Evaluation of methods for reducing the dimension of data used to convert a video stream when identifying a person. Introduction to a reduction in dimension reduction of data dimension

Data Reduction (Data REDUCTION)

In analytical technologies, under the decrease in the dimension of the data, the process of their transformation into the form is most convenient for analysis and interpretation. It is usually achieved by reducing their volume, reducing the number of features used and the diversity of their values.

Often analyzed data are incomplete when they poorly reflect the dependencies and patterns of the studied business process. The reasons for this may be an insufficient number of observations, the lack of signs that reflect the essential properties of objects. In this case, data enrichment is applied.

The dimension reduction is applied in the opposite case when data is redundant. Redundancy occurs when the analysis task can be solved with the same level of efficiency and accuracy, but using smaller data dimension. This allows you to reduce the time and computational costs for solving the problem, make data and the results of their analysis are more interpreted and understandable for the user.

Reducing the number of data observations is applied if the solution of comparable quality can be obtained on a smaller sample, shorting, thereby, computational and time costs. This is especially true for algorithms that are not scalable when even a slight reduction in the number of records leads to a significant gain in computational time costs.

The reduction in the number of features makes sense when the information necessary for a qualitative solution of the problem is contained in some subset of the signs and it is not necessary to use them all. This is especially true for correlating signs. For example, signs "age" and "work experience", in fact, carry the same information, so one of them can be excluded.

The most effective means of reducing the number of features is a factor analysis and method of the main component.

Reducing the diversity of signs of signs makes sense, for example, if the accuracy of presenting data is redundant and instead of real values \u200b\u200bcan be used as much as deteriorating model quality. But this will reduce the amount of memory and computational costs.

A subset of data obtained as a result of a reduction in dimension must inherit from the original set of so much information as it is necessary to solve the problem with a given accuracy, and the computational and time costs for reducing data should not depreciate the benefits received from it.

An analytical model, built on the basis of a reduced multiple data, should be easier for processing, implementation and understanding than the model built on the source set.

The decision on the choice of a reduction method of dimension is based on a priori knowledge about the features of the task and expected results, as well as limited time and computational resources.


MATHEMATICS / Applied statistics / MATH STATISTICS / Growth points / Method of the main component / FACTOR ANALYSIS / Multidimensional scale / Evaluation of data dimension / Estimation of the dimension of the model / Mathematics / Applied Statistics / Mathematic Statistics / Growth Points / Principal Component Analysis / Factor Analysis / Multidimensional Scaling / Estimation of Data Dimension / Estimation of Model Dimension

annotation scientific article in mathematics, author of scientific work - Orlov Alexander Ivanovich, Lutsenko Evgeny Veniaminovich

One of the "Growth Points" applied statistics are methods to reduce the dimension of the space of statistical data. They are increasingly used in analyzing data in specific applied studies, for example, sociological. Consider the most promising methods of reduced dimension. Method of the main component It is one of the most commonly used dimension methods. For visual analysis of data, projections of the initial vectors on the plane of the first two main components are often used. Usually, the data structure is clearly visible, compact object clusters and separately released vector are distinguished. Method of the main component is one of the methods factor analysis. New idea compared to method of main components It is that on the basis of loads, the factors are divided into groups. In one group, factors are combined, having a similar effect on the elements of the new base. Then from each group it is recommended to leave one representative. Sometimes, instead of choosing a representative, a new factor is formed, which is central for the group under consideration. The reduction in dimension occurs during the transition to the system of factors that are representatives of groups. The remaining factors are discarded. On the use of distances (proximity measures, differences indicators) between the signs and the extensive class of methods is based multidimensional scaling. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis method of methods is to represent each object of the point of geometric space (usually dimension 1, 2 or 3), the coordinates of which serve as the values \u200b\u200bof hidden (latent) factors, which are quite adequately describing the object. As an example of the application of probabilistic statistical modeling and results of non-statinists, we justify the consistency of the measurement of the dimension of the data space in multidimensional scalingpreviously proposed by colromal from heuristic considerations. Considered a number of works on assessment of the dimensions of the models (in regression analysis and in the theory of classification). Dana Information about the algorithms reduction of dimension in an automated system-cognitive analysis

