For which the head of the novoperedelkino council was fired. Electoral fraud in novo-peredelkino all videos

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin dismissed the head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council Yuri Nosenko and one of his deputies in connection with suspicions of their involvement in election fraud. The mayor made the corresponding entry on his page in the social network "VKontakte".

“We are trying to hold the most fair elections. But, apparently, not everyone likes it. For gross violations in Novo-Peredelkino, he fired the head of the council, the deputy head of the council. We will hand over the documents to the prosecutor's office on Monday. All chairmen of the district election commissions in the region have been replaced, ”wrote S. Sobyanin.

"See how the glasses are?" The deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino administration is discussing with the representatives of the precinct election commissions the rigging in the elections of municipal deputies. Video

A video has been published on YouTube in which Svetlana Antonova, the deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district administration, hands envelopes with unknown content to representatives of precinct election commissions, calling it "reward" and "advance payment". Antonova also discusses with her interlocutors how to take into account the turnout of "our supporters", and asks them not to start counting ballots without a call from the council. Meduza talks about the content of the video and what Antonova and the Moscow mayor's office think about it.

A video titled "How Much Does Fair Elections Cost?" was posted on YouTube by the user "Svetlana Antonova" on the night of September 9. On the morning of the same day, the video appeared in communities Moscow districts Novo-Peredelkino and Solntsevo in social networks.

As far as can be judged, the video is a snippet of several meetings of Svetlana Antonova, deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council, with representatives of the district election commissions. As indicated by the timer present in the video, the meetings took place in the morning and afternoon of September 7.

A video titled "How Much Does Fair Elections Cost?" was posted on YouTube by the user "Svetlana Antonova" on the night of September 9. On the morning of the same day, the video appeared in the communities of the Moscow districts of Novo-Peredelkino and Solntsevo in social networks.

As far as can be judged, the video is a snippet of several meetings of Svetlana Antonova, deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council, with representatives of the district election commissions. As indicated by the timer present in the video, the meetings took place in the morning and afternoon of September 7.

Most of Antonova's interlocutors are not identified in the video, however, the numbers of the polling stations in the commissions of which they are included are indicated. According to the captions in the video, Antonova meets with representatives of PECs 2689 (its chairperson is Elena Tarasova; the woman in the video introduces herself as Elena Anatolyevna), 2696, 2673, 2680 (apparently, the head of PEC Alla Koloska appears in the video) and 2695. The last one The meeting is also attended by the head of the State Budgetary Institution Zhilischnik in Novo-Peredelkino and the candidate for municipal deputies from United Russia, Alexander Sokolov.

The video shows how Antonova passes envelopes to all representatives of precinct election commissions. In a conversation with the chairperson of PEC 2689 (middle of the second minute of the video) Antonova calls the contents of the envelope a "reward". Handing over the envelope to the representative of PEC 2673, Antonova says that it contains an “advance payment” followed by a “salary” (end of the third minute of the video).

Also, in a conversation with a representative of PEC 2673, Antonova explains to her how to keep a record of the votes of “our supporters”:

“Do you represent the voters' book? You have one book on your site, you then embroider it. You have continuous numbering [of voters]. Under each number, as you know, you have a registered person. I have all the books in electronic form. And all the people who are included in the database of our supporters, they have in my electronic form the same serial number as in the book. I will need from you twice a day, at 12 and at 16 [hours], I will need to [give] the numbers of those who came [to the site]. " ( on video: from 3:55 to 4:35)

According to Meduza, lists of “supporters” are drawn up in the districts ahead of municipal elections everywhere. It includes people who must vote for each pro-government candidate. One of the political strategists working with the authorities told Meduza that this is the order of the city administration.

In the same conversation, Antonova said that the commission should start counting votes only after a call from the council:

“Wait for my call. When I say that you can start counting.<Unintelligible.\u003e Hold the commission. Because suddenly ... There are commissions that I don’t want to talk to them at all, which are not very good people, let them do as they see fit.<Inaudible.\u003e The rest of my colleagues, who ... We have been working with you for a long time.<Inaudible.\u003e I want to hold back, because all of a sudden [the wrong candidates] passed in that one so that our five could pass through the district, through the district. " ( on video: from 5:00 to 5:30)

Further in the conversation, a representative of PEC 2673 mentions that she has ballots in a “secluded place” - apparently, the votes in them have already been placed for the necessary candidates. Apparently, the women are discussing how such ballots can be dropped.

Representative of PEC 2673: I say to some Vasya: Vasya, throw 50 [ballots].

Antonova: Yes.

Representative of PEC 2673: And then I am careful when I need to destroy ... remove ten from them ...

