Need to create a CD cover? Programs for creating disc covers. How to make a cover for a disc with your own hands How to create a cover for a dvd disc


Cover-expert program

Сover-expert - one of the simplest programs (Figure 1). Download the program for free Cover Expert 1.7.237 Portable Rus best of all by clicking on the link here, just by clicking on the name of the program Cover-expert. The specified version of Cover Expert does not require installation and installation, which does not load the system. For the interface language to be Russian, you need to go: Options -\u003eLanguage -\u003eRussian.

Figure 1. Cover-expert program

ProgramQuick 3 DCover

The program differs in that it allows you to make many design options for the covers of books, boxes with disks, disks, even place images on the picture of the screen of a monitor, phone, etc. In addition, very high quality large 3D high-resolution images suitable even for printing. The program interface and work in it are intuitive and do not cause any difficulties (Figure 2).

Figure 2. The main page of Quick 3D Cover

Greetings, Dear Reader! About a month did not get around to writing a new article. This step-by-step guide will show you how to make a CD cover without the help of freelancers. This can save you between $ 30 and $ 100. this is how much this service costs in runet.

After reading this article, you will be able to independently make a beautiful 3D cover for the disc of information product, songs, games, etc. I will also share with you the info and all the secrets that I used to competently create the cover of the video course "English by the Method of Analogies".

1) Picturethat will be on the cover. Use colors that will appeal to potential customers, as the cover or box plays a huge role in the sale of the product itself. Don't make it colorful and try to use no more than 3 colors and 2 fonts. You can use shades of the same color to avoid variegation. Otherwise, there will be porridge and there is a risk that the cover for the disc will look cheap!

I used Power Point to create the cover image. It is lighter than Photoshop, and few people know the second program.

It should be noted that a ready-made box with a disc will be sold on different sites and each author or store will publish your product in different sizes. (someone in the original, others 150 × 150, etc.) You need to write the name of the product in a bold, prominent font, so that your disc is visible among the products of competitors! We indicate the author and the site or blog, which will increase your traffic and from the partner sites there will be new unique visits to your blog. If the product is protected, we put a copyright mark.
2)ABBYY Screenshot Reader.With the help of this program, we photograph the finished image and save it on the desktop. The snapshot will have the extension snapshot-name.png This program takes snapshots from the monitor and is very simple and convenient to use. She helps me a lot in all matters related to the design and construction of sites.
For a snapshot, select the option "image to file" or "image to file", point to the snapshot itself and take a photo.

3) The resulting file is converted to .jpg format. Go to -Upload local file - -Select a file - Upload now, wait a couple of seconds, select Convert Png to: JPG and then click the "Convert Now" button
Then you will see the downloaded picture again and click the Download icon next to it. Save the .jpg image next to the snapshot and pack everything on the desktop into a new folder.

And most importantly, Friends, remember that the importance of box or cover design cannot be overemphasized. If you decide to do everything yourself, then treat this case with special attention, because this will help increase sales.

Create a new document that is 4.75 "x 4.75". This is the standard size for a disc cover. Since our work will be printed, it is better to use Resolution - 300dpi. But in this tutorial I set the resolution to 200dpi due to the size of the photo.

After the document is created, activate the rulers (Ctrl + R) and set the guides along the edges of the canvas. Since the image will be printed, we will add security margins around the edges. Go to the Image menu? Canvas Size and expand the canvas to 4.85 inches on each side.

Step 2 - Room

Open the room image in Photoshop in a separate document. Save the file as "Room.psd". The photo of the room is wide, but we need to get a square for the cover. Therefore, you need to stretch the photo without distorting it. It's not that hard to do. Move the guideline to enclose the square on the left side. Using the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M), make a selection on the right side of the image, copy it (Ctrl + C) and paste it on a new layer (Ctrl + V). Place a new layer on top of the photo as shown in the last screenshot below.

Step 3 - Connecting

To make the transition smooth, let's use the Levels correction. While on a new layer with a part of the wall go to the Image? Adjustments? Levels, enter the values \u200b\u200bshown below. I corrected it in two passes, but you may be able to do it the first time. After adjusting add a layer mask (Layer\u003e Layer Mask\u003e Hide All). Select the Gradient Tool (G): Style - Linear. Make the fill black and white on the mask as shown below.

Step 4 - adding the room to the main document

Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make a selection on the left side of the image and press Ctrl + Shift + C to copy all the layers included in it (by doing this, you avoid converging all layers into one and keep the layers editable). Go back to the first document and paste a selection (Ctrl + V). Name the layer "Room".