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ONE OF THE "POINTS OF GROWTH" OF APPLIED STATISTICS IS METHODS OF REDUCING THE DIMENSION OF STATISTICAL DATA. They Are Increasingly Used in the Analysis of Data in Specific Applied Research, Such As Sociology. We Investigate The Most Promising Methods to Reduce The Dimensionality. The Principal Components Are One of the Most Commonly Used Methods to Reduce The Dimensionality. For Visual Analysis of Data Are Often Used The Projections of Original Vectors on the Plane of the First Two Principal Components. USUALY THE DATA STRUCTURE IS CLEARLY VISIBLE, HIGHLIGHTED COMPACT CLUSTSERS OF OBJECTS AND SEPARETELY ALLOCATED VECTORS. The Principal Components Are One Method of Factor Analysis. The New Idea of \u200b\u200bFactor Analysis In Comparison With the Method of Principal Components Is That, Based on Loads, The Factors Breaks Up Into Groups. In One Group of Factors, New Factor IS Combined with a Similar Impact on the Elements of the New Basis. Then Each Group IS Recommended to Leave One Representative. Sometimes, Instead of the Choice of Representative by Calculation, A New Factor That Is Central To The Group in Question. Reduced Dimension Occurs During The Transition to the System Factors, Which Are Representatives of Groups. Oter Factors Are Discarded. ON USE OF DISTANCE (Proximity Measures, Indicators of Differences) Between Features and Extensive Class Are Based Methods of Multidimensional Scaling. The Basic Idea of \u200b\u200bthis Class of Methods Is To Present Each Object As Point of the Geometric Space (Usually of Dimension 1, 2, OR 3) Whose Coordinates Are The Values \u200b\u200bof the Hidden (Latent) Factors Which Combine to Adequately Describe The Object. As an example of the application of probabilistic and statistical modeling and the results of statistics of non-numeric data, we justify the consistency of estimators of the dimension of the data in multidimensional scaling, which are proposed previously by Kruskal from heuristic considerations. We Have Considered A Number of Consistent Estimations of Dimension of Models (in Regression Analysis and In Theory of Classification). WE ALSO GIVE SOMEFORMATION ABOUT THE ALGORITHMS FOR REDUCE THE DIMENSIONALITY IN THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM-COGNITIVE ANALYSIS

Text of scientific work on the topic "Methods to reduce the dimension of the space of statistical data"

UDC 519.2: 005.521: 633.1: 004.8

01.00.00 Physics and mathematics

Methods to reduce the dimension of the statistical data space

Orlov Alexander Ivanovich

d.E.N., D.T.N., K.F.-M.N., Professor

Rinz Brosh code: 4342-4994

Moscow State Technical

university. AD Bauman, Russia, 105005,

Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5, [Email Protected]t.

Lutsenko Evgeny Veniaminovich D.E.N., Ph.D., Professor Rinz Brosh code: 9523-7101 Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia [Email Protected] Com.

One of the "Growth Points" of application statistics is methods to reduce the dimension of the statistical data space. They are increasingly used in analyzing data in specific applied studies, for example, sociological. Consider the most promising methods of reduced dimension. The main component method is one of the most commonly used dimension reduction methods. For visual analysis of data, projections of the initial vectors on the plane of the first two main components are often used. Usually, the data structure is clearly visible, compact object clusters and separately released vector are distinguished. The main component method is one of the methods of factor analysis. The new idea compared to the main component method is that on the basis of loads, factors are divided into groups. In one group, factors are combined, having a similar effect on the elements of the new base. Then from each group it is recommended to leave one representative. Sometimes, instead of choosing a representative, a new factor is formed, which is central for the group under consideration. The reduction in dimension occurs during the transition to the system of factors that are representatives of groups. The remaining factors are discarded. On the use of distances (proximity measures, differences indicators) between the signs and the extensive class of multidimensional scaling methods is founded. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis class of methods is to represent each object with a point of geometric space (usually dimension 1, 2 or 3), the coordinates of which are the values \u200b\u200bof hidden (latent) factors, in the aggregate, sufficiently adequately describing

UDC 519.2: 005.521: 633.1: 004.8


Methods of Reducing Space Dimension Of Statistical Data

Orlov alexander ivanovich


Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia

Lutsenko Eugeny Veniaminovich Dr.SCI.CON., CAND.TECH.SCI., Professor RSCI Spin-Code: 9523-7101

Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar, Russia

[Email Protected] Com.

ONE OF THE "POINTS OF GROWTH" OF APPLIED STATISTICS IS METHODS OF REDUCING THE DIMENSION OF STATISTICAL DATA. They Are Increasingly Used in the Analysis of Data in Specific Applied Research, Such As Sociology. We Investigate The Most Promising Methods to Reduce The Dimensionality. The Principal Components Are One of the Most Commonly Used Methods to Reduce The Dimensionality. For Visual Analysis of Data Are Often Used The Projections of Original Vectors on the Plane of the First Two Principal Components. USUALY THE DATA STRUCTURE IS CLEARLY VISIBLE, HIGHLIGHTED COMPACT CLUSTSERS OF OBJECTS AND SEPARETELY ALLOCATED VECTORS. The Principal Components Are One Method of Factor Analysis. The New Idea of \u200b\u200bFactor Analysis In Comparison With the Method of Principal Components Is That, Based on Loads, The Factors Breaks Up Into Groups. In One Group of Factors, New Factor IS Combined with a Similar Impact on the Elements of the New Basis. Then Each Group IS Recommended to Leave One Representative. Sometimes, Instead of the Choice of Representative by Calculation, A New Factor That Is Central To The Group in Question. Reduced Dimension Occurs During The Transition to the System Factors, Which Are Representatives of Groups. Oter Factors Are Discarded. ON USE OF DISTANCE (Proximity Measures, Indicators of Differences) Between Features and Extensive Class Are Based Methods of Multidimensional Scaling. The Basic Idea of \u200b\u200bthis Class of Methods Is To Present Each Object As Point of the Geometric Space (Usually of Dimension 1, 2, OR 3) Whose Coordinates Are The Values \u200b\u200bof the Hidden (Latent) Factors Which Combine to Adequately Describe The Object. AS An Example Of The Application Of ProBabilistic and Statistical Modeling And The Results of Statistics of Non-Numeric Data, We Justify The Consistency of Estimators Of The

