PHP and MySQL courses. New free video course "PHP

PHP (P HP: H hypertext P reprocessor, thoughtful preprocessor

hypertext) - scripting language web oriented programming.

In lesson 1 we will get acquainted with the basic syntax, as well as write our first script.

Syntax basics:

- start and end of the script
assignment operator -=

Output text information - echo (can output html code)

While(loop condition)(action) - loop
- if(condition)(action to be performed if the condition is false)else(action to be performed if the condition is false) - condition

Lesson 1. Creating the first script

As you can see the script consists of one line.

To execute the script, you need the appropriate software, for Windows users I recommend Denwer (
After installing Denwera, create a Script.test folder in the hosts directory, in which, in turn, create a folder

WWW. In the WWW folder, create an index.php file? into which we transfer the contents of our file.

After saving the file, restart Denwer. Then in the browser line type script.test

And voila! We see the inscription Hello World!

How not to write Hello World:

Hello World Not spelled like this


Well, it certainly isn't:


On this, our lesson came to an end, but in the end, a small selection of useful links.

Do you want to have your own blog in your project or learn how to write one, but have not written it yet, because you do not know how to approach the issue? It's simple: turn on the brain, computer, our new free course "" and let's go!

In addition to all of the above, we will need:
3. MySQL database
4. Notepad++, Brackets, etc.

We will work on local web server. In order not to fence the garden from Apache. PHP, MySQL, we will use proven recipes.
We use XAMPP for this course. Perhaps it is too universal, but we will not stop developing, will we? Therefore, to good tools gotta get used to it right away.

When you hear the word "blog", the first thing that comes to mind is a live journal or Wordpress - the most common platforms for the blogosphere. We will try to go the most interesting way and create a blog for ourselves. Such a pumping of skills at the same time will make it easier to learn how to understand turnkey solutions, but still being able to write on your own and understand the finished one are completely different levels of skill.

Concepts and terms

ХAMPP(abbreviation for X - all OS, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Perl) is a web server build that will save you the hassle of installing Apache and dancing with tambourines when screwing MySQL and PHP onto it (there is something else, but we will only need this). The package is cross-platform and easy to configure, we love developers because it implements a full-fledged web server.

Apache is an HTTP web server, which is currently the most popular on the Internet, which is part of many modern software products. (By the way, its kernel is written in C).

MySQL– relational database management system. Suitable for small and medium applications. Included in many servers and portable server builds.

PHP(Personal Home Page Tools) - what it is - is perfectly clear from the name. It's a programming language general purpose, is designed specifically for Web development, and its code is perfectly embedded in HTML.

We also need to know what CSS is. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - cascading style sheets. Describe the appearance of parts and elements of a web page. What text editors are, I hope, is not worth explaining :-)

About the course

"Good course- says one of the graduates of the course Dmitry Matlakhov,- n o it is desirable for him to have at least a little IT training, because. The course covers many different areas.”
I totally agree. Therefore, for beginners, we suggest that you start with.

“…But, for those who are familiar with HTML, CSS, PHP for the first time, it will be difficult…”- writing about the course Nikolay Dubkov.
The graduate agrees with him. Pavel Iosifov: “... We immediately jumped into the water. If there are no skills at all in programming or the Web, then it will be difficult ... "

Gentlemen, who said it would be easy? Quick start and quick to catch on the fly.

Before getting to PHP, it will be useful for you to know what HTML is and the basic tags of a web page. After all, the PHP code will have to be inserted somewhere. Therefore, one of the lessons will take a detailed look at creating a web page (from scratch!), Explaining all the basic tags that almost every web page contains.

Let's touch on CSS a bit, because it is better to describe the appearance of elements and classes once and then constantly refer to the right place in the style file, rather than repeating the same description for each element each time. A separate file with the .css extension is responsible for describing the styles, which describes the appearance of the constantly used main elements and parts of the pages. Thus, the entire project, referring to the same file with styles, has the same design. Also, you will learn what bootstrap is and how to include it in the project.

After that, we will finally move on to PHP itself, where you will also learn how PHP differs from HTML, get acquainted with some PHP functions, variables and parameters, arrays and loops. As a result, you will write your first PHP script.

