Rating of programming languages. Where do the best programmers in the world live? Most Popular Programmers

It is no secret that the profession of a programmer today attracts young people not only with technology and the opportunity to always be at the forefront of progress, but also with high salaries. Any Russian or foreign salary rating in the top 20 necessarily contains several positions of programmers or developers. But it would be nice to know the specific figure at the moment, and even for each profession. We decided to conduct our own subjective investigation: we took the database of three leading HR aggregators (trud.com, superjob.ru and hh.ru), fished out our IT professions from it and looked at how much the employer is now willing to pay these specialists. The sample consisted of the first 25 vacancies provided with salary information. The maximum specified limit was taken into account. Let's move on to numbers.

Web developer

Web developer is a very generic name for a wide range of different professions. This includes both simple layout designers who have barely completed HTML / CSS courses, and full stack developers who know a bunch of tools and languages. Our scoring method ignores these differences, removing only duplications and part-time jobs:

As can be seen from the graphs, different resources offer different salary levels for the same vacancy: on hh.ru, the most profitable offer, on trud.com - offers in the top are worse. Another confirmation that you need to look for work on several resources at the same time.

As for the average salary of a web developer, the arithmetic mean is slightly less than 103 thousand rubles.

Python programmer

Let's look at a similar picture in the spread of salaries for "snake charmers":

The salary of this type of specialists periodically reaches impressive values ​​for a free exchange. This is explained simply, quite a lot of pythonists are required for permanent or partial work in Europe. There the salary is in foreign currency, but the expenses are corresponding. One way or another, the average salary of a Python programmer was 129.6 thousand rubles.

Ruby programmer

For some reason, it is believed that programmers writing in Ruby earn a little less compared to pythonists. Like, the field of activity is narrower, but there are fewer tools. Let's check in practice:

The graph shows a very even spread of offers around the common median across all three sites. This means that the resulting figure of 127.7 thousand rubles is close to the actual average salary in the market.

PHP programmer

If you refer to request statistics search engines, you will see that the "PHP" trend in recent years is experiencing better times. However, the labor market does not touch this at all. Let me prove it again with numbers:

Yes, there are “regional” offers to work for 15-30 thousand rubles a month, but even taking into account their average profit for a PHP specialist in Russia is 109.2 thousand rubles.

Frontend Developer

Frontend specialists, as a rule, are subject to strict requirements in terms of skills and the number of tools used. However, turning to the labor exchange, we see that sometimes layout designers or completely novice front-end developers are also included in this category. As a result, several salary offers below 50 thousand rubles per month:

However, this injustice is covered by currency offers equivalent to 250-300 thousand rubles, as a result, the median brings to the "nice" average 137.3 thousand rubles.

iOS programmer

Apple's financial statements can mislead undecided geeks into believing that there is no more profitable and interesting job on the planet than an iOS programmer. According to our figures, the profit here is not much different from the overall market:

The final 124 thousand rubles (and most likely net) is a very good figure even by European standards, but not so outstanding as to make a choice based on mercantile motives.

Android programmer

If we talked about "apple" programmers, we need to consider the level of earnings from competitors. Application development on the Android platform has a number of its own difficulties, in particular, chaos in target devices and design rules, so a quality specialist is valued even a little higher here:

Weighted pluses and minuses give an average salary that correlates with most of today's figures - 134.4 thousand rubles.

Java programmer

Several "space" proposals raise the average profit of Java programmers to the highest level of today's rating - 152.2 thousand rubles.

Game developer

What's really interesting, at least on paper, is creating your own games. This industry is actively developing, the budgets of companies are growing, employees with knowledge of almost all popular programming languages ​​are attracted to the staff. Let's see how things are with salaries now:

In this case, hh.ru pulled out not the most joyful statistics of the salaries of game developers to a good level of 129 thousand rubles. In general, in this industry there are many start-ups with modest offers and just employers who are ready to save money on the love of programmers for games.

C# Developer

Programmers writing in C# have a stable demand in the market and a decent salary. In my opinion, this is one of the best options if you want to work in several directions, while not wasting time learning a huge number of tools and languages. Speaking of salary:

Similar figures - 127 thousand rubles. The graph also clearly shows the dynamics of salary growth from junior (around 35 thousand) to team lead (over 260). There is also a plus for globalists - there are quite a lot of vacancies that involve moving or business trips to Europe and the USA.