Antonova: <Unintelligible.\u003e And who will count? Will yours be counted? How many unused! You are out of your mind.

Representative of PEC 2673: Will Rakov not check them there?

Antonova: Unused? Of course not.

Representative of PEC 2673: Then I put the unused ones ... In the protocol, ten less should be put!<Unintelligible.\u003e See how the point is? (on video: from 6:45 to 7:30)

The rest of the conversations presented in the video are less detailed. The chairperson of PEC 2689 comes to a conversation with a second woman, whom Antonova calls an “observer” and, apparently, asks to leave. With a representative of PEC 2680, Antonova briefly discusses the “bad situation”, which apparently developed before the elections. “Now our fate depends, the whole council's money and time [depends] on how we hold the elections,” Antonova told a representative of PEC 2696. By law, precinct election commissions are not subordinate to city councils.

In a conversation with Meduza, Svetlana Antonova indirectly confirmed that it was she who was featured in the video, but stated that its content was "not true." “Terrible slander, terrible cutting. I'm just in shock now. Then I'll call you back, ”said the deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council.

According to Meduza, on September 9, a meeting was held at the Moscow City Hall on the video. It was attended by the deputy of Anastasia Rakova Vyacheslav Shulenin. At the time of publication of this material, the press service of the mayor's office did not comment on the very fact of the meeting and its content.

In addition, in the morning of the same day, a meeting of the Moscow City Election Commission (MGIK) was held under the leadership of its chairman, Valentin Gorbunov. According to a Meduza source close to the mayor's office, the commission watched the video and came to the conclusion that Svetlana Antonova handed envelopes with unknown contents to the members of the commissions. In this regard, the IPCC decided to apply to law enforcement agencies with a proposal to suppress illegal actions, and also instructed the territorial election commission of Novo-Peredelkino to hold a meeting until 4 pm on September 9 and consider this situation. In addition, the IPCC instructed the territorial election commission to respond to the incident and, possibly, remove the perpetrators from work in the commissions, as well as conduct explanatory work among all PEC chairmen. According to Meduza's interlocutor, the election commission also asked the mayor's office to take action against Antonova, if there are grounds for this.

At the moment, the user "Svetlana Antonova" has published one video on YouTube. In the annotation to the video, “the next series” was announced, in which representatives of other PECs of the Novo-Peredelkino district will appear.


Three videos about the preparation of falsifications in the upcoming elections of municipal deputies in Moscow on Sunday appeared on the Web. The main character is Svetlana Antonova, deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council. She gives envelopes with "rewards" to the PEC representatives, asks not to count votes without her calling and explains why this is necessary. The administration of the council was fired on Saturday afternoon - this was announced by the mayor Sergei Sobyanin, who promised the Muscovites "fair elections." Until this moment, the authorities did not focus especially on the elections, preferring to celebrate the City Day. Oppositionist Alexei Navalny does not believe in the honesty of the authorities: they do it everywhere, just these "idiots" are caught.

The videos were published on behalf of the user "Svetlana Antonova" on a separate channel in Youtube ... One appeared on Saturday night, the second and the third - in the afternoon after 16:00 Moscow time. The contents of the first were deciphered and analyzed by Meduza. Links also appeared in the Solntsevo district group in Facebook , there they are accompanied by a remark: "Scandals, intrigues - this, unfortunately, accompanies every campaign ... When we only hear about it (from friends, acquaintances, colleagues), it seems to us that all this is not so ... When we see, then we understand that it is just a [crown]. "

The video is a snippet of several meetings of Svetlana Antonova, deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council, with representatives of the district election commissions. One of the meetings is attended by the candidate for municipal deputies from the "United Russia" Alexander Sokolov.

The video shows how Antonova passes envelopes to all representatives of precinct election commissions, calling their contents either "reward" or "advance payment".

In a conversation with a representative of PEC 2673, Antonova explains to her how to keep a record of the votes of "our supporters": there is a database of supporters, where they are under the same numbers as in the voter register at the polling station. On Sunday, you must report on who came to vote twice: at noon and at 16:00.

Antonova explains that this is necessary for the counting of votes, and orders nothing to be done without her knowledge. This is justified by the fact that not all PECs do what she tells them to do, and it is necessary to properly dispose of the available resources: “Hold the commission. Because suddenly ... There are commissions that I don’t want to talk to them at all, who are not very good people, let them they do it as they see fit ... I want to hold back, because suddenly (the wrong candidates) passed in that one, so that our five could pass through the district, through the district. "

In the conversation, a representative of PEC 2673 mentions that she has ballots in a "secluded place", after which, probably, a discussion is being made on how to organize their stuffing.

