Stuffing in the elections. Candidate headquarters will appeal violations in the presidential elections

Ella Pamfilova began the press conference with sad news. At night in the Krasnodar Territory, 4 members of the territorial commission were killed in a car accident. Their memory was honored with a minute of silence, all possible assistance will be rendered to the families of the victims. Only after that did they begin to sum up the results of yesterday's single voting day.

Perhaps most importantly, the elections took place. Throughout the country, voting took place in a calm, working environment. There were several thousand allegations of violations - violations from the point of view of the applicants. As shown by the analysis of both the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the checks of the Central Election Commission, most of these violations turned out to be imaginary. 11 criminal and several dozen administrative cases were initiated. Most of them fell on the share of St. Petersburg, where the so-called observers simply interfered with the work of the territorial commissions at the polling stations.

However, the voting results can be canceled only at 8 polling stations in the country - three Crimean, three Oryol, as well as at the polling stations in St. Petersburg and Sergiev Posad near Moscow. The main reason is ballot stuffing. In all cases, an investigation is underway, the perpetrators will be identified. Ella Pamfilova called all such attempts at falsification nothing more than stupidity.

Ella Pamfilova, the head of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation: “Either there is no brain, or there is no conscience. I have already spoken about this: there is video surveillance, where everything is controlled. Why this is done - I do not know. If not provocation, then stupidity, crime. "

Elections of governors have been completed in 16 regions. Practically everywhere, the incumbent heads of territories and regions or acting acting governors won a landslide victory. This happened on Sakhalin, and in Transbaikalia, and in St. Petersburg, where Alexander Beglov won.

Many experts assess the past elections as a success of the current government. Voters supported both the governors, and in the elections to the legislative assemblies, United Russia as a whole retained the primacy, with the exception of the Khabarovsk Territory, where the Liberal Democratic Party successfully performed.

In Moscow, the communists will form a large faction. The parliamentary opposition will almost take over. However, the activity of the capital's voters was relatively low - around 22%, which is slightly more than during the previous municipal elections. Both capitals are noticeably inferior to the regions in terms of voter turnout. The average turnout there was over 40%.

There is already data on the parties, who took what percentage of the elections at various levels. United Russia has 76%, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has 5%, the Liberal Democratic Party has 3%, and Fair Russia has a little more than 2%. The rest do not even reach 1%. However, out of 46 thousand deputies, heads of cities and regions, about 5 thousand seats are held by self-nominated candidates and young political associations, which, according to the CEC chairman, can be considered a positive trend.

At what stage can the data on the popular will be distorted? Independent journalists and incorruptible observers are on duty at the polling stations, the ballot boxes are looked through, they all consider together - what kind of cheating is possible, the uninitiated are surprised.

Unfortunately, there are many ways. In the previous elections, the following were tested:

Stuffing.A couple of hundred extra ballots are dropped into the ballot boxes at each site. It is easiest to carry out this operation in the morning, before voting starts.

Of course, according to the law, when sealing the ballot box, members of the commission delegated to it by all parties, as well as observers, must be present. But what should they do if, approaching the site, they stumble upon locked doors? Do not enter the school through a broken window! Exactly at eight, the doors, of course, will swing open. “How, you were not told that the passage was organized through the back door?” The PEC chairman will be surprised. - We should have called Maryivanovna, and she would have let everyone in. But now it is too late, the ballot box is sealed, and an observer from one important party has already voted, it cannot be opened. "

This method was tested during the municipal elections in Dachny. At one site, observers not allowed to seal the ballot box caused a scandal, during which the ballot box was turned over. 200 ballots poured out of it. Stuffing can also be carried out during the day - this requires a close-knit company of "specially trained" voters who will surround the ballot box, closing it from observers.

Throw-in-2. A fake person, not with his passport (the passport will be given to him by the right people in the right place) comes to the site. The voter is given ballots, signs and goes to the voting booth. Then the person goes to the ballot box and throws in the whole pack (ballots are folded in a special way and even ironed to make the pack compact). The “thrower” stands up at the right angle, throws it so that the ballots in the ballot box scatter and stamp his foot at the moment when the ballots fall into the box. Usually stuffing is done during a concert, when it is noisy.

Not all members of the commission are involved in the machinations, many do not know what their “colleagues” are doing behind their backs. At the polling stations where there are falsifications, 3-4 people are "in business": the secretary, the chairman and a member of the commission who sits on the lists at the address that appears in the passport of the dummy.