Step 5 - adding a guy

It's time to add one of the main objects. Open the image of a seated person in a separate document in Photoshop. Make a selection of the person using any convenient tool. I used the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L). With the Move Tool (V) drag the selection into our main document. Apply a horizontal reflection to the man layer (Edit? Transform? Flip Horizontal). The person will turn in the other direction and will correspond to the light source. This is very important, as you do not always have the opportunity and time to take your own pictures. You have to search the internet for images that match your painting in terms of lighting, and it's not always easy.

Use the Free Transform Tool (Control-T) to reduce the size of the person and name the layer "Guy".

Step 6 - general shadow

I'm not going to create a 100% realistic picture, the main thing is showiness. For this reason, you need to create several types of shadows. The first shadows are the shadows of the room. Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and name it "Room Shadow". Select the Brush Tool (B): Size - 300px, Opacity and Flow - 50%. Set the fill color to # 151610 and paint over the right side of the room. Set the Blending Mode of this layer to Multiply and lower the Opacity to 75%.

Step 7 - Adding Objects: Stool

Open the photo of the stool, extract it from the background and paste it into our document. Since the background is white, there will be no problems with extraction. With the Magic Wand Tool (W), make a selection of the white background, invert it (Ctrl + Shift + I) and the stool will be selected. Now it can be transferred to the main document.

Name the stool layer "Chair" and apply a horizontal reflection (Edit? Transform? Flip Horizontal) so that the lighting of the stool matches the location of the light source.

Step 8 - darken and desaturate

Select the Burn Tool (O), go to the man's layer and outline the right side (it is marked with arrows in the screenshot). Then select the Sponge Tool and desaturate the highlights. Do the same for the stool. The tool settings are shown in the screenshots.

Step 9 - adding the raven

Open the first raven image and using the selection tool, extract it into our document. Name the bird layer "Raven". Flip the crow horizontally (Edit? Transform? Flip Horizontal) and use the Free Transform Tool (Control-T) to make it larger than the man. Place the crow near the doorway.

Next, add a pixel mask to the raven layer (click on the mask icon at the bottom of the layers palette). Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) to make a selection as shown in the third screenshot below. Fill the selection with black on the mask. The goal is to hide part of the wing and create the illusion that a raven is flying into the room. Thanks to the layer mask, part of the wing is only hidden, not erased, and you can return it at any time.

Step 10 - a few books

Open the image with the stack of books in Photoshop in a separate document. Make a selection of books. They have a white background, and you already know how to work with such objects. Insert the books into our document and name the layer “Books”. Resize the books and position them right above the "Chair" layer. Use the Burn Tool (O) to darken the right side of the books.

Step 11 - replacing the crow's head

We will now replace the raven's head. Open the second raven image in Photoshop and use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) (or another selection tool) to select the head as shown in the first screenshot below. Transfer the selected head to our document and apply a horizontal flip (Edit? Transform? Flip Horizontal). Name the head layer "Head" and place it above the "Crow" layer. Use the Free Transform Tool (Control-T) to resize the head and the angle. Use the technique from step 3 to merge the bird's head and body, but instead of using a gradient fill, use a black brush. If necessary, delete unnecessary parts of the crow's head from the "Crow" layer.

Step 12 - More Books

Since the raven flutters its wings, a wind is created. We'll add an open book to highlight this fact. Open the image of the open book in a separate document and extract it into our document. Name the layer "Open Book", place it under the bird and darken the right side with the Burn Tool (O).

Additionally, you can add a few more books to the bottom of the canvas.

Step 13 - shadows

Make a copy of the "Raven" layer (Control-J) and use the Free Transform Tool (Control-T) to stretch it wide (see the first screenshot below). Then, with this copy, go to the Hue / Saturation adjustment (Image? Adjustments? Hue / Saturation) and lower the Lightness to -100. Then apply a Gaussian Blur (Filter? Blur? Gaussian Blur) with a value of 8 pixels. Lower the copy's Opacity to 50%.

Step 14 - more shadows

Now I will describe one technique that we will apply to each object in the painting.

Create a new layer below the shadow object, in this case, under the "Raven" layer. Name it "Raven Shadow", pick a large soft brush with color # 110C06 and paint a shadow where the arrow shows in the first screenshot below. Then create a new layer "Front Shadow" above the object and paint a shadow over it, in this case over the bird. Then select the Eraser Tool (E) with soft edges and 50% opacity and erase some areas of the shadow on the object (from the "Front Shadow" layer), which, in your opinion, should have a glow. To keep the layers well organized, merge all the layers of the object and the object itself into a group (select them and press Ctrl + G). Give the groups names too.

Step 15 - shadows and more shadows

Using the shading technique from the previous step, work on an open book. Use the Smudge Tool to blend the shadow well with the background (the wall in this case).

Step 16 - the guy's shadow

As with the raven, make a copy of the man layer (Ctrl + J), lower the brightness through the Hue / Saturation adjustment, lower the opacity and paint shadows as in step 14. Be careful when creating shadows under the sneakers.