In a conversation with Meduza, Svetlana Antonova indirectly confirmed that it was she who appeared in the video, but said that its content was "not true": "A terrible slander, a terrible cut. I'm just in shock now. I'll call you back."

According to Meduza, on September 9, a meeting was held at the Moscow mayor's office on the video. It was attended by the deputy of Anastasia Rakova Vyacheslav Shulenin. At the time of publication of this material, the press service of the mayor's office did not comment on the fact of the meeting and its content.

Election of municipal deputies will be held in Moscow on Sunday, September 10. City Hall about them voters. Vedomosti wrote directly that this was done on the instructions of the mayor's office in order to make it easier to conduct their candidates.

The management of the council was fired, Sobyanin promises fair elections

In Novo-Peredelkino, the head of the district council and his deputy were dismissed for "gross violations." Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin wrote about this on his Twitter. The mayor also said that all chairmen of precinct commissions have been replaced in the region.

On the night of September 9, a video was uploaded to the newly created YouTube channel, where the deputy head of the Moscow region of Novo-Peredelkino Svetlana Antonova talks with the chairmen of precinct election commissions.

Updated on September 10 at 13:14: the head of the Moscow City Electoral Commission Valentin Gorbunov called the video a provocation and admitted that editing was used in it.

If a law-abiding person saw this, the first thing he would do would be to go to the police. I do not exclude that it was a montage, the video was made in order to place it specially on the Internet and create such a background.

She gives them envelopes, which she calls "advance" or "reward", and also tells how to account for the turnout of "our" supporters.

Most of the people in the video are not identified, but the numbers of their election commissions are indicated. Here is a decryption of one of the conversations of the video, where Svetlana Antonova communicates with a representative of PEC 2673:

Representative of PEC 2673 - I say to some Vasya: Vasya, throw 50 [ballots].

Antonova: Yes.

Representative of PEC 2673: And then I carefully, when I need to destroy ... remove ten from them ...

Representative of PEC 2673: Will Rakova check them there?

Antonova: Unused? Of course not.

Representative of PEC 2673: Then I boldly put the unused ones ... You need to put ten less in the protocol!<Неразборчиво.> See how the glasses are? (on video: from 6:45 to 7:30)

In conversation with the same representative of the commission, the deputy head of the district tells how to count supporters

“Do you represent the voters' book? You have one book on your site, you then embroider it. You have continuous numbering. Under each number, as you know, you have a registered person. I have all the books in electronic form. And all the people who are included in the database of our supporters, they have in my electronic form the same serial number as in the book. I will need from you twice a day, at 12 and 16, I will need the numbers of those who came. " (3: 55- 4:35 on video)

“Wait for my call. When I say that you can start counting. Hold the commission. Because suddenly ... There are commissions that I don’t want to talk to them at all, which are not very good people, let them do as they see fit. The rest of my colleagues, who ... We have been working with you for a long time. I want to hold back, because all of a sudden [the wrong candidates] passed in that one, so that our five could pass through the district, through the district. " (5-5: 30 on video)

After the main video began to gain popularity, the Svetlana Anotonova channel released three more videos.

Almost simultaneously with the release of new videos, Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin tweeted that he had fired the head and deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino administration.

Sobyanin's tweets were answered by the head of the election headquarters of Alexei Navalny Leonid Volkov

A video has been published on YouTube in which Svetlana Antonova, the deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district administration, hands envelopes with unknown content to representatives of precinct election commissions, calling it "reward" and "advance payment".

Svetlana Antonova (Deputy Head of the Novo-Peredelkino Administration for Work with the Population)

Antonova also discusses with her interlocutors how to take into account the turnout of "our supporters" and asks them not to start counting ballots without a call from the council. Meduza talks about the content of the video and what Antonova and the Moscow mayor's office think about it.
A video titled "How Much Does Fair Elections Cost?" was posted on YouTube by the user "Svetlana Antonova" on the night of September 9. On the morning of the same day, the video appeared in the communities of the Moscow districts of Novo-Peredelkino and Solntsevo in social networks.

As far as can be judged, the video is a cut of several meetings of Svetlana Antonova, deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council, with representatives of the district election commissions. As indicated by the timer present in the video, the meetings took place in the morning and afternoon of September 7.

Most of Antonova's interlocutors are not identified in the video, however, the numbers of the polling stations in whose commission they are included are indicated. According to the captions in the video, Antonova holds meetings with representatives of PECs 2689 (its chairperson is Elena Tarasova; the woman in the video introduces herself as Elena Anatolyevna), 2696, 2673, 2680 (apparently, the head of PEC Alla Koloska appears in the video) and 2695. In the latter The meeting is also attended by the head of Novo-Peredelkino and candidate for municipal deputies from United Russia Alexander Sokolov.

