The operators "MegaFon" and Yota had a global network failure - subscribers in a panic. Disruptions occurred in the work of the largest Russian mobile operators Communication problems iota May 19

What's with the Yota connection today (does not work)

Yota (iota) does not work today - it so happened that the stability of the network is lame and all attempts to get rid of failures do not work. If the subscribers of the company are unhappy and torment the support service, then it loses clients.

Why is there no Yota connection?

But it is worth remembering that at the moment this company belongs to its previously main competitor - Megafon. And it is necessary to realize that such a promising and new operator has become only a lever in the competitive struggle of the Big Three.

But malfunctions occur in the case of:

  • First, the provision of mobile, voice communication services;
  • Secondly, wireless Internet 2G, 3G, 4G;
  • Thirdly, some other services that need access to the network.

Main reasons

The main factor and the most important reason remains preventive maintenance if work is underway to update equipment and software at base stations, communication centers.

It is easy to identify this if you analyze failures from such factors as:

  1. Network congestion
  2. The problem of the subscriber device (modem, smartphone, router or other device where the Yota SIM card is installed)
  3. Weather
  4. Location


If the screen of your smartphone is “silent” and the provision of services is not available, you need to carefully analyze the situation and slowly figure it out. But what about Yota's connection today? Do not rush - you can find the simplest solutions yourself.

If you cannot eliminate Iota's inoperability yourself, then the next likely reason will be preventive maintenance. But to get quick and timely information about the work being carried out, we advise you to contact the technical support service.

And if there is no Yota connection due to the fault of mobile devices

First, it is worth checking the correctness of the SIM card's functionality. Secondly, remember that the contact may be weakened or the SIM card is damaged - blocked. Here, we advise - to replace it, leaving the old number.

It is worth admitting that quite often iota does not work today due to the fact that your smartphone, modem or router has banally hung or was updated incorrectly. The correct solution would be to reboot or rollback to the old firmware. If you use a branded device, we advise you to contact one of the specialized service centers. There, knowledgeable, highly qualified specialists will quickly bring your mobile device back to life.

No network due to location

This option should be considered especially if you are on the move. Many Yota subscribers have a wi-fi modem installed in their machines, and with an active change of location, the Yota network often disappears and does not work. But today the main solution to this problem remains to continue moving to the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe next base station.
The main places where the network can disappear:

  • road tunnels
  • metro
  • buildings with thick, concrete walls or with special protection against cellular communication
  • electric trains, trains, funiculars

Doesn't work due to weather

If the weather is very bad outside. And this can be determined by strong wind, rain, snowfall, then you should know that such factors greatly affect whether the Yota connection will work continuously today.

Attention. In case of unfavorable weather conditions, wait until they stop and Yota services will resume as usual.

Network overload - iota does not work in the evenings

If the bulk of the company's subscribers complain that the Yota network does not work at the same time, then we will analyze the important reasons. First, the time when the bulk of users return home in the evening. Secondly, do not forget that the main reason is the usual workload of the base station and its inability to serve all network subscribers at the same time.

Time when Yota does not work

  • 05/20/2019 - servers of the site are not working. There are only problems with online payment for services and account replenishment. The time to solve the problem is 05/20/2019 18.10 Moscow time.
  • 07/11/2019 - global failure of the iota servers. The beginning of the problem is about 14.00 Moscow time. Elimination - about 17.00 Moscow time. The main region is Moscow and the Moscow region (St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod). For some of the Yota subscribers, the network was accessible only through VPN. Of the messengers, only Telegram worked smoothly
  • 07/30/2019 - again a large-scale breakdown of the Yota network. Lack of internet access is. Time for solving the problem - 07/30/2019 19.00 Moscow time.
  • 09/15/2019 - no iota network at 20.15 Moscow time. Global outage of the Yota network throughout Russia. The time for solving the problem is 09/15/2019 at 21.10 Moscow time.

