Channel culture will broadcast around the clock. What really happened to Euronews

Euronews TV channel broadcasting in the morning hours on Kultura TV channel has been suspended since Monday; With the arrival of a large number of different gadgets in modern life, such a form of distribution of a European channel in the Russian Federation has become a rudiment, Petr Fedorov, head of the VGTRK International Relations Directorate, VGTRK representative in the Euronews Supervisory Board, told RIA Novosti.

"From today, Euronews will no longer broadcast in the morning hours of the Kultura TV channel. The Euronews management was informed about this unofficially a few months ago, and a few days ago official information about this termination was sent, so this is not a shock for Euronews, it is no shock, "Fedorov said.

According to him, at the initial stage, the leadership of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) made a decision to broadcast a European channel as part of Kultura "to popularize this channel, so that as many people as possible would know about its existence."

“In my opinion, this mission was accomplished a long time ago, but the broadcasting of Euronews in the morning hours of the Kultura channel remained to some extent by inertia. This, of course, is a very archaic form of existence. Old-timers on the other side of the TV screen remember that when- it was such a channel "Delovaya Rossiya", which broadcast within the channel "Russia 1." All these are temporary phenomena, say, periods of formation of development. To some extent, the formation and development of Euronews on the Russian platform - this was justified, since then a lot has changed in our life ", - said the interlocutor of the agency.

Then, Fedorov recalled, "there were no such gadgets that we use today." According to him, the Euronews channel can be watched on a phone, on a tablet, the channel has a website, it is included in the packages of satellite and cable operators.

"In general, compared to other countries, Euronews is in a privileged position in Russia even without the Kultura channel. VGTRK, as a holding partner of Euronews, did everything to simplify access, and then technology did it. And now on the Kultura channel "broadcasting has become an absolute rudiment, because people who subscribe to cable and satellite operators stood in front of a funny picture in the morning - there was the Euronovosti channel and the Kultura channel, which broadcast the same program in the morning. This, of course, waste of airtime, "he explained.

The chief editor of the Kultura channel, Sergei Shumakov, according to Fedorov, has long asked to give him the channel at full disposal, because, according to him, in the morning the rating went astray, it could only be restored from 10 am. "The morning audience for the own programs of the Kultura channel was lost, and now, I think, the creators of the Kultura TV channel have a holiday," he added.

Fedorov also noted that "nothing has happened that would change the attitude of VGTRK to Euronews."

"Our agreements remain in force - both licensing and commercial. We are one of the few countries that continues to pay royalties - no other EU country does this, and we, together with Switzerland, are the only non-EU countries that continue pay a license fee. This says a lot about our support for Euronews to the greatest extent possible, "he concluded.

Euronews began broadcasting on January 1, 1993. At the time of its creation, it was the only news channel broadcasting simultaneously in several languages: English, German, Spanish, French and Italian. In 1999, broadcasting began in Portuguese, in September 2001 - in Russian. Then came the Arabic, Turkish and Ukrainian versions, as well as the broadcast in Farsi.

MOSCOW, September 4 - RIA Novosti. Euronews TV channel broadcasting in the morning hours on Kultura TV channel has been suspended since Monday; With the arrival of a large number of different gadgets in modern life, such a form of distribution of a European channel in Russia has become a rudiment, Petr Fedorov, head of the directorate for international relations of VGTRK, representative of VGTRK in the Supervisory Board of Euronews, told RIA Novosti.

"From today, Euronews will no longer broadcast in the morning hours of the Kultura TV channel. The Euronews management was informed about this unofficially several months ago, and a few days ago official information about this termination was sent, so this is not a shock for Euronews, this is no shock, "Fedorov said.

According to him, at the initial stage, the leadership of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) made a decision to broadcast the European channel as part of Kultura "to popularize this channel so that as many people as possible would know about its existence."

“In my opinion, this mission was accomplished a long time ago, but the broadcasting of Euronews in the morning hours of the Kultura channel remained to some extent out of inertia. This, of course, is a very archaic form of existence. Old-timers on the other side of the TV screen remember that when- it was such a channel "Delovaya Rossiya", which broadcast within the channel "Russia 1." All these are temporary phenomena, for example, periods of formation of development. To a certain extent, the formation and development of Euronews on the Russian platform was justified, since then a lot in our life has changed, "- said the interlocutor of the agency.