an object. As an example of the application of probabilistic statistical modeling and results of non-non-statistics statistics, we substantiate the consistency of the measurement of the dimension of the data space in multidimensional scaling, previously proposed by colromal from heuristic considerations. A number of work on the assessment of the dimensions of the models (in regression analysis and in the theory of classification) were considered. Dana Information about the algorithms reduction of dimension in an automated system-cognitive analysis

Keywords: mathematics, applied statistics, mathematical statistics, growth points, main component method, factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, data dimension estimation, model dimension estimation

dimension of the Data in Multidimensional Scaling, Which Are Proposed Previously by Kruskal from Heuristic Considerations. We Have Considered A Number of Consistent Estimations of Dimension of Models (in Regression Analysis and In Theory of Classification). WE ALSO GIVE SOMEFORMATION ABOUT THE ALGORITHMS FOR REDUCE THE DIMENSIONALITY IN THE AUTOMATED SYSTEM-COGNITIVE ANALYSIS

Keywords: Mathematics, Applied Statistics, Mathematical Statistics, Growth Points, The Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Estimation of Data Dimension, Estimation of Model Dimension

1. Introduction

As already noted, one of the "growth points" of application statistics are methods of reducing the dimension of the statistical data space. They are increasingly used in analyzing data in specific applied studies, for example, sociological. Consider the most promising methods of reduced dimension. As an example of the application of probabilistic statistical modeling and the results of non-statistics, we justify the consistency of the size of the size of the space previously proposed by colromic from heuristic considerations.

In multidimensional statistical analysis, each object is described by a vector, the dimension of which is arbitrary (but the same for all objects). However, a person can directly perceive only numeric data or points on the plane. Analyze the accumulations of points in the three-dimensional space is already much more difficult. Direct perception of data of higher dimension is impossible. Therefore, quite natural is the desire to move from a multidimensional sample to data of a small dimension so that "they could

look". For example, a marketer can clearly see how many different types of consumer behavior (i.e., how much it is advisable to allocate market segments) and which properties are (with what properties) consumers in them.

In addition to the desire for clarity, there are other motifs to reduce dimension. Those factors from which the variable is interested in the researcher do not only interfere with statistical analysis. First, financial, temporary, personnel resources are spent on collecting information about them. Secondly, how to prove, their inclusion in the analysis worsens the properties of statistical procedures (in particular, increases the dispersion of estimates of parameters and characteristics of distributions). Therefore, it is desirable to get rid of such factors.

When analyzing multidimensional data, not one, but many tasks, in particular, choosing independent and dependent variables in different ways. Therefore, we consider the problem of reduced dimension in the following wording. Dana multidimensional sample. It is required to move from it to the totality of vectors of a smaller dimension, while saving the structure of the source data, if possible, without losing information contained in the data. The task is specified within each particular method of reduced dimension.

2. Method of the main component

It is one of the most commonly used dimension methods. The main idea is consistent with the detection of areas in which the data has the greatest scatter. Let the sample consist of vectors equally distributed with the vector x \u003d (x (1), x (2), ..., x (n)). Consider linear combinations

7 (^ (1), x (2) ,., L (n)) \u003d x (1) x (1) + x (2) x (2) + ... + L (n) x (n) .

X2 (1) + x2 (2) + ... + x2 (n) \u003d 1. Here, vector x \u003d (x (1), x (2), ..., x (n)) lies on the unit sphere in p-dimensional space.

In the main component method, first of all find the direction of maximum scatter, i.e. Such X, at which the maximum dispersion of a random variable is 7 (x) \u003d 7 (x (1), x (2), ..., x (n)). Then the vector X sets the first main component, and the value of 7 (x) is the projection of the random vector x on the axis of the first main component.

Then, expressing the terms of linear algebra, consider the hyperplane in the p-dimensional space, perpendicular to the first main component, and design all the elements of the sample on this hyperplane. The dimension of the hyperplane is 1 less than the dimension of the source space.

In the hyperplane under consideration, the procedure is repeated. It finds the direction of the greatest scatter, i.e. Second main component. Then the hyperplane perpendicular to the first two main components is isolated. Its dimension is 2 less than the dimension of the source space. Next - the next iteration.

From the point of view of the linear algebra we are talking about building a new basis in a p-dimensional space, whose iths serve as the main components.

Dispersion corresponding to each new main component, less than for the previous one. Usually stop when it is less than the specified threshold. If it is selected to the main components, this means that from the p-dimensional space it was possible to go to K-dimensional, i.e. Reduce the dimension with P-TO K, practically without distorting the structure of the source data.