Users “ Megaphone " and “ Yota " on the territory of Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Samara and in a number of other cities of Russia, there were problems with communication and mobile Internet. This was reported on Friday, May 19, by TASS.

"At the moment, there are massive difficulties with communication. We are already fixing it. We apologize for the inconvenience."- said the official Twitter of the company “ MegaFon ".

One of the main reasons for the failure is a possible update of the Android operating system on subscribers' smartphones. In company " MegaFon " stated that dialing success after the update was reduced by 30%.

In official accounts “ MegaFon " in networks “ In contact with " and Twitter, the operator's clients report the lack of telephone communication and the Internet in Kazan, Ufa, Togliatti, Samara, Ulyanovsk and other regions of the company's presence.

/ Friday 19 May 2017 /

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Company " Megaphone " and operator Yota, which operates on networks “ Megaphone ", reported network problems.
Problems, in particular, were recorded in Moscow and the Moscow region, as well as Kazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Ryazan. Currently " Megaphone " carries out work to restore communication.
According to the press service “ Megaphone ", the problems are most likely related to updates that have been installed on the Android operating network.

Moscow. . . . . . We apologize for the inconvenience caused, "the message says. Megaphone ".

In the press service “ Megaphone " reported that temporary difficulties are observed only with voice communication, the decrease in dialing success is 30%. The mobile Internet continues to work as usual. The operator advises to make calls via instant messengers.

"Technical specialists " Megaphone " carry out restoration work and plan to complete them in the near future ", - noted in the press service.

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The possible reason for the failure is the update of the Android OS on subscribers' smartphones, the operator's support service reported.

"Some subscribers have problems with outgoing and incoming calls, we are solving this problem, the problem is most likely related to the updates that were on Android, which were automatically updated", - said the operator's support service.

The exact timing of the restoration of work is unknown. Twitter users report that they faced similar problems the day before.

Mobile operator " Megaphone " reported difficulties with communication with their clients. This is stated in the official microblog of the company on Twitter. It is noted that the success of dialing has decreased by 30 percent. In doing so, the operator does everything possible to eliminate the problem.

In Moscow and several cities - temporary difficulties with the voice. Dialing success dropped by 30%. Calls are possible through instant messengers.

MegaFon (@megafonru) May 19, 2017 Yota then reported issues. At the same time, the companies MTS, Tele2 and “ Beeline " note that they do not fail. According to the Agency “ Moscow " , the equipment of cellular operators is operating normally.

Mobile operator " Beeline " denied reports of communication problems and network outages, told the City News Agency “ Moscow " in the press service of the company.

"Everything works for us as usual. The post on the company's Twitter account concerned one base station in one of the regions and had nothing to do with news about a massive failure on the network of another mobile operator.", - said the press service.

Earlier, a number of media outlets reported that “ Beeline " and Yota following “ Megaphone " also report problems with their network.

In Kazan and a number of Russian cities, MegaFon subscribers lost communication and Beeline and Yota customers had problems

Megafon subscribers throughout Russia report communication problems. Most complaints come from Moscow, Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod and a number of other cities. Later, Beeline and Yota reported difficulties with connecting to the network. Cellular operators have apologized to customers and said they are working on troubleshooting. Social media users have called on the Minister of Communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov, but there are no comments from him yet. In the call-center of the Volga branch, when asked about the causes of the problem, they referred to a “flying tower”. Read more in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

"Who will compensate for the loss ?!"

The first problems with communication for Megafon subscribers in Tatarstan began after about 11 o'clock in the afternoon. People reported that they could not get through to their relatives. Some of them made calls to short numbers of the operator, but getting through the long ones was problematic, the line was busy all the time.

From about 11.30 there is no connection, calls do not go through, - Kazan users of Megafon reported.

