How to work brush replacement color in photoshop. How and where to choose the color of the brush for use in photoshop? Color tone and saturation

One way to emphasize the viewer's attention to this balloon is to reduce the saturation of the other balls under it. I do not want to change the actual color of the balls, but only intensity. To make a "color replacement" tool, I will change the overlay mode in the parameter panel to "saturation" (Saturation):

If I wanted to completely discolor balloons, completely removing their color, I would set the color of the foreground on black, white or any of the shades of gray, but since I want to get a thinner effect, I just take as a sample one of the low-saturated colors from Images. To do this, I will climb the key to temporarily switch to the Pipette mode (Eyedropper Tool) and click on the desired color. I will choose an ample yellow color. The color itself does not matter, since the setting mode "saturation" does not change any source colors. It will affect only intensity:

So, the color of the foreground I installed a low-saturated yellow, the overlay mode is "saturation" (Saturation). Now I will simply paint the balloons by adjusting your brush size using the left and right keys of square brackets and changes the tolerance value in the parameters panel as needed. The figure below showed how I paint the bright orange balloon from top to bottom:

Tool disadvantages: problem with the brightness of the variable objects

As I wrote at the very beginning, the Color Replacement Tool (Color Replacement Tool) can not be used for all cases. Now I will show you this on the example.

To start, I will restore the initial state My photo with balls by pressing the F12 key. Now, let's say, I want to change the color of the upper separate orange bowl on dark purple color, like some balls in the group:

To select a replacement color, I find Alt and click on a purple ball:

I set the overlay mode on the parameter panel to the "Color" (Color) and starts to paint the orange ball for changing on the dark purple. Here is the result:

Hmm The ball turned out, of course, purple, but this color is quite similar to the colors of other violet balls, isn't it? The problem is that this color is much brighter than other purple balls, and it turned out this because the original color of the ball was much brighter than the dark purple, which I took for a sample to replace. The overlay mode "Color" in this case does not affect the brightness of the object.

Well, let's then try to apply the overlay mode that affects the brightness. Of the four overlay modes, this "brightness" (Luminosity). I restore the original status of the photo by pressing the F12, select this mode on the parameter panel and try again to paint the ball dark purple. Result:

Well, looking at the result, you can say with confidence that it turned out complete nonsense. The overlay mode "Brightness" definitely made the ball darker, but it's still orange, not purple, and, moreover, practically disappeared texture detailing, the ball looks flat spot.

This is the lack of a "replacement" tool. It is perfect for performing simple tasks, where you only need to change the shade and / or saturation of the color, but if there is too much differences in the brightness values \u200b\u200bbetween the original and new colors, this tool is most likely not suitable.

Sampling for replacement

On the parameter panel, directly to the option of selecting the overlay mode, three small icons are located. Each of these icons is a separate version of the sample of pixels for replacing the "color replacement" tool, and they work exactly according to the same principle as in the "background eraser" instrument. From left to right: "Continuous selection" (Continuous), this option is enabled by default, the following "once" (ONCE) and the latter - "Background SWatch). To switch between selection modes, simply click on the desired icon:

These parameters determine how Photoshop selects pixels to replace the color in the image. If the first option is selected, "continuous", Photoshop constantly determines the new colors to be replaced. The sample is located under a moving cursor, exactly under the cross, if, when moving the cursor, the other color falls, it becomes the target color for replacement. All pixels of this color are replaced within the cursor circumference. This sampling option is used most often and works best in the event that there are many color variations on the facility.

Option "Single" (Once) takes the sample that color that you chose the original and sample does not change Depending on how many colors you continue to drag the crossroads of the cursor. This option will suit the best if you need to replace a large plot with solid color. You can also try to apply the option if you find that when the "Continuous" option is "seeping" the color "seeps" into nearby areas and the option with a change in "tolerance" does not help.

