Help on photoshop. Photoshop lessons for beginners: Free video for housework

Before you cycle lessons that teach use graphic editor Photoshop - incredibly popular and indispensable in web design tool, with which for the site not only the buttons, banners and logos are created, but even whole layouts. The design of almost any site that you visited was originally drawn in Photoshop, so the knowledge of this program a web master will be definitely useful, although the skills of image processing and creating their own drawings to the simple PC user will not hurt. Digitization of photos, retouching old pictures, creating cards and collages is just the beginning of a long list of useful actions that allows you to perform the editor, and the cycle of lessons will help you to get comfortable.

Add this page to the bookmarks, so as not to lose the table of contents and consistently study the article for the article, comprehending the new and new techniques of work in Photoshop.

But what do you learn in these lessons?

  • 1 Getting Started in Photoshop - Fast Allocation and Pouring

    Here you will get acquainted with the program interface, find out what the basic interface elements are intended for, learn how to create documents and save them, master the selection of areas on the canvas. Also from the lesson you will understand how to pour the areas in color, understand the principles of working with the program. After mastering the information you will learn to perform simple actions And you can independently study other editor tools.

  • 2 layers and text

    Everything photos photoshop are built on the layers. That is why edit in the program is so convenient. The lesson will tell you what layers, why they are needed and how to work with them. In addition, the techniques for creating and processing inscriptions, as well as the movement of objects located on the canvas are described. After passing the lesson, the processing of multilayer documents will not be a problem for you.

  • 3 filters

    You will get acquainted with a huge library changing the picture scripts. Editor's filters can not only give the finished image one or another effect, but even create new objects and framing photos.

  • 4 Working with Images

    The article provides the basis for processing already existing graphic files. Editing several images at once, move objects from one pattern to another, resizing and removing unnecessary parts is just an incomplete list of the lesson.

  • 5 Transformation

    The lesson will teach scaling the elements of the image, change the proportions, tilt, distort and deform them

  • 6 Drawing - Brush and Pencil

    The first in the series telling about the tools to create their own masterpieces article. For a long time, computer technologies have developed before they make it possible to imitate drawing on paper. You will learn how to create virtual pencil and brushes - sketches and watercolor paintings can now be easily drawn and distributed on electronic media, making an unlimited number of copies and not surviving for the safety of labor.

  • 7 Drawing - Figures

    The creation of objects "by hand" is one, and accuracy and speed are sometimes above all. The lesson tells about the tools, with which literally a few clicks you can create perfectly smooth geometric shapes. specified sizes. From a simple square to an ellipse, stars and even a musical note - everything is considered in the article.

  • 8 Drawing - contours and raster images

    You once and forever remember what the vector is different from the raster, what pros and cons have both approaches, and also learn why the contours of figures are needed in Photoshop and what pixel mode does.

  • 9 Drawing - Pen tool

    In continuation of work with contours, we study the tools of the Pen Group. Purpose, method of application, description of parameters, and as a result you will learn to draw nonypical outlines and create more complex geometric objects.

  • 10 Drawing - Magnetic Pen Tool

    Magnetic tool mode The free feather became so popular that it is called "magnetic pen", although there is no such separate tool in Photoshop. What makes it possible to make a function, for which it is so much like users and how it helps you personally - read in the article.

  • 11 Image Return Tools

    To apply these editor functions for the Internet, you do not need to be neither a versalist nor a designer nor a webmaster in general. Enough to be an active user social networks. How to make a face beautiful, remove moles and freckles? How to treat the old scanned photo so that the colors become brighter, and scratches, stains and dust - are not so noticeable? What carefully cut the object, move it or clone? Where is the tool that literally in a couple of minutes will help you get rid of the photograph from the effect of "red eyes"? Look at these and other questions in the article.

  • 12 Image Correction Tools

    You already know so much that the development of new tools is not a problem. I could only make a review with a description of the possibilities that allow improving the quality of the pictures to lighten there, where it is too dark, donate where it is lit, blurred and add sharpness, mix and smear colors. Generally, additional Information About how else to make the image is better, waiting for you in the lesson.

    Top of creativity for web - draw templates of the site. When most tools are mastered, and the skills are enough to draw and dividers with figures, and the buttons for the menu, and logos, and beautiful inscriptions, nothing prevents the creation of a good, complex layout. The article tells that the standard template consists of, describes the principle of creation, and also teaches cut the layout using previously unfamiliar tools.

  • Paying attention to each of the lessons, disassembled practical examples and experimenting independently, as the course is mastered, you will pass the path from the beginning to an advanced user photoshop programs And you can deepen yourself in it, moving to a new level of development, and will help you in this strong and reliable foundation laid down by the cycle of our articles.

