Online courses for mobile application developers. Mobile development: why is it cool and where is it taught

Application development skills for mobile phones and tablets can be obtained by everyone. Now any Internet user will be able to earn money doing what they love. If you not only like to use various applications, disassemble their nature and structure, but are also interested in creating them, you need to take online development training mobile applications from our experienced professionals. Today, technology is constantly evolving and does not stand still. Video courses are a great alternative to the usual types of training, they also provide an opportunity to get a new exciting profession without studying at a university and gain good knowledge and skills.

Mobile App Development Online Courses

Mobile app development courses are required for:
  • improving one's own qualifications;
  • acquisition of knowledge from scratch;
  • familiarization with the specifics of the applications, with their device;
  • self-creation mobile programs on Android or IOS, as well as for other popular systems.
If you are familiar with the IT field, but want to acquire a new profession, such courses will be an excellent solution for retraining. Become an Apple or Android device specialist. According to statistics, Android-based products are now leading the IT technology market, and therefore retraining from a system administrator to a developer of mobile software and applications is more relevant than ever at this time. Courses on creating mobile applications will help inexperienced users to get the whole range of knowledge and skills, and in the future will be a great start to your career. You can earn not only in a company, but also on a freelance basis, while at your computer at home. After our courses, you will receive a certificate confirming that you have all the necessary skills. If you wish, you can not only get training, but also become a teacher by recording your course!

Every day, millions of people launch mobile applications on their smartphones - this is a whole culture that is developing at a frantic pace. The developers of these applications are the new romantic heroes, people who can become billionaires overnight, like the creators of Instagram, with several computers at hand and good idea. They are not taught this anywhere, and in this they feel their advantage and uniqueness - it all depends on you. You take and write a program, and if it works, then you did everything right, if not, your place is in the top Apple Store someone else will take over. The main thing here is speed. It is absolutely not necessary to sit at a desk for five years to start programming. This is exactly the case when everything depends on desire and practice. Look At Me discussed with experienced developers how to start developing mobile applications.

Matt Thompson on
that the best programmers are self-taught

Matt Thompson

developer and designer at Heroku, author of a blog about Objective-C and Cocoa, author of many Open Source projects, such as AFNetworking, which was used at least once by all iOS developers

The best and only way to become a mobile developer is to start developing! True, now there are so many auxiliary resources on the Internet that it is easier than ever to master a profession. No one but yourself will teach you how to program. Just read the tutorial in the book or on the web and start building the application you are interested in, start with the simplest. Or I would recommend starting with web development altogether: HTML and CSS or jQuery if you're feeling adventurous.

Some aspire to be sure to go through a programming school, but I have repeatedly seen that the best developers are self-taught, and with a diverse background. Hell, I myself dropped out of Computer Science at university to study philosophy! good programmer driven by a passion for finding solutions to a problem. If you have this passion, you will succeed.

If you want to become a programmer, you have to read a lot. First of all, you need to read all the documentation and guidelines that are provided to developers by Apple or Google. Fight the urge to just read without putting what you read into practice. Your choice of sources should be guided by curiosity and ambition to solve a difficult problem. After you get familiar with the basics of the language, start reading the codes of successful open source projects. See what models and methods other developers use to solve various problems, and try to adapt them to your own problems. There is no end to what you can learn from others.

“Some aspire to be sure to go through a programming school, but I have been convinced more than once that the best developers are self-taught”

And one more piece of advice. Find or create your own local community of developers with similar interests. Meet regularly and discuss your projects, problems and solutions. Such meetings will give you much more impetus than big conferences.

Sergey Shapovalov about basic education
for developers and why
in the USA they have more prospects

Sergey Shapovalov

developer of applications for iOS and OS X, Ph.D. in physics and mathematics, creator of Qik, Auto-Assistant, Moow and other applications, currently lives and works in Silicon Valley, USA

Modern programming languages ​​used to write applications for mobile devices are pretty simple. Learning the basics and writing your first app in a month is easy. You can start churning out simple toys, standard faceless business applications, etc., even making some profit from their sales. There are a lot of examples of such developers and such applications: both in the App Store and in Google Play there are probably 9 out of 10 such programs. But I would advise a novice developer to start from a completely different point of view.

To make something of your own, special and unique, truly original, you need a good foundation. You need to study computer science, classical algorithms, data structures, know what quick sort is and how long it takes, how hash tables work, and much more. It is necessary to master well the basic concepts used in programming in any language for any device: processes and threads, memory management, pointers, parallel computing. Know by heart C ++ (useful, and oh how wrong those who send it to the dustbin of history). Understand and be able to apply design patterns in practice. Know what a client-server architecture is and how to properly organize client-server interaction in an unreliable communication channel with interference. As an elective, read something about encryption, data protection, network protocols, and the Unix kernel.

