Mobile Application Development Courses. A series of online courses "Fundamentals of mobile application development Where can I learn to be a mobile application developer

From the author: Hi all! Today we will talk about how to become a developer mobile applications for Apple and Android. The number of applications on services such as Apple Store And Google Play is growing every day. These applications can perform a variety of functions. Some of them allow you to process photos thanks to trendy retro filters and all sorts of effects. Others help to learn foreign languages, others help to download and read e-books. You can even install a metal detector or building level. In general, applications ready to make our lives easier are now in abundance.

Some of them are free to download, some are not, anyway, free apps will contain advertisements and paid content. But we in this moment a slightly different aspect is interesting. The fact is that you can earn money on the development of mobile applications, and quite well.

How to start learning to develop applications for mobile devices?

Becoming a mobile app developer is much easier if you already have an understanding of programming. Then you can safely skip this section. But, as you know, repetition is the school of the artist, and in our case, the programmer. In addition, it is possible that you will have to do some of the work related to graphic design.

If you have no idea about programming, it's okay, because this can always be learned. Moreover, the Internet contains a lot devoted to the study of programming.

Those who want to delve into the field of web programming in general and want to "get to the bottom" of everything; those who are interested in programming not only as a craft, but also as an art, can be advised to study CSS, and maybe even jQuery, if you want to really test yourself and your inquisitive mind =)

Is a diploma really necessary?

There is a stereotype that the best programmers- those who graduated from programming schools have certificates and diplomas, supposedly confirming their skills and abilities. But this is sometimes far from the truth.

Both among professional programmers and in the self-taught environment, there are people who really find themselves in their place, who have a penchant for programming. But there are those who simply consider themselves masters of their craft, although, in reality, they would be more suited to web design or something else more related to creativity.

And, oddly enough, among graduates such a picture is observed more often than among those who studied programming on their own. This is because those who really want to master this profession are actually studying and constantly applying knowledge in practice, and not just attending classes and waiting in line for a diploma.

What does a mobile app developer need to know?

Using modern programming languages ​​that are used to develop mobile applications for Android or iOS, it is quite possible to create your first creation in a month.

Just imagine: in just a month you will become a mobile application developer. Learning the profession of a programmer, of course, is far from being exhausted by this. Yes, you can develop some simple games and even make a profit from them after monetization.

Go to Google Play or the App Store: most of these applications are there, especially among games. According to the statistics of such applications, nine out of ten. This is what the average mobile application developer does. But where do you start your learning if you don't want to stop there?

In order not to be that same average developer and create something really original, you need a quality foundation. Experienced programmers recommend starting with computer science, data structures, classical algorithms, hash tables, and so on.

It is necessary to understand the basic concepts that are used in programming, regardless of the language and device. It will be useful to know the basics of C ++ here, despite the fact that many already consider it obsolete. Perhaps so, but these are the foundations of the foundations, without which Java and PHP would not have arisen. It will be useful to learn about data protection, encryption, network protocols, and the Unix kernel.

So far, we have only talked about the technical part of the issue, but this will not be enough for success. Truly high-quality software is not only a program that works without errors. High-quality software implies a well-thought-out interface that would be understandable to the user (and not just the developer), the logic of the program, taking into account all options development of events. Paying attention to details and finding interesting, non-standard solutions is the responsibility of every developer.

Feel like a trend maker

As strange as it may seem at first glance, a mobile application developer should be not only a good programmer, but also an astute marketer.

It is important to understand what is currently in demand among users, and then rush to occupy the niche that has not yet been occupied by your competitors. You do not need to chase what is popular now or was popular once.

Of course, the new is the well-forgotten old, but successful programmers do not adapt to modern trends. They themselves take responsibility for creating these same trends.

Also, don't forget to study in English, because program codes are written on it. By writing these codes, you can only learn technical English, but you will have to deepen your knowledge to communicate with English-speaking customers. In addition, it will become a useful practice not only for application development.

Only if you harmoniously develop the skills of a programmer, designer and marketer, you can achieve success in the field of mobile application development.


When you acquire the necessary knowledge, you can safely offer your services to customers, which you can find in abundance on freelance exchanges. You should not expect that success will fall on you immediately after registration and filling out a portfolio with your achievements.

At first, you will have to fulfill small and simple orders, but if you do not stop there, over time you will be able to develop really impressive projects for customers not only in your own country, but all over the world.

