Html superscript. Html is - how to make text uppercase css

HTML Tags and - Subscript and Superscript Text

Definition and Use

Tag defines subscript text. The subscript is half the height and appears below the baseline. Subscript can be used when writing chemical formulas such as H 2 O.

Tag defines superscript text. Superscript text is half the height and appears above the baseline. Superscript text can be used when writing footnotes like WWW.

Browser Support

Tags and supported by all major browsers.

Differences Between HTML and XHTML

Standard Attributes

Column DTD specifies in which document type HTML 4.01 / XHTML 1.0 DTD the attribute is allowed. S \u003d Strict, T \u003d Transitional and F \u003d Frameset.

Tags and support the following standard attributes:

Attribute Value Description DTD
class class_name Specifies the class name for an element STF
dir rtl
Specifies the text direction for content in an element STF
id identifier Specifies a unique identifier for an item STF
lang language_code Specifies the language code for the content of an element STF
style style_definition Specifies an inline style for an element STF
title text Specifies additional information about an item STF
xml: lang language_code Defines the language code for element content in XHTML documents STF

More information on Standard Attributes.

Event Attributes

Tags and support the following event attributes:

Attribute Value Description DTD
onclick script Mouse-clicked script STF
ondblclick script Double-clicked script STF
onmousedown script Script to run on mouse click STF
onmousemove script Script to run when the mouse pointer is moved STF
onmouseout script Script to run when the mouse moves off the element STF
onmouseover script Script to run when the mouse moves over an element STF
onmouseup script Script to run when the mouse button is released STF
onkeydown script Script to run when a key is pressed STF
onkeypress script Script to run when a key is pressed and then released STF
onkeyup script Script to run when a key is released STF

Additional information about

For a few lessons now, we've been getting used to formatting text with CSS, and this time we're learning to change the case of text. In this regard, cascading style sheets open up very wide possibilities for us, or more precisely, we can:

  • Display all text in capital letters;
  • Select all text in lowercase letters;
  • Make the first letter of each word start with uppercase.

"This is all good, of course, but when might you need it?" - you ask. Imagine a situation where you want to display all menu items in capital letters. To do this, you do not need to type them, including the CapsLock key, or while holding down the Shift key. It will be enough to set all list items to display in uppercase by creating a corresponding rule in the CSS file. And this is just one of many possible situations.

The text-transform property

We will control the case of the text using the text-transform property. It has 4 main values \u200b\u200b- uppercase (uppercase letters), lowercase (lowercase letters), capitalize (uppercase for each first letter of the word, the rest of the values \u200b\u200bdo not change), none (no formatting is applied). At first glance, all this may seem very complicated to you.

The main thing is not to panic ...

But in practice, everything is quite simple, as you will now see. The main thing is to choose the right selector, because the values \u200b\u200bof the text-transform property are inherited.

Highlighting in capital letters

The first thing I suggest is to capitalize all the text, for which we create the following CSS rule:

Body (text-transform: uppercase;)

In principle, nothing complicated, we just used the uppercase value. As they say, everything is intuitive. This is how it looks in real life:

Everything with a capital letter ...

Lower case - apply to all

In the next step, let's apply lowercase letters everywhere, for which we write the following:

Body (text-transform: lowercase;)

As you might have guessed, the two meanings we just met are somewhat antonyms. And in the illustration below, you can see the result of the newly created property.

Web page with lowercase enabled

Uppercase the first letter of each word

To do this, we just need to use the corresponding value:

Body (text-transform: capitalize;)

I don’t know how often you will use such a CSS rule, but it will not hurt you to know about such a possibility, especially when solving non-trivial problems. The result can be seen in the image below.

Text after capitalize applied

Finally, let's take a quick look at the last value, none. As I said, it can be used to reverse inheritance from a parent. For example, let's imagine that we have all the previous rules, and for paragraphs we should cancel them, for this we write the following:

P (text-transform: none;)

I dare to assume that you understand everything, if not - ask your questions in the comments. And that's all for me. Hope you found this CSS tutorial helpful. If so:

  • Repost this article on social networks so that more people can benefit from it;
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On this I am not saying goodbye to you. Thank you for your attention and see you in the following publications!

Convert lowercase letter to lowercase and first uppercase using CSS (8)

There is no cap suggestion option in CSS. Other answers suggesting text-transform: capitalize are not correct as this parameter uses every word for every word .

Here rude a way to do it if you want to the first letter of each item was in uppercase, but that's definitely nowhere near the actual limits:

P (text-transform: lowercase;) p: first-letter (text-transform: uppercase;)



How can I convert the UPPERCASE letter to lowercase and the first Uppercase letter for each sentence as shown below using CSS only?


To: This is a rough suggestion.

Update: when i use text-transform: capize; The result is still the same.

You cannot do this purely with CSS. There is a text-transform attribute, but it only accepts none, capitalize uppercase, uppercase, lowercase and inherit.

You might want to look into a JS solution or a server-side solution.

If you can make all characters lowercase on the server than you can apply:

Text-transform: capitalize

I don't think the text conversion will work with capital letters as input.

If you want to use for it won't work, for or text area you need to use Javascript

which should work well for or