How to distinguish the original Xiaomi Mi Power Bank from fake. Taings with buttons, indicator and USB

For the sake of giving the numbers of greater originality, their manufacturers try to reduce the thickness of the devices. It is usually accompanied by batteries, the volume of which leaves much to be desired. Reading the characteristics of the smartphone, we are delighted until we reach the "battery volume" graph where there is little MAH.

Pauner banks are becoming a way out in such a situation. They allow you to leave home without thinking about the battery, because you have a necessary additional charge for a gadget. One of the most popular on the market is an external Xiaomi battery. The main advantage of such a Paver Bank (Power Bank) is a huge energy supply for batteries at an affordable price. The main thing is to buy an original device, not a fake apparatus.

The popularity of the product on the market predetermined the fact that numerous fake devices appear, which, unlike the original, are not at all so powerful, although it is not suiced. Therefore, we will talk about how to distinguish the original Xiaomi Power Bank from fake devices. Are there any visual differences between them? Is it possible to determine the fake by external inspection of the product? How is the external battery verification? About this we will tell you right now.


You can distinguish the original from the fake by packing of external batteries. On the box there is a licensed sticker with the data of the original code. It consists of 20 digits. When you see the verification code, you can determine the authenticity of Xiaomi. To do this, go to the manufacturer's official page on the Internet and enter the code. If it is not in the database, then Power Bank Xiaomi 16000 fake. If there are no external stickers on the package at all, then this is also a clear sign that Xiaomi Power Bank 10000 fake.


Original cables from Xiaomi have a small size, and, looking at their external characteristics, you can also determine the fake. Inside the plug there is a small plastic part with black connector. Unlike original devices, white details are usually put on the fakes.


Another way to check the originality of the device is to look at his end. It indicates all the most important information, including battery volume (for example, 10400 Mah or 28800 Mah). Original batteries have a clear inscription, but not too bright. Authentication Authentication Power Bank Xiaomi can be considered unsuccessful if the sticker stickers are dark, and the edges are blurred either visible ink flutters. When checking, it is sometimes detected and completely strange lamps like the Lhon inscription instead of "Li-Ion", etc.

Facial part

Checked Xiaomi Bank on the front part must contain a logo. On the original product it is darker than on the fake. If during the inspection you noticed that the font inscriptions is too large, then this is also a reason to refuse to buy a gadget. The aluminum surface of the fakes gives a light glare, and the original Pauer Bank (Power Bank) is unknown, because its surface matte and practically does not reflect light. To check counterfeit products it is often useful to study the surface for the absence of scratches and pulp.

End with indicators, buttons and usb

You can check the originality of Xiaomi on another end, where the connectors for USB and indicators are located. Let us dwell at the most important points:

  1. In the original Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 20800, the indicator is covered with protective plastic and has a minimum diameter. Feeding holes are characterized by a large size, and protection for them can sometimes be absent.
  2. At the MICRO-USB port there is a plate with contacts. The original Xiaomi 20800 Mah has white, and the fake Power Bank Xiaomi Mi 20800 is black.
  3. The Power Bank Xiaomi 20,000 USB port plate is made in white, and on a fake Xiaomi Power Bank 20,000, she is beige.
  4. The far end end of the USB port of the original is distinguished from the fake by the logo of the company MI.

Differences in quality

Original external batteries put batteries from LG, which have a direct connection to the printed circuit board. For fakes, there are most often base batteries from dubious manufacturers. The connection with the board occurs through thin wires that are quickly heated.

"I'm not so rich to buy cheap items!" -

baron Rothschild

We are with you not Rothschild, but agree, in this phrase there is a lot of meaning, especially today. We save money for the things you need, find it offline, online, compare and ... Often, we buy the one that is just cheaper.

Sometimes lucky and we buy not fake. But it is sometimes. How to protect yourself? ..