Further lessons will be like in a fairy tale: the further, the worse. What another graduate did not fail to notice Konstantin Epishev : “Php used to scare me a lot with syntax and in general, so much so that php has become a household language that I can’t master. Everything has gone so far that java has become understandable! Worthless after all ... I found a course, gathered my strength and: 1) overcame my fear of php; 2) really understood the syntax and some functions; 3) made some conclusions towards java;) 4) was inspired to further deepen in php. Many thanks to the author of the course for the clarity of the examples and the simplicity of the information provided, everything is really great!”

Yes, you will have to delve into a bunch of material very quickly, but after you go through the “Design” topic, you will learn how to create not only a blog, but, I would say, a piece of CMS, and you will have a set of front-end functions for editing your blog “from the front”.

And here is the opinion of the graduate Vitaly Izotov, with which I personally agree completely regarding this course. “... People who have studied programming at least a little at school, or even more so at the university, will easily understand the material. Of course, such a course will not bring special knowledge, but after it you can safely open tutorials on HTML, PHP and CSS and start studying, because the course showed where to download, how to install, how to configure and how to get started with all the programs necessary for independent work ... "

In the course of the course, we will definitely go through templates. A site template is the appearance of your web resource and its pages. How, with the help of what and where to display specific elements, you will do in PHP. You will also touch on working with MySql, learn how to create a database and tables in phpMyAdmin; you will learn how to use PHP to interact with the database and extract the necessary information from there, as well as create an admin panel and functionality that will create, edit and delete blog articles.

Then you will learn how to upload all this created happiness to a remote server and configure it. And now, you can already use your own written blog! How exactly is up to you.

And for those who want to start developing in PHP after training, we recommend the profession.

Alexey Litovchenko

Very healthy teachers. Despite learning step-by-step, each was given tasks at an individual level. If you decide to systematize your knowledge in the field of web development or come with zero knowledge, this online/offline university is a good choice. I studied the first block of the course offline, I studied all other blocks by notes. Having been in all the variations, I can say with confidence that this school will teach you how to make beautiful websites \ give you a deep understanding of the backend \ systematize your knowledge (the main thing is the presence of desire and goals). Thanks to Vyacheslav and Alexey for the quick feedback and reverent attitude towards each student!

Andrey Mikhailov

I really liked the course. Everything was presented in a very intelligible and accessible way, the theory was well presented, interesting homework assignments. There was a lot of practice, which allowed to consolidate the theory. I would especially like to mention the teacher Vyacheslav. He gave good kicks, which allowed him to grow quickly, quickly improve his skills.

Vintonyak Tatiana

Good afternoon I want to express my gratitude to Alexey Sokolov for the excellent teaching of the HTML and CSS level 1 course. Everything was told in an accessible language and in an interesting way, the time just ran by unnoticed. Very cozy audiences and a group of 4 people, Alexei spent time with everyone and sorted out the mistakes with everyone. I signed up for level 2 - I'm looking forward to continuing classes with Alexei. Thanks a lot!!!

Anna Starik

Denis Vorobyov

I came to the courses with almost zero knowledge of HTML and CSS. I really liked the fact that during each of the courses, and I went through HTML first level and HTML second level, many practical tasks are given and real sites are developed (each level has its own). Therefore, it is not at all difficult to understand what the whole theory is for and how to use it. After completing the second level, I already got a good modern site, which I did not expect from myself). I decided to continue my studies, I want to learn JavaScript, without it, as it turned out, there is no further way).

Galkina Maria

Completed 1st HTML course and moved on to level 2. The course is built logically, the tasks are based on the material covered and there is nothing impossible. The teacher Alexei enlightened in all matters of interest, one can feel a good school, great experience, and most importantly - interest in his work. The material was presented in a very accessible language. My main education is not in the technical field, but there were no insurmountable difficulties in teaching. It also has the advantage that the course is neither lengthy nor overly compressed and superficial.

Zheldakov Dmitry

I am grateful to the Scandinavian school and personally to the teacher Alexei Sokolov for completing both HTML and CSS courses. The most valuable thing is not even that I was able to actually get enough understanding from scratch for independent development (although this is only the beginning and I still need hours of practice), but that I gained knowledge about such things that I probably would not have learned at all during independent training and would not even have asked about preprocessors, for example. Already now, as a project manager, I communicate with developers with a much greater understanding, and I think I will be able to apply the knowledge gained in life in the near future. Everything took place in a friendly atmosphere, with humor and, most importantly, with cookies. And there were no questions that I would not have received an answer to, or an error that Alexey would not have helped to correct.