JavaScript. Fast start

Explore JavaScript basics on a practical example of creating a web application

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a mobile device in his hands. Phones, smartphones, tablets, netbooks and other communicators are designed to make our lives easier and provide fast access to the information you need anywhere in the world.

In addition, the market for mobile applications is growing, with the help of which you can do anything - communicate, make purchases, book hotels, call a taxi, order food, transfer% of the time to mobile internet Russians devote it to applications. In business, having an app becomes as much a necessity as having a website. Therefore, the demand for professional mobile developers is growing every year.

Do you want your child to master one of the most sought-after and trendy IT professions and learn how to make their own application? Then give him a course on creating mobile applications at the CODDY programming school for children!

Application development training

A mobile application is a program designed to be used on mobile devices. This software is usually developed based on the interests of people and their needs for a specific platform (iOS, Android, Windows phone) in a high-level language and compiles to native code operating system, which gives maximum performance.

Even a child can write a mobile application. Today, there are two main ways to do this - independently master online lessons and application designers or go to developer courses in Moscow. The latter is mandatory if you want to become a specialist in this field and learn how to create a high-quality and functional product. Our course will allow the child to easily master the promising and highly paid profession of a mobile application developer. The training is conducted by experienced teachers and practitioners who will reveal all the secrets of creating cool and professional applications. This course is recommended for every koddik from 9 years old and aims to show development for Android in practice.

Initially android usage was very limited, but now it is the most common platform for developing mobile applications, which is one of the strongest rivals to another popular operating system - Apple.

Benefits of Android Application Development

  • Profitability. With Android, you can create complex applications with minimal cost because the Android Development Kit is freely available.
  • Easy integration. Android can be easily integrated into any system. Developers can fully use their imagination and creativity to create compelling applications that have never before been used by other platforms.
  • Android app coding is much easier than coding apps on other platforms. Applications used in Android are coded in Java.
  • Easy application distribution. In addition to Google Play, which is the official app marketplace, you can use other third-party distribution resources.
  • Excellent device compatibility. Android apps run smoothly on devices from various manufacturers.

What will training in mobile application programming give?

During the course, your child will:

  • learn to program for Android;
  • be able to develop their own mobile application for Android;
  • learns how to create a user-friendly mobile interface.
The Android Mobile Application Development course consists of 3 modules.
The first module is devoted to the basics of the language Java programming, as well as the study of application development tools.
In the first module, we will cover the following topics:
  • the Java programming language: its syntax and basic constructs
  • writing and compiling Java programs on a computer
  • object-oriented paradigm in programming using classes
  • Android application development environment: Android Studio
In the second module, children will begin to write their own applications, on the example of which we will learn the main aspects of Android development, such as:
  • andoid application structure
  • work with resources
  • Creation XML files markup
  • the concept of Activity and working with screens
The third module is devoted to the development of individual projects for children. In class we will:
  • handling events that occur in the program
  • dynamic creation and management of UI elements
  • work with multithreading
  • work with the Internet in the application

Taking into account the fact that the Android platform is developing very actively, this knowledge will enable the child to start earning now, and in the future to find a promising job. He will gain practical skills in creating applications and will effectively use the capabilities of the Android platform and resources immediately after completing the first module.

How do we know that a student has mastered the program?

During the training, we evaluate both the practical side of the issue (how to do it?) and the understanding of the topic (why and for what).

Students demonstrate their knowledge by solving problems in their own way, explaining algorithms in their own words, helping classmates correct mistakes, and creating presentations on their completed projects.

Whether you like it or not (it's possible that you don't care at all), the mobile app market is growing and expanding. More and more people cannot imagine their life without a smartphone, with which you can do anything: call a taxi through the appropriate application, transfer money, and finally track your daily activity and count calories. These are the most banal examples that convey the essence of the phenomenon - mobile devices have become an integral part of our daily lives.

This trend seems to be quite long-term at the moment. There is simply no reason to believe that people will stop using smartphones and tablets en masse in the near future. Accordingly, they will need applications, games and all that stuff. So it turns out that mobile developers will definitely not sit idle and money.