Then, Fedorov recalled, "there were no such gadgets that we use today." According to him, the Euronews channel can be watched on a phone, on a tablet, the channel has a website, it is included in the packages of satellite and cable operators.

“In general, compared to other countries, Euronews is in a privileged position in Russia even without the Kultura channel. VGTRK, as a holding partner of Euronews, did everything to simplify access, and then technology did it. And now on the Kultura channel "broadcasting has become an absolute rudiment, because people who subscribe to cable and satellite operators stood in front of a funny picture in the morning - there was the Euronovosti channel and the Kultura channel, on which the same program was broadcast in the morning. This, of course, waste of airtime, "he explained.

The chief editor of the Kultura channel, Sergei Shumakov, according to Fedorov, has long asked to give him the channel at full disposal, because, according to him, in the morning the rating went astray, it could only be restored from 10 am. "The morning audience for the own programs of the Kultura channel has been lost, and now, I think, the creators of the Kultura TV channel are having a holiday," he added.

Fedorov also noted that "nothing has happened that would change the attitude of VGTRK to Euronews."

“Our agreements remain in force - both licensing and commercial. We are one of the few countries that continues to pay royalties, no other EU country does this, and we, together with Switzerland, are the only non-EU countries that continue pay a license fee. This says a lot about our support for Euronews to the greatest extent possible, "he concluded.

MOSCOW, 4 Sep- RIA News.The morning broadcast of Euronews on the Kultura TV channel has been stopped since Monday, as this form of distribution of the European channel in Russia is outdated. This was told to RIA Novosti by the head of the Directorate for International Relations of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, representative of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in the Supervisory Board of Euronews, Peter Fedorov.

"From today on, Euronews will no longer broadcast in the morning hours of the Kultura TV channel," Fedorov said. According to him, the leadership of the European TV channel announced this decision a few months ago.

"So this is not a shock for Euronews, it is not a shock at all," the VGTRK representative added.

Archaic form

Fedorov noted that the leadership of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK) decided to broadcast Euronews as part of Kultura to popularize this channel so that more people would know about its existence. "

According to him, the European channel fulfilled this mission a long time ago. "But the broadcasting of Euronews in the morning hours of the Kultura channel remained to some extent by inertia. This, of course, is a very archaic form of existence," Fedorov noted. He called this type of broadcasting "a temporary phenomenon" and added that to some extent the development of Euronews on the Russian platform was justified, but "since then a lot has changed in our life."

Fedorov recalled that at the time when the decision was made to launch a European television channel, "there were no such gadgets that we use today." According to him, now you can watch Euronews on your phone, on a tablet, the channel has a website. In addition, Euronews is available in packages from satellite and cable operators.

Privileged position

The VGTRK representative also noted that Euronews is in a privileged position in Russia even without the Kultura channel. He explained that VGTRK, as a holding partner, did everything to simplify access to Euronews, but by now broadcasting of one channel within the other has become a rudimentary phenomenon.

"Because people who subscribe to cable and satellite operators stood in front of a funny picture in the morning - there was the Evronovosti channel and the Kultura channel, on which the same program was broadcast in the morning," he added. According to Fedorov, this is a waste of airtime.

Return rating

According to a representative of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, the editor-in-chief of "Culture" Sergei Shumakov has long asked to give him the channel at full disposal, since in the morning the rating went astray, and it could only be restored from 10 am. Thus, the morning audience for the Kultura channel's own programs was lost.

“And now, I think, the creators of the Kultura TV channel have a holiday,” said Fedorov.

The representative of VGTRK also stressed that "nothing happened that would change the attitude of VGTRK to Euronews," the agreements between the holdings remain in force - both licensed and commercial. In addition, Russia is one of the few countries that continues to pay royalties, which other EU member states do not.

“Together with Switzerland, we are the only countries outside the European Union that continue to pay a license fee. This says a lot about our support for Euronews in the maximum possible amount,” concluded Fedorov.

Termination of broadcasting in Ukraine

At the end of May, the Euronews channel stopped broadcasting in Ukrainian. The Ukrainian service of the channel reported this on social networks.