In addition to purely technical savvy, you need to instill good taste in yourself to achieve success. Because good software is not just software that works without errors, it is well-designed software that is beautiful, elegant and user-friendly. It is not necessary to become an artist-designer, but it is necessary to study the guidelines, learn how to design competently user interface, think over the logic of the application, take into account all possible cases, pay attention to the little things and find non-standard solutions.


“In addition to purely technical savvy, you need to instill good taste in yourself to achieve success”

The third component is marketing. You need to be able to feel the market, understand what will be in demand, and what will not be needed by anyone. This is not at all the same as “following global trends”. There is a saying of the great hockey player Wayne Gretzky, which Steve Jobs was very fond of repeating: “I rush to where the puck will be, and not to where it was.” It is precisely this ability - to understand where there is a new niche on the market, which is not yet occupied by anyone, but which can be filled with your own development - in combination with the first two requirements, and leads to success.

There is no place in the world where you can pay for a course and be 100% sure that you will become a successful mobile app creator. There are universities where they teach computer science well, and in terms of basic education in Russia, in some places they still hold the bar: Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, MPEI and some others. A classic of the genre in terms of programming (specifically for mobile platforms) is the course of lectures at Stanford University (USA). Of course, all the same can be learned from books and the Internet, but I am sure that a well-designed course allows you to achieve your goal much faster, straightening the path to it. But in any case, independent work on self-improvement is necessary.

The next question is where to develop, where to open your business? This question goes far beyond the discussion of the prospects for mobile software development. In the end, everyone decides for himself where to live, where and for whom to work. In the era of globalization, boundaries are blurred, and this is felt in IT like no other industry. Nowadays, you can often live anywhere and, without leaving your home, work for a customer from the other side of the world. For an independent solo developer, freelancer or creator of your own applications, there are no restrictions in this sense.

The situation is much more complicated when it comes to creating a large company working on large projects. Here we have to take into account how national characteristics developers, who have to carry out the assigned tasks, and the general political and economic situation in the country. There are many technically strong programmers in Russia who are in demand all over the world. However, issues of discipline, self-organization and self-control, as well as global problems of corruption, lack of fair competition, transparent market relations, and many others lead to the fact that there are not so many successful large software companies in modern Russia. At the same time, the number of strong and fairly successful single programmers is quite at the world level.

Where to go

There are many conferences dedicated to mobile development, but all the experts and most of the cool developers consider them a stupid waste of time and go only to the main ones.

The cycle of courses is aimed at a full-fledged smooth study of the methods of developing applications for mobile devices.

Block #1

Fundamentals of Mobile Application Development

The main goal of the block is to form a primary idea of ​​the methodology for developing mobile applications. The features of mobile devices and technologies used to create multi-component mobile applications are analyzed.

Additional videos:


16 academic hours.

Price: 2 100 rubles.
For partners 945 rubles.

Block #2

Development of universal applied solutions

Available in VIDEO RECORDING format

We will analyze the methodology for developing universal application solutions that can work on mobile devices and personal computers. The architecture of the platform for mobile devices and for personal computers is slightly different, so you need to take this into account when developing configurations for such application solutions. When creating such solutions, the issue of data exchange between them is acute, which will be discussed in the course.

  • Interface development features
    • Customizing the interface for a mobile device and personal computer
    • Differences in Home Page Functionality
    • List Form Functionality Differences
    • Differences in the functionality of object forms and records
    • Design and configuration of the command interface for a mobile device and a personal computer
  • Logic programming
    • Implementation of client-server logic
    • Working with user accounts
    • Demo bases in the mobile application
    • Development of reports and use of ACS
    • Data exchange between mobile clients

Additional video:


6 academic hours.

Price: 2 100 rubles.
For partners 945 rubles.

Block #3

Creation of mobile clients for cloud services

Available in VIDEO RECORDING format

We will create a mobile client to work with cloud service. Such technology can help in organizing secure access to information system data for users who are not employees of the company and optimize license policy using the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. When developing a mobile client, two important integration tasks will be solved: authorization in the service from the mobile client and data exchange between the mobile client and the cloud base.

The course is intended for those who have no experience in developing mobile applications in Android Studio, and is dedicated to learning modern ways of developing mobile applications for operating system Android. You have a chance to learn how to develop mobile applications from the first lesson. Run the application on your phone or on a virtual emulator. Step into the world of mobile development!