Want a little "photo magic"? If the results of this lesson would show a magician who does not want to disclose his secrets, he would tell you that his trick was made using smoke and mirrors. As a rule, such an expression indicates a certain trick, used to deceive the viewer. But we are not going to fool you and open you the secret of such photos. You will really take pictures smoke, and then mirroring it to reflect it to take pictures even more interesting. So it really is, we will use smoke and mirrors. Let's start?

How to make a minimalistic background in photoshop for desktop

Have you ever seen these flowing, light backgrounds for the desktop, which are displayed on the screens of computers by default? This is exactly the image of which I thought when I was hung with Photoshop to prepare this lesson. Although they are not exactly the same, but these simple gradients and forms, uniting, clarify small nostalgia. And therefore in this lesson we will analyze how to make a background in Photoshop, just such a minimalistic and easy.

What is a commercial photo? Well, if short, these are photos for commercial use. In this case, we will look at the photo of products that can be sold in online stores or goods and for paper directories, etc. Such subject commercial photography must show the product with best sideSo that the client of the most store wanted to buy it. In this lesson in the photo we will give useful advice just for such photography.

Convenient photo processing in Photoshop with smart objects

Do you want to be sure that you get the maximum of information from your picture? What about not one of your post-processing steps is destructive? It sounds like a really smart way to properly configure your workflow processing?

Adobe RGB. vs srgb - what color space to choose and why

How often did you enter the camera settings for switching between Adobe RGB and SRGB color spaces? Do you even know what these terms mean or what is a color space? A few years ago, I did not know about these technical terms, but quickly realized their importance.

What is pixels, permission and how to modify the size in Photoshop

Size, resolution and formats ... What happens to pixels? Do you buy a camera due to the number of megapixels? Do you have problems with the placement of photos on the Internet? Is it different to print your photos of low quality, even if they look great on the screen? It seems that there is a certain confusion between pixels and bytes (image size and file size), quality and quantity, size and resolution. In this lesson, we will analyze this extremely important information for any photographer.

How to make snow in Photoshop. Dissemination of 2 ways

Holidays are approaching, and you want to have an ideal photo, but for this too cold, slippery or did you miss all the snow? There are cases when independent of your desire, the weather does not allow you to go out to take the right photos. Fortunately, it is easy to recreate a blizzard using Photoshop to give the final barcode to your image.

4 fast method add vignette with postprocessing

The word "vignette" comes from the root of the word "vine", which was originally taken to refer to the decorative border on the page. In the photo it is meant a plot along the edges of the image. This boundary is due to a decrease in the intensity of light from the center of the image. A decrease in the amount of light may occur for different reasons: the amount of light falling on the sensor, the type of lens used or the intentional adding vignetting during post-converting. In this article we will talk about the latter.

We make expressive landscapes in Adobe Camera. Raw and Photoshop.

Many making the landscaped photo of the beautiful place are surprised why it looks like not very much. How to get this result that you see from professionals on different sites in social network VK, instagram, etc.? The answer is obvious, any photograph of any professional undergoing one or another processing. If you see a beautiful photo and the author says that I did not handle it do not believe it! In this lesson on Photoshop, we will look at the processing of landscape photography, which have many professionals.

Stretchop lesson. How to add objects in the photo using the superimposition

Usually, when it comes to digital overlay, people first think about the imposition of expositions. That's right, but it can be much wider. There are several situations in which digital imposition can be useful. It may not only help create a more interesting photo, but also facilitates your shooting experience. In this article, I will tell you how I use digital overlay in Photoshop to create interesting compositions.

How to make a sunny glare in photoshop, 2 rapid ways

Sunny glare can make a boring image rather dramatic. It is very difficult to get a good snapshot of a natural sunlight, especially when only natural light and contrast between the light and dark areas of the image is so strong that even the Active-D Lighting function will not cope with it. Fortunately, we have Photoshop and many special effects, such as sunlight, which can be magical ways created, added, improved using functionality software.

How to make night pictures without a tripod and with a small help Photoshop

In this article, I want to show you how to make amazing night pictures without a tripod with a small amount of noise. In this photo I was on the bridge of the Academy in Venice to meet the sunset. There was a lot of photographers who take pictures with a long exposure, so much that I could not find a place to set a tripod. Therefore, I set the F / 4 diaphragm, an excerpt of 1/10 seconds and ISO 1250.

Photoshop or Lightrum: What is better for beginners?

If you are a beginner in the field of photography, you are probably wondering how to process or edit your photos. There is a wide selection of photo editing software, but two of you probably heard most often - it Adobe Photoshop. and Lightroom. So what are the main differences and which program is best suited for newcomers and for you? Check out the basic review!

How to fix perspective distortion in Adobe Camera Raw. Easy and fast

Adobe Camera RAW is one of the most powerful tools for processing. Raw files. This program gives not only complete control over basic settings, such as brightness, contrast and color, but you can also make more accurate localized settings, including lens correction and viewing point.