The Chinese manufacturer of electronic technology Xiaomi, which in the native market in many indicators is ahead of Apple and Samsung, faced with one more strong competitors - manufacturers of fakes. At one of the press conferences, at the headquarters in Beijing, the general director of the company said that: "In 2014, sales of branded reserve batteries Mi Power Bank reached 14.6 million units, which is less than half of the expected volume." Why? - Because of the huge fake market!

If you have already purchased, let's understand how to distinguish the original and high-quality fake. By the way, maybe these tips will help you avoid a poor-quality purchase not only an external battery, but also other techniques.

In our material we will look at how to distinguish fake Xiaomi and (another leader of the Asian Power Bank market). But first of all, let's look at what you get, acquiring a fake POWER bank:

  • Accumulators of a significantly smaller capacity than the manufacturer declared, and therefore, you can charge your smartphone / Tablet, you can not promised, for example, 10 times, but significantly less (not rare cases when the real volume of the purchased external battery is overestimated at 10 (!!!) time)
  • The life of fake batteries is strongly reduced because only in the branded Powerbank "AH market leaders manufacturers use effective electronic protection against incorrect charge / discharge
  • The poor-quality assembly is entitled to the poor cutting of the wire, with which the smartphone or tablet is charging, as a result of which the charge process is constantly breaking, which means that the battery of the smartphone or tablet kills the battery. But you will be provided nervous life: put under the right angle, do not touch during charging, put the cord on tape or glue, so as not to disappear and much more
  • Bad material and, again, assembly, affect the appearance: seams, dusting, scratches and other
  • Not complete equipment or equipment for defective wires, adapters (by the way, even a low-quality charging cable can shorten the service life of both PowerBank "and your smartphone / tablet)
  • In the end, the collected somewhere underground Electronic filling Power Bank'a can generally deal with your smartphone or tablet.

How to distinguish the fake Power Bank from the original?

  • Hologram

The original Pineng is packed in the corporate box. On the PinEng box in the old design was a hologram, it was overflowed, on the boxes with a new design - a blue sticker with QR code and a closed digital code (click on the picture to enlarge).

At the bottom of the QR code there is a protective layer under which there is a code by entering which on the manufacturer's website, you will learn the original Power Bank in your hands or fake (click on the photo to enlarge).

Original Xiaomi.

Packed in a box on which also, under the protective layer, you will find a code with which you can also check the originality of the purchase on the manufacturer's official website.

  • The stated power is very different from the real

You can find it using a special. It is worth noting that even the original Power Bank for example on 20,000mAh will not show all 20,000. This value is measured in ideal laboratory conditions. But the difference between the claimed and the obtained capacity of the original Power Bank will not be big.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the capacitance indicated on the box and the Power Bank itself is the capacity of the batteries at a voltage of 3.7V. Since almost all modern mobile gadgets charge 5V, in order to find out what capacity we get at the output, the formula is applied, in which 3.7V conversion conversion is taken into account and the efficiency coefficient of a particular manufacturer.

If you try to derive a common (simplified) formula, then you can count so:

Real Capacity \u003d Indicated Capacity * 0.85

For example, if 2000mAh is written on Power Bank, we get:

Real Capacity \u003d 20000 * 0.85 \u003d 17000mAh

In such a simple way, without the use of many variables, unknown to us, we can find out about what the container should be at the output.

Knowing this value, we can approximate how many times we can charge our gadget from this Power Bank, for example, for iPhone 4S:

17000mAh / 1500mAh (Battery Capacity iPhone) \u003d 11.3 times

  • Full set

Original Pineng and Xiaomi are supplied in branded boxes with instructions and cable.

The box from PinEng used to be white or brown, now officially the company supplies its products in black packaging - this is an international packaging.

  • Build quality

All the seams of the housing are smooth and in high quality. The cord is tight in USB and microUSB connectors. All ports workers.

  • LED-lamp

for those models of Power Bank, who have it, for example . Also, if in the description of the external battery, the display illumination is referred to, it is necessary to check and this moment.