Dead Souls. Thrown ballots must be legalized so that their number coincides with the number of citizens who came to the site. Extra votes are attributed to people who never go to the polls, or to those who have already taken an absentee ballot, so they are unlikely to look at their home site.

However, the safest option is with dead souls - people who have died long ago or were discharged, or simply never existed. “I specifically looked for my namesakes in the city, and found out that they simply do not exist,” says a young resident of the Primorsky district. - But this year, when I came for an absentee ballot, I was surprised to find as many as three in one of its areas. And in one case it was not just a namesake, but also a complete namesake of my little daughter! "

Homework. A certain number of ballots can be thrown in by voting at home. By law, observers from different parties have the right to accompany a portable ballot box. But in fact, they may be told that there are no places in the car ... or simply not informed that a group with a portable urn is heading to bypass the site.

During the elections to the municipal council "Avtovo", throughout the day, representatives of "Fair Russia" caught "United Russia" who tried to organize a detour alone.

Fraud at polling stations can be detected thanks to observers and ordinary citizens. It is also true that not all PEC chairpersons and commission members agree to participate in falsifications. Of course, there are no cases when they would be held accountable for this. But many people value their reputation. Therefore, there are other ways of falsification, in which they are not involved so clearly.

Mobile blondes.As you know, the Legislative Assembly allowed citizens with a temporary registration to vote. It is received in a notification procedure - the owner of the apartment, where a new tenant has appeared, may not know about it. And it is possible that this year whole "mobile groups" of voters with packs of temporary registrations will travel from one polling station to another. It is almost impossible to stop such violations.

Temporary. Voting at “temporary residence areas” organized at the place of work can seriously affect the election results in a number of constituencies. The election commission gave permission to organize 22 such precincts only on November 29, so the opposition parties have few chances to send their members to the corresponding precinct commissions.

Under these conditions, voting "under the watchful eye of the bosses" may turn out to be extremely unanimous. However, there are signals that sometimes "voting at the place of residence" is imposed on employees against the will of their superiors - for example, there have been signals from the Krasnogvardeisky District that employees of small shops and cafes are being forced to vote at their workplace. Moreover, the number of ballots with a checkmark opposite the name of the desired party directly depends on whether the enterprise will work or not.

Screen.Chairs are placed at the required distance for observers, their number is limited. The right voters come to the polling station in advance, who will take places from which everything is clearly visible, the rest will get unfavorable points of view. If there are more observers than the number of chairs on display, they are asked to go to another section.

Hot shower.Finally, another way to falsify the results is possible after the sites have closed. The voting results entered into the GAS Vybory system may not coincide with those indicated in the final protocols.

This situation, for example, developed in the Vasileostrovsky district during the municipal elections in the Morskoy district. The candidates who were deprived of their victory naturally went to court, demanding a recount of ballots. But the district administration replied that it was impossible to do this - as a result of a communal accident, the documents were damaged by hot water.

In general, there are a lot of opportunities to influence the results of the expression of will, and few people doubt that they will be used. In these conditions, much depends on the turnout.

The more people come to the sites and make their own choices, the less influence the fraud will have on the overall result.

The details of the work of the ballot processing complex (KOIB), which will be installed at many polling stations, have become known.
It turns out that they read the information and recognize the mark put on the ballot in two ways:
1. Graphic - any pen, pencil, felt-tip pen, etc. leaves a trail on the paper, the brightness and color of which differ from the brightness and color of the paper on which the newsletter is printed. In this way, the KOIB recognizes empty and filled voting fields.
2. Recognition of indentation in paper from a writing instrument. It is this parameter that was chosen by the creators of the KOIB as decisive for label recognition!
It is important!! PEC members are aware of this feature of the device and will widely use it.

It is enough to press on the paper in the column opposite Putin with some hard object (the back of a ballpoint pen, keys, etc.), then a small, barely noticeable indentation will appear on it, which the voter will not notice in a hurry, but the KOIB will unmistakably recognize the voting mark in it ...
Now if the voter takes a pen, felt-tip pen, etc. and draws a graphic mark in the box opposite Putin, then the graphic mark identified by KOIB will coincide with the indentation mark, the ballot will be recognized as valid, and the vote on it will take place.