How to create a beautiful bokeh with aid Photoshop.

In this lesson on Photoshop, we will analyze how to add pictures of beautiful bokeh to the fore, and do it with overlay. Putting bokeh is a great way to give portrait fashionable and stylized look. Such overlays can be purchased, and you can make your own. It's easy, fun and free!

Stretchop lesson how to create a fantasy forest

Are you a realist or photographer? Do you prefer photos as they are from the camera or perform extensive editing of your images in Photoshop? Doing photos, do you fix or create? Opinions are always not unambiguous when it comes to "how much too much" in editing. Personally, I always preferred to process my pictures before the limit is not to disrupt their realism. Until recently…

Let's open a photo of a girl. Let's make a copy of the layer - for this, as well as in other lessons, press the Ctrl + J key combination. It is always necessary to do before any modification of the photo, in order to maintain the main source photo in the original form.

Much depends on the right location of objects in the photo. If objects are located and there - the snapshot cannot be called high-quality. The easiest way to compose objects is to draw a straight line along which the photographs will be arranged.

Today you will learn how to cut and transfer a person from one background to another. This method is easy to learn because it is perfect for beginners studying the basics adobe Programs Photoshop. This function, as a change of background, is one of the most sought-after functions in Photoshop. This procedure You can spend many in different waysusing tools ...

Transparency Photoshop. - One of the key features of the program. If you are just starting your acquaintance with this program, then this article will allow you to find out how to make transparent background in the Foto.

Portrait - considered the most popular view of the photo. Each novice photographer, sooner or later, has a portrait photo session. In addition to the azov photographing, each self-respecting photographer should be able to process a picture, able to deftly remove the flaws of the face and flaws allowed in the process of photography.

Adobe Photoshop is the world's most popular photo editor in which you can create really interesting things. Today you will learn how to get from the image only his contour. It can be useful, for example, to create a coloring to a child. Simple drawings that do not have complex details are easiest to circle using the pen tool. So it turns out faster and easier. With images, ...

Today you will learn about simple, but at the same time an effective way to make a snapshot interesting and unique with the applix texture. You will need: Adobe Photoshop, the original photo and the desire to create.

Unfortunately, not everyone is subject to photographers. Even the most professional photographer cannot prevent the appearance of glare on the face, which manifest themselves due to the outbreak, especially if the shooting occurs in the studio. There are several ways to remove glare in Adobe Photoshop. But today we will consider the easiest and an effective waywhich will make the skin matte and at the same time ...

Any photographer knows that if you open the diaphragm to the maximum, it will be blurred in the picture, thereby highlighting the subject. In some cases, it is impossible to maximize the diaphragm. It most often depends on the background, which is close to the object. However, it can be easily fixed in Photoshop, knowing only the basics of masks and layers.

Do you want to cut an object and put it on another background? Then today you will learn about four methods of selection, each of which is ideal for its type of image. In Adobe Photoshop, developers tried to pay sufficient attention to the allocation tools, even the newcomer can use, while others have more complex settings that will have to be tinked.

Yes. This video course can be viewed both in Windows and in OS X (Mac OS) and in any other systems where there is a web browser and support for video format MP4.

Where to contact if there are questions about the course?

After payment you will get access to the online platform where you can watch this training material and set any questions in the comments at the lesson.

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The course works at once. You will not need any keys and activation codes. You can watch the course on so many computers, how many want.

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From the disks, we abandoned flash drives, you can order a break on the flash drive with mail delivery.

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Yes it is possible. Just start checking out the order, after the basket you will see the link "Save order in personal CabinetI will pay it later. " Check video instructions:

Where to download and how to install photoshop?

What is different "Photoshop for teapots, 57 practical lessons" from "Photoshop from scratch in video format 3.0"?

In the course "Photoshop for teapots, 57 practical lessons" no detailed description Adobe Photoshop Tools and Commands. Here are only practical lessons in different directions: restoration and retouching pictures, creating collages and design photos, drawing, design, creating textures and text effects.

What version of photoshop recorded course lessons recorded?

Part of the lessons are recorded using CS6, and most in the SS 2014 version, SS 2015.

I am not from Russia, can I buy a course?

Yes of course. Available payment methods for you: Visa / MasterCard / Maestro, Yandex.Money, RBK Money, Webmoney, QIWI, Money transfers, PayPal. After payment, you will receive a letter with reference to the course downloading to your computer, but if you have chosen delivery on a flash drive, then besides this letter, we will send you a course on the flash drive of the Bandera Airmail.

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Adobe Photoshop. - Universal program for web designers, content managers, photographers and videographers, multipliers, media editors and ordinary PC users. The program makes everything possible with files: changes the backgrounds, connects two and more photos into one, corrects and change colors, adds effects and inscriptions, allows you to create your own images and layouts of sites.

