Everything is fine in this newsletter. Everything is fine in this information message Alexander Borisovich Evseev

Published on 08/01/17 11:02 AM

Alexander Evseev lost his post due to compromising photos published on the network.

The head of the general education department of the Primorye Department of Education and Science, Alexander Evseev, was dismissed from his post because of compromising pictures with his participation published on the Web. Information about the dismissal of the official was confirmed by the press service of the Primorsky Territory administration.

The scandal erupted after photographs were published on the Internet forum "Dvach" in which a naked man, outwardly similar to Yevseyev, with the help of a spoon "eats something intcbatch similar to squash caviar “and“ drinks a liquid that looks like urine. ”In other photographs, he shows his own genitals against the background of his identification documents.

The publication was accompanied by an archive containing scanned copies of Russian and foreign passports in the name of Alexander Borisovich Evseev, and a diploma from the Far Eastern University.

According to the head of the public project "Childhood in joy without danger" Maya Shalunova, who collided with Yevseev during a radio show in Vladivostok, called the behavior of the hero of the pictures deviant.

"How was such a person able to pass all the checks when entering the civil service? How did he pass the regular recertification prescribed by law?" - quotes her words Deita.ru.

Evseev himself prefers not to comment on the information published in the media. Journalists report that the man avoids talking to the press. Also in the media there are suggestions that the Primorsky official could be set up. One way or another, Izvestia writes that he has not worked in the Department of Science and Education since July 31, 2017.

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... The Primorsky branch of the All-Russian political party "United Russia" expelled from its ranks the former head of the general and additional education department of the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory, Alexander Evseev. He was previously dismissed from public service for incriminating photographs. This is stated on the site the regional branch of the party on Wednesday, August 2.
The presidium of the regional political council of the United Russia decided to expel Yevseyev for "Actions that discredit the party and damage its political interests".
The official did not deny his involvement in the scandalous photographs, but experts recognized them as genuine, Sergei Kuzmenko, a member of the presidium of the regional political council of United Russia, vice-speaker of the regional legislative assembly, told Vostok-Media.“So I think the decision to exclude Yevseyev from the United Russia is right,” he said.
July 31 it became known about the dismissal of Yevseyev from the administration of the Primorsky Territory. The scandal erupted after the publication on the Internet forum "Dvach" of disgusting pictures in which a naked man, similar to Yevseyev, eats something brown that looks like feces, poses, being smeared from head to toe with a substance similar to fecal matter and drinks a liquid similar to in the urine. He also demonstrates a penis against the background of his own passport, has oral sex with another man etc. All photos are taken from a closed group« You are under arrest TRUE» on the vKontakte network. Yevseev himself posted them there.
Local media outlets supporting the administration suggest that the official could be framed.
Neither the head of the Department of Education and Science of the Primorsky Territory, Oksana Martynenko, nor her deputies (Moskovkina, Vasilyanskaya, Chernopivsky, Khmel) comment on the incident.
Alexander Borisovich Evseev was born in 1977. He graduated from the Far Eastern State University and is a soil scientist by profession. In his youth, he was a member of the Bureau of the Primorsky Regional Committee of the Russian Communist Workers' Party (RKWP) and ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the III convocation from the electoral association
"Communists, working people of Russiafor the Soviet Union ".According to the declaration for 2015, Evseev (who at that time held the post of the leading consultant of the department for control, supervision, licensing and accreditation in the field of educationDepartment of Education and Science) wasmarried.
IA VladNews informs that the former official, who has been working in the restaurant business for a long time, plans to open a gastrobar on Okeansky Avenue in Vladivostok.

About what kind of officials there are in Russia in the sense that they are "not clean on hand" - they often write about this a lot. Usually this is understood as embezzlement, corruption, nepotism and other fur stores. But when an official suddenly turns out to be a natural coprophage in the literal sense of the term, very few people expect it.

"The head of the general education department in the Primorye department of education, Alexander Evseev, lost his job because of incriminating photographs, which captured a naked man similar to him. RIA Novosti was told about this by a source from the regional administration on Monday 31 July. "Evseev has been removed from office from today," the agency's source said. The photos were discovered on a popular internet forum ..."(quote)

The same news, but with a different description and comments like "Dvach smog again", is flying around the less official sites of the Russian Internet. Yes, the "popular internet forum" is Dvach.

And the person "who looks like an official" is Alexander Borisovich Evseev, born in 1977, by education - a soil scientist (state diploma), at the last place of work - the head of the general education department of the Department of Science and Education of the Primorsky Territory.

Where does such accurate data come from?

The fact is that Alexander Borisovich posed for a photo with documents in an expanded form. With a passport, a diploma ... I have no idea why he did it, but he did it completely naked, photographing his genitals against the background of a passport and so on.

The meaning of what is happening is that the head of the education department published his personal photos on the Internet. And Dvach's visitors took and dedicated a whole thread to him, where they collected all these photos together and made them public.

Based on the set of photographs, Evseev drinks his own urine, eats something that does not look like fecal masses, smears himself with these masses for posing, repeatedly poses simply naked in different poses, enters into oral sexual contact with another man, and so on.

I will not dare to publish these images uncensored. Here is a link to the Dvacha thread - but following it you must be clearly sure that you have a strong psyche... If you are not sure, you better not go. I am writing this quite seriously: if you are not sure of your own poise and nervous stability, it is better not to follow the link and look, you will sleep better.

From the point of view of punitive psychiatry, in the photos collected by visitors to Dvach, there is objectively coprophagia, coprophilia, urophagia, urophilia, exhibitionism ... Both individually and in combinations.
Whether male homosexuality is considered a sexual deviation in our time is an open question, but it also exists here.
There are photos with dogs, but not as unambiguous as Panin's.
Is there pedophilia there, given Yevseyev's place of work, is also an unanswered question ...

Here jokes about the seaside region can begin. They say that they have there far to the east, beyond Siberia and the Urals, on the edge of the ecumene, where bears ride through the streets on unicycle and play balalaikas, the devil knows what is going on ...

But the question is: who said that some head of the education department or some other official in the European part of Russia could not suddenly turn out to be just a more cautious person? Indeed, in this case, Evseev, by and large, simply accidentally burned out. Like hypnotists -