For visual analysis of data, projections of the initial vectors on the plane of the first two main components are often used. Usually

the data structure is clearly visible, compact object clusters and separately released vector are distinguished.

3. Factor analysis

The main component method is one of the methods of factor analysis. Various algorithms for factor analysis are combined by the fact that in all of them there is a transition to a new basis in the initial N-dimensional space. Important is the concept of "factor load" used to describe the role of the source factor (variable) in the formation of a certain vector from the new base.

The new idea compared to the main component method is that on the basis of loads, factors are divided into groups. In one group, factors are combined, having a similar effect on the elements of the new base. Then from each group it is recommended to leave one representative. Sometimes, instead of choosing a representative, a new factor is formed, which is central for the group under consideration. The reduction in dimension occurs during the transition to the system of factors that are representatives of groups. The remaining factors are discarded.

The described procedure can be carried out not only with the help of factor analysis. We are talking about a cluster analysis of signs (factors, variables). To split signs of groups, various cluster analysis algorithms can be applied. It is enough to enter the distance (measure of proximity, the difference indicator) between the signs. Let x and y be two signs. The difference D (x, y) between them can be measured using selective correlation coefficients:

di (x, y) \u003d 1 - \\ rn (x, y) \\, d2 (x, y) \u003d 1 - \\ pn (x, y) \\, where Rn (x, y) is a selective linear Pearson correlation coefficient, Pn (x, y) is a selective coefficient of the river correlation of the spirme.

4. Multidimensional scaling.

On the use of distances (proximity measures, differences indicators) D (x, y) between the signs X and U, the extensive class of multidimensional scaling methods is based. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthis method of methods is to represent each object of the point of geometric space (usually dimension 1, 2 or 3), the coordinates of which serve as the values \u200b\u200bof hidden (latent) factors, which are quite adequately describing the object. At the same time, relations between objects are replaced by relations between points - their representatives. So, data on the similarity of objects - distances between points, the data on superiority - the mutual location of the points.

5. The problem of assessing the true dimension of the factor space

In the practice of analyzing sociological data, a number of different models of multidimensional scaling are used. In all of them, the problem of assessing the true dimension of the factor space. Consider this problem on the example of processing data on the similarity of objects using metric scaling.

Let there be n objects 0 (1), o (2), ..., o (n), for each pair of objects 0 (/), o (j), the measure of their similarity S (IJ) is given. We believe that always S (i, j) \u003d s (j, i). The origin of the number S (ij) does not matter to describe the operation of the algorithm. They could be obtained either by direct measurement, or using experts, or by calculating the combination of descriptive characteristics, or somehow otherwise.

In the Euclidean space, the N objects under consideration should be represented by the configuration of n points, and the Euclidean distance D (I, J) appears as the measure of proximity of the points-representatives

between the corresponding points. The degree of conformity between the set of objects and the combination of their points is determined by comparing the similarity matrices || I (,) || and distances of the SM-metric functionality of similarities

i \u003d £ | * (/,]) - th (/, m

The geometric configuration must be selected so that the functional S reached its smallest value.

Comment. In nonethenetic scaling, instead of the proximity of the proximity and distances themselves, the proximity of orderlios on the set of proximity measures and the set of corresponding distances is considered. Instead of the S functional, the analogues of the rank coefficients of the correlation of the spirit and Kendalla are used. In other words, non-metric scaling comes from the assumption that the proximity measures are measured in the ordinal scale.

Let the Euclidean space be dimension t. Consider at least the mid-square error

where the minimum is taken in all possible configurations of points in T-Merne Euclidean space. It can be shown that the minimum in question is achieved on some configuration. It is clear that with the growth of t, the value of AT monotonically decreases (more precisely, it does not increase). It can be shown that at T\u003e P - 1 it is equal to 0 (if - metric). To increase the possibilities of meaningful interpretation, it is desirable to act in space possible less dimension. At the same time, however, the dimension must be chosen so that the points represent objects without great distortion. The question arises: how to rationally choose the dimension of the space, i.e. Natural number t?

6. Models and methods for estimating the dimension of the data space

As part of the deterministic analysis of the data of a reasonable answer to this question, apparently not. Therefore, it is necessary to study the behavior of AM in certain probabilistic models. If the proximity of S (IJ) is random values, the distribution of which depends on the "true dimension" m0 (and possibly from any other parameters), then in the classical mathematic-statistical style, to set the M0 estimate task, to look for wealthy assessments and etc.

Let's start building probabilistic models. We will assume that objects are points in the Euclidean space of dimension to, where large enough. The fact that the "true dimension" is equal to M0, means that all these points lie on the hyperplane of the dimension M0. We accept for certainty that the set of the points under consideration is a sample of circular normal distribution with dispersion O (0). This means that objects 0 (1), 0 (2), ..., O (n) are independent in the aggregate of random vectors, each of which is built as

Z (1) e (1) + z (2) e (2) + ... + z (m0) e (m0), where E (1), E (2), ..., E (M0) - Ortonormal basis in the subspace of the dimension M0, in which the considered points under consideration, and z (1), z (2), z (m0) are independent in the aggregate one-dimensional normal random variables with mathematical expectation 0 and dispersion O (0).