"After almost six years of operation, on Sunday, May 21, Euronews will stop broadcasting in Ukrainian. Thank you for watching and reading us," the channel said in a Facebook post.

In December 2016, several language editions of Euronews went on strike in connection with the plans of the channel's management to stop broadcasting in Ukrainian due to the lack of financial benefits. It was also reported that the strike was initiated by the Ukrainian edition.

NBC gained 25%

In February it became known that NBC had bought a stake in Euronews. Bloomberg news agency reported. The acquisition of a 25% stake in a European channel cost the American television company $ 30 million.

It was reported that the deal will allow NBC to expand its audience to 277 million homes in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

After the additional issue of Euronews shares and the acquisition of 25% of its shares by NBC, the share of VGTRK in the European TV channel decreased from 7.17% to 2.29.

"The deal has already begun, in fact, it has already been completed today, June 1. Our stake fell to 2.29%. Like all other public broadcasters, which before the arrival of Saviris owned all the shares of Euronews," Fedorov said. According to him, Euronews was in a very difficult economic situation, which was due to the fact that only two countries paid royalties to the channel's budget.

Fedorov did not rule out that other public broadcasters, which are shareholders of Euronews, might want to sell their stakes.

Euronews began broadcasting on January 1, 1993 and at the time of its creation was the only news channel broadcasting simultaneously in several languages: English, Spanish, German, French and Italian. In 1999, the channel began broadcasting in Portuguese, and in September 2001 in Russian. Later, the Arabic, Turkish and Ukrainian versions appeared, as well as the version in the Farsi language.

The Euronews TV channel has stopped broadcasting on the Culture channel since September 4. This was announced by Peter, representative of (VGTRK) on the supervisory board of Euronews.

“From today on, Euronews will no longer broadcast in the morning hours of the Kultura TV channel,” he said. Fedorov added that the management of Euronews was notified of this several months ago, albeit unofficially. A few days ago, the official information about the termination of broadcasting was received. “So this is no shock for Euronews, it is no shock at all,” the VGTRK representative assured.

According to Fedorov, the channel-within-channel form is archaic and unacceptable in modern television space.

“They decided to abandon this rudimentary phenomenon. Moreover, the head of the Kultura TV channel has asked for this for a long time, ”Fedorov explained the decision to stop broadcasting. He noted that the editor-in-chief of "Kultura" repeatedly complained that the rating went astray in the morning, it could begin to be restored only from 10 am.

“The morning audience for the own programs of the Kultura channel was lost, and now, I think, the creators of the Kultura TV channel have a holiday,” Fedorov told the correspondent.

He also noted that when Euronews first appeared in the information field of Russia, it needed some promotion. Nowadays, thanks to the ability to watch the channel from the telephone and its presence in all major satellite and cable operators, the audience that watched Euronews in the morning on Kultura is disappearing.

“This mission (promoted by Gazeta.Ru) has been accomplished a long time ago. By inertia, broadcasting on the morning air of "Kultura" remained, now the channel is widely represented in the methods of signal delivery, at operators and in cable broadcasting networks in cities, and, of course, on gadgets, "Fedorov said.

He stressed that, compared to other countries, Euronews has a privileged position in the Russian media market even without the Kultura channel. “VGTRK, as a holding partner of Euronews, did everything to simplify access, and then technology did it,” Fedorov said, explaining that people who bought subscriptions to satellite and cable TV recently faced a situation when Euronews was shown simultaneously on channels "Culture" and "EuroNews".

The representative of VGTRK clarified that the holding does not break off relations with Euronews, and all agreements remain in force.

Fedorov also noted that "nothing happened that would change the attitude of VGTRK to Euronews."

The full-fledged Russian-language version of Euronews began airing on October 2, 2001. In 2002, Euronews shareholders approved an increase in the share of VGTRK from 1.8% to 16%, which allowed the holding to become one of the four largest shareholders of the TV channel (along with companies from France, Spain and Italy).

At the end of May 2017, the Ukrainian service of the Euronews TV channel announced the completion of the work.

“The Ukrainian service of Euronews is saying goodbye ... After almost six years of our work, on Sunday, May 21, Euronews will stop broadcasting in Ukrainian. Thanks for watching and reading us. All the best!" - said in a message posted on the team's Facebook.