If a voter draws a graphic mark in any other cell except Putin, then he will see only his mark on the ballot, put the ballot in the ballot box and leave the site with a sense of accomplishment.

And the KOIB recognizes 2 marks in different cells and recognizes such a ballot NON-VALID! This is how the authorities will steal our votes with the help of KOIBs!
At the time of receipt of the ballot paper from a PEC member, carefully examine it for signs of indentation. If you find any traces of indentation, immediately call the observers and police officers! And with their fountain pens

Interest and other gadgets of Vladimir Putin

The percentages in favor of Putin announced by the CEC on March 18 are impressive. But this is not the only means designed to emphasize the greatness of the President of the Russian Federation, reminds cartoonist Sergei Elkin.

Zhirinovsky as a victim of violence by Sobchak

During the televised debates of candidates for the presidency of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Zhirinovsky obscenely cursed Ksenia Sobchak. In response, she threw water at him. The cartoonist Sergei Elkin saw it this way.

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Pre-election debate: (un) real passions

Sobchak, Grudinin, or is it Yavlinsky? Before the presidential elections in Russia, everyone is worried about only one question: who will win? Not really. Caricature by Sergei Elkin.

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Features of election campaigning in Russia

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Putin refused to appear in pre-election videos

Russian TV channels begin broadcasting campaign videos for the 2018 presidential candidates. Vladimir Putin, as it turned out, did not appear in his own videos. View of the cartoonist Sergei Elkin.

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Typology of Russian presidential candidates

There are 8 names of presidential candidates on the ballot. This is how Sergei Elkin classified the candidates for the post of head of state.

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Ksenia Sobchak's dilemma: showman or politician?

Ksenia Sobchak tries to keep her balance in different situations. After registering as a presidential candidate, who is she - a politician or a showwoman? But definitely not an angel, says Sergei Elkin.

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Sobchak as Navalny's savior

Ksenia Sobchak in a hurry to help Alexei Navalny? According to cartoonist Sergei Elkin, this is like a fairy tale about Rapunzel in a new way before the elections in Russia.

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Tales about turnout in the presidential elections in Russia

Not everyone will go to the presidential elections in Russia on March 18, 2018. Possible reasons for the expected low voter turnout - cartoonist Sergei Elkin.

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To vote or not in the presidential elections in Russia

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Elections-2018 - a holiday (for) Putin?

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Putin "nervously" smokes in anticipation of the CEC decision

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Putin and the elections: in the CEC - in person, as a candidate - in absentia

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Difficulties in nominating Putin

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Russian presidential elections in one picture

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09.09.2019 "Evening Bobruisk".

Direct voting took place in 16 of the regions, and in Ingushetia the head of the region was appointed by the parliament - it was Mahmud-Ali Kalimatov, who had previously served as the interim head of the republic. A total of 85 regions of Russia held elections of various levels on Sunday. In some cities, not only governors were elected, but also municipal deputies.

Now the results of the elections of the heads of the Murmansk, Sakhalin regions and St. Petersburg are still expected, RIA Novosti writes (although the elections on Sakhalin ended much earlier)

After the refusal to register many opposition candidates and rallies that had been going on all summer, 20 candidates from Smart Voting, a project by the founder of the Anti-Corruption Fund, Alexei Navalny, got into the Moscow City Duma, Meduza writes.

One of the most notable losses in the Moscow City Duma elections was Andrei Metelsky, chairman of the Moscow branch of the United Russia party. In the 15th district, he lost to the communist Sergei Savostyanov. Metelsky admitted defeat and admitted that it could be related to Navalny's investigation. Navalny's party filmed a video according to which the Metelsky family owns a chain of hotels in Austria and real estate in Moscow for 5.7 billion rubles, as well as real estate on Rublevskoe highway in the Moscow region and in Kaliningrad. Most of this property is recorded not on Metelsky, but on his retired mother, wife and son, writes the BBC.

In total, opposition of various kinds in Moscow won half of the seats. In contrast to the elections of governors, where candidates from the authorities won everywhere.

Violations were recorded during the voting, according to the Meduza resource. For example, in Moscow, voters were included in the lists of away voting, although they did not ask for this. Ballots were thrown into five ballot boxes, seven times people tried to vote twice, but "there are no carousels, no carts, only 7 cases of double voting were recorded," said the head of the public headquarters for monitoring elections in Moscow, editor-in-chief of Echo of Moscow, Alexei Venediktov ... “We stand on the fact that 4-5 ballot boxes will be canceled because of the stuffing. We offered MGIK to seal these ballot boxes, ”he said.