Software tester

A profession that is gradually gaining popularity and becoming a must-have in any IT company. Let's see how the work of testers is evaluated on the stock exchange:

Rather modest figures in comparison with other IT specialists - only 87.5 thousand rubles. On the other hand, this is an opportunity to jump on the train of a profession that has definitely not yet passed the peak of demand. When this moment comes, it is better to already have experience and knowledge, and you won’t have to worry about decent pay.

SEO Specialist

In this case, it turned out to be almost impossible to separate the SEO specialist from the SMM or just the content manager. These vacancies come in a crowd, so the result obtained below can be considered an average for all marketing professions related to the web and the IT world in general.

Decent 79.6 thousand rubles. Comparison with classical IT professions is not entirely appropriate here, after all, it depends much more on experience and talent than on the number of books read.

System Administrator

In the case of system administrators, the overall picture is greatly spoiled by vague requirements for the profession. Since vacancies were taken from all regions and different areas, we came across both small firms where you only need to service local computers (respectively, the salary is 18 thousand), and large corporations where you need to monitor cyber threats and network quality. The picture turned out as follows:

Hence, a rather modest 68 thousand rubles, although in reality a cool system administrator, not even in a managerial position, can receive 150 thousand and more. It's just that while the demand for specialists of this level is relatively small, as well as the list of requirements.


Well, let's hope that the figures provided by hh.ru, trud.com and superjob.ru correspond to the truth, put skeptics to shame and inspire young minds. But it is always important to remember something else: no matter how much money is in the profession, without love and respect for it, you will always be located somewhere in the basement of statistics.

They managed to create legendary products that changed the world and shock humanity with outrageousness. The top richest programmers in the world are opened by our compatriot.

5th place - Pavel Durov. The eccentric creator of the popular social network VKontakte in the Russian Federation and the Telegram messenger is young (he is only 33 years old), but already fabulously rich. Forbes estimates his fortune at 1.7 billion dollars - with this money you can buy 60,000 one-room apartments in Novosibirsk.

Pavel became interested in programming at the age of 11 and used his knowledge for hooliganism. Once he changed the screensaver on all school computers to a photo of a computer science teacher with the caption "Must die." Pavel created his main brainchild, the VKontakte social network, in 2006 after meeting the American Facebook. Today "VK" is the most visited site in Runet.

In 2014, Pavel Durov emigrated abroad. After the sale of VKontakte, he started developing the Telegram messenger. In 2017, he was not afraid to enter into a major conflict with Roskomnadzor, refusing to issue keys for decrypting correspondence. The war with varying success on both sides is still ongoing.

4th place - Linus Torvalds. Finnish-American programmer and hacker created the famous Linux kernel operating system GNU/Linux, which is by far the most widely used free operating system. Torvalds shares the ideology of open source, and everyone has access to the Linux code to improve this product.

September 17, 1991 source made available for public download by Linus caused quite a stir among thousands of programmers. Everyone began to improve the OS and share their results. Now only about 2% of the Linux system kernel is written by Torvalds himself, but it is up to him to make changes to the official kernel branch. An asteroid was named after Linus Torvalds, and Time magazine recognized him as one of the most influential people.

3rd place - Sergey Brin. The co-founder of the Google empire at the end of 2017 took 13th place in the Forbes list with a fortune of $ 47.5 billion. Brin was born in Moscow in 1973 to a family of mathematicians. At the age of six, Sergei moved to the United States with his parents, but still speaks Russian with them.

In 1998, Brin, along with fellow graduate student Larry Page, founded Google. Google now operates over a million servers around the world and processes over a billion daily. search queries and 24 petabytes of user data. The company owns such "monsters" as YouTube and Android OS.

2nd place - Mark Zuckerberg. Developer of the largest social network in the world - Facebook. He also owns the Instagram social network and the WhatsApp messenger. Mark called himself a hacker by vocation. The 25-year-old programmer has become one of the youngest billionaires. In 2017, his fortune increased to $71 billion.

Zuckerberg is characterized by unusual features - for example, he only eats the meat of animals that he killed with his own hands. Mark is distinguished by perseverance - for example, by marrying a Chinese American, he set himself the task of learning Chinese and successfully coped with this. Despite his wealth, the billionaire drives a regular Volkswagen Golf GTI and is also considered the most gaudily dressed resident of Silicon Valley.

1st place - Bill Gates. In the 1990s, his name became a household name - the so-called successful rich people. In 1996, Gates became the richest man on the planet. As of 2017, Gates ranks second in the Forbes ranking with $90 billion.