The last option, the "pattern of the background", is used extremely rarely, if it is used at all. With this option, any color is replaced in the image that corresponds to the background color in the color palette. This option may be useful only if none of the first two options works.

Limits (Limits)

This setting determines the location of the replaceable pixels and works exactly by the same principle as at the background elastic. The option has three options: "All pixels" (Contiguous), "adjacent pixels" (discontiguous) and "edge edge" (Find Edges). Of these three, you will actually use only the first two:

The "Related pixels" option (installed by default) means that only those pixels that are adjusted directly to cross-crossing cursor will be replaced. Pixels separated from pixels under the cross in any other color will not be replaced, even if they are within the boundaries of the cursor circumference and exactly correspond about the color.

An alternative is "all pixels". With this option, the replacement will be subject to all pixels corresponding to the color and within the cursor.

Smoothing (Anti-Alias)
This option is enabled by default and serves to smooth the edge around the replace areas. I recommend to always keep it turned on.

The beginners often it seems that the "smart" tools of Photoshop are designed to simplify their lives, eliminating the tedious handmade. This is partly true, but only partly.

Most of such tools ( "Magic wand", "Fast allocation", various correction tools, for example, tool "Replace color") They require a professional approach and beginners are categorically not suitable. It must be understood in what situation this tool can be used, and how to properly configure it, and this comes with experience.

Today we will talk about the instrument "Replace color" From the menu "Image - Correction".

This tool allows you to replace the manually defined image shade on any other. Its action is similar to the action of the corrective layer. "Color tone / saturation".

The tool window looks like this:

This window consists of two blocks: "Allocation" and "Replacement".


1. Taking sample taking tools. They look like buttons with pipettes and have the following destinations (from left to right): Basic sample, adding a hue to a replacement set, exclusion of the shade from the set.

2. Slider "Spots" Determines how much levels (adjacent shades) is subject to replacement.


This block includes sliders. "Color Tone", "Saturation" and "Brightness". Actually, the purpose of each slider is determined by its name.


Let's replace one of the shades of gradient fill here:

1. Activate the tool and click a pipette on any section of the circle. In the preview window, a white area will immediately appear. White areas are subject to replacement. At the top of the window we will see the selected shade.

2. Go to the block "Replacement", click on the color window and set up the color to which we want to replace the sample.

3. Slider "Spots" Customize the range of shades for replacement.

4. sliders from the block "Replacement" Thin tighten the shade.

On this manipulation with the tool completed.


As already mentioned at the beginning of the article, the tool does not always work correctly. As part of the preparation of materials for the lesson, several experiments were carried out on the replacement of color on different images - From complex (clothing, cars, flowers) to simple (monochrome logos, etc.).

The results were very contradictory. On complex objects (as well as on simple), it is possible to finely configure the shade and the scope of the tool, but after the selection and replacement you have to manually refine the image (eliminate the original shada haloes, remove the effect on unwanted areas). This moment He drives to "no" all the advantages that gives a "smart" tool, such as speed and simplicity. In this case, it is easier to produce all the work manually than redoing the program.

With simple objects, the situation is better. Oleols and unwanted areas, of course, remain, but eliminate easier and faster.

An ideal use of the tool is to replace the color of any area surrounded by another tint.

Based on the foregoing, you can make one conclusion: to solve you, use this tool or not. On some flower, it worked not bad ...

Today we will talk about the instrument without which in the photo paper simply could not do - this is a "brush" tool. When I first discovered the graphic editor Photoshop, for some reason I immediately wanted to choose this particular tool. I chose this tool apparently because the label of this tool seemed to me with the mind more clear than all the rest ...

I do not remember that I then drew. Probably painted some Kalyaki-Malyaki, something on the similarity of what is depicted on the video below. And seem to see almost a day in Photoshop, and I did not understand what this photoshop "eaten". At that time, I had no internet yet, nor books about Photoshop; By typing (by trick and error), spending a lot of time to study, acquired the experience of communication with photoshop, which today I willingly share with you.

