please sort all the news in the News category. If someone from the news team then controls the site and goes into the category, he always sees the latest news. If you are registering multiple categories, you must constantly update the contents of each category.

Because if it comes to control and two weeks have not been written, it was not impressive. Finally, you need to classify your content. After things like a “pay subscription” and a press release. Just leave it all wrong. Join both the magazine and the blog. If true, she is suitable. Press reports often lead to disqualification, as many sources are already available.

  1. Name and Surname;
  2. To come up with a username - this will be the login to enter and at the same time the mail service gmail.com. If a message appears that the name is already taken, you need to choose the appropriate free option;
  3. Create and confirm a password. Tip: think up and write down a complex password in a notebook, do not use at least 8 characters from other mailboxes or services, it is advisable to use Latin letters, numbers and punctuation marks;
  4. Date of birth, gender;
  5. A phone number to which, if you forget the login information, an SMS will arrive with instructions on how to change the password in your Google account. It is also advisable to enter a spare address email   for extra protection. IMPORTANT: it was noticed that sometimes the system does not ask for a phone number and registers without problems, more often it asks to confirm your account via SMS. You can also try do not enter phone   and register by spare e-mail - you need to leave the number field blank and DO NOT tick “ skip this check»As shown in the figure below. In general, it is better NOT to put this daw at all in all cases. If nevertheless asks to confirm by SMS, well, then we do so.

Before registration disappears, your name, email address and subject. In addition, you can add a comment. Should you register something? Well, only if you are sure. Now you have an email in your inbox, and no, you have no reason to rejoice. At the moment, step 2 of the application comes.

To activate a ticket, you must go to the mailbox. With this email you can activate an active ticket. Excerpt from the email: To relieve us of the many applications, please read the following guidelines and reply to this email only if your submitted content meets our guidelines.

  1. Enter captcha - the numbers in the picture in a special window (protection against robots);
  2. We select a country and agree with the terms of the company by checking the box;
  3. Click next to register a Google account;
  4. Done!

We get to the settings page, where you can optionally set up privacy, accessibility, the account itself, add a photo and phone number, and much more. I will not focus on this, everything is simple and clear there. In order to go to any application, you need to click on the icon of nine squares and select the one you need, see the screenshot:

Such services are fine, but they do not provide exclusivity to individual message pages. Be a partner to create potential customers and sales, or as a site operator for advertising services. Content created, created and maintained by a unique organization with several authors and editors. But is there also an “organization” behind the project, or is there only one fighter with recently printed commercial clothing? While the imprint of the organization can start quietly with normal data, such as “company name, address,” this should be different in an individual fighter. If you do not have an agency, etc. in the back, you should start by writing an editorial in print. The editors are listed first. At best, with their departments, abbreviations and email addresses. This additional information is not required. To make it more professional, you can also include small avatars. There the names are mentioned in the fingerprint and are associated with additional information. The rest of the print can follow below. Absolutely nothing to reproach that he is one fighter. And they prefer to simply change the order, since a person comes to an ugly idea and the company thinks. Then enter the name of your site as a kind of agent name. But never cheat on a company or another company. So you really have to write your own messages, and now these are synonyms that are not combined into each message as a source. Rewriting existing news in your own words, equipping it in different ways and bringing it as a product to the reader does not necessarily require a source.

  • Content that not only improves the provider’s own activities.
  • This does not include a banner or the like.
  • Whenever a visitor leaves the news, the goal is missed.
  • You have editors, no question, otherwise you could not send the registration yes.
  • In both cases there are opportunities.
  • But you have to work differently.
  • You should now show that the content really comes from you.
In this answer you need to go on different topics.

How to change password in google account

If it so happened that you suddenly forgot your account passwordgoogleDo not despair, it can be restored. Click on the inscription Help is needed? or Forgot your password?on the data entry page and answer system questions.

Of course, you should block this information a bit in offers and write a decent email for the news team. No romance, just email - maybe a short story, but a very short one. By sending an email, you activate a ticket for your registration, and the team checks your site. Now you must constantly update the contents of your page, and you must not allow slipping with which you violate the recommendations - you cannot do this later. Write at least one new message every day.

If during registration in the service you entered a spare email address and phone number, the Google assistant will tell you how to change the password in your Google account by sending a message with instructions to the mail and SMS to the phone. It will contain a one-time verification code that will give you access to a password change in your account.

It brings not only three-line, but also regular content. Provides numbers and facts as best as possible. You cannot receive feedback within three months. There you should actively take care of your site. Sorry, but then you need to live with him. You may be rejected after four months or even no more feedback.

Click on the “Login” link in the upper right corner. To do this, just click the link "Create an account now." This will lead you to the Create Account page. You must add a “cover name” and an additional email address. You will be asked to enter your current and valid email address, country of residence, and password.

If not, we answer questions about the date of creation and the last entry, otherwise there may be problems with recovery. Therefore, I recommend that when registering, be sure to specify a spare mail and phone number, even if not the primary one, but to which you always have access.

Choose a secure password and do not pass it. A secure password does not have to be a word from a dictionary and consists of a mixture of at least eight letters, numbers and special characters. The first is “Stay signed in,” and the second is “Turn on Web History.”

Record surfing and searching?

We would advise you not to use this information, as this information may be related to each other, for example, your search and surfing behavior with your email address. We recommend that you disable both options by checking the boxes for both boxes.

Suppose I did not forget my password, but simply decided to change it. Then I go to my Google account, click on the tab my account   on the drop-down menu from the squares in the upper right. Further security and login -\u003e login to your accountGoogle -\u003e password and account login method -\u003e enter the password again -\u003e now enter a new one -\u003e confirm it -\u003e click change password.Done!