Step 17 - shadows from the stool and books

Repeat the process of creating shadows for the stool with books and books on the floor. Try to achieve not realism, but showiness. Create as many shadows as you see fit. But remember that the image should not get too dark.

Step 18 - room shadows

Select a large soft brush with the color # 110C06 and paint over the edges of the room on a new layer “Front shadows”. This layer should be above the "Room" layer. Lower the layer's Opacity to 50%.

Step 19 - Words on the walls

According to the plot of the book, the guy was obsessed with love for his girlfriend Lenore. To convey this feeling, I decided to add a large number of lettering of the girl's name to the walls.

First, create a new document in Photoshop (any size). Fill the background layer with gray (# A0A0A0). Using several handwritten fonts, write Lenore's name in different angles and sizes. When you're done, make a selection of the entire canvas (Command + A), and copy everything (Command + Shift + C).

Step 20 - Using the Vanishing Point Filter to Position the Graffiti on the Wall and Ceiling

Create a new layer (Ctrl + Shift + N) and name it "Wall words". This layer should be above the "Room" group. Go to the Filter? Vanishing Point. Draw nets on the walls and ceiling. If you are not familiar with this filter, read these tutorials first: and.

Once the meshes are created, insert the labels in the filter window and resize. You may not be able to do everything the first time, so don't be afraid to try again and again. Once you're done positioning the labels, set the Blending Mode to Overlay.

Advice: Windows 7 may experience problems with the Vanishing Point filter. For some reason, Windows Aero conflicts with this filter. Therefore, it is better to move on to the theme of "Windows 7 Basic" for a while.

Step 21 - Removing unnecessary words

Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L) to select areas of the room where there should be no inscriptions. While on the "Wall Words" layer, hit Delete. Set the Opacity of the layer to 50%.

Step 22 - motion blur for the raven

Since the crow in our picture is in motion, we need to show this effect through the filter. Make a copy of the "Raven" layer and position it above the original. Apply a Motion Blur filter to it (Filter? Blur? Motion Blur). Add a pixel mask to the copy and use a soft black brush to erase the blur from some parts of the crow.

Step 23 - flying sheets of paper

Open an image of an old sheet of paper in Photoshop. Extract it from the background into our document and place it on top of all layers. Go to Warp Mode (Edit? Transform? Warp) and reshape the leaf as shown below.

Repeat this step several times and create sheets of different shapes. Combine all these layers into a group (Ctrl + G).

Step 24 - adding shadows from flying paper

Select the flying paper group and merge it into one layer (Ctrl + E). Use the Burn Tool (O) to darken some areas of the paper. Using the previously described technique for adding shadows from objects, create two layers and paint shadows under and above the paper. Finally, you can repeat the process of adding blur as in step 22. Place all these layers in the "Art" group.

Step 25 - adding a title

Use the Horizontal Type Tool (T) to write “THE RAVEN” (the name of the disc or movie). I used the font "Trajan". If you wrote the title on different layers, place them in the "Title" group. Right click on the group and select Convert to Smart Object. Select this layer and go to the 3D menu? New 3D Postcard From Layer. The smart object will turn into a 3D object and the text will remain editable. Regardless of the number of changes in perspective, rotation and depth, you will always have the opportunity to change the text.

Apply Bevel & Emboss and Gradient Overlay styles to the 3D object. Ignore the position of the light and shadow, we'll deal with that later.

Step 26 - changing the perspective of the text

Use the Rotate 3D Object Tool to position the text on the wall to match its perspective. After that apply the Drop Shadow style to the text.

Step 27 - changing the text

It happens that clients want to change something in the process. Therefore, it is always important to keep layers editable. In this step, we will add a couple of words to the title. You need to double click on the "Title" layer of the Diffuse texture in the layers palette. A new document "Title.psd" will open, in which you will find a smart object with text. Double click on it and a document with a text layer "Title2.psd" will open. Complete one line of text. To apply the changes, you will need to save both Title documents.

Step 28 - adding grunge noise

Set the default colors (D), create a new layer "Noise" above the text layer. Apply the Clouds filter (Filter? Render? Clouds), then apply the Add Noise filter (Filter? Noise? Add Noise). Set the Blending Mode of this layer to Overlay and lower the Opacity to 35%.

Step 29 - adjusting the Levels

The whole picture looks a little dark at the moment. So on top of all layers, create a Levels adjustment layer (Layer? New Adjustment Layer? Levels) with the settings shown below.

This completes the creation of our picture with a raven. Further steps will describe the process of adding a picture to the disc box. Make a selection of the entire canvas (Ctrl + A) and copy it (Ctrl + Shift + C).