  • Logo

On the corps of the original Pineng, Xiaomi will always be the logo of the company.

Nevertheless, as we know, even the world brands sometimes there is a marriage (which is why thousands of cars of the most famous brands respond to refinement every year).

At the same time, one thing is important: how is the store, where have we bought a thing or another, reacts to such force majeure?

For example:

Some after a month of work no longer exist (especially for numerous online stores today)

Others adhere to the position "You yourself are to blame"

Third pulls for a very long time with the answers, while spending our time and nerves.

Check barcode

ATTENTION! The faithful barcode does not give 100% guarantees of the originality of the goods. Nevertheless, the incorrect barcode is a clear sign of the fake.
To verify the authenticity of the barcode you can use the form below.

Enter 13 barcode numbers: Check

You bought a cool smartphone and very happy new acquisition.

The only spoon of tar in such gadgets is their weak battery. It seems that the solution is found - portable batteries or Power Banks (Power Bank).

This article provides practical advice to determine the originality of Xiaomi Power Bank 20,000 MAH batteries.

Differences packaging

  1. The original battery always has white packing. In addition to the MI logo, there should be no other drawings on the front side.
  2. The cardboard from which the packaging is performed, excellent quality, quite dense.
  3. Inside the box there is another box, of the same good quality as the top.
  4. The battery and components are firmly sitting in the second box, they do not chat from side to side.
  5. The battery itself is neatly packaged in a white translucent cellophane.

Packaging origin

On the side of the box should be at least two stickers. The first contains barcode.

How not to give yourself to deceive?

External batteries Xiaomi Mi Power Bank are incredibly popular worldwide. They have an honest declared container, an excellent appearance and at the same time quite affordable prices. It is not wonderful that such a combo characteristics attracts not only buyers, but also fraudsters who are issued under the guise of the original Pavebanks Xiaomi their poor-quality fakes. This instruction was told about how to distinguish the real Xiaomi Mi Power Bank from fake in the easiest way.

Step 1. Find on the rear surface of the packaging you purchased Xiaomi Mi Power Bank with an image of the Xiaomi logo.

Step 2. On the sticker you will detect the washed protective coating, familiar to the majority of lottery tickets.

Will erase protective coating with clip, coins, or even nail.

Step 3. Under the protective layer there will be a serial number consisting of 20 digits. Go to page Special Service Xiaomi for product authentication and enter your Xiaomi Mi Power Bank number in the column " Please Entre Your 20-Digit Security Code».

Step 4. After enter the captcha and click Verify. The service will tell you about whether the external battery is genuine or not.

In case the Xiaomi Mi Power Bank is genuine, the service will issue a message " This is an authentic Product. This Is The First Time This Security Code Has Been Queried" Also, this message will indicate that Pavebank has not been checked before using this service.

If the message will be the form: " This is an authentic Product. This Security Code Had Previously Been QUERIED 3 Times"This means that the device is genuine, but previously checked three times. Note that it is almost impossible to face a similar situation in the case of a new original external battery from Xiaomi.

Well, if the service issues alert " Please Check That Your Code Has Been Entered Correctly and Try Again"This, unfortunately, means that the external battery checked is a fake. If you purchased the device in the online store, try to open the dispute as quickly as possible and return money for the purchased fake.

How to distinguish fake Xiaomi Mi Power Bank without packing

You can check the Xiaomi Mi Power Bank on authenticity and without packaging, let such a need arises quite rarely. The surest way is to weigh the battery. Chinese craftsmen can fake the appearance of Pavebank very precisely, but instead of the tank and heavy battery in their gadget they most often insert ordinary batteries. And in this moment they are punctured, since the weight of the fakes is significantly less than the original device. The weight of all models of Xiaomi Mi Power Bank is presented below.