Tool "Brush" (b)

PHOTOSHOP "Brush" tool, fast challenge tool - Latin letter "B".

This tool is able to acquire any form that you identify it, transparency, overlay mode, and much more. To have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe work of this tool, you are enough to "take a brush in your hands" and start drawing.

On the video on the right I disjected a little brush, demonstrating some features of the work of this tool.

The "brush" tool can work as arbitrarily, as a hand spent and left ... and in strictly specified directions, if you use the SHIFT key when drawing.

Changing mODES OF THE PURCHASES, You can get bizarre color and graphic effects. On the video above, I used the overlay mode "difference", which is surprisingly inverting color. In future lessons, photoshop we will not use the brush overlay modes, so we will consider only the database of this tool.

You can change the size (diameter) and brush rigidity in two ways:
1) - using a special tool parameter palette (call the tool palette - click right key mouse over the processed area), see the video above;
2) - With hot keys, see the video below.

Hot Tool Keys "Brush":
{ +Shift. - reduction of rigidity of the brush;
} +Shift. - increasing the rigidity of the brush;
[ - reduction of the size of the brush;
] - Increase the size of the brush.

On the video on the right is shown as the use of hot keys helps to quickly change the size of the brush. If every time you change the size of the brush, we would cause the tool parameter palette, this process would drag into a few minutes, as it would have to spend time on the cursor center.

Of course, you will not draw such a target as on the video on the right, we consider here only the principle of using hot keys, which is very convenient in the work. I hope I managed to convince you of the expediency of using hot keys.

Switching between the color of the front and the background is convenient using the key with the Latin letter "X", which is friendly with the Cyrillic letter "h". But if it is more convenient for switching the color to click on the arrow, please, your business. It does not affect the speed of work.

Tool "Pencil" (B)

PHOTOSHOP Tool "Pencil", Fast Tool Call - Latin Letter "B".



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Pay attention to how the tool works with different colors. If the color of the brush does not have similar tones or shades in the editable area, in which case, the color of the fill will remain the original one. But if color with a similar tint of the original, replaced color will be subject to color gradation of varying degrees in the editable area. As a result, we will get another color of the fill, see the video above.

Changing the tool parameter settings will help you achieve the desired result. On the video above, such parameters were installed as shown in the screenshot below.

At the end of the video, you may notice that the gray-blue color of the object was not flooded with yellow brushes. He poked something among the middle and yellow, that is, the color graduation. Why did it happen? Because according to the tonality, these two colors are a bit similar. In order for the brush able to correctly replace the color, it is necessary to reduce the percentage value of the "tolerance" parameter, see the screenshot above. If you install 5% instead of 30%, the result will be completely different. The less percentage of tolerance, the more accurate the tool will choose the color for the fill. Here is such an interesting tool. In what cases it is applied to solve only you. In future articles on photographic treatment, we will probably not use it, although everything is possible, follow the new publications.

Mix Brush Tool (B)

PHOTOSHOP TOOL "Mix Brush", Fast Tool Call - Latin Letter "B". The scope of this tool is very wide. The main purpose of "Mix Brushes" is retouching and blur. If the usual "brush" only pours out the color of the one or another region, then the "mix brush" is also capable of mixing (mixed) shades of the original color with the color of the object. Depending on the tool parameters, you can get a wide variety of effects. Today we will stop at this, thanks for your attention.

More on this topic.

It is often like this: I found the right picture, and the color is not one; Or simply wanted to diversify the usual. How to replace the color in photoshop to another? The question is justified, because in Photoshop, it is possible to replace the color in several ways. Much depends on the dispersal of a certain shade throughout the image. The less often the color replacement will occur on other sections of the image, the easierless of the color replacement in photoshop.

And now let's look at a few ways and understand how in Photoshop, replace one color to another.

The first way is the easiest and fastest. But the object of the repainting should not be too complicated. For example, take a photo lime on the table. The background is almost homogeneous, green is present only on lime. Fruit round, it will not be difficult to repaint.

