How to change the language of Adobe Reader to Russian. How to switch language in Adobe Premiere Pro Adobe reader how to change language

Acrobat Reader DC is a program developed by Adobe for opening PDF files that can contain information in various formats, including vector and bitmap graphics and texts. The PDF format is very common on the Internet; presentations, official documents and other materials are often laid out in this format.

Some Russian-speaking users who do not speak English may find it difficult to work with the program. Therefore, the question often arises, how to change the language in Acrobat Reader? You only need to complete a few consecutive steps to solve the current problem. The instruction is presented for English and Russian languages.

1. Launch Adobe Reader DC. In the upper functional panel, select the item "Edit" - "Preferences ..." if you have an English-language version, or "Editing" - "Settings ..." if you have a Russian-language interface.

2. In the modal window in the left menu, look for the "Language" item. In some versions it may be called “International”. Having selected it, on the right in the field "Application Language" select "Choose at application startup". Close the window with saving changes using the "OK" button.

3. Close the program and reopen it. Now the language selection dialog will open before launching. In it we select the desired language, in our case there are only two available languages ​​- English and Russian. Let's switch to Russian.

Adobe Photoshop is the most popular graphic editor of our time, which is actively used by both professionals and amateurs. This program is equipped with support for the Russian language, however, if the interface in your case is a program in another language, then using the program becomes much more difficult.

For many years, the principle of changing the language for all versions of this program has remained the same. Whatever language is installed in this program in your case, the arrangement of the elements remains the same, which means that you just need to follow the instructions below exactly.

How do I change the language in Adobe Photoshop?

Please note that the instructions below will be valid only if the Russian language is already "sewn" into the program. If you are using an unlicensed assembly, it may turn out that in your case the Russian language is simply not present in the system, which means that you will need an additional installation of the localizer.

1. Launch Adobe Photoshop. Click in the upper area of ​​the window on the second tab from the left (in our case, this is the button "Edit" ) and then go to the very last item in the list "Preferences" and then select the second sub "Interface" .

2. In the lower area of ​​the window there is a block "UI Text Options" ... In it, the first item on the list is located "UI Language" , in which you just have to expand the list and select "Russian" ("Russian" ). You will need to restart Photoshop to apply the changes.

Please note that if you did not find the Russian language in the list, it is probably missing in your assembly. In this case, the only way to get a tedious localization is to download a crack.

You will need to open any search engine in your browser and enter the following type of query into it: "Russifier Adobe Photoshop [version_program]" ... We do not provide links to Russifiers in the article, since in this case the Russifier is required only when using unlicensed software.

Depending on the type of the crack, further actions may differ: it may be an exe file that needs to be launched by performing an automatic installation of the crack on the computer, or it may be a folder with files, which, in turn, needs to be moved to a folder C: Program Files Adobe Adobe Photoshop [program version] Locales ... The only thing that needs to be taken into account in both cases is that Photoshop must be closed at the time of installing the crack.

We hope this article helped you solve the problem with the language, which will simplify the process of working in the program.

Sometimes when you try to set up Adobe Reader, you may accidentally install English or forgot to select Russian when installing the program, and then the Adobe Reader program starts to run with an English interface.

How to translate adobe reader into russian

Change the language of the program interface

To make the interface of the Adobe Reader program in Russian, we do the following steps. Launch Adobe Acrobat Reader 11 RUS and click “Edit”. A context menu will appear at the very bottom of which we click on "Preferences".

Install adobe reader en

The Adobe Reader preferences will open. In the left column, look for and click on "Language". Now on the right in the first item "Application Language" you need to select the item "Choose at application startup" from the pop-up list. To save the settings, click the "OK" button below.

You need to change the language in adobe reader

Now you need to close or disable Adobe Reader. When you start Adobe Acrobat Reader RUS again, a small window will appear.

Selecting Russian in adobe reader 11

In this window, select the Russian language and click "OK".

Adobe acrobat reader russian version

The program will start with a Russian interface and now you know how to make Adobe Reader Russian.

When downloading Adobe Premiere Pro in a specific language, for example English, users then ask themselves the question, can this language be changed and how is it done? Indeed, in Adobe Premiere Pro there is such a possibility. However, this method does not work on all versions of the program.

How to change the language of the Adobe Premiere Pro interface from English to Russian

Having opened the main window of the program, you will not find the settings for changing the language, since they are hidden. In order to get started, you need to press the keyboard shortcut "Ctr + F12" on the Windows... A special console will appear on the screen. Among many other functions, you need to find the line "ApplicationLanguage"... In this field, my language is set to English "En_Us"... All I need to do is write in this line instead of "En_Us" "Ru_Ru".

After that, the program must be closed and restarted. In theory, the language should change.

If, instead of a set of functions, you see such a console as in the picture, then this version does not provide for changing the language.