Residents of Kazan reacted to the problems that arose in social networks. In the public "Kazan Online" the townspeople write that the communication problems began in the morning. “People at work can't get through to me in the morning. Who will compensate for the losses? "," First banks, now mobile operators ... I wonder what will happen next "," So much for high technology. " A user of Megafon from Yoshkar-Ola also reported problems in the Kazan public.

Kazan residents note that “problematic” operators have Internet access - while there is no opportunity to call or send SMS (the connection periodically appears, but disappears again). According to users, they have no problems with other types of communication (MTS, Letay).

Some did not immediately realize that these were communication problems: “My mother thought that the phone was faulty, tried to open it and broke the screen. There was a new phone. " “It started at 12 o'clock. WhatsApp is working, calls are coming. As I start to call, it turns out - "mobile communication is not available." I managed to scold the child for breaking the phone. " Users of "Beeline" and Yota also complain about communication problems.

By the way, later the cellular operator announced that the possibility of compensation to customers.

Users of "Beeline" and Yota also complain about communication problems. Photo

"Massive difficulties with communication"

As it turned out, many Russians still had problems. The operator's official social media accounts received thousands of angry comments within an hour. Not only citizens of Kazan write, but also Muscovites, Samara, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod and residents of a number of other Russian cities.

"Kazan, no connection!"

"Moscow is lying."

"Samara does not catch!"

"In general, there is no network in Ryazan."

“Volgograd and Volzhsky without communication! Can't get through to anyone! Let them pay compensation! We need to change the operator! "

At noon, the operator apologized to clients on Twitter, and an hour later on VKontakte:

“At the moment, there are massive communication difficulties. We are already fixing it. We apologize for any inconvenience caused".

“Now in Moscow and some other cities there are temporary problems with voice communication. Reduced dial-up rate by 30%. We are already working to eliminate the causes, and in the near future the network will work as usual. Calls are available through instant messengers. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. "

In the afternoon, there were reports of problems with communication and "Beeline" with Yota. Operators promise to fix everything soon:

“Unfortunately, now it is really possible to have difficulties with connecting to our network. We are already actively working on fixing the situation and we hope that we will be able to fix the problems in the near future, ”Yota replied.

On Twitter, the Beeline support employee said that the interruptions would soon be eliminated, then, however, the message was deleted. The press service of the company noted that this information concerned only one base station. Say, there is no question of a massive failure, said press secretary Anna Aibysheva. Indeed, in Kazan, not all Beeline subscribers complained about communication problems, many of them had phones working as usual.

In the Volga office of Megafon, when asked about the causes of the problems, they reported that there were problems with the equipment. Photo

Volga branch of Megafon: "Something happened to the tower"

The RT Ministry of Informatization and Communications reported that they were preparing an official comment. They promise to explain what the connection is later.

In the Volga office of Megafon, when asked about the causes of the problems, they said that there were problems with the equipment:

Technical problems with the tower, everything is being fixed. The problem should be fixed within a few hours. The problem should be fixed everywhere in the district. It is not known when they will be eliminated, but they work. Something happened to the tower, ”the branch call-center reported.

A few hours after the failure, the first comment from the Megafon press service appeared:

“There are temporary difficulties with voice communication in Moscow and several other cities. Reduction in dialing success - 30 percent. Megafon's technical specialists are carrying out restoration work and plan to finish it in the near future, ”the operator's press service said.

Stadium equipment or hacker attack?

Users of social networks also called on the Minister of Communications of Russia Nikolai Nikiforov to account. It is interesting that literally a day before the massive interruptions in communication, the head of the Ministry of Communications announced in his Instagram about the large-scale technical work that the above-mentioned cellular operators are now carrying out:

“Megafon, MTS, Beeline and Tele2, in preparation for the 2017 Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup, together with re-equip stadiums to provide high speed mobile Internet and large network capacity for tens of thousands of subscribers. Such a speed today at the Kazan Arena stadium with 22 thousand fans. "

Under the picture with the Internet speed indicators at the Kazan stadium, users informed the minister about the interruptions that occurred:

"Half of the European part of Russia" Megafon "and" Iota "are covered!"