We picked up the best free video lessons According to Photoshop for self-study at home from scratch.

Photoshop for beginners. Overview of the PhotoShop interface

Beginner retouches and designers begin with learning the program interface. An introduction to the introductory and pure theoretical needed to master the new course. First we learn which tools and features contains the program window. Backgrounds, palettes, tools for working with the image and text - tabs and labels on the toolbar Mass, at first can be confused. Some tools, commands and settings differ in different versions. Having studied one, it becomes easy to navigate the rest. The next step is to learn the accelerating work "Hot Keys".

How to Cut Background or Object in Photoshop

Teleport has not yet been invented, but with the help of photoshop, you can move to the Elysees of the Fields with the help of photoshop. Quickly and simple: cut out the image and transfer to another harvested background. In the video, the lesson is shown how to use lasso instruments, brush, feather and eraser. With their help, the desired object is highlighted, cuts out and neatly transferred to new background. It is shown and how to work with the background: blur, adjust the color and saturation. Professionals say: work on the replacement of the background is the simplest, so they recommend beginners to start with it.

How to change the color of anything in Photoshop

The task of replacing the color is also solved quickly. The author of the video lesson cites two ways to change the color of anything, even hair: with the help of the correction layer and with the help of a brush. The first method is automatic and fast. The second is performed painstakingly manually and resembles a children's coloring. Only the functional palette is wider: you can change and correct color tones and saturation. The lesson gives space for creativity and imagination.

How to quickly improve the photo in photoshop

Often in Photoshop go for improving the quality of photos. With the help of the program, many options for one photo are created. Add magic haze, strengthen the fog, work with saturation, contrast, create an additional volume. As a result, the photo becomes colorful, expressive, juicy and looks natural, creating the effect of presence. Takes from the video lesson are used with all kinds of photos in the sequence you like. Over time, learn how to create your own image improvement methods.

How to remove extra objects from photos in Photoshop

Remose with photos of unnecessary objects - monotonously and monotonous. Master the tools stamp and restoring brush using a video lesson - and then time and practice will be made from a newcomer professional. The author of the video recommends use for successful work. last version Photoshop and shows the options for the removal of small and large objects, from the cigarette to a person on a bike. The lesson is given tips on choosing the diameter and stiffness of the brush used, the errors of beginner retouchings and the options for working with the tool are shown. Separate moments (degree of pressure, the tube and the frequency of smears) resemble work with artized facilities.

Frame Tool, Perspective Perspective and Cutting

The video lesson trains cropping and turning the image, changing the angle of rotation and the creation of perspective, approximate and removing the object, cutting the image into pieces. The options cutting pictures are shown to equal and different parts for collages or other web needs. Illustrate work with markers and grids. The author gives advice on the preservation of the obtained images in the correct quality and format.

5 chips who should know every photosoper

Each updated version Programs smarter and fast previous. The video author shows the advantages of the updated CC2018 program. First of all, the newcomers will help the function of interactive learning, which is now embedded in the program itself as step-by-step instructions. Advanced tools for highlighting and drawing with a brush that have become intellectual and operate almost automatically. We recommend to watch a lesson how to find new features on the taskbar.

Toning in Adobe Photoshop

Toning photos in the photoshop program is performed with an artistic purpose. Video lesson is based on portrait processing three simple, but effective ways And shows how to improve the flower gamut by making saturated. Toning involves the adjustment of the color balance in Teal & Orange technique, that is, in blue-green and orange gamma. After viewing, learn how to work with light and shadow curves, channel mixing, sliders for aligning colors and changes in digital vibration values, make light and radical tint.

25 secrets and photoshop chips

The knowledge of the secrets of professionals will help to go on an advanced level of ownership of the program: convenient key combinations, correction of the horizon, cloning image fragments, creating a retro effect and translation into a black and white photo. Experienced retouches find ways in a matter of minutes to solve the tasks over which the newcomer will ask for half a day. Improving the level of ownership of the settings, users over time are inventing author's life. Video clip will show 25 such secrets.

Site design from scratch in Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop uses in web design, or creating sites. The work is painstaking and requires knowledge in design, color, arithmetic and geometry. The lesson shows an example of creating a page for an online store. The author of the video recommends starting from determining the scale and selection of the colors and understandable for beginners with the language comments on the creative process. On the example of the lesson it is possible to create a single-page, electronic business card or lingard without order paid services on development.

How to create a collage of an interior in Photoshop from scratch

The interior design uses a program to create a sketch of the room. The method of creating collages is used by professional designers, and those who started redevelopment of an apartment or an office on their own. Collages are visual and used for marking during work. To create a layout layout, you will need a superficial knowledge of photoshop and a small number of tools. Images of interior items are pre-found on the Internet, and then transferred to the workspace, creating an intended composition on the principle of a mosaic or puzzle.