Consider two models for obtaining proximity s (IJ). In the first of these, S (IJ) differ from the Euclidean distance between the corresponding points due to the fact that points are known to distortion. Let with (1), with (2), ..., c (n) - the points under consideration. Then

s (i, j) \u003d d (C (I) + E (I), C (J) + S (/)), ij \u003d 1, 2, ..., n,

where y is the Euclidean distance between points in the measurement space, the vector E (1), E (2), ..., E (P) are a sample of a circular normal distribution of a measuring space with a zero mathematical expectation and a covariance matrix on (1) /, where i-a -edite matrix. In other words,

e (0 \u003d p (1) e (1) + p (2) e (2) + ... + c (k) in (k), where e (1), e (2), ... e (k) - orthonormal basis in a measuring space, and [C ^^), I \u003d 1, 2, ..., p ,? \u003d 1, 2, ..., K) is a set of independent in the aggregate of one-dimensional random variables with zero mathematical expectation and dispersion of O (1).

In the second model of distortion are imposed directly to the distances themselves:

Kch) \u003d th (f \\ s)) + £ (uh and \u003d 1, 2., N, i f j,

where and, and on the first interval, it decreases faster than on the second. From here it follows that statistics

m * \u003d Arg MINAM + 1 - 2AM + AN-X)

it is a wealthy assessment of the true dimension M0.

So, of the probabilistic theory implies the recommendation - as an estimate of the dimension of the factorial space to use T *. Note that such a recommendation was formulated as an heuristic one of the founders of multidimensional scaling by J. Kraskal. He proceeded from the experience of the practical use of multidimensional scaling and computational experiments. Probabilistic theory made it possible to justify this heuristic recommendation.

7. Evaluation of the dimension of the model

If possible subsets of signs form an expanding family, for example, the degree of polynomial is estimated, it is natural to introduce the term "model dimension" (this concept is largely similar to the dimension of the data space in multidimensional scale). The author of this article has a number of work on the evaluation of the dimension of the model, which it is advisable to compare with the work on the estimation of the dimension of the data space, discussed above.

The first such work was performed by the author of this article during a trip to France in 1976. One assessment of the dimension of the model in regression was studied in it, namely, an assessment of the degree of polynomial under the assumption that the dependence is described by the polynomial. This estimate was known in the literature, but later it became mistaken to attribute to the author of this article, which only studied its properties, in particular, found that it is not wealthy, and found its limit geometric distribution. Others, already wealthy estimates of the dimension of the regression model were proposed and studied in the article. This cycle completed the work containing a number of refinements.

The extreme publication on this subject includes a discussion of the results of studying the speed of convergence in the limit theorems obtained by Monte Carlo.

Similar to the methodology for estimating the dimension of the model in the problem of splitting mixtures (part of the classification theory) are considered in the article.

The above estimates of the dimension of the model in multidimensional scaling are studied in the works. In the same works, the limit behavior of the characteristics of the method of the main components (using the asymptotic theory of the behavior of the decisions of extreme statistical problems).

8. Dimension reduction algorithms in an automated system-cognitive analysis

The automated system-cognitive analysis (ASC-Analysis) is also proposed in the EIDOS system, another method of reduced dimension is implemented. It is described in work in sections 4.2 "Description of algorithms of basic cognitive operations of system analysis (BKOS)" and 4.3 "Detailed BKOS algorithms (ASK analysis)". Let us give a brief description of two algorithms - BKOS-4.1 and BKOS-4.2.

BKOSA-4.1. "The abstraction of factors (reducing the dimension of the semantic space of factors)"

Using the method of consecutive approximations (iterative algorithm), at a given boundary conditions, the dimension of the attribute space is reduced without a significant decrease in its volume. The criterion for stopping the iterative process is to achieve one of the boundary conditions.

BKOS-4.2. "Abstraction of classes (decrease in the dimension of the semantic space of classes)"

Using the method of consecutive approximations (iterative algorithm), under specified boundary conditions, the size of the space of classes is reduced without a significant reduction in its volume. The criterion for stopping the iterative process is to achieve one of the boundary conditions.

Here are all the real algorithms implemented in the Eidos system of the version that was implemented at the time of work preparation (2002): http: //lc.kubagro .ru / aidos / aidos02 / 4.3 .htm

The essence of algorithms is as follows.

1. The amount of information is calculated in the values \u200b\u200bof the object transition to the status corresponding to classes.

2. Calculates the value of the factor value for differentiation of the object by classes. This value is simply the variability of the informatives of the values \u200b\u200bof factors (quantitative measures of variability a lot: the average deviation from the average, the average quadratic deviation, etc.). In other words, if in the value of the factor on average, there is little information about belonging and not belonging to the object to class, then this value is not very valuable, and if much is valuable.