  • MI POWER BANK 5000 - 156
  • MI POWER BANK 10000 - 207
  • MI POWER BANK 10400 - 250 g
  • MI POWER BANK 16000 - 350
  • MI POWER BANK 20000 - 338
  • MI POWER BANK 2 10,000 - 228
  • MI POWER BANK 2 20,000 - 330.5 g
  • MI POWER BANK PRO 10000 - 223
  • MI POWER BANK PRO 2 10,000 - 223

Of course, not everyone does not always have the opportunity to precisely weigh the external battery. For example, when buying from hands on the street, this is extremely difficult. In this case, a flashlight will help you. Highlight the USB connector MI POWER Bank, in its plastic part should be clearly and qualitatively knocked down the Logo of the Xiaomi company.

It is important to note that the logo in the connector is not only one model from the line - Mi Power Bank 16000.

One of the newest brand products "Xiaomi" is the external rechargeable battery of Xiaomi Mi Power Bank 2. On the view and parameters, it resembles a model from the previous series, but thanks to the company's new approach to the production of electronics, it turned out more profitable for the price. Although the popularity of external batteries and this Chinese manufacturer led to the fact that a lot of fakes can be found on the market. Therefore, deciding to buy such a device, it is recommended to know how to check the originality of Xiaomi Power Bank 2, avoiding problems with a reduced charge, a reduced service life and reliability that does not correspond to the brand's reputation.

How to distinguish the fake Xiaomi Mi Power Bank

At the modern electronics market, you can find a lot of interesting offers in various price categories - however, too cheap devices, in most cases, are falsification. Often, Chinese gadgets, including Pavebanks from the MI series, whose authentication can be called:

  • holographic sticker on the box with Xiaomi Power Bank 2;
  • a special erasing area under which you can detect a combination of 20 digits;
  • the form on the official page of the manufacturer, introducing in which a check number, can be found if this gadget is real or not.

An additional way to check authentication can be inspected boxes with an external battery, on which the model itself is drawn. Inside there should be not only a gadget, but also the 30-centimeter USB cable in comparison with the past versions is microusb. Here is the instruction in Chinese - other documents for the original Akb is not attached, so you will have to download Russian leadership from the Internet.

How to distinguish fake Xiaomi Mi Power Bank without packing

In appearance, even the fake Pavebank is very similar to this, so it is more difficult to distinguish falsification without packaging than with the box. But only at first glance - looking around, the difference is quite noticeable. First of all, it is an inactively written container on one of the sides of the gadget. In the second - the quality of the assembly of the gadget, to which this manufacturer is very responsible. All items are carefully customized to each other, small LEDs look exactly in their place, while pressing the button does not feel the backlash.

Faced with a fake version of the battery, you can see distinctions and in design, which is far from such a neat and stylish, and in the inside of the case, where the real device is:

  • original batteries;
  • thick wires that are characterized by increased reliability;
  • perfect fee.

A fake device can notice such disadvantages as large gaps, an inaccurately executed button and LED lamps to determine the charge mode, the quality of the execution of which leaves much to be desired. Inside there are poor-quality batteries and fees, in the appearance of which you can guess the fake. Wires here are thin and because of this quickly overheating, all inscriptions look a little blurry. And, if you look at the USB ports, you can see clearly white connector color - the original version they are slightly beige.

Differences in quality

A real external Xiaomi battery is characterized by a large capacity and decent voltage values \u200b\u200band current. Thanks to this, the device itself is charging fast enough (within 6-9 hours), and for a minimum of time is spent on charging from it of other gadgets. Fake Pavebanks allow you to charge a smartphone or a tablet with an average battery capacity for 5-7 hours, although the Xiaomi unreal model itself can be charged overnight. The reason for rapid charging is the smaller battery capacity - sometimes it is not 10,000 mAh, but only 5 or 6 thousand.

You can check authenticity by trying to charge any smartphone from Pavebank. If the gadget is genuine, for 3-5 minutes the phone charges a few percent. If the changes almost imperceptibly, most likely, the device is unreal.