Step 30 - disc box

Sometimes customers want to see what the final product will look like. In this case, it would be inappropriate to send them only the cover. We will now overlay the painting onto the front of the disc box. Open the boxed CD image and save the document as "mockup.psd". Create a new layer and go to the Filter? Vanishing Point. Draw a grid and paste in the copied image.

Step 31 - disc cover shape

Since the image is inside, you need to cut out some areas. Add a mask to the image layer and select the Polygonal Lasso Tool (L). Make a selection of the small shapes that hold the cover inside the disc and fill them with white. To see the objects that need to be selected, lower the Opacity of the image layer.

Step 32 - plastic

We'll fill the gradient over the cover to create a glossy plastic. Apply the following styles to the picture layer:

Step 33 - adding a background

Finally, paste the paper texture under the disc layer. Set the Blending Mode of the disc box layer to Multiply. I darkened the texture with a fill layer with color # 36312D below the texture. I also added a Levels adjustment layer and created vignetting using a radial black and white gradient. See the screenshot below to understand the process.

Final result:

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Translated from, the author of the translation is listed at the beginning of the lesson.

Russian | English installation and portable registered versions in one installer!

Dataland CD Label Designer 7.1.754 Is a program for creating a variety of labels and covers for CD / DVD discs, booklets, business cards, envelopes, etc. The whole process of creating a cover takes place under the strict guidance of a "master", while there is an opportunity to use them as ready-made templates (and editing is permissible ) or apply your own. When creating covers on a music disc, it is possible to download track titles from the CDDB Internet database. The interface is beautiful, understandable and convenient for comfortable work. The program can print real-size covers, which will perfectly fit the disc boxes.

System requirements:
Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 10 (x86, x64)

Torrent Creation of covers for CD / DVD discs - CD Label Designer 7.1.754 RePack (& \u200b\u200bPortable) by ZVSRus in detail:
Key features of CD Label Designer:
Design creation and printing.
Create front covers.
Create inner covers (can also be printed as a booklet).
Create back covers (with text).
Creation of covers for boxes for DVD discs.
Creation of booklets.
Create round disc stickers.
Creation of stickers on the disk in the form of business cards.
Resizing function.

Repackaging Information:
A type: Installation | Unpacking. (Portable version from ZVSRus)
Interface language: Russian | English
Activation: Cured (key)
Cut: Other localizations.

Command line switches:
Silent installation of the Russian version: / VERYSILENT / I / RU
Silent installation of the English version: / VERYSILENT / I / EN
Silent unpacking: / VERYSILENT / P
Do not create shortcut (s) in the Start menu: / VERYSILENT / I / NS
Do not create shortcut (s) on the Desktop: / VERYSILENT / I / ND

Screenshots Creating CD / DVD covers - CD Label Designer 7.1.754 RePack (& \u200b\u200bPortable) by ZVSRus torrent:

The Internet gives us the opportunity not to buy CDs and DVDs, but to download the necessary films, games, music.
Sometimes we just store all the information in a computer, or we can write it to disks. The disks themselves can be stored in special envelopes, or in boxes - this is more reliable and beautiful.

For CD-and DVD-boxes, you can make beautiful covers, firstly, for beauty, and, secondly, for the convenience of finding the desired disc.

There are several ways to create covers for CD and DVD boxes.

The Internet.

The easiest way is to download the cover from the Internet. There are many CD and DVD box covers on the Internet. Download, print, size, cut and insert into CD and DVD box.
In order not to waste time marking and calculating the size of the cover, you can use the program UnderCoverXP... It is very easy to use.
Step 1. Load the program.
Step 2. Select the type of box.
Step 3. Download the picture previously downloaded from the Internet.
Step 4. Print it out.

As a result, on a sheet of paper we see a picture and dotted cut lines, along which we cut out the cover for the box.

However, if you want some unique, unusual cover, then you will not find it here, you will have to make it yourself.


The first way to create CD and DVD covers is with Photoshop. Its main drawback is that if you do not know how to work in this program, then you will not be able to make a cover.
But I want to note that Photoshop opens up such endless possibilities! If you spend time and effort learning how to work in Photoshop (by the way, there are a lot of video tutorials on the Internet), you can make any cover from any picture, from any photo.

Nero Cover Designer.

Nero Cover Designer is much easier to master than Photoshop.
Step 1. Launch the Nero Cover Disigner program.
Step 2. Select the box type: standard, DVD case, Multi box, Maxi, Slim Pack, Mini CD.
Step 3. Create the cover. You can create a text cover; you can upload a picture or photo; you can combine text and picture.
Step 4. Save and print.

That's all - simple and fast enough! By the way, Nero Cover Designer allows you to create CD-sized round pictures. You can buy special circular CD stickers, create a circular artwork in Nero Cover Designer, print on a sticker and paste it onto a CD.