Everyone liked it very much! Completed two HTML and CSS courses, and two JavaScript courses. The teacher was Vyacheslav Zhukov. Great teacher, explains very well and gives lots of examples. They give a lot of different useful information. I myself am not a genius and everything related to computers is very difficult, but here the material is presented so well that everything is clear and easy to remember. If a problem arises and there is no way to come to the classroom, you can study online)) Thank you SO MUCH Nordic IT School!!! Keep it up)

Manchuk Dmitry

I took a PHP course in October 2017. I work in a large technical company and by the nature of the activity there was a need to study programming. The world does not stand still in new opportunities and it is very important to keep up with the times. Learning programming on your own is interesting, but it significantly increases the learning time, because you need to find videos, install the program, come up with tasks yourself and find time to complete them. My colleague advised me to contact the Nordic It School, as he had already taken several courses there. The online learning format called me not to waste time on the road, which significantly increased my efficiency in mastering the course, and group learning is much more effective, as it becomes possible to analyze various cases. Thanks to the teacher for the intelligible presentation of the material and the willingness to answer all questions even during extracurricular time. I want to separately note the non-trivial homework, which made me think well, which made it even more interesting. I am already actively applying my knowledge in my work and the pool of my duties has increased significantly, which motivates me to new achievements!

Basics of programming
Basics of programming, basic terms and concepts

The video course will introduce students to the basics of programming, basic terms and concepts. It will teach you how to develop algorithms and give real experience in creating web products. Lessons include an overview of current programming languages ​​and areas, help students choose the most interesting for themselves, and provide materials and instructions for further professional development.

Lesson 3

Choice of programming language. Browser preparation. Program "Hello, world!".

Lesson 4

Installing a convenient code editor. Introduction to variables. Simple calculator.

Lesson 5

Data types. Operations with different types data. Data type conversion.

Lesson 6

Algorithmic thinking. Visual flowcharts.

Lesson 7

Choice of options in the program. The if branch operator. Riddles game.

Lesson 8

Complex selection conditions. Logical AND, OR. Angry Birds game.

Lesson 9

do and while loops. Playing Russian roulette.

Lesson 10

for loop. Financial calculator.

Lesson 11

Large datasets and arrays. Roulette game.

Lesson 12

Functions. Preparing to write the game "Black Jack (21)".

Lesson 13 Part 1

Writing a complete game. The basis is the distribution of cards and scoring.

Lesson 14 Part 2

Completion of writing the game. Determining the results and the winner.

Lesson 15

Overview of the main directions in programming. How to choose a programming language? What to study next?

Web development. Fast start
Basics of HTML/CSS and PHP

PHP (Hypertext PreProcessor, hypertext preprocessor) is a programming language that runs on the web server side. The creator of PHP - Rasmus Lerdorf - designed it as a tool for creating dynamic and interactive websites. The language has gained a lot of popularity and is used in projects of various sizes: from a simple blog to the largest web applications on the Internet. The largest PHP projects are Zend, Yahoo, Facebook, Google, NASA, W3C. The course is intended for those who want to acquire basic web development skills in PHP, learn the logic of working with this language and terminology, and also understand the principles of functioning of systems and web applications. During the training, students go through the main stages of creating a simple online store website and work on its functionality. The knowledge and skills acquired on the course are a solid foundation for further development as a PHP developer.

Lesson 2: Installing and Deploying the Server on Your Computer

How the web server, PHP interpreter and database interact; download the finished assembly of Open Server; choose PHP version; select apache version; configure access to the local site; how to understand that everything is set up correctly and works; we use the Sublime Text code editor built into the Open Server assembly.

Lesson 3. How to create web pages

Briefly consider what html is for; consider the main tags: doctype, html, head, title, body, header, h1, footer, div, a, img and their place in the web page; demonstrate how these tags work; show created tags in panel
"Developer Tools" on Google Chrome; create links to home page and a page with a store so that you can go to the store and back.

Lesson 4

Considering CSS: what it is, how to include styles in a page; writing a header and considering how to style it with CSS.

