How to detect ie jquery version. Determining the browser version - PHP or javascript

I already wrote an article about it once, but today I ran into another problem - how to determine a specific version Internet Explorer... As everyone knows, this browser constantly surprises us, and each version of it practically lives its own life. There are situations when the code works adequately in the 9th version, but does not work in the 8th, and vice versa. And such moments are encountered when working with each version. Therefore, sooner or later you will have to face the problem of determining the specific version of IE.

As it turned out, determining the version of IE is not difficult. When determining the version, you can use interesting feature Internet Explorer - Each version of this "browser" has unique global objects. For example, in IE9 there is a global document.addEventListener object, and such an object is used only in versions older than IE9 (inclusive). Or the document.querySelector object - it only appeared in IE8 and is used in newer versions. There are such objects in each version, relying on them (checking their existence), you can easily create conditions for specific versions of Internet Explorer.
What objects are present in different versions I will give below:
IE10 + - window.atob
IE9 + - document.addEventListener
IE8 + - document.querySelector
IE7 + - window.XMLHttpRequest
IE6 + - document.compatMode
Another global document.all object exists in all versions of IE, but is not used in any other browsers, based on it, you can distinguish IE from other browsers.

In addition to this help, the general contact form, the imprint, as well as the general overview of all pages of the web offer belong to this. Search box for simple search by keywords always located at the top of the page near the city logo. Here you can enter one or more search words. The search begins by pressing the black magnifying glass button or pressing the enter key.

In addition to simple keyword searches, you can use advanced search. Here, among other things, you can exclude words and determine the number of hits per page. Use the following search options to get even better results.

How to determine the version of Internet Explorer in javascript. Code

Now we have all the necessary components: an object that is in all versions of IE and only in it - this will distinguish it from other browsers. We also have objects to help differentiate specific versions of IE. Below are some examples to show you how you can use IE global objects in practice.

Only words with 2 or more characters are accepted for a maximum of 200 characters per request. Personal characters are used to separate words. can be used to find entire strings of characters. For users using firmware, there are jump marks on the screen at the top of the pages that point directly to this help or content. They are not visible to users of modern graphical browsers.

Use the tab key to navigate from link to link. Hidden tooltips are displayed above the service navigation as soon as you use a tab key. Printing is performed using an optimized display option. Only content is printed. For this menu, the header, footer, and border gaps are darkened. You only need to click your browser's print function or the print symbol at the end of the page.

If (document.all) (// code for all versions of IE. Will not execute in other browsers) if (document.all &&! Window.atob) (// code for IE9 and below) if (document.all &&! Document .addEventListener) (// code for IE8 and below) if (document.all &&! document.querySelector) (// code for IE7 and below) if (document.all &&! window.XMLHttpRequest) (// code for IE6 and below) if (document.all && window.atob) (// code for IE10 and up) if (document.all && document.addEventListener) (// code for IE9 and up) if (document.all && document.querySelector) (// code for IE8 and higher) if (document.all && window.XMLHttpRequest) (// code for IE7 and higher) if (document.all && document.querySelector &&! document.addEventListener) (// code for IE8 only )

In ten steps, a tenfold increase in magnification is achieved by pressing, and a corresponding decrease in the zoom level by 10 percent is achieved by pressing. To do this, select the "View" menu item in the browser menu bar and specify the font size in percentage. You can also define the magnification level yourself. ... Additional tools for the browsers mentioned above, such as magnifiers or firmware, can be found in the compass resource index.

This could be, for example, planning offices or consultants. We will try to provide you with content as differently as possible. We use this help navigation for the news area, where you can display detail pages in the navigation.

It's good if your site works in all or almost all browsers the way you want it to. Everything changes, new versions are released, new opportunities appear, and it is stupid not to use them, to please the "oldies". About 1.5 years ago IE 6.0 (judging by the statistics of visits to one of my sites) was on every third computer using IE. I had to reckon with him, tk. IE dominated computers - over 40% of visitors used IE. I associate such distribution of IE 6.0 (despite the fact that the 8th version has already been released), first of all, with the widespread distribution of old pirated windows versions XP in Russia that do not connect to the update server.

This allows you to move back and forth from the document to the start page. Return to normal view by pressing the key. As of version 3, this also allowed for graphics or images. However, you can also disable this feature and only increase the text size. The barrier compass pages have been designed in accordance with current internet standards.

This help is intended to help you understand how to make the best use of this accessible website and benefit from the benefits of improved accessibility. Our internet pages have been specially designed to be as accessible as possible more Internet users. In short, they are barrier-free.