At the age of 13, Bill wrote his first program - the game "Tic-Tac-Toe" in the BASIC programming language. At the age of 15, he hacked into a computer to extend the expired work time, and was excommunicated from the car for the whole summer. By the end elementary school Gates' bad behavior began to worry his parents and teachers so much that he was referred to a psychiatrist.

In 1975, he founded Microsoft, which has grown into a software development giant. software and gave the world the Windows operating system.

The results of a study that showed which countries the best software developers live in.

HackerRank is a site where developers can improve their coding skills by solving certain problems. Based on the speed and accuracy with which users find solutions, HackerRank ranked 1.5 million programmers.

Flickr/Andrew Eland

Interestingly, although the largest number of the site's users is located in the US and India, these countries ranked only 28th and 31st, respectively.

So which states are the best in the world in the field of computer programming and why?

1. China


China was ranked #1 in the world for the best HackerRank programmers overall. As for the specifics, the Chinese are ahead of everyone in data structures, mathematics and functional programming.

2. Russia


Russia, just slightly behind China in the overall standings, is the leading country when it comes to algorithms, the most popular type of problem on the site.

3. Poland


Poland leads the way in Java development, which is particularly impressive as Java is the language of choice for most HackerRank users. Like many other countries on this list, Poland also offers coding lessons in its schools.

4. Switzerland

Gabriel Garcia Marengo/Flickr

Switzerland is ranked in the top 5 in 9 of 15 HackerRank programming destinations. This country is also the birthplace of Pascal, one of the first computer programming languages. In addition, Switzerland ranked first in the 2016 Global Innovation Index report.

5. Hungary


Hungary holds an impressive 5th place in the rankings and first place in the world when it comes to tutorials. Hungary was one of the first European countries to introduce computer programming into the education system in primary and secondary schools.

6. Japan

When it comes to artificial intelligence, Japan is ahead of the rest, as confirmed by the HackerRank study. And this is not surprising - for example, in early summer at the University of Tokyo, a woman's life was saved with the help of artificial intelligence that diagnosed cancer.

7. Taiwan.


Taiwan ranked 7th with strong results in databases, functional programming, algorithms, and data structures. The study showed that Python is the dominant programming language in this country.

8. France


According to a study by HackerRank, French programmers are the best at C++. One of the reasons for this: in June 2014, France began to introduce programming lessons in elementary schools.

9. Czech Republic


The Czech Republic dominates shell scripting - shell scripting. She also ranks #2 in math on HackerRank. These skills brought the country to the 9th position in the list of the best programming powers in the world.

10 Italy

The University of Napoli Federico II

Developers in this country are definitely impressive when it comes to databases and tutorials, ranking second in both. It looks like HackerRank isn't the only one with a high regard for Italy, as Apple has announced the opening of a new school for 600 programmers at the Frederick II University of Naples.

11. Ukraine


Ukraine did not have enough to enter the top ten of the best programming powers. And this is despite the fact that, according to HackerRank, Ukrainians are the world's best specialists in the field of computer security.

In this article, we will talk about the best Russian programmers of all time and learn about their main achievements.

Go to the list!

Russian programmer, author of the popular antivirus Dr. Web, CTO and founder of Doctor Web. After studying at the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrumentation, he worked as an engineer for aviation defense projects at the Central Research and Production Association "Leninets". Since 1990, he has been developing in the field of anti-virus protection. Igor Danilov wrote his first virus analyzer out of enthusiasm in the desire to rid his research institute of virus threats. In 1992, he began developing the Dr.Web antivirus. In 2003 he founded Doctor Web company.

Russian programmer, developer of the Advanced eBook Processor program algorithm, released by the Moscow company Elcomsoft and designed to bypass the protection of electronic books in Adobe format PDF. Associate Professor of the Department " Information Security Faculty of Computer Science and Control Systems.

You can find live broadcasts of the development process, lectures, hackathons and much more from the field of programming on

According to HackerRank, a platform with a million and a half audience where programmers compete in solving problems, in 2017 Russia ranked second after China in the ranking of the strongest programmers and holds the absolute leadership in the development of algorithms. But the most impressive results are shown by Russian students who smash everyone to smithereens at international olympiads and championships.

Since 2000, Russia has won 32 gold medals at the ICPC International Student Programming Championship, far ahead of China with 13 medals and the US with six.

What makes Russian IT-specialists in demand and successful?

"LITMO-1" (1958) was the first universal electronic digital machine for engineering calculations, contained 850 electron tubes, performed 100 operations per second and had 2048 bytes of memory.