3. Calculates the value of descriptive scales for differentiation of objects by classes. In the works of E.V. Lutsenko is now done as average from the values \u200b\u200bof gradations of this scale.

4. Then the pass-optimization of the values \u200b\u200bof factors and descriptive scales is carried out:

The values \u200b\u200bof the factors (gradations of the descriptive scaling) are ranked in the order of decreasing value and are removed from the model the least valuable, which go to the right of the Pareto-curve of 45 °;

Factors (descriptive scales) are ranked in descending order of value and are removed from the model of the least valuable, which go to the right of 45 ° the pass-curve.

As a result, the dimension of the space built on the descriptive scales is significantly reduced by removing the scales correlating among themselves, i.e. In essence, it is orthonormaling space in an information metric.

This process may be repeated, i.e. Being iterative, while in the new version of the system "EIDOS" iterations start manually.

Similarly, the information space of classes is omitted.

Scale and gradations can be numeric (then interval values \u200b\u200bare processed), and may also be text (ordinal or even nominal).

Thus, with the help of BKOS algorithms (ASK analysis), the dimension of space is maximally reduced with the minimum loss of information.

To analyze statistical data in applied statistics, a number of other dimension reduction algorithms have been developed. The tasks of this article does not include a description of the whole manifold of such algorithms.


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As a result of the study of the material of chapter 5, the student must:


  • Basic concepts and tasks of lower dimension:
  • Approaches to solving the problem of transformation of the feature space;

be able to

  • use the method of the main component for the transition to standardized orthogonal features;
  • evaluate the reduction of data informative when a decrease in the dimension of the feature space;
  • solve the problem of constructing optimal multidimensional scales for researching objects;


  • methods to reduce dimension to solve applied tasks of statistical analysis;
  • Skills of interpretation of variables in a transformed signspace.

Basic concepts and tasks of lower dimension

At first glance, the more information about the objects of the study in the form of a set of characters characterizing their signs will be used to create a model, the better. However, excessive amount of information can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of data analysis. There is even the term "curse of dimension" Curse of Dimensionality), characterizing problems of working with highly product data. With the need to reduce dimension in one form or another, the solution is associated with various statistical problems.

Non-informative features are an additional noise source and affect the accuracy of the valuation of the model parameters. In addition, data sets with a large number of features may contain groups of correlated variables. The presence of such signs of signs means duplicating information that can distort the specification of the model and affect the quality of its parameters. The higher the dimension of the data, the higher the volume of calculations during their algorithmic processing.

Two directions can be distinguished in reducing the dimension of the feature space on the principle of the variables used for this: selection of signs from the existing source set and the formation of new features by transformation of the initial data. In the ideal case, the abbreviated representation of the data must have dimension corresponding to the dimension, internally inherent data. INTRINSIC DIMENSIONALITY.

The search for the most informative features characterizing the studied phenomenon is an obvious direction of reducing the dimension of the problem that does not require the transformation of the source variables. This allows you to make a model more compact and avoid losses associated with the interfering effect of low-informative features. The selection of informative features is to find the best subset of many source variables. The criteria of the concept of "the best" can be either the highest quality modeling for a given dimension of the feature space, or the smallest dimension of the data at which the model of the specified quality is possible.

A direct solution to the task of creating the best model is associated with the bust of all possible combinations of signs, which is usually excessively laborious. Therefore, as a rule, they resort to direct or reverse selection of signs. In direct selection procedures, a sequential addition of variables from the original set is made to achieve the desired quality of the model. In the algorithms of the consistent reduction of the original feature space (reverse selection), there is a phased removal of the least informative variables to the permissible reduction in the information content of the model.

It should be borne in mind that the informativeness of the signs is relative. The selection should ensure high informativeness of the set of features, and not the total informative of the components of its variables. Thus, the presence of correlation between signs reduces their overall informativeness due to the duplication of information common to them. Therefore, adding a new feature to already selected ensures an increase in informativeness to the extent that it contains useful information that is missing in previously selected variables. The most simple is the situation of the selection of mutually orthogonal signs, in which the selection algorithm is very simple: the variables are ranked on informativeness, and the composition of the first signs in this ranking is used, which ensures specified informativeness.

The limited method of selection methods in order to reduce the dimension of space is associated with the assumption of the immediate presence of the necessary signs in the source data, which is usually incorrect. An alternative approach to a reduction in dimension provides for the conversion of features into a reduced set of new variables. Unlike the selection of the original signs, the formation of a new feature space involves the creation of new variables, which are usually functions of source signs. These variables directly observed are often called hidden, or latent. In the process of creating, these variables can be endowed with various useful properties, such as orthogonality. In practice, the initial signs are usually interrelated, therefore the transformation of their space to orthogonal generates new coordinates, in which there is no effect of duplicating information about the objects studied.