About the course

The purpose of the course is to form students' understanding of the main existing ways create interactive applications, teach how to develop the correct interface and application architecture.

After completing the course, students will be able to create applications for the operating room. Android systems; manage navigation between different app activities; use fragments etc.

Knowledge of the language will be a significant advantage for students Java programming and related technologies. The course allows you to significantly expand your knowledge and practical skills for developing mobile applications in the Android Studio environment, 10 applications will be developed during the course. The module can be used as a stand-alone course, or in combination with other modules in master's programs, as well as for advanced training of students.


The course includes video lectures, video presentations, interactive forms of training in the format of video conferences. The duration of the course is 10 weeks. The complexity of the course is 3 credits. The average weekly load per student is 10 hours.

Informational resources


To successfully master the course, the following knowledge, skills and abilities are required:


at the view level:

  • The essence of mobile development;
  • Stages of the digital revolution, breakthrough technologies in the field of digitalization, mobile development;
  • The essence and concept of a mobile development system;
  • Existing platforms in a mobile environment;


  • theoretical:
    • Operate the conceptual apparatus in the field of programming;
    • Identify promising market niches for the implementation of mobile development projects;
  • practical:
    • Ability to analyze promising market niches for the implementation of projects in the field of mobile development;
    • Ability to independently develop design solutions in the field of mobile development;


  • Ability to design a mobile application interface using online tools.

To master the course, you need free software: Android Studio.

Course program

The course covers the following topics:

Topic 1. Getting to know the Android OS.


    Installing the required software

    Setting up the SDK Manager and creating an emulator

    Create a project and run on the device

    Setting appearance android studio

Topic 2. Working with markup.

    Android Studio Interface

    Layout editor

    Working with TextView

    Parent Layouts

    Activity class, padding and padding

Topic 3. Controls

    Basic controls

    Creating the application "Test" part 1

    Creating the application "Test" part 2

    Creating the application "List of serials" part 1

    Creating the application "List of serials" part 2

Topic 4. Activities and intents

    Multiple activities and intents

    Creation of the application "Data transfer" part 1

    Creation of the application "Data transfer" part 2

    Creating an application "Calling third-party applications" part 1

    Creating an application "Calling third-party applications" part 2

Topic 5. Activity lifecycle

    Activity lifecycle management

    Creating an application "Activity Lifecycle" Part 1

    Creating an application "Activity Lifecycle" part 2

    Creating the application "Timer" part 1

    Creating the application "Timer" part 2

Topic 6. Adapters and Lists

    Adapters and Lists

    Building a Basic List Application

    Creation of the application "Sports" part 1

    Creation of the application "Sports" part 2

    Creation of the application "Sports" part 3

Subject 7. ElementRecyclerView

  1. Building a RecyclerView

    Building the Grumpy Cat App Part 1

    Building the Grumpy Cat App Part 2

    Building the Grumpy Cat App Part 3

Topic 8. Fragments


    Building the Snippets app, Part 1

    Building the Snippets app, Part 2


Each topic involves studying for one week.

The course has two types of deadlines (deadlines for completing assessment activities):
– a soft deadline, in which it is necessary to complete all the evaluation activities of the current week before its completion;
– a hard deadline, in which an additional two weeks are allocated for the implementation of evaluation activities after the soft deadline, after which access to the relevant activities is closed.

Learning Outcomes

  • Ability to install required software (PO-1).
  • Ability to design a visual user interface (RO-2).
  • The ability to manage the life cycle of an activity (PO-3).
  • Ability to create dynamic lists (RO-4).
  • Ability to effectively use the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment (RO-5).
  • Ability to run applications on a real or virtual device (RO-6).
  • Ability to prepare data for the implementation of work on the application (PO-7).
  • Possession of skills in developing applications for the Android OS (RO-8).

Formed competencies

09.03.02 Information systems and technologies

    ability to use architectural and detailed solutions in system design; select initial data for design information systems, assemble an information system from ready-made components, adapt applications to changing operating conditions (PC-2);

    ability to use architectural and detailed solutions in system design; conduct a pre-project survey (engineering) of the design object, a system analysis of the subject area, their relationships, select the initial data for the design of information systems (PC-4);

    the ability to select the initial data for the design of information systems (PC-12);

    ability to apply mathematical methods to solve practical problems (OK-10).