A possible reason for the interruptions is also called the cyberattack, which took place around the world, and directly affected Megafon on May 15. This point of view was expressed to by a cybersecurity expert - CEO of Zecurion Alexey Raevsky. He did not rule out the possibility that this is a continuation of a recent major hacker attack using the WannaCry virus:

It may well be, when there are so many denials, it is quite possible this is a continuation of the story with the virus from last week. Or maybe another, similar incident, - said the expert.

The day before the massive interruptions in communications, the head of the Ministry of Communications announced on his Instagram about the large-scale technical work that the above-mentioned cellular operators are now carrying out. Photo by Oleg Tikhonov

Another message from Megafon recently appeared with explanations of the reasons for the problems: “Dear users! An accident occurred on one of the network equipment elements. We are doing our best to eliminate the consequences as soon as possible. "

Vasilya Shirshova, Alexander Shakirov

Sometimes mobile communications or the Internet Yota (Yota) do not work - today the operator cannot boast of flawless work. However, the subscriber can cope with some of the problems on his own if he approaches the problem carefully.

Why Yota does not work: communication problems

If a subscriber is in the operator's coverage area, communication difficulties occur, although not often, an ordinary user can try to influence this:

  • It is worth examining the coverage map in the region of residence. Sometimes coverage within the same city is fragmented, communication may work poorly when leaving the countryside or in sparsely populated areas. In such situations, it is better to attend to an additional type of communication.
  • Zero balance - this problem is easily fixable, after the account is refilled, the connection will start working again.
  • Low-quality phone. Unfortunately, today there are a lot of low-grade devices on the market at a bargain price; on such devices, interruptions in operation occur constantly, regardless of the operator.

Internet does not work today

Today, subscribers are increasingly asking why Iota began to work poorly, as a rule, the quality of the Internet causes dissatisfaction. There are many reasons for low data transfer rates, uneven performance, or no internet at all.

Reasons that the subscriber cannot influence:

  • Lack of Internet coverage (base station) at the place of stay.
  • Breakdown at the base station.
  • Engineering works.
  • Network congestion (too many subscribers use one station at the same time).
  • Weather and natural phenomena. Snowfall, thunderstorms and solar activity affect the radio signal.

Situations in which the subscriber can turn on the Internet or increase the speed:

  • Settings failed. This happens a lot, especially with smartphones. The recommendations in this case are simple: you should try to turn off and then turn on the data transfer. If it does not help, then the subscriber should go to the network settings and fill in the window with the access point.

  • PC software problems. These can be outdated drivers, reinstalled OS, or viruses. If the user is not well versed in network and system settings, it is better to contact support consultants.

  • Weak signal. This is the most common problem and there is no universal solution today. The first tip is to try moving your device (smartphone, tablet or modem) indoors and look for a signal. An external antenna, which you can purchase or make yourself, can help.

What to do if the Internet or communication does not work today

  • The first step is universal for all types of problems - you need to restart the device (phone, computer or tablet), and for modems and routers, also check the wires and connections.
  • If the problem persists, it is best to contact the support service, they are available via chat, social networks, you can call 8 800 550 00 07 or write an SMS to 0999. Instead of angry statements: "What's wrong with Yota", "Yota slows down" - it's worth describe your problem in detail. The consultant will tell you how and what is best to do in this situation.

  • If it is not possible to contact the support service, you must independently determine the cause of the problem and take appropriate action, if possible.

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Questions on the topic

    Georgy 10/10/2019 18:52

    Hello, the Internet has been working badly in the Orenburg region for a month (!). Technical support threw up its hands, said that there was no overload, then changed their mind and said that there was an overload. Opinions change on the fly. So what is really going on there? Do you really care about your customers who regularly pay the highest rates?