The display of objects in a new orthogonal feature space creates the ability to visually present the usefulness of each of the signs from the point of view of the differences between these objects. If the coordinates of the new basis are arranged by dispersion characterizing the range of values \u200b\u200bon them for the observations under consideration, it becomes obvious impossibility from a practical point of view of some features with small variables, since objects on these features are practically indistinguishable compared to their differences on more informative variables. In such a situation, we can talk about the so-called degeneration of the initial feature space from k. variables and the real dimension of this space t. may be less source (m< k.).

The reduction of the feature space is accompanied by a certain decrease in data information, but the level of permissible reduction can be determined in advance. The selection of features is projecting a set of source variables into a smaller dimension space. Compression of the feature space to two-three-dimensional can be useful for data visualization. Thus, the process of forming a new feature space usually leads to a smaller set of really informative variables. On their base, a better model can be built as based on a smaller number of the most informative features.

The formation of new variables based on the source is used for latent semantic analysis, data compression, classification and recognition of images, increase the speed and efficiency of learning processes. Compressed data is usually applied to further analysis and modeling.

One of the important applications for transformation of the feature space and reduce dimension is to build synthetic latent categories based on the measured signs of signs. These latent signs can characterize the general specific features of the phenomenon that integrate the private properties of the observed objects, which allows us to build integrated indicators of various levels of generalization of information.

The role of methods for the reduction of the feature space in the study of the problem of duplication of information in the initial signs, leading to the "swelling" of the dispersion of estimates of the coefficients of regression models, is essential. The transition to new, in the ideal case, orthogonal and substantively interpreted, variables is an effective means of modeling under the conditions of multicollinearity of the source data.

The transformation of the initial feature space into orthogonal is convenient to solve the classification tasks, as it makes it possible to reasonably apply certain measures of proximity or differences in objects, such as Euclidean distance or the square of the Euclidean distance. In regression analysis, the construction of the regression equation on the main components allows to solve the problem of multicollinearity.

  • In statistics, machine learning and information theory, the reduction of dimension is to convert data consisting in reducing the number of variables by receiving the main variables. Conversion can be divided into selection of features and selection of features.

Connected concepts

Mentioned in literature

- loading and preprocessing input data - manual and automatic layout of stimulus (selection of zones of interest), - algorithm for calculating the successor representation matrix, - building an extended data table with the values \u200b\u200bof the input variables required for subsequent analysis - method reduced dimension Space Spaces (Method of the main component), - visualization of component loads to select the interpretable component - the algorithm for learning the solutions tree, is an algorithm for assessing the predictive ability of the tree, - visualization of the solutions tree.

Related concepts (continued)

Spectral clustering techniques use spectrum (eigenvalues) of data similarity matrix to reduce dimension before clustering in smaller spaces. The similarity matrix is \u200b\u200bsupplied as an entry and consists of quantitative estimates of the relative similarity of each pair of points in the data.

Spectral methods are a class of technician used in applied mathematics for a numerical solution of some differential equations, it is possible to involve fast Fourier transform. The idea consists in census solving differential equations as the sum of some "basic functions" (for example, as Fourier series are the sum of the sinusoid), and then select the coefficients in the amount to satisfy the differential equation as much as possible.

Mathematical analysis (classical mathematical analysis) is a set of sections of mathematics corresponding to the historical section under the name "Analysis of infinitely small", combines differential and integral calculus.

Differential Evolution (eng. Differedial Evolution) - Method of multidimensional mathematical optimization related to the class of stochastic optimization algorithms (that is, it works using random numbers) and using some ideas of genetic algorithms, but, unlike them, does not require work with variables in binary code.

The method of the discrete element (DEM, from the English. Discrete Element Method) is a family of numerical methods intended for calculating the movement of a large number of particles, such as molecules, gravel, gravel, pebbles and other granulated media. The method was originally applied CUNDALL in 1971 to solve problems of rock mechanics.

Purpose of the study:

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the data dimension reduction methodology to optimize their application in recognition practice (identification).

Research tasks:

1. An overview of literary sources on existing methods for reducing the dimension of data.

2. Conducting research (experiments) to compare the effectiveness of the data reduction algorithms applied in practice in the classification tasks

Research methods (software):

C ++ Programming Language, OpenCV Library

The perception of high dimension data for a person is difficult, and sometimes it is impossible. In this regard, quite natural was the desire to move from a multidimensional sample to the data of a small dimension so that "they could look at them," evaluate and use, including to achieve recognition tasks. In addition to visibility, the reduction in dimension allows you to get rid of factors (information) that interfere with statistical analysis, extending the time for collecting information, increasing the dispersion of estimates of parameters and characteristics of distributions.

Reduction of dimension is the transformation of source data with a large dimension in a new representation of a smaller dimension that maintains basic information. In the perfect case, the dimension of the converted representation corresponds to the internal dimension of the data. Internal data dimension is the minimum number of variables required to express all possible data properties. An analytical model, built on the basis of a reduced multiple data, should be easier for processing, implementation and understanding than the model built on the source set.