Open the image in Photoshop and remove the fixation of the layer by clicking the right mouse button on the lock image.

Above the layer with a photo create a new transparent layer (SHIFT + CTRL + N). Call tool "Brush" / Brush (key B.). Brush is better taken hard. In the control panel, we call the properties of the brush and choose a hard, with navigating edges of the smear.

Brush Color Choose the one in which we want to repaint lime. Take, for example, blue. The palette is on the toolbar below. Called double-clicking on the icon. By moving the slider on the spectrum, you can select a color range. Color tone choose by moving the white ring in a square window, where the tone moves from white into black.

We become on a transparent layer, select the size of the brush keys Kommersant - increase or H. - Reduce and paint our lime.

Now change the layer overlay mode with "Normal" / Normal on the "Color Tone" / Hue. You can do it on the layer palette. Thus, lime will change the color.

If you hold the key Ctrl And, by clicking the cursor to the layer icon, click once, the zone of the core is highlighted. Now, without removing the selection, you can change the color of the brush and pick up other colors. You do not need to look again. You can, after selecting the color, press the key combination Alt + Delete.. So the dedicated zone will fall as new color.

In the following example, consider how to replace the color in photoshop better. This method can take a little longer, but the result is worth it.

How to replace one color to another in Photoshop, if the shades of the varied color are often found in the picture

Suppose you need to change the color of the model of the model. Red, pink and shades of these colors are present in the color of the skin. By changing the lip color, you need to leave the skin color unchanged.

Open the image in Photoshop. Create a correction layer. The list of corrective layers can be opened on the layer palette at the bottom.

In the adjustment layer settings window, select the color of the color "red", click on the tool "Pipette" / Eyedropper Tool, then make one click on the lips of the model. So we will define the color that we will change.

Below, on the gradient, moving brackets will appear. With their help, you can make wider or already a range of specified color. When moving Checker "Color Tone" / Hue The selected shade of the lips will change throughout the spectrum, depending on where you will assign a checker. At the same time, the shade of red will change over the entire image.

Ctrl + I.

Selecting the color you need to change, close the editing window of the correction layer, we become on the modifying layer mask (white square) and press the keys Ctrl + I.. The mask is inverted into the black, and all our changes will disappear.

When all sections, where the color you need to change, worked out, you can save the image (keyboard key SHIFT + CTRL + S). If in some kind of site you missed, you can cancel action Alt + Ctrl + Z Or sketch on the mask of the correction layer, all the blunders of black brush. This method will more accurately help choose a new color, and work will look careful.

Even more about Photoshop can be found in the course in

How to replace one color to another in Photoshop, if the original color is black or white

Cases with a change of black and white color. Otherwise.

To change the black color, you can apply the correction layer "Color Tone / Saturation" / Hue / SaturationBut it does not work with the flower channel, but with toning. To do this, in the setting of the layer you need to check "TONING" / COLORIZE.

Consider more. Suppose you need to repaint a black sofa. Select a sofa using the tool (Calling the key W.).

Using combinations Ctrl + C. and Ctrl + V. We carry the selected area to the transparent layer and apply a correction layer to it. "Color Tone / Saturation" / Hue / Saturation. To do this, between the corrective layer and layer with a dedicated object, you need to click on the left mouse button while holding the key Alt..

Now you call it a double click on the correction layer, put a tick "TONING" / COLORIZE And by moving the color tone, saturation and brightness checkers, select the desired color.

It turns out simple, beautiful, without a trick.

You can use the correction layer for white repainting "Color" / Color In overlay mode Multiplication / Multiply.

Open the image, create a correction layer "Color" / Color. The color of the layer immediately ask the one in which we plan to paint white.

Change the imposition mode on Multiplication / Multiply, become on the mask of the corrective layer and click Ctrl + I..