During the counting of votes, some territorial election commissions did not submit the results of voting to the Vybory state-owned system for a long time; in addition, observers were expelled from the polling stations. The head of the Moscow City Electoral Commission Valentin Gorbunov said that "there were no violations."

On the morning of September 8, it became known that a failure had occurred in the electronic voting system at the elections in Moscow. Electronic voting is an experiment that was carried out in three electoral districts of Moscow.

“The elections were held in a rather calm atmosphere, with the exception of our St. Petersburg, where 17 observers were removed from 12 polling stations by a court decision ... I don’t like this situation,” said Ella Pamfilova, head of the CEC of Russia, about the elections in St. Petersburg, BBC reports.

“In general, the past election campaign in Russia was very, very successful for the United Russia party,” said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president. - Somewhere there are more seats, somewhere there are fewer seats, but in the whole country the party has shown its political leadership.

So, all day today, all the media published information about the preliminary results of the turnout, about how the elections are going, and now let's look at the other side of this issue.

Actionism that the elections were held in Russia after all. According to preliminary data, the turnout is 60 percent at 18:00

Key stuffing that is at the moment:

They don't bother too much about creating fakes. The video shows that even the PEC is not the one in question

The carousel has already been written about several times. Firstly, it is technically impossible, and secondly, these buses have nothing to do with the carousel.

There was an attempt to declare the stuffing into KOIBs, however, it was quickly missed, because people simply did not know that before the start of voting, KOIBs are tested using empty ballots, which are then extracted in front of observers

Moreover, such materials are distributed on social networks. Other accounts created not so long ago.

It was noticed that observers from Yavlinsky and Sobchak were rushing to the polling stations and deliberately resent the fact that they were not allowed. What are tweets, posts, etc. about instantly? Yavlinsky and Sobchak recalled their observers at the last moment, which is why there was a misunderstanding.

If you are a real observer, then your identity has been confirmed and they will let you in without question, otherwise where do all these videos and videos from the polling stations come from;)

That's also very curious.

A staged video that some virtual posted yesterday on VK (7 subscribers, 1 photo and 3 videos). And today, campaigners for the purity of elections are distributing this video as evidence of electoral violations.

IN from the original video posted on VKontakte YESTERDAY (There are details about the site and about the phone.)

Every 15 minutes, videos, photos, texts about how the stuffing allegedly ruthlessly took place in the elections were scattered across all social media. Navny posts whole lists of the city. Posts immediately.

It's funny that in many videos, ballot box stuffing occurs in the amount of 2 ballots, for example


If the number of ballots exceeds the number of available marked applications, ALL ballots contained in this portable box will be invalidated.

Therefore, such stuffing is very strange. Every adequate person will have a question: "Why so, are there cameras everywhere?"

Either these stuffing under the camera was not done out of great intelligence, or in order to discredit the elections, turnout, because everyone knows about the cameras at the polling stations, observers are everywhere, is it worth risking real votes for the sake of, well, even 30 thrown sheets.

She herself, Sobchak, a participant in Bolotnaya Square, a liberal, said that she considered these elections the most open in connection with the way the CEC organized work with the polling stations.

If you pay attention to the latest news, you will find out that Navalny refused to cooperate with Sobchak after the elections.

He is not happy with the fact that, in theory, he has lost a possible information ally.

No one denies that in some places there could be real problems, not fake ones. Could have been, and have been, but this is not at all what applies in this case. To do this, you need to conduct checks, provide all the evidence, etc., and not just engage in massive discredit.

The same discrediting was with the story, when the Znak edition said that in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug schoolchildren, beginning bloggers, were allegedly taught to shoot a campaign video about the presidential election. The publication refers to the parents. It is reported that the project involved children from the villages of the Khanty-Mansiysk region - Kyshik, Shapsha, Vykatny, Sibirskiy, Batovo.

Znak's situation was perverted, and the parents of these children complained about it.

Half of the publications are one hundred percent provocation. They are needed so that there is a basis for rallies after the elections with slogans like in 2012. The boycott theme did not pass. By the way, pay attention to the fact that Navalny was never imprisoned during the elections. Why?

Now there will be calls to go out to rallies, which will be based precisely on these stuffing done in advance.