09.04.02 Information systems and technologies

    the ability to collect and analyze scientific and technical information, domestic and foreign experience on the subject of research (PC-7);

    the ability to develop and study methods of analysis, synthesis, optimization and forecasting of the quality of the processes of functioning of information systems and technologies (PC-9);

    the ability to perceive mathematical, natural science, socio-economic and professional knowledge, the ability to independently acquire, develop and apply them to solve non-standard problems, including in a new or unfamiliar environment and in an interdisciplinary context (GPC-1);

    the ability to analyze and evaluate the levels of their competencies, combined with the ability and readiness for self-regulation of further education and professional mobility (GPC-3).

Mobile developer is an expert who develops software applications for various mobile devices: tablets, smartphones. Profession on this moment the most fashionable, promising and in demand. After all, it is in the field of mobile development that such interesting novelties as a voice and gesture interface have appeared. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in computer science (see choosing a profession for interest in school subjects).

There is an acute shortage of specialists in this profile on the job market. And the situation will only get worse in the future. modern world it is already impossible to imagine without mobile devices, which are used not only by advanced youth, but also by all segments of the population. All large quantity people access the Internet from mobile devices. The Russian market of mobile devices is the fastest growing. The man of the future does not want to be tied to the office with his heavy computer equipment when there is real opportunity solve any issues using mobile devices literally on the go.

A bunch of computer programs relocated to mobile devices and successfully operates there. And in the future, their “mobilization” will only intensify.

The advantage and uniqueness of the profession of a mobile developer is that everything depends only on you: having a good idea from the beginning and competently translating it into the world mobile technologies, without investing resources, you can create an international project similar to Instagram in the shortest possible time and become a millionaire.

Mobile applications are extremely popular among entrepreneurs of various levels. If the application is relevant, easy to use, functional, and solves important user problems, it will significantly increase the number of customers and increase business profits.

Features of the profession

The functional responsibilities of a mobile developer are currently not clearly defined due to the youth of the profession. He has to be a designer, layout designer, programmer at the same time. In general, the activity of a mobile developer can be divided into several stages:

  • the preparatory period in the creation of the application - the definition of specific customer requirements in the form of technical specifications;
  • creation of a mobile application that combines such mandatory qualities as trouble-free operation on one of the mobile operating platforms (Apple iOS, Google Android, Windows Mobile), convenient user interface, versatility, profitability for the customer.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. A highly paid, in-demand profession.
  2. The clarity of standards and guidelines greatly facilitate the design part of the work of a mobile developer. Guideline is detailed descriptions elements in mobile applications, and for each platform they are different.
  3. The resource investment for mobile development is low.


  1. The policy of companies producing mobile devices does not allow the developer to quickly make changes to the application, since any action is checked by company employees. So, Apple is checking for any update within a week.
  2. The captiousness of users to the design and functionality of applications brings a lot of unpleasant moments.

Place of work

There are no borders in the IT-sphere for a long time. You can work from the comfort of your home for any multinational company in the world or a private business. Jobs for a mobile developer can be found on freelance exchanges, on job sites. Or you can create your own mobile application development business.

Important qualities

One of the most important qualities of a mobile developer is the ability to respond constructively to criticism from users who leave their feedback on the work of applications on Google Play and the App Store. After all, negative reviews are not always aimed at offending the developer. As a rule, they indicate some specific problems in the mobile application and the developer should solve them.

Required personal qualities:

  • Analytical mind;
  • attention to detail;
  • high efficiency;
  • ability to plan and meet deadlines;
  • striving to improve professional skills;
  • study of new technologies for mobile operating systems.

Professional skills and knowledge

knowledge of programming languages:

  • Apple iOS - Objectiv-C, Swift
  • Google Android - Java, Scala
  • Windows Mobile - C#, VB.NET;
  • ability to create applications for Android, iOS, Windows Mobile;
  • application debugging;
  • basic knowledge of programming for iPhone and iPad;
  • knowledge of new technology libraries
  • for iOS - Siri, for Android - "OK, Google";
  • working with SQLite database.

Mobile developer training

International educational institution, conducts training. Works since 1999. 42 branches in 16 countries of the world. The largest authorized training center for Microsoft, Cisco, Autodesk. Students receive international certificates and an international diploma. The main goal is the employment of each graduate.

The peculiarity of mobile applications is that they are created using ready-made solutions by constructor type. This makes it possible to obtain the necessary education in the shortest possible time by completing special courses. Many advanced users Mobile app developers independently master the skills of developing mobile applications on various Internet services, but this is a long journey of trial and error, which is best done under the guidance of an experienced developer. In addition, the theory should immediately be supported by the practical application of the acquired knowledge, which is provided for by the course programs. The courses are taught remotely, which is very convenient in terms of saving time and money.

But even after completing the coolest courses, independent work on self-improvement of professional skills is necessary on an ongoing basis.