Lesson 5

We finish writing the header; add the rest of the layout from ready template; we transfer the necessary parts of the layout from the finished template (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

Lesson 6

How to use PHP in our template; what are variables for and how to work with them; what data types are in PHP, what they are for.

Lesson 7

What are arrays for and how to use them; we put the information about the product in an array.

Lesson 8

nested arrays; we place the data for our store in nested arrays; how to get information about a product from a nested array.

Lesson 9

What to do if you need to display a lot of data from the array on the page.

Lesson 10

How to make the program change behavior depending on different conditions; how to understand which page to open; use parameters address bar to open the desired page.

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Display all products on the page; working with the product page; how to create the correct links for each product in the product catalog; we display product data on a separate page.

Lesson 13

Registering a name for our site; Upload files to the hosting and check the performance of the site.

HTML / CSS is a hypertext markup language, the basis for studying server-side PLs. Once you've learned HTML, you'll be able to create a static web page or website. CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - will allow you to design your site the way you want. You will be able to watch the video course at a convenient time and contact a mentor who will monitor your progress if you have any questions. The format encourages communication and self-discipline in learning. In a month you will learn: * layout of static sites, * valid cross-browser layout, * block layout, * basic operations in Photoshop, * use of LESS and Bootstrap preprocessors. To move on to the next lesson of the course, your homework must be checked. This will show that you have understood the previous lesson and will easily master the new knowledge. The task can be checked by both the mentor and classmates, whose knowledge you trust, and get an achievement for it. With each check, the number of achievements grows, and the skill of working with someone else's code increases. The level of the final certificate depends on the number of achievements: the more there are, the higher the status. This kind of game mechanics makes classes even more interesting.

Lesson 1

What is a web page; types of sites; site development process; what is hypertext, tags and attributes; workplace preparation; the structure of the HTML document; basic text design tags; a simple example of an HTML page; an example of a complex web page; hotkeys for moving through documents.

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

What is CSS; CSS syntax; ways to declare CSS; selectors (id, class, tag); attribute selectors.; basic properties of styles; nesting; property inheritance and grouping; checking the connection of the style file.

Lesson 4

Priorities for applying styles; pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements; creating tables; cell merging; nested tables; table styling.

Lesson 5

Basic layout tags (div and span); element margins (margin and padding); streamlined elements; block positioning.

Lesson 6

Basic functions and familiarity with Photoshop; highlighting the main parts of the layout; layout cutting; site layout layout using blocks; inserting parts of the layout into the layout;

Lesson 7

Creation of the main markup of the site; the use of overflow and clear in real layout; filling the markup with parts of the sliced ​​​​layout; elements positioning techniques; Getting to know and using Bootstrap.

Lesson 8

Uploading projects to the server; the problem of "cross-browser compatibility"; HTML/CSS standards; the future belongs to HTML5 and CSS3 standards; competent, universal layout; Introduction to preprocessors using LESS as an example.

Database fundamentals. 20 lessons.
Database design and SQL queries

Databases (DB) are data storage and processing systems accessed using SQL (Structured Query Language). Any modern site, game or desktop application need to store data. At the moment, there are many different database management systems (DBMS), the most popular being MySQL. “Database Fundamentals” is 20 intensive video lessons (10 minutes each), where we will go through all the stages of database design together using the example of an online store using the language SQL queries. After this course, you will be able to use various databases such as MS SQL and Postgre Sql, since the syntax of the SQL language is almost the same for them.

Lesson 1

What is the difference between a database and a DBMS? what databases are called relational; review of modern DBMS.

Lesson 2

Installing MySql DBMS and graphic application mysql workbench.

Lesson 3

Data design in Excel; normal forms; primary key.

Lesson 4

Creating tables in the MySql Workbench GUI; CREATE command; data types; work in the console.

Lesson 5

Filling tables with data using a graphical interface; INSERT command; AUTO INCREMENT.

Lesson 7

Retrieving and filtering data using the DISTINCT and LIMIT SQL commands; sorting with the ORDER BY command.

Lesson 9

The concept of consistency or data consistency.

Lesson 10

The concept of a foreign key and constraints on column values; FOREIGN KEY CONSTRAINTS.

Lesson 11

Adding a shopping cart to the online store database.