Go to the layer with the image and highlight the desired sections of a white tool "Quick Selection" / Quick Selection (Calling the key W.). Without removing the selection, we become on the mask of the correction layer and the white brush of the large diameter are missing the mask. Color will change only where you set up the tool "Quick Selection" / Quick Selectionwhich can be defined by dotted.

If you wish, you can replace the color of the correction layer. To do this, click on it double-clicking and choose any new color in the spectrum.

So everything is simple. Try, experiment. You will definitely succeed. Now you know several ways to replace the color to another in Photoshop.

Even more about Photoshop can be found in the course in

I as always welcome you, dear friends. Very glad to see you on my blog. Do you draw pictures any pictures? And then this week I am going to publish lessons on drawing tools. The topic is also quite important for photoshop, so it is not necessary to miss it. Therefore, you need to know how to choose the color of the brush in Photoshop. Without it, further will be difficult.

Look at the choice of color itself. Have you noticed that the colors are two (default black and white)? And what do you think, why? If you bring the mouse to the color, you will see that the front is called the main, and the rear - background. Background color Usually used for elasty, gradient, etc., but in terms of the brushes, it will work as an extra.

The bottom line is that when working with brushes, the main color can be changed with background places. To do this, you need to press the key X. (Latin). Thus, you will always have two rapid colors at hand.

But I will not deviate from the topic. To change the color (no matter the main or background) you just need to click on it with the left mouse button. After that, you will open the selection window, i.e. Color palette. Here we will choose how to paint our future masterpieces. But the color we can choose already in two ways. So we look and remember.

First method

On the left side you will see a large square space, and slightly the right vertical strip with flowers. So here's the color you choose from just the same vertical stripes, and from a large square - shades of this color. But it acts only on color model HSB., and the point should stand near the letter H.. If you put the point any other place, the entire palette will change. So when choosing a color, let the better point stands there.

Click to select a color left button Mice on the vertical strip slider, and not releasing the mouse button drag up and down until you find the right color and the necessary palette of shades. Now choose a shade. To do this, move the small circle to the place of the square space, where the ideal shade of this color is located.

And at the same time it will seem like your new selected color in comparison with the current.

Here is such an essence. You can safely draw.

Second way

Remember in one of the first lessons I told about? So the second way will be based on the choice of colors from a specific color panel. Here you are RGB., I. CMYK., I. HSB., I. Lab. Remember what each of these models does it work?

In general, to select a color, you need to select a specific model and drive the three values \u200b\u200bthat this model corresponds.

Let's, for example, I will choose a red color in the model RGB.. For this I put in the desired cells the desired values, I mean in the cell R - 255, and in the cell G and B are zeros. How? Was the color you need? See yourself.

Well, if you notice, a special cell is located just below the RGB colors for the color task. hTML code. Those. When a fragment (for example, the text) is highlighted in any color (except links), then be sure of their color asked here this is a hexadecid code. It is not necessary to be afraid of this, it's just that it can be very useful.

There are such codes on the principle RGB.. The first 2 characters mean red, 2 medium means green, and the last 2 - blue colour. 0 - the minimum color value (white), F is the maximum color value (black). It turns out that the FF0000 is the same as 255.0.0 in the usual RGB, i.e. red.

Well, if you really want to return everything as it was, i.e. so that the colors have become default (main - black, background - white), then just press the key D.. So everything is simple.

I also would like to tell you another tool choosing a color, namely about. But then I decided that this tool all the same deserves a separate article, as there are their nuances and the color is chosen slightly in another way.

Well, in general, you will definitely look course on work in photoshop for beginners. It is described in detail in detail, and absolutely human tongue. So thanks to these video tutorials, you will easily learn this wonderful graphics editor For a couple of weeks. Be sure to look.

Well, I'm saying goodbye to you. I hope that with this topic you have no questions arose. I wish you good luck and good mood. Do not forget to subscribe to updating my blog, then you will be happy. See you with you in other articles. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.