    Dmitry 09/06/2019 18:01

    Hello! Please tell me about Salekhard. The Internet has not been working for me for two days. Some troubles?

    Dmitry 09/03/2019 17:18

    Hello, the Internet has not been working in Ulan-Ude for 5 hours already.

    Roma 09/02/2019 13:02

    For three days, the connection is sooo bad, on the PC. Cant turn on any game, constant crash and restart. Before that it was bad, but it still worked. NSO Ob

    Danil 08/17/2019 12:56 PM

    Doesn't enter your personal account! When will you fix and fix all the problems with Yota and move to a high-quality and stable level of your services in Krasnodar?

    maxim 15.06.2019 16:02

    from 13.00 the Shatsky district network disappeared when it is restored

    Dmitry 05/13/2019 18:14

    Hello, today 05/13/2019, 20:12, Orenburg, the connection is bad, I can't call and they can't get through to me, the Internet does not catch at all, everything worked well before, I am not happy with the quality

    Rustam Yusupov 10/30/2018 12:54

    Unstable Internet in Omsk for several days. In particular, the area of \u200b\u200bKrasny path 20 and the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cossack market on Zhukov. It is simply impossible to work, the speed regularly drops to zero. Is it for a long time?

    Badashka 10/26/2018 17:35

    Good day. There is such a thing, I cannot get through to the subscriber of iota (located in Irkutsk) even from different numbers - the call is immediately dropped and it turns out that a network failure allegedly occurred. Everything seems to be fine: there is a connection, the balance is positive, but still it does not work out. With what it can be connected?

    Olga 20.10.2018 08:43

    Why is the Internet not working for me now? I’m just sitting watching a movie, and a pause ... again one more time, no way. I do not understand, in the android application it says that the package is blocked. what could be the problem???

05/19/2017, Fri, 13:12, Moscow time , Text: Igor Korolev

Megafon subscribers are experiencing serious problems with mobile communications. We are talking about both Moscow and a number of other cities. The Yota network was also affected.

Failure in the Megafon network

On May 19, 2017, there is a serious failure in the Megafon network. This is evidenced by numerous complaints in social networks, as well as data from CNews editorial staff, whose numbers of Megafon do not work this morning. Communication interruptions were recorded in different parts of Moscow.

Regions suffered along with the capital

The failure concerns not only Moscow. According to the Mobile Speed \u200b\u200bRaiting Project Manager Sergei Villanov, complaints from Megafon subscribers come from different cities, especially those located in the Volga region: Samara, Saratov, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, as well as from Ryazan.

Megafon subscribers from Siberia also reported a failure. But in St. Petersburg "Megafon" they assured that there are no problems with communication today.

In the network of the operator "Megafon" many hours of failure

The press service of "Megafon" admitted the fact of the failure, which affected Moscow and "several other cities." According to the company, there are temporary difficulties with voice communication, which led to a 30% decrease in dialer success.

The operator promises to restore communication in the near future. In addition, Megafon assures that the mobile Internet continues to work, which means that it is possible to make calls through instant messengers.

Yota subscribers also have problems

There are also problems with the virtual operator Skartel (Yota brand) operating on the Megafon network. The operator's press service reported that failures are noted both in Moscow and in other cities "Technicians are already carrying out restoration work, and the problem will be completely resolved in the near future." - said the company.

Social networks also began to receive complaints that failures occur not only at Megafon, but in general for all cellular networks. However, representatives of other operators - "VimpelCom" (trademark "Beeline") and Tele2 - assured that they have no problems with communication.

Addition. Reasons for failure

After the publication of this material, CNews found out that problems with the operation of the HLR system, a subscriber database, were the cause of the failure in Megafon. A source in the telecommunications market told CNews that work was underway to modernize the system in the capital. When Megafon switched the metropolitan users to its subscriber service center in Samara, it failed. The Volga regions also suffered from this, says a CNews source.