Lesson 12

Using a composite primary key when designing a many-to-many table.

Lesson 13

Getting data from several interrelated tables; the inconsistency of the approach using multiple SELECTs.

Lesson 14

Joining data from multiple tables using the INNER JOIN statement.

Lesson 15

Joining data from multiple tables using the LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN statements.

Lesson 16

Combining the results of multiple SQL queries using the UNION operator.

Lesson 17

Aggregating functions COUNT, SUM, MIN, MAX.

Lesson 18

Grouping the selected set of rows using the GROUP BY clause.

Lesson 19

Filtering in GROUP BY using HAVING; increasing the speed of query execution using indexes.

Lesson 20

The concept of a transaction; TRANSACTION statement; ACID requirements for a transactional system.

PHP. Level 1. 1 month.
Web development basics

PHP is one of the three most popular and popular programming languages ​​in the world. It is widely used in the creation of dynamically generated web pages. Most freelance programmers in the world use the PHP language: it allows you to develop dynamic sites of any complexity and has a large set of built-in tools for developing web applications. The "PHP. Level 1" course from GeekBrains was created to teach beginner programmers the basics of developing websites in PHP. Beginners will learn the principles of object-oriented programming and learn how to properly use the basic language constructs. More experienced developers will have the opportunity to significantly improve the culture of writing code and will be able to competently and professionally script their website.

Lesson 1. Introduction to PHP

How dynamic sites work
How web servers work
Preparing the working environment
Hello world! [Practice]
Basic language constructs - descriptors, variables, data types
Language versions and their differences at a basic level

Lesson 2

Branching principles, visualization, flowcharts
if, if-else statements
switch statement
Ternary operator
Implementation of branching logic schemes
Ternary operator
Functions, recursion
Using Functions and Recursion to Solve Problems
Variable scopes

Lesson 3

The concept of a cycle, types of cycles in PHP
While, do...while
Infinite loop and exit from steps, loop
The concept of an array, types of arrays in PHP
Using loops to work with arrays [Practice]
Multidimensional arrays
Basic Array Functions Using Array Functions [Practice]
Predefined arrays

Lesson 4

File system and addressing, examples based on different OS
Connecting files with code
Basic file operations - reading, writing.
Using basic operations to solve everyday tasks - logging, reading data, caching [Practice]
Typical data storage formats

Lesson 5

Creating a database, users
Creating tables
Basic query syntax. Create, edit and delete tables, Learn 4 main commands: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT
Fetching from the database and displaying on the screen

Lesson 6

Basic methods of transferring data to the server
GET and POST Methods
Passing data from a form to a script
Processing and saving data in the database, ensuring security.
Implementing a CRUD Action Package [Practice]

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Writing the missing page logic
Creating test orders

PHP. Level 2. 1 month.
Professional web development

This is the most complete professional course in mastering PHP at the master virtuoso level. Created for those who already understand what PHP is, what is the power and potential of this language. Many graduates of the course claim that one month of training in our program can be compared to years of studying from books or materials from the Internet!

Lesson 1. OOP in PHP. Basic concepts.

An introduction to the OOP paradigm, an introduction to fundamental concepts and principles. OOP implementation in PHP.

Lesson 2. OOP in PHP. Extended study.

Continue reading OOP and its implementation in PHP. Architectural aspects of OOP. Magic methods, type control, traits, patterns.

Lesson 3

The concept of templates. Introduction to Twig. Implementation of the templating functionality. Exceptions in PHP.

Lesson 4

Continued acquaintance with the symbiosis of MySQL and PHP. The concept of data normalization, various forms normalization. Links in the database. Backup data and database performance optimization. Familiarity with the mechanism of transactions.

Lesson 5. The MVC paradigm. Engine updates

Introduction to the paradigm-pattern "Model-View-Controller". System architecture update. Code standardization.

Lesson 7. Testing. PHPUnit.

Introduction to the principles of testing, TDD, BDD. Introduction to PHPUnit, writing tests.