Alexander Sokolov (United Russia candidate for municipal deputies)

The video shows how Antonova passes envelopes to all representatives of precinct election commissions. In a conversation with the chairperson of PEC 2689 (middle of the second minute of the video) Antonova calls the contents of the envelope a "reward". Handing over the envelope to the representative of PEC 2673, Antonova says that it contains an “advance payment” followed by a “salary” (end of the third minute of the video).
Also, in a conversation with a representative of PEC 2673, Antonova explains to her how to keep a record of the votes of “our supporters”:
“Do you represent the voters' book? You have one book on the site, you then embroider it. You have continuous numbering [of voters]. Under each number, as you know, you have a registered person. I have all the books in electronic form. And all the people who are included in the database of our supporters, they have in my electronic form the same serial number as in the book. I will need from you twice a day, at 12 and at 16 [hours], I will need to [give] the numbers of those who came [to the site]. " (on video: from 3:55 to 4:35)
According to Meduza, lists of “supporters” are drawn up in the districts ahead of municipal elections everywhere. It includes people who must vote for each pro-government candidate. One of the political strategists working with the authorities told Meduza that this is the order of the city administration.
In the same conversation, Antonova said that the commission should start counting votes only after a call from the council:
“Wait for my call. When I say that you can start counting. Hold the commission. Because suddenly ... There are commissions that I don’t want to talk to them at all, which are not very good people, let them do as they see fit. The rest of my colleagues, who ... We have been working with you for a long time. I want to hold back, because all of a sudden [the wrong candidates] passed in that one, so that our five could pass through the district, through the district. " (on video: from 5:00 to 5:30)
Further in the conversation, a representative of PEC 2673 mentions that she has ballots in a “secluded place” - apparently, the votes in them have already been placed for the necessary candidates. Apparently, the women are discussing how such ballots can be dropped.
Representative of PEC 2673: I say to some Vasya: Vasya, throw 50 [ballots].
Antonova: Yes.
Representative of PEC 2673: And then I carefully, when I need to destroy ... remove ten from them ...
Antonova: Who will count? Will yours be counted? How many unused! You are out of your mind.
Representative of PEC 2673: Will Rakova check them there?
Antonova: Unused? Of course not.
Representative of PEC 2673: Then I boldly put the unused ones ... You need to put ten less in the protocol! See how the glasses are? (on video: from 6:45 to 7:30)
The rest of the conversations presented in the video are less detailed. The chairperson of PEC 2689 comes to a conversation with a second woman, whom Antonova calls an “observer” and, apparently, asks to leave. With a representative of PEC 2680, Antonova briefly discusses the “bad situation”, which apparently developed before the elections. “Now our fate depends, the whole council's money and time [depends] on how we hold the elections,” Antonova told a representative of PEC 2696. By law, precinct election commissions are not subordinate to city councils.
In a conversation with Meduza, Svetlana Antonova indirectly confirmed that it was she who was featured in the video, but stated that its content was "not true." “Terrible slander, terrible cutting. I'm just in shock now. Then I'll call you back, ”said the deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino district council.
According to Meduza, on September 9, a meeting was held at the Moscow City Hall on the video. It was attended by the deputy of Anastasia Rakova Vyacheslav Shulenin. At the time of publication of this material, the press service of the mayor's office did not comment on the very fact of the meeting and its content.
In addition, in the morning of the same day, a meeting of the Moscow City Election Commission (MGIK) was held under the leadership of its chairman, Valentin Gorbunov. According to a Meduza source close to the mayor's office, the commission watched the video and came to the conclusion that Svetlana Antonova handed envelopes with unknown contents to the members of the commissions. In this regard, the IPCC decided to apply to law enforcement agencies with a proposal to suppress illegal actions, and also instructed the territorial election commission of Novo-Peredelkino to hold a meeting until 4 pm on September 9 and consider this situation. In addition, the IPCC instructed the territorial election commission to respond to the incident and, possibly, remove the perpetrators from work in the commissions, as well as conduct explanatory work among all PEC chairmen. According to Meduza's interlocutor, the election commission also asked the mayor's office to take action against Antonova, if there are grounds for this.
At the moment, the user "Svetlana Antonova" has published one video on YouTube. In the annotation to the video, “the next series” was announced, in which representatives of other PECs of the Novo-Peredelkino district will appear.
The elections of municipal deputies will be held in Moscow on Sunday, September 10.
Update from 17.00 on September 9: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said that the head and deputy head of the Novo-Peredelkino administration have been dismissed, and all the chairmen of precinct election commissions have been replaced.