  • Do not pass this key to anyone and do not pass it to your application.
  • Add authentication to the mobile services application.
Make sure you have already created an account, or see why you received the message "This email address already exists."

Check if you have an account

The message "This email address already exists" is displayed.

  Select Forgot Password, and then follow the instructions. . If you receive the message "This email address already exists" when trying to create or change a username for your account, You can.

Now you know all the pros gmail   and you can easily register a Google account. I also advise you to always create different passwords for everyone mailboxes   and other services on the Internet. Be sure to write them in a notebook. The more important a resource or mail is for you, the more complicated the password should be. Just imagine that hooligans crack one of your boxes. If all the passwords are the same, they will have the key to all the doors in their hands!

When you access your account again, you can. To change the email address you use to sign in. You will receive a confirmation email to your new email address. Click on the confirmation link in this email. For security reasons, a confirmation email will also be sent to your old address   Email.

Do not lose the details about what is happening in this article. Get all the news in your email. If we put ourselves in our “badge”, as we will see in the next image, we will leave the linked accounts. If we don’t have them, we can click the “Add Account” button to add accounts. That is, the option that we see in the lower left corner.

Please express in the comments your opinion about setting passwords and the Google service in general. Was everything clear? See you soon!

This post has no labels

Select one photo in advance on your computer to set it later as a user photo. After that, in search bar   any browser must type the search query "register a new google account". Do not pay attention to uppercase and lowercase letters, this is not critical for the search. On the opening google page   start entering data.

That is, how do I make a predefined account? Following the steps. Sign out with all accounts. Log in with the account you want by default. Add additional accounts. Now, when you start with a different account, you will see that the first one you started with is the default.

The only thing we need to do is close all active sessions of the account and log in with the one we want to be the main one. Any questions feel free to use comments. All without the need to enter a password or perform not always convenient two-step authentication.

Google Account Registration

The algorithm for registering an account in Google is maximally simplified by the developers and has only two steps, during which you will be asked to enter personal data. All information entry windows should be filled out, with the exception of the backup email address.

Step one, data entry:

1. Enter the name and surname, in Cyrillic or Latin letters.
2. Choose your login on Google.
3. Create and enter a strong password.
4. Confirm password.
5. Enter the date of birth, gender and phone number.
6. Indicate backup email address.

This, apparently, is the main reason for the invitation, since we still do not know with certainty what devices will be available. Primarily, good way   unlocking the screen seems indispensable, although it is optional.

Secure Lock Screen

Just give the approving button and you will have access to your email. Of course, you can continue to use your password, but if you have mobile phone, the process will be much more convenient. Those in Mountain View are looking for a solution that should always enter a password or two-step authentication. It seems that the new system has a mobile phone when we want to access our account.

This is followed by a simple identity check using the reCAPCHA program, which will allow the system to recognize a person in you, not a spammer robot. Verification has two scenarios. The first is carried out using the phone number you specified earlier. To activate this scenario, you need to check the box next to the phrase "Skip this check ...". The second test option is set by default by the system, if you did not check the box next to the phrase "Skip this check ...".

Step two, identity verification (by phone):

1. Choose the country where you are currently located.
2. Check the box next to the phrase "I accept these conditions ...".
3. Click on the “Next” button.
4. Choose the method for receiving the verification code: in the form of SMS or voice call.
5. Enter the six-digit code you received in the information input window.

Step two, identity verification (online):

1. Read all the numbers indicated in the reCAPCHA program window. Without exception, even those depicted in a small photograph.
2. Enter all the numbers in the window for entering the verification code. Type them on the keyboard from the first to the last and without spaces.
3. Check the box next to the phrase "I accept these conditions ...".
4. Click on the “Next” button.

“Google’s mission is to organize all the information in the world, making it accessible and easy to use.” © Google

After switching to last page   Google account registrar, you will be prompted to upload a profile photo that you already prepared in advance. You can skip this action, but after uploading the snapshot, your account will be completely ready for work, you just have to figure out its settings.

Below are comments on each of the six points in the first step of creating a Google account.

1. Name and surname. If you use a fictitious or non-existent name, the system will accept it. Subsequently, the name can be changed.
2. Login. You need to keep in mind that the login will become the name of your email, so it’s worthwhile to be creative at this point. There is an opinion that the name of a personal (non-corporate) electronic mailbox can broadly determine the nature of a person. People with increased self-esteem choose their name, despite the complexity of transliteration. Practical people prefer to use their phone number or a simple set of numbers. Creative people come up with a funny, easy-to-remember login that may not carry a semantic load, but rhyme with the name of the mail service.
3. Password. Do not select anything that relates to you personally by access code to your secrets. Birthday, car number, phone number, apartment number, etc. Do not use sets of numbers in order, for example: 12345. You should not use several letters in a row, for example: "qwerty". Strong password   must consist of at least eight characters using numbers, capital letters, capital letters, keyboard characters.
4. Password confirmation is necessary to avoid errors when entering the password for the first time. You need to type manually, copy the already written password and paste it into this window, the system will not allow.

“In order to ensure the security of your account and the convenience of using Google services, certain personal information must be provided during registration.” © Google

5. The date of birth is required by Google to activate the age filter for site content, after the completion of the account creation, the date of birth cannot be changed. Gender must be specified so that the robot google   correctly contacted you in the newsletter, when sending system messages. You will need a phone if the password is weak and the account is hacked. An SMS with a verification code for changing the password will come to the number you specified.
6. To indicate or not to specify a backup email address - the choice is yours. The purpose of the spare e-mail is the same as that of the phone - to restore access to your account.