The Ukrainian version of the Euronews TV channel was created in October 2010; in 2014, representatives of the leadership of the State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine and the National Television Company of Ukraine (NTKU) terminated the relationship as financially disadvantageous for the Ukrainian side, as well as due to the impossibility of influencing the content of the Ukrainian version of the TV channel.

In December last year, at the headquarters of the TV channel in Lyon, France, a one-day strike was held by representatives of the Ukrainian, Arabic, Iranian, and several other language editions of Euronews. The organizers of the strike were the Ukrainian edition of the TV channel. Then the journalists tried to challenge the decision of the management to stop broadcasting the Ukrainian version of the TV channel from April 2017.

Euronews is a European round-the-clock television channel founded on January 1, 1993. In 2009, Euronews was broadcast in 150 countries of the world and in 13 languages.

Boris Myachin

Chief Editor of Tricolor TV Magazine

The decline of Europe: why did Euronews stop broadcasting on the Kultura TV channel?

For me personally, this is very, very sad news, because my morning for the last ten years began with watching Euronews. I have always liked this wonderful TV channel and this wonderful format - news every half hour, 24/7.

Euronews will stop broadcasting on the Kultura K TV channel from today

I was interested to watch Euronewsbecause it was an alternative point of view. Of course, this point of view has always been politically biased: here they talked about how a united Europe heroically rescues impoverished Greece from default, or rescues migrants drowning in the Mediterranean Sea, or why it is necessary to fight for gay rights, and all unite in the face of terrorism , and also defeat the bad Syrian dictator, and the Korean dictator, and some other dictator. It was all liberal editorial policy, not news, of course. It was possible to listen to it only with a patriotic yawn, but this somewhat sobering up the mind before watching federal newspapers and TV channels; I left home for work, turned on Vesti FM in my headphones and listened to Solovyov, scolding Europe and Europeans, clearly understanding where and why Solovyov was also winding up and exaggerating the colors; it was like drinking water and lemon before tasting the main course.

At the same time, I perfectly understand the motives " Culture", Which decided to abandon the morning Euro news. If you believe the insiders, periodically breaking through a dense foggy curtain VGTRK, tV channel " Russia K»In the near future will be significantly modernized, will acquire a new grid, concept and HD-format... And the archaic insert of another channel with this new format will no longer be needed. This was very gallantly voiced by the head of the Directorate of International Relations of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Petr Fedorovwell known to the audience and listeners of the same Solovyova... The only question is whether your pay-TV operator has Euronews. My cable operator Euronews once had, and then disappeared from the main package, and now, in order to watch my favorite TV channel, I have to connect an extended, digital package, or watch it on my phone, or something else. You have to get out your wallet and pay, hmm.

Euronews TV channel is available to Tricolor TV subscribers in the "United" package

But I'm really about something else. That now all Russian liberals will undoubtedly begin to shout about censorship and lack of alternative. For some reason, these guys (and their foreign friends) have a strong idea in their heads that Russians dream of living under totalitarianism and not receiving other sources of information than state ones, and the state itself only thinks about how to enslave everyone. The fact that only Russian operators' packages contain 200-250 TV channels of different formats and content is not even noticed. Subscribers " Tricolor TV", For example, they can watch not only Euronews, but also a bunch of foreign-made channels: France 24, TV5Monde, Deutsche Welle, NHKand even, God forgive me, the main anti-Trump TV channel CNN... And this at a time when in America and in Europe, some zealous comrades regularly try to ban Russia Today... I am not even talking about Runet, where various Medusa and Dozhdi, the news of which are always politically colored, instantly fall on you. If you want to read Medusa - read it, no one forbids it. I read regularly, and enjoy this excellent publication.

I want to say only one thing: contrary to the prevailing opinion, we live in the freest and most liberal country in the world. We can watch what we like, speak and think what we want to say. We have the finest television on earth YouTubeand Purulent ... For the director Serebrennikovthe entire creative intelligentsia immediately intervenes, and Natalia Poklonskaya no one forbids love Nicholas II and in every possible way to protest against the film of an excellent director Teachers... We live in a completely democratic and civilized society. As I would say Mikhail Gorbachev, we have pluralism. We are fine. There will be no totalitarianism, do not hope.