Lesson 8 Tools and necessary knowledge

Overview of trends in modern programming and development in PHP. Introduction to useful tools. Discussion of further development.

yii2 framework. 1 month.
Professional Backend Development

Yii2 framework is one of the most popular and demanded PHP frameworks. Knowledge of any framework qualitatively increases the demand for a php programmer in the labor market, and his salary. The course is designed for those who are familiar with PHP and OOP at a basic level. We will consider the basic and advanced application template, we will develop an application - an analogue of the evernote program. Doing homework, you will create a full-fledged portfolio project: a calendar program in which you can make notes about plans for the day and "rummage" between other users.

Lesson 8. Useful features of Yii2

URL management. REST organization. assets. Deploy

Internship at GeekBrains (Web). 2 months.
Team Development Practice

During the internship, students will have to work remotely on an Open Source project or startup. Students will be asked to choose from a set of projects available for development. They will learn how to work in a team, communicate with other developers, product and project managers, designers, learn flexible methodologies, the SCRUM framework, and master the principles of remote work. The result of the internship: the ability to work in a team, replenishment of the portfolio, the ability to indicate the work on the project as a profile work experience in the resume. The internship will be in the format of part-time remote work, weekly status meetings with the teacher in the webinar format.

Lesson 1

The first lesson of the internship is introductory. We get to know each other, understand how many skills students have, and most importantly, what they want to develop. We explain the difference between an internship and a regular course. We tell you what will happen at the webinars and between them.

Lesson 2

The second lesson is devoted to development methodologies. This is simply necessary, since this is not taught in other courses and students do not know how to work in a team. Starting from this lesson, students work in a team. Homework assignments are dedicated specifically to team development.

Lesson 3. Problems and their solution. meeting

The third lesson is devoted to the analysis of problems that students will definitely have while working on the project. This is necessary because students, when faced with problems within the team for the first time, may give up and stop developing the project. We ask what problems have arisen, give advice, talk about MVP (minimum viable product).

Lesson 4

The fourth lesson is devoted to an overview of the intermediate successes that students have achieved during the 3 weeks of project development. We give advice, make comments, help solve problems and help choose the right direction for the development of the project.

Lesson 5 Quality. Testing

We analyze an important topic: how to write autotests for code. We explain different types of tests and say why they are needed. At the end of the lesson, we advise students to write autotests for the project in order to better understand this topic.

Lesson 6 Resume preparation

We ask students how they are doing with their projects. If there are serious problems, we help to solve. We are interested in how things are with autotests. We analyze the autotest for any of the projects (at the request of students). We remind you that there is very little time left (two weeks). We help speed up project development by prioritizing tasks that students want to do.

Lesson 7 Developer career

Since the course is coming to an end, it's time to teach students how to write the thing that is important for them - a resume. We talk about the important points that HR pays attention to, give advice and warnings. We designate the task for the next lesson: write your resume and indicate in your work experience a student internship at GeekBrains.

Lesson 8

This is the last webinar on which we summarize. If students allow their resumes to be checked at the webinar, we check, we give feedback. Next, we demonstrate student projects, show who managed to achieve what and praise the students. We tell students that they can not stop there and continue developing the project.

Basically, PHP programming courses are designed for those who are starting to learn web programming and website development. Some courses teach the basics, others teach how to create online stores, others teach how to create websites on standard CMS. There are many specializations.

Learning PHP and MySQL will allow you to create complex, dynamic websites. It can be online stores, forums, information portals or even social media. All these opportunities will allow you to find a job in the field of Internet technologies or programming in a different direction.

The format of classes is full-time everywhere. At the same time, the duration of classes varies greatly and ranges from 30 to 160 academic hours.

After training, you will be able to

After completing the PHP + MySQL courses, you will gain the following skills and knowledge:

  • Use of applications and tools for development.
  • Knowledge of the basic functions and constructions of PHP.
  • Fundamentals of relational databases and the SQL language.
  • Basics of the MySQL DBMS and its relationship with PHP functions.
  • Fundamentals of the object-oriented approach to development.
  • Principles of drafting terms of reference

Some training in PHP programming will allow you to master the "advanced" technologies:

  • XML and XSLT.
  • SAX extensions, DOM.
  • Fundamentals of security in programming.
  • Development of web services.

For whom

Basically, PHP and MySQL courses are designed for beginner programmers and those who want to master the profession of a web programmer. To complete the curriculum, you need basic knowledge PC.

Certificates of completion

All training centers issue certificates of completion of training. Some centers help to find work in the field of creating websites.