Now, perhaps, is the best time to master this profession. The market is booming, but not yet oversaturated with personnel, so you have a very real chance to offer your services and get a decent reward for them. Can't you? Learn. :)

Where to learn

I must say right away, do not waste your time and energy, go to the courses. Of course, you can try to figure out the intricacies of creating applications on your own, but this is an option for those who have absolutely nothing to do. Theory without practice is worthless, and it is better to apply knowledge in practice under the guidance of professionals.

Actually, it is the professionalism of mentors that will become the first criterion in choosing a school. The educational portal GeekBrains has gathered the best of the best: teachers from the country's leading universities, employees of large IT companies - in general, people who understand how things are in the industry and can tell others about it.

The impressive duration of the courses is another plus. It will take about a year of high-quality and regular work to study a completely new direction of activity and delve into all the subtleties.

If someone promises to teach you how to create mobile applications in a month - do not believe it, it is impossible by definition.

Finally, specify how things are going with the further employment of graduates. Will you be offered an internship or sent to find your place in life on your own? GeekBrains gives you three options to choose from: work within an IT incubator, in one of the partner companies, or under the guidance of specialists from the educational portal.

Online school for mobile developers.

Everything is serious: 9 months of training, lectures by top developers, practical tasks, tests, chat with teachers and materials for self-study.

Under the cut - the necessary knowledge to start, a training plan, acquaintance with teachers and an employment program for graduates of the Academy.

Necessary knowledge for training

We are not starting from scratch. The program is intended for beginner developers with knowledge of Java.

Your first application

We will teach you how to work with the Android platform and show common architectural approaches. We will study popular libraries, Unit and UI testing, and work with Google Play Services.

Each student in the learning process will create their own application. At the end of each training block, he will perform tasks - use the knowledge gained to work on own project. The result of the training will be a working application that can be safely shown to the employer or colleagues.

Training program

calculated for 9 months. The program consists of 6 blocks, each block lasts 6 weeks. Student load - 4-6 hours per week.

Training takes place on the OpenProfession online platform. You can stick to our schedule or study at your own pace.

Block 1

Get to know the Android platform, Android Studio and the build system - Gradle. Learn what debugging and logging is. Learn the basics of an Android app and work with Activity and Fragment. Get acquainted with interface elements - View, ViewGroup.

Block 2

The tutors will talk about working with lists using RecyclerView and show the tools for multithreading in Android. You will learn networking with Retrofit2/Okhttp3 and get familiar with reactive programming, specifically RxJava2. Learn how to work with notifications and Room, an ORM wrapper around SQLite.

Block 3

You will learn how to properly divide an application into modules. Learn MVP and MVVM patterns, as well as get acquainted with CLEAN - clean architecture. Realize the power of dependency injection with the Dagger2 and Toothpick libraries.

Block 4

Consider Unit and UI testing: Mockito, PowerMock, Espresso, Robolectric. You will work with ORM wrappers: Room, GreenDAO, Realm, as well as with popular libraries - Picasso, EventBus, ButterKnife and other industry standards.

Block 5

Teachers will talk about Material Design Components. Learn how to work with animations and create custom interface elements. Get familiar with the custom LayoutManager.

Block 6

You will learn how to work with custom services and peripherals: Google Firebase, Google Analytics, Google Maps, push notifications, sensors and camera. Learn how to sign and publish your app on Google Play.

Learning Format

New knowledge. Each training block contains video lectures and live coding sessions.

Practice. Test your knowledge by completing quizzes and assignments in study materials. And of course, apply new knowledge in your first application.

Communication. Ask questions and get feedback from teachers, chat with other students.

Development. The instructors of the program have developed teaching materials and compiled a selection of useful links so that you continue to learn new things even outside the Academy.


You will learn from the leading developers of e-Legion. Meet:

Developers Azret Magometov nullpex and Marat Taychinov have been creating mobile products for various business areas for many years, which are used by millions of people every day. In the program, the guys tell not only the theory, but also share life hacks.

Interview in e-Legion

We interview each graduate. The number of projects in e-Legion is constantly growing, so we are always looking for talented developers.

We have already organized 6 online and offline schools for mobile developers in St. Petersburg and Kazan, we have released 857 developers and 10 of them work for us.

Finish your training, get an OpenProfession certificate and send your resume to the e-Legion HR manager.

go learn

- February 5th.

Do you have any questions? Join the - webinar, where teachers and organizers of the Academy will answer all questions and talk in detail about the learning process.