Modern Russia inherited a strong mathematical school from the Soviet Union. Soviet scientists made revolutionary breakthroughs in the technical and natural sciences - just remember the names of Pyotr Kapitsa, Igor Kurchatov, Lev Landau.

After the collapse of the USSR in the nineties, IT specialists were in great demand. Programming was almost the only professional field in which one could earn money. It is easy for a well-versed mathematician to learn programming, because computer science is a practical application of mathematics. Therefore, informatics in Russia, albeit belatedly, has also become a developed area of ​​science and practice.

Smarties from school

Russian schoolchildren have been solving many problems since the primary grades, in which several steps must be kept in mind at once. A handicap for our students is also given by the ban on the use of a calculator in lessons and olympiads. In France and the USA, it is allowed to simplify your calculations from the third grade.

In addition, our schoolchildren begin to operate with abstract concepts quite early. For example, we already have polynomials in high school. Numbers are an imaginable concept, but (a + b) 2 is much more difficult to comprehend. This requires the skill of abstract thinking.

Russia also has a well-developed system of special schools, lyceums with a specialization in physics and mathematics, division into specializations in the senior classes. The Olympics help to select and send talented children to the best universities in the country from the school bench. Passing the stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, students train on difficult tasks and gain experience in competing with the best of the best. As a result, already at the school stage of the International Olympiads in Informatics and Physics, Russian children show outstanding results.

Everyone who is fond of sports programming is well aware of the name of Gennady Korotkevich. He is the most titled Olympiad programmer in the world and takes the first place in the Codeforces ranking of coders. At first, Korotkevich was the youngest overall winner of the IOI International Olympiad in Informatics from Belarus, and later he entered a Russian university and in 2013 and 2015 won absolute gold at the ICPC student world programming championship as part of the ITMO University team. Korotkevich has also repeatedly won Yandex.Algorithm, VK Cup, Google Code Cup and many other competitions.

ITMO University students are six-time absolute world champions in programming in 2015 / Photo Wikipedia


A great contribution to the training of the strongest IT personnel in Russia is made by universities: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, St. Petersburg State University, ITMO University, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Saratov State University, Ural Federal University. Universities hold programming competitions. In Moscow, the MIPT IT Education Development Center holds the International MosCode Festival. The Ural Championship in sports programming is held annually, regular competitions are held in St. Petersburg, as well as in small towns like Kovrov.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, regular training competitions have been held in Russia and the countries of the former USSR: training camps in Petrozavodsk, Open Cup named after E. V. Pankratiev in programming. And since 2012, first at the MIPT campus, and now in Vladivostok, Grodno, Barcelona and Kollam (India), Moscow Workshops ICPC began to take place, where student teams from all over the world come to prepare for the Olympic Games in ICPC programming. To date, 167 universities from 50 countries have already taken part in them. The results of training at bootcamps are impressive - 10 out of 13 winners of the ICPC 2018 final championship were trained at ICPC Moscow Workshops. The local history of Russian bootcamps has grown into global network and has no analogues similar in scale in other countries.

Basic programs in our country and abroad are generally similar, but the level of students is also important. We have such a strict selection in many universities that there are groups that are unique in terms of level. For example, at MIPT, the passing score for the Unified State Examination has been 94 for many years, which, on a par with MGIMO, makes it the most difficult university to enter in Russia. The students who passed the selection receive an in-depth education and work a lot in teams. The ability to work in a team, well-established by physicists, is an important skill in business. Now the leading universities of Russia, among which, for example, the National Research University Higher School of Economics and ITMO University, are actively developing the entrepreneurial competencies of students. MIPT is moving towards technological entrepreneurship, and many students continue to work in the teams formed during their studies after graduation. This is important, because at the stage of searching for investors, one of the key questions is “who is your team” and “how does the interaction take place in it”.

A striking example is Looksery Inc, founded by Viktor Shaburov, whose team has developed popular app, which adds masks to people's faces in video mode. The core of the company was the members of one programming olympiad team. Just three years after its inception, in 2015, they sold it to Snapchat for $150 million. Shaburov is now actively supporting education programs for schoolchildren and students. He recently founded the Botan Investments Foundation and opened a grant program for educators in the field of machine learning.

The Moscow-based trading algorithm developer AIM Tech, founded by Ilya Sedoshkin, also employs World Finals ICPC medalists from MIPT: Renat Gimadeev, Alexander Ostanin, Konstantin Semenov and others. This is an area where the speed of transactions is valued. And speed and algorithms are what is especially well developed in sports programming.

Technological entrepreneurship has also affected banks, which are now increasingly turning into IT companies. For example, the iPavlov project is developing an automatic chat for Sberbank of Russia based on machine learning technologies.