The decision on the choice of a reduction method of dimension is based on knowledge of the features of the task being solved and the expected results, as well as limited time and computational resources. According to literary reviews, the most commonly used dimension reduction methods include PrincIpal Component Analisys (PCA), Independent Component Analisys (ICA) and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

Analysis of the main component (PCA) - The easiest method of reducing the dimension of the data. It is widely used to convert signs while reducing the dimension of data in classification tasks. The method is based on projection of data to a new coordinate system of a smaller dimension, which is determined by its own vectors and the own numbers of the matrix. From the point of view of mathematics, the main component method is an orthogonal linear transformation.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe method is to calculate the eigenvalues \u200b\u200band the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of data in order to minimize the dispersion. The covariance matrix is \u200b\u200bused to determine the scatter relative to the average relative to each other. Covariance of two random variables (dimensions) - measure of their linear dependence:

where - the mathematical expectation of the random value of X, - the mathematical expectation of the random variable y. We can also write down the formula (1) in the form:

where - the mean x, where - the average Y, n is the dimensionality of the data.

After calculating its own vectors and their own numbers, their values \u200b\u200bare sorted in descending order. Thus, the components are obtained in order to reduce significance. Own vector with the largest natural number and is the main component of the data set. The main components are obtained by multiplying rows from its own vectors on sorted eigenvalues. To find the optimal space of a smaller dimension, formula (3) is used, which calculates the minimum error between the source set of data and the following criterion:

where P is the dimension of the new space, n is the dimension of the original sample, - eigenvalues, - threshold. During the operation of the algorithm, we obtain a matrix with MP data, linearly converted from Mn, after which the PCA finds a linear mapping M, a minimizing estimate function:

where - Euclidean distance between points and, - Euclidean distance between points and ,, . The minimum of this estimated function can be calculated by performing a spectral decomposition of the gram matrix and multiplying its own vector of this matrix to the root from the corresponding eigenvalues.

Analysis of independent components ( ICA ) , Unlike PCA, a new enough, but quickly gaining popularity method. It is based on the idea of \u200b\u200ba linear data transformation into new components, which are most statistically independent and optionally orthogonal to each other. For research in this paper, the Fastica algorithm was selected, described in detail in the article. The main tasks of this method are the centering (subtraction of the average of the data) and "bleaching" (linear conversion of the vector x into a vector with uncorrelated coordinates whose dispersion is equal to one).

Independence Criterion in Fastica is non-geasura, which is measured using the Excesses coefficient:

For Gaussian random variables, this value is zero, so Fastica maximizes its value. If - "bleached" data, then the matrix of covariance of "bleached" data is a single matrix.

Such transformation is always possible. The popular method of "bleaching" uses the spectral decomposition of the covariance matrix , where - the orthogonal matrix of its own vectors, A is a diagonal matrix of own numbers,. It turns out that "whitening" can be represented as:

where the matrix is \u200b\u200bcalculated by the pomoponent operation:


For the experimental study of the proposed methods, a dictionary-based video sequence from the Casia Gait database was used. The base contains the sequences of binary images corresponding to individual frames of the video sequence on which the allocation of moving objects has already been made.

Of all the many videos, 15 classes were randomly taken, in which the shooting angle is 90 degrees, people are depicted in ordinary non-winter clothes and without bags. In each class there were 6 sequences. The length of each sequence was at least 60 frames. Classes were divided into learning and test samples of 3 sequences each.

The features obtained as a result of PCA and ICA methods were used to study the classifier, which in the present work was the support vectors (Support Vector Machines, SVM).

To determine the quality of the method of the method, the accuracy of the classification was estimated, defined as the proportion of correctly classified objects. During the experiment, the time spent in the mode of training and testing was also fixed.

Figure 1. (a) Method Main Component (PCA) b) independent component method (ICA)

Figure 1 (A, B) presents the relationship of the classification accuracy from the value of the output dimension of the data after the conversion. It can be seen that in PCA the accuracy of the classification with an increase in the number of components varies slightly, and when using ICA, accuracy starting from a certain value, starts to fall.

Figure 2. The dependence of the classification time on the number of components but) PCA. b) ICA

Figure 2 (A, B) presents the dependence of the classification time on the number of PCA components and ICA. The growth of dimension in both cases was accompanied by a linear increase in processing time. The graphs show that the SVM classifier worked faster after lowering the dimension using the Main Component Method (PCA).

PRINCIPAL COMPONENT ANALISYS (PCA) Methods, Independent Component Analisys (ICA) worked quite quickly and with certain parameters high results were obtained in the classification task. But with data with a complex structure, these methods do not always allow you to achieve the desired result. Therefore, the local nonlinear methods are increasingly paying attention to the projection of data on some variety, which makes it possible to preserve the data structure.

In the future, it is planned to expand both the list of algorithms used to form a feature description and a list of classification methods used. Another important area of \u200b\u200bresearch seems to reduce processing time.


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  3. Josiński, H. FEATURE EXTRACTION AND HMM-BASED CLASSIFICATION OF GAIT Video Sequences for the Purpose of Human Identification / Springer, 2013 - VOL 481.