Now they are actively installing more fresh versions XP (also pirated almost everywhere), which already includes the 7th version of IE, and Windows 7, supplied with MSIE 8.0. In addition, IE had to make room, and Opera came out on top (29.8% of visitors), while IE, having lost more than 10%, takes 2nd place, gaining 28.8% of the total number of visitors. At the same time, the share of IE 6.0 in the total volume of IE users fell from 34% to 15%. The top three is closed by FireFox.

You can use the keyboard to change the magnification value in several steps, each step corresponds to a 10% jump. To do this, select View from the menu bar and specify a scaling factor. Make your site look great anywhere.

When we start designing a website, we are definitely curious that it looks great in any browser? and look good if possible for a long time, even in future versions of those browsers. In the past, most browsers have implemented highly requested features that have not yet followed any standards.

Thus, IE 6.0 is now used by every 20th user (about 5%). They still have to be reckoned with.

This lengthy introduction is intended to show that the question of whether to support some browser version or not is a serious one, and requires periodic research to understand what the current situation is. It will be different for different regions, it may even depend on the topic of the site. Sooner or later, the idea arises to inform the user that there are already new browsers (it's time to start using them, friend!).

Of course, we might think it is very good that some browsers are "promoted" to support new features in front of anyone else. But when these functionalities are not yet standardized, what they do poses problems for developers as we have to consider all the different implementations that are made from each functionality.

On the one hand, developers find it phenomenal to test these new features. But premature acceptance often results in websites using features that severely impact pages whenever the browser version changes. This is an amazing experience for users and developers. In this cooperation, he intends. Due to all the problems and limitations of browser detection, we will now see another alternative.

You can determine the version of the browser program, its family and take some action, both on the server side and on the client side. For example, a piece of javascript code that allows you to determine that the user is using IE version lower than 7.0

... // after loading the document, the browser version will be checked // and some actions will be taken ...

Before using functionality that you know is implemented differently in some browsers, you can run a small test to see if a specific object, method, property, or behavior is available on a case-by-case basis.

In most cases, this can be done by trying to create a new instance of the functionality in question. If this instance returns a nonzero value, the browser that executes it understands this functionality. If not, you can try to figure out if there are any other options, or you can use some old implementation equivalent to incompatible features.

. . .

< / head >

// after loading the document, the browser version will be checked

Known browser configurations

Comparison of browser detection and functionality. These diagrams can help clarify the differences between the two alternatives in different situations. It's all possible options code that will cost our testing site. When we look at known browser configurations, both methods work well.

Unknown browser settings

The situation gets really interesting when we have to deal with unknown browser configurations. However, in this example, the page will not look good if we use browser detection, because there is no alternative that links all valid code segments, even if the page contains all the code that needs to be seen correctly in this unknown browser configuration.

// and some action was taken

< body onload = "check_version();" >

. . .

In PHP you can refer to the headers transmitted by the browser, using the getallheaders () function, it will return an associative array where the element will contain information about the browser.

So we found out that there are at least 2 paths. Which one is better? I am a proponent of ensuring that all non-security work that is easy enough to do on the client side is done on the client machine. Nowadays, it often happens that the resources of client machines significantly exceed the capabilities of virtual dedicated web servers. So let them work as far as possible :).

Examples of defining functionality

First, always check the standards, as often the browser supports a recent standard and some alternative to the previous code. Second, in each test, only the corresponding functions are checked, which are searched, always trying to accept the smallest number functionalitycompatible with every browser to avoid surprises.

Let's take a look at some examples of feature detection. The following script opens up two alternatives. Another good tactic is to encapsulate the discovery of functionality within a set of functions, which can then be used throughout your code. It simply returns true or false, which makes it easier to reuse the subroutine.

On the other hand, javascripts may not work for the client at all, and then checking on the server is the only way. This phenomenon is very rare, although I have no exact statistics.

There are also "pitfalls" here. After all, if you don't take my personal preference into account, then performing a server-side validation would be a fundamentally more correct approach. If only because it will not be possible to determine the browser version on some old clients, as I showed in the example. And the script will be more complex. One of the pitfalls may be the system of caching site pages (like, for example, drupal). Having once determined on the server side that the client is suitable or, conversely, not suitable for displaying the site, the page with this result will be displayed to all other anonymous clients until the cache lifetime expires. In such cases, javasctipt is already the only suitable option.

When using feature detection, always use it on newly created items or objects. At the same time, you can control the case when another script on the same page was able to change the situation since its creation, which will lead to unpredictable and unpredictable behavior.

The browser displays the first sub-item supported by the top item and visually hides the items below. In its simplest form, the procedure will look like this. But backup also works for different video formats on the same label. Your browser does not natively support video.

Came across this behavior of the fancybox plugin. When a modal window is opened, the main window scrolls to the very top. How to deal with this? This does not always happen, but in some cases of layout. It's already problematic to change the layout, ...