IT corporations and their wards

The coordinated work of universities and support from IT companies have shaped the culture of programming in our country. Business, together with universities, organizes training programs, thereby introducing new competencies and models of business processes that universities introduce into educational activities. Among the companies supporting IT education in the country are Yandex, JetBrains, Mail.Ru Group, 1C, Tinkoff Bank, Sberbank and others.

For example, JetBrains is developing an undergraduate program in the Department of Mathematics and information technologies in SPbAU, as well as, together with Acronis, a master's program at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Mail.Ru Group organized five educational programs via web and mobile development, artificial intelligence and high-load projects: Technopark with MSTU. N. E. Bauman, "Technosphere" with the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics of Moscow State University. Lomonosov, Technotrek with MIPT, Technopolis with SPbPU and Technoatom with MEPhI.

Yandex has created many educational programs, for example, the "School of Data Analysis" for undergraduates and graduates of technical specialties. Yandex has also established a scholarship for Olympiad students who are first-year students of the HSE Faculty of Computer Science.

Companies draw staff from the student environment. The development of VKontakte is very close to the Olympiad approach to solving problems, because its creators have been in this system since school. For example, software development The social network VKontakte was handled by Nikolay Durov, two-time winner of the ICPC World Programming Championship from St. Petersburg State University, and his teammate Andrey Lopatin, coach of Moscow Workshops ICPC, who coached the victorious teams of St. Petersburg State University. And now ICPC champions Dmitry Egorov and Pavel Kunyavsky work in VKontakte.

Companies abroad also help students, but we are distinguished by working, effective programs. Yandex has created a relatively easy-to-use Yandex.Contest platform, where programming competitions are held. There, university professors can upload their assignments themselves. The verification is automated, which means it is unbiased, and this helps regional universities to integrate into the system of training leading programmers.

Employability of Russians

Champions of international competitions are guys who have worked very hard since school. For example, in the MIPT team, one of the participants had a medal from the International School Olympiad in Informatics. Another for six years at the university, in addition to studying, devoted several hours a day to training, went to countless championships, training camps.

At the competitions themselves, students overcome great psychological overload. The most difficult tasks, tight deadlines and strong rivals are not so bad. At the ICPC championship, for example, the guys are like under a microscope: they are constantly filmed by cameras, the screen with the code is broadcast on the Internet. Those who endure the load, in stressful situations at work, already feel much more confident.


The IT industry in Russia and the world is largely developing independently, according to the principle “The most efficient survives”. It makes no difference where you are from as long as your algorithms speed up processes and make the system work faster and cheaper. Therefore, programming is the thing in which a person can succeed both in Russia and abroad. Russian programmers, contrary to popular belief, do not always want to emigrate. Rather, they are looking for tasks that are interesting for themselves, of which there are many now in Yandex, VKontakte, and startups.


In the field of IT in Russia and the world there is a big shortage of personnel. Therefore, no matter which country or region you take, the average salary of an IT specialist will be higher than in other industries. According to HeadHunter, the average salary in the IT sector in Russia is 88,246 rubles, while the average salary in Russia is 45,640 rubles. In the US, according to Glassdoor, the average salary of an IT specialist in terms of rubles is about 330,000 per month. In the UK, the salary of a programmer is 31,901 pounds per year (about 220,000 rubles per month). In Switzerland, according to SwissInfo, programmers receive an average of 4,608 Swiss francs (about 230,000 rubles a month). But when working with statistics, you need to understand that the price level in other countries also varies significantly, the amount is affected by the exchange rate of the ruble against other currencies. Also in many foreign countries the level of taxes greatly reduces the real wage that the worker actually operates.

High salaries in IT are not the whole picture. Programmers from leading universities are snapped up immediately after graduation and even earlier - companies are trying to ensure the loyalty of future specialists already from school. And this trend is not only in Russia. There is a shortage of skilled programmers in Silicon Valley. In California, months-long programming courses for graduates of local colleges have become popular, because students after graduation cannot write code on their own.

It would seem that we just need to train more graduates, but someone should do this? And salaries in education are lower than in companies. It is in the IT industry that there is a big gap, which causes an outflow of quality teachers. It turns out that there is no one to prepare the next generation. Therefore, programming culture plays a big role in getting people involved and staying in the profession. In Europe and the US, it is not so developed, but we managed to involve a sufficient number of people in this system. In order for success in the IT field to continue, it is necessary to increase the prestige of IT education, to popularize this type of activity.